The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, October 27, 1893, Image 2

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A D VOt'ATE-DEMOC JR AT -.prni.lMII.I) f.VKUT UKIIIA V Miiendat the Poet Office (H CrawfordtUU Ga, <a .Second Cl.tee Mail Matter. THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE GREENE A NO TALI FERRO COUNTY FARMERS ALl.I ANCE AND INDUS¬ TRIAL UNION, *l,» the OMlci il organ ul lul lull rrs t ouaiy. PUBLISHER’S JiO'lP V, M HSCKH’TION ll.oo per yea,; at cent* for six iiionth* ,2i cents for three month*, .'subscriptions payable In ad vance. UOllUKfcPt)NDKNCK on live and newsy subject* Invited- Th* real name of the author must accompany all com inimical!,»nc Article* Intended for publication should be addressed to the editor. KI H.NKhM < I'MMl NK AT IONS and those relating to advertising should be addressed, and all checks, money orders and drafts should be made payable to PAUL L. SMITH. Crawfordvllle, (,* PAUL I,. KM ITU, Em rou. ''-Hwlordvlllo, Fndiy. Git 27 IHt»3 Tlio article in last week’s A I). headed “iii.ira Tins i.k me it” while in quotation* should have been credited to the Peoples Tarty Taja-r. An over right of tie printer cumed the blander. Tlio Constitution ot the 23i<1, iiwt, says: '‘Cleveland gave a dinner al< the white house tonight to his sena¬ torial friends. Not a single silver, democratic senator was invited.” The president scums to have inude this siver ligl I a jaTsonal matter hj carries it into everything. Van Aim has been confirmed. On¬ ly three democrats voted against him. In cnmineiitii.g ua t«i« the Atlanta Journal *a)*; “We liiqm Mi Van Ai¬ nu will have a pleasant stay in Home and when the democratic cointniUu needs fur.d* lojeurry on It* next Cant• y.-ii’d, he wdl ies|*)ud as nobly as he last K , , _____ V ii Ahitiii w f in* remembered pukl KoO.OOO for the position of Consul to Home, Many leaning democratic pa- 1 * 1 * utterly denounce the alminlsua* liou fin this sale «f ( flie r Nani .bines and tbe famous 1 Parson 'Maaoey” held a joint debate »t Ntauri* ton Vs, It seem* Sam Jones caught u Tartar and Ids jaditico-religious ti rad. a Were gnaweied by nun w ho was fully capable «s Jones when It comes I to slinging ignorance and abuse This delate proved that it is quite inter* rating to an audience for two hypo¬ crite* to fall out. “John Sherman la fleeting the adinln Ltratieli and the .‘•hip Is nearing the tick," “SHI HMANCAITt'ltasIM* W'l.lTK I Ot »i.” | ‘•John Sherman ha* simply gone into ! the emnp of the detuocral'.e adminislra lion and captured It without tiring a gun.” { tie I - now nt the helm amt the repnbi leans | me practically n tamtiol ot the situation* ( What Mr. t'levelsnd’s next move wi’j be no one knows Porliap* lie don’t i know lilmself until heron ulL* with hi* chief adviser, John Sherman.—Allaiin t ouMltu!Ion. i h i. 24 I 8 me men try advertising ,»* the In* diun till st featbeta . He liavk one fedlter, laid on a boald, and ah pt on it all night- Li the Uioiullig he gi un¬ ted out. ” White man any feather* Iiea 11 toft white man heap fool liumph Ex. THA \ h S A Wfl 'Ll Y •’ABSORBED ITS COMPETITOR. The Peoples Advoea.e, wlneti late* ly moved from Gn-eriestairn to Crawl oidviile, sts'ms to la* meeting wit ha tie* cess to it* new field, and it.watts.nt,d the Crawfordvllle 1 lamoerai. Toe pa¬ lm is now the Advocate-1lemocrat it Mill eaiiiiiiut tu be » Popultat pa-j l*»r, butaays *it>ee llw*F»i$»iil s*s are Uie true J efferent tan Ih'iiioci aoy, tie nam la no miauoaici i'he Av*pei piopk»>»‘5 j to gi ve all sites a Iwartfig win, I pal then vi»ws in ,tee<<',t language and Got* * to iHlaui Ua daur.s is i, rea I | «*r*. Editor Noalongors to Atlai.L, , wi.eie hr- ill iu«* ul ti v lu f ute E L it >i * nitb bis ** -etc** n l* an «ff ible geutleman, at d lnr* dtspSayed gieat p'uckand eoeigv ink, plug *bvv ut:d*r sdv rise cues instances, il puati wdl wlu. t^will su.w'ecfi,' A It O. A-hm«, < i»W ■ «i aad v otwamtAJ u, } tv-'iiH lltAn a uwg krlte , o, gb iHuti but . un- ur, me: v with , I w,tVf u,.gc Ob r Oaugh otror Loid :.v Dr It It, id. FIGFES AND FACTS Concerning National Bonis. Editor Apvra ate-I/kmw rat: IiiasoMji h as another conspiracy is at work to force open tbe people of this continent another issue of bonds. Jt would be well for our people to con¬ sider the matter. Some, at least, and for the ban-fit of the readers of the Advocatk-IIkmocrat who have not ten an itemized statement, I submit this account which is said to he of¬ ficial. Our national debt* was, in 1 Wifi, $2.78:5.000.000. We have paid on this debt to 188!) : The following amounts. Interest £ Paid on the principal $ 1 , 080 , 000,000 Premium* on bond* *:«i,000.000 Total paid to 1880 $:{..778.000.000 Balance atill due on these bonds in 1880, $1.603,000,000. We find it will now takes more of the product* of labor to pay the balance than il would have taken to pay the debt in 1806. Home $65,000,000 were raised im¬ mediately after the war by a direct tax on cotton and paid on the national debt. An at tempt was in con¬ gress to get a bid through refunding this money to the cotton producer. One also to allow the cotton producer to go before the Supreme court of the U. s. and contest the legality of this tax law. Both bills failed, both par ties voting against them. Besides our national debt there is a vast amount of debts of corporations I ; and individuals secured by mortgages and every specie* of collateral imagine able. Might il not he advisable at this time lor oui people to come together and petition emigres* to use every leg ilma'c and honorable means to prevent if possible the issue of more govern¬ ment bonds. If more money is need¬ ed to pay expenses of the government, why not the government through eon gross issue of the money and have the siime security behind the money issued as licititul the bonds issued, ’’ hat security is the taxes of the people. A debt for tax w e alt know is superior to all other claims and the weal'll of the country would umke the money good. Besides the saying in interest aud pre¬ miums as -is seen would be consider¬ able. Will the laborers of this com - try ever be abie to pa\ our national •»< wp a ru t » aad indtvjilmd bid idness our presem voluinn oi money? Is it poaelblo under a gold standard? Are wo not close up to Ibe danger line already us a nation? W ill history re¬ peat iiaclf upon Americans. History tells us Greece enjoyed her greatest era of proajienty when the wealth of the country was ill eighty-live per lent of her people’s hand*. And that she psr isiied vvlieii four percent owned every¬ thing. Ktatiaiics show lliat more than ninety per cent of our people are w ith¬ out homes, that is, have no place tint can cull their own. History tells us also that Home and Egypt succumbed with less limn four per rein of her people owning all tho vvcnlth of the country. Will we be t . on(cnletl when we are forced still (WWt , r w m t |„. n . hefrielioo? And the remedy proposed i* tariff reform. Judging Irotn editorials nt ml miiiiatraliou news papers mid expres¬ sions liy lending congivsitmeti. in * mil* terial change will be made in the Mc¬ Kinley law. It I" i.bendy eonceeded that I’l'eakteut Cleveland bas changed his mill 1 upon the tariff and that when l)l( , js ,hor«uglily revi-ed il will Hot meet the expectations of the most i conservative tauff reform. Itevond I'onbt our eongre'sim'ii aud \ have only vngtAi and *ermtois nneer ,:„U id, a, «b,HU '..(',If leform. Geo. Gor,Inn's speech in the V. s. Senate, ’JSMh lS'.i.'t. which was made tm-eluttse of the stivei pun-ha* ing act of the Sherman law, attended to ihe tariff plan* in the Denns ialie platform end says: “Mr President, Out pledges of tariff reform w ill doubt he met in due time, not as our friends on the other side of the elm it - her fuar, ot charge, so as to hamper or vxx \ Didusuios oC tho country, obstructions in the y of itifat t or nuinuf,ac uri g fMirtblUhmeuts, but by a loiter (It Inbution and wiser adjustineiit. Possibly by freo raw material* to help m tiiufaetoriug to lift tbe burden* from labor and -r and lit-' coiuiuon |«-op.e. tin* benefit nil." Mr. Cditora, I* there an.thing com *oling to tbe producer of free taw tua terial, by making thi* li*t l»rgt-r. nnd iutl* add i i» the ai ready protiH-tcd. q » a wort) tariff rev. une of oa M „. Nvlt ought to be frw ... l,n,U " U lo nuU * ’ > ■ dure (Ik Li iff oh sat. To me there in this that is comforting if there is am; consolation to he gathered from a re vision of the tariff—it is that raw ne. tenals produced in the South already g< into a free market. Cotton our prin¬ ciples crop has to meet the cotton oi India which is shipped to this count r. free of duty. And this is to be genuine tariff r< forrn. Has the tariff issue all this tine been used only to furnish points updo with which to carry an election, fir must as we expected it to be, Jam upon the shelf very cautious by as formerly and be brought out and brush¬ ed up for the next campaign to put j he basses in the offices again. Jf judgiug of generalities, thimble rigging and con¬ fidence games is what remains of the democratic party. Should it not niffei the penalty of Natures’ law which -ie crees that ad organism must die. J. II. McWllORTK^J Bark, yellow, greasy skin is a ayraj i. of disordered kidutys ai d Liter, and un less treated pn rnptly may Msult InrHan gerous disease. One bottle of Boggs Hood Purifier will the skin clear and transpa old aad warranted bv Dr. ltd Reid. 4 NOTllJE. At the solicitation of friends I have consented to take up the practice of medicine. Will make obstetri' a ■specialty. Calls w ill be made from tbe drug store during day. At nigh will be at my residue ze. R. J. Reid, M. Tt. • UNEASY LIES'! UK HEAD” ETC Tbs house of Lords—the senate of the U, S. has become alarmed foy fear of dynamite, and the Whltebous*-,—the dwelling p’ace of His Highness, King Grover of Sheriffdom the bi metalist., has locked himself in—gone in hi# hole and pulled tie hole in after hitu and with fear and trembling b*si himself guarded. Wherefore this fear?—Plow-Boy. Bu¬ ford Ga. THE WORLD’S FAIR i Are those who us-U igg’s Blood Furilie u purifies the loud, makes the s>Jn dear and complexio beautiful. Try riottle and note its wonderful effects. Sold and ranteed bv Dr It . J. Relit. TAXES. 1 will 1«- at the following mump places on the dates opposite the ua of the places below. Please meet me/ miptly and Pay your taxes: Crawfordvllte, let. 21. tfkaUR. — . 2 «. Crawfordvllte, Vv "■y- * Lyneville i ,oV. 6. t'rawfordville, Yov. 7. Sim ron, Nov. 11. Fluker. Nov, 14. Battery, «ov. 17. Crawfordvillo, Nov. is. UU7 District! Nov. 21. Raytown, Nov 23. Crawfordvllle. Nov- 25, Sharon. Nov. 27, 602 District court ground, No/. 29. Crawfordvllle, Nov. 30. itespoetfully, G. T. Kuwaiiim. Tax to, 'tor. t HONK WO <DEUELL GIANTS IN now NU If you r .i*b to s -e tli.i n call on Dr K. J. held aid ask for Boggs Little Giant Pills, Every bottle guaranteed. PITTS CARMINATIVE Is an Instant relief for colie of infanta cures DysenUry, Diarrhea, t lioieia. la t intum or aiiy o her derar ;nt.* of the stomach ami liowrls’. For wholesale by Lamar Drug < ompa ny, Atlanta, and Macon r Lookout Mountain with its magnificen*’y equipped <* Inn” n uniler under Last l* ivtcfn rri imt'P* ‘ ^ ment 15 now open teady tor The East Tennessee ,, ^oad . agents Will ... sell ,, hxcur *ion Tickets at low rates. B W. AY it f n s , G. P ri Tkt Agl LOCAL cor TON M VRKEf Good Middling * Strict Middling Midd ling - i wmtai ! V Hi " w *b*J*s,n*w touts, first. •>»« n o si S,!v' nniTT u'-d's'* c spsuPv. mitt* milWy* M.-iuftcnro tuij t,. i ,is L,,-* • tlio j | **. uu c joei.w^ .ol"'’, mlrkrt " ' C S Vn -l' , 1 I -V, u and a ster p 1 , 1 l>>a » rcss*,. C m-*, sofiett'd , j Tu ». lU.r v 1 PEOP LFS PARTY PLATFORM Adopted in Rational Contention at Omaha July 4,1 m. First.—We demand a national enrrsney safe, sound and flexible, issued by the geneiel Ooy erument only, a full iega tender for all debts, pnblic and private and that without the use of banking «or Iterations, a just, equitable and efficient means of distribution direct to the people at a tax not exceeding 2 per cent per an, num, be provided, as sat forth in the ub*treasury plan of the Farmers’ Alli¬ ance or some better system also by pa} - ments in discharge of its obligations for public improvements. Second.—We demand the freeand un I imited coinage of silvei and gold at resent legal ratio of 16 to l. Third.—We demand that the amrunt o. the circulating medium be speedily in rea»ed to not less than 130 per capita. Fourb.—We demand a graduated in* one tax. Fifth.—We believe that the money of the country should be kept as much as possible in the hands of the people, and hence we demand that all state and na¬ tional revenues shall b) limited to the necessary expenses of the Governrr.en economically and honestly administered Fifth.—We demand that postal savings banks be established by the goverment for the safe deposit of the earnings of the pvople and to facilitate exchange. Seventh —Transportation being a means of exchange and a public necessity, the overa ll-nt should own and operate tbe ailroads in the interest of the people . Eighth.—The telegraph and the tele¬ phone, like the post-office system being a necessity for transmission of news, should be owned and operated by the Govern¬ ment in the interest of the people. Ninth,—The land. Including all the liat ural sources of wealth is the heritage of all the people and should not be mo¬ nopolized for speculative purposes, and alien owner, hip of lands should be pro hibited. All land no.v held by lailroad and other corporations in excess of their actual needs, and all lands now owned !> aliens should be reclaim tl oy the Govern merit and held for actual settlers only. BUCKI.EN’S ARNICA SALVE. The b 'St salve in the world for C ur Rruise.s, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Itlieuni. Feve Boies, Tetter,Chapped Mauds, Chiblnln Corns, ami all Skin Eruptions, and posj* veij cures Piles, or no pay required. It sguarant eed to give perfect satis! act ion ormoney refunded. Prire 2> cents per box. For sale by Dr.B. J. Reid. SILVER THREADS AMONG iIIE GOLD.’’ Are a sign that your hair needs inviyo rivfTng. Begjj's Bair He newer p.-»-avi.e* heathy gro.vtlr of hair, pr.Arents its'tallin out or turning gray. Sold and guaranteed Dr. It. J.Iteid. NOTICE 10 DEBTORS. Parries indebted to me for medlca service are earnestly requested to makei settlement of same by 10 of November next. As professional duties will prevent me from riding in behalf of collections I •hall be obliged to place all accounts un paid afler i he about date in the hands of n attorney. Most Respectfully R. V. Bixns. M. D. BUSINESS NOTICE. All parties indebted to the Demo cat for advertising or subscription will pay the same the topttblisher of the Advoc.vtk—DkmocrAt. 1 ho-e who paid in advance for the paper will re ceive the Advocate— Democrat unti their subscription oxpi res. J M. NEAl.CS. Chararierlalu’s Eye and bidn Ointment* a oertain cure for ChronicSora Eyes, fetter. Salt Ivlicunt. Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Plies. J i* coolir.g and soothing. Hued vds of cases huro been cured by is ^ Ur other kraatmont had failed Kt»uL i-r box. LOST A large an oust of Money is hat an nualy by partiss purcli.ising wortbiess fruit tree- r -es an I etc. Get the :> ir-mi firm lhai gr -ws ih.-ir ovv . t eos *eu Is oui nothing but g.**l s'.sk aud sells at rea »« wan? the add res* . very tamiur or garduiicr ia \u« r secti ui n 1 will si i v! y »u .1 libeml otfur, write , h.r jKtrucuhir.4 an«l pric-s at, sem! l» r tieM?r |»tive Uuiai.igue. Ageiit HM .te I every wh re» Address, Cherocbre Nurs r, Co. Wayceo** -Ga, Ik2IEIAXa.« -AT •Mala HOURS —ATJJFHE— 1 ) ELMONICO F. 8. 8AK.VBABT A C\ C ••«». *bw, G > are yougoing to THE WORLD’S FAIR If an, see that your ticket reads via Cio cinoati and thoC It. A D. and Monon— the acknowledged -World's Fair R'Ute.” The only line out of Cincinnati connect ing with E. T. f, & 0. and Q, A C. train No. 2 arrlv ng Cincinnati 10:30 p m. A solid train carrying through sleepers from (/acksonvi’le. Savannah, Birmingl.a o Atlanta, Chittanonga, Macon aud New Orleans via E T V A G.. Q & C., C H A 1>. and Monon Route to Chicago. You can stop over in Cincinnati if your icket reads y ia the C U A D and Monon Route, by depositii g same with the J/er* chants' and Manufacturers’ As.-ociation, Chamber of Cbmmeroe Building, corner of Fourth and Nine Street*, one block from Fountain 8quaie (the C tl A D ticket office is in the same building). This en¬ ables you to visit the picturesque ‘'Queen City” at no additional cost, and spec effort will be made to entertain strangers hospitably and reasonably. The universal verdict of t ie t.-avelin nublic is that the Pullman Safety Ve ti buled trains, running eveiy day' ‘‘and Sunday b,o.” via the C H d D and Mcnou between Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Chi¬ cago, are without douht the *,finest on , artii " These trains were especially built by ’he Pullman Company for this service and embrace every improvement. Thiir rnagnifieent coaches, luxurious smoking cars, superb sleepers, observation cars, compartment sleeping cars and uncxce.led dining car service, afford ‘all tbe comforts of home." Leaving Gndnnati you pas. through the beautiful Miami Vdley, and for twenty* five miles the double tracks mu through tne very front noore yards of the finest suburban homes in the country- Beyond Hami ton and up to Indian-.polls, tbe lin is noted for its sceme beauty. A stop over at lndimspolis, the capi¬ tal of Indiana may be olotain-d by deposit ing your ticket with tha Secretary of the Cctmnercid Club. Thiscity is more worthy of a visit than almost any other of its size in the West, and offers the greatest induce* moots totiavclier aud to'list. Between ndiau ip fits and Chicago the line travels ca tbe very best agricultural and commer¬ cial territory, and tbe ride is ouS'-ut un paradeled comfort anil beauty . Buir in mind tint the C tl & D atu Monon Rome trains all run via Burnside Cr, ssi- s. from which ooint the Illinois Central suburban trains run direct to the World’s Fait Grounds every moment. At A'nglewocd connection is made the electric cars, which run every five minutes to the grounds, but wo recommend all persons to go directly into the lh arboru Station, which is located in the heart of the city and from which all street car lines Coiiv-rge tnea go directly by car or c..b to your hotel or boarding place. Fir3t ocste yourself, know where and h .w you are to liv • hi in hi :ag >. G rt [othe calny firmly fixed in your mind, before g ing to the World's Fair by any of the numerous convenient ways, the ci&le cm. electric roads elevated ruilroa 1 Illinois CeiiUal It R suburban trains mi I ’he s'eon boats aft ,rd a np'e acc> nm ,'d irio i oa sail possible li.itors, and is but its fi oii .ntes ride fro n ihe business portion of the city t> the grounds. Tike your | | >>Te* grounds, down town, buy y„ur b.i cb at the an 1 take ymir sn iper <1 own town. If you follow these suggestions. ! y. u will save ruon y. The facilities f a serving lunch at [he kVerl t’s Fair gr,u:ul aie extraordinary and the prices are cheaper ihau ai your own ii mu l,ut break f>.-t end supper *h- u d be taken down / ova. or at your Isrvrding house. ’Oa- ! •.'M’s Fait is already tiis o„rt st'Utl* | ug and* upend ms spectacle eve attempt- i by any people au 1 a days visit wi h | :«H *ni .mote ‘leli^ht nnd ii»btnicu -u ta in • c«n |x>»sil> y lie obiairted in any way : or by the sanof txjyendi qm of money. F*>r further jmticu ara. tlebcnp.'ivc |»aiu' pdiets, rates etc., d r ss E A Horn r:n, Generri Advertising Ag nt C H d- D U R- No 2’>6 W F .tilth 5; Gnicintit i. -It. 1 I JAMES DA V IS )S i : — Attorney at Law.— i CeenrtitKiro MOANS -NTGOT1ATEA Office in Coart llonse. tVif. pra- tic in d.< luirr coi m e. OF INTEREST TO YOU 1 willjlocate in Crawfoidvil le for two week* in each month, c *r»ti<e Monday after the first .Sunday in each month, as a PRACTICAL JEWELER. If our Clock or Watch Need.? .Repairing, Or any wort whatever bring it to me. and I will guarantee the work as well done, and a great deal cheaper, than you can get 'he same work elsewhere. And to the ladies I say bring ad of your tjrotten rings, and breastpins, and have them mended, and if you need any piece of jewelry made, I will niak : it and guar t.M a itidiction. Remember I guarantee all my work to hold g s>d twelve months or no piy. 8 Bring your work the first two weeks in aeh m mth and have it done as it should he done- Office in the Alliance Store, Respectfully A S Laramoi e ADKINS HOUSE, nc rib west cor. Broad & Campbell Sts AUGUSTA, GA. CENTRALLY LOCATED. FIVE M1X VTES RIDE ON ELECTRIC FROM DEPOT. Rates $1 50 per J*y, A. J,'AlilNS, Proi'riftor, 'a -Msnafactnrer of—— GRANITE anil —MARBLE MONUMENTS - . and STATUART. -Imfomtsk Direct: CONTRACTOR for Building Stowe. - ASRNT FOR CHAMPION IRON FENCEMJO.. The Bc»t In the World. Jew Designsl Designs!! Original PRICES LOW Send for them. Office aad Steam Vr'orks, 529 4531 Broad St., AUGUSTA,(Ja, •*R Wort Q uaxanteed. jepl.% .1 'I MoaoplDf Resident Dentist Creenea'ioro, Ca 1 wish to return my thanks to a gener ous public for past favors, and to announce t.iat I have the “New and ,Iuipiovcd vietkol’’ for one-rations in filling teeth, Am pi ( pared to nerve v >tt in a satisfaotjiy manner at all t ATLANTA. the standard b'el, til !t-:ist 'I'll Stallion ATLAN I’a w 11 at and tbs seaso , at the fir n if Mr ,’. V. 15 vi U. non Greenesboro. For lull piiiieo. irs as to pedigree ami for ali uiL-rmation'e.l apply to T A. HR A0.1. J F. t AI f MICHAEL NORTH GEORGIA I » AT DAHLONEGA. 4 branch of the State University Spring Term begins First Monday in Fe Denary. Fall Term begins First Monday in September. Be«t school in the south. f..r student* vV. limited moans. The military training thorough, being underaU. .^. Army -U.X fietailed by the Secretary of AYar BOTH SEXES HAVE EQUAL ALU, FACES. Students ar» prepared and Item t legis!atur“. teach ia tho public achools, bv act «’* ” Lectures, oa Agriculture and tho by For distinguished educators a: d ad oL . health the climate i.- uns jrpasitw. Altitude 2237 feet Board $8 per m, nth anu cpwa -is. Mess trig &v lower rates. Each senator a:,4 representative of ..5 state ijcati-.ied a- d requested .c i pupil fnra hi* district or crai:.!’ . withvmt paving For matriculation fee. dur.-.g' his tern. ratal..; Treasurer, or information address bee* retary cr Board ot Trustee*.