Newspaper Page Text
|mbrw| ■VBsnsswsz* I T
lJ JL^J —J 1 \ L JLi
i V / jL
VOL. I!.
Social and Personal Happen¬
The Executive Committee of the
People’s Party of Talliaferro County
are re quested to meet is Cravvtordville
on Tuesday the 3rd, of Sept, at 10
Let every member be prompt to at¬
tend as business of great importance
requires it. Note the hour brethren
and govern yourselves accordingly.
J. A. Woodall,
Don’t fail to icgistcr.
Pont fad to register by Sept 11th.
Large crowds have been attending
court this week.
Mr Oscar Chapman treated hitnsell
to a nice bicycle.
Mrs M. E. Brooke of Raytown is in
out - town this week.
Airs Sam Harris of Atlanta is visiting
the family of Mr. .1. D. Hanmiaek.
Prof L. A. Murphey is off looking
after his new school.
The Alliance Store has just received
a nice lot of lamp goods and crockery.
Major J. C. C, Black is in our com¬
munity this week shaking the bauds of
liis few friends.
This is Court week in our town and
vve have not had much time to devote
to getting np news.
R«V R. E. L. Harris and wife, and
Mr ,T. A. Harris went to Greensboro
Monday by private conveyance.
The jury in the ease of Edward
Keating vs. Georgia Railroad gave a
verdict of §9,000 in favor cf MrKeating
Remember that lion. T. E. Watson
speaks at Crawford ville Ga.. on Sept.
10th. Dout fail to hear vviiat he has to
Prof L. A. McLaughlin and wife
have moved into our midst; If we will
give them our hearty co-operation we
will have a fine school this Fall.
Hon. Thos. E. Watson will speak at
Thomson on Friday, September, 0th,
at 10 o’clock A. M. Hon. J. K. Hines
and \V. Y. Carter will be invited to
speak at the same time.
The Alliance Store will opeu up their
Fall stock of goods next week. Mr
Chapman says he bought his goods
early and bought them cheap' and will
therefore be able to save his customers
money if they will give him a chance.
The time is drawing short for regis¬
tering, atid those who have not regis¬
tered, should do so at once. Why
disfranchise yourself by neglecting to
register ? Go at once and qualify for
the coming election.
Taliaferro superior Court is in session
this week, with a large attendance pres¬
ent. Judge Seaborn Reese is presiding
in his usual able manner. Tits charge
to the grand jury relative to' its
duties, was clear, forcible and to the
point, and showed that the Judge was
determined to do his part if auy viola¬
tors of the law were brought before
We were forcibly impressed with
his charge to the jury relative to the
carrying of concealed weapons, also ou
other matters relating to the moral
status of things in general.
Solicitor Howard was diligent in
looking after the state’s interest, in the
prosecution of evil doers. Several visi¬
ting attorneys were present.
We regret that it is impossible for
us to give au account of the proceed¬
ings of court this week.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As I buy my goods for cash and sell
them for cash, I can afford to sell
cheaper than auy one else, and i ou get
uiore goods for less money than at any
other place. Heavy winter veiling,
regular 25cts goods, for 12 1-2 cts per
vd. Regular 40 cts velvet for 25 cts.
TTmbrellas, from 25 cts up. 50 cents
woolen caps for 35 cts. Shoes are 25
per-ct. higher than last year, but
sell them at the same price. 818,00
Suit of Clothing for S12 00. 88.00 hats
for 81.5°. Lamp chimneys ,4 and 15
cts. Linen collars from o cts. up. ^ I-a
dies undergarments, very cheap. Ac
cordeoDs fiom *75 cts. up. Heavy
blankets chean. And every thing else
kept in a first class store at the very
lowest of prices.
Dots on the Road.
Several pfewpf.e from ?Fe Sharon com¬
munity attended coiirt atCrttwfordville
this week.
Washington branch tillin' had a nitt
off til B ituett last week, nobody hurt
Colored Baptist Association convened
at Level Hill i liurcli last week. A
very large crowd attended.
Miss Claude Taylor, of Barnett, vis
ited Sharon Iasi week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Elliott, of
ren county, visite 1 Mr. R. X. Gilbert’s
family of Sharon last Fiiday.
Mr. G. W. MeCalpin, of Barnett,
celebrated his 69lh birth last week.
Mr. MeCalpin has been station keeper
of the Geotgta Railroad at that place
for thirty years.
The excursion from Washington , . to
Sparta last week, some of the Sharonites
were in it. ,
Mrs. Willie Carey returned to her
home in Milledgeville after several
days visit to relatives in Raytown.
Several people visited Sharon last
Friday to witness the base ball game
between Norwood and Sharon clubs.
The game stood eight to live in favor
of Norwood. The Sharon boys played
a good game and were complimented
hy their opponents, Sharon is im¬
proving fast and bids fair to become a
first class team.
Mr. ,T. W. Fallen has had his ginnery
put in apple pie order for the coining
Dr. A. C. Davidson is stopping in the
city of Augusta at present, and his son
Dr. A. A. Davidson is stopping in his.
place in Sharon.
Mrs. James Mahare and family of
Augusta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed¬
ward Croake ol' Sharon.
Mr. Wilkins Tucker, of Warren i
county lias had Mr. A. D. Moore to put
him up au old fashion ox cart, which
lias caused a great deal of comment on
account of its weight and size.
Mr. John O’Keefe has put chased
him a new wagon from Mr. A, D.
Moore the wairon maker of Sharon.
The annual meeting of the Methodist
Church at Sharon couveued at that
Church hist Friday. Rev. Mr. Reese
conducting tlie services.
Salem Baptist Church at Barnett
closed its protracted meeting on Wed
nesday of last week, with three addi¬
tions to tlie church.
Charley Reese, of the Ga. R. R. ser¬
vice, and family, have been visiting re¬
latives in Taliaferro and Warren the
past week.
Mrs. Susie Roth and Mrs. Emma
Reese and family of Sharon, and Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Avery, of Fair
\isited >rr. G. W. MeCalpin and family
on Tuesday of last week. Miss Belle
Davis returned home with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Paul Masscngale, of Norwood,
visited his sister Mrs. Jesse Taylor
near Barnett last week.
Mr. T. N. Poole, of Warren county,
visited Dr. A. C. Davidson’s family
last Saturday anid'Sunday. Uncle Til
man, as he is generally called is the
Ifon wheel of Prohibitum in this sec
tlon of the country.
Miss Bertie Ellington, of TaltaTefro,
who has been eu the sick list is repbrt
ed much better,
Mrs. Grier and family, of South Caro
lina, have been on' an extended visit to
relatives in the Fair Play neighbor
~—~ •
Art . Accident . the Georgia Railroad. ... .
Ou Thursday morning of last week,
the Picayune on the Georgia Railroad
fan into a cuivert below Grovetown,
causing the lender of engine and the
baggage ! r to leave the track aud roll
down the embankment for several feet,
Mr. Chafe'. Tice, th'e engineer, was
thrown against the boiler of the en
gine with such force as to bruise his
left side very badly, and bis friends
were apprehensive at first that he was
dangerously injured.
He was brought to Harlem on the
up train that day, aud at this time
is gradually recovering. Mr. Stewart
pkinizt - , we learn, received slight
bruises, but no others were injured.
The accident was due to the rocks in a
cul vert being washed out by the heavy
rains of last Wednesday night aud
Thursday morning.-Farmer's Light.
Political and Otherwise.
Since our last writings we have been
M-eSsed with a week’s rain.
Several farmers are grief stricken
because they have lost some of their
How often are mhoeent people the
subjects of ridicule and slander by the
very otiles whom they deem to be their
“An honest, man is the noblest wotk
of God," and a dishonest man is tlie
moaL perfect piece of machinery that
the devil ever controlled.
Sueh a howl of discontent and
discomfiture its has gone up from the
recent Democratic nomination in
district good'work is beyond our contemplation,
Let the go on.
Tire dosing exercises of Prof. .T. A.
Woodall’s School will take place on
September 12th. . , ,
Cotton,, the “King” of the South
has begun to open, and ere long the
fleecy staple will be tolling into mar
ket, at a price that's tar below “par.”
Frying size chickens are just ripe,
and almost every body has a “fowl”
s tomacli
Mr.J.S. McKinney, of Pea Ridge,
visited his father, near Harnett, last
,. ,
Master Charlie Rocker, of t\ arren
county, visited friends and relatives
in Taliaferro county last Saturday and
Prayer meeting every Sabbath
evening at 3:00 P. M., at the Baptist
Church at Barnett.
Several from around Barnet attended
preaching at Fowellon last Sabbath.
Mr. John IT. Walker, of Warren |
county, has the largest erop of wator
melons we have heard of this year,
Better mind Uncle John, you are
acquainted with this over-production
We are pleased to notice that one
of Taliaferro’s honored commissioners
of roads and reven ues is taking great
interest in the public road leading
from his house to Elini. One oi Wat
reu’s fairest daughters lives just where
the road ends. Further comment is
When Democrats have to circulate
a petition to locate their supporters,
we think that an adjournment, “sine
die,” of the old Democratic party is
in order.
One of our hoys is paying his re
spects to some one in the “moonshine”
regions, and reports that he has one
of the most “Gimswingeresting” times
you ever heard of.
Miss Maggie Rocker, from near Elirn
in Warren county, visited friends and
relatives in Taliaferro county last
“Ef I kan’t git a libbiu by fair
mean s, den I mas by fowl,” is the
chicken thief’s motto.
The prospects are that tlie corning
campaign will he exceedingly interest¬
ing. The Populists intend to make it
so hot that not a single weak-kneed
Democrat can stand any where near
the field of battle and prevent his
carcass from tumbling into the Popu¬
list Camp
In the coming campaign in the 10th
District, people will witness something
remarkably strange, Men who claim
lo favor the free coinage of silver
supporting a candidate whose campaign
is run by gold bugs, aud a candidate
whose V vote helped * to stop the coinage
of Silver . in 1893, a duplicate , of the
crime of 18i3.
Judge Hart has refused to grant a
new trial in the Myers case. The ease j
will now be carried lo the Supreme
Court, and if the decision of the lower
court is sustained. My'ers will be re
sentenced and the fate of the your g
man will be sealed.
Rcv . Mr. Dunbar, or the Asbury
Methodist Church, of Augusta, preach
cd a sermon oa last Sunday on the
disgraceful conduct of ward heelers
ncw registering illegal votcis in that
and condemned it ihThe severest
manner .
Will ^ pay ertlS€ you. - ln this paper, It
Sparks from' M'ildrajon.
ijy idler.
t >ur community was well represent¬
ed /it pleaching in Powelton last Nun
Mias Maggie Rocket, ol \\ at t en
coflut)', Spent several, days with her
sister. Mrs. J. F. Bngby, ol Mildrnjon
b ,s § week.
Talmferto will make, tip its own sup
pl'y of syrup this year.
Hr. C. C. Rhodes, of Crawfordville, -
n, Ul *ds sister ,'iiss Mamie,id l ea Ridg ('
glided Sunday School at Mildrajou
ki.^ Sunday evening.
Mr. W. F. Chapman, of Powelton,
passed through the neighhorfiood
Ft id ay on his way to Crawl'ordville.
M^. tind M ts. C. A. i>elson, ami Miss
Nora i ox returned to their homes in
Wilkes county last Sunday after spend
ingpseveral days with relatives and
j r ^ 1( j s Mil .’i;i ion
II you want lie niln 1 a horse trade,
call an Millard , Henry. ,,
< )tt Wednesday of last week lion. F.
]). Witnberiy, Lecturer of the State
Alliance delivered an address in Craiv
tofu*il!c, in the inteiest of reform,
whiift every voter of the county should
have heard. Me demonstrated hy
figures the workings of the national
banking system, proving it to be not
‘».ly«mnjust and not necessary as a
meads of circulating money, but an
imposition which should he removed.
jj a also presented an object lesson on
ja, e tariff question, which exemplified
t hat%e difference between the ivtc
Kin ley law and the one now in force,
passed by a Democratic Congress, is so
slight as not to have any appreciable
effect in the matter of taxation.
How long, oh how long will the pe«L
pie shtjjj, their eyes to. the fact that this*
mt- n't itPrun hi the loti rust < f it 1
prigged struggling few, masses without ? llow regard long for will the [
they content themselves by saying,
“I’m a Democrat ” ?
It should he rcmenihetcd that we
were all Democrats once, but some ot
us were honest and patriotic enough to
place principle above party. Now we
think if our Democratic friends would
stop ridiculing and abusing us and con¬
sider the situation from the standpoint
of reason and patriotism its we have
done, they would see the folly of their
ways, and “do just what they said they
never would do.”
Jenning’s Chapel,
Fodder pulling is over and wo will
try our hand again with the pen.
Wc are glad to report tlie sick in this
community as improving.
Mr. Walter Allen who has been sick
at hie lather’s home, is belter and has
returned home this week.
Miss Annie Brooke visited her moth¬
er in Grawfordville this week.
A large number from Sharon passed
this week attending court in Crawford
Guess what young men called to see
their girls and got left, and had to walk
three miles. The horse 16ft them, not
the girls.
The patrons of our School arc re¬
quested to meet at the School House
Saturday night, September 7th, for the
purpose of electing a teacher for
another year.
A large number from Mildra jou at
Chapel but! ■
tended preaching at the
Miss "Annie Brooke and Mr. B., at-!
tended preaching at Sharon last Sun- '
day. |
A Strong Fortification. j
Fortlfy the body against disease
by butt S Liver Pills, an abso
] u t ecu pe for sick headache, dys
. stomacn, . malaria, , .
constipation, pepsw, sour jaundice, bilious- j
anti all kindred troubles. I
“TlV FlV * = Wheel of Life” 1
Lh". 1 utt; Your Liver 1 Ills are
the fi f-wheel of life. I shall ever
b e grkefol h for the accident that
brought them , to my notice. • 1 ,f. led 1
as if I had a new lease of life. *
. t- • < • < m Platte ... r. Cannon ----r.i U>1
Ljyer PlllSi
- - » r-
MlV. EblTOR:—Intemperance, tlie
greatest enemy that ever invaded
tlie pende fill and joyful family
of a Southern home, is now the topic
that is agitating the public mind. ’1 his
, monster, with his pale face and deathly
i i mlll i may he seen stalking over this
. m ; mi ifal and God-given land
whom he may devour, lie is the
devil’s agent, and with his herculean
I strength he lias hound the most prom
! ising young men of the nineteenth
cel! tary hand and foot, and having
poured 1 ten their life'.- blood with his
poisoned, spear-pointed dagger, lie has
placed them in a drunkard’s grave.
Be lias traveled ibis countiy Bom
X6rth to South, from East to West,
and has wrung the life's blood out ol
the (Hire and noble hearts ofounvivt s,
mothers, sisters and daughters, lor
Which we shall have to pay the penalty,
for their blood shall he upon our heads.
Yes/he lt:ts slaiti thousands upon
thousands more ilittn Either war, fatu
itte or pestilence,'' anti he has caused
more sot row than all combined. Morn
homes have been blighted; more bl ight
hopes'of the future destroyed by his
heavy tread than can ever lie. remem¬
bered. If a lion were to he turned
loose in our community, lie would do
very little injury in comparison with
this demon; yet. husbands and sons
would tiOi let" him remain longer than
the time it would lake to destroy him.
The devil reached the climax in his
discoveries when he discovered the
ingredients that compose liquor, and
he has been utilising this deadly intox¬
icant in every shape and form to cap¬
ture victims for his ever hungry jaws.
What is it that man should
to do for his wife, mother or sister at
her requesi, especially when the act
concerns hbr plea ure, comfort and
happiness ? Yefoiir #krnfry is tfetn
blitlg upmi lhe brillk o1 a great preci.
pice, hanging between life and death:
which, will soon he determined by our
actions. The prayers, bescechings
and cries of our distressed women that
continually ascend to a therfiiful Cod
keep it from toppling over into im¬
mediate destruction, and if ourciti/.ens
and countrymen do not hasten to their
aid with a strong arm aud a resolute
will, it shall soon receive its fate in
ct< rtial woe.
IIow can a man who pretends to have
feelings for his fellowmen, and who
has an immortal soul stand idly hy and
witness such impending destruction and
not raise a hand to help? If our women
could only have their way and vote on
this one question, there would not he
a i Irop of liquor sold in the South in less
than twenty four hours, no, not even
in Ameiicu. This demon would grasp
no more victims to drag down to ill!
everlasting hell. But may we, the men
of this bounty, according to their re¬
quests and desires,put on our armor and
go forth in battle array to defend our
homes against his invasion. Now is
the time to begin. May the name of
every Georgian be enrolled on thepeti
lions that arc being circulated through
out tin; state to aid the came of temper¬
ance in the next session of the legisla¬
ture. This is one way to commence the
light. Another way is, when you goto
tlie ballot hog at the next election, cast
your vote for a temperance man and
not for an indecent, Jow down liquor
drinker ora man who supports whiskey.
Let us fight as for our lives, and may
wc, having gained the victory, (dace the
temperance banner with its folds un
furled upon our eapitol and upon every
for|ner 8il|oon an d gambling den, to be
fanned to and fro by the gentle zeph
yrs of heaven, proclaiming us conquer
ers of the demon, intemperance, and
then there will he no more ruined
homes, no more heart-aches, no more
sorrowful mot Iters, wives and sisters
on account of this sinful curse; but
temperance shall reign triumphant
IIokaci; S. Smith.
This is no time for parleying. Let
every man go and register at once.
Citation. '
GEORGIA--Taliaferro County
'-barge from ht* offl.-eol trust This is
!,r therefor*-to notify all p.-rson- <pnr<-rned,
next, elss George W. Tappau "’ill he
ohargM fmm his sa.d olh.. trustee, as
Ordinary, TaltaRrro coudty,
NO. 89
! Mr. V.. IS. Welch Commits Sulcldd
t at 11 is Home.
On Wednesday morning of last week
Mi - . W. It. Welch, who lived five miles
| 1 1 out Harlem, on the Steiner place, in
j ihis county, was found by his family in
an out house hauling hy a rope around
hi* neck. '1 he alarm was given and
neighbors soon gathered, and an c;:
animation was made, and it wa- found
j Unit. Mr. Welch was dead The Coro
j ner was notified about tour o’clock in
tlit - evening, mid he went out to where.
the deceased lived and empanelled a
jury, who, after an investigation pro¬
nounced a vet diet that the deceased
came to his death' ftotn strangulation
caused )>y hanging, and that the same
was, in their opinion, suicide.
Welelrn that, Mr. Welch had for
some tithe been very despondent over
his crop prospects, and had expressed
himself as intending to commit suicide,
! '*“t P-Gil much attention to
these threats.
Mr. Welch leaves a wife and sever¬
al children to mourn hi: departure.
This is truly a sail case.—Farmer's
The following article from lion. M.
! Branch,o f < Columbia county, appeared
in the Atlanta Constitution of Tuesday,
which speaks for iiself:
Ber/elia. Columbia (,'ounty, Georgia,
Autrust 25. Editor Constitution: 1
wish to correct an error in yesterday’s
('onstitiitioii made by your Augusta
correspondent relative to the hist con¬
gressional election in the tenth district.
Tic makes the following statement:
“It wtis contended by the democratic
leaders irregularities and illegal!- ’
! k'H i»41 g *‘‘"lib •• *U A'>M i..
population in Richmond than ui Co¬
lumbia Lincoln, MeDurtVe atid other
populist countie-;', and that in the event
of a contest in congress the throwing
out of illegal Votes on both sides would
show Major Black still a winner by the
legal votes of the district.”
This has becti the hue and cry of the
Augusta politicians ever since that dis¬
graceful election took place in that city
in November last.
They do not deny the outrageous
fraud that Was perpetrated in Richmond 1
county, 1ml endeavor to palliate it by
crying fraud elsewhere.
1 deny the statement of your corres¬
pondent and to substantiate my denial
I refer you to the record.
Yotti correspondent .fates that in
the last election Richmond county cast
15,888 voles, Columbia 2,055, Lincoln
1,180 aud McDuffie 1,150 votes. 1 be¬
lieve these figures to be about]corrcct.
Now, if any one will examine tiio .
compendium of tlie. eleventh census,'
page 772, it will be found that lUcli
tnond, county had only 11,828 persons
or toting age, while Columbia had
2,286, Lincoln 1,2:10 and McDuffie 1,705
of voting age. lo put it in anothei
way--the three altove-nlei m il-t>)
I populist counties, with o,211 persons ot
voting age, east only 4,386 votes, while
Richmond county, with only 11,028
person's of voting age, cast 15,883 votes,
'l iie above figures show that the three
populist counties voted nearly one
thousand less than the number of per
sons of voting age, while Richmond
county voted nearly live thousand more
persons than were of voting age.
M. I. Branch.
, Crawfordville, Ga.
•//. 'J/. 'Ss- '//.
Fall Session begins Sept. 2
j and continues Four months.
.—j- ■// vr. v/. '//■ +•
A school unsurpa 1 for thorough
methods, firm discipline, and earnest
First tirade. : : s 1.50.
i Second Grade, : : 2 . 00 .
mV 3.00.
Board c : had very cheap with
the Principal. Tuition collected
monthly. liavi^t^s ami gir a to
e uca ‘ l 1 ’ a *- “ -*