Newspaper Page Text
The People's Advo-ate, Established l.-'02
The Lrawfiufiville Demoeiat "
Consolidated Oct. 6, 1893.
for mm !!
Hon. T. E. Watson Will adOr^
TlmsnR cf Populists and on burning
Arrangements Made For Half
Fare Rates From Crawfor¬
dvilie. Go and Get Your
Neighbor to do
With their characteristic foresight
aud energy in I ehnlf of the cause of
the people, Mr. S. H. Rhodes and T.~
L. Chapman set about to secure, if pos¬
sible, reduced rates to the great Thom¬
son Mass meeting to be h 'Id Friday
Oct. 20th. Tin r endeavors resulted in
the reception of the-following advice
from Gen. Passenger Agent Jackson.
The Gn. R It will give half fare rales
10 Thomson and leturu ou Oct. 20tU if
a party of fifty can l-.e secured. The
agent at Crawforv’yille should know
the d ly previous if this number veil'
Mr. Rhodes desires to state fhe fol
tewing plan a* the one that best recom¬
mends itself to all concerned.
Give Mr. Rhodes your name and the
money for your ticket (81 ,ct«.> before
3 #’c «ek : rti Vue the I9lh.
"U ine r erfuisite number"VToe" not go
from this point your money will be re¬
funded. By knowing the number be¬
fore hand the agent will be able to have
enough cars ready.
Unless 50 or more go the reduction
cannot be. obtained and those who do
s;o will have to pay full fare.
The morning “accommadation” train
leaves here at 5:19.
The evening accommodation will
land us back at Crawfordvilie at 7:38.
If you get left on the morning train
you ean go down on the 11 .09 am and
still hear some of the music. No re¬
duced fare though on this train.
T he dale is Friday Oct. 20th.
The round fare is 81 ets.. if fifty or
mere go.
Come one, come all and hear the
last great speech of the People’s Cam¬
paign of 1893.
Left for Atlanta
Last Saturday Mr. J. M. Nea'on told
his many friends farewell and left for
Atlanta. A party was giver at the
hotel i:i honor of his departure aud
ii; was an enjoyable affair, save the
fact th: t al! were conscious that Crawf¬
ordvilie was losing a valued member
of her society.
All parties iadebted to the Demo
cat for advertising or subsetipt'on w I’l
pay (lie same the topubhsher of the
Aovocatk— DkmOcbat. Those who
paid in advance for the paper will re¬
ceive the Aovocate— Dk mockat un
their .-ubscription expires.
J M. Neaucn.
Good M iddling - - 8
Strict Middling -
Middling - 1'A
Three lots FOR SALE—numbered
forty two (42), fortv three (43) aud
forty four (44). Each forty feet by
eighty. Or ait as one large lot one
hundred and twenty feet by eighty.
Ixits in Atlanta, Ga., fronting Leach
Street running back to Doray Street.
Within fifteen steps of electric car
line on West Hunter Street. Lots are
near Atlanta University. Address,
Gko. W, Atkinson,
( iCrawf ardrille, Gg.
All Ahne (n tie Woids O’-l "VyC
Bif iVFc ter Falls Ad ri.
Out under the clear canopy of the
sky, ‘nealh the stars tliat burned as
the pale candles in the watch of deatti;
with the trees, whose every bough
was a mournful lyre, that; awakened
by l ie wiud, kept slow and measured
rythm iti the requiem of the dead.—
they fou id the cold form of ati aged
man lying rigid and lifeless.
It was all earthly, l»ft of ‘Ola U ncl
B.llj” Foster.
Over three score ana ten yeirs had
left Ins body, though weakened and
bent by age, still full of unusual yle
tality for one so old. It Was his wont
to do all the labor his strength would
allow and he seen»e reluctant to drop
out of the ranks of the workers around
him. Last Tuesd ry evening the ol
man, as lie had ofteu done of late,
went tojii body of wo* Is belonging to
Mr Sam O^letree about live m 1; i
from town. Night came ou but Uu-
ele Billy did not return. A party
was organized and search made.
About 10 o clock they came u) >n
his dead body lying near his wagon.
The wagon was half load. 1 with
■‘scores” From appea.anccs it is
judged that be had half loaded his way
on and had sat down on a crolst-e to
rest. Rising to commence work the
hand of death touched lum and he
sank to the ground dead. There was
no jar, no struggle. From temporary
rest he entered the rest eternal. They
bore his body borne and the next even
ingall tliat was mortal of “Uncle
Hilly” was laid beneath the sod.
A B. C.
A s' lima, Proneliitus and Consumption
result from a neg leted cough or cold.
Donl neglect but cure promptly with a
few doses of Beggs Cherry Cough Syrup.
Loid by Dr R. Reid, !
Almost every hour a new victim is
stricken by the terrible scourge at
B>un-wick, Accounts ot destitution
and Suffering from tliat plauge cutset!
city are heart stirring. The Goyernor
has issutd a letter calling lor aid. The
papers all over tfie country are
appealing for help for the sad ‘‘city
by the sea. ” To lie scourge of fever
is added that of threatened starvation
Wittiout money and hemmed iu by
a shot gun quarantine tile only way
the citizens can exist is ou the
charity of foreigners. Many of the
cities andtowns are responding nobly.
Will Crawfordvilie say ''Am l my
brothers keener?” fclie did nobly, fur
the G;eeuvilla sufferers and would do
likewise for Brunswick if the m'as
uie was put on foot.
On the liver. When it is oat of order
and you feel bine try a few doses of Beggs
Little Giant Pills, Your liver will
appreciate the joke. So will yon. For
sale by K. J. Reid.
Mrs Foster, widow of the late Wm
Foster and her daughter Mrs Burke
desires to thank the people of Crawf
ordville and vincinity for their kindness
shown themselves iu their late bereav
meutandfor the respect shown themem
oryof the depared husband and father.
If you wibh to see them call on Dr R.
J. Beid and ask for Beggs Little Giant
Pi I is, Every bottle guaranteed.
Don't you want your picture
taken? I wish to imform the
people of Crawfordvilie and
vicinity that I am now ready
to supply them good Photo¬
graphic work. Photograps
finished in six different styles.
Will be here for only a short
time. Call and see samples of
my work ar.d be convinced
for yourself, One dozen Cabi¬
net size $3.00. Half dozen
$2,oo Cards $2.00 per dozen.
Half dozen $1.50 Four for
$ 1. Groups of thi ee $2.50 per
half dozen, $3.50 per dozn.
Now is yourcftance! My stand
is near railroad in Trip lot.
G. S. HINTON, Artist.
Items of Interest Gathered
Here and There,
If it ain’t frost its most.
A good photographer is in toe a.
See elsewhere what tie witl do fer you,
See “Busiuess Notice,”
Nice line of gents underwear at t,
\ iance Store.
Last Sunday Mrs. Joseph Mann.
Miss Sallie Stephens and Miss Clara
Conner and Master Pryor Chapman
were baptised by Rev . R. E. L
ft arris and admitted to membership in
the Baptist church,
Whm at (ho Alliance Store he sure to
see our C6ots pants.
Mrs. Ve.'izeypaid Harnett short
visit ttiis week.
Several of our citizens attended the
Ga. Association at VVoodville
Remember we are still selling three lbs."
good tobacco for $1,00 at the Altiaiicc
Clever Rob Iladarvay has '-on ’
Union Point to .ake efierge of -he
branch store of Mr. F. Rubio • "
G® to the Alliance store and buv table
oil cl, tb at 20o per yard,
Mrs A. A. McDon-ld who lias been
quite i’l for some time is now voa'e
M ns and b >ys caps.tri.m 10 up at t* e
Alliance Store.
Dark, yellow, greasy skin Is a symptom
of disordered kidneys nml Liver, and un
less treated promptly may sesult In dan.
gerous disease. One bottle of Beggs Blood
Purifier will the skin clear and trauspi
Sold and warranted by l)r. R J Reid.
D. U.-Colley Esq. stopped at Libori
tin!: ss.aaurSi'&o
home, after visiti ng a while at Wash¬
Are. ft sign that your htrir needs Invigo
rating Bi gg's Hair Renewer promotes
heathy growth of hair, prevents its lallin
out or turning gray. Sold and guaranteed
Dr. It. J.Rt iil.
We are sorry to chronicle the stll
serious illness of the little daughter of
Mr H. H. Flynt.
Freisk Mitchell left for
where be will attend the law school.
Mr. Raj Veazey attended the Wai
e r .to i fair last Thursday.
Are those wh ruse B igg’s Bior.l l’urifle
u p unties the lood, makes the skin clear
and compluxio beautiful. Try a bottle
aud note its wonderful effects. Sold and
» rants ed bv Dr. U. J Reid.
Fora short while Mr. Ell Gunn is
on a visit home.
Mi. and Mrs. Golncke made a short
visit to Augusta this week.
At the solicitation of friends I have
consented to take up the prac.ica of
medicine. WiH make obstetric a
specialty. Calls will be made from the
drug store during day. At aigh will
be at my residua se.
H. J. RrrD.M. I).
In the election held last Tuesday
for town council the old “City Fath¬
ers” were elected.
Wehave authorize our ftdvertlfc -U drug
to sell Ur King's New Discovery for Lou
U'np.ion, Coughs and Colds, upon this
condition. If you are afttiel :d wltn a
Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throi t or
lieot trouble, and wilt use tills remedy.
A -.directed giving it a fair trial, an
experience no benefit, you in-y return
the to.tie and have your money refunded,
We could not m tVo tu's ode-did we not
know that Dr. King's New UKovery
could be re'led on. It never d'sippoints.
Trial boitles free at Dr. K, J Be d's Drug
Store. Large size 51c. and $1.00.
Wa desire to say to our citizens, tha
fnr years we have been selling Dr. King
New Discovery for Consumption, Dr
King's New Life Pills, Uucklen's Arnica
Salve and Electric Bitters, aud never
handle remedies that sell as well, er that
have given such universal satisfaction.
W« do not hesitate te guarantee them
every time and we stand ready to refnnJ
the puchase price, if satisfactory result*
ount follow their use. Their remedies
have won their great popularity pureiy
on their merit- Dr. B. J. Reid, druggist
lj tia Kt kn’s arnica salve.
"Ue best salve In the world for Cur
Rr uisns, Sores, IIleers, Salt Uheu'e. Fove
h . s, fetter, Chapped Rands Club'aii
pr as. ami all Skin Eruptions, and po»l
iv-ij cures Piles, or no pay required. It
Iguarant red to give perfect salisf; tioo
'ii money refunded. Price 21 cents per
L-X. For sale by I)r. It. J. lieid.
tro > will be sown in the next few weeks.
i have advised before, even in those
hi sect imu where wheat is not a paying
ev crop, each fanner should sow
^wo with gh the to improvement supply his family, tv) his laud, and this, will
uc ijcile wheat, him to the which work. I quote The from follow
ig on a
allied exchange, so clearly and forcibly
r !a of this subject that 1 feel it c*u
ot What, i<e improved tqion: need - in wheat
farmers to learn
V wing districts is the great value of a
fog alar rotation in which n leguminous
|-n immediately precedes the wheat.
Jon tv,ul of putting wheat in roughly on
her lorn ground with a sprinkling of fertil
t, make a crop and leave the hind
worse on, how much lietler it would la)
to *ov the annual winter gr owing enm
pn c! ver, with the same amount of fer¬
tilizer among the corn in August or
At foptemberf tlpddcn let it in lie winter, pastured and whenever in May
plow under and sow the land in cow
yeas broadcast. Tim result would bo a
;iig crop of i>ea vine hay for stock and
Wheat leani,re making, and a preparation than for the a
crop far more certain
notoriously &N>at. uncertain corn-ground
<&■,! And if you find It difilerrlt to
Brough the poa vines ns hay. run them
the cutter when in full pod, and
iaake the heat ensilage that can lie made
clover '.or cows. With plenty of ensilage,
hay and wheat straw, and plenty
of good stock to rich eat them, land and the indepen¬ road to
big wheat crops,
dence is open, and a farm enriched will
Sun-down always enrich farm will the farmer him us down,” fast as a
Another subject * ry little understood
and therefore very little practiced at the
, uth is
rxi.L ri/iwisw.
It is contended by many Rontham ag
i Uulturisto that the advantages to ho
I oisl by deep plowing of land are not
lour section. Their idea is that as wo
'•>, i have the heavy freezes of more
*ti latitudes, which wero to disin¬
t-'"d the, Wdl. iionetijyito "tni 1 ’ rtwC us tl C—tj are
i.ift 1 fiuin the packing heavy winter
r nine much of our work has to lx- gone
< . .. i in the spring. This is, in ft meas
r r* true, and if this disintegration were
the only advantage their position other would and
Li well tukou. But there are
< qually strong reasons for deep fall l >low
i|ng, more esjiedally on our stitf red
1 mds, which are only in rare instances
horoughly worked. Among these rea
ons in favor of deep fall plowing are
he following: The loosening, turning
and airation of the subsoil; the preven¬
tion of washing; the storing of moisture
from the winter rains, which, falling on
unplowed much land, of the pass top off, soil; carrying the bringing with
them elements,
to the surface of the mineral
whifch are stored in sufficient quantities
to all our lands, and for which, in the
form of commercial phosphates and pot¬
ash, we each year pay out large sums.
These locked up stores, to become avail¬
able, must lie brought to the surface
and there combined with veget able mat
tor and fall under the direct action of
the rains, the fronts and the atmosphere. the
By this deep fall plowing we yields open
door through which nature up
these treasures. Jeff Wiltioni, high au¬
thority in such matters, says that by
deep plowing of red clay lands as early
as possible in fall and winter and then
cultivating in pens, to supply the neces¬
sary nitrogen, heavy crops can lie made
and the land improved each year. He
has “proved his faith by bis works” and
certainly his eminent success should en¬
courage others to try the same plan, W
ing assured that it is not an empty
theory. this plan the atten¬
Let me urge upon
tion of onr fanners. Let each one try a
small area ns an experiment, doing the
work thoroughly, and, having once practi¬ satis
fled himself as to its utility and
cality, let him appropriate the nmi< rals
dormant in his soil and thus avoid these
heavy obligations for fertilizers, which
are now hastening his cotton on the mar¬
ket. I do not mean that he can dls
^nse altogether with the nse of com¬
mercial fertilizers, for in conjunction
„-ith green crops they are ari lm jiqrtant
adjunct in this work of renovation, but
I do say that the man who is able -o do
this fail plowing, following it with le¬
guminous crojis, will attain to surpris¬
ing reBults and at far lees <x»st»
which all over the state now rx/vers the
cornfields and which, where peas wipe
thinly sows, has sprung up, offering the
farmer a beautiful crop of the very beet
hay, far superior to that only imported need it from
other states. We not on
onr farms, but there is a ready market
in the towns for a good article, well
enred. Tlje fanner who allows this hi
waste may yet have to Imy the imported
article with’ wane of his hard-earned and
not too abundant cotton money.
E. T. Nesbitt, Com.
One* every year the park at Far
ringford waa thrown open to all
comers The Freeh water flower show
waa held there in August but Ten¬
nyson did not appear on this occa¬
sion'. He left the management of
the affair and the duties of host to
hk son Hal lam, who for years acted
as his father’s Decretory and confi¬
dant There is a good deal to he said
in support of the resentment Ten¬
nyson showed to intruders.—Cor.
Boston Herald.
VOL 1 -NO 1-
Mils Mice Store *• 73
Our Motto:
8 lonest Goods for Honest Money.
Head what we have to say before you
buy your Fall and Winter i>oods. Wo
have sold goods for cash this year and
are therefore in a condition to give you
bargains throughout our entire stock.
We have no bad debts that we will try
to makegood at our customers expense.
Bargains! Bargains!!
Latest designs in prints; one dress in a
patern. A large °toek of Factory goods
always on hand; among which we have
the heaviest checks ever sold in this
place. High Shoals l shirting at Sets
per yard.
Jeans! Jeans! Jeans!
We have a large stock of jeans which
we arc selling very low. Be sure to get
your part of the bargains we arc offer¬
ing in 9 oz. Athens jeans before it is all
Boots and Shoes.
We desire to call special attention to
our stock of mens and boys boots ; see
Ymnii \*>n b '*T
children shoes in stock, we trnvc Ks t *
Young Hlen.
See our gents furnishing goods, latest
style hats and gents underwear before
you purchase.
Wc keep ou hand a goe<l supply ot the followimr'' -roods
z i which we guarantee price*, c>fT ’ ‘ ^
£ meal, nupr, lard ■ III Hit 4
nails, >ur, plows, salt, bag dug. tics, synip, E > oil
Dixie plows, and extra p E. -
horse shoes, brooim leather, tobacco, cigars, ei outcry. lamps
glassware, tinwa e, cheese, crackers, canned goods, staple drugs,
and other things too numeous to mention. IClicn in town ls>
sure to to give 11s a cal! arid sen wliat wa are doin'*.
"W O Otifxpnaa/nL, TMLzzr'
'X’lie Ijivo And I Vo^rewwive Miirohant
dry Three immnese goods, -S'tores, Many silks, departments, triin New and style
goods, dress gimps and dress all the latest trimmings ning silks, velvets
passementeries, line and domestic drygoods, cassimere, etc. (lorn
iplete woolens. of staple jeans and
Hohi NhooHlook In I’ho
Can fit any body that wears shoes, my dress shoes for la¬
dies, gents and children cant be excelled, also an immese ntock
of always the solid hilled plainer with stylish sorts, tailor I conduct fit clothing, a gents Clothing all Parlor,
carry sorts
and sizes fitting any size or shape.
G rnnd WtookofFumliuro
A full line of Groceries, /bibber belting, Press ropes, Heavy
nd fancy groceries, //ardware and Guns- Magnificent Stock
a f white //ickory, Owenaboio Ky, and other wagons, First class
I juggles, road carts, Vehicles of ail kinds, gear, saddles, Harness
IVIy Goods lire all Plrnt OI asa.
My prices are always reasonable: prompt and polite attention.
Favor rnc with a call and write for prices Truly yours.