Weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1910-1917, September 29, 1910, Image 3

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the AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER. TH< IRSIJAY SEPTEMBER 29. 1910 ILOR SAW MILLS LEAD I. Cl^.lUU.. .. . DEMURRER IS FILID IN SUMTER CAN HAVE 616 l^lnSimpnc.t,, Capacity, Dur.bM.ty Non. Bettor Steam and Gasoline Engines J Portable & Stationary Boilers Canplrte Gitalng, Sawing rad Shingle Outfits ’T’SftareSiasfinasar* MALLflRY MACHINERY W CASE OF GLAWSON. FAIR TO ADVANTAGf. Contention of the Defend ant Stands. I he Danner Corn County Must Lead. [Often Hear Soifiefhina This: * The case of Glawsou versus the Now that Sumter county has attain- Southern Bell Telephone Co., In the ed distinction In possessing the finest City court of Americus came to an public roads of sny county In the abrupt termination' Friday, for a South; now tint it leads the world In time at least, when the demurrer filed, acreage producing corn as shown by La money in the Bank," and the people apeak of him with respect, ling along In the world. ^ 1st thing about It la the fact that you are more Independent It ban yon think, especially under our Interest plan. Try It ricus Trust & Savings Rank A-mericus National Bank Building ly lie defendant company -via sus tained by Judge Charlie R. Crisp. The real in-rlti of the case, therefore, that is, the evidence to be adduced, are no. preaentd at this time, though an ap peal to the higher court will be taken, it la paid. Mr. J. L. Qlawson is a prominent farmer of Sumter, residing six miles from Americus. upon one of the d?- fendant company’s telephone • lines. About a year ago, during the very crit ical Illness of Mrs. Clawson, an at tempt was made one night to call her exhibits made the paet week, why not advertise more thoroughly to ’ the world her advantages and splendid re sources From an agricultural standpoint Sumter stand, first In the front ranks of Georgia counties. Why not invite, through the medium of a great county fair, the people ot the entire state to come here and as: w hat progress we are making along lines agricultural? Sumter county did this same thing In years agone, when her county fairs m Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which has boon in uso for over SO years, has homo tho signature of — and has been made under his per- 3on «l supervision sinco Its Infancy. Allownoonotodccclvoyoulu tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd << Ju.st.ns-gi>od , ’nro but Experiments that trifle tilth and endanger tho health of Inlhuts and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA •• »• Ui»uv vuv UI0UI to vail UCI — v “*" wevovf wux'M UC1 CUillil physician hurriedly to her bedside, attracted thousands of visitors anj Despite alleged repeated attempts up-!ranked with tlw modern Georgia State on the part of Mr. Glawson. It was impossible at the time to secure a ’phone connection here in Americus, and Mrs. Glawson died In a brief time without the deaired attendance cf her pnyilclan. Suit for damages In the sum of $25,000 was Instituted against the Southern Bell Telephone Co., charging negligence of Its employes, etc. Life on Pannma Canal has had one frightful drawback-mala ria trouble-that has brought suffering and death to thousands. The germs cause cMlls, fever and ague, bllllous- neis, jaundice, lassitude, weakness and general debility. But Electric Bit ters never fall to destroy them and cure malaria troubles ’’Three bottles completely cured -e of a very severe attack of malaria," writes Wm. A. Fretwell, of Lucama N. C., “and I’ve had good health ever siuce.” Curs Stomach, Liver and Kidney Troubles, and preveut Typhoid. 50c. Guaranteed by Eldridge Drag Co. MAS HAD FIVE WIVES BUT STILL UNHAPPY Fair of today in completeness of ex Mbits and the splendid side attractions that pleased. What we did then can more easily be done now. Of course nothing upon this line can be done for the current fall, but our farmers sad merchants can begin to plan for a big fair In 1011. Americus’ south Georgia neighbor. Thomasvllle, la alert to the advantages of a great county fair. The Thomas County Farmers’ Fair win be held thla year November 10 and 11. Beginning a few years ago as an experiment, this fair has proved a suc cess and the exhibits last year were exceptionally fine, reflecting credit up on the county. f Cnstorla is a harmless snbstltuto for Castor OH, Pare* fforic, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Dlarrlimn and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, Tho Children’s A’anncca—Tho mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 1 Soars the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years, niiiaru.iMMM. it maut riant, antoaa srrr. CATARRH GERMS. Hove Ont When Ilyomrl Mores In. ii young men haven’t realizec t good clothes are a business ’s time you did. Thisdoes’nt iat you must be expensively Id; better the le verse. Schaffner & Marx .reate capital for you; theyr’e an tion in themselves to good business, ’re here for you; correct in perfect in fit and made for lervice. Newest weaves and is. Colorings in grays, browns, dues. to $35. Overcoats $18 to $30.00. l . D. BAILEY CO. Hopes The Sixth Will bo His Affinity. Real CMcago, September 2«.—.’Women have been the cum of my Ife,” de clared Granville N. Law, a real estate broker in court today, when his fifth nerm-auua; wife sued him for divorce. But ho< air *« *®uld get In the eucalyp added that he had already found thei*“* forests and kill the germs, sixth Mrs. Law in a young womu HYOMEI U sold by Dodson's Pbar- No stomach dosing. HYOMEI (pro nounce it Hlgh-o-me) Is made from thj highest grade of eucalyptus, taken from the eucalyptus forests of Inland Australia, and combined with tbe ex cellent antiseptics employed In the Listerlan system. In inland Australia tne atmosphere is so Impregnated with balaam thrown out by tbe eucalyptus trees that germs cannot live, and In consequence ci tarrh and consumption are unknown. Breathe HYOMEI and get the very same pleasant, healing, germ-killing Special Bargains from New York, who Is to be one of the witnesses. Law has forgotten the name of hi* first wife. He remembers, however, that of the girl who sued Mm for breach of promise before he set sit: on tho troubled waters of matrimony. For abe got a verdict of $2,500 against him. He went Into bankruptcy, and ahe has failed to collect I'm a model man," said the hope ful lover of hla sixth. ‘1 don *tdrlnk ful lover of his sixth. “I don’t smoke, drink, chew or swear. Tbe women— well, yon can never please them; bat I hope lit getting the right one this next time." niis store is the home of lart Schaftner Sc Marx clothes. 1BERT HAWKINS I General Insurance Planter’s Bank Building me 186 Liability Insurance of all kinds. Plate Glass, Steam Balter, Burglary, Automobile. -Liberal Pslieles Britten. Let me talk 'with you Interest you, giving yon best Insurance at lowest BONDS of South-Western Georgia AMERICUS, GA. Seuurfty. Liberality and Courtesy Accorded Its Patrons DIRECTORS: R. J. Perry O. M. Eldridge N. M. Dudley H. It. Johnson A Reliable Medicine—Not a Narcotic Mrs. F. .Marti, 8L Joe, Mich., says Foley’s’Honey and Tar saved her lit:ie boy’s life.- She writes; "Our little bay contracted a severe bronchial trouble and as the doctor’s medicine did not cure him, I gave him Foley’s Honey and Tar in wMch I have great faith. It cared the cough as wall as the eloMnr end gagging spelts, and be got well In a abort time. Ftoley’r Honey and Tar has many times save! us much trouble and we are never without It in the house." Sold by John Hudson. ALLEN FLOYD HUS SOAKED FOR HEATING HIS WIFE Heavy Fine or Term on the Chningang Dealt Floyd. Among the score of cases tried ... the City court or Americus this week the most interesting was that of A! len Floyd, a prosperous Sumter conn ty negro farmer, charged wltl> cruel ij beating his wife. It was said that Floyd took a ne wbuggy whip ana fairly frayed It over her, after which be burned the wind to Florida. He captured at Carrobelle and brought to Americui by Deputy Sheriff Fuller, and Judge Crisp will give him s wholesome done for the offense otj which he stands convicted . marey. and druggists everywhere, at $1.00 a complete outfit. An outfit consists of a bottle HYOMEI, a hard rubber pocket In haler and simple instructions for ate. The inhaler will last a llteume. bu bear in mind If you need another bet tie of Hyomel you can get It from drag gisti for only 50c, at any time. Oatr- anteed to cure catarrh, croup and throat troubles, or monrr refunded Trial aample of Hyomel free to read ers of the Times-Recorder. Address Booth's Hyomel Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. MARRIAGE OF HISS LARAMDRE AND MB. WADE FELLER A marriage of Interest to tbe many friends of the bride and groom waa flet Wednesday of Miss Mary Leromore and Mr. Wade Fuller. Tie rites were solemnised by Rev. R. I Bivins at tbe residence of tbs bride', sister, Mrs. Hinas, on Barlow street, and witnessed by Immediate friends only. Miss Istramore resided in Lens- bnrg and was here upon a visit to relatlres. ANSWERS EVERY CALL. Amerieos People Have Fennd That This b True. Staggers Skeptics. That a clean, nice, fragrant coni' .xmnd like Bucklen's Arnica Salve will ostantly relieve a bad burn, cut, scald, sound or plies, staggers skeptics. Bat treat cures prove ha wonderful healer *f the worst sores, nlcers, bolls fe'ons csenma. skin aruptloos. as also chap ped lands, sprains aid corns. Try i; •Ac at ~ The Atben kiss that can be isn’t worth nslsts that . ;aa be measured in monev. a penny. A cold, a strain, a sudden wrench. 'A little canes may hurt the kid neys. Spelb of backache often follow. Or suns irregularity of the arlne A certain remedy for all at acks. A medicine that answers every call la Doan's Kidney Pills, a true spe cific. Many Americas people isly on It. Here Is American a roof: Q. 1L Horne. 710 Church street, Americas, Ge.. says: "I have need ' Doan’s Kidney Pills at different times for five or six years and I bars been very mack pletoed with the re sults. I was troubled by weak kid neys and bladder and wag very anx ious to get rel'ef. When snfferiag from one of theft attacks, I used Doan’s Kidney Pills, procnrjd at Dodson’a Pharmacy, and they prompt ly drove away the complaint. I have no hesitation In recommending this remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 5n cents. Fbster-Mllbnrn Co.. Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States, In Land for the next ten days offered by the Les lie Realty Company. LESUE REALTY COMPANY LESLIE, GEORGIA h. 0. COUNCIL, Pres. Inc. 1891. C. M. COUNCIL, Vlce-i H. S. COUNCIL, Cashier. Planters Bank of Americus Resources Over With well- established connection our large rosources and every at tention consistent with sound bams tug, wo solicit your patronage, terest allowed on time certincates i In onr “DEPARTMENT FOR SAYINGS.” Why Not Draw.Your Check THB BCBINE88 WAY, The handy-way, The safe way of handling your money and paying your bills. Deposit with) a National ***** solicit your account. Americus National Bank UNDEB FEDER AL CONTROL. (Capital Stockholder liability (ander U. 8. laws) 7 .** $mjSuoo Security to Depositors $200,009.00 HARROLD BROTHERS, Cotton Warehousemen and Commission Merchants. Also Dealers in Coal, .Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster oi Paris, and Plastering Hair. We sell the cel- ebrated Mltehel Wagon. Have just received a car load of them in all sizes. It is the best wagon on the market (■> *nrr~' ini' i PARKER WAREHOUSE ELTOS C. PARKER, Prep. (.Successor to CesaeU, Parker t Co.) I desire to extend thanks to tbe formers for their patronage past, and ask a continuance of same promising courteous and tention to all business entrusted to ms. Mr. Charles C Sheppard will agati weigh cotton for me, and w ,„ be to serve you. Rsspectfolly, .yiESP* > PARKER