Crawfordville advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 189?-1???, November 29, 1895, Image 1

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THE C TJ r , at -rr—-if* | ] H v . \ / i A Jjj ?! & I s. ±i i'i VOL. Ill TRANSPIRING Social and Personal Happen¬ ings. Rev. 11. E. L. Harris has l»een quite sick at Greenes boro this week. Daniel Evaus, col., died last Satur¬ day evening. Mr. Abb Ilairis, of Greenesboro, was iu town last Sunday and.Monday. Air. C (i. Moore, of Athens, was in ourjcotumuuitv a few clays t his week. For J. 1>. Sword's Corn WTiiskey, go to VV. It. Reid. £2.00 per gallon.'' Mr. W. A. Legwen. of Crawfordville visited Dr. and Mrs. F. II. Phillip . in Harlem this week. Rev. J. F. Eden, the Christian In¬ dex's tiald man, was in our town on \Veduesday, looking after the interests of the Index. Master Glenn Legwen, who has been spending several weeks in .Har¬ lem, returned home this week. The best Kentucky Rye Whiskies and imported 11 in, at W. R. Reid’s* Crawfordville, Ga* The merchants of Crawfordville ail closed thou stores one hour Thursday while services were being conducted at the Baptist Church. Fire was discovered on the top of Mrs. Rettic Gorham’s house last Tues¬ day, but help was called in soon enough to prevent its doing any serious dam¬ age. Prof. McLaughlin gave his school holiday three days this week, for the purpose of taking in the exposition himself and to allow the scholars a chance to go to the exposition without losing any time out of school. If you want to buy the best Whiskey for the least money, go to W. R. Reid, Crawfordville ao Our Subscribers •IV We trust our numerous subset ibers who are indebted to us for subscription this year, will not forget us when they sell their cotton. We have waited patiently on all those indebted to us until now,and we trust all will respond, as we have stretched our credit some iu order to carry our subscribers this year, and we have bills against us that must be met. The amount of one dol¬ lar that you owe us may- seem small, hut you must bear in mind that you are only one among hundreds who owe us, and a dollar from all means much to us. So please don’t put this off, but send or bring us the money, and there¬ by relieve our embarrassment. Leave your subscription with either of the following gentlemen: Messrs. W. C. Chapman at the Alliance Store, S. II. Rhodes, Crawfordville; C. L. Ragby, Sharon. Notice Notice is hereby giveu the that General during the present session of Assembly of the .State of Georgia, application will be made for the passage of an act the title of which is as follows, to-wit: — “An Act to establish a system of Public Schools for the town of Craw¬ fordville, to provide for a Mayor Board and of Education, to empower'the and Council of said town to levy col¬ lect a tax for the support and main¬ tenance thereof, to authorize the County gchool Commissioner of Talia¬ ferro County to pay over to said Board of Education such part of the State School Fund as may be the just pro rata shares of said town, and for other purposes.” 1895. 4ts. Nov. 9. MOB LAW AT MT. VERNON. Alt. Yeruon, in Alontgomery county, this State, was the scene of a most shocking butchery of Prof. L. W. Perdue, who was charged with a crime not proper to mention iu these columns. He was presented to the grand jury on the change alleged, and the jury fail¬ ed to find a true bill. At 1 o’clock .Saturday morning last twenty-three white rntD. well armed, went to Sheriff McGregor’s house and aroused and overpowered hitn, and relieved him of his pistol and jail keys, and then went to the jail and took Perdue out and carried him to the woods two miles from the jail and cut his throat from ear to ear and filled his body with bullets. GA., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 20 . ISO,'). Mass fleeting. A Mass Meeting of the People’s Party will be held in Crawfordville on Tuesday, the 3rd day of December next. Come one. come all. There will be some important business before the meeting. I earnestly solicit every populist in the county to attend, and bring along all your friends. .1. A. Woodall, Chairman, j’. P. Ex. Com. Taliaferro to. Appointments. Tin* following appointments were by the N orth Georgia Conference for tile Athens District: AY. ]’. I.ovejoy, presiding elder. Athens—First church, W. It. Foote. Athens, Oconee street, S It. England. Athens, Whitehall and Mission, M. Seawall. Athens cireuit, .1. t,. Ware. YVatkinsville, J. .J. Ansley. Winterville, J. II. Lewis. Lexington, A. J.Hughes. Greenesboro, T. O. Betterton. Greene cireuit, .T. It. Askew. White Plains, J. B. Holland. Norwood, E. B. Itees. Crawfordville, J. W. Bale. Washington, A. W. (Juillian. Broad River, It. B. O. England. Little River, It. FI. L. Timmons. Oglethorpe Mission, J. E. Russell. In Memory of Mrs. Beulah Thompson. “Another one from us is gone, That -voice we loved is still, A place is vacant in our hearts That never can be tilled,” Mrs. Beulah Thompson was born in Taliafena county, Georgia, Dec. 2tith, 1850, and died at her home Mesena, McDuIHe county, Ga., Friday night, November 22nd, 1895, and was buried at Sharon M. E. Church cemetery on Nov. 24th. 8he was a consistent mem¬ ber of the M. E. Church and consort of Mr. Crudford Thompson, of Mesena, Ga. Death has again been abioad in our land and midst, and has plucked from the family hearthstone a devoted wile, a congenial companion, and a loving, contidiug mother. Ere the great orb of day had risen on the morning of the 23rd inst., the spirit of Mrs. Thompson had winged its snpwy pinions to the that ''t'fnmtry and -weity. “Whose maker and builder is God.” That voice that resounded through the house and around the family hearth¬ stone is silent in the depths of the tomb. The familiar chair she once oc¬ cupied is vacant forever, and the form that we loved so well is taking its last long, unbroken, sweet, refreshing, and peaceful rest in its new made home, the clods of the valley are keeping their sad requiem above her cherished remains. The winds of Autumn are sighing about her. The frost and snows of winters will melt into tears for licr, the refreshing showers of and the fragrance of the flowers will softly fall upon her, while the ma trees will stretch forth their boughs as a balmy retreat front the midsummer sun, and the stars of will keep their sad and silent watch above the sacred mound where sleeps. Thy presence we realize has flown forever from earth, but in hearts there will always remain a spot in the casket for thee. And may wc when life’s voyage is over, our little crafts upon the blinks the River of Life, and meet thee in country and City where the shad and sorrows of gloom never can seen or felt. Farewell dear one, sleep on in that long, sweet, rest. No harm can thee now, no voice can disturb calm repose, for thou art at rest at at last with the Angels and the Death will never again knock the door of that Mansion, and in all land there will not be a single No tears, sorrows, trials, farewells or death never enters that family. Continue dear one in sweet, calm, and lovely sleep that no awakening and but a few years or days will pass over those if faithful unto death, we meet to part no more, for “Brighter than the glorious sunsets, Which delights this earthly clime, Than the splendor of the dawnings Breaking o’er the hills of time, Is the richness of the radiance Of that Land beyond the sun, Where the faithful have their country When the work of Life is done.” Willie C. Brown. Sharon, Ga., Nov. 2dth, 1895. An exchange gives the following re for keeping meat nice, sweet and from bugs: After smoking it well, place it between layers of Iresh, dry piue ftraw. It will keep for a year. SHARON DEPARTMENT C. L. I’.AGIiV, Editor. Henry Fielding has about recovered from bis recent illness. A huge crowd attended the burial of Mrs. Thompson last Sunday. Plenty of frost for the last eight ten days. Mr. Thomas Reckworth and family visited in Warren county last Sunday. Mrs. A. M. Rugby and daughter, Missouri, visited Mildiajon last week. Mis. J. T. Taylor and Mrs. C. L. Ragby visited on Pea Ridge last Sun ,j a y. A great many of the young bloods of our community go spoiling liow-a duys on bicycles. Look out ladies, for L. S. Jackson's Circulars soon, advertising his Christ¬ mas goods. Our friend, Mr. T. E. Kendrick, now takes his morning ride on a large, snmv while horse. Mr. Albert Harnett is now smiling behind the counters of Mr. John O’Keefe. Let every body attend the mass meet¬ ing of the People’s Party at Crawford¬ ville next Tuesday at 10 o’clock. Come forward and pay up your sub¬ scription to this paper. We will receipt you for the same. Judge J. T. Turner’s wife and son were on a visit to our town last week, tne guests of Miss Minnie Rattle. Dr. Kendrick has been sick nearly all the past week, though not seriously we hope. Mr. Carroll is nursing him. Rev. Mr. Davis, of White Plains, has been called to the pastorale of the William’s; Creek Church for another year. Mr. Jessie McKinney and sister, CJora, and Miss Emma Ragby visited near Powelton last .Saturday and Sun¬ day. Preaching Stfrulay^TTfght at Saj^t n Church, at Be* - notl, last by Rev. Ai Davis, of While Plains. It is thought that the Church will cali him for its pas¬ tor anothertyear. Father Basin, of Atlanta, was in our town last week. Wc think he is one of the happiest men in the world. Noth¬ ing seems to bother him. Mr. J. W. Fallen, of our town, has had his residence nicely painted. Our Painter, Mr. George Fouche, done tiic work. There is some great attraction out towards Barnett for our fellow towns¬ man, K. N. Gilbert. He is our green meat man, and keeps up our market, but it cannot be possible that all the beeves, hogs and sheep that are for sale are out that way. Ourself and family visited ourson-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Taylor, this week. We enjoyed our¬ selves lincly with the little grandchil¬ dren. Judge Pittman was in town last week and he said it was a rascally trick that the cotton merchant would not allow a man to sample his own cotton. IL does look hard, but sometimes a man don’t know how to sample cotton. Mr. Jesse McKinney is now sporting in a new buggy. We expect to have a wedding t@ report before long. When u ^ young | man buys a buggy, as a gen lh n there is 80 , B ething ahead of that sort. We never rode with a stage driver until last week when we rode with Col. We believe he would make a good <5 - and could drive an y S it Bill had in his big show. Mr. L. S. Jackson and wife visited the exposition last week, and enjoyed themselves very much. They say it is a big siiow. Mr. Henry Ivey, of Warren county, was in to see us this week. We have known Mr. Ivey for sometime, and he j is a very clever old man, as well as my- 1 self. He was up lookihg after the in¬ terests of his daughter, Mrs. Meadows. ! Uncle Henry is a sight when you get him started. The Hon. S. A. Walker will address j the people at the mass meeting of the People s Party at Crawfordville on December the 3rd. Come, all of you populists, and hear the old A\ ar Horse of tefortn. 'v fr. R. II. Jackson, who lias bet n <]F b sick for sonic time, was on our I i ts last Saturday, much improved -r-yr- leiilth, hut still quite feeble. Ir. A. I). Moore, our carriage and wlfon maker, is still unable to do any h' 4, on account, of his crippled hand. T i' Ysasad affliction on Mr. Moore, as he has a great deal to look after. ' , 'ir. W. P. MeKeoti that . . be and , \ says j hi. ylerks were so busy last Saturday ’tf ij 11k ^’ never had time to eat their nj^'crtisetiK l W ,u 1S- * 11 " 1 *. in H ‘" ho (1 Am " ul ' * a il. R nt i in 4f wrie(] ._ At tho home of the writer tfetl jjy jjj« writer, Mr. W. (’. Stewart Miss Mattie Gregory, both of this canity. We wish the young couple t-poh joy. Mrs. R. F. Thompson died at hoi iVneat Mesena, in Warren county, Lv:, Saturday, and was buried in the Jtfthodis! Cemetery at this place. Rev. •l-l Davidson conducting the funeral J ;, rs. Thompson was raised iffltliis county and was a daughter of ijr. It. T. Kendrick, of this eonimunity. ’Ve extend oui sympatliy to the be S caved family. Notes From Jennings. f \ Messers Tom King and J. T. Rrantly wire the guests of Mi', and Mrs E. D. 1 hidaway last Sunday. Several of the young people of H'i s Neighborhood Aildrsijon Iasi{Satunlay visited and relatives Sunday. nt ’ al ; We leih-n that Mr. S. D. Chapman Till make his home, in this neighbor ItKod anothei year. {Miss l Katie Johnson, ol . .. \\ .... illiams Creek, is visiting frieuda and n| this vicinity. / Tom, Sid and Paul Fowclie Messrs attended Sunday School at Jennings last Sunday evening. Mrs. C. L. Ragby and daughter, Mrs Rosa Taylor, visited Mrs G. R. Gregory last .Sunday. The young people of Jennings met at Mr T. L. Bentley’s last Monday night. All report a nice time. -8 Charlie Thaxton spent Several with her parents last week. Mr. VV’. O. Stewart and Miss' Gregory were married last Saturday the 23rd inst. The members of Jennings have ceil¬ ed their house which adds much to the looks and comfort. We learn Mr. VV. C. Rhodes is buil¬ ding a barn at his new home. Guess what young man lias been smiling ail this week, his was in the neighborhood. Appointments. The following appointments were made by North Georgia Conference for the Augusta District: J. F. Mixon, Presiding Elder. Augusta—St. John’s, VV R St rad ley. St. James’s, LG Johnson. St. Luke’s, J I Richardson. Ashury, VV’ Dunbar. Broadway, W J. Wooten. Woodlawu, E A Gray. Richmond circuit, F R Gantrell. Grovetown,.! V M Morris. Appling, 11 VV Morris. Harlem, M L Troutman, Jr. Thomson, J M Lowery. Mesena, R 1* Brown. Warrenton. It F Hakes. Culverton, M 11 Hakes. Sparta, VV It Branham. Hancock, W A Farris. Milledgeville, J S Bryan. S. Baldwin mission, G I) Moses. Baldwin, G VV Griner. Payne institute, It L Campbell. ♦ * ♦ We have found him ! The man o i don’t take a home paper beeaus : can “get one printed in Chicago 1 ,s bigger for the money.” He was on bis way to his neighbors to inquire when court would be in session, and when the primary Arould be held, and Vhilc there thought be would inquire who were the candidates for county office this fait, and also if there had been any deaths or marriages taken place in the neighborhood lately or it any pro;> tty had changed hand-. or fire desiioye-. anyone’s house. Iu fact he begged tin news of his county which he might have had furnished once a week by be j n ^ a subscriber to his home paper. Exchange. Advertise in this paper. It will pay you. us: its: \s>\ Reader, are you ready for the Judg¬ ment? It will soon be here. Dwight L. Moody says it will soon be here. w. A. Dodge savs it will soon be here. \Y. 15. Godbi'V savs it will soon be ‘ ’ in re. John R. (leaves said it. Gluts, II. Spurgeon said it. Eveiy good wise watchman , sins the . same ,, thing. yOH m|| | v .» ( .J, your twket. for the train is I hear it blow just down the road, Pack\out trunk in a burn' or you will be left. Re ready Jor the marriage; the Bride* groom is coming. Tim supper is set. Have your washing and starching done. Wash in the bloo 1 of the Lamb, and March in tho Spirit of the living God. Have on the wedding gui mom. Re ready. Have oil in your lumps', Some of you are about burned out. “Hcplenitrh at once. ]>e ready, lor tlu? winter will surely come and you will need doilies, food and fuel. H will be loo late after the spi i-ng and .summer jiass, and the snow eovt is ilie ground. Be. ready for the famine which is to come. in ihe years of fruitfulness and plenty, be wise enough to prepare lor it. Re. ready ere the Court shall set. When your ease is called there will lie no continuance if you are not ready; nt .{ther will there he any appeal, ot chance of another trial. The ludg- I? ment of that Court will be final. ' H ' prepared 1 1 with your counsel and with - your witiunsns). \ our works win ii be | used to testify ■ for - you or against ■ you. .\!u»d the ilay J . the Lord w'll.l. ; you, come. Nothing on earth, in heaven or in hell can prevent it. fcSulricuds, , get ready lor it. (hiSKitviii;. Ho Not- B^oip.ct. t That rapid eating is slow suicide. That happy children are almost in¬ variably healthy children. Thai burnt camphor, inhaled, will often cure a cold m the head. That cross people arc hardly ever hypocrites. Temper generally goes wiuh truth. Tint iii sleeping in a cold' r$om «e tabiisli a habit ol breathing through the nose, and never with Hie mouth open. That silver or steel thimbles arc the safest to use, since others contains lead, brass, or pewter, producing m flamation in a slight scratch. That to compel a child to cat any¬ thing against which its palate naturally rebels is a cruelty at the moment, and is likely to produce evil results later on. That cold water is the salvation of the complexion. It strengthens the skin by stimulating the circulation and .lenders it almost proof against chaps and eruptions. When the skin needs cleaning, warm water is absolutely necessary. , That it is absolutely necessary that delinquent subscribers pay up thwir subscription in order to keep the editor and his family out of tint poor house.. ' ~ Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or dor by the occasional use of Tutt’s Liver Pills. They reg¬ ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation 1 and kin dred disea al >sol , utc st :s, an c ti re TUTT’S Liver PILLS JOB PRINTING Neatly Executed AT THIS OFFICE. Hib MdmmaTda tim i\ct l)- r fichcnor 5 Antise ptic. SaT* iT*H»eB6&r World — RSN\EpV inltje BRUldea for VVOUMD5) Cr NO. 2 ■it j ■* h Wc- Offer You r. set . ;.-y vv.'i.'cii IN'Si'Kifj Sale! qS i.tie to "■ .tii— er and Cliiiti. Ha s *v fa i i ncKd FRIEfiO” Robs Confinement of its Pain. Horror and ffltl. My tvifo dfcu “ WJ'm;KS> KjMKNt)" he for<* hi i’ll) of it r liusi mid. .she did not sillier »roiu ( !! bin S or PAt V:%—v:: stji i.*Ll j clifvcd :«i Hit* (H'il.iv.ti iin r : Gff.’i-ii.i.: cu lit i U -siio ■' d no i>;iiit ni i rwRi'd and iicr ) t-covery \V3:j l. md K. J'. .ImiNsTOM, Ktrfniila. Alt'.. Sosit >»y Mail or K\pi >ii reopii.r ol Jpl.tMi }#♦* f ItoltK*. i>DuU " b ,, Moil: or,s'* mill ed I< lot*.. UNLIT.\T0k .Ulnid.i. iiu. SOLD T XV AT.L DP.lHiGIBTS. Citation. OKOUCilA, Tali:d )"i’o Comity; \\ J J fKIJ K A S, Tit ns I.’if'h.iid-, Adm' ini'or of I’ iinnic Lq\v<\ n*|»o aMi'.-i ; tho Court in fii^ po'itioH duly lilcd am.I • . 1 tiled on record, that ho has fully adrica s torotl Caimio 1 Rtwo’s Kstut.c ■. This is tVo*r * loro to oilo all jmtsoiis conrt . in I, l ' . ' and creditors, io show o,nisi*, ii any ti cy can, why said Atiininis1 rai• -r sh.c-uld not disdiarjit (1 lToui his jidmiiiistrata'ii, HI' DTfivr hiifio t*l disjai.s.Hioii un 1)d Jii Monday in Muvcli IHVM. GCORCC (I. M ITCH i:M>. Ordinary. GKOKGIA, Taliaferro County. Wl Lli be sol<l on Ihu Fir.-it Tuesday iu 1 )ocf*mhcr 18'. : r», Io tin* hiyln -t hnhtoi, f’*i* t ash \v I - I»! I .* ill il'out ol door of court house of TaliutVnu •■ouniy, all that tract or lot of laud lyin^ iu 17«mi 1 >i n| (i. M. said county, containintr ;-»ix?v four and three fourths acres, morn -r ie>, adjoining laml of Woodall, Thos. IVloore, U . .D Slone, Sr, desso Mrs. Ov< and others, sunjeot to the lift iidcv** . t , i' Ravisa PnrkiiiH who own* said IjmbmI V ■ uni during her natural ine. .Sail |,. V icd on as the property of s. satisfy an execution In fuvi of r. t ( idilvveli lor tlie n.u ot jo n Bn vi ll ,.g .hi- i, ,s. «. ivrkiii* issued from .(le • . siiid 17!i11• l I'i I., ti. M. Miiiil ctD’.r.* . I». 1’. Hi-.NilV, ■Sheriff Taiiafcnu >un« e. Nov. 1st, 1895. (iKOlUi 1 A, TmIijiIcitm County. To all whom it may concern : ,J | KttSK MOOfMC, .Jr., has in <Il form np~ plied to Mu- undersign; <1 tor pcrtnuiici.i l«?t 1 <*»•> of mi 1 in 1 11 istru.tion on tin* ej-twH*, <>i David A. Moore, lute of said eouru v, ih* eeased, and to be appointee] ]M rniant e.t •:< ministmt.or on said estate, mid 1 \\‘!i { up- n said application oil the tiiv.l; Pdoiirho ill Deeimiber ilex!.. VU per a.,, a .■• i •■■pi.: ad to show cause on or before th Monday in I )eeemher next wliysaid op . eati to j should not be granted. This L'uv -HI), 1895. GEO. v If. , , Ordinary MJTGKDir.L, < Tulitiferio Go. Ga. owr- aunt Citation. GKoltGIA - TulialVrro County. * / 1 cnrjLr.- W. Tuppim, ipj)li< iruslcc furl T Hah clmrtfR JTapjHiii, Ii;;.’ his oftiroof <l to m«* 1< ^ • t! from trust,; thorcloro, to notify all persons ro = •« lo tile their objection, if ;uiy they V » i. I or before* the firist Moud'iy in h r-i next, else George VV. Tuppmi wil! i,-* it! • claused applieil for. from bis sttbl oftiee as trustee, as GEORGE If MITCHELL. Ordinary, Taliaferro conn; -. GEORGIA, Taliaferro County. HH11 YY ERE AS, L. 8. Jai-ksoii, A.lmini Ira tor of estate of A;tion 1 .J{ieksc D, r *pr - .scuts to tJjc Court- iu bis petition,ihoy sih-1 ;ui«l entersil on reeonl, tiiat lie lias a/lmini.sfcnd esfate of Aaron Jurksnu: 'i’liis is tliore-fore to eite all p' rsons eoii eernef!, un<I er«<lit.ors, to xhov. eausc, if any they ean, why ai<l Adiuinis t.rator sitoiihl not he diseiiai <( f: , ad ininist rat .ion, and receive h*;,t i , of - lriisHkui on the first Monday in January iHtMi. (jet,, b.t, iy.r». CEO. II. MITCHELL. Ordinary. fk 1 m i MARKsJly % ♦ bAV IMIO, I ItrtUL ^ V COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? 1 Ol ft, rFo.,"hXv h «’W ^ ESSSSfcSffifeSE tain them Also catalogue! Of meeiiau sent a ical and wjUjntdflc txioks went fr<*o. Patents taken through Mtinrt <v Co. apodal notion In tho Scientific Atuori "■ n* - I thus are brought widely before the out C< i »*t to the inventor. Thin splendid paper, insued If <1 weekly, elegantly IIlnMrated. has work i>* far tho largest circaiatioa of any scientific lathe world. &.‘i a year. Fnrnple cordi-H sent free. Jluildinj/ Edition, Every monthly, f2.50a year, i inula roplea, tiful cents. number contain.} beau¬ plate*, in colors, and photographs of' lie’.V houses, with plans, enahlintr Miiklers to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address ML7NN 4 CO., .N’kw York, Bkoadway* THE ATLANTA BUSINESS COLLEGE. The Advanced Business School. Book-keeping, Banking, Shorthand. Penmanship, Mathmatics, Elocution, and nil the Commercial and English Branches Taught by Practical, and Pro¬ fessionally Trained Teachers, Students may enter at any time. For full information, and Catalogus write to, Atlanta Business College* Whitehall St, Atlanta Gv»