The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 08, 1893, Image 1

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THE ADVOCATE-DEMOCRAT. The People’s Advocate, Established 1892 Crawfordville Democrat ” J87(> Consolidated (Jet. (>, 1893. -*6CR AWFORD VILLEJ* ALLIANCE STORE! Our Motto: Honest Goods for Honest Money! Head what we have to say before you buy your Fall and Winter goods, we have sold goods for cash this year and are therefore in a condition to give you bargains throughout our entire stock, we have no bad debts that we will try to make good at our customers expense. Bargains! Bargains • ? • ? A large stock of Factory goods .always on hand; among which we have the heaviest checks ever sold in this place. High Shoals 1 shirting at 5c. per yard. Jrans! Jeans! Jeans! We have a large stock of jeans which we are selling very low. Be sure to get your part of the bargains we are offer¬ ing in 9 oz. Athens jeans before it is all srone. V' Boots and Shoes. Wc desire to call special attention to our stock of mens and boys boots ; see them before you buy. The best line children shoes in stoeh, we have ever had. Young Men. See our gents furnishing goods, style hats and gents underwear before you purchase. Promiscuous. fonowing . , goods; . We keep on hand .....':r a goi’d supply ot this ishons, Inoorii. k-ath -r, t<>*eo, cigat’s. «'•»ockenS* if fbMware, tinware, ch m3 fe, craeicew, turned goods, staple and other things too numerous to mention. JFhen in town sure to to give us a call and se c what we are do ng. “W OOtiapman, Me:r GREENESBORO, TIE PLACE TE BEY YOUR When Von Come to KIMBROUGH, Is flic House to Buy From. Wc invite the & ood people of Taliafetro County to co ne and sea us. We have the |,est line of goods at asjow a price as they pan be sold, carry in stock an ele gant line of Dress goods and trimming, ladies cloaks, shoos of all kinds, clothing, hats, furni¬ ture, crockery, hardware, domestics ot all kinds at the lowest prices If you cant come send us your orders. will have our prompt attention, you visit Greenesboro [be sure to on Kimbrough, Bickers & Co. Heard-Creissier Block AN OP JEFFERSOK IAH PRINCIPLES- GA. DECEMBER 8 , 1893 LOCAL NEWS Mr. Martin Leary of Crawford, was down a stiort while Tuesday. Buy your shoes of Kimbrough, Bickers A Co., Greenesboro Ga. Col - Cscar Mitchell of Atlanta, was in the city Sunday. For the latest importations in French amt American Millinery, call on M : ss Ju¬ lia Thomas, at Armor Bro's, $12.30 cloaks reduced to $3, at Armor Bro's. Messrs. IV. O. Andrews, and Char¬ lie Reid returned from a visit to the Expostion, last Friday. Nice lino of gents underwear at the Alliance Store. Fine chance fresh nuts at the Alliance Store. All kinds at 15c. We noticed Messrs. Et 11 ixon and Willie Heard of Union Point near the suburbs of our city last Sunday. Just opened another shipment of ladies Cloaks. Kimbrough Bickers & Co. Greeu esboro. Order your goods from Kimbrough Bickers & Co. Greenesboro. Ga. Mrs. Capt. Anthony was on a visit to friends in Washington, the first of the week. Shoes! Shoos! Shoes! No one can fail to seeuro w hat they want in shoos if they will call at Armor Bro’s. See our late New York styles in cloaks. Armor Bro’s. Gents’ and boys clothing, overcoats, underwear, furnishing goods, neckwear at cellar oottoiu prices. Armor Bro’s. Miss Maude L ‘gw ti was am mg the number, who visited Augusta Tues¬ day. Nice'line glass ware just receive at the Alliance Store. Large stock best raisins just received at the Alliance Store, amt going cheap. Spe¬ cial price on box lots. Just now, around Crawfordville farmers are sowing oats iu large quantities. Where are Kimbrough, Bickers & Co? Greenesboro, Ga. What sre they? The Iivilest, buirlmt firm ia Middle Ga. Mi. Frank Rhodes shipped two car loads of cattle to Augusta this weak, Now that mouey is coming in how paining your house, .... glass, putty and etc. Mr. T. L. Chapman accompanied by his little son, Jack Leon took iu Exposition last Tuesday, Try a pair of those tear proof, wear proof, novel jroof pants sold by Bro's. Follow the crowd and von wdl Ian I the great Dry Cowls Emporium of Bro’s. The cold wave struck here last Mon day night, and Wednesday morning vealed the heaviest frost of the Go to the Alliance siore and bttv oil c’.otli at 20c jier yard. One set glass ware, five pieces, all 30cts. at the Alliance Store. Cotton lias fallen one eighth of cent each day congress has boon session, and the best sample tilings a little over Gels. Mr. C. Bergstrom of our city has spiended stock, of dry goa ls, hats, shoes, it itions etc. When tn go arouo 1 and see him. Misses Ella Re:d, Rox'e and Floy Taylor, oliaparoned by M. '/j. Andrews, visited the Exposition last week. Blue,stone at tn« Alliance Store at per pound. Sa'-e $100 by investing 45c 111 a bottle Hoileyman’* Elixir for horse ccitc. a certain cure- For sale at the Store. Mr. and Mrs. J 10 . Stephens last Monday for Atlanta, at place they will mike their home. Nothing adds so much to the of a room as a beautiful lamp and T. Rice of Greenes 1010 cau supply you a city prices. Give him a trial. Men< mid b *ys caos tioin 10 up at Alliaure ,Sior«. Even in the plucky little city of e-boro o- e would h-rdly expect to find diug store so complete in its stock so full and fresh, and in way a first class store, as the. Drug of Mr. T. B. Rice. It would easily rank first class’’ia August! tnl A'Jtosi. Drugs, Ms Heines, flits, Faints, Glass Perfumes, latest designes In ornamen cldn t ware and etc. at T. B- Rice’s Green esboro, Ga. AwardeJ Highast Hanars-Warld’s Fair. i m 4 t Powder *L Tlie only Fure Cream of Tartar Powder.—Ko Amajot : i; No Aana> U&ed ia Millions of Homes—40 the Star, lard T fiom A• r.\- gu to jiff ss ne •« tomes Atlanta ot the death Josj Der licott, a former resident of this place. Uis remains will be iotc ted licte this afternoon. Go to G. Bergstrom s tor crockery, chinawar.*, etc , etc. $■_> 50 and S3 Jersey J»e»«Is go at 2flcts. Armor llro’s. ^^ tVe want the trade of l liaferro county and we will offer great pnjuoements to se¬ cure it. Will yon boy ow the cheapest? If so Bros, we art- sure of yutn^atrouage. Ars mor • k Mr, Jno. r, ChapmafAiiid liis two boys who have been jrciting in the vicinity for several daysjtat, returned t<L their home in Plyicfstli, F)a„ last i’oesday, u Everybody admires :;•*?! patronizes a live and business tike ' der. Such an one is the druggist, Mr.,'.'. B. Hire or Greenesboro, Ga., The m tig Store ot tips geata man lias lately In fr^iW ■f (*“iwutwi and now looks as tiesh as '". rior, Mr Rico can supply you will ? anything In the drug line. 300Zeigler Urn's shoe I dug knocked off at 81.73 A i mor Bin's. ' 4 ) and 80c flannels n.-'JOc for 30 days. Armor tiro's, Messrs. A, (i. Banfu and B. L. Robinson, r.preseiitiiq the Mammoth Establishment, of Ai/aor tiro’s, of Greenesboro, were in the city last Thursday Friday and Saturday, They are clever and experie 1 ced salesmen. The most wonderful display of drees goods to be seen in cuntial Georgia, Is on exhibit at Armor Bro’s-.. Hollars actually seem" to stretch like rubber at Armor llro’s. T TO UK N’T OH I.KASK^ghe Taylor place, containing about.Off aeri in Raytown Diet; The Mrs Minnie E. Ufr; place containing 253 acres, in ik>4 Dint; i he J.iwson place containing about :5> *d in <W4 Dial; The Richards place (io»ialniiig about too acres in tt.'8 Dist auw limt part of the Smith or ByrulJda ptaca belonging to Mrs, M. A. M, Smith infills Dlst. AH of said places are for airasli 5 or 10 years time with small cash pLiUttlt, Apply to Rohm M. Roi.uich. L =F A MAHtJAGHl Nhws C( „ uh tnm MLiett tjut a tpoitiage occurred < i fc$9J|t Ml aday m,truing The c. < A pari i«s WKfHidr(i » riJ* i*.< IC life" Nonpareil Hvr Curler. Will keep the Hair in curl the Weather. Every pottle warranted by Hit. It. J. Kkio. A New Residence Is soon to b* erected no BVoad «tr» et posite Thf Advocate Democrat office. We learn Mr. vV. U. (/liapflitu will have luiiit, and Intel! Is occupyIuu ii .i* soon us finished* He h. h ban the bouse stood on this tile, torn down; fbis dwelling is said to be ilie first ever erected In Crawfo ivilie, and K p in .Luces denote my \ on, this Haying Certainly true. “Woivj uec wilb them no rejoice”over the diUpp • trance of ancient too Ing siruature, as well as the prospect of having -‘i new which will be n Vrtluub e addition to town. Is Your Ilair Fallinj Oat or Cray. If so try lleggs' Hair Itmiewer. The effect i- wonderful. Sold a nl .arranted by Dr, It. J. Rian. The Entertainment. Given by 1 . 1 m .Sun*' 1 m< last Sun¬ day evening, will repeated next Sunday. Owing to i he inclemency of weather and ahsc-nce of several of leading . p* only , liilf of tlio *, j program was catried on . but even this much was enjoyed bv all present. ; If the weather )» rmits the full pro giam will lie carried out next day evening at J o’cloCK (sun Everyone isiuviiel to come out. Sad Intelligence. News reached < ratvfonlville day of me dentil of little Bea/Jey, the eliflit-yetr**nbi non of Mr ' , Red IJe,i 7 .ii-y of near Crawford, ! i day Tne o.ght .K,dy was the brought fast down and oo train w.,s interred in u.e ceui«ter> hete day evening. The bereaved parents have the felt sympathy of U.e commu.ltty. Piles ! Piles ! Piles ! Can be cured. I rv B-gg<’ Salve wh en everything IJ-.Tiui ha Sold 'S!Ht D« 00 ~T3 e— Cs3 err CP m r^- era Mr J B. Osborn Addresses a Full and Enthusiastic House On the Subject of Pop¬ ular Government. As it had been announced in these col¬ umns, Mi J. B Osborn of Atlanta spoke at ttiis place on the:10th. Tho speakei was Introduced by Mr. Paul L. Smith who prefaced his intro¬ duction by speaking, a tew winds for the People's Party Paper, saying that a proiv.Inont Populist in ( vav totdville had received a card from Mr. Watson staling that lie desired an energetic young man to act ns agent, that, the party addressed had seemed Mr. Samuel Gunn and he would receive subs to the patter ami t hat, to let such a valuable paper go down after the spler.ilfd sacrifices already made In its la half would leave a foul blot upon the banner of the Populists of Georgia. Mi. Smith then introduced the speaker policing his present and increasing popes lurity. Ids youth 111 years but long expo* rlence In the abor movement, in iking of blin almost a veteran, fur eight years lie had been Identified with the labor move¬ ment, hud been Stale lecturer fur the Pop ulists *f California during the last cams pulgn, delegate from ( olorado to the late ffiodgoSllver ooventli n, he had spoken in over twenty differed states for tho cause of reform. And he was here to dl.y In the Interest of that same cause. When Mr. Osborn began speaking it was 12:30 p. in. and he spoke for about two hours, holding the close and sympathetic attention of his audience, which utter, In response to some sally of wit. or elo¬ quent appeal replied in whole-hearted up- Mr. Osborn begun by giving a hlstorv of the struggle for Llbertyln this country, of the meeting of farmers at Pliilladelphla who declared th it man lud certain Inals lemible rights uf the farm irs who met In Omaha last year and reiterated this great truth and 'enumerated as soma of those rights the money, laud and finance plank of tip-People's Party, Mr. Osborn dwelt at some length on what eonsUta'.ert true democracy, showing that if we were to take the definition of Webster, of Jefferson and the great expounders of true deittoe mey 'MM- Th® 1 B none uf It in the Hep, ami 1) reviewed the th- showing how VHHi lai i at id liuv wm. 1 It«i pram*nt functhm ai*i? i»i« evil tin* mhuM® of Itn power. T' <* Lmlienable rijrht of the people lo pay had been * armed out to eorporutlon We h id also given 2 M 0.000 square uillet of land to mv ndIt*. 1 1<*H• Under eucli cotulltlona an w<* now livu itomo want to ruin, drover Cleveland would well represent Augustus Caesar In the last days of Home’s hollow liberties. Thomas .Jefferson declared that banks would be our i uln. Cleveland and Jeffor-* son could not both be democrats, limij Harrison And foncoln •* mid not noth have been Republicans. The democratic jnr« ty lia«l once declared ami lust bank > br.t it had abandoned Hiat belief and e> ety other dem tcratie measure for tiuvt inat/cr The Jaw of einiiient domain ul lowed a corporatleti to t k«r your bind why shoo’d not flu*, same law give you (the people) the same right to take the laud of the corpora tions, especially when the goveMHiieu*; had given them 2H ),00U miles Territory or area equal to five states. j When Columbus lie ileiiionstrated discovered America iliit it too years ago was tiOUNO. Hail h found it today lie would have fou id it coiiNKKKP. Interest or u,u, ry bad cornered it. Mr. (Hbo'iHold of an A.atm baby born iu»t 'on« fig », which Inti rtted a Vortun • on which to pay d jicr c *nt I»»1 «*r *-»L, It would take the labor aad.'Hweat of families nli so aggregate numberwoiild reach 1,20(1,000 I souls. This allowed for those fainnies to make their -iwo living at the same time tiny made enough over a bare living to pay Die Interest no llm fort hup dial on« baby innerllHi. Vei this awml was not denounced. nay It w eih Fhvoi e d by (lie two old par* and those who .oted for them. On liaiifportation he said: If land giyeu rail: nails had been eolrl i. , tot $!> per acre It would have made a sum 4 times as much as the railroads ha l cost. ‘ You speak of Railroad own eisbtp to Home of the old roo»a backn and Ibey him lack at you ‘wliy yon ——fool llidro in not though money ‘ )r t'l'.Ht tH il.o eLm- ^ how W^re'''"^ i„u|t;—-if diete Is not money eoor^i. ; to huy them how, did they Imll.l them? I "*“ l K '*• ^ck was [ ! J' ,h«v« M ,«*. cent of tax* „„d „„| y 4 jan cent ofll.-prenen tal iorj and yet we continue I Ins sy» [ tcm. 'Ve,«(« tUW|lt , c . |m , llf ,. are asked j to go legislator* back on the men and demand*, I ! our jnat a- soon as they at tempi to make our demands law. Ib-re h voice, from one, not noted Cfor bis wealth, chirped out ‘'Hah bn I t.'lev*land.” The speaker ’’cooked” him so done In three u»mute»; nm hit g ' heard from the‘ Cleveland more was lie.’’ . He said; •‘Ye* there .re loU of j iieople their iu tin* hollowW Coi.Uy without »l,oe* oh feet ”!Uh for Ch ^ I land.” Lo’. of them .-reeled l»* , I rifUnuiisUatimi to teu<i Cheto hhoeA Af»d 1 they got left, end are now Waltzing round hooping “Rah tor Cleveland.” He followed this with an account of the hundred, of home* that the Sheriff of Fulton county wa* selling for taxes 5 under this rule of glorious!?) deusos j cratic Speaking protperiiy e?j Tariff there of the h- said ■ was 3 p c cent diff«-c*{<.c* l*tweea Ui« | Ideal less diffrrjr.oe Rep. and than Dem. that, Tariff between bill and the j VOL. 1 -NO." 10 . parties themselves. But the Demo¬ crats are coming. we will vote together when we get hungry together. Hut you should come now, don't wait Until you see us about to spieerd and theii s'in in \V> wmit and need pou now, wo »on i iinii. Mr, O horn < Ins d with an i-’nqueiit call (i act ion, «'d poiiiG d io glow tug colors Him Inline of the iresista ble onward miucli of the cause of truth. The Court house was crow di d. many semcelv Imv'ng slanding room. Cure lor Hemlnche. As a rt mody for all forms of lloadaclie Eh ctrlc Hitt-rs has proved to lie the \ cry best . It effects a peunaneiit cure and the most dreaded hahilual sick headache* yield to its lofioeaee. We logo all who are this iilltieted in ......cures bottle, and give I,.nil'lly a fair trial. In eases of ha¬ bitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving tint needed tone to ilie bowels, nml few eases long resist, the use of tills medicine. Try II once, bulge hotllesonly Store. fifty cents at Di .11. .1. Held’s Drug 2 A Pleasant Evening Whs spent by the young ladies m (1 gentlemen of our town last Tuesday at llie hospitable home of Mr. and ,1/is. T. C, Holden In the enjoyment of an ambrosia supper. The sociable was given In honor of Miss Ella Itoyliin, one of White Plains most pleasant and entertaining vo -ng ladies, who Ib on a yislt to M is. Holden. A pant mime game wasplaved, wh’ili was new to most of the young people present, thereby making it doubly interesting’ At a seasonable hour ambrosia and cake were seived in abundant, quails titles, and In a hearty manner did the participants show their appreciation of the famous '‘food of the gods.” Alter supper the game of ’’coins" was played until the tell-tale face of the clock lu diculed that it was time to go home. The nfTablo host ami hostess will not soon bo forgotten for their earnest en¬ to entertain. A Mystery. It is a mystery. Indeed, how Mr. G. Bergstrom of our city can sett goods cheap. If you do tint believe this call on him when in lows and Inspect his well a>sorted stock of groceries. drv goods, dot hi up, shoes, lints, crock eiy, notions, etc., and you will ihj cm - voiced, Hi* sJrAtt wtm° i m ° 1 ' tbs tuiwu Sharon Dots. Hiiai'Oiiltes conHnott to visit the ex¬ position, Mr. T. F. Kendrick was at In sines* Tuesday, though not entirely well Irom it few days sickneis. Our town Met ms to h«ve had an At Li lit h spell last week abundance of sensation t ut nobody killed. The train (lew op and at ruck Uni engineer on lliecliiii; Mr,.I, II. ."ituna. Knew Iti* his mule and right badly hurl hit arm and tl.n Io wi marshal has s t a hie row of lifca on M iln and ( lldicli st reets. We look for another boom about (h tlsimas. Miss Florence Moore of Fair Clay, Mrs. J. A. K mdrlek this wc. k The Kendick glu was moved this w i-k Io I ho fin m iif Ml . .1. It. Kei - driek t> renittbi until hi* crop m fiinried. Mr. Kendrick is s good f.n liter In additn ii lo ft large cotton crop he has alio hi- own ''ling and II nni i.y.” Mr. C L. Ila.-liv made the •■Bass” t,M ch ""' U, ' H w,, ' k for v,r *- *-■ '• An dftison, which will hold only one "' of milk, (signs of moie Dme». ) Mr. T. E. Kendrick look of Expontlon rale* I* Augusta *** , 10 ""•’ l ,t , “' P”8b>leiy. ,, Vl<? I if 11« Ini) k «l ghlH of tbr* I*ich by lei leu 8. 8 . 1*111 (vntiltmla hU , no Sfl.iii », .,. si.<l>, , towards , . , , b ” " ’ the < . ngo lout, lo Is. used by mitsii paries upon Hie Congo rlv. r. „g 1( -eHbl V surprising to tee w,ir 1ib*i;d Hlllin . i/rown «f» fouch better, nod on Hie^t the bint Saturday. '-"he Town <.’oimcil me! u, the. city ,;<M * 1 !r,w ' ft is earnestly desired |*> the lies! .aiop.e .hat .he ........Ill Increa-e l, "‘ UrMnM * t !' H " ch aH w,lt “‘ ,t ho,,w,t m “ it. Mersli.m »iya he'll wiltw a ,etu " r 11,0 A i>vcc/. o. n A t Bifjieitmd aleml the dehaucliee and dram drinking-gentleman, it is supposed, there'll hi business changes is Simr ... ere Y- Hr iii’era, On last Sunday morning at Hie home of U.e bride’s parents. !V * r George Uregoty and Ml** Carile by were united in marriage. Judge Ton,,r rill ,a,,t. With invocation* ,,f 0)ai ,y blessings from f.mrnts they COQir n<'ii(e lo share their port (on* of life and love. j Mr. J*ck Perkins loet h containing twenty . dollai , ,, lattt T (J 6 i ! day. J. A. Kendiiek i* offering ;4Jc pe. 1 d< z. for eggs. He also has capital a ; stock of shoes and clothing {must be sold at a cheap cash price THE POPULACE EXCITED! MysU‘!’ioUH Disapiieai’- 1 1 illK 0 Of Ml’S. Waltcf Pittman From the Home o f Mr. Ar¬ thur Ogletree Last Saturday Night. A quiet Sabbath morning. Tho bush of a wintry day brooding o’er I he land. Tne nnriifff.Hl besom of a mill pond, serenely rt fleeting the rays of tho morning sun. Then—The gathering crowd, the weeping women, tha anxious inquiry, tho knots of the low talkers, tho order of command, tho cutting away of tho dam, and rushing of waters, the strain¬ ing eyes of tho watchers, And the fruitless labor ended, ai d the object of 'lie search unfonnd. Such was tho scene around the mill pond of Mr, Aus ther Oglet tee, three miles from Craws forJville last Sunday morning, O,' course, as, it usually is, a woman wiis at the bottom of it nil. Mr. Walter Pittman of Sharon, ac¬ companied by Ills wife, were on a visit to the family of Mr. Atthcr Ogl tree, last week, I,ast Saturday night about supper time Mrs. l’ittman stepped out of Ukehoutc' No onetuapieioned any thing until several hours had passed. When her prolonged absence caused search and Inquiry to he mudo All during tho night, the search was con¬ tinued I y neighbors amt friends, but without avail. U was surmised by soinithat she had fallen Into the pond, near lbs I oim Oitiers feared that her mind lad be n.iine affected, and she was wandering through the woods near; there bolng whispers of family iron tils. After a consultation It was decided to draw off the pond. This was done but revealed nothing. On* remarkable feature about the trouble was, that the husband of the missing woman, manifested so little •uterest In regard io the measurta TfflnnT !tF*rftig f Ii m wife. Saturday uiglit, while others were out searching be was asleep. This caused a great in any unfavorable comments upon his, at least apparent, lack of interest. When t'rst ques¬ tioned about || IU mutter, he seemed to think she was iii the mill-pond; itftcr watda did,not know where she was. Later it was repotted that she, in company with u man, trad tamo seen gi'lng toward Craw ford v ills, artei dark, .Satinday evening. Tracks were found that convinced oninv tn Die be¬ lief that Hint was making fut the Tho “picayune” pisses Crawford > villi! tw>< hours ufter t ightfull, and it believed that sho got on this train. Mr. Paul Smith, w! o was going to IJniuii Point on the ptcayuns, reports ., ci,up|H gut on at tho game Hmo Iio did. though from the opposite side from which passenger* generally boatd i I»m train. Thoiie who worn at tho train said no woman got on, but as this couple got on I rom tho opposite si to the dark | m ss prevented them from being seen ! liy the bystanders. J Mr. Smith Is not personally ac¬ quainted with either party, hut from his description it is thought that tli'S was the missing paily. Some also fLink the man Is the brother of Mr. Walter Pittman and that the couple weie making for Athens, 1 oNDAV, Dec. i. —No news yet I , from the missing woman. Public i opinion eased itself, believing from i .•Saturday nigh.’* report k that she was in Athens. Mr. Walter Pitluiatl went to Athens today lo try and feiret out the mystery. TuBw)dy _ Mr p lUmall retorwd f rnln AibetiH today brmgiuv the re ^ . Zn , ZnLg f VZ tll iu pUce anested through a warrant Issued bv his fatber-iu-lawr, but after an buer view between thetwothefatherre ce.yed enough information to lead him ; b«-iteve t is daughter was safe, so he (linnisseil the warrant amt Mr. Put man was released. ! Wednesday—Mr. Will Carey went ,0 Athens today in search of Mrs. l’l tlUfttl. Thurstlay—Mr. Carey returned on '!'•• last trahi, bringing wich luoi tho I „ bjw . t of *« ar( . h . He siys he 1 .... 1 Mr8 »»_ 1 -ttman ..... abrul four mile* ,, ’ from, at the home of her father-in-law. The cause of her sud don departure is still a myste'y to too pubiic. BfuiKunber tho I Cl(!CllOII, * . • . M. I » A _ l, a 11*,*, C I f »