Newspaper Page Text
'll E
Tli ■ People’s Advoca‘ *. Established P )2
The (Jrawfordv.Je D. mr,. rat " 1S76
C .USodi .ted Oct. C, 1893.
Silver is Defeated by a Vote of
43 to Sa¬
On Tuesday Oct. 30, the purchase
clause of the Sherman silver law was
repealed in the sen.,to bv a am jo. ‘ > of
11 voies,
! Much bitterness w.s nanifesied be
tween tl.e senators It-ws.d Iho 1 i of
th fool. Senator Mor^tn tyiih t , '
that fairy burned Va| ’ I.‘«
cliu'C. tif xx bciialor Veo ■ i e
i ader of U.c adu ■ ■' i o t
r.t 1 .iiiilov 'VYuU t V;. IU< • ' - te
-pur. concluded in a fi■’ < , o.i-k
: , Senator Caicv V;: (!: m
i 1 , ;.;ovch of fe. itch.o Pa; hat it is
\v;;- te of ifdt'.er to shave. ? s.
Fcrrtor Jones y.jltl' ' 10 S 6 j 11
1 • ■
him l* «-t the e J 0 : ao f; -it l •< ]
the.he y i v )* o- the Uiuilo that v n ; i
be vv: u bfcTo*.e e \ • o;»L:. lie oe
• GHti d by quoti ; 1 L ; . jo‘s i-enen
clc tiOi Co. *'‘0
be * uU V 1 nl Pent 1 <r-1,
Ami f ilbs b-. ond fo
If (here be Lords in Ilm i t'ands
Th<*re beT.lie's 1 i t‘u in ”
25 'iJems, voi.c .1 for r'a.-.’ c .i
Tim Fopu'.isS bel t out - > the l.isifor
silver, h been
g‘ : one lay - >4 ilelvat ' •
sp ot cn the repealing of the > l
1 aw.
Vuor bees is highly elnic .1 ov-r
Union Folnt
We sincerely hope the frost end ic 1
we are getting will reach stvicket
H, duswick.
The people up here are grn nblhig
about the r taves' Tuey want the
equalizing bw agadu.______________
The Hotel here is crammed every
night, running from t«u to twenty a
There has bsm a great dea’ of grain
already sown, aud a heavy crop will be
p it in.
Judge Bartlett a >d mother of Macon
who have been with friends here for
sometime, re torrid borne last Monday
There is another schedule for the Ga
road, so said, in a short t ire - We
learn M ij. Green w. 1 take cmtrol
the loth.
Union Point wi'l ' ill f on ten to
fifteen thousand pounds of pork this
ing Winter. for sma'l This is town. a i»r*t-y g ))J show-j
Mrs. Bugg of the Bote 1 , sp nt J last j
Sifurdayin Athens, an I Mrs. >jes
the hostess of the Terraces, snent -ev- !
eral days with friends m H iris n last i
The young peOI'Je here s’oul 1 R
nr m debiting clot), an 1 cross swords
•Ait!) seme of oiu* s s l er c t> 3,
Er.ECTitiu b.t.'e:*.
Tom re.r My is be * o i > •veil know i
an I so popular as io n**ed .* » sp •<* 'I uim
tion. All who nave ws d ISieeu'.e L.v r
sin*/ llie sains soil* of pr,» h a .
medicine dv>j not exist a i ! it, m ■* a
t«*ed tod > all that i* e ! a m • 1 . K*
Hitters will cure al dise;>s< s >f the m r
a nd Kidnevs, VV*«j lVtil * V Pt a •
Boils, Salt Uheuin oi uer ■••ir-c >
caused to 4 ’ impure bj -VVilhl A * ma
luria from the systG.naml prev oit * • we :
as cure all malarial fever F #<• c £»rt
Headache, C;n-lipv'ion and 1 11 (' s ' ; rn
try Electric Bitters —Entire satl- a- on
guaranteed or money refande.’ -IvieeSO
tts, and 81.09 per, bo ils at’ Lr. P. I ,
Reids Drug St ire.
Euke Coix.vob A This > ok
After repeal and ;he feeling
tuereon is ptssed. Go to J. M. Storey’s to
get aayUiing y > i want in th-j like of dr/
g nxt-, gents famishing go*G, two s. si*oes
headwear an I etc. The b *at an t ciie peit
place io buy fro n in mi I He G-o gia, i
W arn in town cone- and me
J M rkorey.
Greenerboro ' a
Rev. M. A. \\a Ker avi., spe t at t .e
nevt t.ou ity Aliian wh'; i m-es with
Carters Grove Adiance, m T.iursdry th e
2 :srd of X >v. lsy3 at Comb-* firi Dist . G. M
All AUiancs meu and non^al ianeemen i
are invited* Gome one co ne all.
L H. Jackson, l.oni.
LJ-i.VL <: Iff ON ,1 V RKF.r
Good M: d ing - 7%
fetriet Middling - r ,
As was announced last week the club
held a meeting at the courthouse, 1 i
day niglit, and debated on the quest mu;
“Resolved that woman lias moivi"Hn.
ence oyer man than money has. ’ T'lie
negative side composed of Mcss-s. Paul
L. Smith, J. S. McDonald an l Ray
Veazey, won * he debate against M • s
IT. F. . White and W. C. Andrews
on the a u'mh've
The regular Monday night meeting
was held at the Ad vocaie-Dcmncai
oflree, on account of small al tendance
of members. “Resolved that the ;>> a
is miyhiier than the swotd,” was deba¬ I
ted i n.
The s-vo dnien, IT. F White and C. L.
Strttih whipped ilic bghl, i.g i.i,; Messrs
T. S. !WDonald and F. L. Si.i.Ji of
the afflitn'.’ve siJe.
: he dub meets next Mood y u* 1 >
c •> h ‘>1 the A 1 Jen . T- b«i ^
D TH A T WOM A N S110U LD 1 < V V tl
■r,,K. niGii r ok iVt i-uaok
V h alii'..u’.ivi intc cst of Ibc Fa, - ne
b- defended by Messrs I’.'id L.
: anlh. .1. S. McD ■ i I, B. C. Bums,
R. Yea/.t'V, Spurge >' Wd'dams,
Oslin. Wade Gunn a id Oscar Cb-p
The negative disputant are; M " ■* II.
F White, C L Smnh. Paul l !i paoi.i,
Jack BcavR-y. Ell Gd'l'.ll), Cut ■ 1 e
Rhodes and J. P. Moody.
The question to he discussed is Oil"
of utmost interest and aM should attend.
The club invites the ladies to be
Sha.on Dots
It (toes seem thateoitoa s'no >' ' be, ww b
inora bold than 7 bet et j ., most price: everybody but all, those wa i s to
for a er o i
gatioas to be met¬
tle. rt. T Kill ■(>•'£ lu'?i io to t'l • C U s
itoi city to fill bis place in the Ie/slt
The lax collect er was m town last
Saturday attending to his offlcialduties.
He’ll be here again on Nov. 11th.
Mr - C. C. Caldwell has recently been
in our town, Horse trading.
Mr. Edward Croake has been sick
and in do »rs a day or so, but is inprov
jng and we hope he will soou be wcli
again., 1 through
Rav. F. P. Brown passe
town last Saturday on his way lo iris
home nor
Mrs. J. A. Kendrick and her mother
\ ki„ir( of Millcilgeville vis
ite ,i rc l a fives at While Plains last
Mr. This Roberts and Miss I, •--ie
Standard )f Wilkes c vainy paid a short
visit to Mid Love dvenkrick week. |
Yes, T F. K ;n lrick and E. S. Jack j
son have rrcewed their new bicy des j
vio l are learning to rid 1 very nicelv. |
Miss Blanclie Graba n Ins he n the ]
g i -si of Miss Annie Belle Kemuick
for several da 3 r s, reiurned to her home
in Messena last Monday,
H v. Mr. Jas. Annstroni; preaclie 1 at
;hc Mel-ho list church last Sunday,
His theme was “unto perfection.”
Oh! that the world would love right¬
eousness aud bee 1 the Gospel, then
ou ■ politics would be better; education
wou'd fluu ish, our homes and schools
would b * built up, peace, teiiipcrauce I
an j love would reign ° iu the land and |
flours would be a ‘-Blessed , No¬ v . i
tion. |
The oytser supp )r an 1 quilt sale j
which has been looked forward to for j
some time by the young people of our
town, came off at the residence of Mr. j
and Mrs. A. J>. Kendrick, ou the 2oth. I
«^ c ' - A Ver -V 1:ir ? c «ow 1 attended
The quilt which was to he so,d, hung j
in the front room. It was elegantly fm
jsh •-! off with tm-nes, initials and mot
tos, written with silk a 11 z ;phyr em
. f,„ of ten ceoU I.r «
was charged for each name or motto. |
III r .1 the dirnn, i: iv.nch wasarasti '
rally decorated with flower, oysters 1
were sold at 2lets p r plate Mrs. J.
A. Kendrick bought the quilt for fe7.2o.
(guito.a larg ,u a *' i rai- d f >r the
Mi--ionary eau-e of the Metho list
church. All win were present report
a vervpleasatt lime.
The following I st of lettes. re n.iin
log in the poit-oifi ;e, at Craw ford?,He
Taliaferro county, Ga.. will be sent to
the dead-letter office if not called for
the expiration of 3d lays from d»te
Nov. 3 l-!*3.
ilr. '-Vill Greson, and Mr, fitmile
Local News.
lterns of Interest Gathered
Here and There,
Dams Rumor says there will be a
candy-pulling at Mrs. \V. A Lrgwm" *
I>r. Brazley, our c t-y dentist, has filic i
up his office with a dental engine and
other appliances for the P'active of .den¬
tistry. The doctor is well known as a
m in of scientific attainments, and as a
skilful operator in dentistry,
Mr. J. A. Kemirtek of Shai'Otl t*i«rc
ovt r cu a short business lit (dti
day. ■ «
Everybody admires and patronl/cs ,s.
live and t useless like dealer, bin'll rut
one is tne druggist, Mr. T. 11. Ri.e
Greenes boro, Ga., The Drug Store .ot tips
gentleman Inis lately been repainted ai9d
:k>\v lfoks as fresh as Hie interior.
i!i *e t an supply 30.1 with anything i*i
(lie drug line.
Be sure and come to (lie debate,
.Ifouday night, a. the Academy, A
veiy i.itcrenin* siiliject will ba diss
cuss d.
No.v that, money is comma iuhow about
painting your house. Nothing evident*
prospenty so iniicli as newly painted
houses. T. B. Kiev Druggist, GreenesI
boro, Ga. can supply you with all coloti
and qualities of paints, lie liattd'e*
glass, nutty and e’c.
v N.ce iiae ol goats uti.l , rweir at . nu m
\ili.mce "store.
Mrs. McManus of White Pii.tiis, pi,
a visit to M' 8 . U. I* <r{.strom. ,e molly;
She re lirnel o mid S in i iy. f
N (tiling adds , so nine i to the daeoi , t» ss.
of a local as x beautiful la up and f.
Rice of Ur,mao dm i c.t.i s topic you
city p.-ices Give,.........
Aids Amm* L. 'J jgjjkiU ijo.b v> i
LT ins was visi.iug f it" Ik!
febc re unred hum ' Sn i i y.
M j(s uii.ijl. iroi 10 dll
Aliiaucs S-oi'i.
<) 1 fc '10 W 1 i 1 i: i> out of o 1 1
nd yju i\t d t> 11 cry .1 f j I ises of Pn#
LitJe Giant Pills, Yo:ir livar w
Hpj»rec*i;itti tlie j >ko. Si will yon. i-<* 4
sale i»y II. J. U«id.
Buy your siloes of Kimbrou^li, I)!ck
<fe L ) , Grot*nesboio Ga.
Mr. Claude Bennett, firmirlv if
the Atlanta /ourn t’, now Hoke Smith I
private secretary, was in the city ia-tj
Monday. From reports wo learn tha
lie is traveling over the lOlii foi 1
the purpose of filling tlto political
status of Ibis .section, He will a >, v
ry back encouraging news to his goi 1
Ini; employers,
Even in the plucky little city of Green *
e-boro ore would li-nlly expect to find a
drug store so complete m itsappohitmen s
it.-, stock so full and fresh, an I in ever y
way a first class store, as the Drug mm e
of Mr T u _ lt would easily ran k
fi lst c'i.w»“ iu Augusta vn 1 AU miY,
• Uuri.ig my tern clnomcdiarrho* of service In ti j
army i contracted i." s s
A. K. Bending, of' ilalsey, Ore^au. "fciin '« !
then I dave used a jjjreat aoiouiit of uie» t**
cine, biio when I fo mil any tiiat w n BJ ;
y*ve me relief Dnsy would injure i uy j
.stonncii, until (.Miimhertiau's Colic, Gb< »l-| ht j
era and Dteu rbo -1 Heniedy was bron j
io my n I u -.e-i it m l will »*y d
the only remedy oad Uiaijg.iv results j iu follow." • perm oupilt j
relief an I no : or
sale by Or. K. J. Iteid.
IVlr. M, F. Griff ith cerlatTly li vs I
pheiioiuinal succesi in raiding
potato is, \V r 3 saw one at UU st- >re ;
which weigh-; 1 1 1-2 pouii I d
Dr. IV A# Skinner, of l extikana, A S7 is an euiliasi.ts) in tiie pr.u -<
GimuLiei Jian’a Fain Balm. He u .ct Pr
for I'lieiinmtKin, and *says: ‘ I oun i d
De a mou excellent local vtuundy/' I ler
sale by D..U. J. Jleid. I
Mr, Jiio. Mc.Vuley from Robiifviii
is at to iding sell > d at this pkte.d by
rail. II i com :s in 01 th j m iraiu ac
comod itlon and goes home ou the
n, 8 n ‘' irwn *
edy “i con *cui; si l -r f C ham’i croup, irlian it ’8 i Coogli very jple jBem i
a sp »r > .1
ific to ui*cw.ixii i* o m of th -) >n > i «*
hate known of emes of croup w!?ere I
know Hie lif : of * tittle 000 wa* sav*«l by
uie .iv« of «;ii.timierlia.i‘. Goi»;>n Uea».-<ljr. Neb.
J J. J, .rang i. dpiggUt, Avoca,
‘ '' for ,ale >y Ur. It. J. Reid
* %
yi y ids M
: r ^iiaking
Th- only Pure Cream < .-“Ur Powder.— Ko Ammot =•; No Aimn.
^ssd ia Millions of Homes —40 Yrrss the StanJarl
Capt. J. 0. Hart, ot Union Point
was in the city. Thursday.
Dnt#!*, MeitieliUis, Oils, Paints, Glass
Perfumes, latest deslgnes in ornamtnta
china waru and etc. at t’- it. It cs’s Green
1 One set glass ware, five pieces, all for
30ets. at the Alliance Store.
Mr. l’helps of near Bethany, lost his
engine boosts by fire, hut week.
' Drummers have b en pouring into
topti for the last week or two -
Reports from everywhere any the pos
taio crop Is larger ttmnit has been lor
.lost opened another shipment ot ladies
Kimbrough Bickers Jt Co, Greeu
.View liiffc glass war,‘ inst receive, al the
Alliance Store.
Order your goods from Kimbrough
Bickers * 06. Greencsboro. Ga.
1 Ge to the Alliance ‘store ami buv ^ la '•>
, c , otll Ht 20j per yard.
j Miss Leila Anthony visited frioiius
at Washington, list week.
Where are, Kimbrough, Bickers & < 0 .
Clreenesboro, Ga. What arc they. The
liv l ' s, ' firm in Middle Ga.
temps and lanterns cheap at the A ills
vn ■» btore.
lit is reported that a great many of
„ w u Fai ,. cxhi bitH al Chicago
w'il be tr.i'Hfoi’.d to tli 1 .Slalu lair
in An aista.
: would
remaps some of our readers
hite to know Iti wliftt respect < liainticr
, Ooueli Kernedv is better than any
We will tell ymt, When ibis is taken as soon as a cold Ins
0 , ,-n coutraeled, and tielore it, lias ,,,M, oiiie
s iftle.'i In tile system, it will cmmleiact
t ie e.lfoct ol ilia cold and greatly lessen it's
.in s '"“tV. wo days’ h time, rfleclaalh and !l is cure the only '{'•• rmiD '■ ,l1 1
edy mat Will do this. It acts in .......el,
j harmony With nature end aids nature In
leHuvin* the lungs, opening II.e net Ions
«*e*u»n.ic fch * 4 to a strong umi lumi- ^
“liy cmulit on. i,r leave No Ibe o'lvr syMom will cure 111 as a sound coni
so itnlek v by K I B«<d
Hi... Po S.i ■ I >r
. . -
i tv r. \T L\ n S ■ u ‘ ■‘SR.
The Augusta Mxi* >a nos
AND Georgi a Statf Fair,
Opens Xov. 14th, ( loses
Dec. r 4th (}reat attr.ic
tiens. (jrrand thiilling’ and
manificentspectacles Nov
elties of ev ;ry kind and
special great days. Ttiis
N )ve n'» ir 1 p.n op ; lia J
d ty. W : 1 12»1 iy t’l; 13th
tvernor’s d iy. Friday
Niv. 17th E I 1; itio 1 il
day. Tuesday an 1 Wed
tvisliy, 21 4 and 22nd
( Jeorgia and South Caro
linadiys. Nov. 23 and
2[ Viteraas day. Spe»
ciil d tys arranged for
t'l ; t! ltire holdi lg of the
E< > isiti j 1. 33 , 05 a in yre
mims. 50,00 in amuse
in lilts. (t 'a i l (f >rg ; nis
an l glittering spectacu¬
lar production, combined
with the greatest indoor
and outdoor attractions
ever seen 'n the South.
Burning of .Moscow,
From all parts of the Uni
t i i States. Nr/. 14th to
Dec. 14th. 1893 Lowest
Rates on All Railroads.
VOL 1—NO 5
Mirliil Alliance Store
Our Motto^
idonrsl 3 m<mhIh for Honrst Honey.
Hoad what wo haw to say before you
buy your Fall and Winter goods. Wo
havesold goods for cash this year and
aro therefore in a condition to give .you
bargains throughout our entire stock.
Wo have no had debts that we will fry
to mak good at our customers expense.
ISargaiiiP! Ilsir<*aiiis!!
Latest designs m prints; one dress in a
patera. A large stock of Factory goods
always on hand; among which we have
the heaviest cheeks ever sold in this
place. High Shoals l shirting at 5ets
per yard.
m h mis! Joans! Joans!
We have a large stock of jeans which
we are selling very low. Be sure to get
your part of the bargains we are otter¬
ing in !) oz. Athens jeans before it is all
Hoots ami Shoos.
Wo ilosiro to call sj>ocial attention to
our stock of mens and boys boots ; see
tbon 1 ^ o Km’ 'fine i, ( t b .t.
ohi!dron shoos io stDob. Iihyo *. liad ^
wt‘ ov t r
Volina Men.
See our grills furnisliiiig goods, hi test
style bids and gents underwear before
you purelmso.
I Yoiiiisruoiis.
\V'i! keep on Imipi ;t good supply of tin* f->lIo\viu^ ’ goods*
on Ifrur, vvliicdi, wo guir/mti..* pi if.ts, Jugir, c-.T - ■ ;, fil’d, * 7u i a*
tils, plows, salt, Dixie higdug, tics, gyiup, m dnssos,, oil
h n shoos, broom plows, and oxtrii j> lints, iv>p*, noiss cull Ill'S,
H’.sti iontli t, tobii'too, cigars, mock try, burn
tr!<T.s'sw;iro, fiiiwn.o, chooso, crnokoiv, t* Hill'- 1 goods, Mb lp!i; dlM 4 s,
;md othor things too iiumooiis to m mtiou, fFlion iu (, 1 wo h •
sure to to givo us n <m,R fllll s !•. vv j tb vv 1 ;u*.i doing.
XV CL CLiap man, lVtG:r>
Uayison A Lju’go
Co(loi) Factors und Coitmiissiori Merchants.
Co; nor Reynolds and Jackson Streets
Augusta Opponito Oottou Exeliaup
Digging and I ins at thu lowctt mn k'-t price I'ersTiial utt ;n -
tion Given to all business
riio Commercial Center
ol Taliaferro County.
Cotton can be so’.I within thr i > eig'iM »f •j • i’, > ’ Vigu i M trk j 1 ,.
Corn, I’cas, Chickens, Egg( and other country prod-ice at ti'l iri t -'g jt vR
ue For the aocimolnion of Viiitiug Krie.i la aa well aa It ig tl tr C uto uses
•J A. K Jt.mis, KNDItK K R'mps -* III -slineofClotliiug, Hiia, Nhooi,
Dry Goo la, Ladies fine Dress Good- Trunks. Valises, Furniture,
Harness ani Baggies, Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, ^Glassware, Orockerv
Fancy Groceries and Provisions, Drugs a i I a variety of m »st iiiydiiug ozai’Jt
Hack us Stokes arid IVooikkh.
Dontl/e troubled very much about the pric.-just bring t'uig y > i: i *, : g.
el Bax>k and Change,
Will meet competition, and give you value received.
•i, a, Kmmmmt