The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, October 27, 1893, Image 3

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c:mes through the H cvs from this and Adio in “ ing Counties. OUR CUKBESPUNDENTS "OUK. Items They Find in Their Re¬ spective Localities ior Our Headers. Sharon Dots* i - Mr Hopkins an old and res-ppcted citiz 01 of tn i s co pity dij 1 near Itiy town on the lS'-h ipst. and was bur¬ ied in VV ilkes county on the Uitli inst. ilr. i'Ik, mas 11 Ml left witli lii.s bride last week for his home it Uui m Foiut Ga. Frof. Thotn is of Florida, we are glad to see am mg us. The Prof, has been rei-ortod ilea<l two or three tiroes but We are glad to s ate he is s; ill alive and in good health but on crutch dies yet. Mr. J. A. Woodall has been quite sick for tlie last week but is improv¬ ing Several from Riytown district at tended the Populist meeting at Thom a m a id report a g >od time and large crowd. Miss Xotwie Jackson, who we re ported sic* in our last items lias re* oveivdaud is euj y.n^ her hedJtli tb o \V, Drown pays highest market price for cotton Mr. ii. L. Gilbert has been over in Y\ likes eou.rty visitiug a .d come home sick and has been quite Sick but is up again w« are glad to state. Me. James Hall of Warren county was in our town last week selling the rights to the Rhodes cotton planter Mr. Hall is a clever gentleman and we were glad to meat him . Mr. R. N.Gilbert our butcher has fresh meat in town now nearly every day. Rob understands how to please the people. Mrs. John Frank Sharp of Mayfield has moved toiler pareuts in this coun¬ ty, Mr. and Mr. Jesse Taylors. She will send her four oldest children to Orphan* Home Decatur Ga. were they will be raised and educated, We wel¬ come her back to her old home. . Rev. W. It, Cox preached at Wood all School House on last Third Sun evening. Go to Geo. IF. Brown for supplies of al kinds. Rev. Mr. D>ggitt suspen led the meeting at this place last Friday. He will resume the service again next Monday night Rev. Mr. Carr is help¬ ing Mr. Doggett in his meeting. Regular Servicsa at Riytown by Rev. Mr. Doggett last Saturday and Sunday. Some of oar country you**g meu speak of going to Florida another year I would say to them just well stay here you will, find no belter times there than here. Several Drummers visited our town last week but don’t think their sales were very great. All of our merchants have got in their winter supplies and we guess there will be very little buys ing done for awhile. Mr. Edward C’roake and wife, Mr. George Wright and wife and Mr, Ow¬ en Moore returned last Saturday from the VPorlds Fair. Mrs. Falligant who has been stop¬ ping in our town for some ti ne left last Saturday for Atlanta, Mrs Betsie Moore his been visiting her Bro. John Evans at Pearidge the past week. Miss Claude Btttle was taken worse last week and is now in a critical con¬ dition . Mis. Mollie Tavlor and faintly of Joneabo:o were visiting her sistsr Mis, Josie Weathers in Redlick D;st last week. Our little town was crowded last Saturday and a good deal of trading was done. We are to have another Bar-room in Sharen so reports say. Our Town Council donated one hen dred dollars to the city of Brunswick at a call meeting last week, This was good deed. m ■ R ■ PRICE’S < I most ■ 7 The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No JLmmotNt, Ne £*i Used in Millions of Homes—40 Yon the Standard Mr L. s. .lacks,>n. one of our good looking wrung BiilcheWa 0i iv s ! mound neaih to. ry l ty now in hisin u yellow buagv. We think Lint is *««--•»* ^ «••*- s ”»«>■"» girls set your c:ii> for soma of you will ^ '"a..' Mr Wui. l'w ke was in our town last week. VI r. lluiko is a y, ry I’leasing quiet old gentleman and ; ls ways see ui s to lie happy. lit is a ; brother lo Mr J >hn Lurkr of tills Place. Mr. Ida Moore sill sou 0 arlie are vibi'ju^ leliitiTeS at 'Villains cieck. Mrs Daniel Hackii**? ami little Uau^nter a'tJ niaRi i^ ili^u* lio m at \1 . li. li. J vcks »a at present. Dr. L it. II. mu ana family of x o u >s are Moppimf at Dr. A. C. Davis**11 al pmseut. The I)i is a Fa pa alCain. Mr Mick Maher h is b en suffering witli a bad c »id for some time !>e lias taken quiuine Till lie can hear tl.o rear of the cannon in tne last war. NEWS COLUMN. From Week To Week. Friday Oct. Mr il. M. Neill of New Orleans who is regarded by the cotton men as one of the best crop reporters in the husine.-t’ has issued a statement claiming that this years’crop will be 7.7)3.030 Dales. Neills report fjocs about Too.<»u J b iles in excess of what is called the popular estimate, going by this estimate the visible supply of next September will fall short of the visible supply of last September by 100.“ 000 bales. On last September the visible supply was t.gOO.OOo bales, with cotton moving around 7 cents. For next year the visible supply can be estimated at 1.700.000 bales which according to the cotton men should run cotton up past 8 cents. A terrible wreck occured on the Chicago and Grand Trunk It. II. near Buttle Creek Mich, twenty six persons were killed and a large unmoor injured. Most of thu bodies found are unrecoiiizable o:i ac¬ count of being badly burned by lire, which broke out immediately iftcr the collision. Engineer ou one *raiu neglecl ed to Obeyoidvrs and take the siding un¬ til east bound train could pass, This is one of the most terrible of thu late rail road accidents. Eleven new cases of yellow fever and outf death In Brunswick. Supplies com¬ ing m rapidiy. Outlook brighter for checking the epidemic. Saturday Oct. 41. The yellow fever epidemic at Bruns¬ wick reached its height. 49 new cases and 4 deaths. Rain and generally unfavor¬ able weather permits the scourge to gain rapid progress. Report say a compromise has been agreed upon by the senators and a bill to that effect will pass soon. The compro¬ mise agreed upon provides lor the con¬ tinued purchase of 4,500,000 ounces ot sil¬ ver monthly under the Sherman law un¬ til Octoler 1, 1834, at which time the pur¬ chases shall cease. It further provides for the coinage of the seigniorage of silver now in the treasury ana also that all notes of the denomination of less than 810 shall b» withdrawn from circulation and si! ver or silver certificates Inserted in their stead. This will add ?i2ts,000,000 more ot silver money. Sunday Oct. 22 Cable Dispatches from Dresden Ger¬ many say that Kaiser William attend the Military jubilee of King Albert of Saxony. There is an und *rm :ani nj In this affair. From Battle Creek Mich, comes the news that sewn bodies are yet unidenti¬ fied. The dailies say the repeal men in the senate are now againt the pros posed compromise. The remains of Marshal Mahon, Ex president of France, were conveyed aero— the Seine to the hotel des Ivalides, their last resting place. Fifteen new cases yellow fever and on# death at.Bruuswick. Large crowds are now atten ling the World’* Fair. Munday t>ct* 23 Cleveland a:*d hi.s “gold bug” senators have wheeled about and smashed the pro^ posed compromise »Q the senate again* reigns over the upper hall. Woodville- Ga, sent $3*1,00 to the ! wick sufferers. GKOitGlA U. 1{. SCHEDULES. j OFFICE Ol vRIUL 31 A.VUE It. ) Augusta. (Ja, j 1 t'ommenciiiat Oct A tin t e follow 'ie ' '*— will lit oparatu I. A It trains run . *ri ti tiuu. Tutsia- i*.» : sutjiittj chi without not if iwtli til ui - "« i,*> e to 1 lie | ub ie. ——— KIIAl) l>0»» N hi ai» HI* v It; H T 1>AY THAI N TRAIN Thai * T *i h ' i \ ’ a y >1ML NOT? Nil, U IONS no 12 NO *28 ma i l ll "■» p m 8 00 a 5555555 cm § m TTrrrtTT .11 am ZTirinri-- 25 pTC ' 5 l.Ca m It S3 )i in * 23 « z nil 1« tir 7 15 l ini 01 p 11 4 52 a in 12 (K a i.i Mia ©* '£ :«;<•! v i’hii ’ - in aiii' |lili 4 41 a w 12 Hi a 111 8 4i> Z P III tit C 4 2 a w 12 25 a in 8 55 a £ I* ill T|n OKI as am 4 2’» n ui 12:0 a lie 9 05 a -• '+■ |> m \ *0 u ini; ■£ 2s a m j 4 10 a ui 12 52 a 111! 9 22 a i cv tz pm ll **»«!. soil £ 10 Mini 3 .5* 9 mi 1 0» a m ‘A m ,i 5555 - h ’ to, Utts-MV £ 0» am 11 '«» ill 3 l .1 m 1 lo a ii* y 4i» a ~»-»-i S mi j'iimik JZ 11 4<i *' .1 up i 13 a 111 ?»4i» a 5 m tvo „ m *i 3 2i»* in 3 5 a in' CC'C H 'Ci m 5,i h t >T. Kl a lilt 11 22 II 3 l 1 a m 1 ■** « 10 n HsrcHEE -1 S - life !- li» a III! 2 57 a in 2 i>7 a mj 47 a 1 10 a in x d in 1 ?j to » •“ 15 p 10 47 iill 2 52 a m 2 *21 a in a 24 a m >ui*o 01 2 2! a ill 2 44 a ui H *i a 0 A 111 I*m u»ad :*i J ,5 5 a in 2 56 a ill 11 it .1 x - 0* 5 a m isntl 24 p 7 on 1 41 a m .111 a ill 11 4 I a / - 1»a m ivL( vl*»M -r IIS p -X U liiilM 12H « ui :s 23 a 111 12 ol p J - iv ‘la I •• 53 0 'C .12 I 14 a ih -ta a in 12 21 p 5 T i* -‘4 : itfloii [5 35 p ’i ll 1/54 ;i ui 4 21 08 a a ini md2 linn 44 p 5 » * amj ' I8i’ ; 1 r 8 i I'll 38 52 12 1 a hi p 5 am 'iiI, j 4 03 p it D 12 ass .4 in 41 a in l 15 p 5 - amj i >*) Ml, II 45 x 24 p in **A 55 a hi 1 25 p 5 * a u| t livrl stun 1 4 II | 8 15 ll p in 09 . Cf a 111 I 35 p = C am Her tut ' 4 20 p 8 Oil - II 3> j* 111 C » .10 a II.) 1 55 p 5 c VC Ita 4 00 ,1 L 7 50 I U 15 »» »»> 3 45 a ggVa 77 47 a in i' in, i k 9 3.5 a ill 12 ;. a m 3 4 55 25 a ec — 44 a mi Wa May V, ion d,l ) ; il 28 12 a ml:; . ? -3 a ill a ui i li a I a m 4 38 a ic 12 |) ill Cn vertoil 1 u ot a m 1 M I a m 4 55 a sins tc Ill >v • T;i 8 5,2 a m £ p in 5 IM a in .iux 8 is a in 3 in 5 31 a •c 4.T p III (>irr.s i 8 30 a mill 3 ft Ml li 30 a = 1 04 p ill M !D**f v j IIo .s ll a m lo 5 p in ii 57 a ;= \ -4 ;> mj ) V* » i 7 55 a m I >1 l )> m 7 Uil a = 1 H.» p m II ii ini ticks I 7 43 a in !l 53 p m 7 2d a = l .51 p m ■Inin a : 7 21) a m 9 3. , p 111 20 ,i = 2 30 pm Ma< (i 45 a m 8 45 n_m__ 7 25 p \a U 47 a m, .).« at = 7 *33 ), o» 7 .*>7 p mjl 1 30 a m Sh r< ii \\ A\\ £ li 4 p 111 7 47 p in 11 44 a in ItiiPuau 11.27 ki = ti 3.1 p ui « 20 p nil 12 17 p mj \Viislii v iiofn'i K 55 . r not , *o B\ ssssssss: tfoum i’ mu ’ic'.cc; E Vt o l UV I 1 os = 8 4 ) p Wu.i Ivillo 2 '. H : (> 13 p III II 17 S 7 If i ird st >w i | 17 8 r ; J (i 07 p III 11 37 = ? r P Ma<vy S 03 H : .5 40 p 'il 11 5 5 2 g P Stejili *’h a 5 5 3! p ill 5 y C i'aTvio 1 40 a : 5 4>,*» p ill 12 41 9 1)»1T1 -z. 21 i 1 4 '2 p in = l*> a £ y ^ P *m S 15 8 : t 31 p ui l £ - A -y** >s i 00 I ' j 4 Pi •» ni a m ! Union Point * .) u in W 37 u m m W;ilt<* Plains * •» 1.5 a lu All above Irainx run daily. Sleeping cars between Atlanta ail I Charlesto i, Augusta and Atlanta, Angus! . A Macon on night Express J. H r . Green, Joe W. White, A G. Jackson. Gen. M’g’r Trav. I’a s. A *". Geo I*'ii,lghl Ag’l. AlJOUs 'A A. T THE FARMERS Fire-PrOOf WAREHOUSE. . 739 Ksyiidf Is Street, Ga. Augusta ■ We especially o.inni-sioa sjlicit the planters t> j k Do smelly a b isincss'. L Charge lo.v iucjnt'x'.m’y wit i t t/M| 1 ie lLggi"lM * ,ies furtiishe 1 at’lowesl in irket price . Write to of l >r tonus. Cashailvun n on cotton lay w»o<»i or ruilroi<E I CRANSTON & STOVALL. 739, lUyaslij Sir oat. j. Ga An unfortunate mistake was made in identifying a victim in the wreck at Bat¬ tle Greek Mich.. One man claims a muti¬ lated body as that ot lus sister and kail the remains carried home for burial. A second party says she was Ills wife. Regal procedings will have to be instituted to satisfy the parties concerned. Sharon Ga. sent 8100. to the yellow fever unfortunates. Three deaths and thirty six new cases of yellow jackat Brunswick. At desup no new cases ,two discharged. Tuesday Oct ‘ti. [01 .roiiil-i: on )i)<* I Tireo 1 its h'.J t S 4 .7 i n >*r and forty two (42), fortv t ire# (48) foity four (ll; Eieli forty leet by Eighty. Or all a* one large lot on') hundred and twenty feet by eighty. Lots in Atlanta, Ga., fronting Leach Street running I)ict to Diray Stre*)t Within fifteen step-i of electric car line on West Hunter Street. Lots are near Atlanta University. Address Gao. W, Atkissdn, CrawfordTille, Gi, tTR.rma » wu,«i.» th| gmdwii*li VViHlam HI ol Pms d« 4 cov«»d After the animal dejeuner dannant to have j^rtaken >,f hr,mu mueed. He jdarod birruw lf is tbe king's way and fell on hi* knee*, nek fayt forgiven was. The king gran Had k:m hi* i*irdnn, adding, “Why did rounot drink whiter-Kan FraotaM**) AxeimauL GEO, W, BttOWN —DEALER IX - Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Dress Goods, Calicos Do¬ mestics and Notions. Tinware, Hardware, Drugs, and Medicines, Sugars and Coffees, Can Goods, all Varieties, Ragging an<! lies, lass all goods sold in a first cAnd country store. High est price paid for cotton. Iharon * — all grades: *• - .. |tt.\ WFOUDV1I.CE IIEI’AIB M A It KKT. Corrected by W U. Ciupaiu. lutte 15 t*> 5) *; E'!4 1! i *,* i < <* !’■ !'. • our 81.01) to $1.5.7 per bill.; bud 10c ) 12J 8; tut* a I 7< )<■, | u i E ;i ti, sweet 50c, Irish _ 1..V, rice *ic; dried applet 0:; sugar to 7c; apples per no. $1.75; calibige 4e silk meat tlj^c; Imm 15c, salt 70c lieese 15c; ten, best, <>0e; grit# out leal 4j<c; molasses 2uc to 35c; syrup N O 5 ; corn 70; Pails 3 iran $1.15, plow stocks 8*V: to 05c, plow iarnufi 35c lo 40.;; RO’C i t ijf 2 5c ;eros.;ne oil hjss.. 2 M TUB BRICK COMPANY E'lipc? Enginss* M * KrhOtv lorn Work* lo g'ne mid II il- * r •■‘is. Ailitenatir St.i i.inory Engines. (I w v GINS t’HOM #2 to $2 I’KIl S.\ \V I , * • - ■**3' I Ml. B uicri. i*. »>t S.i <ii v Miils. See,! Moore Ci.’l, C Iveveloi- ... Com, /vt'Jji S . S. >1, * I’ll!form a Mi !>. Cut-,., !*,,---, s W., -on ,in .i' jSt* 8 Scales. F «>s Soi.'iilitic l/r ml A. ng M Us. Il.s-'s i 'iiis|e- I' Si s, Shi - gle nuirlii 1 , ry Shafting, etc. ele. >1 4 s tv c%3 YVi'i « r , 77 South Forsyth St. -•** 1 .into (»a W. D.WEST. FAMILY GIvOCKK‘lFS UESTAULiYN V MEVTMV KKT. . A Q-30.1 M i- pi u:j 21 I. Is ivhat w • 0 in give von f «• 27 mti l' ■ also Lava adi ,iu * ro.> n for color ; I people. ,11 short «e mo m t > Fit ■; I .1 I* I d,|. I. tennrttoNoe ns if von h tv , f ir o >ro lai) » sill. If v* i wilt fm'i fioi ii'oetit'les Mens, Ires i 11>-t,*is an I Fi h giv • us a trial order, .1.14.1 .lull’t forget ns when you are m town an I ale liaagr,. Itesp .l.itlly, W D. West G^re©ii33bor o r • l r C3r** Ladies and Gentlemen I have a fresh, larye stock of clo hi;f Hats. Roots and Shoes Ladies Cloaks and w >lkiny jack-ds .which I want io hi*iI out this talk I will sell at the vet y 1 > ,v st prices to b enefit the c istonier bei re 1 will keep st > k (ill n»”il '.all. H.V1ULYINS I,i valises, Ll icllas, Gents funii-lunjr £oocls; Ladies Under garments and notion.. I must dispose ol theso at once, so if you wish fortlie best of < the lowest ol prices buy Iroin Crawford ville. F. mJBEJV a* mid !► (icorgia’ SAFFM h WEBER t is if lira Dl l OTIIEKS ULijW. **“* |;|'T WE GET THE TIUDK Do you know« reason’.' We ave selling spleiidin * ate style goods cheap. We buy our *'oo is in e lin'esale (ol*. I'.iU on i il„s us to let you have tltuiu for / little. Out I’ ivii Broke: - go.go at New York Prices. due til - go ) Is can Imrlly lx* told Trim n * v Goinn Is. tojsas iis'osiiirs you % elswhete. \t < will take pluasure in'* on. goo a Gaaies JacltQt 3 In latet style. 'V., s«*> I t,h < p i lot.* aw iv - > • I m | i • l *l”l ‘I’llt M*. S’' | , o'fool wear, 8lme*. Biol-, 9ii|i;i,i-, Hat- Cap., k. eie *V n ■ . v , t i , * ,, |, ill till i ell* Yours Kd.mI.v I » Stii vti, Saffer ^Wijb}” Geenosbor o STYLES OF SYLPHS, OVERLANDS, RUDGES (Our own msaufacUmt.) And Wmtora WkMl C’fcl^i «Cer mm •{■li mqumHfti AGENTS, vm. turn to DtAllRS WHEtUIEN WaataJ m* Evarywliaf* lo »n Mpu and »t/)M, mm) at all pilot* Ana* **W l hai,*l* IIJ. ■ AMMM Haw orttaooad )(*■«, ant) w) j on Jtaatr Vmywkmu, «“ wtr* *■ * * ■ \ N*w high, ■Milium wui 1 m» v*Um4i «ry« alaa •» r«l ftricm, (rum wbirh Uhttrad M« ■1*4* •* si SVLPV* mm IU® OUR SUPERIOR iNBUCEM^TS Brin* oa Mil era frmi> avail HUt*. Tairtlaai an« SYLPH CYCLES RUN EASY, laira nlr I" )ba V. H . aai wall a* fi.wn wianf fcfwlj* Ail r14fn m alatlR Mm*___ OI4m« RtUkllikM B Ml t W a Uhbm VflcliMt grmlf. iHmpI®. mvo^iy. mUnmm Yon »»»l m® bwi 1avmU\gmU W$ ®ii*> rnak« A *vpou»Dl SSa*|a4a LM rU rid •ylph, iRuMratU^ Bbove. tor CU«t ROUSE, HAZARD A CO., Mfrs., 7b2 > St., Peoria. Itlw’ QUICK TIWIE ^ PROM the — "I SOUTH "CHICAGO ^ 0k «• pM. JA ‘ K **L„g' " ’ S. V A w m E. T. V A <4. i• p.m. *-*• ■ ®* . » * • 10 19 p.tas. I,*, jaai r. 3 ii tm *.«■• & #o I.T. MAt 08. < a tm (,.«■. A JS 1,v. AT1.AI4TA, «« 4 HR. 9 l.v. OMR. 44 A oa p m- 10 17 *•»*• D4I.TD8. - . I.V. CRiTTANOOUA, Q_ * C. 7 «l 9*“* 11 40 H.m. I_T. ? ao •.an. IO 4* P » At. CIMtlWMAT*. BIG FOCR « oa «. 4 C. H A 1> i© V> p.m. I.V.ClMCIAHtATI, - . - 44 I IS P-e*. • Ar. CHICAGO, ______ 5 IM , ,,Bi=.t*li«*pj»<n« f«o«. WAHmsrw ,»4 ksEtELj?SS cmattahooca variBuLr* »t thwrkws ■> »» CHIC AGO LIU I tB o.« «. or mtidrem, ma