The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 15, 1893, Image 1

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THE AD VOC ATE-HE JI OCR AT. The Crawfordville People's Advocate. Democrat Esubli-Jicd " ltWJ IST'I The Consolidated Oct. ti, lSh:>. • 4 «OIiA WFORDYI LLEdt ALLIANCE STORE! Our Motto: Holiest Goods for Honest Money! Head what we have to say before you buy your Fall and Winter goods, we have sold goe.Is for cash this year and are therefore in a condition to give you bargains throughout our entire we have no bad debts that we will try ' to make good at our customers expense, ilttrgains! Bargains!! A large stock of Factory goods on hand; among which we have heaviest checks ever sold in this High Shoals i shirting at 5c. per yard. Jeans’- Jeans! Jeans! We have a large stock of jeans which we are selling very low. Be sure to get your part of the bargains we are offer¬ ing in 9 oz. Athens jeans before it is gone. ISoots and Nhocs. We desire to call special attention to our stock of mens and boys boots ; see them before you buy. The best line children shoes in stoch, we have ever had. Young Men. See our gents furnishing goods, style hats and gents underwear before you purchase. Promiscuous. _ We keep on band a good supply ot the following g°ods; on whicli we guarantee prices, Sugar, coffee, lard, flour, meal, salt., bagging, ties, syrup, molasses vinegar, collars, nails, plows, Dixie plows, and extra points, rope, ciockery, horse lamps horse shoes, broom; leather, tobacco, cigars, ir’assware, tinware, cheese, crackers, c tnned goods, staple and other things too numerous to mention. IFuen in town sure to to give us aca!! and sec what we are do ng. W O’Cliapmati, Me:r GREENESBORO, TIE PLACE Til BEY YOUR BOOM m When Vou Come to KIMBROUGH, Is the House lo Huy From. We invite the & ood people of Taliafeiro County to come and see us. We have the best line of goods at as low a price as they t •an be sold, ^fe carry in stock an ele^ gant line ol Dress goods and trimming, ladies cloaks, shoes of all kinds, clothing, hats, furni¬ ture, crockery, hardware, domestics ol all kinds at the lowest prices If you cant come send us your orders. will have our prompt attention. you visit Greenesboro be sure to on Kimbrough. Bickers & Hearci-oHreissIer Block AN ADVOCATE OF JEFFERSONIAN P RINCI PLES- GA. JlllDAY, DITKMISKU 15,18R3. LOCAL NEWS shoes at *3 50 Armor Bros, Another week of delightful weather. S3 shoes at 5. 7r>. Anuov Hr<>». Miss Cattle Farmer visited Greenes boro Monday. I'.uy your shoes of Kimbrough, Bickers .v Uo., Greenesboro Ga. Mr. L. P. Jernigan, of Greenesboro, was in the city last week. Go to C. Bergstrom's for crockery, china ware, etc., etc. Mr. .J. II. Chapman of Augusta was up Tuesday. Big stock shot guns rlflss etc. being closed at a very small price, Armor Bros The town has La Grippe; or at least La Grippe has the town. Order your goods from Kimbrough Bickers A Co. Greenesboro. Ga, Mr. Ilezie Richardson ret urnetl from a visit to Conyers last Friday. Window shades, house furnishing etc , buy only at Armor Bros. Rev. G. W. Garner, of Greenesboro, win d urn a short while, Monday. Just opened another shipment of ladies Cloaks. Kimbrough Bickers & Co. Green eslioro. Mr. ll r . R. Reid, went on a business trip to llairdstown, Monday. Mr. C. Bergstrom of our city lifts a splended stock, of dry* goods, clothing, hats, shoes, notions etc. When in town go around and see him. You can buy fancy candy at the Alli¬ ance Store for 10c. per lb. Just think of this. We are glad to see Key. Itobt. Gunn out after a spell of sickness. $ 20,000 worth of clothing to be sold by January 1st if you need it you will find it to your interest to call on Armor Bror at once The Greene Rifles passed last Mon day on their way to the Exposition. Where are Kimbrough, Bickers & Co Greenesboro, Ga. What are they? The Ii vilest, buisiest firm In Middle Ga. Mrs. Ed. Golucke ot Madison is on a visit to iier mother Mrs. B. M. Lana neau. Buggies, surreys, phaetons^buckboards. road carts, etc. to be slaughUreJ for the next 30 days. V. Armor Bros. ^ Dr. Bea^ey „ . hasten smk with , r La Grippe Tor several days p.Mt. We hoyc for him a e ypf dv recovery. Big lot of fire-crackers at the Aliianee htore wlticb must be sold in the next few davs. Carja-ts, miiUings, mas, art squares mats etc. at a very law price. These goods must b" turned into money. Armor Bros. The. singing last Sunday night at Mr. W. J. Norton’s was quite a sues cess. Drugs, Medicines, Oils, I’tints, Glass Perfumes, latest dosignes in ornamenta china ware and etc. at T. B. Rice’s Green eslioro, Ga. Mr. Lott Oslin. “one, of the boys” of Atlanta, spent Sunday and Monday in oar midst I>ott likes his new posi¬ tion in Atlanta very much. Christmas is almost here and the man who wants to get full value for his money wi'l buy his candy. rais s rin, or-m^ , apw pl^s, cocoanuts etc. at the Altiaiice Store. 6 solid ears of furniture from the largiot faeUirii-B of the West,being hurled off at a song by Armor Bros. Mr. Casp-r Myers a former resident of this place, is down on a short trip this week. 4 eais of cooking and heating stoves very cheap at Armor Bros., Mr- W. F. VVIlhoit, Editor of the Warrenton Clipper graced our office witli Iiis i.rescnce last Tuesday. 8eeour50c urilaundrietl ►hirts ar. Lite AI liauce Store. Nothing adds so much tn the. decoration of a room a-a bemtiful lamp and T. It Rice of Greenesboro can supply yoJ a city prices. Give him a trial. Miss Maude Leary went to Atlanta Monday, ta attend the m mage Miss Susie Prim of that place, to Mr. Howard Arnold of Lexington. Cloakftat New York Cost, Armor Br< h News comes from Union i» j M , of i the death of Dr. A. II Randle an old and re-peeled citizen cfUreene County, Dr. Randl** was 9*2 yeai-of J age, h ' and was in feeble health soaietime his death. Flis remains were interred in the family burying ground near Uni n Point. VUnttH and big stock of clothing at f tory cost. Armor Hi on. Nic* lot o' pants just,received at the Alliance Store rang in" t nr"---, fr.n Me " p ’ Nonpareil Hair Curler. J Honied Lv'd« R. J. I:Kill. A Free Ride. Anyone who desire? & frf*<* ride from Crawford ville and ti f’re.-r) - l/oro arid ref urn fan get it if t ney wiM purchase the firm of Ro^tnan A $ 10.00 worth of CtiiiiLtnits p.»' ant We m wiiat w- *a? hy g 1 this offer. I * goocU, 3* i*y y mr fare what we pH, ko-smav a Gardner i < a. MR. DARRACOTT’ Fi DEATH. *---'V *~~ HeDied Th is Mor *» ing Af¬ ter a Brief I 1 “SS. V His V, Fun i. Early this morning M Lie Darra cutt died at Ids h Mitchell si reet. _ The news of Mr. Dirtr^®^ 9 death will be heard With sut -'fis* by his Mends, for only lart Th# r# d*V •** well and showed do sign 8 of having been ill. On Friday, however, *« was com¬ pelled to take Ids bed b 'tause of ery¬ sipelas, and this roorimj! he passed away. Ilia body will be s?*R down the Georgia railroad tonm. ^ row morning for burial.—Atlanta Jou-nal. The fuueial of Mr. Lhirracoit oc curred here last Friday 1 The set v ees . over his remains were conducted by Rev. R. E. L. Harris. Mr. Diuracott was n rc 8 'dent of tliia place several years ago. and bis many friends here extend thel sympathy to the bereaved relatives. A Household Treasure, :.i«harle, N. Y., I). VV Fuller, of ran says that he always keepsIP; 8 ■ Discovery ii. thu house am* re^ults *” s ; follow , s hI wavs toun i the. would very be*< without it, its use; Urnt he not I**’ it procurable. V. A. I>\ 1)1 ('at*kill, N. Y., says tiuit v>l * ^ V,I JK 8 New Discovery undoubtedly l’*}' J t ou^h is f family remedy; that he. has use,, >t »n Ills foi eight, years, n:nl h has never tailed to do remedy all that is claim tried <1 for it. .rested. '* n ”; I mil f.'T a so long alia 11.1*1 Drug More. bottles tree at Dr. I( J. s Regular siz • Sue and ft, The Debating Club Mel in tlm clerk’s <d'"' ,! ,ll8t Monday night and discussed tho(jnestion, “Re solved that commerciui l , zeis art) used lo the disadvailing/ H"' > s uotb ern cotton growing states,” The refused to giv< a dteision on the argument presentet'i spying "that he did not feel compel''"' ***’ so.” i the club will Next Monday night debate on the theme, W olvtui, that . 1 . 1 .. " , .alter fluid for elotp.enco than tin < „ ^ Mr , s McDonald will lead !•'> *’)» airiimatlve o|||tt(1 , ...... M.enco j KU Gunn, ! 1, Af-a.}y .«.’b C .hit ' 'erk I*. r ..... Re.zb-y and Dr, If-.umu Christopher Binns. The leading disputant on the nega- live side is C. L. Smith, snpporUd by Dr. 11. F. Wbite, Ja< k Reazley, Ray Veazey, Wade Gunn, W, C. Andrews, Millard Henry ana 1 1 Evans. A full attendance of the umnbcrs is especially urged. Noth An account if the proceed inga uf the club >va< unintentionally left, out last week. The negative Hide, hid bv 1 ‘. L. Smith, against Dr. 11. F. White on the affirmative, Won the on til A same ipieiUon that was discussed in the last meeting-—|Lo¬ cal Ed. h y f)Ur //f({> F(dU (M of Turning Cray. II so try llt-ggs’ Hair Renewer. The I . ti'ect. i- wonderrul. .Sold and r.arraiiteti i liy i)n, It. J. Ilfciy. ! Tiie Sunbeams, j As was announced last week the | Sunbeams gave an t idertaiunient hist Sunday with tho CMiiplete pitigfain j j Wild iUfHUgcd. i'UoHQ who writ; present, consisting of the town in gei’.er.d and n largft nutiiber from ihe ! country, say the ent> iUinrnmit was a complcLe success, and was greatly err* (joyed by I he audience. 1 An ImnurtanL f‘ it ere of the even j ing’s i.roccedings was the collection. j by which #10 was railed for tlie Chuho ; of missions. The members of the d. ty were then given mite-boxes to fill, and ever since the city has been full to overflowing of “sunshine” and | -‘mite-traps.” ! Specimen C;a»e>«. his stomach wa* cliHor<fer*ni f hi 1 liver J-' 1 " ‘‘ 5m : <iii aiartohi^ 'hgr . , ; fell away, and lie wa# terribly re laced In ff. h am j strength. Three bolt ot Klec trie Bittern cured him. j a rfi* y.a^ t ■t.a.tuUu/. I'sed »l of Electric /fitter ii -.even ho** f^c Boekieii's Al idea Salve and hii leg r- sound and well. John Speaker.* atawha, O., had five larcc ft-Vcl -. ■ II Ills leg. duct'll- -aid It ; incurable. Gimhottbrh’ieetfic Bitters and out- ii'.v Bticiden's Aru * ,ai»«. ured aim -.....* -r" * IM-. Tin llC Pi7l„i,t.r 1 Id. pirl L .• a •' . M*RWEU.-On Sutday night, the 10th Inst., Miss Edna Mapp, of t Plain* hi Mr. Albeit! SfflRh, formerly i of Thomson, but now j of White Plains. r r. og before | t tba bridal , party , , „ arrived . *« *'•'«* 1 r;rovtded witli friends of the bride and groom. Dora i appao presided at U <■ "'gau, M usual, in an easy and , graceful manner. Miss Mapp is one httitoL $f our most at¬ tractive young Mr. Hrnith is an energetic yoong than, arid is well thought of in this cdacmunity. Tour 1 cor. tapvodeut joins man, friends ui best wishes for the future happiness of the bride and groom. Hev. Henry Strozier otHeiated in the absence of Hev. J. 1$. Allen. Our people are delighted to hare Mr. H. Allen to preach for us again. Hev, Caspar Wright preached at the Methodist church last Sunday at II a. in. Mrs. J, E, ruik and children, of Warren ton, aie visiting iclatiies in town. A Robbery. Our city was wry much stirred up last Wednesday morning over tlm robbery of Mr. Will Raid’s The thief broke in by pm ng up a plank ill lh« floor; lie then did nut even take tlie trouble to leave the way lie entered, t ut opened the back door and took Ins departure through that passage, canylng with him about SflO in small change from the cash drawer, a new overcoat, belonging to Mr. Clias. Reid and a small ipiuiiUty of “Christ mas.” Suspicion rests strongly upon' a stinnge negro who was seen Tuesday evening lounging about town, who said he hailed Irotu Greenesboro and was on his way to Augusta. Mr. Will Reid went to Augusta Wednes¬ day in search ot tliia negro. He re turned Wednesday night unsuccessful in his search. The conductor on the down night express Tuesday nisht re¬ ports that a negro got on his train at Cmwfoldviile and paid his fate to Augusta in nickels. Mr. Reid put the po'ice in Augusta on tlie lookout for tlie siipisised thief, and lie may p ssibly la- brought to bay by this time. To the People of Talia ferro--Thank b Many. It’s nalural for people, when they have (rauMH-ted hu-mesa to the mutual benefit, of each side, to feel a peculiar oil of favor and liking for each oilier. In no business is ibis feeling better manifested than is shown between the merchant who departs from high and oppressive pi ices and give his custom¬ ers first class goods at living prices. This feeling is genuine friendship on •the |iart%f ttiow gptnmc^iul he feels a kindly interest in Ins merchant, who lu return feojs grateful for the patronage given him and for the reward lliat an¬ swers his unselfish venture from the old ruts of high prices and ruinous per cents. The people of Taliaferro are in the instance of which we are going lo speak a party in this feeling and Mr, J. M. Storey, ot Greenesboro, Ga,, is the other side of the party. Mr. Storey takes Ibis opportunity to return ids thanks for the liberal pat¬ ronage given him by our people. We feel sure that, while our cili/i-ns can't return thanks publicly they will con¬ tinue lo show their hearty appreciation of Mr. Storey’s efforts lo conduct a tiu-inasK tliai -trike- al high prices and seeks to make lilt exchange, of goods foi money nati-factory and profitable to hoi u. Mr. Storey ima un<lortakeu an enter prise that, to k< « |» going, muni reeeive extended wuppoi t. “A fair profit off of many miller th ink n heavy and unlawful profit off o* a f-w,” i- Mr. Storey’s motto. Wi* btdiovu Mr. Morey will u!ready Ihe r.uirouriding counties arc hcginniug to apprccuttc hift motto, p ro fl, thereby. , A Horrible Death. A negro child abjiil four y»*;ir WriM liunnd to defith ht-Ht- Friday | »*r. Jaftib Rock, rs place, near Bar nett. As Hncii things usually | It was by itself, playing near a when its clothes were ignited by (I,irnts. The loly of the child was found inn mud hole one hundred yards from Ihe house. Thanks Given. i/lr. J. K. II* a/i fy * deftlreff Jo thank the corumunity for their kliidneMM hri s<*/f .tod family in their hour of bereavement. Do You Know. That time* art- bard . , and Ghrlstmas , nearly here. Do you know also that T R K.ce tin- line a-in... I.I. ........ very cheap ao.'ia to lie In conformity with U" times Ilav*- you bought your t.hrintinaa «nt»? If not come around now and make >« nd ur well MmtUid " u , t stoek " f lt, ever « "" seen ,,t '* in u ‘^ M«d • du . , ; ia . , aln lW „pure drug. paint, olIs etc. at very low price.; Yours Truly, x, B. KI'.K. Oiaone^boro Died. A * we go to pr< news comes of the death of Mr*0#A. McLaugfilln of L’niofi Point, who died j*.* Gid i> I .'y t ii ther obi laud mark gone. VOL.1-M). II. ONE BY ONE The Facts Come to Light in the Pittman Case. 1.11 st week we gave ail account of the uijsiertuui- d s r ( >peitraiii« of Mrs Wul'ei I ‘it t malt and the excitement attendant tlieiecin. Mention was a;se made of I he discovery of the missing woman by Mr. IPill ( •ley. Mr. t'arev says he found her at h »inc of lir lailiei-in-biw about four tuiU-s Ifuiu Athens, llu also nays Mr. Flunk 1 ' luld him ilmt his Mr. U nit) i Putman, knew *11 about Ihe d. . 8 ,ppearanee ,.t Ins wife, ... ami . not ,,n b Hus, hut ha lu.d i lau.ied M ip for her tliree weeks befoiehaud. ,l,| d Ihnt his object was to woriy her parents to got. even fur noun little wioug I hey were supposed to luivo eeiumitletl against turn, ft was also Slated 1 il.lL Mr. Waller 1’iuniali per¬ suaded bis Ii other, Mr. Oscar i’ill.~ man, Into helping cany oill plans, although i-.i- brollu-r was very much iiijisposctl to so do. It is repotted that Mrs, do! not go lu Alliens by her own will, but that her husband forced her to go. These sin eluents clear thhij's up wonderfully, and throws the blame upon Hie shoulders of the party who should bear it, though many rumors ate afloat, as to Mr, Haller I’i''s strange fa-hay lor in tins case, Piles ! Piles ! Piles ! Can be cured. Try Hoggs' German Salve when everything i-lse Imn falh'd. Sold and warranted by I>it. H .1 hi hi. The ( 4 Coin t I Party. At the hospitable home of Mrs M, E. Brooke, whs one of Ihe enjoyable events of this weeks happenings. Miss Annie Brooke, tho buauUlul and entertaining hostess, made the many "stags” present lot -1 (piltu at ease during Ihe game ot “c ili.s” that wasplayid with almost the same z.-al with which It Is enacted (lining the day. This game huts tall lo b coins as popular with Urn “pariylles” as tool ball is Hie athletes. As alw; ys Oil occasions the young iruti^fln potf/iU more fully .ecogr.iged the *ss of the old" saying lliat time waits for no mm: before leaving Minever, a Consultation was belli as to wlial sort of sociable should come oil ( Inhuman. Nothing iieiiuito was decided, and Friday mglit was apart as a time to meet ami aioic fully discuss this ijnestlon A Perfect Santa Claus Es tab1ishmont. TluitVi what tin* ctiftiiih'U* s o «* m* UoHhiiiaii & DiUiliK-r of (i. vpui’jId), o prtJjpiitH. Af <*r UuUHf tLruii^li ».hi» i r storo y<o. c iiiih out wuh a > >* a iM n «<1 fttpl otf winch ii ci'iiuuloH* ai'iity of X hum ^oimIh Loo tiumol iMitj i Id hi i - lion u ii ti ipoiouibor, louvo.i upo u ono. Th«*y l»uv** pictUlPft 5 4Urt. Id 1*5 •liipUlMHO, Flnnll iifltl Is slDlt'l jroods, (Jiiiioi*, fancy and plain, i'nys l i.niiiDCiable for tlio clnliii < n, vv i/ons mi <1 ete J/oIIh deto lo #.>. I » n,*a 20 cl i to $5 MuhLaicIh* eunn, Slotvi \\% mug;s, I>*ll eamageK, Tool elua'K, Toy 'tiaum, AHiuma, 5f-l. and up% wait], Dull haniuMcks, pitp-ry plain and elegant, music boxes, l! and accordemm. A la-antifiil stylish'*r find six guldels for SI. Glassware witkoul end. Ifwc French china, Rose bowls, l’eri iimery the lines',, Ghnsl m.t cards toy phi'ios and in fact anything a. body waids for Xmss. liosiMA.'. * Gardner. Hard Times. if you want to nvoid f - > ■ ’ d" “i a fiiiD'H*’ f»uy your X n t$ ,*;o » il»« littiic**- h!«M‘ win*!-: ;i jif.ih; in ,r < y w lmy il1 ' u, ’ <,f u< A Nw Rostauriint Han been opened in tho ofTb < *n et'l 1 oerupiod by the Advm a't-. VV * Kllington i 1 - ihe i‘Un‘1 v >ok aiid washer and deniuM u- to niuto *)i it !»*• prepare 1 to HPiVf In- v\i*ite <»o(.oiiu with a good KNjnare rn«*al or lunch verv rt-iistiuablnn * i" - *<i .e him a trial - * ” pa t ro n i z e H omo ........* 1 ..... ................,*- -■ 1 AWiT^Cj Hj^lSSt H0HOfS—WOH(I S Faff. , MtM ?in Ii i CE’S A . ! ' 1 i 3 The only Vmc Ci cato of Tartar Powder.—Ko Atotnocfd; No AiUra. in Millions of Homes —-40 the Sta»4?jd A CHRISTMAS CAROL. AS SUNG AT A POPULAR GREENESBORO HOUSE. < "lu i*-! comes but once a year, All, in that .*oNc.'E their hearts should cheer; Make others feel the jay of living By good alms deedsan I generous giving. Mow those who give with good intent Will buy the gift, the choice present Whore longest str■etch ihe lleetbig ce it— At T. B. litas*. There presents lire fnnii ere yndieie; From eHines with hot, w\ti frozen a '. | Wllls „ f a m . t sn( , K ind. ivr'Tuues that rival those of full Are olienply got if you go or send — At T. 1). l iees’. There are vases hen nil'll I amt eh'ous rare. Plash goods and fancy silvei’wiue; Jewelry uiueli an tin every desb'it, l.umps that would please an artists’ mind. Alliums, toilet ei-Ls ol choice selection, Mirrors that give n pretty reflection, Await your wondering Inspection— At T. H Klees’, There are Xiiws good* too many to men¬ tion VII new and lino, an I of loN lilve m 'u -. Nothing alto lily, old, or behind the time Will you get when you buy Irom K . es’ lino. New gilts tor the old, fiesh gifts for tlio young, (To tell ot them all were n I ale too long > Going for little more Mum a-mg — At T, It Rices’. O list, youn.'iaan! That girl mi dear V on would have fur your own In the future near. To whi her hand and lo conquer her lienr. Give present-, that will f.nm of her life a part; Then Yon'll win lit the end and be herd nt t he si art With Venus’ mill In. and Cupids’ swllt dart, the imiKhknth you got when with man o<- you part, At T. II. It ties'. THE POPULISTS WIN, D P HanryisEleciedliy 251 Ma loriiy. The Democratic Can didate J H Googer gets 79 Votes. We stop the press to insert the fol» lowing Coiniilete next week. ( HAWKOIlllVibl.H TI'.KClSfC'T. D. 1*. Henry >• s ‘J27 .1 i I. t longer 2 H Ji. F. Taylor - 1 E, If. vfoOauloy 1 raytown rttnctsrtiT, l>. I*. Henry - s ru.-moi l*»H( INC I*. l>. I’ Henry s :vz . 1 II. (ieoger 1 . OULUMBIAIi PfiilE WINNERS. F* v ^ %# m PIANOS CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS I wtHRE GIVEN | J--J Al/VA RDS | Q H £ S T ^ " ,in At tliii World’s Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality, uniformity and y^jumg of tone, elasticity j t-OllcH, /ITtliit-lC of C<ISCS» and workman s hip of highest grade. ( CATALOGUE9 ON APPLICATION FFI 8 *. CHIOUSO C0TT4SE ORGAN CO. j ! CHICAGO. ooraeov, ILL. j LARSEST M ANUFACTURERS CF 1 MyuMmws, —