Crawfordville advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 189?-1???, November 01, 1895, Image 1

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—'■nu xmsizm 1 -r 1 ; T T,1 FT' A ; I m }m.m=fpzz y H li • )Hi i I / / jL 1 J * . ; . 1 i _ jLi I JU $ * •>. I M §£ I > i j i i , 1 jL aLU G * u‘ - vol; i i TRANSPIRING EVENTS Social and Personal Happen mgs. ___ Cotton is moving up again this week. Our Marshal is chaingang boss tills week. itnother n , 1 b« r ■ dnpmeat 1 • . of Dress,,Goods just in at Al 11101 Bros., Qreenesboro, G a - Mr. ., Charlie TT Hill .„ is . the week in Augusta. For J. B. Sword's Wliiskey, go to W- K. Iteid. $2.00 per gallon. Mrs. Janie Howard is visiting her mother, Mrs. Cinnie Ste¬ phens. Gents’ and Boys’ Hats and Caps, world without end, at Armor Bros., Greenesboro, Ga. The Alliance Store js still leading in low prices. A glorious rain has come at last, which is highly appreciat¬ ed by our people. Rev. Mr. Lovejov preached morning and evening at the Method^ Qhurch last Sunday. What has become of our country correspondents ? Let us bear from you friends. The best Kentucky Rye Whiskies and imported Gin, at W. R. Reid’s* Crawfordville, Ga. Send in your subscription to this paper friends, we are need¬ ing money. We have marked down a big lot of Clothing regardless of cost. Now is your time.— jjrmor Bros., Greensboro, Ga. Rev. R. E. L. Harris has about gotten well, and returned home Monday, accompanied by his wife. Ladies, when you want a nice dress for a little money, come to see us; we have the goods.—Armor Bros., Greens¬ boro, Ga. Rev. Mr. Davis, of White Plains, preached a fine sermon at the Baptist Church last Sun¬ day. It is a fact. Our business is increasing daily. We infer from this, that the public knows where to get the worth of their money.—-Armor Bros., Greenesboro, Ga. It is stated that some changes will soon be mede in the sched¬ ules of the Georgia Railroad.— Idle Picayune will run as far as Union Point instead of laying over at Harlem. This will af¬ ford considerable convenience to people living between Augusta and Union Point. If you want tO ouy the best Whiskey for the least money, *T. go to w. R. Reid, Crawfordville Ga. We are Headquarters for everything in Qeneral Mer chandi.-e, and can save your railroad fare in bu} ing a small bill from us.—Armor Bros., Greenesboro, Ga. The attention of our is directed to the advertisement of Hr. Ys. P. I’icKeon, the live . . anu fcj.lLt‘1 j xihing n.eiCilaut. c*. Sharon, G a. Mr. Mc-Keon Ls offering good bargains to the trading pubic at bottom Read what he says and give him your patronage. CRAWFORDVILLE, GA FRIDAY. NOYRVtW'! .* i 1 V *»" c L - l > A(> r,\. i XllTOll. - Two weeks more of Hie present 'V‘»>Ler, ».ni the rotton crop wnl b,, ail out m tins section. We forgot to ment >n in out* last work’s in ms about Jr. L. 8 . Jackson s visit to Auu'iisU. When we saw him in the ............ morninq of that dav, with ..... . i„. bouiul for lVie exposition hut it was onl .v 11 l,usultiSS "’'P Augusta. Miss ^ Kiito liarty has bf .11 quite wt foP8evenil (lap p:lst) l)Ulis lvbuuI well again. T. Maliare was quite sick last week, hut is up again and gone to work. Mr. 1!. TT. Jackson is thought to be some better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs J. E. Rugby and their little daughter, Lillian,* and Mr. an Mrs. t». K. Gregory and their daughter Florence, visited us last week. Miss Gilbert., of Pen Ridge, visited her brother, Mr. R. X. Gilbert, in Sharon last week. Mr. \V. D. Moore, Crawfordville’s Jeweler and Watchmaker, was in our town recently. Mr. A. 1). Moore, the boss of the Temple of Industry in Sharon, has been suffering with a sore hand for some time. Horse drovers were in town last week with line horses for sale or trade just, from Atlanta. Mr. Jim Sludivant is still running his saw mill near this place. Any one needing lumber can call on him. He will sell cheap. Mr. Hattawav, of Pea Ridge, one of Taliaferro’s best citizens, w'as in our town last week on bu.'iutss. The Georgia Railroad--service train - *■ •* S ’ !lnMl "' 5 Several went to the exposition fmm tins ....... vicinity last week, . especially • n the ,i darkeys. Mr. A. A. Mershon is now with Messrs. G. T. & L. T. Moore, and would le glad for his friends to call on him at that business bouse. Mrs. Francis Atchison, an aged Christian ladv of this county, died on the 18th of October, at her daughter’s, Mrs. Smith Allen, near Milledgeville. Mrs. .. Atchison . . . had . , a great . .many rela- , lives in this , . and ... U arren county. Mrs. Elliot and Miss Thompson were visiting in Sharon last week. Mrs. Lizzette Eagby and daughter, Lillian, accent unied bv Miss[Misssouri llagby, visi- relatives in Warren county last unday. We had a colored marriage at the colored ethodist Church last Sunday night. We did not learn the names of the contracting parties. Several delegates from Sharon attend¬ ed the Prohibition meeting in Atlanta this week. Also a large crowd of vis¬ itors from Raytown and vicinity visit¬ ed the exposition. We learn that Mr. John P. Moore, Chairman of out Board of County Com¬ missioners, is sick at his home near Raytown. We hope Mr. Moore will soon recover his usual health. Rev. W. 11. Cox has resigned as pas tor of the Salem Baptist Church, ut Barnett. Miss Carrie McKinney and Miss Emma Bagby visited us iast Saturday and Sunday, from Jenniug’s. In a case in our Justice Court last week, the plaintiff and defendant locked the English grammar and Websters Dictionary out of sight with their fluent language. A great deal of sickness still prevail ing in this section of country. Mr. Lot Oslin is depot agent at Bar nett now, and he and his w ife are boarding with Dr. J. J. Cooper. Messrs. J. A. Kendrick, B*ader Dyer F. F. Darden and J.T. Stone all went to Atlaata last wtek and bou 8 h! horses. Mr. James V. Garrett, of near Crr.w fordville, was in town this week, visit ing- relative'. Mr. Garrett says that people need’nt skim their milk in tins Country, expecting to eat their butter in heaven. Miss Leedy Clements, near Sharon, is quite sick at present. We hope she will soon recover. Cotton ts on the <1 cli:t. it nrns. •,= if a for great In main v<\ ;m: shipping o»: lu-ulimj tti r Mr. Jesse Frown, ol the 'Vote V ersuy. wn-tu *.H,.e on a visit WOt .; ; <';:. on; ,_r pfriplo arc &hva\ <4^-1 to sen J.-ssc. ?> m. J r nvn is quite sick :,t , 5 ., tjhli r’s Mr 1’ T. Ki io'iick, near-; 3 p.'fieo. Every knows Mi '. L u wu uiul wish tor her a speedy ,l: *s ( , very. Mr. .1. W. ..iicn has bought him n tine mi , .-is. Atkinson & Flury, Proprie tors and Editors of Tuk C UAWFOtm vn.i.K Advocate, were in Sharon iast week looking after the interests of their paper. Aunt Virnus Edwards, of this tv, died on the Kith of October. W;l s oighty years old, and a good, hon est? chrisl ian color, d woman, and had a great many friends, white and Mack. She whs the mother or 14 children, nrid her advice to all ol them was to < 1 „ right and liv,- ri s h, M,,' ,m to rest in the Dove) Iiill C hurch i Ohio lerv, Rev. W, li. Darden conducting the funeral sendees. Aunt \ irntis has left a gieat many relatives and friendr to mourn her departure. Peace to her ashes. She lias crossed over the River and is lesti in ilie shade of the trees. FATA li ACCIDKNT. A Young Hrnkcnian on the Oa. It. li. Killed. Mr. Sherwood Ilodo, r trainman on tlie Georgia Railroad, was knocked off the lop of a. freight ea” by an overhead bridge at Grecm.sfSoro, Ga., og, .j^on day of this weyk. He was .carried to Augusla lor medical riMoilipij,, but .his injuries wcremfVbch u character that ' :: «««'»«• <■"»“>' »p ■■ »>• *...... . «go when he secured a position on the railroad. ------ Our devil says he would visit the Exposition, 3 but is afraid he would be arrested on the way for Will Cottonseed meal and cottonseed halls Bhot ‘ ld b ° far mora <*teusively « " att '° ^ , od ’ ^’ hc,<e of rbo C °Y ton fields of f tiie south will enable the farmers f to maintain or to restore the ferdlity of thoir landg at the least cost °- maaiires. By their proper use it is easy to obtain tho highest economic value of the coarso fodders which are too often suffered to go entirely to waste, or if used at all scarcely pay for tho labor of hauling them. The following are safe rations for a dairy cow of 1,003 pounds live weight, BIJ d are made up in great part of cot¬ tonseed products: 1 . Fifteen pounds cottonseed hnlls, five pounds of cottonseed meal, and six pounds corn meal. 2 . Fifteen pounds cottonseed hnll 3 , four pounds of cottonseed meal, five pounds wheat bran, two pounds of corn nn-al. 3. Fifteen pounds cottonseed, eight pounds clover hay, five poands cotton¬ seed meal, two pounds corn meal. 4. Fifteen pounds cottonseed halls, eight pounds corn fodder, three pounds cottonseed meal, three pounds wheat bran, 5. Fifteen pounds cottonsoed hulls, eiprht pounds corn tops, five pounds cot tonse0<i meal - 0 Fifteeu pcundi cottonseed hulls, six pounds clover hay, ten pounds of corn and oats, equal weights of each, mixed and ground together. The many friends of Bishop Ilay good, will be glad to learn that he is improving, at this lime, and thete is hopes for his recovery, The Georgia UaiUord'UuThoriiies ar. receiving ties along its line of road ihi week. Save YOUT Money. Oneboxof Tutt’s Pills will save many dollars in doctors’ bills They willsurelycureall uiscases ofthe stomach, liver or bowels, No Reckless Assertion p sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation andbilio usness, a million people PILLS endorse TUTT'S LlVeT A si hi: wan arrest e<i :• *r on Momliiv, who wn &UPF< ht> : • i-G >• !h \ iO*. - n hno ! m > i m n ■» in or u aid; Y wiiok in on i o; Vi . - am S • i o; id ki ' A negro named diaries Williams, was shot from ambush on Tic sb 1 n this week at llephdd.ali, and kild I ’I he -L-'-. rrand lndg o ; ! t fra 1 -’ v of lie .*•. . coi Maemi this week. Mrs. 8 . Gi’don appai'cnily in the hesi health fell in di floor with her cab' in her anus and died almost insiaiul . Macon on Tuesday. — »•— .............. , J ^«VU ' t ' S (a Snuthem 1,1 a ! -;amcuii ltai nimi.c m ra, ID ^il^'oV Sand^s vHlY’ " * A bill to increase the nu uber of Supreme Court Judges from three i (h „ ,, ................ |„ 'This sanit; inoasuri* has been voted on by i be people twice be for, and each time has been defeated It is the opinion of some of our eiti lofts that the dry weather hasconsidei 4 ably affected the potato crop through %ut , this section. r ts* HE raro^a ■r> ■ GS» n S3- f[ij si 4’ 9 30 ss ,-j >«a a I have been a midwife for many *• -irssrssJ® r^ntsssL'i BREAST known, and worth the price for that, alone. Mrs. M. M. Brewster, Montgomery, Ala. Sent by Express or mall, on receipt of price. Si-OCpcr liotllo. book “To MotUora" wailed *«*■ BttADFIELD REQULATOft OO., Atlanta, Qa. bct.ij nr aw, druggists. Everybody HI thlS VlCmitj Should Visit The !£22POSXTIQXT AT ATLANTA THE 1 GEORGIA RAILROAD Is selling Round-Trip Tickets at very low rates. See the Agent at [your nearest i station for the low rates. Yon shonld go and take your family. I It will he years before y* u and they w II ! have another Hindi he opportunity. tin; Exposition The sights to seen fully at f»'r tie* exp**n<ii-; j will compensate you tore, and be as good as a month’s or more f, ’ r 'uTldrc, and a world of | knowledge, for your wire. yourself and family, j it is a duty you owe perform it Joe. VV. White, A. G. Jai kson, T. V. A. G. F. A. A CLEAR HEAD; good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old age, are some of the results of the use of Tutt’s Liver Pills. A single dose will convince you of their wonderful effects and virtue. \ KflOWn Fact. a b so l u te cure for sick head dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach,dizziness,constipation ^i]i OUS fever, piles, torpid liver anc j a i| kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills -• v.; one Bottle \. ill c o.” 17 . T t" 4 % ill s All r a SI sms isso tv. 1 IS ,• tLs s ii L .V b *? w nc bot t le will fclvc -------- 1 tn« u In an; v appclitr onfS inerrased tl :**-’S:-S5r. wilt ulart yorj on a cure lor Uvspcpitt* will nervous* ilfCi und Sc.-”> will care ncu « .:»i*, ir.*l ♦'ilcilhis tv III nta»it Ilia txiuim iiivAl..' 1 t is joy nrw, I.Je— will w«: d off cilfH* antJ (infich lrv<»?> poti» will end Alakes * , tin iiliod will Yon sltTii^t^r n wruh women e r <' l Civ k‘ am I Hi:: your ctT.uine Strong: & Coaa ^ n;Dpc fj: tu v Z 5 *. Tutrs free. Bioni, Ciigiicciil Co Ifullbiiore. WU flj’f ** Y^U ^R(|| 'AP'-A ea hefore ym in the air? That’s your liver s faul: Rheumatism, Dyspe: KeunJsia, Hoad ac.'..c.- ami BilUr.uurieso are all your liver’s SymcUnnt a DUonkrciLiver: Pala in bUch, *ido and phouiders, a lad tattc in tLc. rr.oiitb, t. ted tongue, Grow di.'cj tionbi d, i.*;tjnrfc.'i,lorn ot'»ppudtw*, ii iur . id s It r;’.uma^h, habu. ad t •.*•/ ver • *u, do.a before the eves, g in fc*?!ow, r.,/«5« yellow, licr voesi'CisK, iihn; hr* on the lane, cjy couth, cu ' hifcit 4 ft i a J. A’: the first appearance of these aynjptims call oa your xaerchant fer a bottle of (t l.liA’tlv'er Rheujnftllc ^AnJUeui^io itgoss straight to woifcon the liver. I: clea.ii.ea this organ - makes it active again purifies yoar Iji-jod arid you’re cured. Aik Your Drussli t or Murehaet For It. CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sole Proprietors, Knoxville, Tend. it,OC "> M, KiChii j iii- ,..<s Alliance Store, Dr II. F. White, and U. S. (hum. r: mam V£frik ib.MtiiKtaf' *!? COPYRIGHTS, f!A\ t OItTA IN A l*AV F'li lo prompt &n } en I’oc. ' (irDnon, wr!i (■ iVir.NN A CO., who I'” L.'Gt iigtI Foirirnwnit > Pfiy ye-'»r < r jnirit nec irj f 1 <■ patent l>UMim sa. a iih iff net ty ( jOiifMential. A llitiirfhooli of Im nation t‘< »7 re*erairj« ttfid liow to ob •m flffi: fn;<». A!»o n rntntogue Of mecljiui I HCientitle booUn nut in v. C: I'atentH taken throuv'.t Mu on h o. receive ffpoeiul f.iiUH ft re notice Lrom/iit In the widely Sfie.ifiltr before A»>u*»i<Hie Uie puhiic wit and fl¬ out cost, to the tnv’i'for. V'l* > r pi' * did unper, issued weekly, elen/int rj j title? ruf e«|, ha:, work by f;;J tie larc'eHt circulation of euy i-.< ■.t ,tU: in the WOrhl. F>jTithiU, n year. f-:o;ipK- v< ;• oh uent. frf;e. ihiilaintf monthly, S2.Ui& year. Htngle rmiiuM,‘25 piutGH, nt eolotn, . livery and rjuinLf.r rdiotOfrrnnhH contains of heau Lrul in new !iou«c«, wi;h plariH, e,m hlintr nuiJdera to ahovr tho iaf/'st Ao.nUrrt* «nd "er*n: •• ro i r; tract T Adriic‘‘-» XIUN'M L CO., New Vo g, u " —j JiKOADW'AV THE ATLANTA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Tho Advanced BusinosH School, Book-keeping, Banking, Shorthand* Penmanship, Muth run tics, Elocution, and all the Commercial and English Branches Taught by Practical, and Pro¬ fessionally Trained Teachers, Student^ may enter at any time. For full information, and Catalogue write to, Atlanta Business Collego Whitehall St. Atlanta (la. IT ■BV THE. F?^U«C,lC r i&% to v/a-y 5 C!^e 2®* Vov/r n And^it/e. y n) m D r i)WK - Tichr r ors Antise ptic ocl \ idl)cr) : f- ri 1 'A Witt) Qpljif ] B?TTj tw ‘ pc, iVeiy cure. HU ? i; 'T : V' U‘°k^±9jlL±J NO. 48 Citation. GEORGI \ Tulinfcrro County. 4 O'j V-orgo W. Tiippua. li usti n for Dellal-, A aiipan, )ias aj.| li, ,i lo • | 0 r n ,]is i liiujji- from his • ........... trust : This is rlicivfon*, to notify all i..-r>-ou« c iu rriu<|, " f>>** their "1 j'Ttion, if nnj t.'ioy Imvc, on 111!' first .Mornliiy ' • in Mor.-iuhi-r 1 U \ 1 . cl < i io’T.f:i V T.tpimn \rill bo ills. . • ou’i.'.-tt from in., suiil n, trustee, ns applied for. OKOIKUO it MITOHKU., Oriliimry, Tuiinl. i'(o CDiini.y, : /.OitGlA, 'la!' • f, rro County. ,U N DA ,1 < ■ XES, tin; u iiiow of I’hillip i •folios, laic • ! .•:,•(! county, .......a mil, ad lie; live urolur dijhhvii Imvirkg in’.dim arm pjiiicd lor inourlis sit|>[>ort, •m rile c: !afc of tim afiii! Pldllipp .Jones . ! 'd flic iijipr ii or* dill upjioinfcd : having dm I iiicir rc|Hirt,sctiinpu.,id««md! Mupiiorb I'a upon said lllcafiuii tbo first;, in November I Sill This.Jis th.r.' n; in nniify all |>,• rs,m interested in flat alo ol said !'Inilipp .line . Oi show cause ay Mini said upplieutiouslioutit not lie granted an id urn recorded and made the ulgi uicnl ol, liie i min. Oct. 1 -t, JHbfi. UEO. it. M ITCH ! Kid.. Ordinary. • 1C<)Il< i i A, r IYIiaiV‘iro v. /V ti ! Jii.K!0AS, li. S. .lackson, Adfuinistra* I<>r of (LstatG ul AaroiiJJ Jaclv.son, rojii'b * ill s to Mh* Court, in iiis jig) itiuii.duly tiioii JUtl i nr< tmI nil ivriml, t-httt ho lias fully • tliuini,stt»rc(l Gstut-o of Aaron Jaoksoif: , Iministratiun, j V t^'tSSTsStSSS atnl r<*i*oivi‘ loMrrs ^ «-f <1 hE i I’iuk'oc" IS "Po *' amU ‘ ry UKO. li. ,\!ITCH I I,!,, Ordinal y. (iKOLKHA, Tiilinfcrro Coiinfy. \\J li 1 CKKAS, ccii.iiu r»‘til.ioni*rs lm\n t? nuitic t inir applicit ii.n to ihc c ’< mi it. omniis,sinners, |>iayiiijr mi or<l* r ^rufitiu^r thi* csf.iiI>Iis 111 nc) 11 < I a new rum!, ronun.uc n at I’mveilnu jiml \Vhit< Plains road i. ar .lolm Johnson's and runniu;' to 1,1 <• » ’nnvtordvillG and Wliito Plains road; .rad, whereas eonuuissioiiers u,’*|m anted f«*r dial pufjioVe have, no iewed and marked out aal eonteinpluted road, arol reported to ■ aid i oiinty <'ornin i? :d« >m*rs tjiaf said roml \ iil he one ol uuiell p hlie utility and Goii « uii ore, now this i.> to eite and ndnu ni.sli til p« i >01 t hat on and after rho lirst Tu e.H lay iu November 1KH5, said new road will ae jH'nhted it liogOOd ('Utl i:-; .shown to tho eontrary. (J ’CO. If. MITCH JILL. Ordinary and Da OiUcio Oierk. (lEOitdTA, TivlIiiLrto Coimty. vV 11 DUE VS, eeriain petitioners hnvo .ni.sslonerH, tlndr nppl feat ion to t in* Couuty Com-r praying an order graiiiiii^ the stahlishnient ol a ihav road, t utumerunrig I. A. 'j. Hiilniini’s dtvelliujjf iionsc and itinidri^hy ihllnitn station In intersect he put,>lje road at V» i,kt .s eouniy line near Dieklen ; and whereas cojnniissionerH ap¬ point «<i for i hal puijiose liavo re.viewed and • narked out said contemplated road and re¬ ported to . aid < nuiity G<Giimirtsioners th it ■aid roatUwill be one of nnn h puhiic utility ■ ml com enietice, now this is to eite and idinonish ill per-am;•» that on and after the iir-J Tue*.<!,iy in Noveiiilfer iHBo sai<l new >»ad will he granted if no good cause is hown to the contrary. *r# OKU. II. MITOIIEU 11 Ordinary ami Ex Oliicio Clerk. OiCORCT V, Taliaferro County. '.i/HKKiCAS, errtain petitionr-rs liavo Vf made: their nppiicatioii to tin*. Eounty ( \in*mi* -ioners^ p;.tyii*an order j^rantiu^ tie e tahli diim iil uf a new Head, eomtiieii eiH '4 at the Hail road < rossinj' at llillriiun -latiori, Washington hraneli ileor^ia ltail road, to intersect, the puldie road running from Fi irplay to Hat.dy ( ross at or near a t 'liant house on A. L. Hillman's pi* e known as the <lolly phe e ; ;• ml whi re.ts, (/Oimrii.ssionni’H appointed for that purpose have mviewed and marked out said con ten jdated ro ul, and reportcfl to said ill he Coun¬ ty < ommis.siom rs t hat said road w ono of mpeh pnhlic utility and convenience, now t his is to cite mid admonish all persons tli il < n and. after the lir.H Tie sday in No vs m le-r loiKl, said new road will he grant¬ ed if no good eau jo is shown to tho con trary. CEO. II. MITCTIELB. Ordinary ..nd E . Oliicio Clerk. GEORGIA, Taliaferro County. \ A(’K TURNER having in <hm form ap¬ plied to the uhilerjigned for the guar dianship of t!ie pernon-j and nrt»jwrt.y of MiiUifli* Hard'ii; Saraliie Harden; Uorin« llar<l< n ; Tim*. Hard<*ii ami Lou KHa Har¬ den; minor children of Johnson Harden and hi- wife, notice is hereby given that, his application will ho heard at my ofrieo on the first Monday in November next and said Ja' k'l urner will then no appointed guardian oi the persons and property of said minors, unless good ohiy' tions are made. October 7fh, 18!r» r -;.m GEO. il. * 7 ’HEEL. Ordinary. / - \ JiliSili Vi..' / n LITTLE GIANT, Known as the Vincent horse, will be found at Reid’s stable in Crawfordville once a week for the next two months. E. L. CRUTCHFIELD, SC ntG Siloeni, Ga. Advertise in this paper, it i will pay you.