Newspaper Page Text
Georfia’s Law Wafers Assemblealllifl
Routine of the Htii.e and Senate Brief
ly Reported.
tiie itatw..
Wet.nesbaT, Dec. (> - A» soon »** tho
journal was. read in the w aste, Wed
neadny, Mr. Robinson moved to re
consider the vote bv which the rv-port
of the committee to examine the An
gtis i , nut, was in. , i „ u.i . c,. II . 1 ,i
* P’V ! ' n ‘ ‘ " ’’ ’
fund , the amount ed purchase morn-v of .
Uil ‘ , n "' ■’ A ■?!' \v:, "T 1 'r 1 H< 1 n^Wir
all n jury . . exemption., except . officers A . of t
court, |d!j sic,all., pin. s I.n.1 th. r--..
* ** jjiujMrs, iu »•»'*•• 1 r ' i* 1 u “• 1 ■ [• ' 1 ' - “ ‘
’ ‘
« . 1 t.
' <r * ■' ' '
t<* disagree . to tim , r
eons mem, •
pa.rto ticcoinmmecuid na strong
Sf til h, ’ PleinitJir'snok'e Mr' w 7iJ. ™ inH*' ” n‘
bill. Mr fnv-.r
Mr. Re««e opposed the bill, ami rln
fended the report of tho committee in
recntthidi ring find the bill not j>hhh.
Other speeeiieH wore made <*i tlio
measure, when a vote wiui taken,
The result wn** 18 for and j g
a^ranmt, thus the bill wnn lost.
The following bUta were panned;
Hill appro j trial iii g $2,000 to the blind
aaylnrn ; Dill to regulate tho buaine«i!
of inauranee eoinjmnit H; Dili to fur
nisb oonnty aehool eotntni«HionerM un
office i Dill to allow children residing
in the vicinity of tnwtix having pnldio
schools to nttend tin *»«mh , Dill to
prescribe’ the method of dotermin *
tng the weight of freight , Dill
to require the eotiniy cotimnw
flionerN of Floyd couiity to make n lint
of tax dUdiiKpieuta ; Dill to rMablihh a
ay item of pnblie acdioola for Law
renceville; Dill to abolish Hie county
court of Dutta county, Dill to re e«
tsblisb 111 * c*inr,tv tV-irnd.-r court for Appling
count v ; Bill to tho county of
Dooly from the »uii! hwenteio circuit
to tho Ocoiu * circuit, also changn
the time of holiiiug Dooly court; Bill
to rcvis. th., tin.* for holding courts
in the Hrmiawieti circuit The bill to
refund the ptirehawe money for
laiidw, which whh recomdderod at Hie
flrnt part of the aeH«u»ji, whh after
warda taken iij» and panned again
Wedu(Malay afternoon the lull of Mr.
Uraham, of Appling, to protect
game in Heorgia wuh taken up and
pana* d. Thin bill wipe* out nil local
game law,* un*......I,. - it
Hunt **. tra,, ........ ...King amt ..,•*-«•
tiverous bird w.hl turkeys in
countv ... the slut, except between
first of Novel.,b«.i and the
of April. The bill of M,
tin , of Fillfou, to allow | , oun
lien ttr niittiuupMJitiiM to •ntab
Jiah juvenile relcrmateries when kho
people no doeide by a popular vote Win
paaaod A numb or of now bills wore
introdiiocd Tim tiill «M Mr. Hogan,
of Lincoln, u, abolish monthly teach
m’ iustiti.t* « ■ *m« up to* ftamge at
Un evening session. A substituic w»«
offered 1 .x M- It d.ienhury, of Thom
ML that teachers attcu.ling the annual
institute should draw no p*y white
Uitfe. T*b» aubat »tuio wan jmRHiid.
The vot,* on Mr. Reagan's bill to
hold a Constitutional convention
aulteti tn defeat ing it by „ * *.(** of 87 to
Ti*tm«i»AT, lb MV n Tin* lull of Mr.
Martin, of Fulton, t<» oafabliali a ft*
form al* »rr f«»r jtivmib* priworn’ra, wan
fakt*n tx|> WtiJiif-idav night in the
commit G o t,f thx> wholv Uoimu, n mi
Mr. Martiii.ofi, brgun
S&g in itw favor. Doforo \w ooitphuliul
tho houmi atijoiiriictl until TIitirHibiy
morning, wiirn till bill again oatuo up
in thi* oommitbn of tho whohi with
Mr. !SVt*l, of Harlow, in tin- t’hair.
An t'itvmh a ,b baG ttvrr tin* nn aMin*
r Hint'd I iuhII v Mr Ihtcon
of Hibb, linked (or n vttb», ns
Jit* aaid tin it Mat* $u much to bu trail
oaututt in tlu* hoimn tliat H woilltl l>«
impossible to finish the business ii ideas
more dispatch was used On motion
of Mr Martin the committee reported
the bill I...... to the,. with u ree
omroendutvxui that \\ do pans \m mn>n
an it ha»l reached tho hoow* again, Mr.
Branch, of ('olumbia, called the
prevtott* tju» ntu>u The Yea* and
liava wore called for and the
bill was loot, the vote being 7‘d vc*f
and 67 uava The r. port of the ape
rial committee to inv* stigate the treat
ur y wn# sent II, by Chairman MeUrnle
and read by the clerk the acnato
resolution n*ktug our tiatimial repre
fcantative* to u*c their Ih’xI ndcavora
to acenre compenaation for i\ r.ticui
yoai of Bmuawiek, m hta effort* t
deepen the loir at Brunswick, w»*
agreed ft*, and then Uiehouwe adjourn
ed until Thumdav afternoon
Ihur»d*y afternoon the house took
Up a* a ppecinl order tUe resolution of
Mr. Hurst, of Wslteti, eipr« saing it n*
t he sonae of tie glhUtltre that there
should be no union of the church and
stats and at the mpicst of Mr, Murat
wo* lai»l upon the table
The hill of Mr Flemish t Kiehmond,
to the appoint 3 eo - imuk»u«uer w to codify
law* of < ««< £ la. vj a* taken up at
ItuiraUv night * 4 W»iiijl i‘hi r«* \va*
OOBiidartble »b*euiu»ion on the bill,
an*! th,*n it wa* |>a»*tefi V>y a U*g<- ma
jonly. Tho trnii. rMK>lutix*u calling
upon lo rcj»'«! lb* ten jwr cent
tax on date Hankz w«- taken xxj, amt
at tho rwjwt of Mr Martin, of Pnl
ton, it was jxwtJ'.IM until Baturtlav
anmlug Th« fol ttw mg lulls » t *r‘i*
1 -*—*-.i ! prohibit th*? mauul lure
x*i ajnritoun quo* in Cari U;
T» ltiriud,* Milieu in th *ta!e
,i**j',*?’. I\*ri* ’H. wuh an A 5
including Warrentxiii, t ' rollton,
Elbvrton, t Nltrlata. JTaek Fort
Gaines, Dalton. ThornaviUe aiu
Harmonx tm x . To allx'W the sale ol
domtwtic wiuta by the maker ill Bui
loch count v without iic« n*<, j
the b< >un anew of Ham He | To id
the act in or}H»rating (Vunw to pr
hibit the - :» of coitou ,,-ed in Burk
between Auguet 1 'th lid I Vein be r
lat; To include Jz.-ke, in the L*-t *>f
tovrne having ?t«t NUtorh*
To incor} »r*tc lh<? tv»wn ?! GIck
Falla; T*. iDOorporwte the owe
of Waver. amend the reg
»tration laa* o f Thotnar ■untv; Tv
amend the law relative i tl « vtion
of eormtv cow ere« ProbtMtiag
hunting on r-ncloaed land* in Dade.
Regulating th** f-b-cti of oiimt y To
mif-MOnera in Mclnt *1 romjly;
create a hoatd of commi*- lonera for
w,h... r V ., : , ;> a..n* »,* r».. ti»
town of S.-vii . The hoio-c adjourned
until I ridav morning
t'Mtur. I, 0 Th«. bill of Mr.
Martin, of I n 1 ton, to > «-b ' o-b a juv*
Bile reformatory, which »«- killed
Thursday, was reconsider, d by the
bouse, Friday morning by a vote of 72
;r -.:::mzss
pnz- figiitiiig m Oeorgn. dlbepun
both, in the discretion , , of ... the court
The fine may range anywhere from 81
to $1,ftf)0, ^ ^ and the imprisonnient may ,„jl
^ (lnv y , ur , ■, jlB
i* l» a timniijuotmiv, only
..... w r , r ^. rW .« r
r^olntfon of Mr of vvaltoo,
thf , ,, r(w dent of the Ted,
nol()J y,,. n j , enc.-.Bt .me way
; n which bojs who ms nimble to pay
th«if t'nt I'.ricftij w«»r i thoir a, i,thrfdii/h
t)i< M-linol, whh res I in*] pit >* i Hi*
‘ , (j , f Mr <; rHVj of Cab*.a, to
(1 A ,««., from bmog* ;* cted
from his homo on the right - f way of
'he W-sbrn and Atlantic railroad which
>»« t,a,i i ” 1,1 f,,r ***” '^hiving he had
* fW 11 ! v> wu " l ,a “” A V ‘* TV 1,1
itorthUng littJo war nUtry wan then r«
v * vf?< ! l*y a rcaolntiofi of Mr. Arnold,of
Walton It UAH o no in pay u pf onion
of $100 to M rn. O’Kelly, the wi<low of
n confcdi’ratcsoldier, o Kelly, ii aeeom,
wbh raptnre.i1 at Yellow I fiver bridge,
mol Kent to ('amp Chiiwe in < Hio It*
wok heard from on th* 8th of An^uat.
ihi» 4 , sin) after that nothing whs ever
heard from him, but, lb*- records ol
Camp Char* having been b-shroyed, wi[»- has never b, *-n able t** prove
his death atcordil.g t*> law, and hence
tthr lias never drawn a pension,
11 m* mom bum m’umvu to get sonic
Avlmt t}xc\\<d white discussing the
r.oiolution In the midst of the
hubbub a resolution Mr.
HurKt, of Walton, to z. off all
back pf ithioiit wnn adopted, mid timii
Hmi rcaolutioii wnn ttrdtnd npcirfcd
l " ,, l< f " v ” r “ l ' l v r "“' 1 r ", ,T,
amende, l was pass, d by » vot* of
,l ' ^ * llio m it o 1 ■**'
1U * 1 G M> Mn-hou off lyni. to m
........ . " Mat*; board ol bo th Mr
<>"»><■"»•, of (Jmtlmm. offcr. il »«"•*«'
into that aonfiewhiti nionujeii Mr. Mer
shon's bill. A number of speeches
were made on the bill, but no action
was taken. The I *i J l of Mr. Hearn, of
Webster us behalf of tin- confederate
soldiers was then taken up f* ^
final action. It is a bill t z
submit to the people an lirovid amend
mint to the eoimtitlltioli -H I
mg for the ,» nsum.i.K O »«ddtera win;,
fr ” ,n *««»*»*»>-. l"'V«T»-y -r blind
iinv ” bs.-ou.c ln-lph-s. After
*” IH ” * »’ , " 11 " ,lH l ’""*"" 1 h V
" v,,t £ l,w Dio ri htilutioii of
“r. Jati"„, of Da.h , , . U, puy luscounty ..
$108,40 for guarding and Uutherford, executing
Weyniau and John
two of tbo state’s, emmete, was taken
U D nr, ‘^ pM»ad. * bo bonne then u< -
j° , tl , iiod.
HarniUA*, l»<*c. 9 h* dud bus.
"esa of Saturday m th* hoinm was the
con.lAerat*.... - < o- . .*-,-, • *,? • c •
e.» morning *> n *on opened *\h the
considoration **f a numUir of p. naion
'"b* 1 he measure to permit ll.*' conn
ly authorities to relieve the n. c ssitios
of indigent confederate h< ddiera wan
p«"‘-'J. »» w»« als*i th*. lull to include
1,1 the pension list the wi X
ol soldiers win have died —.
wounds received m the war.
The hill changing tho timc» of th«
hitting of flit* it'gialiittiru from Octtob^r
U> 3uly, Nv»H vt'ml for thml ndum iuu\
|I Tho bill pfoviiloH f<»r au
‘uumulirnYfit of th« imnatitutiofi no «« to
<,M oimugi* in tho h. m
HioUM 4,1 tho »HH*n?hly ami that it he
aubmittofi t*. the poopb* at tin* next
gf‘in ral «*i« ••tion l ini«*r fin bill tin*
b^ialaturo "onia mn l on tin- fourth
Wt'itupHilav ui .luly, tlu* oimugu to go
«nto n(T<H't iiftvr .Innuary l, 1 ««.•*». T'hw
bill providing for the creation of a
stati* board of health was taken
table and put upon its
iwanagu and lost Tie* resole
t toll 0 ! Mi Styles falling
a board of five to visit the colored col
iegen «»f tho at at o wm* ntrriii, Tho
l ' li r|'UMt,' powers to a
anu suburban railruAd Coin pan ma
jiMUMui. The next bill paaacd wax*
providing for tho aervion of
upon tht* agonta of foreign anil
tie corporatioua doiug bwtiueaa m
slat The chief feature of tho lull
* h< * B rovld,,l « \ h *
<!'•'Ks.deut agents Ih- tde.l with
r,H ' or,,, ‘ r h v h) Mm ' h l>«»* ! * «■
t»> reimburse the expense# mcurriHi
the Ci»minitt<H*appointed to
the condition of the treasury
witViont oppt>s\tion. Hm biU appropn
nting $DHi,iM^Mo the state lunatic read. Thi* bill provide*
shall be Available for 1 Hi* I
$50,000 for 1H95. t he memoir w
put to the house and carried by »
of aye*, I'JO; nay*, 0 , Tho bill np
preprinting $ 1,000 for a special at.tor
in*y f<<r the Western am! Atlantic rail
read tor ISO-4 waa j ijs without
position. The next bill
wa* that providing that lu war
*houJd Iw* entitled ti » } uision
licit property above the 'home
W hen put to final vote it via*
by 4i> to 07. \ resolution that the
of tin treasury investigating
# mmittei \ iilUo\.tl pay f«>r extra
W»! PrhmhI. The bouse then avt
lie 1 =- uutil the aftt riHH»n.
o. .tiinca* <f the Afternoon
*-• s -n »»* tha cons,-Uaatn*n o( u bill
to the Deal and
l>umb institute at Oav<* S|>riUi
ill went through with very it tic Op*
poviUon Then the bill U
t<’ th* l;,'M:;f»l vehiH 1 at Milk 'lgt 1 -
villf k utm’ up and whs pass4,1 by si
94 to h Tl *n \t bill under OK
rativUi was t t approjiriatmg $J 0 ,
t i the State /
c, A the 4 fter itotn# w rang In
bill WH fNl T he bill to appr
$ l.JiH) *r thep ubheatiot the
f the ft*i« kiex >logv&t wwa twkt n
d I I Other bilia pa i war
-S »w * itlietidll the code ao as
7 clause* requiring the
nc f the |K*ace' at
he election* of hUibk*«; To allow
sUtck Atejkuraiji'tj camjwun** t-' do
licvp. m the Mate m the aame n
an other uittallment usauraiH*
x>ntpaniea; Tv» amend the cento eo as tv»
!»ble the jvanel of grand and travel »o
net te Si unome* rv
ndmg th* law Is r* lattes tv the
ol oil. The HU
that infc],K-teri» ahall retain two-third*
o! fata uj< to §125 per month, and
thereafter5per cent The bill defining
a “lawful fence.” The house then ad
.1 .muj 7 : »om
At the evening aemion the following
bills were certiorari passed: To be allowed provide that,
all writs of with
in thirty days of judgment; To amend
the code in reference to taking depoai
tions in civil cases; Bill ceding certain
lands to the government for addition
into the treasury. Bill providing pun
of election rctnrus.
of measures were tabled nr lost, 44hen
11 o'clock arrived a great number of
bills still remained on the clerk’adcsk,
and to cor«j»)y withth«- rn!e» ili<y were
....... ..............
up Monday. v, Dec. 11.-There -was a
number of bills reconsidered by the
house Monday morning after the read
ingot tlu: jonruaJ. Among tin; Lincoln, in whh
the bill of Mr. Hogan, of school
providing for electing county
commissioners by the people. It was
killed by the house on Saturday night.
The bill was unanimously recon
rider. .1 The bill of Mr Wheeler, of
... Uaikii, , prohibiting ...... the ., . ..
e.n >s „ >
any conrtato c.llcct a fee wh-ru m. r„
thro-: are ina.le by th*. graitfl
jury was , cconsidered. So wax
,■ iJM , l, , J) 1 . ” , vi Mr 1 •* ur , “ **' 11 ir,,...i,,. 1 O'.
t * make il penal , for croppers to sell
th.-ir liioduetM I" under c-itain condi
tloUH, I he first special order of the
day was the bill of Mr, IVaroo, of
Houston, regulating the b * s of con¬
stables. Tho bill was discussed at some
length and thou pass*-‘l by a good vote.
Tha bill, of Mr. Res re* regulating tho
fees of justices of th*- peace was also
panned. The bill of Mr, Gordy, of
Chattahoochee, to amend the local op
turn law, was read the third time, and
after much discussion was lost, 'rim
bill allows manufacturers of domestic
wines to sell their products through
an agent. Tho law- hi it stands now
allows only the manufacturer to sell his
Til V. HE N A TI
Wkpni hoay Dec. 15. But IlHlt blisi
nr.HH of iniportAnc© .....................
the bonne \V<dneftday. After the pHH
HHge of n ri Holntion authorizing the
governor and Hie attorney general to
make a thorough examination into the
troHpanweH on the right of way of the
♦ktate roiol had been reud the third
time and passed, tin* house took up
the bill of Mr. West, of Lowndes, to
amend tin- school laws by establishing
and maintaining a uniform eoi.rse of
text books for the common schools and
to organize a book commission, The
committed on education reported the
bill back with a recommendation that
it do not pass. Mr. West moved to dis¬
agree with the report of the committee
which was unfavorable to the bill The
mot ion was lost by a vote of 39 to 72.
The report of the committee was agreed
to and the bill wan lost. Mr. Htuith.of
Gwinett, gave notice of a motion to re¬
consider, Mr. Howard of Baldwin,
introduced a resolution to hold after
»ou|M*»ioil*. IriifcR Q ' i t l ife fe. W t ti S A l S
and night sessions from 7:80 until 10 .
Adopted. The bill authorizing the
governor to call an election for dele
gates to a constitutional convention
and to call the convention and appro
priatiug #25,000 for the purpose of
holding the convention cams up.
Hpeeelies were made against the bill
by Harrison, of Quitman, Oiierrard.of
(Tintham, Branch, of Columbia, Wheel¬
er, of Walker, and Hoars, of Webster,
and in favor of it by Reagan,of Henry,
Hodges, of Bibb, and Smith, of Gwi¬
nett. The house in committee of the
whole voted the bill down and then
the house did the same, but- try unani¬
mous consent tho vote w ioudlowed to be
taken over. Before it could be taken
the hour **f adjournment arrived.
i’llcitsoAv, Dec. 7. — In the seuate,
Thursday, Mr, I’ersous undertook to
Imve his bill to do away with jury ex¬
emptions, which was lost Wednesday,
reconsidered, but the senate refused to
reconsider it and the bill w ns
!o**t, ih** senate finally disposed
of the report of the bill of the fish
committee, accepting the report us in¬
formation and discharged the com¬
mittee, Tlo* following bills were
passed: To incorporate the Savan
naii Hleetrie Railroad Company; To
fix the time of holding Terrell an pc
nor court; To establish a school board
for Amoncus; To amend the charter
of tie- eitv of Dawson; To ehaugr tho
rim. „f holding Kloyd superior * **«rt ;
to provide for a stenographic report
... . r ,,, III . a. I* JUUli lm i, „.i lai eiremt * in till in in un the siate stale ,
Mi liaekett made a motion, which wiut
earned .Slllnt, to V*. noiu hold nurht tllt.HI sosaiona sessions.
1 i *.i'\Y, Dee. 8 The bill regulating
ttie ll, , Hiitarr _„I„,, amt ,.i til* . 1 , f„... lees ol steuogra
jdu-ra came wi* again in the senate
., I ritlax morning on the motion ,, ,,, txf , X.,. Air.
Dilisun t*> J tvoUNult i tlu imssage ii° of
th*- lull ii I bf motion JTovaib i n>i l lu*
bill making it u folouv to in
, It vioitHfr, . ant ; ,
Hii\ ri A niiNti.ite’anot
for I»nv olio to rofllst to lu>ll» 1 till’
Htionn . . c^ptiiro tho ., mob, w*c
defeat* ,1. I he b, of Mr
SUplotoli to rupt ftl tho law pro
hilut im: forcMun coriH>fi%tioD* from
owning . 4 acre* Of . , lanti . in .. t .
oroAtoJ a croat ttonl of cliNt ussioii, but
was finally passe,I. The bill allows
b'reigu *'**rperatieiis to own and COU
tret whatever lands they obtain by
reas**n **f having l*otm fide loans on the
>.*nd* minis Hid au,l til.- tlu Ikirron, Inirrow, r« ra lei; (el! to lo i*»v 1 '“.'
tli.'iu bit.'s their luouey. I tie Szmu
uah registration t ill was passe,I V
oompromiM. WH 8 HkirtMvl and »A>
iliortj* - ««f> IU* . ts^ht 1 . III Ado i 4*11 *t III tin?
m unto by by any oitirons of SnvnniiMh
The bill to pav the convention Itonds
v was made , » sj.eeml -i orti. | r of ( .« the . senate .
fv't Mouvlay morning Flu bill moor
pi rnling tho town of Holton, iu Ful*
t ‘ * v « ^ L'. l
>ATfKi*. 4 Y, lw.l*. I tn i K»b\H*ebi*nu »x x
bill whs killtnl in the Sattinluv.
Vhe house ha.) pass. | 1 the bill in favor
o! their payment,but they w **• kuoek
,s t*\ the svsvhi* n .te was a
.-i“u'sVt tVJ > Woro n.H It* on I > th m t« >.
I < vote was !ir*t takoii on th amend
men. which was to add mtereal. and
,, wv- It , !. .i*l I.* < H. ._ was bwt I
limn came the argument on the mam
ouestion which »a* extremeiv inter
t-tiug. On h motion to dtoogr**
to the favorable report ®* ,
the (Huumittet the vote xras—
ii to 14, Thei the PHHsagc of th
bilh it *t* xieftpUd by Ixha th* *wm« WH,
Th* Hate bask Hli Vaach btUS
name up a th,- < aclA -,rd?r, and a
highly intereatm; djgeu .ion enaoed.
On the passage of he b;l! the vote waa
23 to 12 , more Th*wi. t %n B constitutional
majority. law, of Mr . hm, bear
mg on mob ijt r*.,!onsiderad after
brief diseoMioa. joint resolution
empowerinr' Northeastern th- \3 .. Ttuat to bid io the
ran? „i / r an amount
not to exceed the date's endorsement
and the amount the road Lf th e expenses in
operating was passed. Th»
27 Tt lam 73^-" dispatches. u ' ""T
--—«»-* ^
jmikp amw a
Enef ail/ parairapiix
An <j fonUinliir I t of the tew.
from All Pa . ,»f the World.
The Derby Co.. Mill at Shelton,
Conn., start* 1 up 0 n full time Mon
»lay. r Ih<; concern now pressod with
orders. Tbfe op^feye* rubber imte been on
short time for a ( months,
A special *J Mo f ro m Panama
to a morning “A new* be „ t j )C . r in New York and
says: war Ecuador
Bern absolutely over the bliudury disj.ute prob- is
now cun,,,,, 4 and will
My Glared ring the week.”
A .. Newimn, . l Be
d and o’ci. IHsm Monday sayg;
i twi ell 4 /u ^ after
vv „ V ' M 1 J/ .f' p w i'
>ortli,in i„ attempt , tu „ , t Lg to cross the nt Chat
tanooga and Griffirf railroad inn buggy
were struck by » ^eiffht ( train and in
staidly killed.
A Washington digpfldSch of Monday
says: Premdent Cleveland hi.» m
UOHHCC,! privately that he had .elected
Judge ( harles ll. 'iiiaontoll, of South
Carolina, as judg ■ the fourth judi
cial circuit to ■ u*-- " - ‘ !«» ‘ judge
liugii 1 , . - I. . u Bond, i of f .Baltimore.
Hon. Jeremiain H. Murphy, ex
member of congr* trom Iowa, , died ,
at Washington , M nlav ' niorning from
;'r; , Trtv H i«7r; ,in ,)jo fort ^ fl,th
-ami forty-ninth n tongvesscs, and was
j well-known throughout the country as
; “Hennepin" Mnrj,j n f, ir bis champ-
1 ionslop of the Heincpincanal project.
a Columbia, H special says: To
called on Govern— 7 Idlrnan .....err Moudayto 1 ;"
get his view's as tot-lio practicability of
a high license law >Z j n lieu slid of the dis
pensary, the gov* that it was
useless to waeii w ir( ) s on thia subject
to tho legislature at they were bent on
perfecting the diap nsarv system.
Argument opei«<] in the circuit court
at Milwaukee, , Monday, in the
ease of Unite,t H; nlt . g Circuit Court
Judge Jenkiim. * .,.*( with embez¬
zlement and ilb-g. bankiug. Judge
Jenkina, repr* nil] by ex-Senator
John C. Spoon*-i, *, t ‘,hc tne court court to U)
separate his .‘as*: * * f n those of the
other directors * the Plankinton
bunk, iu order t!i, he may have a
speedy trial on c- „ r ii.w of the case.
thetramunu.'i t >.. Louisville and
Nashville roac i- [ * 1-Nansvillo and
NaahviUo atri *' T lav because oecause of Ol
the company It tU Hh t dotting * ’ ‘«»ii*eTOftSt»B up engines tl>« on
iu.. v
number of trips. - ij tho men claim,
is a reduction of *..h.rv. aa it causes
them to lay oft >re The strike ef
fects tho freight *> •hlCtorsand brake*
men only, and an . -ouomieal stroke
on tho part of the company.
The Inisint * of C tul tin an & Co.,
id (Ait ti f. eturers ** in, », threshers
und other in*] cuts, at Canton, (>.,
1 ms gone into the hands of receivers.
Tho company, ii is understood, is en
tirely solvent, as Us assets are not far
from $2,700,090, While its liabilities
uro iibont $1,300,900. The applies
tion for a receiver was made by Hon.
Lewis Miller, of Akron, the president
of the company. The tightness of tin*
money countable market is supposed to be no
for it «U.
One of th* m ist sensational fuses
ever tried in Booth Carolina was that
of the white-hair* I old colonel, J. If.
Morrow, a well-known horse trainer
of Washington, J>. who was, about
six months ago, sentenced to impris¬
onment in the penitentiary. The su¬
preme court at ('olumbia, Monday,
decided on the appeal taken by Colo¬
nel Morrow’s attorneys from the d*-
cisiou of the lower court. Tho court
affirms the decision of the lower court
on all the jwiiuta involved.
1 “» “ l " v 8 °'« ‘Bfrietin the (irgans,
< U, > > u 'los north of L, 1 wh», lexas, is
V-U inning to turn out some rich gold
*" 8 “"' mols hax* lie* tl
ordered by - Ernest Wald, who had pur
ehasi-il t Aiulmma . Htllt fora Bir
miliglmm, Ala, avmlicate, 7 and the
other by t*. W 5\ ooti and , M. V lx. hall, ,,
»t Las Cruces, N M., ’_____,___, owners of the
‘ uuo ‘- the ....... camp HOW „ uumo* ra about .
290 souls and 4 considerable develop- 1
l* Wing uone.
|'|| t w 1 ||«I ll si r in I NlfSffiioit Ibuilljf the
.. . .. n«l.
jh« r«ri<w of th« imtaairial gimation iu the
sc«,h IJr the pa-Wee kabowhbat ‘becotsb
bow of affair* couIiasj* to U »mo n»*\og,
•dvaoc* in ibn } ^ of iron aa ahown uv
recent aale*. ami hi th *i 8 »x»yon on the par: of
to t ilw r ontpat* fo* *DH higher
ttHeeaha«( ha*! a to * *3 *et. fare* ©a
«n> np .mi a*. m.k« are bcmgop n
she country wzs-• ... t better eontmon >o
iilaal the siws.- With » tnlfteHuicy of
tuooey, s «b»tk, ink >; rtadaea* lb»Q evtx ls*fere,
,„d l».g*.r cr.uw ef varieties- in this r-
spool differing from freSMi ntn-tt it g«mr
ally te! evtx! test an *r» of eootioued pros
he*i*f Upon
IluriT 'tre n w uwSna’.r e tebiigacd or
dnriBX vetmofmetotfe< the wwk, logetbw Wit a
t -n colorc meatscf and eigtrl
important intira&ku new ora telid’mp. Ive tramw* Among Ual. Coke noticabte and
aw* JVinf^gbam. -
lri41 eompsny, ef Ate, capital.
omxi*aed bw E M Tmwik-r and
otionjtMdotw uflanaTi W,
Kv,. capital $160,000, -v^iotry M Topp, XmthtnJk CX;
»*t»Ti‘ and hc*diaif lt> coat $50,000 a;
c»w*i W. V.* W 0 »?« * Jotesau;
tbo BruiolDourand IpaW ^“t^ pany; of Br:s
M; Va.
.-sher*. «nl tb SaFetk-Snarpie capital nariesie *.<k 000 eotn- ,by
p» nT , of Orsvjcew* px»*,
<ed »l Bn t
. x : vc! >#-D- .-I uuprowm^nt tom
^ nv %% s e 4* ; % charcoal iron fur
h*ct *t I. ,*p:. N * Had u Com?wtiou t'ea
f-aav« m-its ace UmPams* lo be hai - ak /“* vaadier **”-»■*«*« ana ruoRW,
N, 0, .ml N eler* a ad .Newton. W. XN Au
M h*»t*a min# is m te dTrew tapeaed at IVsm, t'uoa.Bgbaa*, and
S. 0., a mica mine Pttr. a
oa stiua al Fiaav *, Ki A *> b evo fscKey
u to be holt at 0» rdwo*. Ky. A using new
wo>siwv': L:us plants of the xreek are p some
jaiUs ,i M rs!*«-, Sianc: s*t*r and
Wvtbrvitth Y&., a - *»i«p teeter* al Fbir n v.
ret *x« Oa» ta* h KsUar, Ik, Ark ». . C.-rr*<fe*. U*z« and
t/, am. I **
i T Vl
, ,, 1 » or thp m^lng Steamship
th..SILS A lie eteanaemp _ , o«tvSst bity oi ni. An«»ti«ie g
was due at Jacksonvi e, a “
Wednesday, but as yet nothing i
^ eard _
“ er * “ “ V
^ »“** . at..r< , ay a . wj(
cargo of genera, mercnanaise. far p
**'“ ‘ a ’' ur ’. ° .' e
The St. Au
1 ore. and Jacksonville in four days.
twenty-six lives lost.
A Steamer Runs Adiore and Her Crew
Swept Overboard.
The British ship Jason, Captain Mc¬
Millan, from Calcutta for Boston, went
ashore Tuesday night off Eastham,
Mush. When daylight came Wednesday
morning it w as seen that the vessel had
broken id two umirisliipB. Her main
and inizzen masts were gone and every
man of her crew on board, numbering
twenty-six, ha 1 been washed into the
sea and lost.
cojirected weekly.
orc-.-ro-., tt.51 100 1b.
C*j|ftc—UoaHteJ—Artaickles ^ HH
c^uon 24.6 * ,Lc-ve> ing'«24 61c. Oreen~Ei
tra choice 21%*-. choice goo*l V 20J^c; fair 19 i'c;
common Ih’/.h!!! .,:. r*ui;ar—--Granulated loaf ny,
M*'-* powdere-l 6‘^c; Orleans cut yellow ctan- }
wtllt ,. ,, ua . 4 : Vw
, Vt p ; %» l*,w extra <1 3"»G. »jrap
New Orlearuchoice45c; prime 85 (^h*e;cf>mmou
20(f/30c. M«iia»seK Geunine Cui.a o5@38c; im
i tan mi 22(^‘i5. Teas—Black 35@55c‘, 25(^30c; ftreen
40(e£60c.. .Nutmegs 65^-S5c. Cloye*
1 io*-;tzHc. AlspieelO@Uc. JwmM
nX'K Balt Hawley ~
miportwt Japan SCfljSJdc. tAess*—flaw tsait: *
dairy *1.80; Virginia 75c. $1-00; pads h
White flah. half bbl«. JlS-UOyiUA). Heap, c,
Mackerel, half barrels, *3.00@S
Xallow, 100 bur.-*, 75 i,« io.
turpentine, Oil bar**, 00 lbs, $2.25 a 2.50;
Candles—Pa ratine lie; star lie. Matches—
joOg$4(N);30tt,#3 00ft!175;200«$‘2(K>a2 75; pkgn 008
5gross 43 75.SisJa-Kcgs.buIk tki 1 '; do l ll<
m? c; xxX pesrl oysters Sc: shell au*l excuUior
7c; lomou cream 9c; XXXginK« r snaps He; corn
hills 9c. Candy—Assorted stick O^o; French
mon $525a5 60: P. W. oysters $175; I* W
B^vsnssusrsr celluloid £S *5.00.
4 . , .'rdckol psckageB $300;
pickles, plain or mixed, pintstl 00 a! 40 ;quarts, Mkogs,
$1 50at 80. Powder—llifle, kegs *3.25;
*' Shot f 1 D5 ' wr 9 ^
Fluiir. tiraiii and .Heal.
Flour—First patent $4 75; Heoond patent
fi.50; ' Xtra fancy $3.M); fancy $3 10, family
f8.L0a$3 2o. Corn—No. 1 white 57c. Mixed,
55c. Oats, Mixed lie, white 44c; Texa^ rust
r.rtiof 50c. Heed rye, Georgia 75aS0c.
Hay—Choieo timothy, large bales, $1.0)
Ko. 1 tlmotliy, Urge bales, $ 1 . 0 ); choice
timotiiy, small balen, 95c; No. 1 timothy, small
bales. 00c, N<*. 2 timothy, Hmall bales, 8 *xj.
Meal— Plain 56c; bolted 54c. Wheat bran—
Large sack* 90o, smalt woks 90a. Cotton
meal—$1 8 J per cwt. Steam fe«l--*l.l0
)ir cwt gtock p8MS GOjgSe per b". NMute,
C0l6s Boston Ix-aiis *2.65a2.75 per bushel,
, $2.10.
Tennessee, $1.7oa 2.0J. Brit,—I'e&rl
Coimirr Prodnce.
30»35o eggs choice 2Sto3itf}4c fennessee Butter-l^stero IBasOo-, otlier grvtes
pn^slSe. l.ive poaltrv-Tnrkeys 83>10a chickens
lb: hens 25 and 27‘^c. spring Dressed
large 18i20c; small spm.g t0al2^e. 15c;
nltrv ... T urkey8 12^a 15.:; ducks
ens KW2H'. Irish potatoes, 2.5U<@2-75per
hW 8 ;«-i nota^oes «0o p*r bu.
Strained Hal 6c; ui the oomh lOald^a. Onion'
75cafl 10 per bu.
c|pal . rjl} gj(ie H, boxed 8 e, ioe-enred
ll%c. Hugsr-cnred hams Ilal3c, break
to bran land average; California, 9c.
fast bacou 14al5o. Lard, Lea J,,. Lompoun*
7hi- Colton.
Local—Market Closed
yJUJ 7
sv 4 ■
A*' s *>s
4 ♦vB cyV V.
A SO K -S -/A V ^
\^l : j; s,i
A Jet-soFi i ,fiT*
Palmistry assume* to tell what the lines in yoni
hnmi indicate. If will amuse explains you. if nothing itself. more, The
The above diagram almost
,„ ulfth of , h . tlNE UFE indicates probable
H’* “ »«■ BRACELET
liV^nMe .* 7 brST power : "ear LINE OF
M,*U. towin nflT’bafyoS it. You will mn.t k«p of th*-fe in
flml plenty
Dianorest's Family M.xgarine, so attractively pre
senteii that every member of the family is enter -
uirie,! It is a doxen magazines in one. acLEah
LINK OF HKAKT bespeaks tendenwM; a straight
LINK OF FATE, peaceful life; the reve-se if
cm „k,.d ... ii - ,i.*«iH*d USE OF HEALTH
spar*** you doctor-*’ bills; so will the healtn hints
In Detu.*re»f- So other magazine publishes so
manr st**ries to interest the borne circle You will
be subject to extremes of bieb spirits or desuond
eaey if you have tbs (ilKPl.R OF VENTS well
marked; ktepup«mr tpirutkbx having Demoreet's
MmiiD# to react. Bv •uh#cril>iii£ to it for 1894
yon wilirr giv* beaiUe* a g^illerv of exquisite premium work? pietare. of art
value. I'm Dai?*y!” the tnperb which aimout real
17X231 nr he*. ** a it Dtuch a
ha TL i > jtui t» f xTi-inal oil painting
and you Wii ha\e a thai cannot
A bv ar.’* 'a wotW \\* beauvifal
itiutfran m .in t subject mffitfr. that "yl kerp
hou»Vho)d, 1^7 ^ 7bo?“ ^
fimi-thing intcre?ur.p reading
matter. boin craw »ud cay, for the whole family ;
an< | wai e Hemotv^Fa h not a fashion magazin*,
itafaahion pair** a«* perfect, and you get with it,
fu#e of c ^t. all th* pattern- y« u w i-h to use «?t!n during
rt But fate
York If * n ere uracquzinled with the
Magazine, send fora specim* specimen ***-^' cepv A A TRlAMtl.B, largeOl larceOl \t>
Ha SCI. K in.*an*b**i:*'«p n*« FIRST none*rv■; DIVISION a .-xrsre OF THUMB,
eenesxitv; lt» •;g
etroegwlh. LONG sFCOND DIVISION, reason
tnL’ focalt\ The MO! NT OF Jl’PITER betoken*
ambit .^wiioo'; or ppjeortr*r . that teat of of 14 i! S\Tt SATFRS. RN. pruVnce MGON. MOON, : . tbeSIS. the imagine- iiWNTP*’ SI N,
lovtof love of ffpfeodor. ARS.rc^u-a^e; A I’S.tvu s.'t. auiMKKitRV
tor.; : VENl VENl S. > love i ..f piwuw -
Im.'*’ Tako our advice *# above and you
»ill be sure to ru« last and most raluabi#
ScJentlfo Awtrican
f$r^^ /
V.' Aneocy
T 1 *
^“-4 oP^ VTf AOE <*AVEAT*. MARKS* i
D£S«CH »4TCHT3»’
COP ffMCi TS, otc
Ter tn*m*v. o sn4 fr.v } *&&*.,* mm*to
IServSa knuistut NyaatzMaonarracU tak-<c <m« by <» v> rrewebt Sefe-s
JFiuutific jimetifan
ssT'-sssstannats: 4 be with
rta cm* *h weeia>. »
Commenelfig Nov, 12th the following schedules will be operated. All
trains run by 90th meridipu Time. The schedules are subject to change
without notice to the public. UP.
Train f night D.r ’’’rain H n j)*v , SIGHT Train
N o. 11 expb’s mail. No. 27 STATIONS. 28 mail. ! m-B’s So. I*
o OOp, 11 3 Op 11 !21 7 40a Lv Augusta Ar 9 25p 1 20p' 5 l5* ! 7 55a.
» 7 15»
84pH 53p 12 *t3 BcJair .... 1 03j> 4 52a
I. - 50p 12 04a 1 2 8 8 19a Grovetosvn 8 53p 12 55p 4 41a 7 C*l»
? 29a 6 47a
C 04pl2 10a 12 S Berzelia 12 46p 4
■ ;
® I4p l2 25a 12 £ *Xi 38a ilaflem ac 34p 12 34p 4 20a 6 38a
'■X’ 24 p 12 35a 1 s *d OC 47a Bearing co 4 10 a 6 28a
C 42; 12 529 1 12 ^ 05 02 a Thomson -jo 12 08p 3 53a 6 10a
© 52p 1 03a 1 ss *c Mesena ll hba 3 42a 6 00»
D- Olp 1 10a 1 g *d 9 21a Camak i - 11 47a 3 35a 5 51ak
l- 09p 1 19a 1 2 'ts 9 28a Norwood ^i 11 39a | 3 26 a' 5 44ai
t"* 25p 1 35a 2 s 9 42a Barnett 'i 11 23a i 3 10a 5 30ar
I" 38p 1 48a 2 52 *d 9 54a Crawlordville *4 11 09a 2 32a 57aj 5 5 00a 19a
00 OOp 1 2 07a 2 5 *o >—* o 15a Union Point O 10 45a 2
2 21a 3 S V-k o 29a Greensboro Cl 10 29a 2 21a 1
ns ......
...... 53a;......
2 44a 3 g »o ‘ o 52a Btiekhead O 58a 1
...... 41a......■
; 2 50a 3 5 3 06a Madison OI 42a 1
...... *ti 22 1 26a.......
...... 3 11a 4 8 *0 24a Rutledge 07a; a 1 14a......
...... 3 23a 4 B 37a Social Circle
...... 3 43a 4 S! 57a 1 Covington ill 45a 21a 12 12 31ft...... 54a|.......
...... 4 08a 5 S »?j Conyers ^ 28p[ 09a |12 19a......
...... 4 21a 5 S *0 J Lithonia Jz
...... 4 41a! 5 fe Stone Mountain MI* 51a jll 1200nt......
...... : 4 55a 6 S iTSjti Clarkston 1 4la 47pj 3op;....
...... 5 09a IS 8 1 04 p Decatur :o
......i 5 30a 6 S 1 15p j Ar Atlanta Lv Oi lop ....
CO iO LT te*- 1 1 gfe! ..... ; Lv Warren Camak ton Ar | 1 ......Ill .. .. 11 40a;12 31a 12 56ai.. 45a ..
Ifa* 25a 2 t Mayfield ...... 11 08a 12 13a .. ..
rfte 38a 2 g Culverton |...... 10 54a 1200nt I....
Ok- 55a 2 g| ^^ Sparta i...... 10 43a 11 43p ....
! Cl 19a 2 Devereux |...... 10 10 29a 20a11 11 19p 05p ....
Cl 31a 3 S Carrs ...... ...
C5 30a! 3 g Milledgeville ......10 OOe, 10 25p;. . ..
05 57a 3 g|. Browns |...... ....... © 37a 10 10p!.. ..
--1 09a 3 Haddocks '-O 24a O 53p
29a 1 4 §| James i...... ?C 10a CT- 35p ....
.. ; 8 20a 4 ..... At Macon Lv 1...... X 32a GO 45p ....
. .
....! 7 30p;u g ss •i 35p lev Barnett Ar 2 OOp 9 30ai 6 55p
~ JIS s® 2 47p Sharon 1 45p 9 15a 1 6 4Op .. ..
1- s® 3 OOp Hillman 1 84p 05p! 9 04a' 35a! 6 29p .. . .
CC ~ 3 3 30p Ar 'Washington Lv 1 8 6 OO p ....
..... 10 55a 8 Si 2 47p Lv Union Point Ar 6 50p 10 05 a 6 10p .. . .
... .11 08a 8 f 2 59p Woodville ! 6 36p 9 54 a 5 59p
......til 17a 8 f B 04p Bairdetown 6 32p: 15p 9 9 50 38 a 5 5 53p 40p
..... 11 37a 8 a J4p Maxeys 6 a
..... 11 53a 8 & 22 p Stephens 6 06p 9 31 a 5 32p
...... 12 15p 9 HI! V 3 35p Crawford 5 43p 9 18 a 5 17p
-----;12 44p 9 5 j 3 53p! Dunlap 5 26p 9 01 a 4 59p
......112 50p 9 ^ 3 .58p' Winters i 5 18p 8 55 a 4 54p
......j 1 15p 9 4 lOp Ar Athens Lv ! 5 OOp 8 40a 4 40p
10p!... ^ ......llOOOat......
...... 8 ..... Lv Union Point Ar
......I 8 32p .. . .....j Siloam ......i 9 37 a!......
......I 8 55p\ ..... Ar White Pluina Lv [ 9 15 a'.. ..
„____ _________________
All above trains run daily, csieep-ng Gars between Atlanta anil Cnarieatcn, Augusta andl
Atlanta, riupiis.a and Macon, on nigh® tzprej*.
General Manager. Traveling Passeiuer Agent. General Freigiit and Pass Agent.
Acquhta, Ga,
EVERYMAN HIS OWN j |of A Valuable pages,illus- Book
nflHTflR UUU I %3n* jtrated, 600 nt ining
! AYERS. Ml. D. CO a
knowledge of how to treat and
all niiiimer of disease, prolong life
and promote happiness.
Address al) orders to
118 Lovd St., ATLANTA. GA.
Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants.
Coiner Reynolds and Jackson Streets
Opposite Coon Exchange
Augusta M SI C*eorgia
Bagging and Ties at the lowest market price Personal atten.
tion Given to all business
Our own uiacuTacture.)
i\ud Wratcrp Hlseel Woik»’ Cycles offer uu
A^ent; equalled values io
* v.Tyyfhero jn a’l weights anti styles, and at all pricea from
* v.. Handle .1 LL BAKES New or Second Hand
f/ and sui O-t
- Jt.'asy I'nymenta, trith tio cjrtra chary?.
New high, mud;uni and if w priced cycles made at cut tJ
price**, trim: bich liberal discounts arc
tije irude.
V.i.. us or.len* tn rerv statu. Territory and
SYLTM CYCLE’S RUN EASY. jarere <• in ih® T'.} . tv. II a- fr« m many forpign
\ • .(•Jo ,r G ,. r »VV:»xU ; Hi l i , K
V 7 v.;n Oldest Tstahliflhftd Dealers and Largest
\V .kf a 5' -pC‘''.nfi , A torts in Awerjra.
■Lis ire s. n*.1 for Cats. CY»talogne and W ar: ain fr^e.
«OUS£, HAZARD & CO., Mfrs., 7bJ J 3t., PEORIA, ILL
i on fe-i
j H ; -S3 5T2E Li33 ■•p* s SICK?
Disease commonly comes on with slight
symptoms, which when neglected increase
] in exit nt and gradually grow dangerous.
7o r ?b % r^ON! HEACACKE. 0YS- : take RjpANS TABULES
£PS*5 ; .VDJGESTiO^. .
: -* Zil !0US. C0HSTIFA7ED. o r»s»e RIPANS TABULES
. : - c; '* -7X.C5 15 S*'-L0W t*r «u take RIPANS TABULES
rtSTRESS a*=v£R FxiiUG.
r Tabijfes Regulate the S/stem and Present* the Health.
* .ns abgles j EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT.
......te> « • NEW vo»n,