The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 15, 1893, Image 3
Senator Stanford and Womankind • Senator Stanford attested in two no instances the high regard in which «« her equal rights with men in Stan ford university. His regard for her in particular he showed by his will, in the great bulk of his fortune ’was left absolutely to his wife. A great many people are interested— some of them vit&llv—ho see whether these two import,-..tactions will work together for good. Practically Hr. his bequeathed Stanford uuivex to wifi h is true he left the university being $2,500,000, but that is far from institution a large enough sura to keep the running on the scale on hich it is conducted now . Happily has Mrs. Stanford’s interest in husband’s. always been quite as lively us Yet it has happened now that the man and wife who been one so long ns both have have turned out ro be a different after fie man has died.— liar Weekly, Far-Seeing Lords. Mr. Thinkliard—“Have you noticed i+i, v R a ^i UU x ii i us -t >an tilth * ’ *i s, fathers, rs end i brothers i ot America lmve against the threatened reviv¬ of the hoop-skirt?” Mrs. Thinker .1 (calmly) — ‘ ‘With hoop in fashion it would be impossible husbands, between fathers and brothers to out the acts. ” You Feel Ready »o <*o to War all mallei id \vj on yxnit* Liver is out of Drastic cathartic pills will neither regulate your liver nor f wi-eten your temper. Stomach Bitters, though, will comfort and calm, relieve yvur bowels vanity, nr.d Incomparable disperv all the symptoms ho of '<"■ 11 tor ma¬ laria!, kidney and ii -novuie ai.meats* dys Jwlll find ....... . .1 i ; . torical GainBboro&gii, painter, the Kriyli-h portrait e-nrl his¬ was the son of a toflor. Brown’s Iroa Bitter- rniv Dyspepsia, Mu Biliousness and General De • lity. Gives Irengtli* appcti'PO. aids Dtgest on, tones th;> nerves— atfes Tho best tonic for Nuroing women and childr en. The sensation of i/vlit in the rye j.lujit tt iiich corresponds to violet. A Child Enjoy* The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a lex ntive, and if the father or mother he costive or bilious, th^ most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is tfefcbest family remedy known and *every faafiily should have a bottle. A letter written in London made a tour of w*orld in 6^ day-. Many persons are broken down from ovor or household cars. Brown’s It*’ »n Bit the bile, sy-tem, aids digestion, malaria. re excess of and cures A tonic for women and eliii Iron. Over 1,000 steamships are traversing flic four great ocean routes. Deafness cannot be Cured By local application-*, as they caunot r*/ach the HisRaand portion »*t i he ear. There is only one 'vay to remedies, cnr« Deafness, i>eafness and that is is by constitu¬ in caused by an JamefStiontiiiion Sus>WLchian Tube. of the When mucous this tube lining gets of the in gw&ed tfr-ct hearing, you have and a rumbling xviien it is sound entirely or imper- closed Deafness is tb-o result, and unless the inflam¬ mation can 'be taken out and this tube re¬ stored to its normal condition* hearing will be caused destroyed by forever; nine case* out ten are catarrh, which ia nothing but an in tftamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give Oin-Hundred Dollars for any cskseof Drafness (caused by catarrh) that can¬ not be curcii by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circular®, free. F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O. by Druggists, 75c. CofTOfis avt> Colds. Thoso who aro suffer m? fro-n Cmnrhs, Gilds, More Throat, etc-., should irv Brown’s Bhonohiaii Troches. bold only in boxes. Bee chain’8 Pills with adrink of water morn¬ ings. Beet ham's—no others. £•> ceres a box. Hood’s Permanently Cures Tiecause it reaches the seat of disease in tiae blood. By purifying, vitalizing and enriching the blood, it expels every taint of Scrofula* Catarrh* Malaria* etc., and w renovates and strengthens tho vital fluid, and through it tho whole system, a to enable it to throw off future at¬ tacks of disease. Bo sure to get Hood’s, and only Hood’s, because HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES flood's Pills cure ait Liver UH, Sick Headache, JauatUce, IadlgFStlon. Try a box. 25 cents. W ' • A H Is o ol tm£ 6 *eat KIDNEY. LIVER Bl CURE. ADDER Pain in 1 he Back, or hips, sediment in urine like brick-aust calls or retention, rheumatism, Kidney Complaint, dropsy, scanty or high colored urine. Urinary Troubles, sensations when voiding, distorts pres¬ in the parts, urethral irritation, stricture. Disordered Liver, or darlt circles under the eyes, tongue constipation, yellowish eyeballs. Guarantee—^Tso content* of One Be It not ben Druggists will xvf Cue price paid. 4t Dru""lata, 50c. Si.ce, $1.00 Size, InTaiids* Guide to Health'* free-Ooaaaitatioa fre* Dr. Kilmer & O'.. Binohaiit in, K, I. THE JUDGES ; WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION Have made the HIGHEST AWARDS (Medal* ansi Diplomat) to WALTER BAKER & CO On «ac ine named am ,f>a __________ BBEAKFASf COCOA,. . . • Premium No. 1, Chocolate, . . _ Vanilla Chocolate, . . . . - German Sweet Chocolate, Cocoa Batter. .... Fcr * ! pr.r;tv r,r flavor^ snd "uatfc • van czrcc^c^Jtioc mmumm. mswotiii «*«. AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL,! j ’ 1[ Gmni(lt B( Befs lf \\ft BSPaTtMtS DiSCUSSSl Sotes of Interest Concerning the Peo* pie and Their General Welfare. rbe , Hornblower T ,, nommstiou ... was dweus !* d j a tlw “‘“J® co “ mltt f e of th * ^ lQlar . ? ’“‘J * nd r ' rcnt over uutl1 Thursday. Minister Thurston left Washington Thursday en route for Honolulu. Bo leaving he called on Secretary Gresham, but goes on his own accord iu order to advise and consult those he represents, Senator Hoar has introdued a re so¬ lntion calling npon the president for information concerning the authority under which Commissioner Blount wits appointed and by and what authority he took testimony submitted his re ports on the Hawaiian situation. Since the declination ol Van Alen ° f ml8S ‘°“ to the effect that the president will a pp 0 jnt Oscar Strauss, ^ of New- York, ! ^ ml8fdon st u<8 ia „ rieh | merchant in New York, and iB a gloat friend of the president. Don Dickin¬ push¬ son is, however, at Washington ing Judge Humbert Tree, of Michigan, tot this embassy. The estimates on the difference in revenue between the present tariff law and the proposed new law have boon made up by experts in the treasury department, and they calculate that there will be a deficiency under the new law of nearly §00,00*0,000. This deficiency must be made up by addi¬ tional internal taxatiou of some cliar aeter. The bouse banking ami currency committee Friday reported favorably the bill exempting from taxation tho issue o? notes put 01U by banks during the recent panic. The bill will pro¬ bably p&ss the house very soon, The favorably report of this bill means that the committee looks Upon, the tax on the issue of state banks an unjust tax. The attorney general has made a re¬ port to Secretary Lamont and General the sec¬ retary of war lias decided that Dan Sickles of N ew York,can draw pay both as a member of congress and a retired army officer. An effort van made to sti'iko General Sickles off tbo payroll of the retired arnty officers, as ho This was decision drawing ft congressal salary. however, of Secretary Lamont, gives him both salaries. Governor Carr, of North Carolina, has received a letter from Judge Gres¬ ham, secretary of state, regarding Ling Gun, the missing Chinaman. The governor has not received auy of¬ ficial information whatever ns to this ease from the authorities of Madison county, where it is alleged Gun was killed. It is the opinion of Romo of the officials from the evidence thus far obtained, that if Gun was killed at all it was on the Tennessee side of the line. Company The managers of the Nicataffga Can al uro preparing to njako a strong effort at this session of con¬ gress to have the government endorse $100,000,000 of bonds for tbo purpose of building this canal. They are said lii have Secretary Gresham With them. Just whether this bb true cauuot bo known at present, but whether Mr. Gresham endorses it or not this will he a hard congress to get a bill through endorsing $100,000,000 of bonds for any purpose. Ex-congressman Hemphill, of South Carolina, appeared before the house committeo on the judiciary Friday morning and made an argument in favor of the extension of tlio act pro¬ viding for the settlement of captured and abandoned property war claims. The bill affects thousands of people throughout ed tho south, who suffer¬ from spoliation during the re¬ bellion. It proposes to extend the benefits of the present law to those persons whoso claims have been adversely determined disloyalty, by tho Courts npon the ground of without taking into consideration the effect of the president’s proclamation of pardon and amnesty. There is a fund of about eleven million dollars now in the treasury which would he affected by the extension of the act. Immedi¬ ately after Mr. Hemphill’s argument the committee decided to report, the bill favorably to the house. ( linntf*** In the Wilson Hill. The following are the more impor¬ i tant changes in the tariff bill, a revised copy of which was laid before the full committee on wavs and means Monday morning: The schedule of cotton yarn is raised on an average of about five per cent, and a new class is created, not exceed¬ ing 12 cents per pound in value, on which tho rate-is 20 per cent. Yarns valued at over 12 and not exceeding 20 cents per pound are put at 25 per cent. Up to 30 cents per pound, 30 per cent; up to 40 cents per pound, 35 per * over 40 ceEtg> 40 per l cent . AU I l®ces and _ embroideries, . ., . of Mnicn j flax, jnte, cotton ami other vegetable j fibres, are raised from 35 to 40 per cent. Saxony, wilton and velvet ear- j pets are advanced from 35 to 4*1 per j cent. Velvet and tapestry carpets are advanced from 25 to 30 per in cent., and j some advance is made tapestry j Brussels, treble ingrain and Venetian I carpets. An advance is made in wool Dutch carpets from 20 to 25 per cent, and in druggets and bakings and felt carpeting. A like mlvance made in other carpets not specially provided for. Tin plate is changed from an advalorem dutv of 40 per cent to a specific doty of 11-5 cent per pound, and the redue tiona are not to take effect until Octo tier 1st, next. Pocket knives and ra¬ zors are fixed at a uniform rate of 45 per cent. The duty on pearl buttons ia again fixed at a line measurement, at a rate of one cent per line, and the ad valorem duty changed from 40 per cent to 15 per cent. The provision for ivory on the free list is amended so as to read: “Sawed or cut into logs,” instead of simply “sawed or cut.” The French governraeut is »l.*out t< iutro4uc« a bill fioitg railway tutw ^ «*» &«•*. Dairy Stables. An Indiana dairyman, writing for Farm and Jfome, SayB: tlie best ar¬ ranged rtables are constructed with the rows of cattle facing each other, with a feeding entry between and devices placed in this pass¬ Some of the advantages facili¬ gain¬ ed from this position are better the ties and economy in feeding, ven¬ eah be arranged -with less dan¬ ger from drafts, the light from lhe windows being behind is better for the eyes, and the whole interior is more generally convenient and more eco¬ nomically arranged. Every well-or¬ cow barn should have several open boxes dor cows due to calves, and for the young calves, and the cows should occupy those some weeks be¬ fore parturition is expected. there In the matter of stanchions are many ways of tying the cow to the stall but first of all Comfort must be kept steadily in view, for if iU’J - of the cows’ surroundings are constraining and operate to deprive her of ease and fair liberty of movement, the effect is disquieting and her yield will show unfavorable results. The simplest tie, the cheapest and that affording the greatest amount of liberty n!id com fott is perhaps a light chain around the neck secured to the side of the stall or manger. Various plans are iu use as to the form of the chains and methods of attaching, and sometimes a neck strap is used, but this involves greater expense. For the average dai¬ ry man the simple chain fills nil re¬ quirements and is most popular. Food Value of llraii. I doubt if one farmer in ten under¬ stands the true feeding value of bran, and I always feel that I am doing farmers good when Iurge them It to more of it than they do-. is valua¬ ble food not element only beOaiiso contains, of the also it but cause when fed with straw or food deficient in the nitrogenous ele¬ ment it enables the animal to thorn better. Many farmers—in fact most of them—believe the light bran made by the roller process inferior to the heavy bran which wo for,m iry got from the creek mills, but for most poses it is much better and a pound of it contains more nutriment than a pound of white middlings or even Hour. The bran from the hard wheats of the iKiftliwosUs much than that made from our winter and before its value was learned it sold very low prices, often less than $5 ton. For many yonrs past Mr. Brown fed one-half bran and one-hftlf ground with the Cob when feeding and beef and has found it a cheap snt isfactory ration. He feeds hotseR buttle oh this food all winter and ho thoroughly convinced that tho (ground fine) helps digestion and worth more than enough to pay cost of grinding the corn Gentleman , Worth Bohur *',»•. lfostonj Pnlistekccj[icv— ‘ Trying to get cb?” Tramp—"Yes, mum; au’ if y’U me a little to help me on me “Now what do you expect to when you get to Boston? Tell that.” "I intend, mum, to call on Mr. kinson, an’ git his reoipe for livin’ ten cents » week ."—Few York Weekly. She Kept Servants. Daughter—“Yve have made greatest mistake. The housework new neighbor all. doesn’t do her own at She has Servants," Mrs. l)e Style—"I never see them." Daughter—"No, hot J; but she came into the drug store while I there, find linked for something to mend china. ”—New York Weekly . Mother—"I wish you would rake the dead leaves in the yard.” Small Son—"I’ve got a sprain iu wrist, an’ the rheumatism in my back, and growing pains in left my right Jeg, —and cramps in my one, and ache and toothache.” "After you have raked the leaves in¬ to a pile you imvy set it on fire jump over it.” "Whoop! Where’s the rake?” ,{■ Smith’a tJood News. m wn* S ; - OTHERS For Severe, Lingering Coughs, Weak Asthma, Lungs, Blooding’ and Consumption, from Lungs, lironchitis, its 6tag<w, I)r. Pierce’s Golden Mexiioal in Diocov- early cry is a sovereign remedy. It not only euros the cough but also builds up tho strength and flesh of those reduced below a \V T healthy standard by “Wasting Diseases.” ill not make fat folks more corpulent. B. F. Wiley, of Box Khler, Wyo Converse “I Co.. writes: had bronchitis for twenty years and over, and 1 could not work with¬ out, to take coughing all so hard ns Efif Kn my strength Hggfo*!CT IS . ftSSS away. J took five t.of tl,. s of dr. pioroiVS y* ISsB $ 3jM OoJden and Medical give Discov tel1 cry, you rny word and honor that w/'- * n MS fhm? 1 CHn ^1'* Is nn to Y do work that • on my ranch' without eough If'} f vkeirfb /1* nny of f have the not 'Golden taken Mr. Wiley. Medical Discovery * for a year." WHY NOT YOU? WHISKY AND OPIUM HABITS CURED At yrm jffir home without pain <’f confinement. Patient continn e buxines - while under treat. merit. Immediately Whbky and yll other drugs stopped on beginning trea»rnent—do need them. No treatment yet discovered to compare wirh it. Have given aiieclal ftudy ■ :td practice to these diseases for the past twenty ear«, with continued and sttccesaful increa in practice. Write for my Ik/jIc " ^v. < woos.s.eY, Jf. office No. iu; ; Whitehall Ktreet* Atlanta, (H. BRAINSnsFRONT ij Hen bf« ike Tour Braia-Biroisfcer*: { Free f,| Ii stray •»sa e'.Aarm, 62 smA vUarm Si £» i iMi f&# U.>* volte; _GiUCywr*. y \ Hf~C » Ywi IM O'/ ra/jblrJvJ Is, • t** ! _• r, y ■.( its.ur f w •!. atdtmrr* ns* i *J| * j Jflil .w.~s * Mdrwrmts jgaacwtter «i» • U r*Ain, P*«'a/r 4 *«g*3»«m liytijLjBy ' TOttYMM \ U j frart-M utwer. \ - &&BS3 j mf uoC om c. rjci, W4*?r ■ i ,.i - i — . ......... ..... ■ » ■ — flWjtrmn •■■A >tt» you wiktHtt , m vnm htPl'i «tlK UVtM ....... ■ .■ :».*• • " 1 rsM ». * $ wt*. rt-, Mr — u* rnm ,) t.f*. r to tut. ii ■are ttje„ , t t fxtftrl ‘jC »*«Jl mutt TM :ma*A me co. imruu »s, *****v e»ty. *■ j. Take, no Substitute for Royal Baking Powder. It is Absolutely Pure. All others contain alum or ammonia. THOUGHTS OF ITOESTY MEN, To err is human. - Cicero. Sermons in sti^fc^St. Bernard. A man’s house castle.—Coke. In peace prepare lAwar. -Washing ton. I will die in the h.—William of Orange. Impiety is the greatest of indiscre¬ tions.—Itivarol. Nothing is certain, but death and ta nos.— Franklin. , j You leave the se Jting to court the rising sun.—Tiberiu'- fs. He was a bold min who first swal¬ lowed an oyster. —James I. Free trade is notir principle; it isan expedient.—Beaoonifiold. Impossible! word again.—Mirabeatt. Nefer mention thttt Stupid Wh&tetefr is vttil.—OiieHterfteid, wottii doing n> nil is worth doing Gravity is only th bark Confucius. f wisdom’s tree, but it preserves it. Of all vices drinking is the most in¬ compatible with greatness.—Walter Scott, 1 can drive a coach parliament.—Daniel and six through every ttet of O’Connell. The first water euro Was the flood, aiid it killed more than it cured. — Charles Lamb. Put your trust in God, but bo sure to see that your powder is i y .—Oliver Cromwell. >* does not . signify ... much , whom , one "‘avrios, as one w sure to Had the next morning it was some one elso.-Nam «i:t Fo^ers-Glnhe-llenim-rat. Position lor lleallliy Sleep. Many people sleep on the left side, and this is the most common cause of tho unpleftHimt taste in the month in the morning,which dyspepsia. is generally If meal attrib¬ uted to to a has been taken within tw o or three hours of going to bed, Iheirtomach to sleep oil task tho which left Bide is to give ft ib difficult in the bktrwno to perlorrji, Tho student of anatomy knows th.1t c! 1 food leaves the stomach on tho right side, and hence slespiug on tho left side soon after eating involves a sort of pumping operation which is any¬ thing but condueivfc to sound repose. The actio,tt of the JlntH is fllso jjifol lered with considerably and the lungs are unduly compressed. lilck It is probable that lying on the is most natural position, and hence but few person st to can cultivate rest easily the so, it, m m llabit of Bleeping I the right, fid* . ■ Wn^thinylan'■ pdtiW . Worth l’ememberlng Wo are respon Vile for what wo do, nud not.for how wo feel. It hi the reply rather than the state¬ ment that makes llie quarrel. The sunshine of life is made tip "f very little honors that are bright all tho timo. Garner up pleasant pleasant thoughts thoughts in your mind, for make pleasant lives. touch of sunset I f 1 can put one rosy into the life of any man, I shall fuel that I have worked with God. Do not lot your sympathy evaporate in sentimental speeches, but sot about seeing what can 1m done. A l'lesj txlxp'iieo. Little Dick I don’t believe I'll learn to be a sailer after all." Little Dot- "R by not?” Little Dick “I talked with an old mini to-day who had been a sailor for fifty years, and never got shipwrecked on a desert island yet.” XMAS MONEY FOR J n photos pomtIuW* a »! : |_ 01 Sherman, Butler. Conk 1'Iafne, ing, D«*.|»ew. Whiudfiw Whli?l*w epew Itussei Reid in 5 1J I Horac«'GrcuW, DumIwI Webster. M'cbf»tuf, Bi* Bits march, Carlisle GBid-. ddo, Th* Grew M * J „ | bam, Z£X& >«r ig be 4t ft ' w an<l t«kln»< «tTy.<*• a complete foe jn or ulmjiw. * AND (IlflLH <H ami ggmoney. HOI SH A <0,J Boston, Building, Mas We have Poets, rr%chars, Actresses and at same ««<;. I9ENTS WANTED mfiAQtfUet ON SALARY *tt oiiimlsal'-'U o-w Patent ci ' in* cel 'nk Brasil)" P«i j. Ag‘ ti making |.v> r*« week. Honre t r JT »l. La ttr‘c*e. Wi' | m —T HOMAN V. HIMPHOS, ftl HI OWa t.iMUin, l>. ( No a-tr'a t 1 umU i atom obtati k Wrsie tor lavi-ntor'a CHAN 0 E 3 ^;tSS? : , Artistic Salt Cellars. Old fashioned salt cellars are hero but in Buch artistic designs that greet them as novelties. The silver and dogs, with their perforated no longer stand guard ever plate at the table. Their suooess is nmeh more artistic. Tito very salt cellars are bought by tbo They are shaped like a pansy, the curled over petals in frost silver and gilt. The salt, spoon a tiny affair. Its handle is twisted with the bowl an exquisitely enameled pansy, which a stick pin with a deep center. glass salt cellars encased fashionable.- filigree are used by the - Kcrhangc. “This chicken,” began the boarder, timidly......- is Plymouth Kock, sir,” Haiti That frowning thank Luwlbul.v. know it “Ah! ^ott lim’am. f rook of some kind.’ iXi'ic )0fk /Vf.w. Syrup” Hill, of the Judgr Walker J. 15. county, Georgia, Court, thinks enough of German Syrup send us voluntarily a strong of rank endorsing it. When men and education tlitis use and recom¬ mend an article, what they say is t-oi it lh tin* attention of the public, used is above suspicion. “ 1 have your German Syrup,” he says, my Coughs and Colds on the and Lungs. 1 can recommend it them as a first-class Take no substitute. i.: . WE CANNOT SPARE healthy flesh — nature fo'ifof burdens the body with too niurh sound flesh. Loss of flesh usually indicates poor as piinUntion, which causes the loss of the best that’s in food, the fat forming element. Scott’s Emulsion of pure < '"I livofnil with hypo pbosphites contains tbs very essencc< if nil foods. Inno oth cr form can so much nutrition be taken and assimilated. Its / an ye of usefulness has no limita¬ tion where weakness exists. Now York. Hold by Hcott bjr all A dtuggisla- Bowih*. Ohaiaiato* A dcroiula f ■ Mias Pell® Stevena, ijrT’jra’ ways suffered from btJiuditary Scrofula, for which I tried various remedies, and { manyidiahle|)hyHiciana,but no ne;relic ved J me. Aft* r taking si.< bottles of J l am now well. I sun very grate - fid to you as f f rel that it Laved me from a life of unto'd ri;'ony,and in Hll shall take jileus'iro speaking only words of praise for the won krrful Iticditift®! And in recommending it to all. Treatli-t Illooit and Skin Disfitsen mailed free. HWIFT HI'LCD’ fG CO , Atlanta, Ga. The Bout for Either Heating or Cooking, lixoel in Style, Comfort and Dnrabilltf. a KISUHANliM tY. 1UIHI KVrRYOjjJ DLfKOr*. w. ASK YOUR STOVE OEAI.KR To show i". ,l • HKI I'AHD’S I.ATKHT CATXLOOUA If no dfidlsi ii' iir you wr.ts Ui ISAAC A. SHEPPARD A CO.. BAI.TIMOIIK, Mil. MOUTH. LJHUKHT MAXUrACTUUKUH SN TM* “A M iT EA L FA M ! TV M LU Tt ."nT. Ifc’or f In4l((’*tl'tn, niisllpution, Iflllmisne-M. Ui*d 1 IJ< u.Jneii, < ftrrnlh, * Off, . -Itr * ttinl is.lL >hiK/rd> m ' t Uio Hi oiumj L, ^ A liy Ir«vi urn ■n.Or.u- i ..rmni Lvuin.ii. »i»w.-s>,$ iw»* 2 « - . | L Vor In- xo.i.. U"J U L'L t «., NewJFork. u ca .......... -= I imml, A <•. Mrnil for uufMloguc. >IA< I.MN.t I IITI* A \\ Mlillf, >l’n#r». T ¥ r j ComnaptlTM ar.^ people who have w<?»k lungaor A*th m», sti'wltl I'iso’sCoru l->r i It tmn rormd (bouauixD. (t baw not in]<jr t: 1 It ia not had t<» «aa«». It lathe beat cough »/rnp. Bold CTerrwbere. Ladies and Gentlemen 1 have a fresh, large stock of Clothing, Hats. Boots and Shoes Ladies Cloaks and walking jackets .which 1 want to sell out this fall. 1 will s»eU at the very lowest prices to benefit the customer before 1 will keep stock till next fall. BARGAINS In valises, Umbrellas, Gents furnishing goods; Ladies Unde.r garments and Notions. I must dispose ot these at once, so if you wish for the best of goods at the lowest ol prices buy from F. RUBEN Gmwfordville Georgia W. D. WEST. FAMILY GROCERIES. RESTAURANT AND MEAT MARKET. A Good Square Meal Is vvliat wo can give Jo ft for accents, Wo also have a dining room for colored people. In short, we mean to FBKDT11E 1U1H.U . .. Come to see us if you Imvo farm produce to sell. If you want fres i ami y Groceries, Meats, Fresh Oysters and Fish giro us a trial order And don t forget us when you are in town and are hungry, Uespeettu y, W. D. WEST. Greeuesboro (i. 11 NIXON T. H. DAN FORTH JNixoij A- T);.-|nfoi ! |l|.. COTTON FACTORS. No’s. J* and 4 Warroa Block Augusta G-o Personal and undivided attention given to the weighing and ■Selling ol Cotton. Liberal cash advances Made on consignments, THE FARMERS Fire-PrOOf WAREHOUSE 731) Hoy Holds Street, Augusta m m Ga. We especially solicit tho planters trade: Do strictly acoinmission business, (/huge low in conformity with the times. Bagging and titfatumialied at lowest market |>ri<n* Write to us for terms. Gash advances on cotton by wagon or railroad, CRANSTON & STOVALL. 739,Jleynolds Street. Augusta, Ga. SAFFEl & WEBERS Wholesale and Retail Clothiers. < >T II tilts BLOW, BUT WE GET THE Do you know tho roflOor. ? We arc selling splendid bile style good*' cJ«P We buy our goods in wholesale lots. Tins enables ” M ’w ' vnlTk' I’HICFS BILLS tb, little money. Our l’awn Brokers Goods goal NEW YORK I ihe goods'con baldly be told from new. Como to see us before you go a „d pleasure in showing our goods. elsewhere. We will take Ladies’ Jackets 1.1 latest style Wonondthn people c-i», away »-• shod with . ................................ tliolaiest styles ol'I'o^wcar, 1 »%p* ii... Yours to serve, Mlfll 4 1111 % O-reensboro, O'. SHARON, GEORGIA. r Plie CornmcrciMl Center oiTaVulerro County. Mm kg:. All \ Ii r 1 ^ | \ | * | ( ' |\ K('p))® h nice* line <)i ( lothin^, Jf«tf h, Hiiolh. i' I Goo* Join-. iulL l fim.D.f«ft Goods. T.unks rs Huggins. Stove*, Hnrdwaro, Imwarv, Glassware, Ciockery II inifHH -und awl vari.ity of most .uiyihmg except Fumy a ml Ihovisions, Drugs a Kaokkt Stouks and I’l'iux.Kim. along „ i otk. , J troubled veiy mticb about lhe price just bung your “X Hook and Change. giv,- value received Will meet competition, and you i, 4 *. mniiiii % SHARON, GEORGIA . COTTOW FACTORS No. 727 Reynolds iSt Augusta Ga Strict Personal attention given to all Business. Libera Advances on consignments of cotton. UJJBOKIBIli FOR THIS PAPER !