Crawfordville advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 189?-1???, April 12, 1895, Image 4

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Medicine Or. In other words, Hood's Sarsaparilla, is a universal need. Ii good health is to be cj jleoted during the coming season the blood must be purified now. All the germs ot dis¬ ease must be destroyed and the bodily health built up. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the only true blood purifier prominently in the public •y* today. Therefore Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the best medicine to take In the spring. It tkill help wonderfully In cases of weakness, nervousness and all diseases caused by Im¬ pure blood. Get Only Hood’s Because Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the Public Eye Today. Taking Russia's Census In One Day. In tbo autumn of the present year the census of the whole of Russia will be taken in one day. For this pur¬ pose a committee, consisting of up¬ ward of 200 persons, has been work¬ ing more fhau two years, and the in¬ structions to the different provinces will be issued shortly. It is believed that in twenty provinces there are now upward of 47,000,000 inhabitants, whereas when the census was taken in 1860 in the sarno districts tlioro wore 80,000,000. It is supposed tlint the greatest increase of population 1ms taken place in the provinces of Kieff, Poltava, Khurkoff, Tamboff, Hnmara and Viatka and in the towns of Kieff Kharkoff, Odessa, Baku, Body and Klshineff. London Standard. In n tjnlck Lunch Knoin. Waiter—Did you get every thing you ordered? Patron Well, no. I muffed that, applo dumpling, — Detroit Free Press. IIAFTIST* IN IV A Mil INC TON, ftoiathern lln|»il«t« Will Go Hr Houthrm Kailwnr lo i Im* Annunl Convention in IIYe Tlu'ftouthnrn Rnp'Lt Convention l# affront convention, ami the Bout horn Hallway Ik ii great railway. From nlf principal iiolntu in the entire South round trip tie.kolH will lie hold via the Southern Railway to Wntdiingtoii and return, ivt rate of one fare for the round trip, on dnte* May 7th and 8 th, go *d Ufteen fifty*. The Southern Railway h the only railroad from the South railway enter ng which Washington. hint three dally It is the only through trains from the South to Washing South, ton. Including tho finest train in tho •The Vestibulod Limited." The Southern Railway Is the only railway which has Its genernl offices In W/tablrurton. And remember that the return schedules by the “Ihediuont Air Line" Southern Rail wav, ore as good as the going Hehvdules. for full Information communicate with any agent of this great system. Pino's (’ure Is the medicine to break uncidt ffren's Coughs and Cold*. Mrs, M. U. Blunt, Sprague, Wash., March 8 , "U4. i:\VIIME McELREES OF CARDUI.;: i > ^ _ < ► vk i > A 1; ps •SI Yju IM • V it n M WU1 sm-'S&P&EL' < 1 1 < -« _* i i For Female Diseases.;; Morphine Habit Cured IN 20 DAYS. NO SUFFERING. Nor any Money Not Required till (U’ltKD In Advance. SATISFIED. onecciit nn.l Come to see tue or write me ftt otv-n for term,. 13. A. SYMS, M. X>., ATLANTA, GA., 1117 All viindrr Ni. How Is Consumption Now Cured! hmiM fu.l, drerrltun, the IWnuet »nt Etm do •cpiteathm tu ROBERT nnVH.uLu.K: HUNTER, M. D.. ' ----- 1NE POSITION - MhM At Good. Imm 50 Guaranteed Y< ■■in ■ M'*n in tiT-xt Salaries l |0 Itnv* 1 S WW Writ* immM>iitt*!( f til • iROlA KMPMIYMKNT Bl’RKAl Mu .n. < •rjtu HIGHEST AWARD rpl WORLD'S FAIR, m U \.QD rVnTrn TO * k I L DrcT °t5T SUiTtU C Cq ND 1T10NS ,.•* •*blGESD'^ C ^'-^V ' s *>\ n Dyspeptic,Delicate.Infirm *• n , * r- and Avjl Arm Lu DFDCnMC i t H O U IN O -r 1HE CAFFCITFnns L- -J 1 I '-'UDlN THE SICK ROOM INVALIDS A\r CONVALESCE _c • ■'.of ..C. r~" ' 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ *—' ^Nursing Hothers.Infants^ CHILDREN ^ DRUGGISTS, John Carle L Sons.NewYo r y cuss mm ELSt FAILS. ■I Beet „ * Ooogh byrup. KMAwGv od. tm ■ la tls*& hn id by drugg:srs ON SUMPTION ifa ” My little girl has always had a poor ap petite. I have given bar Hood’s flarsap&rii la, and sines I have given It to her she has had a good appetite and she looks well. I have been a great sufferer with headache and rheumatism. I have taken Hood’s Sarsapa riila. I am now well and have gained In strength. My husband was very sick and all run down. I decided to give him Hood's Sarsaparilla and he began to gain, and now he baa got ao h« works every day.” Mm. Assi* DcsLar, 883 E. tthSt., 8. Boston, Mass. Leaves That Crawl. [ Among tho strange stories told about the wonderful things to bo found in Australia there is one of crawling leaves. English sailors ftrnt brought au account of this phenomenon. They were roaming along tho coast, when a sudden breeze shook down a number of leaves, which floated gently to the ground. The sailors were surprised at this shower, because it was not tho fall of tho year, but midsummer, and tho falling leaves looked fresh and green. But this was nothing to what followed. After a short rest tlioso ______ _ leaves began crawling along the ground toward the tree from which they came. Tho sailors were too much frightonod to stop and investigate, and one of the men said, iu relating tho adventure, that he expected every and minute to see tho trees step out dance a hornpipe. Fortunately, other travelers were not too much frighten- It ed to stop and examine tho matter was discovered that those queer loaves were really insects whioh live upon the iroon. * anti aro of trie flame color n« hod?e« .* , ,!£ mi i , n,4 and shaped 'like large leaves. When disturbed by a breeze ’ they fold their legs under their bodies, and then the leaf-liko shape, with stem and all, is complete. Not only are 1 hey bright green in summer, like the foliage of tho troos at that time, but tlioy actually change like tho leaves do to the dull brown produced by the frost,. Another peculiarity of these the insects is that when shaken to ground they seldom use thoir wings, After lying tlioro a few minutes, as though they were really leaves, they crawl to tho treo and ascend tho trunk, without seeming to know that they have the power to got hack to their quarters in a much easier and quicker wa y % _ Hriv Orleans Picar/une. Reading and Talking. Those who read largely are best fit¬ ted to converse woll, for they obtain from books and papers interesting matter for discussion. As to the mau uer, it oan bo acquired only by social mingling ffe with our fellows, A hermit efcnno* t>*poetod to no a good con versa tionalist. Whether iu simple talk or in tho higher forms of conversation, wo need to oouaider tlio preferences of othors and try to adapt ourselves to thorn. A real amiability will lend an iudefluahle charm to our speech. Al> ruptuesH, contradiction, all assumption of mental superiority, are to ho studi oualy avoided. Graciousness audeon sideration are requisite for those who would make themselves helpful and agreeahle. Children should been oouraged not only to listen, but mod estly bear their part in tho family talk, askiiig questions freely and relating thoir daily experiences ns older people do.— Jlarper's Bazar. I'reser' ing Ship Timbers. A novel process is being attempted at Camden, Me., to prosorve the wood of a now 1,400 ton schooner, now al¬ most ready for launching. All of the timber of tho inside and outside of the vessel has boon soaked in crude potro >«"'» (lr -V rot by expos j uro to thoftir and to prevent tho rav ages of the teredo worm in salt waters. Even the vessel’s beams have been I coated and the tips of the topmasts. It is expected that tho oil will become so thoroughly , soaked , , in . . tho .. schooner , .... s upper workfl that tbo water cannot penetrate through tho wood. Old wooden vessels which have been con verted iuto bulk petroleum carriers, after having outlived their usefulness in other trades, havo been known to last for years after becoming soaked with either crude er refined oil. Getting Mixed. “Things is gettin’ might mixed,Man dy.” said Farmer Corutossel, "mighty mixed. "What ^ the matter? s 1 he politicians air all try in _ to tell fhe farmers about far min, au the farmers air try toll tho politi tK '>ans about politics. Not named. 1 , ,, ,, . yo ” nK mRU , 1 Iho young woman. . 0, d ' J *“ ,M * ? migot. “But Q hetowld u me to come b«>k au ax bl ' turo <> h * d “ ‘ munnderstood the name.- H asfung tvn ’ (<lr ' Nothing to be Afraid Of. ; “It strikes me that vou are afraid of work," said Mr. Ttliinghast to the tramp who had asked for a quarter. “You do me au injustice sir/* nn\ re u'ied the wearv wsik.w “1 aSknl not will not hurt we.”—Judge. _____ Ills Reason. One of the most famous French ad rocates, I.anglois, w»s asked bv tho l resident . , . of , the , parliament , . of , I arts ■ rhv he took upon him to plead bad oe up He answered, with a smile. that he did it beriiu he had lost a great many good ones. Debonair Youth. Mamma—I hope yon said something pleasant when yon gave Tommy his ' birthday Rob-^-Yes’m gift? ; I told him it was one I had left over from last year, an’ I didn't oare nothing alwut it ever.— % " a*. STATE NEWS NOTES. (TlJ.I'.n FROM MANY SOURCKS BRIEFLY PARAGRAPHED. Happenings of General Interest to Georgia Readers. The salo of the Altamaha Cypress Mills to the Hilton & Dodge Lumber Company last week will result in 100 men or more being employed at once. The court's confirmation is all that is needed to start the wheels to turning. The annual meoting of the Royal Acranum of Georgia will be held in Romo on May 1st, and the Romans are already arranging to give their distin¬ guished visitors from all parts of Georgia a rousing and royal welcome. * • • About four hundred acres of water¬ melons have been planted in the ira mediate vicinity of Arlington and with a moderately fair yield; this means that about 130 carloads of melons will be shipped from this point the coming season. Tho oldest man in White county is Henry I timer. If ho lives until July ho will ho IlH years old. He is very feeble, hut persists in trying to do »ome farm work. He is a veteran im ner and lias dug thousands of penny weights of gold out of the ground in that county. * * * Ordinary Calhoun, at Atlanta, states that there lias been a fare and ono third obtained as tho round trip rate to the convention of Georgia onli naries, which will ho held May 8th, od Tybeo island, near Havannah. The attendance will ho very large, A ^ oM cuetom osjstH in white t uik1 hos bcon J pnt iut „ effect * (h() clmfjtise . ( d / roa( , workc „ by ' thoir f „ lnbor rs . Three or fo r mon wore “tanned , on a certain . . road , on „ Wednesday and the overseer himself f<jr bo, “8 lftto ftt work. Judge Falligant at Savannah has re fused to grant an injunction to the Savannah, Florida and Western rail road against the oity of Savannah, which has instituted proceedings for , the opening tho of a largo number this of j streets across tracks of road j in the southern part of the oity. The ease will go at once to the supreme court, Thomson will soon have two new canning factories, Dr. Reeso and ; Mr. Oscar Lee are building one near Dr. Reese’s residence, and Messrs. James Irving and Otie Hill are build¬ ing one on Hall stroet. Tho fruit and vegetable crops bid fair to be full and abundant this year, and these new en j terprises will greatly enhance their market value. Tbo outlook for the fruit crop is just now cue mosi interesting matter for j eonaideration in Georgia. When the j severe cold weather, storm, accompanied late this with “ snow snow came year ! before tho sap had begun to rise it j was at once predicted that the fruit i crop would ho larger than it had been ; for years. For the past two or three j seasons, fruit trees mild iuto forwardness springs beguiled and when the ; J cold spell a late came it caught the young lmds and blossoms in too ten | dor a condition to withstand the blight, J larded The blizzard of February this yoor re ■ the trees in their “spring open ing" and the blooms came late enough to escape tho effects of the cold nights of March and April. Altogether, there is promise of a full and abundant orop for 1835. Seventy and Fifteen. Mr. George Maun, a highly respect¬ ed and well-to-do citizen of Union ville, who iH 70 years old, was a few days charming ago happily united in marriage to a ami vivacious young girl of 15, named Miss Jackson. Quite 111 tuirngos, but . , they .. are hviR togetheron th<.farm of Mr ‘ Ma " n * on the ^ Towaliga rlvor -, They-teem , to be perfectly con genial m their relations. Another ® whioh m „ ke8 the marri age * 0 f tlrts couple more interesting • . .. ia . the .. fae . * h,t J ,,H 8on ’ ° e ?" M * D “ months ago married a sister of the bride. So you can see that Mr. Mann’s son is bis brother-in-law and his daughter-in-law is his sister-in-law, and his wife is the mother-in-law of her older sister. Convict Management Criticised. Tbo graml jnrv o{ 1)aiU , h(48 this to say of the convict camps in the county: “We believe that the con v iets at Cole City have not been fed „ u q 0 i B ,] as tho law contemplates for K ome time past. Tim beltef being based on a complaint of a large per cent, of the convicts. Some need better shoes. We believe that the medi cal treatment is reasonably fair, except at No. 2, where we found some com l laint Fnrlher , in regard to food, *. tecommtnd that the couvicU hav* ( , aoug b succulent food to insure their , utther recommend that all Sunday washing be done away with, and that 'each convict have a clean change of clothing once a week. We recommend that all corporal punish ment be administered by the strap as the law directs cwd by a persou of proper age and judgment. We fur (»■»*».■»>>««<“>■ victs by unntoesearv cnrMUg am tongue lashing be uiseontinuca, we call ftiteiitiou to the fset thflt there some guards who arc not vet twen ty-one years old.” ... • • • Bale of the Northeastern. The approaching sale of the North eastern road is cansing a considerable amount of discussion among Athen iaas. The sale is onlv a few davs ofl, ' to' and naturally they desire know what is going to become of the rati road which they were largely instrn mental in building. The recent sale of the Georgia iSonthern and Florida road is taken bv some to be at: inches tion of the purchase of the North eastern by the Seabostd *.th a view to 'onibiiiiug the tJeorgm Southern and Florida, the Macon and Xorthern and the Northeastern, and extending to Knoxville. At the same time, while these rumors are going around, the report is also out that should the state find itself without a bidder on the road to the amount of $300 000, a party of Athenians will form a com¬ pany and lease the road, as they re¬ gard it as a paying piece of property. Will Work Independently. The news has reached Savannah that the interest* in charge of the Central’s reorganization plan will go ahead with the work in hand, notwithstanding the action of the bondholders of the Sav¬ annah and Western railroad. This may mean no little trouble with the Central railroad property. Justice Jackson decreed two years ago that the Cenlral’s endorsement on the $7,755,000 consolidated mortgago on the Savannah and Western was valid. Should the property be sold separate¬ ly from the Central the latter might be held responsible in case the Savan¬ nah and Western did not bring the amount of the bonded indebtedness upon it. The committee in charge of the re¬ organization plan has made the state¬ ment that it went as far as possible with the Savannah and Western bonds, giving what they believed to be a_ fair of the securities. ’ On pro rata new this offer the committee says it will stand pat, that is 50 per cent in 4 per cent bonds, 25 per cent in first and 25 per cent in second preferred income bonds. The new Savannah and West¬ ern committee believe they are enti¬ tled to 4 per cents strs gh . If they do not get it they will nuve a separ¬ ate receiver and a separate salo of their road. The uffair has assumed a decidedly interesting shape, und the outcome will be wutched with no little interest by railroad men. A Big Colony Expected. Ex-Governor Northen and Mr. P. H. Fitzge rald, manager of the Soldiers’ Colony Club, of Indianapolis, returned recently from a trip to middle Geor¬ gia, where they went in the interest of the colossal colonization movement they have ri'cently eutored. There has been a great deal said lately about the work of ex-Goveruor Northen and the railroads in encouraging southern immigration. This last scheme shows to what a great extent tho work can be carried. For several month ex Gov¬ ernor Northen has been in correspond¬ ence with Mr. Fitzgerald, who was the organizer of the famous Soldiers’ Col¬ ony Club In tho northwest, and he finally succeeded in interesting Mr. Fitzgerald in the lauds of Georgia so considerably as to bring him down here on a trip of inspection and inves¬ tigation. and ex-Governor Mr. Fitzgerald Northen have just returned from a trip to that delightful land known aR middle Geor gia, one of tho most fertile and productive soils in tho south. They visited the counties of Mont¬ gomery, Dooly, Wilcox, Borrien, Ir¬ win and Dodge. The purpose of the trip was to (-how to Mr. Fitzgerald, the great ot4u sizor, what a tempting world of pltural lands is open to the hones ’-^'tor from tho north in that fai tion of the state. Mr. Fitzgerald t asked for an expression of opinion < the country lie had just visited. H. vas all enthusiasm at the outlook and declared that ho was de¬ termined to make a most favorable re¬ port of his visit when ho returns to tho northwest and goes face to face with the mefi who will como to this section of the south to find homes. “It is the very spot we havo been Uoking for,” said Mr. Fitzgerald, “and I am sure that there will be thousands of old northern soldiers who will take the offer that will be mado them through tho Boldiers’ Colony Club, and como to Georgia. “There is an abundance of land down in that section of Georgia for all our purposes. We want to get about 100,000 acres to start with and will have an option on 50,000 or 100,000 in addition to this. “I am in close touch today with at least 14,000 Leads of families who will be willing to oome to Georgia when they are made acquainted with the ad¬ vantages of this favored seotion as a place for homes. These families will average five members each, making at least 70.000 souls that will probably come here.” Ex-Governor Kemper Dead. Hon. JaineB L. Kemper, who was the democratic governor of Virginia from 1872 to 1B76, the important period of its history, died at his home in Orange county, Va., Saturday night. The de¬ ceased hud been ill for several years, and his death whs not unexpected. General Kemper was the first native governor elected by Virginia after the close of the war. ATLANTA MARKETS. COBKEOTKD WEEKLY. Groceries. Fotsted coffee 8 *.*) at 100 lb exsea Green —Choice St: fair lft'-i'e; *ie; prime lS’^'e. Snqsr— Stsiid.d grxnulx'ad 4 0 ff giwnnlated tqo; New Orleaa- white do. yellow ■<ynip—New ibiphi Orleans ojwn kettle 25®S0c;m:xe:l Teas—Black -ncirhotise 20yt35c- Bice—Head 80®65c; green LOi^SCo. 6c; Qfcoioa 5V.V. Silt--dairy, sick*, $1.40; do. bb s. $8.25; ice cream $1; common 70c. Ohees' — Full orcant 12* io. M*tohe< -tW.i 50c; ilrit $l.30«*l.75j »‘Os #175. Soda — H'xes Oc; ke<s 3c. Orackerx—Soda 54c; cream 8 * jc; Kingcr snstn 8 l ,c. C.ndy— Common stick 5* t ; fancy 12«t 1 24 . Orstcrs— F. W. $1.60; L. W. *1.20.' Powdar—Kegs $3.8*. Shot-$t.25. Flour. Grain and Mesl. „ ra ^,_ UM . pxteat ts.40. straight *3.15: fancy extra f»m - mixed Oau. jfo. timothy, 75ct barley, Georg:* 9^V*; r»i-«l aantUbtfos 8 c Hay. 8Sfc; 1 So. 8 timothy, »m.U hales 80e. Meal, plain Ootloa Seed ('5SS.W’ass.’s tie 100 lbs. Hulls, $6 Pens, sdeperbu. per Grits f3.2a ton. < ountry Produce. Ecg* (NetHX Dotter—Western Crc»merv, lintiOc; f»m-y T,-onrwe> 15«lSe. eh<Me- D 1 -; Georgia totftli^e 10<»l J».4c. Live t> u'.try—Tnr ¥ ht hen* 25@87V;e-, sprms ' ohiekens, !*rve. :>*,§S5e; medium p 'U - 1^ Irish txitstoe | Burbank *UM»JtiT5 iBtj|TV:. # K>!-. 90 ^*1 ¥ bn. Tennessee ba. Sweet pua'oes | *L»‘pta: hhi* *300 Csbb*«e 44@3:. Provisions, j clear rib rdn, boxed <c; ice-enrei bellies Snp»rmre«l festn< ttt@liv;c; Galilorni* | 2* c ' Pr> «kfxst b*i-«n i0 Si- L->d—tvst quxiit.; j •* qaxhly^^^’-l -■ f ^ 5 ^ Big Headed Women not Beautiful. A woman with a big head can never be handsome, much less beautiful. The “big head” that is sometimes ac¬ quired is not the soft referred to, but that actual largeness of skull and fea¬ tures which savors of disproportion when and can never be symmetrical shoulders. combined with feminine Websterian massiveness may please the Willards and the Somersets, though never the admirers of beauty and womanly grace, and to whom size means nothing intellectually, provided the gray matter has room enough to exercise its precise function. There is an antediluvian notion that the small head of the antelope or the deer signifies a type well followed by nature in the construction of fair women, and even if the present development of brains does physically affect the race, this standard must remain the truest and best while the Venus of Milo con¬ tinues to exist .—Boston Herald. A Case of Overtime. “Say,” said the office boy, “I think the boss ought to gimme a bit extra this week, but I guess he won’t.” “For what?” asked the bookkeeper. “For overtime. I was dreamin’ about me work all las’ night.”— Tid Bits. A*k Al«t> [f yon are troubled with malaria, constipa¬ tion, biliousness kidney trouble or dyspep¬ sia, of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, and it will be speedily forthcoming, Nervousness, loss of appetite and sleep, and a loss of vigor, are also remedied by this restorative. Phy¬ sicians of eminence indorse it, a valuable con¬ firmation of the ver.iict of the people and the press. Take it regularly. Tobacco so effects the brain that in many instances it almost renders one unconscious. Dr. Kilmer’s .Swamp -Root curat all Kidney and Bladder troubles. Parnphlot and Consultation free. Laboratory Binghamton, N. \ Innocent III exercised the greatest temporal pow er of any of the popes. CONFEDERATE VETEKANN. Way Encampment. Houston, Texas-Spe¬ cial Low Rates by Southern Hallway. On May 17th and 18th the Southern Raflw ay will sell from all principal stations on its me* excursion tickets to Hon-ton, Texas, and re turn at very low rates. Special accommoda¬ tions will be arranged for parties of sufficient, size. All desiring to go should communicate at once with some representative of the “Great Short Line Route.” _ State or Ohio, City of Toledo, ss. Lucas County. oath that , he the Frank J. Cheney makes Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney <fe Co., doing business In the City of said Toledo, Countv and State aforesaid, and that firm will pay tho sum ot ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of C-itarrh that cannot bo cured by tho use of Habi.’s Catarrh C ults. Frank J. Cheney. c worn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6 th day of December, A. D. 1886. , —, A. W. Gleason, REA L Nntaru Public i > . Ilall’R Catarrh Cure istftken internally surfaces and acts directly on the blood and mucous of the system. Send for testimonials, Toledo. free. O. F. J. Cheney & Co., ra^Sold b y Druggists, 75c. __ “A Frcsli English Complexion.’’ That healthy pink and white complexion, might Just as well tie the typical American if people would take rea onable care of their health. Ripans Tabules go to the root of the trouble, because a stomach in good order pro¬ duces good blood. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inff am (na¬ tion. allayspain,^-cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle JJy fppi h fi FT. 1 if ‘ , V--Z1 J s2 ONU bnjovs Both the method and results when Syrup and refreshing of Figs is taken; tho it is and pleasant to tapte, acts gently Liver and yet promptly Bowels, cleanses on the Kidneys, the effectually, dispels colds, head¬ sys¬ tem aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. only remedy of Syrup its kind of Figs ia the ever pro¬ duce!., ceptable pleasing the to stomach, the taste and ac¬ in its action to and truly beneficial prompt its in effects, prepared only from the most healthy excellent and agreeable qualities substances, commend its it many have to all and made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug¬ gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro¬ cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEIV YORK. I* *- / “Shave your Soap” l JT things. Now, in the what name the of common sense, s use? When you can get Pearhne, in powder form N for this very reason, why do you want to work over soap, which, if it's good for anything, gets very hard and difficult to cut. Besides, Pearline is vastly better than any powdered soap could be. It has all the good prop: erties of any soap—and many more, too. There’s something in it that does the work easily, but without harm—much more easily than any other way yet known. Beware Peddlers and seme tmscnrpniocj grocers will tell yen, "tats is as good as” or “the same as Pearline.” IT’S FALSE—Pearline is never reddled, if your grocer sends rou an imitation, be honest —stna it tec*. 393 JAMES PYLE, New York. USUAL PRICE, $15QPftAEB I»fliOB% ™ The AERMOTOR ANTt-FREEZINO THREE-WAY pump (us iew c *** 2 * 9 break, has %. TW T large air chamber, lias a very large spout opening, «in shat-off l«T«r attaclied. and be furzusbed by any dealer this side of the Rocky M-ub talcs ve price. Of coarse. H U better to go to aa Aertcotor agent for them. It is always better to go to an Aermotor any- thing yea may want which he haadleau As a rule he is a fcr«-class, live, reliable, wideawake fellow; that is he is ao Aermctor agent It 2a doubtfa! iL la oar entire list of thousands of agents, you can find one slow, stupid, b e h i n d -the- fellow. We famish also a SPECIAL AERMOTOR FORCE PUMP AT M.50, BETTER THAR USUALLY SOLO AT S8 OR 9IO. Seed lor Pomp Caiiiofua. Bvy acthin* bnt as Aerm«or Prop, and do net psy more ihxn Aermotor price* foe it. We protect the public. w« furnish it *cod eood* st low price*. We bar, Mriblished twenty breach hoes* in order tilt it m»y get goods cheaply and promptly. Yoa coo sett JO sr errn f-teresu by on oat oety Aenootor price* bnt Aermotor goods at remoter price*. Be sore sad see oar 0*« next week el s 9* Feed Cutter at $» AERMOTOR CO-, ChlpAgO. ■ You want the Best Royal Baking Powder never disappoints; never makes sour, soggy, or husky food; — never spoils good materials ; never leaves lumps of alkali in the biscuit or cake; while all these things do happen with the best of cooks who cling to the old-fashioned methods, or who use other baking powders. If you want the best food, ROYAL Baking Powder is indispensable. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 104 WALL «T., NEW-YORK. How to Get a Wife. Anstrian matrimonial advertise ments, according to a contemporary marked correspondent at Vienna, are by an acceptable humorous audacity. Here, for instance, is one that ran for six or seven days: “Wanted—A rich lady—no matter how old—who will finance a student of medicine until such time as he obtains his degree, when he engages to marry his benefac¬ tress. ” Another is quoted wherein a young with prince seeks a handsome girl a dowry of not less than $1,000,000. When the desired mate is obtained all one’s needs are apparently satisfied, judging from this advertisement for a purchaser for “a well-trained monkey, a talkative parrot and a beautiful, sympathetic cat,” which belong to a lady who, owing to her approaching marriage, has no further use for them. The most amusing of the advertise¬ ments quoted by our contemporary is, however, that of the very Irish peru quier who makes wigs for “men of in¬ tellect, philosophers, scholars and phy¬ sicians, whose severe mental labor in the cause of humanity has filled their brains with genial ideas, while depriv¬ ing their heads of their natural capil¬ lary envelopes.” These “artistically 'finished wigs,” the advertiser contin¬ ues, “while extremely useful are high¬ ly ornamental, are guaranteed abso¬ lutely invisible to the spectator. They can be seen any day in my private show rooms .”—Philadelphia Press, Engraving by Dynamite. Some officers at the naval station at Newport were testing a now fuse. In some way a small dried leaf had slip¬ ped in between the dynamite cartridge and the iron block on which the cart¬ ridge was fired, and a perfect imprint of the leaf was left in the metal. The discovery was afterwards used in dec¬ orative work, and the process is found so accnrate in operation that even the veins in the petals Of flowers can bo reproduc-S—*, metal. Political Investment. “What is a vested interest?” asked one of the lawyers who was examining a candidate for admission to the bar. “Well—er—I suppose you have a vested interest when you are compell¬ ed to pawn your vest,” replied the candidate, who was somewhat impe¬ cunious. — Texas Siftings. Good for Trade. Kitchen maid (at the crockery shop) — “What! only one florin tip? Dur¬ ing the past year I have broken three soup tureens, twenty-six cups, thirty five saucers, five meat dishes and fifty six plates.” NEW SLEEPING CAR LINE To Brunswick* Via Central Rnl ronil, Georgia Southern and Florida and Plant System. Commencing Monday, April 1st. the Central Railroad of Georgia, in connection with the Georgia Southern and Florida and Plant sys¬ tem, will put on a Pullman sleeper between Atlanta and Brunswick. Leaving Atlanta every evening 7 p. m., and arr v© Brunswick 6;50 a. m., to accommodate the vast amount of travel to Cumberland and St. Simon’s Island •luring the summer. In addition to this train there will be a train leaving Atlanta 7:30 a. m., and arriving Brunswick 8 p. m This will visit lie good news to the many Atlanta people who Cumberland end Sf. Simons during the summer. Close connection will be made at Brunswick with boats for Cumberland and St. Simon’s. For full and reliable informa¬ tion F. J. a pply Kobinson, to S. B. Webb. 0.1>. and T, A. T. P. A. 16 Wall street, Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. Eclectic. A’a. I know Tetterine to be a radical cure for Tetter, Salt Rheum, Eczem v and a 1 kindred dis^a^es of the Skin and Sea p. I never pre pcribu anything else in all Skin troubles. M. S. Fielder, M. D. Sent by mail for 50c in Htamp’4. J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga. CUristian Endeavor. The Christian Endeavor convention which meets in Boston, Mass., July 10th-15th, has already aroused a great deal of interest. The committee of arrangements have been granted the use of Boston common for a big open’ air meeting of a patriotic meeting July 4th. Governor Greenhalge, Dr. Don¬ ald McLauriu of Detroit, Dr. S. Smith, the author of “America,” and several other prominent persons will be present and speak. Dr. Smith is to write a special hymnt at; for the convention. The singing the common meeting will be by a choiff of 2,0f*0 voices, assisted by an immense; orchestra. Fully fifty thousand Chris¬ tian Endeavorers will take part in the meeting, in addition to the outsiders who will bo attracted by the novelty of the occasion. Like an open book„ our faces tell the: -i /ytale of health dis¬ or u ip' ease. Hollow cheeks: and sunken eyes,. y listless steps and! languorous 1 o o k a tell of wasting de~ * I bilitating disease; some place in the: body. It may be one place or another, the \Vt cause is generally traceable to a com¬ mon source — im¬ * pure blood, and im¬ S.J pure blood starts in the digestive Golden organs. Medical Discovery 1 Dr. Pierce’s purifies the blood, stimulates digestive wher¬ action, searches out disease-germs whole body ever they exist and puts the into a vigorous, strong and healthy useful flesh, con¬ dition. It builds up solid,- the rubs out wrinkles, brightens eye* and makes life really worth living. W. $3 L. Douglas Lj kIs. cordovan; FRENCH ft ENAMELLED CALF. *4*3.5? FlNEGALF&KANGARMt PHTl ) *3.50 POLICE,3 SOLES. pfe.. 1 boysSchepiShoei ■LADIES R?S!?BS53BEfe. BRO CKTOH,I^A3S/^ Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes A1I our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom shoes In style and fit. Their wearing uniform,—stamped qualities are unsurpassed. eol«» The prices are saved on From $i to $3 over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we Can. AN OLD-TIME REMEDY IN A MODERN TORN. RipansTabulas TUB LATEST, MOST EFFECTIVE DYSPEPSIA CURE Pocket Edition Of a Stiaiard Medicinal Prescription. That is: The same ingredients In the form of TABULES Instead of Liquid. RipansTabulas A single one gives prompt relief. Ri¬ pans Tabules, price 50 cents a box. At nruggists or by mail. RIPANS CHEMICAL CO„ 10 Sprues St., New York. Notice to Mill Men SfsgTiwliii* ? |’SS ,to “ 4 * for catA | I LIVER ^ J jufly ^ PILLS j f| * ATONIC PELLETS. TREATMENT for Con«tipjitloB Bilioasaesf* and At all stor«$i,or by m*i] *c. double box; 5 double boxes $1.00 nKOWN JIF’R C’O.a Now York City. DALESMEN HEP to sell oar goods by samples to tbo and retail trade* os sell on sight ’o everv business man or firm; lib¬ eral salary, rrouey advanced for advertising sad peases: permanent position. Addrees, with wamp. imp. KING MFG. CO., D 41, Chicago, UL — A.N.C Fifteen. Vo