The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, November 03, 1893, Image 2

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Ai>(M 1 ATI -DEMOCRAT I*I IlMMII II ItIMY PIIIIMt J.nUrni at tin Port Crawford atilt (i t, m Senmi Class Mail Mutter. I UK OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AND TAMKHBISO - nCSTY FARM BUS A Ltd A NCI'. AND vlNDCS. TRIAL UNION, ' % i, Hie Ofli el ll organ ol In i lair*•• «* I Ml; -Z vriSLlSHKlfh NO’IP K HirrttiN |t.Wiper Sear SO cents fi l -I* liuilitllS ,21 rents (or three iiimitlu. iruhscrtiiUon* payatih- it> 1 art vaiicn. <lRRKdiI’nNDKN'(;E on live and newsy -ut>|' t- Invited' 'i hs real name of ttn* author inu-1 accompany ail com mu ideation *• Articles Intended for publication should lie adit re--,od tuttie j eit iter. iiLMMKS ( o.MMI NK A’llON.H and those iiTatlng U> aov rrtGlng should he addressed, and al I checks, rnorinv order and draft- »UouW lie made payable to PAi'i,sMi /’ii. IjrawfordvllI", tla l’A 1 I. L. SMI I II. Komis. : <• ,wf*,rdvillc, Fnd.y, Nov. :i iw.a i ■ After dentil, lli# jiiilgctneiit," j i 'I lie llcraid* Journal sliotihl have been j or difed With the article. In la-t weeks j e dition,In aded, “AI sorted n*> cmnpetilor' silver men »re donics'rat then Jelteisoii and Jack-on never were. If Jctfei-nn and Jackson Were denn«*r#ts tin* then liu* anti silver men are not. Olcvrlund mid Ids doinoe.ruts Imvc liurn-d silyri lint llie titthrlel Trump of the Fen jites lint wl'i leslllteet It Wild restore, to it it- leg! mute throne eie the snows of an rdlinr wInter -*■ * No rhingi r of the repnhllenns trying to j u another Force llitl h'li'eaftei" i h ve mid mid Ids democrats will force all the I \Wi\\ Uie <*ahh may nmml. .1 dmnocratlQ lloinui, a ilmniH'iatic -rn ate, a di ciiwraUu Prjdd*nt h iyi u »■» rliOKi'd the list lircath out »f the long a UliHint and mangled lusty of silver. Ji| i 1 li ipriotrdy Tiioti hast ; ''[if tea ■>1 n».« Hi# damneratle emup- I ; ut intpre e< ruits.” “She no a n dictated the terras. 1 ' - A tint! la ( nliittliltloii on repeal vo •* • The (’idumhus says that i in Gicctieshnro Hciiild .Imiriml is npiiarently preparing to follow i\<\ t Ini' < rnu Soend’# lead in,the '• *'hvl * Purtv. In its last ismo in harmony , with previousutcralice-it says.; ■ -In tin face of the scars of adinini* I rat lou, we must rcilcratc that , w< shall np| MIM' the election of any ; man to Bo* p'v-idency, neente or on iisolm ciitcrluiiin Mr. ( hi eland's financial views.’’ \t le n vott t Mnparu the democracy and , the limmeial acumen of lVeidden! i t'level md nml the editor or the II.,1. von have a contra*! that is mnrtllng to siir the least I > n i K. n cl low, Nk in i?* « ayin|*loni si! V tnlci* i\ kiAm'V" anti l,her nml uu trr ntt «1 j»r< u»j t:v tmiy ItMwn li'cun*. Ono DoltW nt IVuiiN r.D‘otl Turin* ft 111 ihc >km clear nml tid itatl \N»Hftiitedh\ Dr, HJ Iteitl A 1*1. YIN TALK FROM Al N l 1*01.1.V IIA Y8KKD. ! jit.rr A IV.iesto• D**mrent. 'The hat Vest is lurst, the summer rii lid amt we nr.’ not saved” from wicked rulers. Well might wo exclaim •*,» there no balm iu GHead, m there no i hyskhau# f**r our national sins. The KugHsh Ron has lit* foot upon tl e,\metUMn Eagle and trlunsplianUj.* ,\ aaas ,uat tui H b, i i wh* F* . ,1 has secMfiphshe,, wF.hhtrHI what she* could not with powder an I shot and tl seems that out ^congress. i* ji.iuktnl with nw*ti frem presidsut ihuvu. V4 1 o Hit* llHR(%r$ lories. A ‘tt*y IpMtjj Kugltuul t * l*« MISJ 11 * (Tuilrtl mult r hr i tl »mu. Ki»«| lh lit*» is ugh!, * ). i vk iV»e v o ns i tmUoit going to Umf UiV K’it<• lo Nt*o Voik huD England i wv i* i f?ht.* UaU fs*thwf \ our Aunt Folly Ii .«> Ut R Wt U) tu that always looks on the blight side of life but there ts a darkness, a gloout o'er our t annual sky that is Itupetie* , table to un eye. it si ms to me we an io . nog a i>otut wl.ete ne as a na* U, n must d'Cidv* tot L -H* ioiii or #!a W}. Whal shall our answer to. The i«ws|«qwrs, democratic, ace btagguig the fact that our iwople me tend , c, aie awi ikctiiug t ■ U e ‘.rue conJ , tion that we are in, and that our lea¬ ders cant fool us as they have for the last M vears. No.’ thanks to our hon¬ orable organization the Alliance. She has been down among,the tanner# ed¬ ucating themintrueAmerican principle of “equal rights toailaud special priv¬ ileges to none,’’ That our government wa.vif the people for'tl.e people, and by the people. The popular newspaper editors were on the housetyp# ciying “peace, peace, no danger sleep on, ye farmer we will look after your eat, you just flick to your plow; Dost come to town, and sit on dry goods boxes and whittle your time away no. no youcant afford it. to your work. Rut now they i :e the danger of a na lional shil wreck they are. coming down from their lofty l««ition and saying to fanners; we aie so glad cant foolen, wear** ho g/rid y<m are reading up on the political qoos tion of the day “Aint we hrave Nan cy, You just do the lighting and we will brag on ym, I know we railed you a crank and calaui ty tiowler hut that is ail past, we shake hands with you now and hid yon God speed in jrout great Qjhlfor truth, jus tice and right. We know you have charity fot all, and malice for none, tod now in our national Double we fis I we call trust you. lint while the Alliance has done much mi awakening people and is Dll doing it, Hon, Thotima K. Mat on ha helped her-more than any one can pell i,n:i! our voters haves chance to id t is* known at the polls, T! ey are working for God. and home. Lung live the A* e Hid longlife to the Hon, Tom Watson, Workingman of God, Oh! loose not li, it, t, Hot learn what God i# like. And in tie darkest battle, I eld. Thou shal/ know where to strike. Aunt Polly Hayseed. Greshamville Ga , Oct 20th, 1H1M. ; ! MIA Kit TBUKAIW AMDNft. HE UOLIV Are ii sign Hint your tmlr needs rnvigo rating liege's Hair Rene wet promotes heu'liy growth of hair, prevents Its falltn out in turuttig gray. Hold and guaranteed u, |(. J.Kidd. Fl iThL YUMIN \ IV h 1* an Instant relief for colli; uf Infants cur**ri Dysontary, Diarrhea. < liolcra la laiitum or any o her dcrsugemeutis of tin j ;hj|p iMlf Lamar Drug Comps U_, ' ' ~ vkople'b riliTV J'LA 1 FOIlM .ftopfed in XnlnnuU Convention *rf Omni, r July 4. lwri. First. We demand ii national eui r-.ncy ^ sound and flexible, Issued l»y the 0o| . eru „„.„l only, a full for nl | .p.pis, ] nl>ti< and ])rlvate km j ttint without the use of banking cor pamtlons, a Jti-t, eqiiltatdo and efficient means of dlstrltiutlon direct to Hi* penph' Ul a US not eseceding 3 per eent per mis mull, be provided, ns nut forth in the ulMreanuty plan of the*’ AlH hik'd of some |..,ttir system also hy pay meiits in itisclmrge of its obligation, lor public improvement*. .second. We demand the freenml un fimlled coinage of silver mid Retd ut piwmt legal i#lloofl« t® I. Third We demand that the a mount o. lire circulating medium tie speedily in creased to not lev* than ?.’*) per capita. Fo. rtl We demand a graduated In* count |;t\. Fifth. We believe that the money of tJioruuntrj .should ho k« |»t m much HS jmsslhlu iii tho lmmi> of tho people, and ftcnci* wc ticumml that nil »mtc it ml im* Uon«l^ic\eiiuen shall tw liuiite*! to the necessary expenses of lire iJovermt en cisitioitiii'.iDy amt lioriestty iilsliiiitrusl Filth. We di'iimud tliat |iost*l savings baukalu* I -Ulillalnsl by the goveiniellt lot the - ift* itepoait of the earning, of the people audio facilitate exchange. Sc\«*t th - l rttn>iH'rl.tUon mean «f t'kcHingu iujtl u public t!ccv>*.ity, the oyevuvu *iit sluKtUi own Atttl tuo aitloada tu the Interest of the people . Eighth -Tire telegraph atui the tele plume, like the post office aj stela ta'iug .. ueci>*lty lor tt«iusuib>iou ot news, should u* own.,, and ousted bv |U,p Urn Govern uirntthe interest of Ure e. N ........ hill t he laud. Including al, ... tire uat , «»r,v. of wealth is t la* heritage ■ Ow |HK>plo liul SttuHlUl HMt Ih* iuo !v»r pu ’ pa>e*t, »nU alit u tmuer, hip ot Uuu fs sliouM Ik* pro IuIhW.I. AiltnUsl 1 M.V ii * Li t*y latUctatl anil t*llit rcaiiHiratKMjN tu of thvir nut un l lU’cxi'-, ;uut mU IijjiIn now ovsjuhI a i k* i*s Ik* it'v'lftltutKk O) the Uuvcrti mein ssui IhUI for a el tut I »*ukns only. B1 t'K I F.NN A RX 1C ASA K V B. The h-X-t sahe lu the worn! for C ur Rrui-vs, Sotos, Fivers, Salt Kheutu. Fei Soros, Tetter,Chapped Nan Is, LitlUiAttl Coni* • nd a*; i>kiU au»t veij cures Fites, or «o pay required it sgnarant cod U'glre perfect satist*. ireu Ol money refunded. Price ?i eeuU t-r too. For sale by Dr.R» J. Herd. “AT THOMSON, LAST FRIDAY,” A SYNOPSES OF T11E SPEECH DELIVERED BY" THE HON. T. E. WATSON AT THOM¬ SON ON OCT (Cocciudtd from last week.) y/ r _ Watson feelingly touched upon th* la e sorrow that had befallen him, trying lie wa# doing violence to j !ta [^[uigs out of respect to ttiow pres by appearing. That friends had ()reV aih-.d upon him to appear to pre vent disappointment, fhat he consids ered tl0 entice to costly when done for the people. This people in the hour victory Lad make awceier tha j cup of hie triumph, and when defeat pad been his portion he had found tu them an ever sympalbtic friendship. p 0 day, he fell or he had fe” in the Iwe t—that his was Urn right comae. That he had not deserved the abuse lu*u|>et!upon himself abuse that had not spared even his family. Never had he j been untrue to principle to his color ! or his section. In this same grave j where lie began his firs, campaign ho celled upon the thousands present to witness that lie had been faithful, In l-eid the people bad placed him in public life by making IF in a memtier of the Legislators. Touching on his record there he said he was glad that this first votes were cast on the s Re of right, of ternperiHice* Almost insight of the newly made grave of ins broth er with the groans of his sorrowing mother yet ringing in hG ear# he thanked God,that his record had haen made on the side of temperance, iV is prOud that il showed Ills efforts had been directed toward punfliug the school, the church and the state of whiskey. Would Maj. Black say as uiucli? Once he had supported Black whi n he was lighting the very name corrupt, whiskey ring that now had him (Blin k) within its do idly coils. he hud stood hy his -idc, had fought shoulder to shouider to shoul¬ der with him m noble effort to con. ijiti-r tliis evil power. Never did Ids . sou! feel more the thrilling efforts of eloquence than when he heard Black, ! : . . compare himself to Davia going forth to slay lilts Goliath of iniquity,. Now, Maj, Black lull sought alii foun I refuge In Goliath’s bosom; had deserted the Jonathan that had stood by him in the hour of battle.. In 1 **-:i. ai - mi ' essentially, is the People- Party plat f,,ri “ °t to-Uray. An allianeeman in principle he readily accepted the plats foun ami ran upon it. ‘-As a demo¬ crat, you ask.” Yes! But us a detuo , ' crat aboa dalt else, to he true to was, the St Louis Platform,” Maj. Barnes, was his antagonist. Why did volt not | elect him? Because he would not sup port the platform. Then whom did J betray when I obeyed your lustroetlhns ; ,nd adhered to phi*form rather thru (N|r|v? why had they driven him from * wj j ^ )U . cause h , h ,ff rolie.1 | back the curtain rovcaie I (ho amt cor ruption 111 blight places. Mr Matson said: Though unjustly* Irivcn from j public life he yet had a home in the hearts of the people. They ouce said j hc rln uld have resigned hi- scat; being elected a- a democrat. He askeh to ho shown if one of hi- votes or speeches were undemocratic. They bail driven him out of the If uise bee use he lud Jared to tell of drunken#* therein Now, Claude Bennett, but yesterday | the countrv sam ,, about the : tlomoeracv' , Scn.'iio. Tin* \o\ *M»nt ana UopubUn’aiiMii ha l UoauiifuUy hlen tb tl. .lohn Sherman ami Grt*vei* ( leve* . Jmid* Tom lo id and Maj Black arc a Hint, thie ii! Ahuuvder Stephens wa* false biH*au#c ho left the Whig tv to join the then tin . democruac , pm tv- ^ach a will —ay you mv lu.-e ifyou adhere to priuciples rather than to ii name. The silv«r was wrecking j tlvuiwr^V. T bo sickout thing oil earth is a fw silver clemoomt Wc see democratic leaders aud organs ■ ffeuming legislators for not kneeling to •'vpnldnnns* , o,,, *»«, cause ts nmrehinsr march,,i fe * lh '' n « hl wU1 ,nU ’ a >' U Vll who believe in justice •*, u.usi final* b join us. Our, tanks are op.u. All welcome. Come and let us re*tore tlio tuu ileiuocrftcy. *• Maiieo toward j , ny e iu*mitK. I twve none. IttKi forgive them l hue.' He would not wvild tin* - word <*f 1 at red, but the bough of piMCe. Yet will silootlv submit to wroug. Friendship for ml who ask it; for enemies. Frankness. To'he south In* had been true. That section was id when tl conld be. Nonna w ill claim that tho dim c rae . t bv Cleveland was the true democracy. Jefferson hatcl Mate ha.ik D uio er*t»off todty indorse theiu. Detnm- «cy doe* indorse lanit re mm am Cleveland favor* about 8 per cent of his finger nails. The Rcj.ubuean Btl. Ron yloiJ J r congress was abused bv the democrats yet the last eougrcss had spent ^*.000,00 more than the repub¬ lican, atp* now we are threatened by a b'ltsd'i to supply the ueticiency. l>enul as see that the leaders have vioi.iti i, y Cue platform. About re color question Air Watson said, .t J had been untrue to color, when w <ut It, When ha<l he said aught ttiatceiul d heso construed. He tvithiheni had fc.i] ^ht civil rights and declared it to b< enme because the republi¬ , can- its authors. That bill had faded the} fw hy? because af no statute could dwei lift latch string any mans Grover Cleveland whom demo- t . rixry L .y^q.jppud last summer, and who V , j thu H0 called evil had iorced ^ , lit Ilis appointments (jf ^ ^ w „ countries and , 11 ” 1 J me cou. rus an< ■' i* *’ rov ® *jf * 11 . * * e " l ,n,v °! !.**• l18 0 ' CIUor 1111 ’ 0 11 1:1 : - ’ ’ * ocni # H<l written him a letter inking * f 11 T'” B0 that <;!ft veland had fa¬ > vored mixed schools. Certainly it was trinf. It was proven by “the records” last f. Jl, Then, prejudice blinded you. Now. the scales are beginning to fa’l from your eves. He was not for so¬ cial e juality. It is not right, (to the color!si people) and would you have it otheitvise—that your churches and »elnjf i - be separate fro n our schools and The/ jLuahes? Right prejudice they answered. people sought to against* him by saying that he wanted the ode gro vote. He wanted the hon¬ est negro’s vote, and when the De¬ gro lias allowed to vote as he wished h< . t it. Why? Because the People’s l'art . treated the negro as a man. The coJo red people knew what he had suf¬ fer* 1 for them. No fear, no defeat, no favi, i, would slop his labor for the cm: • of the oppressed. If asked if he w;v ashamed of negro support he woijli 1 answer no, and the democrat tb ..iid h“ was ashamed of such sup peu f. would get it every time he could; Gel It hy foul means if he could not by fab*. Was not the best way to husn the force bill sooro to get the negro to vole With m. The Peoples Party w, i doing this. As poof that such ta t. as ho had given the negroes was all that he lud ever spoken to them, he asked tlult a voto ba taken, Up w Uj6 han ds of every colored voter T d | d he prove, tint he had no imney corner” talk for the negro vy , atone an I another story when the white people. It may he whites) that after l am dead. ill say that my white constit ’ a iM . t tj i.R aa. mv rtin* ■. You who do express itf by holding up your right hands. A(, sea of hands answered this apeal. ii ,was unanimous indorsement, nCo tlfiulog ri|;t(it Mr, Watson said: “If l « s now, I have always been right. * T|ie approval of the people is sweet ^ |* than the nectar sipped by Jupiter . ■uching the late campaign He had — j . ne tne treat tie could from the 4th of ; Jt |y until the present hour. He had SJ .vedtbo seed and the yield had j pp en m rtry fold. A golden harvest ! j*; gged for the sickle. On the hilltops i 0 f Georgi i hat been lit the fires of a >■ ghty revolution. He mentioned, auhong the several counties that lull rev-entiy left Lira dem icratic ranks, this home county of his wife: saying thirt lie was glad to see it back in the fa nily circle. “Oae by ope the demo cri itic stars cease to twinkle. One by on j the roses fade,” Greet the demo ertits with a smile of welcome. Ex¬ tol id to the u the hand of brotherly !o\ e, Keep your lamps trimm d and bu aing; Keep your faith clouded from do rbt. Duty bids you press on and tin i time will come whau all will rejoice iu glorious victory, .Mr. Watson spoke for about three j qtu irters of an hour and held the clo* ues , attr ntion of over 8,000 people, 1 A. It. C. Ash ju, BrtmctiisU * , and , Consumpilon ^ u|( fro|u a neg irtt . a cough m coU1 j> 01 lt neglisct but cure promptly with i * f V w doses of Beggs Cherry Cough oyru* j Lot t by Dr IL Reid, TAXES. 00 l jwlll *he he date, at the opposite following the named name of planes lire ) ptsdus below. Please meet me pro.uptly and pay you, taxes: ; Crawfordi .lie, Oct. at. shaiou. ; Oct. 2*. , Cratvfordv.lle, , Nov. 4. '-ywevide Nov. b. I*/»wftwdvBle, 1 Sharon, Nov. Nov. ll. 7. . Kluker. Nov, 14. \ uare.erv, Nov. 17 Craw ford vll le. Nov, is. , ’ l> ‘ District; Nov. 21. * '^>‘hwn Nov. 23, CmwfordvtRe. Nov* 2>. Sharon, Nov. 27, i’* -' District court ground. No.’, j ' Crawfordvttie, Nov. w I Respcctfnlly, t ». I K.I)1 Mill. Tax Coileitor. rUO-NE \VUNDEriKUL GIANTS IN tuw.Nu |, VJ r liJ( t0 th , „ raii on Dr K j K ; u ^ ^ ^ ^ Ut|(e GUnt Kvarj Ujttlc guorsut.-ed. A rrieodly Call. Little Tommy—Mamina, may I go over and play with Mrs. Net:door's children 1 Mother—You have never cared to play with them. Little Tommy—But my ball went over into their yard, and they threw it back to me and it was all sticky. Good I guess News. they’ve got some candy.- | Mustache D-e tabes Internally. Having been appointed a ward de- | tective ha bought a gallon of black dye for hi# mustache. The man he bought it from was a basement barber, who was just going to enter into an explanation of how it should be applied, when the detective waved him off, saying that he knew. After three weeks he returned to the barber shop for another gallon. His mustache looked quite as red a# when he started. “1 mean to keep at it he said, “though it seems a little hopeless. 1 suppose some mustaches dye faster than others. I've been drinking a tabieejioonful in water three times a day. Guess I’ll have to double the dose.”—New York Herald. THE WORLD’S FAIR Are those who use B *.gr’s Blood 1’urifie u purifies the loud, mak es the skin c|ea r and coaiplex’o beautiful. Try a bottle and note its wonderful effects. Sold and r.intend by D*.U. J- Rei d. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. Parti *ss iudebted to me for medtea service are earnestly requested to nrakt l settlement of same by 10 of November next, As professional duties will prevent me from riding in behalf of collections, I shall be obligid to place all accounts un¬ paid after the about date in the hands of n attorney. Most R spect,fully It. C. Iii.s'Ns. M. II. BUSINESS NOTICE. AH parties indebted to the Demo- j cat for advertising or subscription II | pay the same the topubhsber of the Advocate—Democuat. Those who paid in advance for the paper will re¬ ceive the Advocate—Dkmockat unti their subscription expires. J M. Chamberlain's anJ &;hn Ointment. A cortain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, fetter. Salt Rheum. Scald Head. Old Chronic Sores, Fc v er Sores, Eczema, rtch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. U j# cooling and soothing. H undreds , of cases have beep cured by it, after ail other tre.ntmeriVEaii IttSBUr S5 c»'nU per box. LOST A large amount ol Money is lost an mialy hy parties purchasing worthless fruit trees rases and etc. Oct them from firm fhat grows their own trees, sends out nothing hut good stuck and sells at rea¬ sonable prices, lie want the address of every farmer or gardener in yoor section nd will mike you a liberal offer, write lor particulars and prices at once, send stamp for descriptive Catalogue. Agent wanted everywhere. Address, Cherochoe Nura< ry Co. Waycen— Oa. | j -AT j ATsIs IlOUIJS — AT HIE— D ELMO N ICO ! F. S. BARNHART A CO. Grecois'wrc, Ga | JAMES DAVISON — Attorney at Law.-— Urea vsbor.r li.'jr; a LOANS NKGOTIATKD. Oftiee In Court Uouie. WH. prattle* i Jjoiuiug coumJa> liiiiviiiiiiFni FOUM>HY A r I, Nr w sh ips, n*w to ,’s. first-class men mat-rial. Bid v, i re par ail k -Ms o machinery , 0 Saw gnrt . milts «, can nulls pulleys mitt.a2 tcl -td boxes etc aip.>c»l*.y. M**.ul*cturer. agenrs lor th* best engines ,id b er? in rotors and 5eel res on the navket. Keep in stock #*c*ra and water pijie and fitting sod cotton presses. Correspondence solicit" 1 Th B uJcy, M i i^rr OF LVJEREST TO YOU I will^locato in Crawfurdville f r two <vj*c< in each month, Monday after the first Nnnday in each month, as a PRACTICAL JEWELER. rr T'or-lr Of Watch UU1 ' ' ut ^ X e( J,s Repairing, 1 Or any work whatever bring it to me, and I will guarantee the work as well done, and a great deal cheaper, man you CilE g e i the same work elsewhere, And to the ladies I -ay bring ad of yrur Woken rings, and breastpin-, and have tnem nreude*!, and if you need any piece of jewelry made, I wiil m,ke it and guar to,* «itt-fica ju. Remember I guarantee all my work to hoi 1 go >d twelve m inths or no p iy. S Bring your work the g -t two weeks in ach month an 1 have it done as it sh le done. Ofik* in the Alliance Store, Respect fully A S Lai amoi e iDX m HOUSE, Northwest cor. Broad & Campbell Sts AUGUSTA, GA. CENT TALLY LOCATED. FIVE yilX* UTES JUDE OX ELECTRIC FROM DEPOT. Hate- $1,50 per day. A, J. ADK!N\ Proprietor, TUHSOn -Manufacturer «f- — GB 1 HITE and - MARBLE MONUMENTS, STftTtiARTJ - , and -Importtsi! Direct. CONTRACTOR tor Building stout. - AGENT FOIt CHAMPION ffiON FENCED., tg^'The Beat in the World. Jew Designs! Uriginai Designs!! LOW PRICE? Send for them. Office and Steam Works, 529 k 531 Broad St.AEEi'STA.Oa. — ---— MniHA .1 ’I Moiifpio! Eesident Dentist Creones toro, Ca I wish to return my think; tr a gener ous public far past favors, and to announce List I have the “New ami improved Met ho i" for oucralior.s in tiling teeth, Am prepare i to srrve you i:i i a ti.-liot <iy maaoer at all limes. ATLANTA. the Gandarl hrel, an 1 !! *g'st u*o l Stallion ATLANTA wiil rtan.l this smso i I at tii- f ir n of Mr. T. A. Branch, .ten j Greenesboro. Fur full particnlars as to j »»e li^ive ami f*or nil inform ttinu apply to T. A. Git AA(Ul t J. F. CARMICHAEL NORTH GEORGIA Agricultural AT DAHLONEGA. • College f K branch of the State University Spring Term begins Fir CL Monday in Fajruary. Fall Term begin* Fixt Monday in September. Best school in t!:** south, for students w s. limited means. Tile military traiu.ciy thorough, being underaU. 8. Army u’0.\ detailed hy tho Secretary of War BOTH SEXES HAVE I <|t AI, AL1 Si fAGES. Students are prepared and lieeneec* % teach in the public schools, by act ol * * legislature. JL«cture*,4>n ! bydistinguished1 Agriculturo and the V sr educst,,™ end tel «*K.x health the ch.nate u unsarpot^ Aiutuae £2 >i feet, Rl>n , ^ *rates. m , ntll Bnd ^ Mess Rt l„w. T Raeh and renresentauve of c state Lei.titiM a-d rwquerteJ .c srpoir t m i paying ..upil from hi- d.strict or durirg' t.,un,i. witiu-ut rnatriculati. n fee. his t r For catalog or infonsatirn, address 8* o retery or Treasurer, Board of Trastees.