Weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1910-1917, October 13, 1910, Image 3

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THE AMERICUS WEEKLY — TIMES RECORDER. THURSDAY. ~ •' - <*V*« : 5- '- MORNING OCTOBER 13. 1910 After The Grippe ; am much pleased* to be able tn wrin j j« _. tanf ofsS 1 ^ S n c fer mC ” WritCS Mrs - Sarah liaDL Fe Befo a re’ih-'t h fVi 1 rt e ip ripp v e ’ t . which Icf t me In * R t?n Z J h l’J hii een J oth . ered with female EXPERT DELIGHTED WITH OUTLOOK HERE. The Woman’s Tonic pr the after-effects of any serious illness, like the uardui is the best tonic you can use. j builds strength, steadies the nerves, improves the ^ C glow of‘health 681 * an ‘ ieS anc * !ie!ps bring back the irdui is your best friend, if you only knew it ‘ he ,‘ housa n ds of ladies whom Cardui has I! What could possibly prevent it from helping you? jtmember you cannot get the benefit of the Cardui Bents in any other medicine, for they are not for sale Tdrug store except in the Cardui bottle. Try Cardui. ; to; Ladies' Advisory Dtp;., Cluttanooca Medicine Co.. Chattanoopa. Teen., I| Instructions, and 64-pape book, "Home Treatment tor Women." sent tree. IT ME AT THE FAIR” IE GEORGIA ATE FAIR “THE BEST EVER.’ [aeon, Ga., 26th to Nov. 5th. fill be the greatest State Fair illed off. msands of exhibits will be coming miles to see. the great Flying Machines of Lt Bros. it race between a Flying Ma and Automobile, tt 101 Wild West Show with ieople, 100 Indians and 250 it spectacular Fireworks of Jreat Paine’s Factory. “The in the Clouds,” gorgeous ar- fire. Idest exhibits of Agriculture lown. itest Live Stock exhibit ever Georgia, it Pure Food Building with oths giving away free sam- Wery lady entering this build- 11 receive a ticket on the Na- Steel Range to be given away Will Be Great Pecan Grow ing Section. Plant Bureau Expert Studies Outlook for Industry in Vicinity of Americus. WE MUST HAVE RATES FOR HOME-SEEKERS. Board of Trade Takes Up Ihis Matter. Mr. C. A. Reed, the expert of the Bureau of Plant Industry at Washing Ion, D. C, who is making a tour tile South, studying the expansion of pecan culture in this section, spent Tuesday in Americus and visited t'l orchards near the city and other proa neciive orchards, uniter the guidance of Mr. Sniithwick, the local enthusiast on the pecan as one of the coming great crops of Sumter county. Mr. Reed was almost as enthusias- tic as Mr. Sm'thwick before he laSr. the city to continue his investigations elsewhere. The Washington expert acknow ledged that the conditions in Sumter county were almost Ideal for pecan taisitig. and that it would be difficult to find a county where the combina tion of soil and climatic conditions waa more favorable for a rapid, healthful growth of a heavy ) raring nut fr- He licks forward in a considerable tieve’epment of the nut growing Indus- try hereabouts as a result. The national Department of Agri culture has made some Investigations regarding the culture of pecans, and it is receiving from four to tan Inquiries daily about the nut, its cul ture, its habitat and the probable profit lo be derived from it. It has tittle satisfactory information to give, and it t.as begun collecting data whlcu may be of value to growers and proa- pcciive growers. It is for this pur pose that Mr. Reed is making his tour through the South to get in touch with flie pecan situation. He will visit as many of th'e original trees as possible, and will canvass the situation in Georgia, North Carolina. Florida, Ala bama. Mississippi, Texas and perhaps other states. He will report on questions which intending planters have been go anxiously asking about The pecan grows and flourishes as fa; north as Indiana, Ohio and Illinois and as far south as Florida and Texa3. Its culture promises to become high y important and profitable. Oapt Bogardus Again Hits the Bull's Etc. This world famous rlflb shot who holds the ohamplonshlp record of 100 pigeone in 100 consecutive shots, is living at Lincoln, Ill. Recently Inter viewed, he spjys: “I suffered a long time with kidney and bladder trouble and used several well known kidney medicines, all of which gave me no re lief until I started taking Folev's Kidney PH's. Before 1 used Foley Kidney Pills I had severe backaches and pains in my kidneys with suppres sion and a cloudy voiding. On arising n the morning I would get dull head aches. Now I have taken three bottle:’ of Foley Kidney Pills and feel 100 per nt. bs’ter. I 5m never bothered with my klJdeys or bladder and again feel ike my o,wn self." John R. Hudson. MISS SISIE EMMIE'MARSHALL DIED MONDAY AT PLAINS Correspondence Opened With Officials of Cen tral and Seaboard Railroads. is the name on a box of Candies that guarantees purity, quality, fresh ness. There’s “Nonelike Nunnally’s.” We receive them fresh almost daily. W. A. REMBERT, The idea/ holiday gilt. If the Board of Trade can bring it about by correspondence, and If nec essary. by a visit of a strong commit tee to meet with the officials of the roads, this city will secure home- seekers' rates through the active co operation of the Central of Georg'a and Seaboard roads. It Is realised that to get tho full effect of the work the Board of Trade is now doing, and has In contempts tion toward bringing highly desirable farmers to settle In the country adja cent to Americas, home-seekers' rates must be secured and iihe hearty assist ance of the Interested railroads ss cured. Both the Central and the S A. L should be, must be, greatly Interest, ui In any movement that tends to settle high grade farmers along their lines. That Is the purpose of the Americus Board of Trade In the work It has un der way. Already a number of farm' era have been brought in to locate in Sumter and Lee counties. Only last week a South Carolina farmer, after visiting Americus, .bought through’ A.i Americus Arm, a farm In Lee county anil will nettle there. He will de velop the property greatly and tho Central railroad will be the gainer in Increased freights. So it Is In many other Instances, and so lt will be with many in the future. For this reason It Is beliav- al the Board of Trade can rely on the assistance of the two interest, transportation companies In efforts t-i give Aiperlcus the benefit of home seekers’ rates. Home-seekers’ rates are given vU the I’Mlnols Central and the Georgia Central to Florida points from the West. The Seaboard does the same from the North, it is understool. lAmerlcus .Imply wants to get In the same schedule, to be put on tile same footing as other highly favoro.I points in this respect. Letters have been forwarded to tin proper officials and the movement cf he Board of Trade Is now undei way. / lllllllllllllllll ' Tho Kind Yon Ilavo Always Bought, and which has been in use for over SO years, has borne the signature of r and has boon made under bis per sonal supervision, since Its infancy. Allow no ope to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, imitations and “ Just-ns-good ,, aro but Experiment* that trifle with, ami endanger tho health of Infants and OhUdrca—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless' substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age .Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and aUays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Foo^l, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boaxv the Signature of Eldest Daughter of Me. and Mrs. Ben M-irxhall. The announcement Tuesday morn ing of the death’ of Susie Emmie Mar shall, the eleven-vear-old daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Ben Marshall at their home near Plains, was a source of leepest sorrow to their many friends. For eleven short years she was the idol of this home, and with her sweet, sunny disposition was lovad by all who came under her Influence. The f1r.1e.71d services were most Im pressively conducted by Rev. Phillip., of Plains, and loving hands brought ler sleeping form and tenderly la’d her to rest in the cemetery at Enter prise church, in Terrell county. WHY NOT GET HID OF CATABBH? **It Beets AIL” Here are some symptoms of ca- tarrh 1 : if you have any of them, get rid of them while there la yet time: Is your throat raw Do you sneeze often? Is .your breath foul? Are your eyes watery? ,Do you take cold easily? iti your nose stopped up? Do you have to spit often? Do crusts form In your nose? Are you losing your sense of smell? Do you blow your nose a great deal? Does your mouth taste bad morn ings Do you have to clear your throat on rising, or have a discharge from the nose? Does mucus drop In back of throat? Have you ringing noises In the ears? HYOMEI (pronounce it Hlgh-o-Mei io guaranteed to cure catarrh, coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, and croup, or money back. Just breathe it In. Complete outfit, Includ ing hard rubber Inhaler, $1.00. Drug gists everywhere and Dodson’s Phar macy sei* HYOMEI. If -you already own an Inhaler you can buy an extra bottle of HYOMEI for only 50 cents. Remember that. • . The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAUn COP PAN V. TT MUMUV NTRCCTs NKW YORK CITY. 2 Full Gallons, $3.95 BOB BROWN WHISKEY E-prhs. charges pre paid. Put up In a sub stantial two-gallon wooden keg, includ ing faucot. 2 Full Gallons, $4.25 BOB BROWN WHISKEY [Grade A] Express charges prepaid. Put up in hone gallon glass demijohn- with handles, packet in one box I Full Git’lon Express prepaid fg>VL $6.15 BOTTLED IN BOND 2 FULL OALLONS Kentucky Whiskey Put up In ) gallong demijohn, only, with handles. Two ) gallon glass demilohns OQ Art packed In one box Owls." Four J gnl'on glass deml- OfJ 1C jobn., packed In one box $(J, | |f Expreas charges prepaid Tbla is at the rate of 70 Jc per qt when yoq order 2 gallons at a time We guarantee all these Whiskies to give satisfaction, otherwise they may bo returned st our expense and money wtll be refunded. Scud Postofiice of Express Honey Order Direct To THE SHELDON CO. DepL 11, Covington, Ky. “HIGH CLASS" Put up In } gall 1 Full Gallon 2 Full Gallons t misssthis great event. All ian’s should see it. Lember the dates—Oct. 26th lov. 5th. ►r all information write W. E. DUNWOODY, . President. RRY C. ROBERT, Secretary. T.:'3 !. oitotfJ from a letter of M ‘Stock’v-etl. HarnlhaL Mo. “I recently duse Foley's Honey and Tar for the FORTI’GAL bowl family ; all the remedies r ever used. I con-1 traded a bad cold and was threatened with pneumonia. The first doses gave Dowagrl Queen Has l’nlntc In Italy great relief and one bottle completely jj er Disposal. Lisbon, October 6.—It 1* reported OX IVAY TO ENGLAND cured me.” It contains no opiates. John R. Hudson. Does Your Roof Leak ? If so Recover with Amalgamated Arc Flint Rooiin g STANDARD (Same Insurance as metal.) Not affected by heat or cold. Not affected by acids. If Amalgamated Roofing falls to give satisfaction we will refund your money. Investi gate. Call or write for camples. Americus Construction Company, AMERICUS, GEORGI V. NICE SELECT LOT lure today that the royal famt'y who A man can’t get half as mad over fle<1 from the Capital at -the outbreak _ . , _ . .... , - other people's religion and politics as ol the revolution ere aboard the im- (IfllOH SCtS, WIHICWMSSi uBTuCII over their dogs. perial yacht Queen Amelle, and are ou j 1 ** their way to the English coast. The, Dowager Queen Marfa Pla will iat« A Generous and Charitable Wish. go to Italy, where the royal palace at Manch'allerl baa been placed at tyr dla- Clo- ‘T wish all might know of the bene fit I received .from your Fotey’s Kid- 'Posal by her sister, the Prim ney Remedy.” saiys I. N. Regan, Far- thilde. mer. Mo. His kidneys end bladder gave him so much -pain, misery and an nounce, he could sot work nor sleep. He rays Foley's Kidney Cure complete ly cured him. John R. Hudson. •Hakes Kidneys and Bladder Right Seed of all kinds, Tulips, Narcissus, . Hyacinths, Chinese Lilies. MTS DRUG STORE.