The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 08, 1893, Image 2

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THE STATE Georgian Law Mslers Assemble at Capitol (tontine of the House and Senate ly deported. TUB IIOIftF. \Vrt>KK«r>AT, Nov. 29.—Tbo order of c.iiisidsring the issuance IhjuiIx to take up the old convention bond#, «at» resumed after the reading of the jonrnnl in the house, Wraoet ■ lay morning-. The house Vent into a comtoittee ,,{ the "hole, with Mr. Hill, of Meriw. tin t, in the ehair Mr. Candler, of D< Kalb, who was speak¬ ing win ti the l:ouf< adjourned concluded his speech. It was a plea for the state maintaining her tegrity bv paying off tluse which In- argued was a just debt. .Mr Wheeler. >f WnJker, introduced amendment that no interest he paid the bonds. Mr. Harrison, of Quit Mr. man, spoke against this amendment. Hears, of Webster, opposed the payment of tin bonds Mr Battle, of Muscogee, said he was born a crat, raised a democrat, and consider¬ ing democracy to be honesty, he favored the payment of tho bonds, interest and principal, dollar for dollar Speaker Atkinson followed Mr. Battle in ►peaking for paying the bonds. Mr. Bacon, of iiibb, also spoke in favor of the bill, because, he said, everything showed that it was au honest debt and it should be paid. He was followed by Mr. Candler, of ItoKalb, who took issue with him on the question of in¬ terest, maintaining Unit the state should pay all the interest, as it was a part of 11m public debt. Mr, Allen, of Upson, spoke in favor of paying the bonds and the interest. The vote was then taken on the amendment of Mr. Wheeler, of Walker, it wins 80 for and 58 against, so the amendment was adopted. The committee then arose mid reported the bill bark to the house with a recommendation that it jiass. Mr. Martin, of Ful¬ ton, spoke against the amend¬ ment when it eame up in the house, hut it was adopted by a vote of 7!i to 04. thus killing the interest on the bonds, which amount to §25,000, more than the principal, which is only §20,- 800, At this point Mr, McBride, of Haralson, introduced a resolution that the governor should appoint a com¬ mittee of three to investigate these bonds and report to the next legists lure, Mr (IraliHiii, of Appling, want¬ ed to amend the resolution by appro¬ priating §8,000 to defray the expense* of the commission. Thu time of tin house was extended un¬ til this mattes was disponed of Mr, Bender, of Meriwether, called tho previous question and (he call was sus¬ tained The amendment to appropri ntc$8,0(HI was overw helmingly lost and so was Mr, M a Bride's resolution. The report of the committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill was adopted. bill On a call of by the ayes on t nay* th« was passed a veto of t 17. M t ttaukin gave noth'* tirg ttt i fr - h ui** "to TfECTliri tPT Thwhnuae then adjourned until Fri¬ day morning, as Thutsday would bo spent in Augusta. Friday, 1 tec, 1, — Alter the reading of the journal in the house, Friday, Mr Ibitikia, of (lordoti, moved that (lie house reconsider its action in |M*tel Mg tiie bill to issue bonds to take ui» tb»- pMt «liio bond a of Uu 1 Hint© Mr, Heott, «*f owned by York. ’llit 1 hou#M* pimted the bill, but do* oIint *i to n»toj*t th#* amendment that tin* hiti rt Kt on the bomll *htdl Hepiud. Mr. HahMi}’# idee ii» moving to reeou r ider Wa* Unit ho wn» oppimed well to the jwynii'Vit of tin* bond* im h* the iiitorcut. tie thought if the stab' owed the botuls. it ought to pay them and ]>ay the interest but he did not think the stale of Goor gia owed either principal or interest. Bmith, of Gwinnett, in »forcible speech, urged that ill*' bill Ih recoilsidered. Mr. Candler spoke at length on the merits of the bill. Mr Fleming, tn explaining lua vote, said: ‘*1 sin in favor of paying tho interest as well as the principal " On motion to recon¬ sider the vote stood 50 yeas, 71 nays. Mo the motion was lost. A large num¬ ber of new bills were introduced. Mr t'aiviu introduced a resolution, which was referred to tliecommitte* on rules, thst hereafter no leave of abseuee shall b<" granted to member* except front providential causa*. The com mUtee on the penitentiary handed in their report on the bill introduced by Mr. Martin to establish a state refor¬ matory, They unanimously maun tumid that the hill l*e passed The committee on education reported against the lull to have a uniform sya tea d school I took* A minority report was marl* by the committee. Tin i recommend that the house |«m» a bill to establish a uniform set of books to be taught m the public school* An effort was made by Hr Calvin, of liichwoud. to secure a couple of night sessions to catch up with back work, lie iutrod ,uce d a resolution that the \\ eu it Adjourned, do m> meet k^ntii fr t a \ 7 'iO o'clock to 9 .80 t'dook j». ill,* h _d that a himiUi im*a MOtt m* held Mimiln' Thie do ciqUhIIy not to tin* ta*? of tin* mem* her*. « Ithoutsh Mr Calvin urged tb« -r mt etron&Jy and Apokc i*f tmu r *tj and tlu* vast mtioutit work, the Friday u&^bt *e# AlOft »K cut rhat of Mon tUv u L The thou »dj d until Saturday moru StT» K1 1 Otti* of oat i»t< Ml HMin* Ult U 111 •li v»§8 th*’ vuch law M 1 <4 M«<rriv< ther. taken 1 at the ig of Sic MV and | hnm tl >■-. ■-.! w ,i t'*'«»!uc and i» nrim-d provitu }*j ticai mititi' fi*r t|unH*ur§^' Itifg and pro von tie# uit » violence. Mr. Hill explaiCMkd tb< object of the bill, mid in doing uu* le an able* *j>eech tgdi&M is Ytoienee-. The bill make* it ftdoDv, pumabaHH* bv not loftfi than twenty year* uinmaunt a. n tb« penitentiary for any and to id a THklonC* c-, if t * ' tun dw* from the reeult of aueh vie* tenor, then the c: nit* i« murder. If anyone refuses t. aid Hu* ehenff in suppressing a tob, tbc party *c failing will bv guilty t a muelrmrasor, and if the thsriff learns oi as unlawful il It At kmiitiM a»*s»* t*f»l Mr. Allen's hill to provide for the UK tit for live stock killed to prevent spread of (ho glanders, Betcral created a deal of discussion manta were offered. One was chicken* Mr. McUonaid having colera be also paid offered another ment that w hen rust ot caterpillars <ftcV * man's cotton crop, that he |Ahl 8 cente for aU cotton lost. litll was laid on tho table temporarily. Tbe following bill* were |«saed: Mr. Neel’s bill to require the commis sinners of roads of Floyd county have a digest made of tax since 3877; A bill to provide for char ti ring telegraph and express cornpa nie»; A bill to fix the time of superior courts ill the Flint circuit; Bill providing for the registration of voters in Wilcox county ; Bill in to the dismissal of eases in the siprerne court, (this bill specifies that no case shall be dismissed thrown out through technical imper lections in the record;; Bill to late tbe method of pleading in civil actions; Bill to establish a new char ter for the town of Abbeville; -cnate bill of Mr. Johuson, of the tv-seventh, establishing a l-oard school commissioners for the town Statesboro, was read and concurred in Bill to limit the jurisdiction of city court of Carroll county in Bill eases te amounts over §500; amend the charter of tbe town of lielin. The honae then adjourned til Monday. Mo.vttxr, Dec. 4.—The intense weather played a regular freeze game on the members of the Monday morning. It whs so cold the hail that the speaker was forced have hot brick*put to his feet and members huddled around the grates in the hall or sat muffled up their overcoats, until the end of session. The bill of Mr. Jones, Dccatftr, to make it a misdemeanor hunt on any uninclosed lands that been posted was promptly killed, Mr 11 tt II H championed by Hall, of Thomas, who said it was a bill to protect land owners from » lot of unprincipled scoun¬ drels who hunted becatiae they were too lazy to Work, Mr, Hall gave no¬ tice of a motion to reconsider Tues day. Mr. Hmith, of Gwinnett, want¬ ed to take up the report of the special committee m*nt. to Augusta to see if shad could climb the darn across the Nuvannah river there, Tho house wanted the regular order of business to go on »nd voted down tho mu tion Following this there was iiiori finh talk over the I.ill of Mr. Hrvau, of Floyd, , , to prohibit ,, cm • 1 pl'.ying , . or de,, , gas ... ar, coal . i Ur. or olhor poinonoiui NUontHncea in HtrettiiiM. - Iu« void . rtverN or riintiiDK , was sves 7 47, nays 50, ami the lull was lost. Mr. Bryan gavo notice of a mo stars? s:Li,:rf,s county courts; To authorize the judges of the city courts to practice law in other court# than their own; To provide tor granting corporate 3T turns to tea receiver*"*' «f t ■ r»OB» linblo |o lax; To rujrnRl an act for tho protection of game it) Helilay comity; To abolish tha county court* of Butts; the town of Buena Vista; To provide for registering (U* legal voters of Ha iter county; To amend the act tlxiug the psy of the treasurer and the per diem of the sheriff of Pehtilb; To amend tho registration law of Ap¬ pling county; To Hinelid the charter of tho town of Sharpsburg; To amend tho charter of the Chatham bank; To prohibit the manufacture of intoxicating liquors iu Troup county; col¬ To amend tho charter of Emory lege; To repeal »n act incorporating Nashville in Berrien county; To rein corporate the town of Rutledge; To authori** the judge of the county court of Morgan county to authorities; turn con¬ victs over te she county To authorixe the city of Houiy to make temporary loan* to supply casual defi oieueies in reveuu*; To amend the net establishing a board of education for Huuitcr; To amend the charter of Clark**vUI* A number of new bill* viirv read and ref*rred and the house adjournsd until 7 :30 o'clock at night IN Till ' 1 IXMfh. WlMiUOil, Nov. 29. . The senate • m sngagml most of the m.-ruiim \N otlliiMwiAV \\\ rvdvuuK bill* Uu" kguIH tunc Phr followiutf now lull* were IDtriHlllO#(l . : l© prollllm » ii :* UK #1. .1 ( eotti.n *v*d in Stewart count' 4 to iHitat.llSu , , a registration . . . taw _ . tor . i ;i. ertv countv ; ate) to require the conn : ty • cotutuiaeiiiuv • r« ot , > luliertv , ... count) . to imbliah the minutes of each meet * j* j. IOK lh« following # | bill* Wert* _ A bill to amend the charter of Hav Ha)} Aiul , b' rogOlAt** i . r'llNtlOH* s All , A bill to authorise tlie cite of Kavnu * UIU to iu\ Jhmo* ott WloroilgfilAPrte * ,,»}#% row al»o a bill to authorize Savannah OVtt a till oJH rAto AU oloOtTIO , JMitn V,,* . \ I.ill tv> a NtAblinh *K*htA»l»« in WavcTumi ; A lt» m»kt ikt Uuk lit (•ru* ti sUl« dr'iHHUIory ; V t»ul in to IH<H>f|H>* M Alii eon,.,; rnt»* tlu* town of t'oiut*r, also a bill to perm", the . ot Mtltter U> laaue IhiU.U to .s>n»truet m seh.H.1 utHH Ht-uac, house; A tell « ... to »v. establish NtAlv» KavaI MilitiA rht»bulto a,..,., a--------- w,„ k vtlle ; 4 lull relieving Captain Bt. rn. Gordtio, of the (Jeorgia Uw m rt, the Ivml for th« safe keepiUR of A lull to empower the oily of to issue lH*n.l* to Vrnild eehool Luav. The ftenate then adjourned to meet f t <!*y moruiug at U* o'clock, 1'KU'xr, Ih ' t here was a attendance in lath branches of h'jii*l»tt»re Krulsy That who did enjoy their Thanksjiivtttj! in W*»llt me and the trams »ere al! 1% p»t«« held a very ?diA>rt UK t tittu^h fur fc*euAt©r Piiwhou Hit in si are a bill tt> rcguUtf the n»u U« nit *u th* town of Oreonville, Al < rt «ether eouti t % K«*v. 4obu I*. IX Htlkti «|U> chupliiu of MtUvte. (<t nUOftH 1 the lair Hev Mr Hi — If©* vesrs in F*»r>' fli And doueelH'rit, . .te vt ell known Ihrvmgrbont the Sxti Lint. Dec, 2 The lenitt* I n? a lew mothtQtik Vht litm UWlW»(*bhl **i bail the fir%l ti»« and nhf |< la the *«!••* te t »»UtZ» quorum being present the body ad jouriii'-d until Monday Moxtur, Dec. 4.—A resolution was introduced reciting in the the senate that Monday morning fact the state own* a great deal of land along the line of the Western and Atlantic railroad, and that in some instances i* n d belonging to the state is claimed by other The resrdution pro vules that the governor ana the attor ncy general shall settle these disputed claims and sell the land if they proper. The senate passed the following establish bills: A bill . a Liberty registration law . tor the county of ; also to require county publish Commissioners of Liberty confi tv to their minutes; A bill to amend the charter of the city of Co Inrntms; A bill to allow- George W. AViliis to peddle without license; A bill to amend *>-rtion 242, so as to make the bunk of Carrolton a state deposi tory; A bill to make the Quitman bank a state depository j A bill to pro¬ hiWt the sale of seed cotton in the county of Htewart ( A bill to authorize the appointment of a physician to each coroner in tin state, VAN ALEN RESIGNS. He I until Jot Stand the Storm of Bidicitle Heaped Upon Him. A X. w York special of Sunday R'iJh : -1 - *1. \ an A Ion has declined the ap polntruent as ambassador to Italy, This was quite a surprise. A bitter tight-was made on him after the up pointmont ami it was not until almost the last hour of the extra session that tho senate did confirm him. ft was charged against him that he bought his appointment, having large given §50,000 or some such very sum to the democratic campaign fund on the assurance of ex-,Secretary Whitney that he would get some first-class ap pointiueut. It was charged that Van lieu was an Anglo-maniac and had said thuf tho United Htates is no fit country for a lady or gentleman liis to live in. He does spend much of time abroad, A TOWN DEMOLISHED. The Fearful Destruction Wrought hy nn Earthquake. Hit at Thera.., who ha- visited KuhIuiii, the town which whh recently destroyed by au earthquake, Tlui which caused terrible loss of life. respondent says that Knshan ia n heap of ruins nud that not a house is stand tug. , He ,, adds ,, that ,, , the ,, scene is . inde- , , ,, |t Bo(li ,, nre , tiil , )ei r> r ,. cohered . and , the nmeil ,, from . the putre- . 1 . .. * overpowering. „„ 1 he ,, Ttaka shocks, th« correspondent te o build, ng a new town to tho eastward of Kuslian. as eitra .Miirfioy oreurranee n report fd u-'«r fij|JMhkli k JkotI/tmT A © ni'»,"q,m,i-l plove f ohi^t* .daUTCndtelo! tho ■‘S'./ ve.l lt| cut t j |g to paim. Tit* he attempted t<> do with his through pocket knile, but in il would re*t cut w he was diivm to Uatu«Uk'U. Ib-te a d u t-.r amjmlatsil the retnaittdsr of tl.« t.n'r. r. VOUK FUTUBB J* ,yJJ? Si • J.. / w V r «Ar V ' LV V ft 5 .*■ 4 - IS IN voru OWN HAND. l^lniictrv amu me* to tell " hat the lines in you* htt.ii mdicjkt*. It wilt amuse you, if nothlntt more. The iihove tUn^ram almost exnhiins »i», if I h «htU, yl-iVIl’ te'-*' lte-a'‘MKt'V:u.'r £j'*» ‘I? you tame or tub - B«»th combiwf-d menu •uecrwin Hf«; b«i yi»*mu*i keeno|» withtumtirn Mew to win it. \ou will And plenty of ilie^e in l%uiore*t § FsmUy *o *nmctive!y pm wnt«t th»t nvt t m.n.iHr of tbe famtly l» e«u-r. ulnM II i» • Uof-a m»s»*inr* ui one. A i La A It ] |\q; yp hk\HT n-i«-.l» tenden»M, # ort.eht cto.iL.hI l.iNK of A faTK. sell deftoect pwofui USK life; Ot the snm_jt 11 LAI lit yon .twtoo' W..» ec will the hint, . paWiebes is I»em»fe*t'» So .«ber msfixiu* i«mwiii ro uifif Kffrtt*#toIntfWit th« httfouci if t««ur»M of litiaVl.K hitrh spirit* of ' or t-S d« l!> *f." .... . *«• i.»»e the invk-si krs*p np toar fplril* b> having lVt»ort’«- § g |jUlRe ,o || T taUfcribin^ }»» u for 1"^* y«u will reesiee .syUerr of exmii- te w-vk* ol ' *n of |wu iiiiw, ImWw im wprni pwAlott pW^rt. rt**l ituiUnch**. Vm » whicn U aIbsoai * tmby. md e*«sl»« »b* .'rtsiaat oU paUmn* wt.Hft c»wi *nd rou will have * m*va*iri that tamivi v bv any ’n t\xt (mmw tor it* hoauiifol iUii«tr»iirtO* ant *ub>Mrt nMttef, that will k^«'p t.Hl iHVLtrxl v>n *11 th«* topic* of «b« d*v. Alia All U‘« l*\* % A mflt'tnt tt*m» of Interest Alioot tht hoo»«‘h*»ht txsitdo* farm»tiioff lntere*tti»g rxat.’ng n»vr» ' c»> for the whole f*nt v . ^ %sh5 ,, iVtuop,“i'» I* t»«t n magAAtu** n« f«.h dn pwtf**** « a y> u gvtwith it. ^ IO QIW Seft2 la .oar •utier.puoa v >.ece. only V-’ '*> »i‘d K Y®u ^ i 5 *hrr. W. J« ti ni \ P * voa ar* un»con*irt»'a with the w ssss-srjr.'s-S ,™ M1 i, i*: An.; DIVISION l staroNO at’FITKR w»w« lai • ( Niiw irnN, Tft. ,f wot -VTl'KN. NT OK i-rv.Jo-.r,. tt'sKN* .oh-mti.r * t»s.f.*s«r. M'S'S ww 'S knt »»f pitwtirr An<1 MKKt \ H* . nhsncs.^ T.tXt* «ur Avirkv i--. n» . »ftl - ‘ . vrMj «r|H he »u lo letter*.* ihv U'l Uti hiort Miui Jii luiltt}. «ct a, sm .«#■» »"i«t“- j* xwaszj ItttJUJIttX jtJtj*D<>§ «J1 W kfltOT (Hil * * i *teOi<K lAJMKtjq «t *!» ill »*»<> Dh f* l 'Vi* t* J A 5 HLteHav et AVk.n 'HH r n «JK>1 mM IA * tv> V*L . AlUte 4 r MMi P<M u- iiwu c} # «• *Si. I'JiU* dOO i TlM1A%« na.«io l •txuvm laiu ^ *SJ.VBAV^ e i j j < Mi ***** I II DAVISON C. T. FARGO Dafiitli (ft Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants. ■ coiner Reynolds and Jackson Streets OppceUe Coon Exchange liii»;usta Ci»eorgia lUgginc and Ties at the lowest market price Personal atten¬ tion Given to all business MYUS n 40 GF SYLF9S, OVERLANDS, RUES kOur owa ruacuiat iure. ,r^>. A* d W«o**ra WUwl WoiW Cycles offer uu tif iaut ti v#Jut‘3 to A6£NT6. DEALLHS and ftHEELMEN 1 la i wewhis Wid »(>*!♦•», and at uli pnt es frt.m VVo t. nn Ate A LI. M.4 H New or Second Halu V ^ and mu or f oatff jy>jj'Htf2if§, trith no extra charge* N*w ss;-; .uu aisil it vv prt( HXI t 3?' S Pi t jiricva, it . t ■! a» dist OUUlS la ::atie >, Dv* U »*i* / 3YLW ^ /• CUP. SUPERIOR INDUCEMEHTS from "■ 4 CYCi.Ft ?1UN EASY ITfCD r t‘- 1o th<* r. rsiro mt: in r-iwAtruu?* l ' - >1 K , TVh .G W HI-v - truos' L . ) tl • T • . i - Y. tvxnt IlMr.. F*taV,»»K.-<l l.oalf ri a»a L< tvpot nd Mot h In * n+cricm n t fur ( Hla OMAh zve artel Har usd List ftcc . Su. HAZARD & CO.,Mfrs.. 75-M St., Peoria. ILL - GEORGIA RAILROAD SCHEDULES. OFFICE GENERAL MANAGER. Coromemr X 12th the following schedules will be operated. All trains run l>y kith meridian Time. The schedules are subject to change without notice o He public. REA.D DO'SSM BEAD UP.” v- TaUafl^T * uf ,TraTtH « STATIONS. H DAY sioHT Train Xo. 12 ' ' 9 - 'f. g* mail, expk’s 5 Oft;, 11 30p 1.1158 -V. 7 40a Lv Augusta Ar 9 25p 1 5 15a 7 55a 5 84t> 13 rfiplWft iX Bei.iir i 4 52a 7 15a 5 50p 04^2 l2 0 liJt'tgp g 19i Grovetown ! 8 58p 12 53p -1 41a 7 Ola ,, jfl* 744, Berzdia . 12 4fip i 29a 6 47a 6 14pT2 25»lXt,4p CD 88s H'lrb-m 8 84p 12 34p 4 4 20a 0 0 38a 28a 6 24p 12 35 6 J TO]. X 47a Veering 5 25p 12 25p 10a 0 4 2; 12 52a 1 41p — 02a Thomson • 8 08p 12 08p 3 53a 6 10a f’> 52j. 1 03., T4p Meseua . . 11 55a 3 42a 6 00a . 7 flip 1 l C a i2o 9 21a Camak 7 50p 47a 3 35a 5 51a 7 00p 1 1 51p 9 28a Nirrwood 7 43p 39a 3 26a 5 44a 7 25]. 1 35a t7j. 9 42a Burnett ; 7 29[> V—t 23a 3 10a 5 30a 7 38p 18a lip 9 54a Crawfordville 7 19p 09a 2 57n 5 19a 8 Oil., ti 07a l 17p 10 15a Union Point ! 7 OOp 10 45a 2 32a 5 00a »w 21a 3 > U) 29a Greensboro C 31j> 10 29a 2 21u...... 44 a 3 10 52a Buckhead 6 08j> 9 58a 1 53a...... ic 5Cu 3 47]. - 11 Ofla Madison 5 53p 9 42 h 1 41a...... cc 11a ! tx.p 11 24a Rutledge ; 5 30p 9 22a 1 26a...... Co 23a 4p!pU 4 37a Social Circle ; 5 22p 9 07a 1 14a ...... .. .. .. c 43a 57a Covington j 5 01]. 8 45a 12 54a...... .. .. 4 Oku 54 it >12 17p Conyers 4 40p 8 2U |12 .. ..1 4 4 2t< 41u 5 A|:p Pla 13 29p 46p Stone Lit Mountain lion ia . 4 4 28]. 10p 8 7 09a 51a!1200ntj.... 12 19a : ...... .. .. .. 4 55a : Mp 12 65p Ciarkston j 4 00pi 7 4la 11 47p‘...... . .. J 5 09aj 6 ifcipj 1 04p Decatur 3 51j. 7 32a 11 35p...... CCLJ 5 30a 0 LJ.p 1 15p Ar Atlanta T.v 3 40]. 7 20a 11 15p ..... •••• CO. 1 ftp .. . Lv Camak Vr --------- ll"4"0al2"50a r Ti •••• CO .. j Warrenton .11 31 a 12 45u . . ,Mayfield . 11 l)8a 12 19a . . . . 4 38» 2 28p Culvertou .1 o 54a 1200nt . . 55 h 2 Sparta 1......1 ...... 1 o 43a11 43p ...... V Vb ,‘ — j$k VKi j , Devereux c- 29a; 11 19p....... .. ■' .1; 80a 3 r Milledgeville fkirra j...... .....10 10 20a (Hla 11 10 05p]...... 25p'...... .. . . (. if/p 22]) .... ..... 6 57a 3 ..... Browns ......I ..... 9 37n 10 lOp...... . . .. 7 09a 3 58p...... Hadclockrt 9 24a 9 53p...... . . .. j 7 29a' 4 §2p ..... Jam ...... 9 10a: 9 35p...... .. ., 8 20a 4 mtj . . Ar Macon Lv !...... 8 32a 8 45p...... .. .. 7.10]> 11 23a 2 35p Lv Barnett Ar 2 OOp 9 30a 0 55jg . . . . 7 42j. 11 ;i7ii 2 47]> Himrou ; | 1 45p 9 I5a 6 40p ...... ... 7 55] > 11 nOi. 3 OOP Hillman 1 8 Ip 9 Ola 0 29j....... 8 25p'12 20],» 3 80p Ar Washington Lv j 1 05p 8 35a| 6 00p ..... 10 55a: 8 20pi 2 47p| 59pj Lv Union Point Ar ; 6 50].10 05 a I 6 59p|...... 10p;...... .. 11 08.i 8 33p 2 Woodville : 6 36p' 9 54 al 5 .. .11 11 37ft 17a 8 8 40pj 3 04p| 14]. Bairdstown Mftxeys 6 6 32j. 15p 9 9 50 38a aj 5 5 53p....... 4%...... 3 j2i% II 58n 8 \ 3 * 22p 3-jp Crawford Stej.hena 0 r, 06pi 43]. 9 9 81a 18« 5 5 32p|...... i7p u r .... 1 ,r 4 « 10 Ar » Atllp118 l 5 S IS; •••, 'l» 9 *l‘ Pj ‘l \ ...... ..... 00a|...... .....! ^ 10p • ■ Lv Union Point Ar ......:10 ( ...... ......j 8 82pj., -a t......i Siloant 9 37a...... . 55]. . I Ar White riuinH Lv 9 15 al...... . All nt>oV' train* rm*d;*ily. Sloping C UMb t'v eu Atlanta aod Charleston, Augusta and Atlanta. Au«u«fa an I M u on, on trffcht i-iptfe**. J. W. OREKN, JOE W. WHITE, A. (i. JACKSON, General Manu Traveling Paiaen.'fT Agent. General Freight and Puss Agent. » Auousta, Ga, -----..... EVERY IWMi HIS OWNiA Valuable Bcob \ nflOTIIR ' of 600 pagesjUus \ gj i| . o 1 SJ f| j V ^K^:|§|3 ■ ■ ■ ■ _ J f . otj _ ... , VlWwUj | *»*| 4*011 WUMMIUM ill 1T11TI0 g By J. hF A AYERS, —----' M, D. — • # * ^ v,d , ifK & - ^ 1 pro fro !iil m wllxl. till*. UIilIHUv IIlipjPUlA' 111 tl IIOSS. SENT 8 I HAk.. POST-PAID, uN 3 ECEIPT OF PSICE .60 CENTS. Aldrass all nrder* te HOUSE, ATLANTA PUBLISHING (16 Lovd St... ATLANTA. GA. _e ■va jks. itba moK? 2 CO mmoniy cotttes on with siigiit o-ijpii when neglected increase auualiy grow dangerous. s:.',D*CH£ 0YS- TAttE RtPANS OIISTIs^ATCft* RIPANS X ,'N i IS **~ES «LL2S A 4 ,Hu ©i* *oa TAKE RIPANS ILL CSS^n- TAKE RIPANS TABUt ftegalute tt>e S/stem ana Preserve/ the Health ASuLE “**! EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. SAVE man*' a doctor s bill. A J5HM.ETE u bv bnHECists or sest by maul on m*elp< cf wke. 'INE CHEST | bus*™ FkmOy tMirktcv '4 bowK S= : THC RIPANS CHEMICAL CO * ..1 1C Spouet kTAKCT. - * NEW VOAK Ladies and Gentlemen I have a tresh. large stock of Clothing, Hats. Boots and Shoes Ladies Cloaks and walking jackets .which I want to sell out fall. I will sell at the very lowest prices to benefit the before 1 will keep stock till next fall. BARGAINS In valises, Umbrellas, Gents furnishing goods; Ladies Under and Notions. I must dispose oi thf i. at once, so if vou wish for the best of goods at the lowest c CL •ices buy trom F. RUBEN Crawfordville Georgia W. D. W3$ST. - FAMILY GROCERIES. RESTAURANT AND MEAT MARKET. A Good Square Meal i» what we can give you for 25 cents. We also'bave a dining room for colored FEED THE BI BI-Ii „ (.eonle. In short, we mean to sell. K . w’ant fresh . ami .. y Come to see us if you have farm produce to trial you otdei. And d) ttroceries, Meats, Fresh Oysters and Fish give us a forget us when you are in town and are hungry. liespecttuny, W. D. WEST. G-reenesboro G. II NIXON T. S. DAN FORTH \ Lx'ol] Ucjijf opjll COTTON FACTORS. No’s. - 3 and 4 Warn., Block Ll.^ ^—. -4 <aX C2w. p ersona | an d undivided attention given to the weighing aud «» g «rco«o.. " Made on consignments, THE FARMERS Fire-Pl'OOf WAREHOUSE 739 Reynolds Street, C!3rOz» Augusta We especially solicit the planters trade: Do strictly a commission business. Charge low in conformity ivitii the times. Bagging and ties furnished at lowest market price Write to us for terms. Cash advances on cotton by wagon or railroad CRANSTON & STOVA r t i—U_J, m A-gustat Ga r 1 LiX-iA-Ax T i r Wholesale and Retail Clothiers OTHERS BLOW, BUT WE get the TRADE I elsewhere. We will take pleasure in showing our goods. Ladies’ Jackets In latest style. Wesendthe people away shod with the latest styles of tootw ear, Shoes Boots, Slippers, Hats, Cups. Etc. We have, the goods and must sell. Yours t» serve, lAffll 4 If8 Bh> G-reensboro, - r^e's SHARON, GEORGIA. The Commercial Center oi Taliaferro County. Cotton be fold within three eights of a cent,of Augusta Market. All can and other reduce at toll tnaiket vw Corn. Reas, Chickens, Eggs Visiting Friends country well } Regular Cttstomers. ue For the accomodation of as Clothing, as Hats, Shoes. • . Kl'NIlIiICK Keeps a nice line of Drv Goods -leans. Ladies' tine Dress Goods. Trunks. Valises, Furniture, Harness and Buggies. Stoves. Hardware, Tinware. Glassware Crockery Fancy Qroceties and Provision-. Drugs and a variety of most thing except Racket Stores and Pf.iwu.vks. troubled ntneli about the price ..... just bunt along your „ rock- , Dontbe vetv Rook and Change. give value received. \y ;j| mee t coin petition, and you 9% wmmmm % 811 ARON. GEORGIA . ---— to VJ ■' :OTTOM FACTORS Xo. 727 Reynolds St, Au^ixsta Business. Libera S trice Personal attention given to all Advances on consignments of cotton. FANCY AND PLAIN I ■a I 1 JOB PRINTING