Weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1910-1917, August 09, 1917, Image 5

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Society News £ f MBS. DAISY 0. GNOSSPELIUS, Editor a. Office Phone 99 OL 490 99 , Residence Phone 376 uloomy lochs and braes, Afl „„ Water gently flows yougli summer's golden haze, melancholy pibrochs call , srattered clans again m lles of heather wild and wet, n j sheep-folds gray with rain. the pipes are all awake d playing as of yore played before ‘ Scotia's ancient shore, lash of tartan plaid Is seen ting the front in France T hearts ,d dauntless troops advance. (RSD"’ AUGUST 0, 1917 THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. mm ♦ ♦ ♦ AIL x0 Tim HIGHLANDERS (Mina Irving In N. Y. Times.) tor today the church is sending this ♦ mer, of Columbus; Mabel Ellis, Annie p!an . ♦ Ellis, Ruth Kendrick, of Tenntlle ♦ Pauline Broadhurst, Nellie Worthy oiling drums is heard te tune of Bonny Boon, Annie Laurie keeps her tryst ,„cath the misty moon powers Of the Forest fall, nd rockv road and glen tinging to the tramping feet Cameron's marching men. “CUPID AT COLLEGE" A play dealing with the fun and frolics of college life is always inter esting, and “Cupid at College," which , ,iis they are coming, too. "ill be given Friday night at the Opera L'atnpbe 11 - J House for the Red Cross work room House for the Red Cross work room fund, is so replete with life and jollity it is sure to please everyone. Misses Mary Elza Sheppard, Ellen Estoj and Melva Clark will appear to advantage in the roles of seniors. Misies Mary Sue Chambliss and Edith Kyals both claim to be discoverers of an English lord. The other college f e girls are Miss Mary Dudley, the the Highland chiefs Fr(!nc1 ' student; Misses Katie Sue Reese, Agnes Gatewood, Sarah Horne and Thelma Ryals, with Sarah Alice t in e rance 1Seese at the . little girl who " oa ' t be heat high and strong, left at home. Oscar Carter Is the En glish lord; Neal Ray an ex-policeman; John Butt, the artist; Henry Allen, a westerner at college, and Bill Little john as Reginald Delaware Venezuela van Astorbllt. George Walker is plain Jack Rider. The camera and a choc- rimson cross, the tricolor, !d the star-flag are unfurled, charging side by side to bring 'reKilt'icz'hlowThe'sklrllng pipes date mouse play Important parte the Kliuts Uiu -hnnises -are un-to-date. an til they're out of breath, PC r the allied armies od victory or death. mini; party for DAY SCHOOL CLASS. I>. Payne entertained the of her Sunday school class rimming party and picnic at ,tct Park this afternoon. Those out were Mrs. Payne, Misses Furlow. Halite Walker, Lily Lee, Iirigluman. Ruby Oliver, Jewel i, Fannie May Miers, Susie John- jrusilla Ross, Gertrude Butt, Mrs. . walker and Mrs. C. S. Duer. SAM WILLIAMSON NTERTAIN TOMORROW'. i Sam AVilliamson will enter- rith a party Thursday morning at ome on Jackson street. IT DICE PARTY VISITING GIRLS, s Mary Sue Chambliss gave a • heart dice party this morning r home on Barlow street, the s of honor being Miss Orlean y’s attractive guests Misses Etta lets, of Fort Valley, and Suzte tt, of Washington, D. C. Sum- lowers were used to make the r and living room of the home attractive and five tables were 1 for tile game. Miss Geraldine ‘ assisted in serving the very f refreshments. •se present were Misses Orlean Etta Carlthers, Suzle Dorsett, Wright, Margery Kalmon, Agnes od, Mary Alice Lingo, Margaret sy. Geraldine Payne, Dorothy The choruses are up-to-date, among them ''Tommy,” a military specialty sung by Miss Catherine Hamilton and eight soldier girls; also "Wouldn't You Like to Have Me For a Sweetheart," n double sextette, and Miss Melva Clark’s "0, Johnnie, O, Johnnie 0," will be the novelty number of the last act. Popu lar prices will prevail for this at traction. and seats are on sale at Hooks' Pharmacy. Any boy or girl willing to help the w HCa cross uy ociimb -- , aie r nuay auciuuuu w tain them from Miss Mary Littlejohn j one8 Q f the Leslie Warehouse Com Each person selling ten, receives one pan y t f or 50 cents per pound. The bale . * ya T nulla Vrlflnv nftpr• A Rl'GLE CALL TO ALL WttMEN The following instructions have been publ | C auc tton occurred sent by the Woman’s Missionary Coun- - " J ell to Mrs. N. A. Ray, District Secre- ml4d n n g. tary of Missionary work done by the LCAZA Wednesday nee 5 & 10c; Night 10 & 15c Enid Bennett, in “HAPPINESS” Five acts, and STAND” sday 5 & 10c Oliver Morosco Presents ■eorge Beban, in IABCELUNIH1LLI0NS” Five acts V 5 & 10c Seven Deadly Sins THE SEVENTH SIN” icl *. chapter 11 of fy oi ihe Double Cross" Miriam Rodgers, of Macon; Myrtle Pat terson, of Millen; Eugenia Warlick, Elizabeth Harris, Mary Dudley and Gertrude Davenport. preparation of materials needed in sickness, suffering, and travel. This is to be done according to government regulation. Let none forget those ministries of the spirit to which the Christian is committed. and peril. We are made bold to get the church thus mobilized for inspira tion and protection, because these are the sons of the many mothers who for these years have made our missionary societies. Rise women of the church, rise up and gird yourselves to answer tills first call to serve your own! The ap pended program makes clear the work ms oil ciipiiy"'"'justicen* READY FOR OPERATIONS MORNING II HIS HOME structive work may come later, but for t plan n W. H. Justice, a substantial farmeE The Amerlcus Oil Company, familiar- ( residing in the Bumphead district, died i y known as “The Old Mill," announce'.suddenly Monday morning ath la home pended program makes clear the work elgewhere In th i 8 issue to their custom-,The deceased was alxty-alx years old to be done now. Large or more con- erg and frlend8 the i r readiness for tho and was born and reared in Sumtei? ginning season of 1917. | county, and has spent his entire life They will operate electrically driven, here. He is survived by six sons anu ball-bearing gins, which have the repu- five daughters. tation of producing a very pretty Bam- The funeral was held Tuesday pie, beside a very clean seed. | morning at ten o’clock, Inte rment be- A new feature of their 1917 business ing made in the family burial ground. Is the installation of a peanut and vel-j — — vet bean mill, thus enabling them to uujmcug qqy qjj handle a large tonnage of peanuts and ( * ‘ |» ^ PENNSYLVANIA velvet beans which will be produced in this section, creating a ready cash market to the planters for these prod ucts. The Individual Woman. In these times of strain and sor- keep alive the spirit of prayer, that men may be sustained by the consci ousness of the presence and power of God. 2. Urge every woman to have mem bership in the Red Cross Society. 3. Let each church make atf urgent ;a.U to its membership to assist WILL RIVE SERUM AT PEIS AND LESLIE FOR ALE Will sell this Bank's equity in the place formerly known as the S. C c Dr. W. B. McWhorter, county health commissioner, has received many re place formerly known as the s. c. — Sheriffs Rale. Clegg Place, live miles from tho city 'Bleats from citizens in Plains and GK0 ROIA. Sumter County, cf Amerlcus Ga., on Ellaville road; '-islio to fix additional dotes for the w „, bo sold beroro the courthouse 248 acres; subject to approval of tho administration of anti-typhoid serum dcor ln the clty ot Amerlcus, said h. these communities. Acceding to gtal0 and county , within tho legal hours these requests, lie has sef aside three o; ga)p on thc |)rgt Tuesday in Septem- spcclal days for each place, and all ber 19l7 to tbe highest bidder for cu.ua....,. K ... ,U ...u ...» — cRlzens desiring to bo inoculated cagh the following described property: tiict. being about two and three-fourth against typhoid fever will bo given tho one-half undivided Interest In one Americus, Ga., on Ellaville road; 8 acres; department Also will sell equity in place for merly known as the H. E. Allen Place, containing 227 acres in the 17th dis tiict, being about two and three-fourtl. miles from Plains, Ga., in a southeast- treatment free erly direction, subject to approval of times the department. For further Information see •N. M. DUDLEY, Receiver, AMERICUS NATIONAL BANK. FIRST BALE SOLD AT 50 CENTS POUND Dr. McWhorter will be at Leslie on August 10th, 17th and 24th, at 9 a. m. to administer tho serum, while at property ot M- \ Grower to satisfy a Plains the dates will be August 11th, cl , rta | n C | ty Court fl fa Issued from tho ’8th and 25th at 9 a. m. 'city court of Americus in favor of Z. Tho anti-typhoid fever campaigm In An(5 | )n va M N , Brewer. This 8th the suburban sections of Sumter coun- dgy August. 1917 ty Is developing strength and the In- ^ terest manifested ln the serum treat-; ment is vory gratifying to the health! authorities. The first bale of the 1917 cotton crop to he marketed in Sumter county A ny coy o. g... ~ —.- —- was knocked down at public auction Red Cross by selling tickets can oh- | ate p r j day afternoon to Floyd P. * if!.... llo.t. T IMloInhn . . .. II’. Pnm. brought to Leslie Friday after noon b? C. NV. Westbrook, a prominent farmer residing near DeSoto and was immediately ginned, after which tho It weighed 415 pounds and graded Last year the first bale to be mar- tary OI Missionary ***— — Methodist church In the Americus dls- ketcd , n Sum ter county was brought tr)ct . tc Americus on August 1st. Leslie got Our country is in war. Individual f ts first bale last year on August 6th. citizens and multiplied organizations The price of 50 cents per pound Is a are thereby called to loyalty, patro- record figure for first hales in th s tlsm and service* Much fine work has section ot the state and thus far this already been launched by women's gfas0 n has not been surpassed in Geer- organizations, as well as by men's civ-- gla, the nearest approac to t 8 P r ' WHITTEMOBE SHOE lc Clubs, which Challenges the church be ing 40 cents per pound paid at the «•* * n organized action. To the church savannah Cotton exchange.«*»«£ P ™more Shoe Polish, white, black comes tho double responsibility of flrst halo of the acd tan . regular,y sold for 10c at 7c. continuing her Institutions with un- b y a farmer residing near the Florida diminished zeal, that the soul life of line «Lr^vicTforlr^ ff eH;f a and1or e the ARRESTED OX CHARGE mil and spiritual upkeep of the sold- lers in mobilization camps and on bat tle fields. The Committee on Chaplains, ap- The Committee on unapiu.ua, a fruU stond a nu grocery a.o.v , T 5c. - pointed by the College of Bishops, has Forgyth 8tr eet, was arrested Monday * Qne (ab|e of fln0 Embro idery In- David Pearlman late of said County * i it.» Dnnnrta a. Rim uflth vifll- . Hoor.numl notlpA 111 piVPIl that RU1(1 HP' line rayne, uuroiuy pomwu u, 7 n*nnrt and her guests. Margaret An- headed Its work in the» Home Depar Anne Dusmlkes and Sue Pal- ment of tho Board of Ml " ’ , in conference with thU committee, the Woman's Missionary Council has draft ed a plan of operation for the begin ning of service of tho women of the uvngjrn; Church. In harmony with the plat.of FHEATReK woln^wrr ‘ operate ' through the Home Dopartmeut of the C °Evory auxiliary Is urged to hold a special meeting to organize for sepec- lflc war work. The plans outlined by the Council apply to the Individual wo man. to every auxiliary and church in the connection, and furnishes a special ine of activity for those societies and churches near mobilization * Let every woman In the churc pledge to give a special season eac day to prayer that our officers and so- dmrs may be kept pure, strong an true, that our nation may be wlthou blame in this bloody strife, aa» every Methodist woman to have me bershlp in a Red Cros» chaPW.^ there Is not a chap er muulty. you can connect with th through your bank or post office. r or»> in ' Qne biK table or nnc tinuroiuerj' or. a warrant charging him with viol- de .. ira ble widths; also over deceased, notice Is given that said ap- ntlng the prohibition law In the selling ^ th0UgaIld yardg Bne V als and plication will be heard at my office, at o. "grape cider" which caused the in- " d(! T orchon Laces, all at 1« o'clock A. M., on the flrst Monday in September next. This August 8tb, 1917 grape toxlcation of two negroes. onco pr , ce 5c The negroes. Will Majors and Nona , A „ |ES , pl:KE SILK Thornton, were arranged in the re- 9T0CK , S08 AT S j c . corder's court this morning ton Q( purg gpun gllk and llale thread, drunkenness and declared that t ey ilgh . gp | Iced hee i 8 and tojs, doubfe sole, purchased the beverage which caused ^ colorgi pa , r 23c them to become Intoxicated, at Attay s jj, P ()gTED LINES place, from the proprietor himself. Re .. EMBROIDERIES AND Mitchell Attayh, a Syrian operating | A j. y .^ WORTH UP T( a fruit stand and grocery store on _ _ . 1 . Hubnrt Denham who recently enlist ed in the United States navy, and has been for several g weeks In the naval training school at Norfolk, had been assigned to the U. S. S. Pennsylvania, one of the latest dreadnaughts to bo put In commission. Legal Advertisements of charge at these 8 | X .h orse power Hazan gasoline engine; one Austin well machine Number 3, old style; 250 feet drill rod. Levied upon and will be sold as the LUCIUS HARVEY, Sheriff. PHONE 226 Sheriffs Sale. GEORGIA. Sumter County. Will be sold before the courthouse door in the city of Amerlcus on the first Tuesday in September, 1917, with in the legal hours of sale to the hlgh- j cst bidder for cash, tho following de scribed property, to-wlt: I A one-fifth undivided remainder in terest in the'east half of lot of land Number 71, and the west half of lot of land Number 90 ln the 26th district of Sumter county, Georgia, known as the NV. S. Hagorson home place; Also a one-tenth undivided Interest FAMOUS SALEM SHEETS *1.00 You know this famous muslin, none! A|go a ono-iemu uuumucu wm®*»»■ better made, free from dressing, wide , n j ot of )and dumber 60 In the 26th hems, full sizes for large double beds. d i atr | Ct 0 ; Sumter county, Georgia, said 61.00. | undivided Interest ln said described CYEH TYVO HUNDRED property levied upon and will be sold as MEN’S HATS »8c. the property of J. T. Hagerson under Mixed lot of over two hundred men’s ' and by v t r t u0 of an execution Issued line alpine and fur hats, almost every from the C(ty court of Americus in desirable shape and color; some aro (avor 0 f the Citizens' Bank of PlalnB. drummers’samples; value *1.50 o *3.00, G a vs. J. T. Hagerson. 1 Tenants In possession notified in terms ot the law, this 8th day of Au gust, 1917. LUCIUS HARVEY, Sheriff. .ABIES' WHITE LAWS , 1EMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS 9e Utntlun. Think of It! Full regular sUp, ot GEORGIA Sumter County. rED ON CHARGE 11,1011 “ ‘ “TLmT.itch- To all whom It may Concern: OF SELLING INTOXICANTS ,olr 1 UB ty " e | w, Buchanan having applied c 8a 6 ‘ for guardianship of the persons and .J.J! : property of Jimmie, William, Bell and Estelle Pearlman, minor children of IMPORTED LINEN place, from the proprietor himseu. rve- S „ EET ING 9'r, corder Marshall Instructed Chief of Po- S ' Unen ghce[ln lice Johnson to take out a warrant for Attayh, which was done Immediately. He made bond. Attayh was tried In the City Court a few weeks ago on a similar charge, but was cleared on a technicality toungISt BURIED SATURDAY JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary and ex-offlelo Clerk C. O. The funeral of Benjamin L. Methvin who died at the Naval Training School at Portsmouth, Va- on Wednesday morning, was held Saturday morning .rough your bank or a! eleven o'clock at Pleasant Grove Organize auxiliary and hur P _ ^ ^ 28tb Dlgtrlcl , Rev . Paul ■ clrclc5 , an t, ‘ d Kt^at the miracle of Ellls . pastor of First Methodist church. enUy ' m n ay U h n e wrought officiating. The young man was bur- ‘“organize a "War Committee" dele- m h , g naval unlform . the auxiliary and plans _ ^ rellet In their efforts Sheriff’s Sale, OEORGIA—Webster County. lIEETi.su use. | WH1 be sold before the court house Linen Sheeting, guaranteed 90 inches door ln said county, on the first Tuco- and worth 11.50; suitable for suits, day in September, 1917, next, within the skirts and middies at 98c. ,legal hours of sale, the following prop- CURTAIX GOODS AT erty to-wlt: lviim r«i| v PRICES. I T,ie North half of lots land Nos. "Hemstitched bordered, E.amines 36'Eleven. Twelve and Thirteen In block nches wide tape edge, white and ecrue, C ln the town of Preston. Georgia, and value 20c, at 12 l-2c. , fronting on Clay street ln said town I VDIES’ St’SfXER of Preston, and bound as follows, v HOT WE 1R AT $1-5. ' Pound on the North by said Clay street, Values In this lot up to *2.25; sizes East by property of Mrs. Ura Stevens are broken but almost every size in South by property of W. N. Fussell and some of the lots; mostly 4. 5 and 6, West by other lands of H. W. Perry some of soft vlcl khl, others are ot estate. Said property Is levied upon . a tent leather-medium, low and high and Is to be sold under and by virtue heels oxford ties, Mary Jane or strap of a tax fl. fa. Issued from the tax col- ssndals- every pair to be sold at less lector's office of said Webster county, than wholesale prices. *1.25. j Georgia for State and County tax for sn INCH WHITE tho year 1916, and against H. k. Perry VO LE A? "or 1 estate, and will be sold a. property of Actual value 25c. and sold for that H . W. Perry estate. Tenants in pos- price In all other stores; forty inches .session notified In terms of the law. wide and a dependable quality, at 20c. Terms of sale cash. This Aug. 8, 191.. ° I C. M. CHRISTIAN, Sheriff. The Amerlcus recruiting station was , Z' relief, closed out of respect to the deceased, cil la their a(rort9 “ committee and A . M. Ferlllo. recruiting officer. Through this con ^ t0 pu , the gttendrf the funeral services. Inter- to 195 acres of land, more or less, of let No. 189. In tbe 18th district of Webster County, Georgia, same being tho lands In said lot belonging to Mrs. M. E. Leverett estate. Said property Is levied uon and Is to be sold under and my virtue of an Execution Issued from the Superior Court of Webster County, Georgia, ln favor of the First State Bank against M. L. Leverett ,the said M. L. Leverett being an heir at law of tho said Mrs. M. E. Leverett, de ceased, and will be sold as the property of the Bald M. L. Leveretto. Tenants In possession notified in terms of the lew. Terms of sale cash. This Aug. 8th, 1917. C. M. CHRISTIAN, Sheriff. For Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—Sumter County. To All Whom It May Concern, v International Harvester Co., having. In proper form, applied to me for perm anent Letters of Administration to be issued to H. E. Allen, Clerk Superior Court, on the estate of J. B, Summer- ford, late of said County, this Is to cite aji and singular the creditors and next o. kin of J. B. Summerford to be and aj’pear at my office within the time al lowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent adminlstra- 1 tlon should not he granted to said H, E Allen, Clerk Superior Court, on J, U Summerford estate. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 8th day of Augsut, 1917. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary. i H GEORGIA—Sumter County. The Calvert Mortgage Company will sell at 'public outcry before the Court House door ln the city of Amerlcus, Sumter County, Georgia, to the highest bidder for cash on the flrst Tuesday in September next within the legal hours of sale: One house and lot on Ashby street, fronting on Ashby street 68 1-2 feet and extending back South 93 1-2 feet tu lands of Mrs. E. Taylor, bounded as follows: North by Ashby St.; East by lands formerly owned by John Daniel; Vest by lands of Dr. F. A. Thomas and South by lands of Mrs. E. Taylor, all ln Amerlcus, Sumter County. Georgia. Said lot to be sold under the power o! Attorney in a security deed made by Tazewell Walker to the Calvert Mortgage Company on the 13th day of January, 1913, and duly recorded ln the record of deeds of Sumter County, Georgia, ln Book "L. L." page 34, by virtue of which, power of attorney the Calvert Mortgage Company will make tr purchaser a good title to said prop erty. Said sale to be in accordance with sold security deed which was made to secure 60 notes each for tho sum of »8.64, the first note due the 13th of Feburary, 1913, and one on the 13th day of each month thereafter for 60 months. The said Tazewell Walker has paid the first 37 notes, leaving nil the others unpaid and has also failed tc pay the taxes due on said property for thc year 1916 so that the same has btcome delinquent and under terms of the said deed referred to, Mortgage Company oxerclslni tlon expressed threin has declaM ;: \ principal debt secured by sold dr* gether with the unpaid Interest on due and payable at once, so there remains due by satd Tazewell Walker the sum of $398.12 and said sale of said property will be for the purpose of paying said debt and ex penses of this proceedings. August 6, 1917. CALVERT MORTGAGE COMPANY. GEORGIA—Sumter County. The Calvert Mortgage Company will sell at public outcry before the Court House door in the city of Amerlcus, Sumter County, Georgia, to the highest bidder for cash on the first Tuesday In September next within the legal hours of sale: One certain lot ln the City of Amerlcus, Sumter County, Georgia, on the South side of Ashby street and known as 203 Ashby street Said lot fronting 45 feet on Ashby street and rannln back South 130 feet of a uni form width and known as the G4bson Let Said lot to be sold under power of attorney in a security deed made by Marcellus Gibson to the Calvert Mort gage Company on the 22nd day ot March, 1916, and duly recorded In tha records of deeds Sumter County, Ga., In book P. P„ folio 430-1. by virtue ot which pewer of attorney the Calvert Mortgage Company will make to purch aser a good title • to said property. Said sale to he made ln accordance with said security deed which wan made to secure 72 notes each for the sum of $8.50, the first note due the 22nd day of April, 1916, and one on the 22nd of each month thereafter for 77 months. The said Marcellus Gibson haa paid only the flrst eight of said notes, leaving all ot the others un- pc Id and has also failed to pay tha taxes due on said property for the year 1916, so that the eame has became de linquent and under the terms of said • dted referred to, the Calvert Mortgage Company exercising their option ex pressed therein, lias declared the prin cipal debt secured by said deed to gether with the unpaid Interest thereon due and payable at once so that there remains due by said Marcellus Gibson the sum of $437.80 and said sale ot acid property will be made for tha purpose of paying said debt and ex penses of this proceeding. Aug. 2, 1917. CALVERT MORTOAGE COMPANY. •••••••••••••••••••I Want Column • ••••••••••••••••Ml I WANT TO DO YOUR line watch, clock and Jewelry repairing. Expert service and reasonable charges. R. S. Broadhurst, Jeweler. 110 Lamar St., directly ln front of postoOlce. 6—It Sparks Grocery Company PHONES 43 & 279 Always a full line of good things to eat from the Markets of the world. THE STANDARD DRY GOODS CO. Phone m. Cotton Ave. Sheriff's Sale.. GEORGIA—Webster County, i Will be sold before the court bouse 1 door In said county, on the flrst Tues day ln September, next, within the leinl hours of sale, tho following property, to-wlt; ' fll, A one-third undivided Interest la and AUTO TIRES VULCANIZED All work done by STEAM and every job absolutely GUARANTEED. When you have tire troubles phone 506, our service car is AL WAYS at your command. » IS* Americus Steam Vulcanizing Co. , J. W. LOTT, Manager REAR AMERICUS AUTO CO. Americus Taxicab Company DODGE and BUICK CARS Will Answer All Calls Promptly PHONE 825 COMPTOy & VAUGHN