Crawfordville advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 189?-1???, August 16, 1895, Image 3

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Impure Blood !TS^rsiCSt“S cause pal/i and annoyance. By purifying tho blood Hood’s Sarsaparilla completely cures these troubles and clears the skin. Hood’s Sarsaparilla overcomes that tired, drowsy feeling so general at this season and gives strength and vigor. Remember Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the only true blood purifier prominent¬ ly in tlio public eye today. $1 ; six for 95. Hood’s Pills care tion. habitual Price 25 cents constipa¬ An Up-to-Date Theme. “Well, Miss Yaesar, I suppose you are busy on your graduating essay?” “Yes.” “What is your subject?” “ ‘The Comparative Merits of Bona¬ parte, Trilby and Bicycling.’ ”— Har¬ per’s Bazaar. A Ghastly Spectre Disease is ever, but in no form is It more to be dreaded than in that of tho formidable mala¬ dies which attack the kidneys and bladder. Bright’s disease, diabetes and gravel may alike be prevented, if inactivity of the kidneys i-> rectified in time with Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, sovereign also in cases of rheuma¬ bil¬ tism, dyspepsia, constipation, malaria, iousness and nervousness. The more honesty a man has, the less he af¬ fects the airs of a saint. Dr. Kimer’s Swamp-Root cures ali Kidney and Bladder troubles. Pamphlet Laboratory and Binghamton, Consultation N. free. Y. Heaven will be inherited by every man who has heaven in his soul. They Cure The Cause. Most of the di«com fort in life comes from the stomac h. You’ll admit that without ar¬ gument. The proof is in your own stomach. A great many seemingly different disordered diseases come from the common cause—a stomach. is natu¬ ral that they should nil be cured by one medi¬ cine. Ripsns Tabules not only- cure the dis¬ ease—they cure the cause. dyspepsia, biliousness, headuche, They are good for dizziness and all constipation, stomach, liver and bowels. troubles of the Drugg.sts sell them. Tobacco Tattered and Tom. Every day we meet tho man with shabby olothes, sullow skin and shambling footsteps, holding out a tobueco-palsied hand for tho ehurity quarter. Tobacco destroys manhood and the happiness of perfect vitality. No To-Bac is guaranteed to cure just such eases, and it’s charity to make thorn try. Sold under guarantee to euro by Druggists every¬ where. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., New York City or Chicago. A Prominent Doctor Spunks. He is not talking about medical ethics, quite the contrary. The scientist is eager >o grasp truth in whatever field it may be found, and the fact that Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy is so meritorious calls forth from him a tostimon iah “Chipley, Ga., August 4, 1804.—Dr. C. O. Ty¬ ner, Atlanta,Ga.: I think it is due you that I should say ,nat Tyner’s Ilian Dyspepsia all Remedy has done more, for me other prepara¬ tions that I have tried. 1 think it is a valua¬ ble remedy for chronic dyspepsia and indi¬ gestion. It has cured me. I hope you may be able to cure all dyspeptics. Dh. Q. They T. Purskll." are legion, Mrs. ow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma¬ tion, allays pain, cures wind coiic. 25c. a bottle Wliat a Sense of Relief it is to Know that you have no corns. Hindercoms removes them, and is comforting. 15c. at druggists. 0 fiSk w-NKfi 7. : * y 1 mm m H 0^35 BNJOYa Both the tnethod and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently Liver and yet promptly Bowels, cleanses on the Kidneys, the effectually, dispels colds, head¬ sys¬ tem aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup kind of Figs is tho only duce^ remedy pleasing of its the ever and pro¬ to taste ac¬ ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared agreeable only from substances, the most healthy and qualities commend its it many excellent to all and have made it the most popular Syrup remedy of Figs known. is for Bale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug¬ gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro¬ cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. l)o not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK. N Y. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR ★ THE BEST * i\ Dyspeptic,Delicate,lntirm . «» ]• + t -P anu A x p 'T* L* TV LJ "D LiiO O UliO i * JOHN CARLE & S0N3, New York. * THE OGLETHORPE Brunswick in’its Ca This is the fine-r Hotel The appointments supplied south of ba.timore. able is ThVcul-mS attentive?. ifex^tenL .b^njUlthjyear-^JRar^rea- e and sen->e n “rompt and J. H. STILW ELL, Manager. aonabie. ■. ........ ....... - ,,i ei: ..ffii-i tn timrx ftrYifi hT ft <■ GO NSUM'P^lQN FQR«a j^yilTli!) g?. * 1 <r^W)\\ .// 1 1 tl \ / — 5 No Italian girl can marry without a dowry. Scarlet is mourning color for un¬ married women in Brazil. Kansas has twenty-five newspapers which are edited by women. The Empress Elizabeth of Russia was one of the stoutest women of her time. Mrs. Siddons was large, with very striking features, and an air of great personal dignity. Eight ladies hold commissions as colonels in the German army. They are all queens or princesses. Queen 'Victoria has signed but one death warrant, and that was for an execution in the Isle of Man. The British matron is nettled by Daudet’s caustic observations ou her lack of physical charms and of taste of dress. Princess de Polignac, formerly Win naretta Singer, daughter of the great sewing machine man, is said to bo the best amateur musician in Paris. The Empress of Austria says she will never wear anything but black here¬ after, and is distributing her court dresses among her intimate friends. A movement is on foot to erect a memorial to the late Christina Rosetti in Christ Church, Woburn Square, London, where she worshiped for twenty years. A number of girl students in the University of Michigan decided to wear knickerbockers hereafter. They expect that all the girls in the uni¬ versity will follow their example. Miss Carrie Liebig, who has just been appointed a division surgeon of the Northern Pacific Railroad at Hope, Idaho, is the first woman physician to be appointed in the railway service. A number of women are making a good income in Philadelphia design¬ ing and drawing pictures for illustra¬ ting the newspaper advertisements of the big retail mercantile advertise¬ ments. It is the suggestion of a thrifty wo¬ man that pieces of children’s dresses of wash materials should be included in several launderings to secure the requisite change of color that will make patches unnoticeable. “Mme. La Presidente,” as Mine. Faure is called in Paris, is described as the highest type of French womanly character. She abhors scandal, disap¬ proves of flirtation, loves her homo and frowns upon all risque tendencies in Parisian society. Miss Boswell, the only woman dele¬ gate in the Republican Convention at Cleveland, is decidedly handsome, though of delicate physique. She has what is described as “warm colored” hair, transparent complexion and ex¬ pressive brown eyes. The up-to-date ladies of the Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church in Tow- with son, Md., are raising money which to buy a bicycle for the rector of the church, which he is to use in making pastoral visits and in attend¬ ing to other parish duties. * The college at Benzonia, Mich., is thirty-two years old, but had its first graduation this term. The scholar is a girl who took an eight years’course, carried off all the class honors because she was the whole class, was honored with Ph. P., and is a new woman. Marie Corelli, tho novelist, who has been much talked of recently in Eng¬ land, is in private life Miss Minnie Mackay, daughter of the late Charles Mackay. Her first book, “A Romance of Two Worlds,” was published in 1886, when she was twenty-two years old. The old homestead of Jane Grey Swisshelm in Swissvale, Penn., is the Mecca of many visitors to Pittsburg. Mrs. Swisshelm was the first woman engaged to report Washington news for a daily newspaper. She was em¬ ployed for that purpose by Horace Greeley. A woman angler, Miss E. T. Cros¬ by, caught thirty-one trout, averag¬ ing three-quarters of a pound each, in thirty minutes at Rangeley Lake, Me., a few days ago. She is noted in that region for her skill with the rod, having earned the sobriquet of “Fiy Rod” by her achievements. It is said that Queen Victoria has had a chair constructed which will support her in a standing position while receiving visitors. The chair is cunningly arranged, so that its form is covered^with regal draperies, and report says it would deceive any one who didn’t know it was there. Lady Randolph Churchill, formerly Miss Jerome of New York, widow of Lord Randolph Churchill, is now to be seen in Paris in the smartest cycling version of mourning. It is added that she wears a black alpaca suit edged with black leather knickerbockers, concealed by a short skirt and a black ; straw hat. Suburban women may be seen boarding the trains these days for a town shopping expedition carrying flat wicker baskets in lieu of bags or satchels for their small pick-ups. These are in the basket-fawn and light-brown shades or of dull red, and are both lighter and prettier than the leather bag. There is a very evident intention on the part of designers to modify the Dutch bonnet that had such a sudden j boom early in the season. The j is becoming to but jj very few, keep and the the 3 ^ a p e j g not a eaS y to on head. The bonnet with a round i crown is every way more desirable, and may be trimmed at the sides and arranged so that it is broai without being hard to manage. AliA"™ e^P'^TOigreN &?oy1\VK A List of Reliable Atlanta Bus¬ iness Houses where visitors to the Great Show will be properly treated and can pur¬ chase goods at lowest prices 1 STILSON & COLLINS JEWELRY CO •9 55 Whitehall St., Atlanta. Ga. Everything In the Jewelry and Silver Line at Factory Prices. PHILLIPS & CREW CO. 37 Peachtree Street. STANDARD Pianos and Organs. SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. ATLANTA DENTAL COLLEGE Equipment New and Complete. INFIRMARY PRACTICE FULL. (Session 1S95-C Opens October 8th, 1805. Closes March 24th, 1800, For further particulars address WM. CRENSHAW, D. D. S., Dean. Grant llnliding, Atlanta. Ga. CISEMAN Iin| BROS. 5 15 and 17 Whitehall Street. ATLANTA, GA. -ONE PRICE CIjOTIIIEILS, Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers. Fine Millinery-* BOWMAN BROS., 78 Whitehall Street, Now in New York City Buying En¬ tirely New Stock. Open Bept, 2nd. D TO AVOID THIS TTS^S 0 N TETTERINE s t The only painless and harmless o ▼ 1 CURE for the worst, typo of Eczema, R r ot on' S B Tol‘: u ^a a hp «”p' A e a a 8 v TP Ground itch, chafes, chaps, pira ^HSavannah, Fn siioiV au" iTCHEsf semi sue. in xto. < Ga. 1 , \ < ar'aue' box, U ?f’yoor You Will find it at't'iH T ynLu’s. Atlanta. AROMATIC EXTRACT BLACKBERRY AND RHUBARB —FOR— Dysentery, Flux, Cliolcra Morbim* Cholera, Diarrhoea —AND— Hummer Complaint» Try It. Price 25c., 50c., $1.00. For Sale by Druggists or write to J". Stovall Smith, M A N U F ACTURING PH A K M A 01ST. 102 Whitehall St., Corner Mitchell, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. SULLIVAN A CRICHTON’S AND SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. The bent and cheapest Business College in America. Time short. Instruction thorough. 4 Penmen. Big demand for graduates. Catalogue free. KELLIVAN k CKICHTON, Kl»»r Bid®., Atlanta, <>a. GRAND OPENING. THE Blood worth Shoe Co. AUGUST 12tli. 14 Whitehall Street. SHOES AT LOWEST PRICES. Wit ITE OK (’ALL. COXi; COLLEGE frrrimmi ill rrnimmf; % m, SOUTHERN FEMALE COLLEGE, Over fifty years under the control of one family, and in their fuJJ pofMession forty-five years, has been removed from LaGranRe,Ga M and opens its 63rd session in Manchester (College Park ). Atlanta. September 11,1#95. i The new brick building, with electric mod lights, water-work?, steam-heating, ac com a u-s 300 hoarders. Campus of 2S acres. Ubrary, ; museum, laboratory, telescope. Thirty in faculty. Mrs. Sallie Cox Stanton and Miss Alice Cox,Directors of Music. Pupils attend Exposition: Alummc Pay. Nov.7. European party next summer. ADDRESS C. C. COX, PRES., OR W. S. COX, BUS. MANAGER, MANCHESTER, GEORGIA. ^___ ~ _ _____ ______________ _ Old Virginia Ketchup. - Take one peck of green tomatoes, half a peck of white onions, three ounces of \yhite mustard seed, one ounce each of allspice and cloves, half a pint of mixed mustard, an ounce of black pepper and celery seed each, and one pound of brown sugar, writes Eliza R. Parker in an article on “Home Pungent Ketchups,” in the July Ladies’ Horne, Journal. Chop the tomatoes and onions, sprinkle with salt and let stand three hours; drain the water off; put in a preserve kettle with tne other ingredients, cover with vinegar and set on tho fire to boil slowly for one hour. -meTox roiie**-. *.>uth ra Femai-o.Heee, removed from LaGran, Ga., to Manchester, near Atlanta, family has h-en iiicharze of the 11- con-Cox over fifty years. In the new location the fa¬ cilities; dim ar:<l advantatn s of the College are oled. an«l it i ow stands in the tront rank of Southern colleges. LOVE 13 A. GOD. Lovo is no bird that nests and flint Nor rose that buds and blooms and ilios, No star that shines and disappears, No flro whoso ashes strew the years; Love is the god who lights the star, Makes music of the lark’s desire; Love tells the rose what perfumes are. And lights and feeds the deathless lire. Love is no joy that dies apace With tho delight of dear embrace; Love is no toast of wine and broad, Ited-vintaged and gold-harvested; Love is the god whose touch divino On handsthat clung and lips that kissed, Has turned life's common broad and wine Into tho Holy Eucharist. HUMOR OP THE HAY. Truth is not stranger than good (lo¬ tion.—Puck. Cultured poople are peoplo who know how to look nt you without see¬ ing you.—Galveston News. Mary had a little lambs With her it used to stray, But it ilod when Mary road her pioco On graduation day. —Washington Star. Ransom—“Women are weilileil to fashion.” Ramson— “Yes, and they love, honor and obey it, too.”—Tit* Bits. Man with tho gloomy liver, Ceaso to deplore thy fate; Got out toward tho river And go to digging bait! —Atlanta Constitution. Kate Field tells the girl graduates that cooking is the alphabet of their happiness. Many of them never get any further than lot bor bo.—Lowell Courier. Tommy’s Pop— “Why is it tho little boy who lives across tho stroet seems to have no friends ?” Tommy—“Why, ”— his father’s a baseball umpire. Philadelphia Record, Casey—‘That raado Mulligan fall off de ladder? Did his fut shlip?” Reilly-“It did not. Ot told him a joko an hour ago, an’ euro ho jist now tumbled.”—Philadelphia Rocord. I lovo to swing upon tho gate, Say, just at eventide; weight That is, it it will bear the Of some one else beside. —Now York Herald. Principal (to now apprentice)— what “Has the bookkeeper told you you havo to do in tho afternoon?” Youth—“Yes, sir. I was to waken him whon I saw you coming.”—Da henn. Lumleigh-“What makes you think young Photllttr Wait© is 0- (lrillUDlor for a bicycle concern ?” Chutnleigh -“Anybody Can HOC that. He OUT* *ios samples in his head. ’’-New York World. Grant—“Can it bo possible that Hawkins is in lovo with that fat girl? Why, she weighs 300 at loast. ” Ilohhs — “No; I don’t believo ho’s in lovo; he’s just lnfatutttod.” — Boston Courier. She (in the art gallery) —“I wonder if my hat is on straight; He—"Naturally everybody stares at me so.” they do. You’re tho most perfect cards picture here.” And now tho are ou t.—Philadelphia Record. Mrs. McBride (entering the kitchen) —“Bridget, didn’t I soo that police¬ man kiss you?” Bridget— “Well, mum, sure an’ yez wouldn’t hcv mo lay mesilf opiu to arrist for rosistiu’ an officer, mum?”—Harper’s Bazar. Why does tho poet look so sad? Why is his life a wreck? He always gets his poems bac :, And never gets a check. A correspondent of a poultry jour¬ nal asks: “Have hons enough in¬ stinct to distinguish between a real egg and the porcelain counterfeit?” Wo think they havo. A hen never lays a porcelain egg. —Norristown Herald. Commuter—“What do you mean by saying that that house is only five minutes from tho station? It’s fifteen minutes if it’s a second.” Real Estato Dealer—“When I said five minutes I supposed you had a bicycle.”—Bos¬ ton Transcript. Bmart—“Whatever induced your uncle to marry tho widow of a man who had been hanged?” Simpson— be¬ “He has been married to widows fore, and said ho was tired of having the virtues of former husbands flung in his face. ”—Spare Moments. Husband (whose wife has been reprov¬ ing him for smoking in her presence) —“You often used to say before wo were married: ‘Oh George, I do so love the odor of a good cigar.’ ” Wifo — “Yes, thnt sort of thing is part of a young lady’s capital. ”—Texas Siftings. “Do you believe,” said the inquisi¬ tive man, “that these poets who writo so exquisitely about tho delights of early rising ever tried it themselves?” “Certainly not,” replied the sluggard. “If they had they would never havo written in that way about it.”—Wash¬ ington Star. “I have come to ask for your daugh ter’s hand, Mr. Herrick,” Baid young Waller, nervously. “Oh, well, you can’t have it,” said Herrick. “I’m not doling out my daughter on the in stalment plan. When you feel that you can support the whole girl, you may call again.”—Harper’s Bazar. “Doctor,” asked the sick man, roll jng up his eyes till only the whites showed, “why is it that in the days when I ate no melons except stolen ones they never bothered mein the least, and now that I am a man and buy my melons as an honest man should, they tie me up in seven kinds of knots?”—Indianapolis Journal. Bass—“And of which variety is your the clinging-vine or the self-as gertive? » Cass—“A little of both, When she wants a new dress or a new bonnet, she generally begins in tho elinging-vine role; if that doesn’t bring the money, then she changes to the self-assertive, and- well-sho in¬ i variably gets the dress or tho bonnot.” ; —Boston Transcript. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report RfeilBB Absolutely pure ODDS AND ENDS. Two catfish, one weighing 35 pounds and tho other 42 pounds, wore found in a saw log in a Minnesota mill tho other day. Bicyclists must first learn to ride fairly well before they aro allowed to use their wheels in tho publio streets of Russian cities. The acreage planted to corn in Kan¬ sas this year is reported as 8,410,948 acres, which is groater than ever be¬ fore planted in this state. A pair of Siameso twin eggs were I laid by a lieu at Uuiou Springs, Ala., a few days ago. The eggs were perfectly formed, though small, and were joiued together by a hollow neek of shell. Missouri furnishes the government oavalry horses at from $17 to $75 each. In some of the Pacific states a horse can be bought for $2 or $3, and is con¬ sidered to be worth less than a good shoep dog. Merely Synonymous. “I’ve always said,” romnrked Mr. Scrubbles, "that too much education jest amounted to maltin’ peoplo furgit all about common sense.” “What’s the matter?” “My daughter, this mornin’, asked me how I folt. I told her I was in purty shape. “Oh, papa,” said she, like she was goiu’ to faint, ‘don’t you know that lmd sliapo is bad form?’ Ez if anybody didn’t know that!” I. \\ W_VV> Pair Sailing through life for the person who keeps in health. With a torpid liver and the impure blood all that sorts follows of ailments. it, you are an easy prey to That “ used-up ” feeling is tilt- firs: warning that your liver isn’t doing its work. Pierce’s Gold¬ That is the time to take Dr. en Medical Discovery. As disease an appetizing, and build restorative tonic, to repel strength, there's up the needed flesh and nothing to equal it. It rouses every organ into healthful action, purifies and enriches the blood, braces up the whole system, and restores health and vigor. HOTELTYBEE TYBKK ISLAND, <iA. Tbi* Hotel in noted for its excellent service and splendid on wine, the table being supplied with all the eelioaoioH the market afford h* An abundant eupply of firth, orubf, shrimp, etc. Leon's firm orchestra «m WAged for season- Specially low rates this »*asori. Write for terms. Special inducements to part,in* of ten or more* IIOII AN «V'< t (I WAN. It’s only a question of time about your using Pearline. So it n seems to us. It seems as if every later, bright woman must see, sooner or how much easier and quicker and better and more economical is / I Pearline’s way than any other known way of washing. You can’t think of any draw back or objection to it that hasn’t been met and disproved, a thou- j O I Pearline sand times over. Ask Millions of women are using ! \ it rightly, now. how much some she one of them, who uses saves by it. Manu- factured only by Jas. Pyle, N. Y. — — • -■ 0 m . An elegant book for your table and constant reference. Send for it Yes, it’s read y! NOW. It’s New and Nice. . * . ‘ . OUR NEW CATALOGUE brimming full of illustrations, and show¬ ing how the thousand-and-one things really look. You’ll like that. j fe y-Scnt by mail on There are Guns, Rifles, Pistols—from receipt of io cents in all over the world, and some of our own make—Fishing Tackle, Dog Collars and postage stamps or Chains, Tennis Sets, etc., etc. money. You can see our LOVELL DIAMOND BICYCLE—The Finest Wheel on Earth,— the Williams Typewriter—you ought to have one. There’s lots of other things too. JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO BOSTON, » « MAtfo. Sole E. 8. Agent for “ STATE’ AUTOMATIC PAPER FASTENER. tfs ^ ^ ft ft j - /» f II- '/lib V_ I 17) olvlll A of farming gradually exhausts land, \f the unless a Fertilizer containing a high percentage of Potash is used. Better crops, a better soil, and a © larger bank account can only then he expected. © 6 is brim Write full for of useful our "Farmers’ information Guide,” for farmers. a 142 -page It will illustrated be sent book. free, and It will make and save you money. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. >. Marriageable Dukes. Young ladies who wish to possess titles are informed that there are still six marriageable dukes in England, namely, Grafton, age 84; Richmond, age 77; Norfolk,age 38; Marlborough, ago 24; Roxburghe, age 19, and Man¬ chester, age 18. Taken at name. MoElren’s Wine of Carilut relieves the agony endured by many women month after month In modest silence. It is reoommondod by many physicians as the most effective retnody known for painful menstruation. The treat meat ran he adopted,In the privacy of homo, without submitting to humiliating examlna tionsor consulting a doctor. Mrs. W. L. Mitchell, of Pratt Minos, Ala., writes; “For the past six months 1 have suf¬ fered awful pains at the time of my monthly poriods. A few months ago my husband got me somo McElroo’a Wine of Cardui. .Since using that I haven’t felt a pain. I can't glv 9 it all tho praise it should have." J. W. Pollard, Pleasant Ridge, Miss., gays : “McElroe’s Wine of Cardui cured my wlfo after four doctors hail failed.” llow’e This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by llali’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney .ft Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che¬ ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per¬ fectly and financially honorable able 1 u all business transactions obliga to carry out any tlon made by their firm. Wist A Thu ax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Wamiino, Druggists, Kinnan Toledo, .ft Ohio. Makvin, Wholesale Hall’s Catarrh < lure is taken internally, act¬ ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur¬ faces of the system. Price, 73e. per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. I’lso’s Cure for Consumption relieves the most obstinate coughs. Ib v. D. liuuHMUEL J.IEH, Lexington, Mo., Feb. 24, ’114. Parker’s Ginger Tonic Is Popular for good work. Suffering, sleepless, nervous women find nothing so soothing and reviving. GOOD POSITIONS SECURED BY STUDENTS Business Fins Supplied with Help Richmond's Commercial College, KxInbllHliml I SH I. Send for Catalogue. SAVANNAH, GA, OSBORNE’S M mmedd fj/teae /U> AND Soliool of (Blioi-tlinucl banka liked. A1IGUMTA, GA. of No text Actual limimon* from any mitering. Uu»Uinr*H Papers, college currmior and Rood* uned, Hand for R. hanuHomely Illustrated oats* rogue. Hoard cheap. It. tare paid to Augusta, H PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Cleanups and hoxutifloi tho half. few I'roitiotcf ites a a luxuriant unt growth. pro win. Gr N ove r Full h to Hofitoro Hofitoro iiray 3 tali —r to : its Youthful Color. . hair falling. | Cures sculp dii-eiiM flixFusun q A flOc,and ^I.OOat I>ruKgi«tfl Lruj/jj A. N. U ........... ......Thirty-three, ’95.