Weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1910-1917, July 14, 1910, Image 3

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AMERICUS. GEORGIA. (WEEKLY)— TIMES-RECORDER. TH URSDAY. JULY 14,1910 A Good Example "I am a good example,” writes Mrs. R Alester, OkTa, "oI what Cardui will do men. , LTBeH'of. do for suffering C fi du L. h ? S ^ SU . re ! y u help ^ me bui " me up and I se thankful that I have found something that will do good, f feel so much stronger and better than 1 have long time. It is well to make up your mind before you are sick t medicine you will take when you are sick. feCARDUI The Woman's Tonic Vou will be glad to take it when you are tired, mi<u and when life seems a weary grind. It will put without thinking. ’ as * t,r sfck or weak, get a bottle today. At aU druggists. 'It to: Ladies’ Advison Dfcl.. Chaltinacta Medicine Co., Omtairnooga. Tcnn. lal Instruction*, and book. "Home Treatment lor Womtv,” sent free. NOW BUSY IN SHIPPIN6 • CROP OF ELBER1AS Twenty-three Carloads for , Carolina Company. PER CENT DISCOUNT Or the several line orchard, abo’it Aaiwlcus nine other vr»!ll make a bet ter financial allowing for the number of tree, than will that of the Carolina Realty Co., located on the Smlthville road, four mlies from Antericua, and. one of the busiest places In Georgia Just at this time. There. Queen Elborta In at her bast, and busy packer, are preparing this queen of tin orrhard for the lung Journey northward. The Carolina Realty Co. has about Bo,000 selected trees In the orchard, and during the season thus far has shipped fifteen carloads/peaches <f the best varieties, and will get at least eight casloails additional, or a total of twenty-ti/ree. During the early seas in the com pany was busily employed In the ship ment of Carmens and othet choice va rieties. and now In turu la doing hom age to the saffron queen of the South land. Mr. W. O Scott, the capable man ager of the Carolina Hea ty Co’s, large Interests here, has a force of 130 ur 200 employes there at present engaged In packing and shipping peaches. Some of the finest fruit shown In Americas | this swtson Is from } w Curotimi orcb- i ard ’ | It will be quite two weeks yet ere the last car Is’seni northward and season of success for this orchard, anJ ofei-rs here, c mes to a cloie. AMCRICUS TO SHIP 200 GARS fRUir BY FRIDAY Enormous Crop Peaches Is Going forward. :9FF ALL OUR. Hid Re Above Su.plrlim, Kulnev and h.atldt r aliments arc so serious in their consequences, and if unchecked so often fs.a! that any rem edy offered for Ivir cure must be above suspicion. Fo ey’s Kidney Pills contain to harvaful drugs, a»d liave saccessftt ly stool a long and tisor- ough test. For sale by John R. Hudson, One hundred and ei«hVr-*ve «ar. loads peaches repressed*! As total shipment* made from AomImi lor the current season, up ta test Hf« Fifteen additional eats, (U least, wilt go forward before.Friday, thus bring ing the total shipments from Ameri cas to two hundred ear bate by July 13th. Tois is the busy fn tte or chards Dor. and the total hg Friday may v.eil exceed tree Lvaiafrud tm: probably reaching two hundred and lifteeu car loads. Every orchard In the Americua territory is n busy community, a ver itable bee hive. Just rrow. The Bagley-Ray. the Ware-Prog ress, the Raymond Ge., the uaroltaa, the losey- Wal 11 s-l 1 an sford wad other orchards bere nr# as haoy «* posalbl* harvesting the golden frolt <tnd|gettlng it to the north. The number of cars shipped from each orchard is not known at this mo ment, but th" freight office* last nlgl.t repored a tctnl of 181 car* chipped to dute, and the iilarlng of order* for twenty to twenty-five additional ears for this week in orde* to meet IV «*v>rmrus demand. Already the shipments from Ameri cas to date are three times the total number cf cars shipped during ail of | lust reason. Elbertas have the call now, with Georgia Belle, and the fruit la splendid condition. Prieee are hold ing up well, and Amtrims grower# are getting 81.25 per crate, or $750 per car, net. for their fruit 1a the East, after deducting all expeaeet ♦ » freight and packing. It is indeed a banner year for Aim- ter’s fruit grower*. :t schaffner & MARX UITS » want to stimulate business, and at the time reduce our large of Cloiiiing—hence (emendous sacrifice, le at once before sizes •ken. Iff. D. BAILEY CO. UHANTICLER BRINK IS THE LATEST BEVERAGE And The Sen Brink Isn’t n “Cock- Ini'.” Either. New York, July J*.—"I care not who writes the laws of my country If they only let mo write its songs," ■omebody once said, or words to that effect, and some person at a later date was the. author of a sen'.lmert that the man who Invented a new drink was worthy of a monument. A re porter went out today to find some body worthy of such a monument. After some Inquiry he was found :lt the Plnzu. He Is M. Lattard. the mnitre d’holel. a man of maHy ventions m foods and beverages, and he has Just produced what be calls ’chantecler cooler.” There are no feather* cn the chan. tecler coo'or. though the while of an <**g is an essential part. It goes down without a stratch. though it do.-e tickle the palate mightily on the way. “Is Life Worth Fat tag I* Mrs. Mot.ie McRaney, Prentiss, Miss., writes that she had a severe case of kidney and bladder trouble, and that four bottles of Felsy’s Kidney Remedy cured her sound and well She closes her letter by sayUR: heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of kidney dis ease. It saved my life." For sal* by Joan R. Hudson. RI LES OF PRIMARY ARK A PUZZLE TO MANY Thus Exists State. Atlanta, Ga., July 9.—Ana's, age easy of soluilon ae compared with in- the confusion and complications sur rounding the rules under which Geor gia's gubernatorial primary—also (he primary governing the etautioh Judges and solicitors a ref starve boss* officials—Is to he coaduetad on Aug- 2J. From all over the elate come In quiries seeking light ea the rules. Chairman Hall eays tae ssderefandn PERHAPS It ia brown and foamy, and you im bibe It through a atraw. “It hr a light cocoa frappe,” su'd M. Laitard by way cf explanation. "Cboaolate is not a hot weather drink, and Its possibilities as a beverage are about exhausted. "You first make the cocoa with wa ter—no milk. Then you add ouc-flfro of Its bulk of fresh ornnjw Alice and Jast n HMle honey u> sweeten. Next the white of an egg an dabout one- thled of a pony of klrscb. Shake well with lice and leave the latter In the goblet. In which you scree it with straw*. 'Phis It ssseittally wfcat I should oall a lady's sunnier drink. "Perhaps people would be Interest ed to learn of a new salad. I call it Canadian salad. You) take a Julienne ef ee'ery, apple, coeked caerot, cumber—from which the seeds have brsen cut—with a light and well-iiabor ed sauce tariara, and with Bnely chipped taragon. Served with any sort of cold fish. It would be found delightful complement.” f 0r banking ae eommodattoas... Perhaps yon will nev. bntUfosloiItt .«HI eventually Hnd It easier to ask » carrying a cheek account, and this bonk stands ready ndent business peo pie. A per cent Interest on time de- leus National iBank, _ , BASK W TBS CITY. - llty (under V. M. towa) •• •• •• *• •< Foley’s Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney and bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine. So medicine can do more. For sale by John R. Hudson. MADE JI NK AND SOLICITOR OF COURT AT HXAVILLK *100,000.00 HMyMM* Gov. Brews Names E. J. Bart J. U. Cheney. and ,.. *200,000.00 ME Accountant and Auditor IRLLPflONB 2045. i )j. B ltional bank building; fUTUmHsOle iWMlH Accounts Vtrtfiad Judge B. J. Hart I* to be judge ot be City court of BtlavlUe, while J. H. Cheney, Esq., will be seltcitor #f the same court-. Theta appolntaien'.s halt beta made by Cor. Brown and will be conBrmed by Am senate at •nca.. Bqth the appolnteee are well known In Americas, as In their own The poet who nr*d the making ot two blade* ef gras a gsow where one grew be tore would he hedged by tile vigilantes it he came ter* nqw. hit ru.es, but he fra alert rttnulta there ate few others who do. Fraction, multiples, decimals, additions, subtrac tion, multiplication, and vgbat net of the science cf arithmetic—or Is It al gebra—furnish the basis principle* of the rules th'at will govern the conven tion and representation of (he candi dates. under certain cfrumnalu and conditions. All oft Stas vMVtta as- eountunts in the state. uob.Sti r*>*<ssi tire statisticians about Che state house would be required to compute the re sult of the primary, It Is conceded by those who have given tkoaght and study to the rules. It la efrpisAenU hf Chairman Hewlett Hall ef the •hate committee that the ninMTuJ* to* scn*- putlng the convention rspataeattalwu of a candidate depends entirely upon the number of vote* cart is a nonnfy oohsidered in connection wlfh tbo number of representatives Most P«V- ticuiar county has fir th* legtstatur*. LIVER ACTIVITY PREVENTS SICKNESS- TAYLOR SAW MILLS LEAD .In Simplicity, Capacity, Durability, Nona Bettor Bar Mmom Mud* Machinery m4 arola iMlft FreUhfa mad long walla lor Rapaira. Steam and Gasoline Engines I Portable & Stationary Boilers Complt’.e aiming, Siwlng and Shingle Outfits rns>. Inks, T.trv, nMtahtaMs* UM» MALURY MACHINERY CO./^K I. ^ Hot WalHin^ Hot Riding' You can’t get away from the heat; but you can keep it from hurting. Whenever you’re hot, tired or thirsty Brinh It refreshes mentally and physically—relieves fatigue and" quenches the thirst. Wholesome as the purest water and lots nicer to drink. Sc Everywhere. •“ 1 Deliciops-Refreshfog-Wholesome ^ I Send for our free booklet “The Truth About Coca- Cola.” Tells all about Coca-Cola, what it is and why it is to delicious, wholesome and beneficial. 2-T" THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga. The Kind Jou Have Always,Bought, . Bears the MUMUJiiimmg Signature Promotes DigesttoriOwtfi mss and ResCcomalnj natter Opium-Morphinc norMiacraL Not Narcotic. jtKj»i/ouiksmut6m Bod-onV Liver-Tone Livens the Liver. Tire surest way tc prevent siknesi is to have a live liver. An sotie liver means that the Her is la a health- ftil condition, p*rfmn*Ma4M MMtafD duty of eliminating bit and'aiaWiMa from the system. DoilsnmV* Liver- Pene Is to the liver what a pendu lum is to a e.ock. It regulates It. csusing it to work • nough, bat if. too much. Just tight o perfo-.e ui wonted duties, *:>J veuse ail th'v gens ot IDs body to be In a b*al‘Vu> eondltiun. Dodson’s Uver-Tcb* to mild aud gantie, sura and p’umpt. Dos* pet cause nausea or to pleasantness or reuietton ot b«*>U or diet A .y.We kuna whet r-cCdon'a Uvv- Tato ■ will do—teat •* tbs reawn w* recoin id it Dodson's Pharmacy. Jr Worms.ComTilsionsfe\Trislt ness ardLossoF Sleep. DeStoile S^iafwt oT NEW YDBK. .. IlL Use For Over Thirty Ye ary. CASTORfA i a ■ A. W. SMITH, Prest. a Ml. Eld ridge, V. P. N. M. Dudley, Cashisr- Bank of South-Western Ga.*. Amoricus Ga. - ' Security, Liberality and Courtesy Accorded la Fattoa*. | DIRECTORS: •.Zs. nntlay " . jj * | W|* M./.Pon*j|i S. M. adridge, . *.*▼. OnlO, d i Thos Hamid, , I K Msita ’-f '■JTL Kft Nnamy. |»U