Weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1910-1917, June 15, 1916, Image 5

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THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. pam ,.r.». Jl'H «. »l« SOCIETY NEWS j ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦$ Bec»n ♦ ♦ SANCTUARY. ♦ »♦ ♦ ,♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ By Isabel S. Mason. Old Hongs there are whose notes ring ever sweet, And old-time flowers that still en chantment bear; some voice Inspired sang the strain. gome heart that worshipped set the fragrance there. With toll we tread the common walks of life, In haste to crowd with work each passing day; let some old song, some quaint old- fashioned bloom, W UI , e t a star to show us where to fray. Kgs. POPE TO HAVE lOKTV-TttO PAHTT j,.. r ». Pope will entertain fortj-t*o Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Fred Lambnrt, who Arrived Wednesday for a short visit with Mrs. t’ope. at her home on Lee street ■ns. iiibson will UTKKTAIN SOCIETY The Nellie Worthy Missionary so oty sill be entertained Friday after- on at the home of Mrs. Charles Hud- 10, on Lee street. The hostesses will . Mrs Hudson. Miss Hawkins, Mrs. Charles Council and Mrs. Shelton F. iowell. w lches were served. Those present were Mrs. U. S. Hal*, tens, Mrs. Lucius McCleskey, Mrs. H. O. Jones, Mrs. J. D. Hooks, Mrs. fra Lowe, Mrs. George Adams, Mrs. R. E. McNulty, Mrs. James A. Hlxon, Miss Nannie Sue Dell. Miss Callle Bell, Miss Mattie Lewis Dodson, Miss Fannie Mae Williford. burn. Member of Rules Committee—John N Holder, of Jefferson. Honorary Vice Chairman of the Con vention for Georgia—Carlos H. Mason of Atlanta. GEORGIANS SPLIT ON TIE VIGE_PRESIDENCY ST. LOl’IS, June 14.—Georgia’s dele gatee to the national democratic con vention held their caucus late Tues day afternoon in the rooms of National Committeeman Clark Howell In the Jefferson hotel. James R. Gray, presid ing as chairman of the delegation. They decided that they would be gov erned by the unit rule only as regards the nomination of President Wilson. This they were instructed to do by tbe state democratic convention. LARGE PARTIES OF NEGROES HAVE LEFT ON PROMISESWORK Approximately two hundred negroes have been deported from Americus dur ing the past week by agents of manu facturing concerns who have canvassed Americus and Sumter county In search of labor. Some of the negroes havo been detained by the police because of various charges. The last detachment of laborers left yesterday afternoon, having been col lected by M. B. Harraleon, represent ing the Medford Aluminum company It was first thought that the city ot Americus might secure a special li cense tax of $100 from these agents, but City Marshal W. T. Maynard stated this afternoon that he was unable to collect tbe tax under the city ordi- KH. I DM It SHIPP H AD •CJG MATRONS’ CLUB. Mrs. Bdgar Shipp entertained the A. S. Bradley, of Swainsboro. ourr Matrons Bridge club at her Lee street Wednesday after- loon. The pretty Shipp home was at- actively decorated in a color scheme r yellow and hydrangeas were exten trely used. Bridge was played until late hour In the afternoon when de- refreshments of tea and sand-, The majority of the delegates favor nances, the nomination of Marshall for vice I \ license of $500 Is prescribed by the president, but one or two indicated ^ state, but Tax Collector Brown Small tbelr purpose to support Governor Ma- was u nable to secure this sum under the jor, of Missouri, and others. The delegation elected the follow ing: Hinton Booth, of Statesboro, to act as secretary in place of W. E. Sirmans, of WaycroM, who was absent. Member of Resolutions Committee —Judge Charles C. Bartlett, of Macon. Member of Credentials Committee— law. The leaving of so many negroes has caused wide comment In Americus and the county. It Is possible that some action will be taken on the matter as the labor is essential at this reason L f the year. It is said that the parties include all classes of the colored pop ulation—from the best to the worst. The last party goes to Tennessee. Member of Committee to Notify Pres- previous crowds of negroes have left Idential Nominee—Hollins N. Ran- f or south Carolina, Massachusetts and dolph, of Atlanta. Member of Committee to Notify Vico Presidential Nominee—John M. Van diver, of Rome. Member of Committee on Permanent Organization—Claude C. Smith of Fair- MEN’S SHOES As Little As S3.50 As Much As $7.00 GE0R6IA FARM LOAN ASSOCIATIONJAET IN MACON MACON, June 14.—The annual meet ing of the Georgia Farm Loan associa tion was held at the Hotel Lanier In Macon, with thirteen members present, coming from Savannah, Atlanta, Chat tanooga, Americus and Marietta. The meeting was given over to a general discussion of farm loans In Georgia. O. A. Coleman, of Macon, was unan imously elected president. The other officers are G. R. Ellis, of Americus, first vice president; H. M. Smith, of Macon, second vice president, and B. J. Dasher, of Macon, secretary and treas urer. The next convention will be held at Tybee Island in 1917. Mr. Coleman succeeds J. H. Hollo man. of Atlanta, as president, while G R. Ellis succeeds M. M. Sessions, o: Marietta. After all business was transacted, the members adjourned for lunch and later left for their homes. Leslie (Special to Times-Recorder.) LESLIE, Ga.. June 14.—The revival meeting closed at the Methodist church Sunday night. Rev. J. E. Cowan. McDonough, did the peraebing and Prof. Llssey. of Gainesville, lead the singing. It was one of the best meet lugs ever held In Leslie. The entire church membership and town greatly strengthened for greater re- lgglous undertakngs Twenty-four new members were added by letter and profession of faith. The Board of Education of I^eslie High school held Its regular monthly meeting Monday afternoon August 28 was set as the date for the o[enlng of the fall term of school. Two new' teachers were elected to complete the faculty of the school for next year. The teaching force of the local school for next year will be: U. S. Lancaster, B. (Mercer University), principal; Miss E*ta Garr, (Washington College, Va.) assltant principal; Miss Luctle Green (State Normal), sixth and sev enth grades; Miss Nellie Siddall (State Normal), fourth and fifth grades; Miss Annie (Mara Ranew, A. B.. (Bessie Tift College), second and third grades, and Mrs. R. J. Taylor, first grade. This gives Leslie six teachers for the next year and under their direction the people of Leslie maye xpect to have the best year In the history of the school. r. J. W. Berwick was a visitor to Americus Monday afternoon on busi- rese. THOSE WHO COME AND GO Americas The Mecca For Those Seeking Pleasure, Health and Business. A lcazad theatreIy aoooofrooooooooooooooooooooaoaooooooooooooooaoofl New Hue Pickard's China at S. k.\ J«**t received shipment of Shrlat Daniels The Jeweler. emblems. Bell the Jeweler. Miss Irma Cannon has returned home from a very pleasant visit to rel at Ives In Richland. Dr. J. H. Statbam and Dr. J. Boozer, of Ijeesburg. were visitor in Americus Wednesday. “Fayssoux”, the hypnotist, will do a blind-fold drive over the city to morrow afternoon at 3 o’clock. W. Barfield, of Columbus. Ga.. was In Americus Wednesday, looking after matters of business. W. E. Stackley was a well known Atlantian registered at the Windsor Hotel Wednesday. We carry a full line of Mansfield and United States Tires and Tubes. W. O. and G. A. Turpin. 13-tf Irving Biddings and Edwin Gid- dings left Wednesday morning over the Seminole Limited for Memphis, Tenn. They will arrive In Memphis at 8 o'clock tonight. W. A. Brad Held, or Charlotte, N. C.. is In the city. He will succeed in this The strong baseball team from Pine- j territory L. A. Adams, who represented ~ ‘ 111 be here to play the *—* C,-_J — -- »•—» w En Calf Tan Kid Mack Calf Kangaroo Patent Palm Beach E arc showing cur men customers some mighty attractive low shoes this season,but ihe values are even more attractive. The same good leathers and work manship, as usual with hardly a price change, despite the scarcity and “war prices” of materials. How long we can keep prices down is opblematical, so we say—buy a pair today. PINKSTON’S MR.JJ.BOWEN.DFXTLNNTt PIAISES NATUIETONE Veil Known Cuslness Nan Says Be Uses It When In Need of a Liver Medicine PRAISES NATL KETONE IV.11 Known Ha>ln.i>« Van Saji H. 1'h.h It Wh.n In of a Liter Mrdlrlnr. Mr. J. H. Bowen, an Atlanta bual- nosa man. does not hesitate to say he (eels hotter alnce taking the new Liver Medicine. NATURETONE. He says: "Having taken NATURETONE, 1 can say thta I ws well pleased with Us effects. It acted thoroughly and I havo felt better since taking It and will con tinue its use when I (eel that I need a liver medicine.” A prominent Atlanta lawyer says: ”1 am now lining a bottle of NA- Tl'RETONE and wish to say that this remedy is proving to be Just aa It was recommended." Every bottle of NATFRETONE Is guaranteed to be aa recommended, or money refunded. It Is a harmless, ef ficient Liver Medicine. and can be taken by every member ot the family. It does not lear* you constipated, but If taken acordlng to directions will relieve constlpatio and correct the cause—n boon to women. Get you a bottle at Aliena Drug k Seed Store. Price 50c -Atfv. hurst will be here to play the local nine Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. All loyal fans are Invited to the game, Miss Jennie Moses has returned home after a two months' visit to her grandmother, Mrs. Ayaish, In Atlanta. Mrs. F. P. Jonee, little son. Master Douglas and sister. Miss Stella Wade, left Monday for a ten days' visit to White Springs, Fla. Mr. J. L. Amason was a v isltor from Manchester In Leslie Saturday, Mrs. Chaa Wade, of Cobb, spent Tuesday with Miss Lillie Carter this place. Mrs. HtU and sons, Walter and Willie, of Cobb, were vlsntors here Monday afternoon. Mr. A. D. McMlchael an erstwhile citizen of this place but now of Ro chelle, spent the week-end with friends here. Miss Leila Ranew, the hustling cor- rt spondent for the Times-Recorder for Leslie, Is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. J. L. Amason, of Man chester. Mrs. Leon C. Griffin and little daugh ter Edith, spent several daya of last week with friends in Americus. Mrs. J. C. Anderson has returned home from a pleasant two weeka visit to botnefolks In Columbus. T. H. Hines, Sr., one of Leslie’s moet prosperous fanners, paid Americus a business visit Monday. Sunday week, June 20th, will be ob served as China Day In the Methodist Sunday school. All the members of the Sunday school and church are re quested by Supt. E. L WUson to make as large a contribution as possible to aid the Chinese in getting their Sun day schools and churches established. Floyd W. Hines, superintendent of the Leslie Baptist Sunday school, an nounced Sunday afternoon that on the afternoon of Sunday. June 25, the Bap tist Sunday school would render a special program for the benefit of the Georgia Baptist hospital In Atlanta. This hospital Is kept up by the Baptists of Georgia for the benefit of those who are unable to pay for treatment in a hospital. A liberal eootrbuUon by the people of Leslie to this worthy Insti tution will be appreciated by the offi cers of the Sunday school. Mrs. E. C. Gardner and children left tills morning for Fnadllla and Perry, for a month’s visit to relatives and friends at those places. Mrs. J. L. Amason and children re turned to their home In Manchester Saturday, after spending two weeks with relatives and frlenda In and near Leslie. Manager R. D. Winchester carried the Leslie baseball team over to Rlcb- Innd for a game with the team from that town this week. The game soul* •J In an 11 'o V victory for Leslie. the Sanders-Orr Cotton company here the past season. Mr. Bradfield will make his headquarters at the Windsor Hotel. The hypnotist and mind reader "Fays soux" at the Opera House tomorrow night, the lunnleet show you every cnly 10c and 20c. JONES' BALSAM OF BENZOIN Is for yon. A reasonable quantity nf Un- LSUAL QUALITY. For all external troubles where a liniment la needed. Ask about It; three sizes, 25c, 50c and 21.00. All dealars carry it. Sold on the money-back plan. >-im Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dlsmukes, of Columbus, wll leave Thursday for Glenn Springs, s. C„ wher ethey will spend about ten days. R. B. Maultsby, who went from Americus to Fayetteville. 8. C„ is ex pected to return here Thursday. Mr. Maultsby, who has been taking a need-1 ed 171001100, la very much Improved In health, and his many friends will be glad to greet him behind the Windsor desk as night clerk again. Men's Bathing Bolts for sale at High tower's llook Stare. J. A. Hartzog has returned home from a visit to home folks over In Ala Lama. W. H. Kopple. of Fitzgerald, was a visitor in the city Wednesday. NOTICE. I will be absent from my office from May 20th to June 20th. advt DR. L. F. GRUBBS. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lingo and Miss Mary Alice Lingo will leave Thursday for Macon going on a vacation of two weeks. Alton Carter of Plains, waa a busi ness visitor in Americus today. 1 wish to announce to the public that I now have charge of the McDaniel Marget on Cotton avenue. Your busi- ress appreciated. Call 830. R. H. Bridges. 1<-Sl Brown McLendon is confined to his home to the regret of his many friends. W. A. Bass, of Macon, an experienc ed meat cutter, will fill that capacity at the Ayashery. R. H. Bridge# not be ing connected with the Ayashery any longer. Don't fell to see "Fsyssoux," the wonderful hypnotist, at the Opera House tomorrow night. Sam MeGarrah. » prominent citizen of Friendship, was in Americus today. Mrs. McDonald, of Macon, who has been vlalting her son. W. A. McDonald, has returned to her home. Lettuce, Celery. Pluenpples, Peaches, lleans Takes Butler, Holey and Ba». trr-Nut Bread. Laney Produce To. R. H. Bridges, who has been con nected With the Ayashery as meat cut ter for some time has leased the Mc Daniel market, where he will be lo cated In the future. Phillip Kitchens Is In Oordele for a few days, visiting his son. Seymour Kitchens. Mtas Susie Stanford, of L^alte, Is visiting Mrs W. C. Barrow for a few daya. Mrs. Virgil Lockhart and young daughter. Mias Klotse lockhsrt. have returned to their home at Birmingham. Ala . after a visit to Mr. and Mrs W. A Cleveland here. Mr and Mrs. John Quartennan. Mr. and Mrs W. A. Cleveland and Mrs. W. C Barrow formed a congenial party of Americua people motoring to Macon Tueaday and returni** home last Might. George Oobb, one of the Time* Re corder’s carrier boys, Is at Tybee for several day s enjoying the ocean breezes and all good things that go with such trips. J. H. Littlefield, who has for the past two months been filling the position of night clerk at the Windsor, will leave for his home at Fitzgerald Thursday. .Mr. Littlefield is very popular and af fable and made lots of friends during his stay In Americus. Dance at Myrtle Springs Thursday night, June 15th. Musio by Pickens’ Orchestra. 14-2t Judge Ware Martin, of Leesburg, was In the city Weednesday. Wednesday Matinee 5110c Night 101 IS Orrin Johnson, in "D’Artagnan” Five acts, and Chas. Murray, in H f Ido’s Fate** 2 reel Keystone Thursday 5 & 10c John Barrymore, in “THE LOST BRIDE GROOM'* 5 acts Friday 5 & 10c Anna Nilsson, in “WHO’S bUILTY" Chapter 4 and first in stallment of “THE MYSTRIES HF MYRA” Don’t fail to see it Charles S. Ansley returned Tuesday afternoon from Oxford, he tended the Emory commencement Thomas O. Marshall leaves today for Alcyon, Fla., where he will be a mem ber of a house party. Palm Beach D.-C. 35c. Yearwood'i. Cranston Williams returned Tueaday night from Greensboro and Oxford. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Crittenden and children, of Shellman, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Zach Childers. LADIES ONLY Look in your mirror; see ii you are satisfied with yourself, if not consult us, we can make you what you want to be. Our method of treatments will help you. If you suffer from headache, rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney or liver trouble, in fact any ail ments due to womankind, come let us help you— we are glad to serve you. Why have those liver spots, freckles, tan, sun burn, lines, sallowness, or any of those blemishes, when only a few electrical treatments will re move them. Come up and let us demonstrate our work to you. Don’t wait, it only means your coming later and longer. Scalp troubles of any kind c?n be overcome no matter how bad the hair is falling or how fast its turning gray or how bad the dandruff is, we will cure this. Come let us convince you. MRS. J. L. JONES, Mgr. TELEPHONE 564 FOR APPOINTMENTS J. A. DAVENPORT INSURANCE Fire, Accident, Health, Plate GlaSs, Tornado, Bonds. Mutual Benefit Lift—the bt-st there n.