Weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1910-1917, April 14, 1910, Image 3

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AMERICUS. GEORGIA. (WEEKLY)— TIMES-RECORDER. THURSDAY. APRIL 14.1910 i • »• - •••54.— Vr/«31 In Bad Fix ANOTHER LARGE; LAND FORTUNE IN COTTON IS DEAL IS PULLID OIF STILE HELD IN STORE “I had a mishap at the age of 41, which left me in bad c ” writes Mre. Georgia Usher, of Conyers, Ga. "1 was unconscious for three days, and after that 1 m!d have fainting spells, dizziness, nervousness, sick Eadache, heart palpitation and many strange feelings. “I suffered greatly with ailments due to the change of and had 3 doctors, but they did no good, so I concluded try Cardui. "Since taking Cardui, I am so much better and can do n;y housework. Bahsen’s 17 Acre Traci Sold Yesterday. * CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic Do not allow yourself to get into a bad fix. You might in so bad you would find it hard to get out Better take Cardui while there is time, while you are I in moderately good health, just to conserve your strength 1 keep you in tip top condition. , In this way your troubles, whatever they are, will grad- hy grow smaller instead of larger—you will be on the [grade instead of the down—and by and bye you will |ve at the north pole of perfect health. Get a bottle at your druggists’ today. M> rrc*. Inc. 1801. C. M. Connell, Tice. Pres. O. S. Conn ell, Cashier. Another Important real estate deal was pulled off yesterday when Mr. Fred II. Arthur, as agent, sold to Mr. B. F. Arthur and associates the sev enteen-acre tract owned by Dr. Baha- sen, formerly the old James Mont gomery place. This property embraces seventeen acres, adjoins the country club grounds and has an attractive cottage home up on It. The price paid for the tract la not made public. Th'a tract also adjoins the Howard place, of forty-five acres, that Mr. B. F. Arthur and associates bought on Thursday. They now have sixty-two acres of fine level land, capable o* de velopment Into a magnificent suburban section. It would not be surprising to see this disposition made of It In the near future. Mr. B. F. Arthur Is a Union, South Carol'na man, and his associates are understood to be men of means In that vicinity. Drawn to Amerlcus by the advertising the city has received In the last year or two, Mr. Arthur has reached the conclusion that this place bus about as bright a future. If It :s pushed, as any place he knows of. nf Amorimic He 19 aceordln * 1 >’ casting in his lot I Vila*. with Amerlcus and may be the means * of inducing others to do likewise. Six Hundred Bales Remain Unsold Here. /Planters Bank Bcsonrces over $300,000 With well-established connections our large resources, and every at tention consistent with sound bank ing. we solicit your patronage. In terest allowed on time certificates and In our “DEPARTMENT FOB SAVINGS.” IERI3EKT HAWKINS GENERAL INSURANCE > hone 186, Planter’s Bank Building Plate alone. A, extent. Tornado, I. ability Insurance of at: kinds. Steam Bailer, Burglary. Automobile. F'' M 4 ' nn, l'anle»— Mhernl LI fe Policies Written. Let me talk with I 1 ool,< ’ v - ’ can interest to u. giving you heat Ineuraace at lowest pne No. 186. BONDS. 'ANSI LOANS! [e will Iend’you money on your farm I city real estate at 6 per cent. Save pney by giving us your application. See R. Ellis or G. C. Webb for particulars. PIRE LOAN & TRUST CO. 1YIIKN HER BACK ACHES. A Woman Find All Her Energy Ambition Slipping Away. ATTENTION t— When you present a box of candy to a lady friend, there is great aatlsfac- tlon In knowing It la the best—and you couldn’t please a lady more than to offer her a box of Chocolates and Bonbons with Hawkins' name on It, for she knows It Is a guarantee of purity and excellence and a gift iho will thoroughly appreciate. 1ARL HAWKINS, I Windsor Hotel Block. T mber, Farms or City Property for sale see us, wc have the If you want City Property, Fanhs,- Timber Lands, Colonlza- | r Phosphate Lands, come to see ns, or write for lists. We ac- Verybody, can finance any proposition bought or sold through ue. PUTHERN LAND CO. i Rank Building, ■ • AMERICUS, GA Amerlcus women know how the aches and pains that come when the kidneys fail to make life a burden. Backache, blp pains, headaches, dizzy spells, distressing urinary troubles, all tell of s'ck kidney anl warn you of the stealthy approach of diabetes, dropsy and Bright's disease. Doan's Kidney Bills permanently cure all of these disorders. Here' proof of It In an Amerlcua woman's words: Mrs. C. W. Hill, 209 Mayo street, Americu, Ga., says. “I have used Doan's K'dney Pills and hnvo found thorn to bo a very good remedy. I was troubled by a dull ache In the imn". of my hack for somo time and my kidneys wero disordered. Be ing advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills I procured a box at Dodson's Phar macy and since using them I hare (been feeling a great deal better. \ have no hesitation In recommendlug this remedy to other kidney suffer ers.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember. the name—Doan's—and take no other. The holders of six hundred bales oi cotton stored In Amerlcus warehouses and in those of the smaller towns In Sumter county, are anxiously watching the course of the cotton mar ket just now, as the pending death struggle between the bulls and bears means much to them. These s'x bundled bales are of last year's crop, and their value will ag gregate quite a snug fortune—prob ably *45,000. The time Is fast approaching when the struggle between the bulls and the bears in the old crop will be at the critical point The knowledge tbkt developments which would be felt all over the cotton belt may be the outcome, will serve to make the cotton trade more con. servative than ever In Its dealings with the future market this week. Last week, more than any previous week during the season, traders op erated In the new crop rather than In the old, for the old crop months are full of all the dangers that are con. sequent upon manipulation of such world-wide character as la to be seen In the May position Just at the pres ent time. Consideration of the new crjp months gives the bears the Idea that they are selling far -too high, October selling around 12 l-2e, and with favorable reports coming from all over the belt with regard to the plant ing of the new crop. This price was just 3 cents a pound higher than the price of October last year. Last week October closed at 12.62: last week a year ago October closed at9.68c. NVamuK 14 •■ay Beware of Ointment* far Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as merenry will surely destroy the sengp of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be need ex cept on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do ia ten fold to the good you can pos sibly derive from them. Hell's Catarrh rh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall'i Catarrh Cure be sure you get the ennui no. Is taken internally and made In Tole- Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney monials free. Sold by druggists. Price 75c per bot tle. Take Hall's Family Pills tor eonstl- patlon. THIS MARRIAGE OF INTEREST TO FRIENDS IN AMERICU! ORDAINED AT SIIILOII CHURCH LAST SUNDAY Rev. J. Coleman Daniel Set Apart For The Ministry. At Shiloh Baptist church on Sunday afternoon J. Coleman Daniel was set epart to the'full work of the minis try by the following Presbytery: Revs. P. C. Barkley, C. D. Carter, J. O. Nowell and A. B. Hawkes. A. B. Hawkes examined the candi date and P. C. Barkley preached the ordination sermon. Prayer was of fered by J. O. Nowell and Imposition of hands by the Presbytery. The charge to the candidate and church was given by C. D. Carter, presenta tion of the Bible by A. B. Hawkes. Benediction by J. Coleman Daniel. A largo congregation was present IEEN?” Or “RIGHT NOW ? It to bo able to any that you formerly spent money ”Uke dirt,” I Is much better to bs able to say ha I have soma‘‘Rlgh Now.” I you save. feus Trust & Savings Bank, prlcus National Bank Building. FOR SALE—I have at my farm at Leslie, Ga., about 50 bushela of Hast ings' Mortgago Lifter Cottonseed for sale. F. O. B. Leslie, Ga., at *1.00 per bushed. 38 to 10 per cent lint, large boll. 5 lock medium sized seed. H. A. Stewart. 5-d-twl-&-w3t lobile Garages and Owners, Merchants, Barber Shops, Oflles men, Banks, end many Eying "Emerald Cream” Metal Poliih. i (all in line with them and do the seme , Gallon Can. *1.25 Per Can Quart Cans 60 Per Can I Pint Can 25 Per Can Pint Cans 10 PerCaa Med. Call or writs (or prices and terms. [oh son Mf JUtua Stmt, ixutieu, 6a. Quaker Oats is tfie world’s food Eaten in every ’country; eaten by infants, athletes, young and old. Recognized as the great strength builder. Delicious and economical. The marriage of Miss Callle Billing- slea and Mr. William Woods on the 3d Inst at the bride's home In Thom' asville, was of Interest Ir (ha: city a In Amerlcus, the home of the groom. After a short stay there, Mr. and Mrs. Woods returned to Amerlcus, and are now at home at the reside::eo ot Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith, on Church street Mr. Woods is a valued employ, of the Bell Telephone Co. hers .havlfig been with) them for four years, end Is congratulated upon winning for bis bride such a charming and accom- pl’shed yonug lady. Chamberlain’a Stomach and Liver Tablets assist nature in driving ell Impurities out of the system. Insuring a free and regular condition and re storing the organs of the body to health and strength. Sold by all Dealers. AMERICUS SCHOOL IS GIVEN *1,000 THIS YEAH ALREADY Superintendent Cullom, of the Agri cultural School here, has Just received n 10 additional from the State Agri cultural Department. Another *1,000 apiece, making *4,000 altogether paid out to them this year, was distributed among the eleven d'strlct agricultural schools Thursday by Executive Secre tary Larsen. The money to meet the warrant had accumulated In the treas ury from the fertilizer Inspection ftfnd. TIio Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ^ ^ — and has been mode under his per- jCf&f/Zjrtfr., sonni supervision since Its Infancy. /-ccccAzM Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnrt “Just-os-good”are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Costoria Is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Bara* > gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Uorphlne nor other Nnrcotlo substance. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the. Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of * The Kind You Hare Always Bought! v In Use -For Over 30 Years. Counting money is easy if you have it to count. If you count your clothes-money carefully, you’ll spend it here for our HART SCHAFFNER & MARX clothes; you’ll have more money to count at the end of the year. The all-wool quality is real econo my; and the correct style and per fect tailoring pay you.' They’re profitable clothes for the wearer. Suits $ 18.50 to $40. Extra Trousets $3 to $8. W. D. BAILEY CO. INSURANCE, J. A. Davenport Phone 66.