Weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1910-1917, June 30, 1910, Image 3

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AMERICUS. GEORGIA. (WEEKLY)— TIMES-RECORDER. THURSDAY. JUNE 30.1910. TAYLOR SAW MILLS LEAI In Simplicity, Capacity, Durability, Nona Better ... ~ r if..' u — \F_.I_ ani Avoid r Mason Mads SlaeMnvrr and avoid aaalvo I'rsUbla and load walla lor Rapalra Steam and Gasoline Engines ] Portable & Stationary Boilers (Complete Ginning, Saving ani Shingle Outfits fanft.Tialt. Tlacrs. tatT.i, «cEtikn li«W«S nm« OUmiM IIIUMMEIT MB UMUU LARY MACHINERY C0. 1 3 KL L By the time you reach ^ ^ town and light you’ll be ’ hot and tired and your throat dry with, dust and thirst. Hunt up a soda fountain and treat yourself to A Glass or a Bottle of Just as cooling as the bottom step in the spring house. You’ll find it relieves fatigue too, You'll find it relieves fatii and' washes away all the dust and thirst as nothing else will. It touches the spot. Delicious-Refreshing-Wholesome Sc Everywhere Our Free Booklet i A *Tbe Troth About Coca-Cola” telle ell about Coca-Cola-what It I land MA k why it ia so drllciou*. wbolcwme and beneficial. It rivea analyte i THE COCA-COLA CO. k Atlanta, Ga. 1^^ J-T . ^ Whenever r- you sec an Arrow think of Coca-Cola Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which has been in ase for over 30 years, has borne the signature of — and has been made under his per- rJr aonal supervision since its inlhncy. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and *‘ Just-os-good • » are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infimts and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Cos to rift is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare*' gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Blorphlno nor other Xarcotlo substance. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Feverishness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Coustipation nnd Flatulcucy. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach nml Bowels, giving healthy nnd naturul sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother's Friend. (Special to Tinies-Rccorder.) Atlanta, Ga., June 28.—Gov. Brown sent the following teleg-am to the Douglas Enterprise tbla morning, in response to a'meaaage asking tt he Intended quitting the race (or gov- ernor: 'Naturally I should have preferred to make the race without opposition, but the (aft that I am to have three: or even mpre opponents can In r.o wlae affect my duty In the premises, which I* the same now as It waa when I answered the people's call three years ago. ‘Of course, nothing baa altered, or can alter, my decision tq make the race again, nor have I any reason whatever to fear the re sult of the people's verdict." iked for banking ae eoramodatlon*.. ■ Perhaps yam [It, bnt If yen do, yen .will eventnally find It easle ien carrying a check nccoant, and this bank (Inn Indent business peo pie. I per cent Interest on ►rlcus National Bank, ■AL BASS IS THE CITE Kept the King nt Home 3 “For the past year we have kept the king of all laxatives—Dr. King's New Ufa Pills—In our home and they have proved a blessing to all our fam ily," writes Paul Matbulka, of Buffa lo, N. T. Easy, but aura remedy for aU totnacb, liver and kidney troubles. Only 25c at Eldrldge Drug Co. Americus, Ga. A general banking business trap* acted and all consistent courtesies «g> led patrons. Certificates of dap' sit Issued taming Interest, Have You Tried It? There is a bottle of Cardul waiting for vou at the ug store. Have you tried it? B you at tne If not, we urge you to do so, before your troubles ive obtained such a hold on you, that nothing will drive jin out. Even now, it may be nearly too late. But trv It anv w. If anything can help you, Cardui will. It has helped thousands of cases, where other medicines had been !d in vain. Why should it not do the same for you? ±CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic ‘My daughter, Octava, would have been fn her grave iy, had it not been for thai fine medicine. Cardui.” :es Mrs. Laura Lawrence, of Dreimon Springs. Ky. "Nothing 1 tried helped my daughier, until she n Cardui. I had sent for the doctor, when I the had our medicine and got a $f bottle'.'' When "sheTad n four doses she became all right. I often recommend lui to my friends.” Your druggist sells Cardui with fun instructions for use *ie bottle. o: Ladles' Advisory Dept. Chattanooga Medicine Co., fiM*...™,, Teaa. xial Instmctioni, and 64-page book. “Home Treatment foe Wonen," sent bee. tST ABOUT NOW s we get along toward mid- er in the Clothing business, gin to look forward to the g fall; the new goods are or- foi you for the fall and win- d that means that we ought ar our spring and summer and dispose of all the suits ye on hand. ith this object in view we are gall T SCHAFFNER & MARX at a reduction of twenty- tive Candidates. Signs of a storm aye brewing on the Some Time Next Month Some time next month, when the local political horizon, instead of the ' ne w read from Ellavllle to the Sumter peaceful, almost somnolent, legislative county I ne la Unladed, a great good campaign and election fraught with roa ds barbecue will be gven at E.la- luxhing of especial interest, Sumter | vll i e t0 celebrate the Joining of the. Is ow threatened with one of the live-'capitals of Schley and Sumter couj- Heat races that It has ever known. It ties. may not materialize, but the prognos-i progress It being made slowly on ticatora will be very much surprised t h e new road, but the small force of If the next fortnight does not «ee convicts are kept steadily at It, and the changes In political conditions that road that la being constructed'Is of the will assure a 0ght to the flnishi wlth[ iame un | form w dth, th rty feet, as the enough candidates In the Held to give new highways of Sumter, Is level, well every one a chance to have a few fav- j graded, and a tine specimen of the orites In the running. , I new style of country roads In this So far there are only two open-and-1 section. Connected up with the Sum 1 above-board candidates, Col. J. B. ter road It makes the trip of thirteen Sheppard, for the senate, and E. A. | m iles from Americus to Ellavllle a do N'esblt, Esq., for the house. But the | Hgh;ful run and will greatly increase friends ot other men of strength are t j,e social and business intercourse of Jr cent ►5.00 Suits now $26.2s. working on' the to Induce them to cast their gloves Into the arena and fight to a finish, and the next few days may- see some announcements. . Col. Crawf. Wheatley la being press ed to run for the senate. He has re fused thus far to be drawn Into the scrap, pleading the heat of the weather and the press of business, but he may find It necessary to yield and enliven the situation with' an announcement before July has well entered on its history. If Col. Wheatley tries con clusions with Col. Sheppard, the race for the senate is apt to develop, It is Intimated, Ipto a triangular fight, with Mr. Jarrett Wilson holdire down one tf the corners. This would make a pretty nlp-and-tuck scrap, and no one could complain ot a lack of snap to the senatorial campaign, once It got fairly started. With Mr. Nesblt In the field as the sole occupant up to thl« time, there Is naturally much gossip as to who else will fill a seat In the house. Hon. Fletcher W. Griffin, one of the present representatives from Sumter, Is look ed upon as well assured to seelj a re- election, as he Is Interested In some legislation that has failed to be enact ed as yet. He has not committed hCm- ■elf as yet. Many friends of Mr. Jelf Taylor, too, are Insisting that he try a term at Atlanta and see how he en joys making laws for Georgia-. For mer Legislator Dykes turns down all appeals to him to try (or another term, but there are one or two others who are rumored to be giving a some what attentive ear to the pleadings of the siren political aspiration. Before the primary election day arrives would, accordingly, not be surprising If there were three candidates for the senate and three for the house, things now look. But on the ot'jer hand the gossip may prove only gos sip and there may be no opposition to Col. Sheppard, and only two candi dates for the two house bertha. The I next week or ten days Is expected to ' settle the question. .00 Suits now .00 Suits now .50 Suits now .50 Suits now .00 Suits now prices for Spot Cash Only, arly while the selection is 22.50. 18.75. 16.90. 13.90. 11.25. A Woman's Great Idea Is how to. make herself attractive. But without health It la hard for her to be lovely In face, form or temper. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and Irritable. Conatlpatloa and kid- nev poisons show In pimples, blotches, ■kin eruptions and n wr.t'thed com plexion. But Electric Bitters always prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and strength. They regulate stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood: give strong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth*, velvety skin, lovely complexion, good health. Try them. 50c, at Eldrldge Drug Co. ven URANCE, Phone the two communities. The good roads advocates In Schley, and especially about Ellavllle, hive decided that the completion of the road is too lmjiortant an event not to be signalized by a celebration of some character. They have accordingly de termined to make the day a notable one with a barbecue, served In Schley county’s beat style, with plenty of hand shak ng, speech mak ng, and a general exchange of courtesies between the leading men of the two neighboring counties whose Interests are so closely Interwoven. No date has yet been set for the feast, but it will probably be between the 10th and 20th of July, as the road is expected to be finished In that period. The Invitation will be a pretty broad one and there s no doubt that I will be responded to In this spirit In which it Is extended. X A great parade of autos from Americus to Ellavllle Is expected In ' the morning, carrying somewhere between one and two hundred v'stors. It would not be eu." prising If there were fifty autoe In the procession. The Ellavllle au'toisti will meet them on the roa*d and escort tlfem to the barbecue where two or three hours of such hospitality as .only southwest Georgia can offer will he extended. It is probable that representatives of ether counties hi th's section will also be invited and that the occasion will really hecome a great boost for good roads lu this part of Georgia. Seared Into Sound Health. Mr. B. F. Kelley. Springfield, III., writes t “A year ago I began to be troubled with my kidneys and bladder, which grew worse until I became alarmed at my condition. I suffered also with dull, heavy headaches and the action ot my bladder was annoy ing and painful. I read of Foley Kid ney Pills, and after taking them a few weeks the headaches left me, the ac tion of my bladder was again normal and I was free of all distreia. Sold by John R. Hudson. YOUNG CAROLINIAN WANTS SLICE Of FARM Has Option On 200 Acres of Crockett Place, 5 or 6 doses *‘666" will cure any cue of ChlU* and Fever. Price 25c. It Is a poor new* day In Americus that does not develop a real estate story with a South' Carol na end to It. So many Carolinians have their eyes set steadfastly In this llrectlon that It is not remarkable that shies, rumors ot sales and new arrivals to look out the land are of dally occurrence. The latest Item Is to the effect that a young South Carolina farmer, living near B shopsv He, who recently paid a v sit to Americus. now Los an option on some two hundred acres ot the Crockett farm two miles east of the city. The young farmer tn question Is en deavoring to dlsp.-«e of hla South Car olina farm, with the idea of purchas ing here and lntmedotely mov'ng over to Sumter county. There have been few who have visited here who have been more delighted than he has been with the conditions prevailing In Sum ter and Ms desire to become a settler seems to grow In Intensity with every day. It :* qu<e probable that the sale will be anaounced wltbfn k fortnight and another sturdy, progressive and effic ient young Sooth Carolinian added to the ever increasing colony from - that 1 .-At Wi Hot Sun- Dusty Roads -7 GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Soars tho Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years.