Crawfordville advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 189?-1???, November 29, 1895, Image 4

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The Crawfordvilic Advuca's. PUBLISH El) i’.V ATKINSON & FLURY. Eut»*T**«l at the Post Oth<M* at (h'avvtnrd ville, (»a . as 8econ<l Class Matter. C. E. ATKINSON. ' Editois. J. A. FIS HY, CllAWKOIUiVILl.E, GA., NO\ .. 29, 18!to Augfista is making preparations to build a large hotel in tin) near future, Amanda Cody and Florence English expiated their crime tin the gallows at Warrenton on last Friday. * * • We rise to remark t! at B ill Myers the eseapetl murderer from the Atlanta tail, has been captured something less than two hundred times since his es cape, but lie always proves to be the wrong man. lion. Steve ( lay, chairman of the Democratic executive committee, hie, chullengc'd . to liv .. * . , . 1 ,, NT( . )mm ii r 1 < x * 1 * * W. S. Cheney, who makes veij datiiag in'' charges against Mr. Clay. The latter has*declined to accept. Senator Allen says, “Itgoes without caving that the Populist Tarty will have a Presidential ticket in the field, and that it will be the only one tlial will be outspoken in favor of the free coinage of silver at !•» to I Wilkes county claims to be head on the corn crop, and no corn will be bought in that county lr mi the West next year. Other counties in Middle Georgia we are glad to state are in the same condition as Wilkes on the corn question. Eugene V. Debs, President, of the American Railway 1 uion, who lias been serving a six months sentence in the Wnodsloek, Ill., prison for con* tempt, was liberated on last Friday, and a grand reception was tendered him on Friday night in Chicago. Judge Lynch seems to be holding quite a baud in this Slate since timer IIOI Atkinson’s message to the Legisla lure condemning mob violence. Thc Governor should have suggested a leasable plan whereby mol) violence could be cheeked. The Ml. Vernon lynching affair is another instance to show that mob violence should be put down at all buzzards, and those who are guilty of taking the law into their own hands should be found out and dealt with severely. As a rule our presidents have retired from ollice poorer than when they went in. Rut there is one conspicuous exception a mail who was poor before he went lo the white house, and who amassed considerable wealth while in office.-- Ex. In Georgia we have about 70,000 tenant tanners, 1 f Ben Tillman's £300 property qualification were enacted in this state, how many out of the 70,000 would be entitled to vote? Why, even the Foghotu editor couldn't vote, while the XabiMka tramp lie so vigorously abuses could.— l’eople's Guide. We have always been undecided 011 the subject of woman's rights, says a Georgia editor, until we beard of a woman up in Monroe county soundly thrashing her husband last week for not paving bis subscription to the local paper after she had given him the cash to do so. That woman can earn a reputation that even tramps are bound to respect.—Ex. Senator Mercer has introduced the toUowfhp Bill in the Upper House of the General Assembly of this State: ‘•That auy person or persons, or any president, cashier or other officer of a corporation who shall charge and col led a greater interest than IS per cent per annum shall be held guilty of felony, and on conviction shall he punished for a term not less than one or more than live years.” The bill is a good one, but instead of IS per cent interest, he should have made it 1*2 per cent. Senator Wm. Stewart, in answering a correspondent relative to the ers’ National Congress that recently convened in Atlanta, has the following to say about the representatives that composed that body: “The so-called Farmers' National Conference at At¬ lanta was a goltlbug gatheting. The delegates were not elected, or selected by the farmers, but appointed by gold bug Governors to aid tin* cause of the Euglish gold standard? It was the old trick of -stealing the livery of heaven to serve the devil in.' ” Brad Crenshaw killed Lucktc Reid la>t Sunday night near Barnett, in Warren county, with a shot gun, the whole load taking tffect in Reid's neck just under the chin. Reid died instant¬ ly. Crenshaw is now in Warrenton jail and claims that the killing was ac¬ cidental. Both parties wcio negroes: oiii/ri'fH wii .....i. hi■ <tr«»n r 1 / 11 i' ll of both »!n• I’ll!) ■ .,i,ri >i IKlU I lie gold hi U ' ■ -in* 0 ! of li|i- Hi publicans and D. iijocratii - w ill make an (Tori lo have the complexion of the committee* in tlit- i wo Imtncht organ ized after the goldbug -tripe, in order lo still further the gold standard upon the people. Dr. Lansing Burrow.*- of the first Baptist cburcli, ol Augusta, in a ser nion in that city recently said, u, ftbe schools depended on the barrooms that they had better close them up.” We should like to ask the Doctor what should be done with a Congressman that votes for the perpetuation of the i, ar nioms and he too a jiillow of the c |uj 1( |, ? The Advanced Thought, M. M. Pomeroy's pajicr, lias suspended for want of support. Il seems from the statements of many reform papers that the Populists : re n it supserihing as freely as usual. This is a had sign, the press is the bulwark of the reform movement. I lu re n*s been <jmh* ,t liumher ot nimilar ^uspciLsioiis ilmatened. We hope lin¬ Populists will wake up to the ma ds of <*>«= Mtuaiion, and rally lo the support i>f their papers -National Watchman, *** Of Senator Metcer’s bin to change the ......... in which the newspaper that publishes legal advertisements shall be designated The Albany lb raid says: “Better go slow with that bilk It's loaded. The sheriffs of the counties are. responsible to the people of their counties lor what they do, and can be easily voted out of office and better men put in their places when they go wrong. But suppose a judge of the s ipeiior court goes wrong? Or, suppose he uses this new power as a stepping stone for congress? Better go slow with that bill. It’s loaded.” Mr. Dodson’s insurance bill has passed both houses and is ready for the Governor’s approval or disapproval.— The bill provides that when an insur¬ ance company writes a policy of insur¬ ance for a given amount on any house or building and collects a premium for that sum, then if the property is de¬ stroyed the insurance company must pay the full face value of the policy. In other words, the value of the properly must he ascertained when it is issued, and not after it is destroyed. This is an important piece of legislation, and the Governor should have no hesiteucy in signing the bill in order that it may become a law. ♦ • ♦ The proper reformatory for child ten should be at the fireside, hut this we confess is wofuily neglected, therefore a great cry goes up throughout the Stale for the establishment of a State reformatory for \ oung criminals. There never was a time when this was most needed than now. A few days ago we wereonatrain and when near Ati gusta n small boy some ten yeais age threw a piece of a picket palling through the ear window, striking a passenger on the head and indicting a painful wound. If this boy had re¬ ceived the pvopev training at the fire¬ side he would not now lie guilty of such maliciousness, and while this instance is only a small matter, so to speak, yet there are daily occurrences of crones committed by those underage that art revolting 111 their nature and nothing but the strong arm of the law can keep them under cheek. Let the Assembly pa-s a law establishing a re formatorv lor juvenile criminals. ••V\ hat one Bottle will do.' . SITTERS mil »wc boni» win <» -wili »!*• tou • lu«rl) •pritll* lacreiicd Jigcttlon mill tlirl )ln on • cum lot tf r bprpotn - tt-llf dlipol nervous nets and lorn iplrlls—will cure neu rilfii and headaches will make the chronic invalid eala? »« lila—will vard oft chille on enrich J tec era poor w and lit Makes chin Mood will You strengthen oeak . w omen won't lief Mom the t our genuine. teeth Mrong Cisl : oan f?r 1 :j 1 ii!f f Pietn free Bioui Chemical Co Baltimore - Md HA\ K \ Ol — v5 +JOB**PRINTING+ ........................................... DONE AT THIS OFFICE, Advertise in this paper. «jw IjOTI a «■ | , *" ’T'l^ ilia vr^|i k ILi-iW ^ * f^a vu!^^ recked by Pi: :i: mafic pains. It handicaps your wFcle career, ' Of course you v/oui-in’t if you ooitld fcjip it—and you can. |!H. ff v *[iver Rocs dTW^euml^to "#RhSfc (up-Er goes straight to the Liver, where Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dys pep) ia, Headache and most Other ills start. It clea .ses this organ ar.ct makes it active again—the arid leaves your blood, and yoit’itO cured. Testimonial below. I ' fur debility rtufl t brc iii ! ’ iieun»r.t.8i:i ten year.) v-!:liout- any relief. Three boufc.s of yourinctlic'ce hr.ncureii ice. B. F. CLARK, Warren tun, Fla. Ask Your Druggist or Merchant Fur It CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sole Proprietors, Knoxville, Tennessee. Roe’s Medicines 1 or sale by The Alliance Store, Dr II. F. White, and lS. (bum. W. P. McKEON, Sharon, Georgia. GOOD BARGAINS, Quick Bales 9 -sOSmalt rYofitsEK TK23 BOTTOM PHISSS, Now is the Time to Subscribe ta THE CRAWFORDVILLE ADVOCATE, Official Organ of Taliaferro County. I ~+%-:§§ADVERTISERS%=~E€~ Will Find this Paper a good Medium to Reach the People. MOSES C. Ml KP1 IKY GEO. S. MCKPHEY. MURPHEY & CO •9 «-THE LEADING $ Wholesale and GROCERS OF AUGUSTA. You can find them at 618 Broad Street, and they will treat you square in even- transaction, they are well known over the whole territory, they Lead the market on GROCERIES so try them when you go to Augusta, sept. o. Everybody in this Vicinity Should Visit The E 25FOS1TZG2T AT ATLANTA THE GEORGIA RAILROAD Is selling Round Trip Tickets at- very low rates. See the Agent at (your nearest station for the low rates. You should go and take your family. It will he years before you and they will have another such opportunity. the Exposition The sights to hr seen at the expendi¬ will compensate you fully for ture, and he as good as a month’s or more schooling for your children, and a world of knowledge for your wife. family. ft, is a duty you owe yourself and Perforin it. Joe. W. White, A. Gr. Jackson, T. P. A. G. P. A. Advertise in this paper, it will pay you. D EAL MERIT is the character¬ istic of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It cures even after other preparations fail. Get Hood's and ONLY HOOD’8. Exhausted Soils are made to produce larger and better crops by the use of Fertilizers rich in Potash. Write for our “ Farmers’ Guide,” a 142 -page illustrated boo'k. It is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and will make and save you money. ’ Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 03 Nasra-j Street, Nfl-.v York, BRICK ADDKESS O. S. BARNETT, WASHINGTON, C/1. FOR FIRST QUALITY BRICK Made of Little River Alluvion. These brick are most durable and as good or better liniu any made in this section of Geoigia. o!7 —c. HOLLAND BROS 2 Washington, Ca We would invite the attention of the public that we are prepared to do all kinds of REPAIRING ON MACHINERY, Sueij us Engines, Boilers, Gins, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, and Cane Mills. We also build Saw Mills, Grist Mills and Cano Mills. * We Keep in Stock A full line of Engine and Boiler Fittings, Case Pipes, Steam Pipes, Shafting, Pulleys, Boxes, Packing of all kind, Injectors and Jet Pumps. Send or bring us your orders for all kinds of Marliinery. septG.95. Union Marble and Granite Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Monuments, T° mb stones 5 Etc, I OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Wainscot, Tiling, and Other interior Decorations. Also, importers of Fine Italian Statuary. l OKEION ADIlKliSS: I HUMIC OFFICE : CARRARA JO LOYD ST.. ITALY. ATLANTA. GA. GEORGIA RAILROAD SCHEDULES, OFFICE CEITEHAZ. MAFACEP.. Augusta, Ga., November 3rd, 1833. Commencing by the Nov. Meridian 3rd, Time. 1895, the following schedules schedules will he operated. All [rains run 90th The are subject to change without notice to the public. READ DOWN. READ UP. No. 3 | | No 1 ~j NoT 2 j NoTT I TRAIN NIGHT DAY TRAIN- STATIONS. TRAIN DA r | NIGHT | | TRAIN No. 11 EXPRESS | MAIL. NO. ‘J7 NO. 28 MAIL. | EXPRESS NO. lg 4 00 pm 10 30 pm 12 10 pm 7 15 am Lv Augusta Ar 9 20 pm 100 pm 5 13 am 7 45am 4 24 “ 1158 pm 12 36 pm........ Belair ........ 12 30 pm 4 48 am 7 12“ 4 37 “ 11 Oil pm 12 46 pm 7 42 “ Grovetown 8 53 “ 12 27 pm 4 .37 am 6 59 4.31 “ 1121pm 12 58 “ Berzelia 12 16 pm i 25 am 6 47 < 8 35 5 CO “ 11 29 pm 1 05 “ 7 57 “ Harlem 8 20 12 09 pm 4 16 am 6 35 “ 5 09 “ 1138 pm 1 14 i 8 03 Dearing 8 12 i 12 00 n'n 4 07 am 6 26 “ 5 26 “ 1158 pm 1 30 : 8 19 Thomson 7 36 r 1144 am 3 50 am 611“ 5 37 “ 12 08 am 1 42 2 Mesena 1133 am 3 38 am 6 01“ 5 46 “ 12 16 am 1 50 Z 8 35 “ Camak 7 40 “ 1126 am 3 28 am 5 54 “ 5 53 “ 12 25 am 1 57 Z 8 40 “ Norwood 7 33 “ 11 19 am 3 20 am 5 48 ‘ ‘ 6 08 “ 12 42 am 2 12 2 8 53 “ Harnett 7 20 “ 1105 am 3 04 am 5 34 “ 6 22 “ 12 56 am 2 25 “ 9 04 “ Crawford ville 7 08 “ 10 54 am 2 48 am 5 22 “ Ar 6 45 “ 1 22 am 2 49 “ 9 25 “ Union Point 6 50 “ 10 34 am 2 21 am 5 00 “ Lv Xo. 17 1 38 am 3 04 “ 9 38 “ Greenesboro 6 88 “ 10 21 am 2 04 am No. 18 2 05 am 3 29 “ 10 00 Buekliead 6 17 “ 10 00 am 1 37 am- -- 8 10,am 2 22 am 3 43 “ 10 12 Madison 6 04 “ 9 40 am 1 20 am 7 05pm 8 28 “ 2 41 am 4 00 “ 10 28 r Rutledge 5 48 “ 9 20 am 1 -01 1; p; am *- 8 42 “ 2 56 am 4 14 “ 10 40 Social Circle 5 37 “ 9 05 am 12 45 6 32 “ am lift! “ 3 19 am 4 35 “ 10 58 “ Covington 5 19 “ 8 43 am 12 22 am G 10 “ 9 22 “ 3 41 am 5 01 “ 11 15 “ Conyers 5 01 “ 8 22 am 12 00ngt 554 “ 9 31 “ 3 54 am 5 12 “ 11 26 “ 1 Lithonia 4 52 8 10 am 11 45 pm 5 45 9 46 “ 4 15 am 5!10“ 1142“ IStone Mountain 4 36 r 7 53 am 11 24 pm 5 ;;o 9 54 “ 4 28 am 5 40 “ 11 51 “ Clarltston 4 28 7 43 am 1111 pm 5 gg 10 01 “ 4 39 am 5 49 aml2 (10n’n Decatur 4 20 “ 7 84 am 11 00 inn 5 15 10 15 am 5 00 am 6 10pml2 15 pinjAr Atlanta Lv'4 05pm 7 13 am 10 45 pm 5 Oopni Sun Only | | SunOnly 150 pm 1 15 am 1 50 pm 8 40 am Lv Camak Ar —i; 80 ^ n 11 25 am 11 45 am 7 35 p m 1 59 1 31 am 2 03 pm 8 47 “ Warrenton 00 11 17 am 11 32 am 7 27 2 18 “ 2 06 am 2 M pm 9 02 “ Mayfield r*. 13 s 11 01 am 1103 pm 7 08 “ 2 32 “ 2 30 am 2 54 pm........ Culvert-on Lt 42 : 1 0 49 am 10 4-1 pin li 57 2 43 “ 2 50 am 3 12 pm 9 22 “ Sparta -( 17“ 10 40 am 10 27 pm 6 47 3 00 “ 3 22 am 3 56 pm 9 36 Devereux >l 36“ 10 26 am 10 07 pm 6 30 3 10 “ 3 37 am 4 15 pm 9 43 Carrs j* 15 “ 10 18 am !) 48 pm 6 22 “ 3 3 32 50 “ “ 4 4 48 16 am 5 5 00 30 pm 10 00 Milledgeville Browm j: 40 “ 10 00 am 9 16 pm 6 02 “ am pm........ tw 27“ 9 4(5 am 8 50 pm 5 46 “ 4 00 “ 5 07 am 5 49 pm 10 24 “ Haddocks il 12“ 9 37 am 8 34 pm 5 30 “ 4 12 “ 5 28 am 6 07 pm ........ James 1 58 “ 9 28 am 8 18 pm 5 26 “ 4 45 p m 6 30 am 7 00 pm 11 00 “ ! Ar Macon Lv 1 15pm 9 00 am 7 30 pm 4 55 p m ........ 7 20pm 11 08 am 2 15pm Lv Barnett Ar 1 pm 8 50 am 6 08 pm........ ........ 7 40 “ 1120 “ 2 27 “ I | Sharon “ 8 37 am 5 57 pin........ ........ 7 47 “ 1130 “ 2 35 “ Hillman (i 8 27 am 5 47 pm........ . 8 15“ 12 03 am 3 05 pmj ArWashgt’n Lvj 7 55 am 5 15 m........ 6 50 pm 2 50pm LvUn’nPointAr . 9 20 am 6 30 pm . 7 02 “ 3 01 “ Wood ville I. 9 08 am 6 20 “ . . 7 06 “ 3 05 “ Bairdstown 9 04 am 6 15 “ . 7 19 “ 3 10 “ Maxeys 8 51 am 6 03 “ . 7 26 “ 3 23 “ ! Crawford Stephens 8 44 am 5 50 “ . 7 38 z. 3 34 “ 8 80 am 5 44 “ . 7 55 z 3 50 “ 1 Dunlap 8 12 am 5 27 “ I . 7 59 z. 3 54 “ Winters 8 07 am 5 22 “ . 8 15 pm 4 10 pm Ar Athens Lv . . 7 50 am 5 05 “ . ..... 10 45 ain ..... .....LvUnionPnt Ar .. . 2 05 pm ................ .....11 30 ain ..... .....I Siloam ••• . 1 42 pm ................ _________. .....11 50 pm ..... ..... Ar WhitePls Lv .. 1 20 pm ................ Trains 17 and 18, Run Solid between Athens and Atlanta, via Madison Daily Ex oept Sunday. All above trains run Daily, except 11, 12 and 17 and 18 on Main Line. No. 44 on Washington Branch, and 34 and 35 on Macon Branch which clo not run on Sunday. No. 28 Supper at Harlem. Sleeping Night Cars between Atlanta and Charleston, Augusta and Atlanta, Augusta and Macon, on Express. Sleeping o’clock Cars between Atlanta and New York, on train 27, and train leaving Atlanta j at 7.15 a. m. THOS. K. SCOTT, JOE W. WHITE, A. G. JACKSON, General Manager. Traveling Passenger Agent, General Freight and Pass. Ag’t. AUGUSTA, GA. J. W. Kirkland, II. H. Hardwick, Passenger Agent. Atlanta, Ga. Passenger Agent, Macon, Ga. SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PAPER Terms of Subscription: Single subscription, one year, § 1 . 00 . Single subscription, six months, 50 Single subscription, three month -o- ■ This is the Season to Advertise Place an advertisement in this paper; it ■will pay you.