Crawfordville advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 189?-1???, March 06, 1896, Image 1

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THE CRAWFORDVILLE ii ■ji t ► ADVOCATE VOL. Ill •> RANSP1RING Social and Personal Happen¬ ings. Directory of the Crawfordvillo Cir¬ cuit M. K. Church South. Rev. John* W. Bai.k. Pastor. First Sunday and Saturday before— Barnett, Sunday School, 10 a. m. every Sunday, A. S. Ledbetter, Supt. Second Sunday and Saturday before —Powelton. Sunday School, 10 a. nr. every Sunday, U. Yarborough, Supt. Third Sunday and Saturday before— Crawfordville. Sunday School, 3 p. ui. eve ry Sunday, L. A. McLaughlin, Supt. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Fourth Sunday and Saturday before —Bethel, near Sandy Cross. Sunday School, 10 a. m. every Sunday. II. M. Harrison, Supt. Everybody cordially invited to any and all of these services. Fine weather. Farmers are busy plowing, lien fruit is in abundance. Reach aud plum trees are beginning to bud. There was a large crowd in town Saturday. Go to the Racket Store for fresh Garden Seed of all kinds. Mr. VV. B. Ba’-nctt is now traveling for \\ illis & Rountree, of Augusta. Sir. Otis Thornton died at his home near Uniou Point on last Sunday. “Listen,” 25 yards of 25 inch checks at the Racket Store lot $1.00. Mr. VV. Ii. Jennings has treated him *el. to a Columbian bicycle. Mr. Abb Harris left on Thursday for Eastman, where.he will attend school. Mi. Walter Moore came up from Raytown on bis wheel Tuesday. t? 10&P j go at 21 yards for $1.00. Racket Store. Mr. Cicero Lucas ednesd came over froiq Washington VV iy. Mr. 1 bos. Evans was elected Notary Public for the (501st List. Mr. Herschiel Rhodes, of Jennings, entered Stephens High School Monday. Mr. A. J. Melton has sold out his slock of dry goods autl shoes, hut will still carry a nice line of gtoccries. Mr. Reuben Rhodes is traveling ilnoo-in.the country, selling and re p# jtoves. J. B. Sword’s Com Whiskey, go to W. R. Reid. $2.00 per gallon. Miss Annie Brooke was the guest of Aus. Ii. M. Iloideu Friday night aud Saturday. Mrs. Mildred Rhodes has had a race fence put around her residence, which adds greatly to its appearanc. I. VV. Harper’s fine XelsoD County Rye Whiskey. Cheapest on the mar ket. J. A. Williams & Co., Crawfordville, Ga. F. Rubin and family left for Abbe¬ ville, 8 . C., on last Tuesday, where they will make their future home. Messis. Esper McDonald and Clyde Hunt, of Thomson, spent several days iu Crawfordville this week. If you want to huy the best Whiskey for the least money, go to W. R. Reid, Crawfordville There was a very artistic entertain¬ ment given at the Academy last Friday night by the Capt. Miller Comedy Company. Just received a Dice lot of Percale Shirts, to go at 50c, 75c, and $1.00 Racket Store. The young people enjoyed them seves highly on last Friday night, at ihe residence of Mr. and Mrs. VV. J. Norton. » Messrs. Dolvin and Rhodes, two of Greene county's successful horse and mule dealers, after speuding several w eeks in Crawfordville, returned home the first of the week. J. B. A Geo. VV. Sword's Corn VVhis key and Cobh Springs, Greene County Corn. J. A. Williams & Co., Crawfordville, Ga. The article of “Geoigia’s Convicts” from the pen of Rev*. M. L. Troutman is timely, and woithv the considera¬ tion of the people throughout the State. CRAWFORDVILLE, GA., FRIDAY, MARCH. G, 1896. Farmers" throughout this section have’bi en quite busy the past week in preparing their lands for planting. Mr. W. T. Richardson and family passed through several days ago en- route for Barnett, where they will en gage iti the mercantile business. Flovd Fork Fine Rye. These goods are the cheapest on the market. Or¬ ders solicited. .1. A. W illiams A Co. C ra w f o rd v i 11 e, G a • Mr. VV. C. Rhodes, out near Jen¬ nings, is having some additional rooms put 'to his dwelling house, which adds very much to its appearance and com fort. New Spring Dress Goods arriving almost daily. Call in and examine them before buying elsewhere. Racket Stoic. Mrs. Elvia Henry, formerly of this county, but who lias been living in GWinueU county fov several years, ar¬ rived here Tuesday to make this her future home. Au excellent and simple remedy for a sprain is made by mixing the well beaten whites of six eggs and a half cupful of table salt together. Apply between thin muslin cloths. The excursion to Port Royal on the 10 th inst., to witness the docking of the “Iudiaua” the big war ship, promises to be very large. If we can borrow an alpaca coat and a quarter we intend to go. The best Kentucky Rye Whiskies and imported Gin, at W. R. Reid's, Crawfordville, Ga Read the new advertisement of the Augusta Lumber Co., found elsewhere iu this issue. This firm is reliable, and when in need of Lumber or other building material, give them your patronage. The trains on the Geotgia Railroad were delayed for several hours on Monday of this week, owing to the xrf yfrergi/t-atTire to nine post. The wieck was caused by one freight train running into another, from the rear, blocking the road with freight ears for several hours. Fires along the Georgia Railroad for the past week have been very frequent and destuctive. At Berze'.ia several car loads of wood were destroyed, and on Friday night of last week at the landing in the suburbs of Harlem quite a large number of ties were destroyed by lire. The tire is supposed to have caught from passing trains. Advertised Letters. The following is a list of letters re¬ maining uncalled for in the Post Office at Crawfordvile, Ga., on March 1,18%. Parties calling for them will please say advertised: Mr. Lewis Allen, “ Willie Anersoo, “ R. G. Ballard, “ W. C. Burton, “ J. C. Coclough, “ II. Fuller, Mrs. L. C. Goodson, Samuel Lanes, (dead letter), C. D. Lyons, ll Clara Miller, (t Ruphy Osby, Mr. Bill Poke, “ Henry Chester Reed, care of Frank Brooks, Miss Ellen Iihotjes, Mr. Wm. Rocker, Dr. A. VV. Shields, C. P. M., VV. A. Stewart, to Mrs. Annie Dutnond, (card), u u U U “ Lizzie Peek, Sr., (8 S. C. Faust, (8 C. H. Farmer, P. M. MISTRESS MARY. Mistress Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow, With lovely roses blooming there wherever one may go? Along the snow-white walks we see the Easter lily fair, And cowslips and the buttercups are nodding in the air. My Mistress Mary quite contrary, how does it grow I pray ? For see, the flowers are bright, and I fresh throughout the livelong day! She answer made, “I am not afraid to tell you ho.w ‘tis done; Use only ’James Vick’s Seeds;’ behold the victory won • ’ ii Send 10 cents for Vick’s Floial Guide to Rochester, X. Y., which may be d*tlucu.d from the first order. SHARON DEPARTMENT C. L. BAGtJV, EditoeT Church Directory of Sharon Chur^hew Catholic Church—Mass Sunday at charged it at in. ltev. Henry David, Priest in Presbyterian Church— Services eve vy First Sunday and Saturday before. UevI Mr. Siuipson, Pastor. Kendrick, Sunday Supt. School in tlie morning, T. E. Methodist Church—Sendees every 4 th Sunday and Saturday before. Rev. E. I> Reese, Pastor. Sunday School every Sun day, Prol. E. if. Moore, Supt. Our town was so depopulated last week that the rabbits toon the town and there were not enough men in ij to shoot them down. We hear some of our people c an meuttng nud objecting u> .ur oUi, soldicis drawing the peusious that atv given them by the State. Such people^ would i oi make good s Idn rs one bomb shell would demoralize thorn Mr. James T. Jones , has , , been , Secretary, and C. L. Bagby Presideuk of the Sharon Lazy Club. VVe hope mi full aiteudauce will be present next Saturday week, as there is a good c * ca of business to attend to before the weather gets hot. Ex-President Arthur Gunn enough sweet Scotch snuff laA„ Friday! to give every woman in Raytown dis trict a dip. Messrs. ,, Atkinson . ,. A ,, Flury were with ! us on , last Saturday ,, . looking . .. alter the , interest . ol , their paper 1 HE t ADVOCATE, . „„ iliey hUecCed- , FOKDVILLE ed in getting several new subscribers to t leu papei. Mr. Richardson and family, also son and family have moved to Barnett and are occupying the Battle homestead.— vVe welcome them. Mrs. Rebecca Flint died at the resi¬ dence of hei Hon. VV. T. Flint otl 1 son last Sunday evening, and was buried at the Methodist Church at Raytown on Monday evening. Mis. Flint ha«t been a great sufferer for some tyjjy' VVe extend our sympathies to Hie bV reaved friends aud relatives. Siie wa' a good Christian woman, The buggy that Uncle Jimmy Chap man was knocked off the Georgia Rail roai ] sometime since, was replaced on ( ) 1( , railroad track last Sunday* night by 1 some bad person aud torn into kindling woo j_ The Salem Baptist Sunday School will meet now every Sunday evening at three o’clock, except 011 the third .Sun¬ day in each month, the Sunday School services will he at ten o’clock a. m. Judge Pittman was in Crawfordville nearly all last week. The Judge never cussed much; hut we don’t know how many he did tell. Mr. John B. Evans is still quite sick at his homo on Pearidge. Several of our town people have commenced their gardens. a Q Mr. Marcus Norris is still not feeling well, but smoking his pipe. Mr Ed. McCaipiu is now employed with Mr. Charles llolh on the Wash¬ ington Branch. VVe ere glad to see Mr. McCalpin in good health again. The Grand Jury Presentments were longer than usual last week. Our public roads have all to be worked over. The Judge’s charge to the Grand Jury was very sliict to them on that line. A great many of our farmers are ready to plant corn, and are putting in guano for their cotton. Mrs. A. M. Bagby visited all of her children .... and . grand children last week, . which was a big jo.r for her. Judge J. L. Turner, himself of Warren Ctrwford-; coun-j ty, had to tote to ville four days last week for marrying a man that had already a wife. Our liniment is giving perfect satis¬ faction. We are getting calls for it all the time.—C. L. Bagby, Sharon, Ga. Mr. L. S. Jackson will soon start to enlarge his residence and make other improvements on his town property.— Mr. Jackson is a man of business and never stops to look behind. Progress is his motto. Mr. J. II. Battle near us is sawing some first class lumber of forest timber. Mrs. Maud Smith, of Barnett, instill j n Washington and improving in health. VV« hope she will soon he able, return home, Old Kitty Greason a colored woman near here dropped dead from heart trouble las. week. She was the mother of several cbildreu. Rev. Mr. Bale (liled his appointment at Barnett Methodist Church last Saturday and Sunday. x We were in Crawfordville again this week fixing up some jobs. Write to us or come and see us when you need our services. C. L. Bagi'.y, The Tinner, Sharon, Ga. GEORGIA CONVICTS. The court of inquiry held by Gov. Atkinson,—investigating the report of the legislative committee, concern the convicts, has emied,—U has re some startling things, w hethcr true or not, does not in any way co cern the purport of Hus article. A great commonwealth is indeed in a pitiable condition when it must hire her convicts as a source of revenue, this is the only J, plea that can fie f - u defeU8e :)Uch an iniquitous ^ It is making capital out of crime. The primary object of the law in de Miivmg (he law breaker of bis liberty pro , ccli()n to tlle Uf e imd property of peaceable citizens. The secondary is to punish the offender lor bis violations of law, and to teach others this not to be guilty of the same offense. The penalty is not to be so severe as it is to be. certain. It is to - teach A men * the wav <>l the trangressor * I ,hard.” | The lact , that . money can lie , . ...... she will s ived the sta'e, and m some !Z^Z^ j n £ | R1 miwds of those who framed and j p., H8e( i t he law inaugurating this lease But have they saved any ? Is it not true that instead of a saving it has been an expense? But suppose they have, it has been done at tin; cost lh '' Stale’s honor, and if any gam has accrued at this ptice it is very *>HV. The old idea that criminals 4 ”C not to be treated ns men having , ' g , r a moral nature, is passed into ius desuetude, and all men tbai (rested 111 the cause of reforma iavc taken advanced ground con •liis question. But this phase .1 the question I will discuss at an other time. This lease system docs a wrong to free labor; the state shuts out ot em¬ ployment 2500 freemen by it. Thus she becomes a competitor with bet own citizens. This alone is sufficient cause for its anandonrnent. It is un just to the prisoner, for it transfers the authority of the state into O', her hands, and no matter how care¬ fully guarded by terms of contract, it is not guarded in fact, ns the recent trial clearly shows, and I very much doubt if the state has the ritrlit to thus transfer her power into another’s hands when it concerns a question of punish¬ ment of law brcakcis. But some will say: “lias she not a right to do as she pleases with her own ?” Yes, if she pleases to do right. Tire desire to make money out of crime is abhorrent to every right think¬ ing man. It. is certainly a very curious position, and one very salient, for a great State to sentence a man for per¬ petrating a crime, such as cheating and swindling, and hire him out at a figure below what au honest man can afford to labor for. M. L. Troutman. Judging from the complacent man¬ ner in which the people look upon bond deals, the prophecy of Wendell Phillips is not likely to come true that “American bankers would some day be hange( , l0 , amp posts in New York and Boston as unceremoniously as j horse thieves had ever been hanged in Texas.”—News, Visalia, Cal. TEE intellige kt '/ - farmed in S'* knows how to discriminate and where purchases: heknows how best value lor his money to Ret the ,nereis ..... this s?- t*o n - Dcors, Sash aal f , well* We warrant ours wear List—A"’ c^nd for our Luce XUOUSl A Lurttstg co.. hususta. G* ,. Bvy of th, Makor" (ItlJ KrAnd” IX ■-■'JA Puy Sterh",; A Killing in Columbia County. Meagre news reaches us of a killing that occurred in Number Three, this county on Capt. Edge Eve’s place on p, taav last. The difficulty was between ;1 n , :1I1 Jjy tfie name of Tarver a rcsi dent of this county, and a traveling gypsy by the name of Hugh Costello, it seems that Costello wem to the home of Tarver to pay for some chickens, and while together they got. into an argument about the late war he. ween the States. 1 hev became heater! in their ,alk and.bleats of shooting made, and it is said that Costello suit ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Tttrvm , ^ lh<; m „; itmiillg with iL Ue sUot lh e ^ tvvit , e IU Mum m h with his pisi.,1. Costello returned the lire and iVl)llutle( } -larvcr in the arm with bird shot. Costello lingered until Saturday and died from the effects of the wound. Tarver is still at lame. —Formers’ Ligh . Secret of Beauty is health. The secret of health is the power to digest and assim¬ ilate a proper quanity of food. This can never lie done when the liver does not act it’s part. Do you know this ? Tutt’s Liver Pills are an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys¬ pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness anil kindred diseases. HP * U a LL 4 .5^ g L^lVd 2 »rp»« OS||B<j *8 Grains of Gold. Duty is a synonym of happiness. Most men do not know opportunity when it stares them in ihe face. It is kindness that makes life’s capa bililies blossom and paints them wit their cheering hues and endows them with their invigorating fragrance. Whether ii waits on its superiors or ministers to its inferiors, or disports itself with Us equals, its work is mark¬ ed with a prodigality which the strict¬ est discretion cannot, Illume. The love that survives the tomb is the noblest attribute of the soul. If it lias woes it lias likewise its delights; and when the overwhelming burst ol grief is lulled into the gentle tear ol recollection, then the sudden adguish and convulsive agony over the present ruins of ail we most loved are soltemal away into pensive tuediiaiious ol all that it was in the days ol its loveliness Who would root Hin.'li a sorrow from the bean? Though it may sometimes throw a passing cloud over the briglu hour of gaiety, or spread a deeper sad¬ ness over the hours of gloom, yet who would exchange it. for the song ol p/casurc or the burst of revelry ? No; there is a voice from the tomb sweeter than soug; there is a remembrance of the dead to which we turn even from the charm of the living. That fortitude which has encounter¬ ed no danger, that prudence which has surmounted no difficulties, that integ¬ rity which has been attacked by no temptation, can at. best be considered but as gold not yet brought to the test, of which therefore the true value can¬ not be assigned.—Exchange. Newspapers sometimes outline tnere | ) ]; iL |' orillH j„ a most original manner,as witness this ito.u the Avoea, la., JJljral<J (Jut Aim—Tell the truth, though the j K;aven8 lak( . a Our Paper—Of the people, for the people, and to be paid lor by the peo pie. Our religion—Orthodox, with a firm belief in a hell. Our motto—Take ail in sight and rus tie for more. Our policy—To love our friends and brimstone our enemies. Jf thine enemy smite thee on the cheek, swipe him with haste and dexterity at the butt end of his most convenient ear. What VVe Advocate—One country, one flag, and one wife at a time. Our Object—To live iu pomp and Oriental splendor. Falling pi ices, misery, and corrup¬ tion go hand iu hand. The three ate wedded together and no power 011 earth can seperate them. When you remove the one you destroy them all. Stewart, Mis*. NO. 1G DELEGATE *®SJL" FEMALE REGULATOR. II IS ft SUPERB TONIC and exerts ;i womienui influence in strengthening j.'; her system bv dfiv thro[Ig - h the proper chan * nel , all ... impurities. . . Health , , . ailfl strength are Guaranteed to result trom Its use. My 'vile w;\s BRAQFIF.l.lVS bmtnilclci for cijrhto'm tnonrlis, after iisimr FEAtALE KEGU LATOU for two moitllis. s pot*inj; well,— .1. M. JOHNSON, Maiveru. Ark. BiunnEi,;» nwtni.ATon co.. atmnt.i, <m. Bold by all DruggiaU at $ 1.00 per bottle. Better be a country unknown to civilization than one so despised by the nations of the world as is that of Great Britain.—Globe Review,San Francisco. If Grover will swap some of his “popular loan” bonds for some of our ■1 cent hops, $2 hay or go horses out here in Oregon, the farmers will take all be lias got.—Silver Imprint. If the question were submitted to a. vote of the American people: “Who is the most infamous man in American history?” the majority in favor of Grover Cleveland would be enormous. — People’s Advocate, Austin, Tux. Some of our reformers (?) prefer to spend their time luuking at. each other to working in harmony for the success of our principles. The grand old ship of stale is too near the breakers for such nonsense just at tins time.gentle¬ men. “A soft answer turncih away wrath.”—Industrial Herald, Otegou. GEORGIA, Taliaferro County, w IIEHEAS, Annie W Ilaniett as Ait mt "* svafpr uilBmUiitrix of estate uin|[ A. " Harnett, Firkins Ad- ile- 1 1 , eenee'if, represents to llirt ta nrt, 111 their petition, duly (Had and entered on record, that they have fully administered said es¬ tate: Tills is therefore to rite ull persons (■oneerned kindred arid creditors, to show cause, if any adniinistiatrix they ean. why should said adminis¬ bo trator and not discharged from their administration, and receive, lett.t rs id’ dismission on the li,rxt Munilav iu May IS'.i i. GEORGE If MnCIIELE, Ordinary, Taliaferro county, Burning Or Freezing. Whether you’re r.coichcd with fever or chilled with a deep seated cold, the same medicine will cute you - l)r.C. C.R&:’s CY ;R : G 0 For The IJvcr and Kidneys. Pleasant to the Tasta. It docs not cause conetipa tion, but brel ‘-3 chills, prevents fever, purifies and thickens the blood, corrects the liver, clean sea the stomach and improves digestion, creates an appetite and quiets the nerves. At all druggists and genera! stores. CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sole Proprietors, Knoxville, Tennessee. Roc’s Medicines For sale by The Alliance Store, Dr II. F. White, and l . S, Gunn. Hib /AirtnmaTcU tJ)rar 4 cttoJ ■the. should '"4^^ prficknors Antiseptic. iTit>lt)e B£c)T Rd/AEPVin 1 f)e World for Wounds cr BRUISE5