Newspaper Page Text
m i 1 i t
Social and Personal Happen
il'* ® rt 'S
L. Biiai MrS - «pei.ition Seb0rn Acrce l't> .; 0, Wh0 J ,C “ b3d ° r a Zr
; J-enme ago and «ho has b*en been
j? lle Slck > w 111 1 110 ln »*
The Southern league of base ball
^c£Tubs have commenced to play. Isow
Ctlie Aiav small (and some of the old) boys
begiu to whoop.
this} week, and Hr. White
A ill probably have to sweep out his
> « dice twice this week. This is awful
- on the Doctor.
mJ One way to establish smoke houses
,-ein this country, is to substitute a pig
A -in place ibis section. of every dog at every bouse
Il is predicted that the fruit ciop has
passed the irost line, and it is sale to
predict that an abundant crop will be
ma( j e>
The down passenger train on tb«
Georgia Railroad was delayed several
liours on last Friday, owing to the run
off of a freight train at EUhonia.
A colored debating society in this
county some time ago discussed Hie
question, ‘T)id Major Smiths barn
ia urn up or down V' It was decided
that “It did.”
A number of persons from Crawford
viile will attend the annual picnic to be
held at Miller’s mill, in Hancock coinv
iv. next Saturday, if the weather shall
Foot iooiractu racin" was popular , . one day , ; last
among tit o>... . • - * J
Jack Beazley, Clarence bodes b
Mitchell, Char he Smith, Dr. \\ lute and
others, figured as sprinters.
Miss Lula Boone, a charming
lady from Atlanta, is visiting Lev. K.
E. L. Harris rnd wife, and other
friends, and will prolong tier visit
several weeks.
A part of the wagon road that goes
from the house of Mr. F.. D. Hadaway
towards Mr. S. X. Arne’s, in this
■county, has been changed, and the way
is now much better than il was before
the change was made.
Judge J. W. Roberts, tvito has been
quite sick, and about whom there has
been considerabie.anxiety,;is much bet
ter, and intends to return to Craw
fornville shortly,
On Tuesilay night of this week,some
miscreant cut the belting and destroy¬
ed other property at the steam wood
saw of Messrs. Bell & Shipley in Ilar
lent. As jet there is no clue to the
paily that did the atrocious act.
A number of our citizens are fond of
fishing. They often go out with bloody
designs against the denizens of the
“crick ” and return with about three
dollars’ worth of experience and .’5
cents worth of fish.
The town council did not hold their
usual Monday morning reception this
week. So we have not heard any
we eping aDd wailing and guashiug of
teeth, which signs are usually mani¬
fested bv th»se who have been fined.
It was reported Monday morning
that the rivers were a little full (in
consequence of the rains). AVe would
advise the rivers not to do any damage
when they are “full,” for the county
jury may get after them.
Mr. Edward Ostnus,
the well-known music house of Ludden
A Bares, of Savannah, is in town. Hitt
business is tuning pianos. Be is a
most excellent violinist. He has given
exhibitions of his skill at the Hotel.
■yr these performances Master Roland
Andrews with much credit to himself
nas nlaved the *U- piano accompaniments,
the ™ Georgia road ml leave Aag " ,» st
thirty-live minutes later than 11 ‘•o® 8
now aud it will discontinue running to
Union Point.
The travel beyond Harlem has not
been sufficient to warrant this
running beyond that point. After
next Sunday the terminals of the “Pic”
willl be Harlem and Augusta.
Our Annual Picnic.
The annual Urawfordviile Baptist
*h„„l pi»ic «m
S|lS'(” &.), lo Cordial Greeoe coooty,
on Nlay 30, this year. neigh
tions will be given to the other
Schoo*^ Participate. _
iVYopkiSFaftfcid. boring Sunday
! The Memorial Exerciser.
The Memorial exercises that were
held at Crawfordvilic on April Ai Were
excellent. Credit was reflected upon
all who participated. From sotiHi cause
the old veterans did not have their an
»<»«• acting. This was sadly
miaswl 1>y ma " y ’ At abdut
oV ,„ek. p . t ,.e pe( , pIfi assembled a.
- he Court House. Mr. \V. C. Andrews
was t!ie lirst speaker. Ills remarks
\ V< »|*e appropriate, ami tv ore well re
eo j V e<|. Before concluding he
duced Col James Davison, of
boro. Col. Davison's address was well
delivered, and eons.sted oi well chosen
words ami thoughts. He has the happy
f ^ ul,y of conveying h« ideas in lew
word?. Every thing that lie says i> to
(}i(> J)ojnt . Among others liis aihisious
t0 Alexander Stephens were well put
aiu} he . mi j v received,
Alter the speeches ul the Court
House :i ptoccasion formeil, headed by
the children of the Stephens High
School, and marched to the grave of
the lion. A. II. Stephens. Just here
Mr. ( harlie Bergstrom should he coni
plimented on his efficiency as a drum
uier. (>n every memorial occasion he
kindly voiunteers to act. in this eapa
eitv. When Mrs. -Stephens’ grave was
VPa j.hed a very pretty song was render
e( j ], v a so ] e cted choir. After this many
;[ 0 wets were placed by loving hands on
„,-a v e of the illustrious Commoner
Then the procession re-formed, and
marched to the cemetery, When the
latter was reached a prayer was offered
|, V llev. V. \Y. McClesky. Aftci this
the people scattered over the cemetery
to decorate the graves of soldiers and
others with flowers. During this time
the tear was seen trembling in . many an
ove. Mattv were thinking of the boys
: wore , ho y 0Ulcrs weve think
^ .
q{ olher f iul8 . « omelimes meu
wUAme(l <)f deceilful pra ise that
mter, but no man need be
., sh a , nc d of a tear that he sheds.
II. F. White:, M. D.
A Sad Death.
Veazey Las: Sunday breathed morning her last. Mrs. She R. had L.
been sick about a week. She was
about twenty-eight years old. She was
the daughter of Mr. Adam Ilcrtel, of
Powelton, and had been married about
live years. By this death a young hus¬
band mourns, and two young chitdre
become motherless. We tender our
sympathy to the bereaved relatives
and friends.
A Sociable.
A sociuhle was given at the residence
of Rev. R. E. L. Harris last Friday
night iu honor of Miss Lula Boone,
a visiting young lady from Atlanta. It
was a very enjoyable affair. 11 was
well attended. Instrumental music
was well rendered by Mrs. B. E. L
Harris and other young ladies A
number of games were played, fcev
oral of these -antes are dear to the
hearts-of all young people. Rev.
Harris and wife make excellent hosts
and enteithiner The young people
are always glad to go to a sociable at
Mr. Hairis’ residence.
“To pluck the mask fiotn the face of
the Pharisee, is not to lift an impious
band to the crown of
lolte Bronte.
44TI)e biggest, the most persistent
aD j re ,„orseless thieves are not in the
oonviet camp, but in mansions where
tbev fare sumptu o — lsly every
Dr. J. B. Ilawth o -< ne.
wicked . theipem- .
“The , men are noun .
they are m the churches.
The crmi:oai ‘' ' ve C0nV!Ct are “ ot
men from whom society suffers are the
coW> se lflsh, calculating creatures, who
not oa!y keep cIear 0 f the courts, but
seek the churches and deceive
^ they deceive themselves, and
I to { ] ece ive the Almighty.”—Chief Jus
“There is not a church on the u face r of
j ibe green earth, which would keep in
its service a minister who would dare
j to go the limits of Christian obligation, soeieiy if
jj e wotild be ostracised from
te dare „ 0 lenslh , to u,e
of helptoj aod opllftiogtbe poor-bid
Christian character prescribed. —Dr.
J. B. Hawthorne.
| ----——-
i Advertise in this paper.
Pcrxcttal and Newsy w jp ml
Gathered l'n by Traveler.
Kad, rainy weather for Severn days
pas! m
Farmers arc eettinar ~ up wit| thuir
Wl „. I
Very little business doing at MM
vnon *) ,u - ' l- - •° “^‘ L * j
Mr. Tolly Taylor is nirsiiiiles again
Another flue baby boy at his home.
Mr. W. 11. Baghy and family . .sited
»* btst Sunday, also Mr. J. T.Ta|%
jjr. ■ W J. Kilington is another pr«d
man ■ »»•* «t« “ >•> v •.
Mi\ T. F. Kendrick, of Shar#t|i6js
sullenng vciv much with his t'yes iit
present. . ,
Mr. Boli Edwards, our efficient Tax
Coileeter.and clever Love .Brakofwerc
in Sharon this week.
Mr. Bell Thompson, of Xonvoal.nas
moved near Barnett, and is engaged in
Several deaths reported recently in
the surrouudiuf country, also n igootl
deal of sickness.
Mrs. A. Nf. Bagby and dattghur, .pt
near Barnett, arc visiting Mr*. Hosti
Taylor this week, of Taliaferro.
Mrs. Ada Fate, of Augusta, is xisiW
ing friends and relatives iu H'anei®®
Taliaferro at present.
Mrs. Florence, Sharp, of Barnottj Jp
visiting her sister Mis. Macro Id ceiWopf
Moroe, Ga , at present. ■
Mr. Frauius Taylor, of Sharon,!
been iptite siek for some time, bill ■
some better at this time.
There have been a good many
ing frolics in Taliaferro the past
and .1 good many lish caught.
The new Jenning Baptist
Pea Bidge, Taliaferro county, is uhotw
completed. Lev. T. B. West is t 1
Mi -s Mintin''Battle, of liternet:,'
about reeovered.from Iter recent ill¬
ness. Aliss Loulajls still sick in u
lauta. <
Oki Salem Baptist Sunday School at
Baruett, has come out of \\ tu ter
quarters and put on her spring elotlijes.
A very ‘good attendance is reported.
Col. C. C. Carrol returned to It its
home near Ililltnan last Saturday from
Lexington where he lias been visiting
Major Roane. Crist don’t like Letting
ton much, and we don’t think he will
go there any more soon.
Quite a nice crowd of ladiesand cltil
, 1 ICU attended- the memorial exercises
in , - rawfor< | v i!| e last Friday, hut we
are so) ry to say that very few of the
old veterans were out, and all could
, mv(J lurne(1 oul for Utey could Il0l
work in the farm.
Mershown,one ’ of Shardn’s
young business clerks , caught , . .
negro s.tmc eight or ten years
0,(1 « (| :ahng money of .). A- Kefidrtek
this week. This boy has been at these
tricks for sometime. He will be in the
chain gang next thing.
The convention of the Southern
A.^oeiation will convene at
Washington, L>. C., May !»b., and
continue in Session until May Kith,
The Georgia Railroad will sell round
trip tickets May 7th and Hih at oue
fare. J hey have perfected
tiitDb with the Atlantic Coast Line for
operating through Pullman Palace
skeping CaM , rora Macon,
Augusta t0 Washington.
Lansing|Burrow , and the Idylle Crewe,
\ ‘ t<t ^ =
; ^ r th h slecnfcr i* aR , c „.r cr8
A ‘‘ f D H “ n( ”. Y ’ the Georgia
' d al)d its branches will take
Y \,i m ta at
1 will^counect
W Thev with the
' ’
through sleeper . at Camak. ( . , Writc 10
- any of the undersigned for any further
I information. This rate is open for
j j visitors advise as well that as delegates. will attend You
should us you
j a<1 soon as possible, so we tan ^ure
you sleeping car accommodations.
I „ „ s ,, A Augu „ a Ga.
. . ,
Jm „ T. P. A. Ao s mta, Ga.
yy. W. Hardwick, P. A. Macon, Ga.
J W. KikkdAND, P. A. Atlanta, Ga.
A. G..Jackson, Gen. Pass. Agent.
Down n th« »»f tiu* fuotovy’s gloom
They gat’:t-T nJ v-irly Hawn,
Where- i! v cense‘css whirl 01 swindle and
* loom
Go<*.s on and on and on.
And tin* god of gold in tho taint . d air
An invisible Moloch stands.
As ho watches the fabrics wevni there
With the toil ol‘ childish hands.
Backward and f«r\var<l, over and iij»,
S;catiily still tacy
lint • fit y hold n> flic lips a hiffor cup,
Whose dregs a.v the dregs of woe;
For the. !u>|ats <>i ,vout.ii grow taint urn I die,
1B-M fast in tii. se iron band ,,
Ami iho cold, hard world ha* never a sigh
For tin* patient, childish 1 winds.
A}) , yi ., u hose darling it. iio%v«ry ways,
Know .iou«fn el'grim despair,
t t:; jr. SKirsfr-s
\V lu*rc never a cooling xepliyr conics
through tin* factor,\ s stilling breath,
Where' the looms weave on trul the spiiullc
In a Ircadmill round to tlcath.
And onward, onward, upward and hack
In the close and crowded rooms,
Iu a dizzy race, on an endless track,
(do spindles and shafts and looms ;
Till the angel of death, with fateful glass.
Shakes out the dusky sands
As the merciful, longed-for shadows pass
OTcr worn-out childish hands.
Smyiiku in Grander Age.
rnoiiiiiiTroN avokk in gkok
01 A.
“Unsolved hv the officers and mem¬
bers of the Executive Committee of the
Georgia Prohibition, That the J ’resi¬
dent of this us,social inn lie authorized
and requested lo subdivide the counties
of the State into live or more districts,
having refetenee to centers possessing
line best, railroad facilities, and call and
arrange for Temperance Conventions
during the spring and summer as may
most practicable: And that the Ail¬
niial State Convention be held in Al¬
lanta during the second week of the ses
ton oi ' thfi tieuen * 1 AB8Cn,bl >’ ia ( > l °
per next.”
| In conformity to the above resolu
^,1611 a convention is hereby called to
-n' in .-Vltena oil .Mat Ike lath at S
o'clock p. m. 10 continue thiough the
day and night of the ltlth to devise
plans for completing the work of Pro¬
hibition in Georgia. The following
counties are especially invited to sentl
delegates: Kabul-', While. Habersham,
Hall, Banks, Franklin, Hart, Elbert,
Madison, Jackson, Gwinnett, Walton.
Oconee, Clark, Newteit, Jasper, Pnl
nutn, Greetle, Oglethorpe, Morgan,
Taliaferro, Warren, McDuffie, < olmn
bia, Lincoln, Itockdale, He Kalb and
Let the Executive Committees of
these counties either appoint delegalos
or cali county meetings to do so, and
every temperance organization as well
as every church in these counties, are
10 "ted . to send delegates, am) pastors
aud mmisters as well as every man end
woman willin'* to help in this great
work arc invited lobe present.
An interesting programme will b<
arranged from the beginning to tne
endi Distinguished speaker- will be
nvite a to address the convention. Dr.
j 1{> c.’atubrell has pnmised to address
u, ( , (jyrivenuon on the evening ol the
15lh at 8 o’clock.
Xow let the friends of the cause rat
ly to this movement, lo the end that
the sale of intonating liquors as a bev¬
erage in Geoigia shall soon be a thing
of the [last.
C. R. PniNClLE,
President Georgia Prohibition Ass’n. j
A Booster with Whiskers.
Mr. J. M. Whitaker, of Harlem, has
a rooster that supports a very large
growth of whiskers. They are fully
two and a half inches long. Mr.
Whitaker says he intends to tarry him
the Exposition in Atlanta this fall
hl ! ih :i
“Preach the word; be instant in sea
I wn aDfl out of reprove, rebuke
exhort, with all long-suffering anddoc
trine, for the time wilf come when they
; will not endure sound doctrine; hut
< after their own lusts shall they heap lo
them selves teachers having itching
GEORGIA—Taliaferro County.
xi/HEREAS, KOward Croake, l- x'^ ,| ’ tor
I Bt^^^court ffTfcis’peUtion'tDdy that h<- )'>'!. A' irf d
and entered on ,r>.-cortl, JSfKItTIlk
jgwj his adminijtrat:«n and
charged letters from of dismission o.. tne hr* ra¬
Ordinary Mist.-rro County
So Simple.
Nine times
°y of ten
' ®mil^M|j':1 Ts®| ,M| * ovt ^'-nwc of sorts are
6 o,ir trou *
ll be
■ ■ r r m
ijjMSSra&vJi:!! liable by that old rc
S3S3 u *
mm m 9
which for more than 20 years
has been curing" many people | i
of Dyspepsia, biliousness, Ma
laria, Impure Blood, Neural¬ I
gia, i ieadachc, Liver and Kid¬
ney troulties. It’s the peculiar
combination of iron, the great
strength-giver, with selected
vegetable that makes remedies Brown’s of Iron true :
Bitters so good for strengthen- j
ing and purifying the system.
It is specially children—it good makes for women them j
strong and rosy.
Brown’ll Iron Differs Is fd<v»sant fo take,
ami it will not stain the tcctii nor muse
constitution. Sec the crossed red lines
on Five tlw wrapper. Our Look, ‘ H«*w to
a Hundred V cars," tells all ubout it;
tree for tie. stamp. 60
Brown Cuumicai. Co.» RAi.TIMOIUt, MD.
W W W W W W W \V W W W \\ r
Wc arc now prepared to
club the
I A DV0?A m E
together, for one year, for
Now is flic time to take ad¬
vantage of this offer,as we
cannot say how long this
proposition will stand
A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ tA
50 cents
a year,
fora limifcd number is tfie
pi ice of the
Rational Watchman,
The Leading Reform Journal,
Published at the National Cn/^laf.
It is a neatly-printed sixteen
page journal, and should Le
read \)f every rctormeT.
Sample Copies Cent on Application,
„« „ = FARMER
To do without The Atlanta Weekly Con¬
The Farm Question Box
Answers thoufaodn of quevtioati through
omt scieutlflc the ytVAr according to ti»*j well iMsftt ami high¬
est authority, of an aft with tiie
keen farm perception long experience in all
The Constitution’!
Prize Acre Crops
For 1805 are attracting wide attention Are
you ia the contest ? Have you not entered
jut ? Blanks for crop report* furnished free
on illustrate application. to Help neijr/ifiors voanwJf the and advantage help to
your This
of enlightened method In cultivation.
lenot uook farming; it ia an aotuxl .Vo field
contest open V* all n:b*crIL«r». entry
fees required. Send for sample oopy. heud
for particulara.
Atlanta, Ga
j | Jl., (7 s "BUT or rut ^ bpiMA
,. *t.(H -1 ^ ——
I MoiIuiin&s
6 ASH>
NO. 2 f WV
y (i
? r Send for .1 samp!.' cope of THE A rt-AN T A
I-very farmer is invited to enter the Cotton, great
a pri/x* crop content for acre crops of k
V Corn, Tol a- < o, Watermelons, Turnips.
\ $100.09 CASHES* 4
X for crop report furnished free on aj nlir ation. X
w No eutrv tee required. I lit' offer is no in w
# the interest of raising home supplies as ell L
I as to illustrate the agricultural resources and V
independence of our country. Open to all *
subscribers. New subscribers receive tlie fj
m • benefit of any clubbing offers or contests *
W now running. Send in your < 'vn name and 9
A six of your neighbors tor full particulars. k
Atlanta, Oa. T
<£► m *
ffi A WEEK’S if
Krml a postal oarttwiih ynnr name ntnl M
si* "1 j our neighbors fi r .1 .- .in.-t copy of 1
The Atlanta Weekly Constitution
Newsy, Hrlplit, Than, I'uto Date. I »-m 1
Dopartmont. <’liiMren’s und bcst.f'.eneral rage, Wiun.ii'sj hm
Kingdom. J»irg**st io \
newspaper. I’nder able editorial nitma^c
ment. Lareo eoips of dlstin^tiUnod eon
tributora. ICvery issnu eontuins < liara 1 -
tcririt.ic articles ii’oni .Joel (’handler Harris,
Dr. T. DoWitt Tttlm.tjre. Knuik L. Man¬
ton. Bill Arp, Sarge i'ltinkefct, Uob<Tt
Bedding’, an.f other writers and aiivllora
of note. Send 1
Great premium features for 1KJ)5. |
for sample copy and particulars.
M-- • .....a a
♦-•-== zr~.zx
K\mw. L mm\ • i
1 OF 1895 .
VOU Y st-ilk N^FD THE IntcrnltTqiml NEWS ”f "ir Cotton thi-.»
Jo! Exposition You j
I y-*,.r. You ore ("otniMl? to visit It. tpflv
I want iittt-rrn jtion of tit - ---.non tt : in t-- t
: sot ure 1 >« h IvarCao-ous Inv- strm nt of yoor i (
1 | monev-,- to :u ■ ept Yon oil-' *!'■- t .1’' i-mpL-y- *>* a f
f mrfil Iff* n- s ,ut work for too j
j mifshft.. -iS«t i! , ut-ifi, - vt y
•year in
Tlie Atlanta Weekly Constitution, j
tiesldi": noWB, you will also rrnJ the
I hi,,y,.st. hri«tm-M, hi st Snutlu-rii newspiyu-r.
! offer-, xl premiums |..r 18,5- Send
I tor catal.iRuu :ittd fur sumple cony free.
,he U.IIII- • ->( six of youi netelibors«nA help
out your coinwunity.
the constitution, (ia.
it: - '"r- ......=?— ■
I Medals) 'I
<( Prize Reclamation !*ll
♦ * ♦ *
i’rovMo your Hcliolar with Jnnr
tlv«M to h »obool til Ay anil tJiroujfhout iucTQaHp t-‘m inter**
it Jn iiiiluit your v. .Silver uiid Gold Med y»*ur lift * lur ||
i ni«ti(fii upon :ulvintawe<> with i't< work im toall o j
L ;i»Tier» wlj/> oan Bt-tio coin
{j \ -i |>ly TlliB with KpCPUti every • omllt/on l/AiOiror l« of ULlflH t,lw la vi * !, [J| ’
- j ! pl hcIiooI hoys and t;Iri8 of ,
! fi»tc*r«*Kt of the
I Hi 15. The ConHtitutlon’H Boll of Honor 1
j will tm lull, it will coutAii. the nameH
<n nil tin* medal wlrmern.
Send for particular* and send wltil ill
your own na-’io three other teocher.j
whom you winh to hcmfdit.
Atlanta, ■ tii.
1 ^
. i.--—
* sample copy of itb WEEKI.Y free
upon the load application. the BIGGEST. It LRIGH j5. TES r c cT? T,
Special di l-artmi nt-. for the F arm ana I
Household News of ih f.olton Sl»te* I
Infernaliohil Exposition, i mportant ne- ■
velopments in field, none an. e-rest, trac- I
southland. in;; the magic urov/th of He (Jitat sunny |
You Can’t D* Without It.
This year »r*>t»lv e s un-'uat activity.
Markets an! manufactures will he opentjjl
up to supply the v an* of the with people. • - ‘
right in the march. Keep up the re¬
cession. Send tor sample copy.
Atlanta, P
Below will be found a list of paper 3
1 which we will club with this paper at
the following prices:
National. Watchman, 81.25
People’s Party Paper, 1.25
Chicago Express, 1.50'
Weekly Constitution, 1.50
Southern Cultivator, 1.50
! American Nonconformist, 1.5*