Weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1910-1917, June 15, 1916, Image 2

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PARE T"0. THE AMERICUS TIMESRECORDER. THUBSDAT.JCM THE TIMES RECORDER. E3TAJ*U*HKD 1$TJ. MIMi MU Hill; \> UK. WE ALL WANT IT. Tomorrow is flag day, yes and it is \ prosperous, thriving, influential PuMUfc.es! ftery morning and riore than this, it is a day on which we Americus is what all the people of THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN By GENE BYRNES ♦very afterso* <v.v,: Saturday, and gj\ 0 expression on preparedness, 1 Americus want. The want here se Week It &t i.f runes- Recorder Co„ (Incorpo-uevi • i 1,1 * hort !t ,a Preparedness day as forth is a most worthy and commend ell as flag and parade day Iable one, and Is enough to stir every Ent * ne ^ a VAmericas .Ga., under act Tbl * * 8 t,le l3: ' th anniversary of the|man, woman and child with a spirit of postoffice at of March 1H T adoption of the flag of the United determination and hearty co-operation. ti. K. ELLIS, President t KAXST01 u H i I v IB. Editor and General Manager. T. M. UK Hit ITT, JIL, Assistant in business Deartment. Advertising Hates Promptly Furnished on Request. j States of America. Notices sent out by And it Is only through co-operation and the American Flag Association says: |team work that we can expect to at | ‘ In many of the states, pursuant to j tain the ends here expressed, j law, in the public schools exercises | Before an engine can pull a train It "111 be conducted In celebration of flag must be supplied with power, hence Iteasonabla | ,i ay . By voluntary Impulse let this at- if we expect Americus to become that Memorial Resolutions, Resolutions 80 bo don, ‘ ln l' rl ' a,e schools. !>>t ns.rlty. we all want her to become, we of Respect. Obituary Notices, etc., extend this practice. Teach the story must supply her with that power neces- d«m n h roper‘°o e pubH 9 Vs» e n^wmaY " f ,hp " hal 11 and for her to pull toward the haven, tar. will be charged for at the rate of have the young people pledge their * cents per line. fealty and loyalty to It. On the 14th day of June, 1776. con ns enacted: "That the flag of the Subscription Kates. By Mall In U. 8. and Mexico. (Payable Strictly In Advance.) Dally. One Year $3.00 thirteen United States t»e thirteen Dally! Th\w°MOTtb« lj° Hlrl l ,e "- • l " ,rn » l, ‘ red and While; thatjbecause of the Integral part they are akly. One Year 1.00j the Union be thirteen stars, white in a in her welfare and prosperity. In- or |K>rt, to which she is aimed, namely ajccesa. Tlie power needed most of all is that of giving to her the trade that is hers by right of location, and to her merchants and business men. Weekly, Six Months 60c field, representing a new consted-.< teasing her prosperity increases our Mr. L. H. Kimbrough is the only J lotion.'The number of stars have been prosperity, and the dollar spent with tba^Amaricus*'Times-Recorder^° f , ‘ncraaaed by the admission of new j the merchants at home means a dollar states. The possibilities of the nation's kept at home and one that will con- OFFICIAL ORGAN FOR City of Americus. Sumter County Webster County Railroad Commission of Georgia For Third Congressional District. U. S. Court Southern District of Georgia. Americus Gu- June 13. 11)16. Sure enough the elephant forget. The river of doubt envelopes Colonel. Wonder who'll be who as the next Mr. Justice. The maicure girl Ig the handmaiden of the past. The Colonel seems a little peered. Well, why shouldn't he? Shame on you Teddy If you forsake creatures of your creation. future development dawned upvn our fathers. The original thirteen stripes continued for several years and were then (hanged, after a few years only were unchangeably restored by act of congress on April 4. 1818, w hen it was enacted: That from and after the fourth day of July next, the flag of the United States he thirteen horizontal stripes alternate red and white; that the union be twenty stars, white, ln a blue field, and that on the admission of i. new state into the Union one star be tinue to circulate at home for the good of home people and for Americus. It Is to the Interest of every individ ual In Americus that our money, w henever possible, be spent in Ameri-^ cus. for only in this way can we add to the volume of her business and make 7*^ L. 0. COUNCIL, Prert. toe. 1)W1 H. 8. COUNCIL r.^ C. M. COUNCIL, Vlee*PrM. T. E. BOLTON, A..t! ( Planters’ Bank of Americus CAPITAL SURPLUS AND PROFITS $220.00001! TOTAL DEPOSITS (MARCH 10, lti«| «A»0,0lNJ10.' i time ter „ _ tlllcatfs and Id cur deparmteu I.:aS5i^ s or savings. Prompt, Conservative, Accommodating. Wewiiio your Business. No Account Too Large and None Too Small. Member of Amerlcui Chamber of Commerce. HERBERT HAWKINS Insurance and Surety Bonds Specialty—Autos at 2 per ct' Planters Bank Building ? ’Phone No, |g city of Importance and influ- of her ence. And not only should those | What fools politicians can sometimes be. ho buy. Few' men are as bad or as good as (tet their supplies from the merchants their wives think them. of Americus, but the merchants them-' ___ Ives have a duty to perform. It Is a Ko > thank you; keep your seat, Mr. added to the union of the flag, and poor rule that wont work both ways . I President. We prefer standing. ueh addition tako effect on the fourth They need not expect people to con- Class enforcement of law Is just as vicious as class legislation. Maybe Taft is hoping President Wll- ju will return the compliment. The mosquito is about the only thing that can get blood out of a turnip. This thing some people call "Soci ety ’ is one of the curses of the age. That man is a natural born fool who gets Into an argument with his wife. Republican newspapers can soon write about the return of the renegade. The favorite sons are now all prodi gal ones wending their way homeward. day of July next succeeding such ad mission.’ The flag has so continued ever since. "Since Uie struggle of 1861-63, the flag lias become the symbol mighty nation. It has been carried to the utmost parts of the earth, carrying liberty wherever It has been thrown to the breeze.” Then let everybody in Americus on the morrow do their part ln the ob servance of the day. Let us forget for time being all our varied troubles tinue to trade with them without be- Georgians are no longer convivial; Itif, invited to do so. Merchants of j Hiejr haven't the spirits to make them other towns and j»articularly those of- 80 - the mail order houses, are scattering! — thfir Invitations broadcast, and •••»! The Geor « la legislature will soon ly way for the merchants of Amer- fl rniah amusement for the dear peo- s to counteract these Influences Is to p ^ e ‘ Invite, urge and encourage this trade The action of the republican and Mcosite parties Insures at least four more years of a decent administra tion. Prospects for the Third District Ag ricultural fair looms bigger and big ger, brighter andd brighter as the days go by. We fix shoes by ti e Good Year system, the best method known! V/. O. BARNETT Wholesale manufacturer of Bigchief, Chippewa and Plow Boy Cotton Collars. We congratulate both the republl an and bull moose parties upon doing fool thing at the right time, and In the right way. to stay at home. You can do as well by trading public as the mall order h f use, but the trouble is you don't let It be known. Then how* can you ex pect Americus to grow and prosper It won’t be Fairbanks after Novem ber 4th. His name will be mud after then. The democrats will now go over to and exasiveratllng things of life, and when y° u don't do your part in an<1 8a y Keep your seat, Mr. give thought to the occasion and what niatter. * 011, the Amerlran flag stands for. No true American can refuse to do this, beneath its folds we are guaranteed the right to live, and enjoy freedom liberty and the pursuit of happiness and the privilege of serving God ac cording to the dictates of our owrn con science. A grand and glorious old flag it is, then let every man. woman and child ii Americus do it honor on the .mor- No doubt Hughes looks upon his nomination from a vacatlonal view point. What democrats will do to Hughes and his Fairbanks this fall will be plenty. Soon the Georgia legislature be In session and then we'll see what we see. Peace, prosperity and preparedness will be the slogan at the St. Louis love feast. College diplomas are mighty things to have, but they won't board bells. The OMonel insists that he is out of politics. He is a man who knows when he's goe enough. AVe are not hearing much about that new railroad nowadys. We presume however it’s on the way. HIE**I.IL SESSIONS. Gov. Harris strikes a popular chord w hen he suggests that all local legisla tion be tal-en out of the hands of the legislature, and placed under the con trol of the courts and county boards. In respect to the adoption of local legis lation Georgia is about fifty years be hind the times. There is not sn Item of local legislation affecting Toombs or any other county in the state that could not be adoptel through a pro cedure in the Superior court or through the board of county com missioners. The amending of char- The man who refuses to advertise in this day of push and enterprise stands In his own light and reminds us of the man who had a horse and decided it was too expensive to feed him, so the thought occurred to him to gradually eliminate his feed until he bad habit uated him to doing without it. kept this up for awhile and just at the time when the man was getting ready to rejoice over his scheme, the horse died. So it is w ith the man doesn't advertise. He can go along for awhile without It, but he will wake up some morning and find that his trade D all gone to the fellow who does ad- ertlse. A word to the wise Is sufllicent. Jl.HT OUR WAY. Americus went to Savannah and took two conventions from the same city on the same day. Some pep for Muckalee town, believe us.—Thomac villa Times-Enterprise. Now that the republicans have held their show, Orpet can now have inning. The bull moosers are to be congrat ulated on one thing; they stood by their daddy. Universal service and universal training, like a lot of meaning same thing. Something for nothing ii what other fellow thinks he is giving you, ai d vice versa. The main trouble with the modern k!rt is that the wearers Just grow too long. That's all. A man who will throw up a good job on such a sure uncertainty as does Hughes, is bug-house. Cooperation among the employes of sr.y business spells success, and ttr* of Incorporated towns and cities co °P' er, 'Gon retards and very st.d local matters affecting a county oflen br!n «* disaster. It Is therefore could easily be attended to by local lo the ,ntere * 1 of employers to encour- a ifhorlttM Instead of having to wait co °P® r » f lon among those they until a session of the legislature. l ' mplo > and a,3 ° cooperate with them And with local legislation out of the a,8 °- ay a session of the gab-fest should be necessary only every two or four Newspaper headline: Tears stream- The Intolerant man is usually an ignorant man. Were this not so he would be a tolerant one. years for the purpose of looking after ^ down the face of Hugheb when he matters affecting the whole state.— wa * tQ ld of the choice. No wonder he Lyons ITogress. cried; he qnows what's coming to him DOST SEEM rOSMIHLK. It does not see mpostdble that the legislature can Ignore the demand that Is going up over the state for bi ennial sessions. As far as can be Wlmjabrlne says there will be no discord at St. Louis. He Is right, Ne braska hedged off the possibility of this when they defeated him for a del egate at large When a husband receives a piece of his w ife's mind, this doesn't mean he is going to have peace. The Inevitable baa happened, Teddy In a down and outter. He and Bryan can now have a love feast In consol ing each other. The fellow who thinks he knows it all will wake up come morning to a realization of the fact that he is very much mistaken. Now that Kngland and Germany both seem satisfied why not get getlier ln another fight and see If one or the other couldn't be unsatisfied, Keep the ball rolling and let's get through with the business. C. of Ga.Ry The girl who holds out pouting lips to a young man can rest assured the invitation will be accepted. The Lauren.s Citizen says. "The es sence of wisdom is to keep one eye on Mexico and the other on the Jap. The sailing is going to be fine, and Navigator Wilson will steer the old craft of state safe into the harbor. What a love feast that la going to be over at St. Louis. Everything is go<ng to move off as slick as grease. "The practice of lokin;; Into a flour uarsel is much preferable to that of the suggestion Is virtually looking into a gun barrel. without opposition. The logic of It - - j'loas not permit of argument. Those Tom Marshall has done as well a* who have expressed themselves agree | Sell the state road, get out of the .railroad business, or else play square •|ard honest with other railroads. What .... i Vis sauce for the goose should be sauce any vice uresldent could have done, that the custom of annual legislative , 4U . . I I for the gandar. then lets make no change. sessions In this state may properly be classed with those habits »uu iuune iiamia that are! If you have a steady Job, appreciate The Russians are giving e good ac- "useless and expensive," and It is up the fact and aland by It. Consider count of themselves. They are prov- to the solons to respond to the popu-j yourself lucky, for many Is !he poor itg themselves some flghteriskiea. »|ar demand —Savannah News. i fellow who has none. After all Hughes did pussyfoot the nomination, at the same time he mol lycoddled himself out of a good Job. The latest news is that Villa Is maimed for life. Still better news would be that he is dead for eternity. “The Right Way” Traia, Anita From Chicago, rta Columbus • ltd) a ■ From Columbus *1U:0U a u From Columbus I 7,U p m From Atlanta sad Macon htt a ■ From Macon • i : 10 p « From Macon • 7 : |o p m From Albany • «;4o s „ From Montgomery and Albany • tilt p From Montgomery and Albany , r » KtM p a From Jacksonville via Albany <I|M| Train, Depart For Chicago via Columbus • l;4d g For Columbu, | HtOO a _ For Columbua g|gg p a For Macon • «|M ■ ra For Macon and Atlanta....* lilt p a For Macon and Atlanta.p ■ For Montgomery and Albany • (,gp , a For Montgomery and Albany • 2,10 p at Por Albany • 7:MI p ■ For Jacksonville, r'a Albany *1:00 a ■Bally. ! Except Sunday, dvtv J L Ultimo WEB. •real Americus Undertaking Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALHERS Mr. Nat LeMaster, Manager Agents for Rosemont Gardens Day Phones 88 and 231 Night 661 ana 13| THE ALLISON UNDERTAKING COM . . . FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALHERS . • • Daj Phones Night Phones 253 80 and 106 J. H. BEARD, Director, Americus, Ga Commercial City Bank AMERICUS, GA. General Banking Business INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS MONEY LOANED! We make farm loans at 6 per cent interest and give the borrower the privilege of paying part of principal at end of any year, stopping interest on amounts paid, but no annual payment of principal required. G. R. ELLIS or G C. WEBB WANTED Boarders on beautifully located farm in Moun tains near Brevard. Se lect faie, pure Spring water, good fishing near farm adjoinsstalion.Rates reasonable. A. L Allison, Daildson Blur, N.G Hughes will have lo tatk now, or armebody is poing to say the cat has got his tongue. But what does this matter; the democrats are going to get his goat anyhow, whiskers and all. F. G. OLVER He—lng Machines and Supnliee; Kej “0 Bock Fitting; Umbrellas Repairs* and Covered. LAMAR STHFIT «AB WILL. GENUINE MONTEVALLG COM Exclusive Agents in Americus ] HARROLD BROTHERS TELEPHONE 2 We also sell Blue Gem Jellico Coal and Eureki Coal Pill**' home atmosphere wittfexqntrte lagttag fragra®'*' ED. PINAUD’S LILAC I The great Preach perfume ^winner of highest intematw®* I awards. Each drop as sweet and fragrranta* thel ving J blossom. A celebrated connoisseur (aid: "I don’t see I S ““ pp » rem.rk.ble perfume lor 7S cent, a bottle I remember each bottle contain. • o..-it I. wonderful r«luc. W Ask your deder today ; of ED. PINAUD’S LILAC. £ -vwerveae ofhctl will itnd you « testing bottle. & ntt I PAJPIXESIE ED.PPtAIiD.D*ptM H>.PDttDDWfJJj^J