Crawfordville advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 189?-1???, September 13, 1895, Image 3

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How We Go to Sleep. “Order is heaven’s first law,'* and the truth is manifested even in the process of going to sleep. When a man drops off to sleep, says the Cin ainnati Medical Journal, his body does not do so all at once, so to speak. Some senses become dormant before others, and always in the same order. As he becomes drowsy the eyes close and the sense of seeing is at rest. It is quickly followed by the disappearance ofthesenseof taste. He next loses the sense of smell and then, after a short interval, the tympanum becomes insensible to sonnd, or rather the nerves which run to the brain from it fail to arouse any sense of hearing. The last sense to leave is that of touch, and in some hypersensitive people it is hardly ever dormant. Even in their case, however, there is no discriminat¬ ing power or sense of what touched them. This sense is also the first to return upon awakening. Then hearing follows suit, after that taste, and then the eyes become able to flash impres¬ sions back to the brain. The sense of smell, oddly enough, though it is by no means the first to go, is the last to come back. The same gradual loss of power is observed in tue muscles and sinews as well as in the senses. Slum¬ ber begins at the feet and slowly spreads up the limbs and trunk until it reaches the brain, when unconscious¬ ness is complete and the whole body is at rest. This is why sleep is impossi¬ ble when the feet are cold. f THE ELECTION OF THE FUTURE. Candidate — I can’t understand why my svpport was not greater at the polls. Manager—I am told a great many of the voters had nothing to wear.— Town Topics, A Syndicate of Monsters. Here are the names of the abominable trio that compose it, hated and abhorred by man and woman kind—dyspepda, biliousness and constipation. What is the mo-*t successful way to attack and squelch these united monsters? Take Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, and they wiil pull up stakes and make tracks for parts unknown, leavi ig no tia e behind. The letters also exterminate malaria, rheu¬ matic and kidney trouble and nervous ail¬ ment. _ If Satan ever laughs it must be at hypo¬ crites; they are tho greatest dupes he lias. Dr. Ki'mer’s Swamp - Root cure-* all Kidney and Bladder troubles. Pamphlet and Binghamton, Consultation N. free. Y. Laboratory All the impediments in fancy’s course are motives of more fancy. Many Influences Combine to Reduce Health to the danger limit. The reviving properties of Parker’s Ginger Tonic overo me these il s. Don’t Tobacco Spit or £inoke Your Idfo Away Is tho truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Bae, tho harmless, guaranteed nicotinized tobacco habit cure that braces up nerves, eliminates tho nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and man¬ hood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No-To-Bac is sold by druggists everywhere, under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., Now York or Chicago. How’s Tlii.! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh lhat cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure, F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. .1. Che¬ ney for the last 15 years, aud believe him per¬ and fectly honorable in all bu-iiiess tiansaet ons financially made by able to carry out any obliga¬ tion their firm. West & Trcax, Wholesale Drugg st 4 , Toledo, Ohio. Wat,ding, Rinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Hall’s Druggists, Catarrh Toledo, Cure Ohio. is taken internally, acting diiectly upon the blond and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Are You Troubled? And do You Want Your Troubles to Fly Awavf You have suffered worlds of trouble, anxiety and pain, and you hardly know what ails you. Sometime your business goes wrong, and tor a longtime you linve been feeling physically very badly. Don’t know wliat is the matter? Of course you don’t, else you would get some medicine. The trouble is with your stomach and liver. Tyner’s good Dyspepsia in helping Remedy will do a vast amount of this trouble if you will use it. Price 60 cents per bottle. For sa • by all druggists. Out ot Sorts. That is the way you feel as a result of tho headache you had when you awoke thi-> morning. Get in your usual frame of mind and body by using Ripans stomach Tabules. and liver the stand¬ ard remedy for all eom plaints.__ FITS stopped free by Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. No fits after first day’s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and ?2.00trial bot¬ tle free. Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. I can recommend Piso’s Cure for Consump¬ tion to «ufferers from Asthma.—F,. D. Town¬ send, Ft. Howard, Wii, May 4, 94. Mr=. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma¬ tion, allays pain, euros wind colic. 25c. a bottle Everyone Knows How it JT* to suffer with corn 5 , and they ar.^ not conduc¬ ive to walking; remove them with Hindercorns The Foundation Of Good Health is Pure, Rich Blood And the surest, best way to purify your blood is to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla Hood’s Pills are tasteless, mild, effec- 25c. tive. All druggists. + ask your druggist for ★ IMPERIAL ★ THE BEST ★ FOR INVALIDS New York. * * JOHN CARLE & SONS. !Wi PARKER’S m HAIR BALSAM ■£ Clean.**? And beaut.fie* the nair. Promote* a luxuriant growth. 3-ray Never Fe .s to Bestore Hair to its Youthful Coxor. Cure* *c*.p d.-aect 4 hair la.-iiig. y>c,*r.d ji.’Ata: Drugguta SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL, Aluminum is being used in making bodies of cabs. As a rule, a man’s hair turns gray five years sooner than a woman’s. A double line of electric omnibuses is about to be started in London. In Ottawa, Canada, a city of 40,000 inhabitants, there are 50,000 electric lights. The automatic bicycle tiro iuflater is a device for maintaining a hard or soft tire, as may be desired. It is propose I to include an inter¬ national exhibition of aeronautical ap¬ paratuses among the features of the Paris Exposition of 1900. Hr. Kanson, one of Professor Behr ing’tr assistants, has discovered a serutu remedy against cholera which has proved successful on animals. Experiments recently made prove that signals of lights may be seen at a greater distance if the flashes follow one another at irregular intervals. A spectroscope detector by which ono part of blood in a solution oi S50,000 parts cau be discovered has been invented by M. de Thierry. It will be of value in murder cases where the stains are very minuto. David H. Wyckoff recently wrote that a million horse-power could not produce the effect that a single flash of lightning has been known to ac¬ complish. He believed that we have as yet hardly begun to utilize the forces of nature. A cure for cancer and consumption is reported to have been discovered by a New York doctor. The treatment consists of injecting minute doses of pilocarpin until the lymphatic system is stimulated and the white corpuscles of the blood overcome tho poisonous which disease. G. W. Johnson, a well-known authority on chemistry, writes that the taste of the cucumber is due to a poisonous substance called “fungin” that is found in all mushrooms and fungoid growth as well as in cucum¬ bers. This poison accounts for the effect of cucumbers on some stomachs. Alfred C. Lane writes that ton miles above the earth the cold is far below zero, while ten miles below the sur¬ face everything is red hot. This latter is not so certain. It is thought by some that the heat of the earth may be wholly due to absorption from the sun, and so may decrease after a cer¬ tain depth has been reached. Dr. Chapman shows that the bobo¬ links which nest west of thq Rooky Mountains do not migrate southward with the birds of that region, but re¬ trace their steps and leave the United States by way of Florida, thus furn¬ ishing evidence of the gradual exten¬ sion of range westward and of the sta¬ bility of the routes of migration. Starchy foods, such as milk and many other substances recognized as highly nutritious, are, it is said, det¬ rimental to tho growth of the hair. Chemical analysis shows that the hair is composed in part of five per cent. of sulphur and its ash, twenty per cent, of silicon, and ten per cent, of iron and manganese, The foods which seem, therefore, best adapted for nourishing the hair are meat, oat¬ meal and graham flour. Spices aud Other Things. Prunes are prepared fruit of small trees. White pepper is made from the ripe berry. Cloves are the dried blossoms of tho clove tree. Carraway is the seed of a common wild plant. Rice is the pealed and dried seed of the rice plant. Dates are dried and prepared fruit of the date palm. Coffee is the kernel taken from the berry of the coffee tree. Cardamon is the ripe seed of several varieties of tropical shrub. Raisins are sun-dried grapes of a peculiarly luscious variety. Starch is extract ed from potatoes, corn, rice, arrowroot, etc. Sago is a dry, granulated starch im¬ ported from the East Indies. Black pepper is made from the un¬ ripe dried berry of the pepper plant. Capers are the flowers of the caper bush, preserved iu salt aud vinegar. Figs are dried and skillfully pre¬ pared fruit that looks much like tho pear. Vanilla is make from beans tha grow upon a vine that clings to trees and rocks. Allspice is made from the fruit of the pimento tree. The seed is much like the pea. Saffron is tho dried stigma of the common yellow crocus which grows in our gardens. Black mustard is the seed of sinapis nigra. The seeds have a brown color, with a redish tint. Mace is the blossom of the nutmeg tree, and is prepared by being im¬ mersed in salt water. Cocoa is made from the fruit of the cocoa tree, fermented for five days in heaps, or in earthen vessels. The tamarind is the marrow in the podlike fruit of the Indian tamarind tree. It is a dark brown mass, and is generally mixed with the seeds and fi bers of the fruit. Disgusting Etiquette. In a recent interview with Queen Victoria, Nasr Ullah Kahn, following the custom observed by his father, the Ameer of Afghanistan, in presenting a missive to a high personage, wetted all over with his tongue a letter from the Ameer that he had been charged to hand to the Queen. The latter looked at the process doubtfully, and finally decided that it would be better for her not to take the letter. A Lord in Waiting received the missive with a look of undisguised disgust oa hi? face.—New York Times. Artificial Marble. Nine-tenths of the marble-topped tables and so on—what I might call furniture marble—seeu iu this coun¬ try, are made of artificial marble, said a man in the trade. Thousands of tons of this mock mar ble are made annually, and even meu in the trade can scarcely tell the dif¬ ference between the real and the false article, for the markings, or mar bliugs, go wholly through the block, and are not merely superficial. The basis of the whole is a combination of limestone and chalk, which, chemical¬ ly treated, can be made of any shudo desired. The artificial marble in the rough is placed in a water bath, and upon this is sprinkled a sort of varn¬ ish, consisting of sesquioxide of iron, gum, and turpentine, and all manner of marbled designs are produoed when the turpentine is broken up by the ad¬ dition of water. Any pattern of marbling can be pro duced to order, Onoe such pattern appears, the air is expelled from the block, and the colors are fixed by the immersion of the stone in sulphate and warm water baths, and then an¬ other bath of sulphate and zino so closes up the pores and hardens the stone that it acquires the density of the natural article, and oan be out and polished in the same manner.—Ex. Why it Failed. • “No, our onion social was not a success.” “Onion sooial? What is that?” “Why, all of the girls stand up in a row and one of them is selected to take a bite out of an onion. Then the young men pay 10 cents a guess as to who ate the onion.” “Yes.” “And if he guesses right he gets to kiss all the other girls.” “I see.” “And the girl who bit the onion kisses all the fellows who guess wrong. And that is where the row began. All of the girls wanted to be the onion girl. More fellows guess wrong than right, you know.”—Cincinnati Tri¬ bune. GREAT BOOK FREE. When Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., published the first edition Medical of his work, Adviser, The People’s Common Sense had he announced that after 680,000 conics been sold at the regular which would price, $1.50 per copy, the profit on of labor and repay him for the great amount money expended tribute in producing half million it, he free. would this dis¬ the next As number of copiTs has already been sold, he is now distributing, this absolutely free , 500,000 copies interest- of .-« | COUPON ing most and com¬ val¬ plete, uable | No. 113 | I med¬ common sense ical work recipient ever *-——-published— being required mail the only above address, this to little to him, with at the (21) in coupon twenty-one cents and one cent stamps to pay for postage pack¬ ing only, and the book will be sent by mail. It is a veritable medical library, complete in one volume. It contains illustrations. over 1000 The page! Free and more than 300 Edition is precisely the same as those sold at $1.50 except only that the books are bound in strong manilla paper covers in¬ stead of cloth. Send now before all are given away. They are going off rapidly. QUANTITY iO Which have 7 'V\ to, ,, \ ^ you an eye , v quantity or quality, when *you buy rs> r* 3 something to make washing easy ? H If it’s quality, you want Pearline. *4 In effectiveness, in and economy, “"S above all in its absolute harmless¬ 1 ness, no matter how or where you / \' \ * use with it, there’s this, the nothing fir6t and to com- only pare washing-compound. quantity make, after all? If What difference does the you spend five cents or ten cents or a dollar for an aid to washing, don’t you want the thing that will give you the most work, the best work, and the most certain safety for that amount oi money? That thing is Pearline. n J Peddlers and some unscrupulous erocers will tell you “ this is as good as" ijCIlU or "the same as Pearline.” IT’S FALSE-^-Pearline is never peddled, •4. r\ £>ack * and if —lenhtback. your grocer sends you something In IA&E3 place PYLB,¥ew of Pearl ine, Voriu be “ honest <83 An elegant book for your table and constant reference. Send for it Yes, it’s ready ! NOW, It’s New and Nice. . ‘ . 1 . OUR NEW CATALOGUE brimming full of illustrations, and show¬ ing how the thousand-and-one things really look. You’ll like that. jfi jr -Sent by mail on There are Guns, Rifles, Pistols—from receipt of 10 cents in all over the world, and some of our own make—Fishing Tackle, Dog Collars and postage stamps or Chains, Tennis Sets, etc., etc. money. You can see our LOVELL DIAMOND BICYCLE—The Finest Wheel on Earth,-— the Williams Typewriter—you ought to have one. There’s lots of other things too, JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO.. BOKTON, MASS. Solo U. 8. Agent for “STAR” AUTOMATIC PAPER FASTENER, Exhausted Soils are made to produce larger and better crops by the use of Fertilizers rich in Potash. Write for our "Fanners’ Guide,” a 142-page illustrated book. It is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and will make and save you money. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Kimd Street, New York. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE PACTS THAT ARH PKCULIAR. The tongue of a common suuil is set with 30,000 toothlike points. The raven is the only bird found na tivo in every country iu the world. Latest geological calculations make the earth 1,526,730,000 years old. The frog, owing to his peculiar con¬ struction, cannot breathe with tho mouth open. Authorities ou ehess declare that the game was known to tho Chinese in the year 174 B. C. Professor Draper says that the de¬ scendants of a single pair of wasps may number as high as 20,000 in one sea¬ son. The surface of any given quantity of gold may be extended 310,814 times by being properly boaton with the hammer. The velocity of the earth at the equator, due to its rotation ou its axis, is 1,000 miles per hour, or a milo in 3.6 seconds. A gold dollar if beaten until its sur¬ face was enlarged 310,814 timos (as noted above) would become a golden film not more than tho 1-566,020th part of an inoh in thickness. The famous sacred Mohammedan flag enshrined at Constantinople, is said to bo a portion of a silk nightshirt formerly worn by the groat Mohammed himself. rlt would take a lino of cradlos ex¬ tending entirely around the globe to accommodate the 37,000,000 babies that are born into this world every year. L.W. Palmer, of London, Eng., has one room of his house papered with canctdled one-penny stamps. It took 70,000 to complete tho job. A peculiar blunder oocurred iu tho engraving of tho plate from which the reverse side of the $5 silver certificates was printq^I. It will be noted that on tho back of these certificates are the fac-similes of severul silver dollars. The third one of these from tho left end of tho certificate has the word “trust” spelled “trash” On all the others the word is properly spoiled. Rear Admiral Matsumura and Com¬ modore Kuntinomo, of tho Japanese navy, who covered themselves with glory during the Chinese war, ore graduates of the Naval academy at An r^gp^is. The vice minister of educa¬ tion in the Japanese cabinet is a grad¬ uate of Cornell University, the vice minister of finance of Yale, and the vice minister of agriculture and com¬ merce of TIurvard. The Telephone N. G. In Russia. Tho telephone, it is said, is not mak¬ ing much progress iu Russia. Aud no wonder! Fancy a man going to the ’phoue aud shouting : “Hello 1 Is that you, DviHostkiqchsmartroiczki ?” “No; it’H ZollemschffoilttkafllrustiffHagowoff. Who’s speakiug?” “Hezjmonohookier trjuaksmzkischokemoff. I want to know if Xliferomanskettiskillwajuchwchazx vastowskswoibierskioff is still stopping with Dvisostkivclismartvoiczki. ” Who Can Answor? The New York Evening Bun asks the following question, but wisely ro fraips from attempting to answer it: “Why is it that, whoreas only three of tho seats in open street oars are re¬ served for smokers, women will per¬ sist in sitting in them, while others are empty?” V, yy m u ONU ENJOYS Both the method and results when aud Syrup refreshing of Figs is taken; tho it is aud pleasant to taste, acts gently Liver and yet promptly Bowels, cleanses on the Kidneys, the effectually, dispels colds, hoad- sys¬ tem aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. only remedy of Syrup its kind of Figs is tho ever pro¬ duce!., pleasing to tho tasto and ac¬ ceptable to and the stomach, prompt in its action truly beneficial in its effects, prep ared only from tho most healthy excellent and agree able substances, its many all and have qualities made commend tjio it to it most popular Syrup remedy of Figs known. is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug¬ who gists. Any reliable druggist may not have it on hand will pro¬ cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FHANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KV. , NEW VOHK. N.r. WANTED Bright Boys and Girls -TO Sell the New York Ledger Every Week. Rig I*ny lor I.itllo Work. Tho Now York Ledger has hail so many ap DIM lioiitioim from boys and soil girls tho throughout Ledger by tho country wanting to for tho weok, Jiavo us woll decided as by subscription establish whitt¬ tho year, wo to aw a le o young agents in every town iu tho country. We Wmit an Active Worker In Every IMiice. Hundreds of smart boys anti girls inevory locality have several hours’ spare time each week. lteli.1 Our Finn. Wo want just such ones to work for us a little while each—selling every weok selling reliable, Ledger* orig¬ at (5 cents the old, published—the inal and best story paper New York Ledger. i\o Possible Riak. Our yonng bundle agents take no possible week, risk. and Wo send a of Ledger* cakes every each. they sell them like hot at fi cents Every one wants the opportunity New York Ledger examine as soon as given an of it. It willonlybo to and road a copy likely reader neces¬ sary for an agent to show a our offer of $1,000 in Cash Frizes to Readers 81,000 in Mb Prize* to Ledger IteptlerN And a regular reader will bo secured on tho to rea<lej\s who wind the? Florence he,wfc explanation Warden of V the rilVHtery of Mins B wonderfully interesting story beginning in this week’s Ledger, dated Sent. I I, entitled “The Mystery «,f the Inn by the Shore.” Each a^ent will be entitled to compete for tho $1,000 in Fanh l*rijce«. The I.ctlgcr Prcc. If the postmaster or any of responsible boy party will send ns the name a smart or girl to sell tne Ledger every week in his town, we will put an extra Ledger in the agent’s bundle each week, to be delivered free to the party appointing the agent so long as the agent sells the Ledger. Send us the name of a smart boy or girl and at once. Have them fill out this coupon send it at once: 189 T hereby aprr^e to art from date as agent for tho Now York Ledger, and to null the same to ladie*. farmers and others at 5 cents a copy every week, and that I will report not later than the Monday after each package is received, on blank furnished me, and remit 3 cents for each copy l sell or deliver to sub¬ scribers, ami will keep all unsold copies, to be re tuyued as instructed. Name Address. State Appointed by. .......-.........- — Address NEW Y0BK LEDGER, 182 William Street, New York. T A^NTA^pojmojf e'TJiRe^TORjrGN A List of Reliable Atlanta Bus¬ iness Houses where visitors to the Great Show will be properly treated and can pur¬ chase goods at lowest prices. STILSON & COLLINS JEWELRY CO., 55 Whitehall St., Atlanta. Ga. Everything In the Jewelry and Silver Line at Factory Prices. PHILLIPS & CREW CO. 37 Peachtree Street. STANDARD Pianos and Organs. SHEET MU8IC, MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. FISEMAN IB and 17 BROS,; 7 ■B Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. -ONE PRICE OLOTIIIEHS, Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers. BOWMAN BROS M FINE MILLINERY. New York City and Atlanta. Our Atlanta ntoro* at 78 Whitehall St,, 1 « now opon with a complete lino of the latest Parisian and Now York styles In Fall Hats, Honneta and Novelties. You ara cordially th vit od to oall to «oe uh when In tho city or vis¬ iting the Exposition. D TO AVOID THIS TTI9XQ 0. TETTERINE C 11 l The only painless ami harmleti 0 C“5 j I Totter, cTirtic for Ringworm, the worst. ugly type rough of Ko/.oma, patoh- 11 K . e* on tho face, crusted scalp. Ground itoll, chafes, chans, pim I P C pies. Poison from ivy or poison oak. ■ In short all itchks. Hand 50u, in H •Savannah. itninps or cash Ga., to for J. T. box, Sliupfcrine, if your one druggist don’t Loop it. You will find It at ('hah. O. Tyneu’*, Atlanta. AROMATIC EXTRACT BLACKBERRY AND RHUBARB —FOIL— Dysentery, Flux, Cholera Morbus, Cholera* Diarrhoea —AND— Hummer Complaint* Try It Price 25c., SOc., $1.00. For Hale by Druggists or write to J. Stovall Smith, MANUFACTURING PHARMACIST. 102 Whitehall 8t., Corner Mitchell, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. SULLIVAN & CRICHTON’S AND SCHOOL Or SHORTHAND. The bent ami cheapest Business College In America. Time short. Instruction thorough. 4 Penmen. Big demand for graduates. Catalogue free Hr rI I\ A % A Cliff’ll TON, KUrr 1114#., Atlanta. «•* IF YOU BUY YOUR SHOES FROM They will give you pleasure Every minute you wear them. 14 WHitoHAll Stroot. SAW MILLS CORN AND FKKD MILLS. Water Wheels and Hay Presses. BEST IN THE MARKET. Hel.oneb Mill Alfa. Co., .7115, Atlanta. Ga. WRITE TO THE V . For Catalogue (Free). Xf/; Buy Direct and Have 25 Per 3 Cent.agents’ commissions. I*. O. Box 501, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. GOOD POSITIONS SECURED IIV STUDENTS Business Firms Supplied i® Help Richmond’s Commercial College v P.Ntablfaheri 1 HH't. Send for Catalogue. .savannah, ga. OSBORNE’S M udinedd <jueae ANn No text boolo* u**d. Actual t> mi ness from day aad ot «>t«rin*. Bumowi nnp«r«. coJiegH curr-ncy ”SLs ch«ap.’° r iu’it, f*!r8^>iLid uTa Every Ian His Own Doctor. A Valuable FAMILY DOCTOR Book by J. Hamilton Ayres, M. D., of six hundred pages, profusely illustrated and containing knowledge of how to CURE Disease, Promote Health and Prolong Life. The book also contains valuable information regarding mar¬ riage and the proper care and rearing of children. Sond GO Cents —TO— The Atlanta PnMislii House. A. N. U Thirty-seven, ’95. JF Cims Cough WHtRt Syrup. Ait ELSE FAILS Best Tastes Good. Ueo jv Syq iu time. fcSWSli Bold by druggist*. g ffq WMI 1? Ji ii Mr*. P. C. Adam*.