The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 15, 1893, Image 4

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III lUlA H r. _ l* tn Jl'* HA -- ----------— 1 — -l>i III.IMII II I.VI in I'KII'H ^ fnlered at the Post (>£<< ( al Cruwfonl*Ut (tO. US Stcaml Class Moil Matter. THK OFFICIAL ORGAN OP TilK GKKI.NK and TALIFliBRO COUNT y FARMERS AI.Ll an<k and INDUS TRIAD UNION. AI o lit* O Hi • I * I o rg: j* i» o t I’ll • - in!«• n*o < o•*nl\. BAUD L. SMITH. Koitdr. * ( "sv (t a,vi ' I i:d..y, Dee. lo, IM,.:. EDITORIAL NOTES If you wi*b to know what lli« blue mark on your paper means read Die article beaded --'inot-.u INTKKKsi l\o, tic. r.VMtvTHiNO points to a speedy union of Die nouDi and West. U»ery day , the . nc, ev.iiy .. for . such , a uuion ... be comes mom apparent. And , , .1 that , union , will soon take place upon a platform at principles Midi as are -«»hodi. d ill the l’eopln s Early platform. SjkmhI the day. Tm. Nation*) Watchman puts clearly w heu it say,: “ T he incotlP tax m being opposed t.y all Die Eastern Demoeratic maii and the entile Kepubliean party. The West and the Soulli will suppott the proposition, ho wi* hball toe tli MifiKt poliliual aligtniH lit in ilie Sriuite ii rid House which wax made upon the fcilver ix»»iic, M Til h People's l’.irD was oignuizcd July 4tb. 1S!U, mid i- new onlv sixlteii moil I f(M old. four moutlis iifier jis birth it polled 1,122,01") vote, carried * lx Flutes, divided the elect,.riiil vot, in three other *tat,•», electing five Uni¬ ted States senators, and organized it¬ self in forty one stales. It him lost non, of the ground it won year and in the recent elections was the on !y party whiiii increased its voting strength I’oca this look as though the People’s party hud passed Mit of politics? Kx. I Ain I’i a v, San b rinicisco, ( nl.: At fast the people are awaking lo I lie fact Hint all the gold of the world Is owned by Dio bankers ami c*pil*ll»U. Ills the ncli Ilian’s money. Silver is the pool insn’r loom v ( apltaliids like pap,-i, too, but it l» I 11 the form of bond b, aiilig inuiesl. They pndel »u,:li phfH i lo gold, because il grtws, day nod night, i-t fair weather nr foul wentlier, in good season* and Imd seasons, always the same, and doe* not cease it* growth for...... sin gli- moment of all iho !MU nay* ... venr. ^ ... uh, Loimih nrc belter . .. 41 tli«n gold, , mi I , i*4tUi tin* world . ttwin i> <»vcr on ii.c ak-rt lo sell tin ir gold for honds, \\ I 1.11 then, arc bunds? The imtion'* uuse* cured note, of liaiu! bearing inlerest, utul resting on exactly the same se curily a* the grt-enbiick. Away Midi bon is and llu-ir ever-r MiMiming inter <-!. Give in gm-ubncU, ns safe ns I Hinds. GOVERNMENT ( AN NOT CREA TE MON I r. Set ’ulirv ( arlide m hi** j o»ch tin other night before I he yob! ring at Pel nUHiton'fl made the hdiowing n^ionml dig Hs-ei linn: “Tins i- ,, great ami powerful Cun eri pient, I cl (In rc i- one lldug it can not do ii run not ,-ioato uiotu y.’’ Then tin Alimglill, who elenle Ihiough a pitM ess of imluie. must In Hie »duel or creator of money, r must ginw like fruit and vegetable*. Was evei stu b assertion made by u mildstii Ilf nil.,nee befoii ’ Wntcliimin. SEN iron STEW ANT. When Scnaloi Sliwart eamo out of the Somite■ after the reading of the I’rt-siilelll'a message a New York re porter aehod him what ho thought t»1 the lie replied hoods > then 14 Hawaiian ntott* nrrhv. then an Int^niatitMml n^rooinetu. then a fonofli u« dy to puiqw'nr.tu* it m» ii (an t hf ovriilirowii without a war, tliv n h 1). M Tliu tv porter « rot c ii tloiru, hut it i** doubtful if it uvci priultd. Nalimtii Wap ,'hinait. n SOUNDS l ( MILIAR. Listen to the same eix against tin [uissage t f the tarif bill, that was used ill foiriug the lep -al ,-t tin sihet bill It it* o fiom mi Esi>u»r« j^p<*i A strong fenturi’ iii 0\ luMiifll "ii ualiott the many f uhIuvu Hon wja^ps. I'lif |iU( iin» he umitUv suitinat itself thf Wilson *iuin l,ill e-haitg .’in that lilt* lUVM’Ut of operations, Hit* laomliui imuivy nile i* hjglirr and the tend, mi Ii ihii! some reign h-'U*<* , x|»xt n> *• c ilu hank rate r use l,x An official , - T I lie Erie Ua di ■nl W ’i.'lit! l.i Ni « York as saying advice* Inal Ihh-ii it t'ClVed twin several ini i m iusttial »' taldishn'enl' on lh-* li of Ihat x«< which had >et u 1 to the effect that lhex <*L early as they lUtClH! **f the ttie fear of the eft. G pn*| ttdlfl \ SSiOU. Ha- i- I i\ j* kmg ii^t * I u»«nuf*fluriDf{»«laWi9lmiciilitili!Uhnv( I »hut down be<‘itu*e of tb<- »< • ity money, and declare it is on ac ount uiril'. Nation:.: Watch ina.i. Hutkiciis Arnica Salve. The v. lt .„n in . v. „d for - ,t. Hruiv Son -, ficei-, .1 ! Itheum Fever holes, 1 ett.’r, (, liappi'd Wands, Ditiiliiaiiis ( orns, and all Skin Kniptions, and |>o*i- It lively cun a Piles, or no pay resulted. is euarant. id toytve p‘ I fed nntMwtUm nr iim, tie'. retUI-den. Plice 2 <•< » th t< -r ...x. h.i sale tic l)i It. J. I eld. THOUGH IM'KURSTI.NG You Should Not Read This, Uni, ss you are going to heed i’Bad vice: l Hu-rw ise, it will only make y<m feel bad. We aie speaking t. those Iti» nd who a-e t,child w tli their aubsm* Hoot, Don’t sD p reading now; keep on. We are go ng to give you something. Vo I owe us a - wall amount. T wen tv live reri’ii -or, may la,, a hundred cents; as the cake tuny by, . y need Hm! , mount. Need it bad w. cm.’i ge. along without , ^ ca|( . t , iV( . „„ ( .,e lP. Running a ^,so’l like running a Gum. (j„t to pay as you go L)t» you ? Well, whiit aie you tc>iriK to do aI>o»i t it? Will you take il e 'r uble to s- nd what you owe u»V or, will you do, as genet a lly done, aayhon (thing like tiikom# in i WHO HO, I X( chic; “Vbh 1 <.w«* that yap r Hoiunib'iift. but it's not inueb, Hi.d Jt'rt wot w«uU» while in huihI it i»y mail « i lake the trouble to go out of the way to pay it. I’ll pay it Home time when I’m pawing and it’x convenient. I hub I erf, if that pMpfl can't live Without the little iiiiount I ( >w** t, why, its just going to die anyhow.” Thai’s the *»y you generally reason, while llio mme aide bong, styled the editor worries, toils, sweats, kinks and snuggles to keep io the swim, and out of reach of the sheriff Now dnlo’l we hit Hie nail on the head? Isn’t that the exact »xeus* with which you ease your mind while the poor edilor squirms and scratches to make ,-nds meet, meanwhile wonder¬ ing whether it is preferable “to lie or not to lie,” nod trying to surmise if Him next place could lm any belt, r uiako this one. ,, VK „ Y j , „ os 1 is own m/noM. lj( . t , tlow |„, w a „ excuse leaves us 111 Hie soup. Our books s' ow that ovei iKiOD is due us on subscriptions alone. Now that tlhs) debit is made up from|J of.lots of little debits, ranging hms of twenly 1 v« cents to two and three hundred cent ; each. \ -hi owe one of H-imc ,1,-hlts. N " w suppose you throw this papei *•'** your conscience with Hmabov excuse? Suppose every other (lulzhH Roi'rf I lilt Rdine? TIhmi witAltiu i H rwi m f VVlirioax, wtt otitflit lo , yet , £-LJ0. ... 1 . 1(1 \ t HI Hr'* f -'1-AY a IIAT THOU IIWKNT” And w» can pay wliat wo owe. Ami we'll all feel better. It'* 11 fuel. It won't t«, near *0 hard for you to it cognize ns when we meet again. Also. w<- will not have In avoid a inodiil n:uotttil of publicity. Also ,-nditois will save many steps. W K N Kt I) lit K Jt'INSV : If ,\f didn’t we wouldn’t" say so. ^e liflte to dun folks won t do jt. unless t l o bunnies.! end 1 f a pitchfork is light behind us. Hut we have debt* to meit, Mild if you don't pMy us we’t un i t ’em. To A givatvXteuV out fiituie 1* m your hands. Wliat y■ • 11 going to do wiili in? THA I BLUE M VItK Beside Hit- name on your paper moans that we are vary politely, very urgently ts-gging you to remit the an mint due us. Don’t forget it!!! If y, u caul com - at mice send it by mail. Don’t ret “ntytby” liecaus,' we sia-ak thus. We any il in the best soil of a IiuOioi. Weknow “you’re good," that you’ll pay eveiy Cent fell owe. some nmeci molliec. Hut Hie deuce of it js, living until wre urt* panl, I- VI ft- X' l> RKNKW. It’s your duty to suppoit the papei. Vccoidltig lo Hie s ipp.Ml giv.--i it, v»:i| ils worth IliCiease 01 diminish. Let ’s all lesolve to p.v up this year a lid III advance t bo lint. Hut «, ’ll stop, and if von have lead tins u-.wc ta-g * yon that the aUivesdvce i.- given free of Aid w ilk id • XF'uU'il i***.*il \\t* dA.rl a ifHMlUiiH’t* lt». V»»ois Wry II»»H» «• f»L v, ' Vi Ki»i|V»u.' AM . Confederate Money is a Legal Tender. N .> Co ft d* 1 -I,- money > not * !eg;il tender and it never will t». but J. M Stole, of Gr. entsl*>rn, Ga will buy a l >“tt have on iiai d File follow leg aie the pms-s lie pit* f.-r it. Fol il to: lolls C. ■>» b .S sets, s!lilO *gi <2 end ' 1 tniis 1 cent each; i 5 -JO, SCO ami >'* one half cent a bill. sionp! eslei*. tm,slut bulks and sta’e bill*. e -hall Cent e ell. $t.,«Ml bmds. 1<- ,-enta each, flA as2 s'O bexculs V “. cli. I desire to Hunk the good people of Taliaferro County for the liberal way in which they patron zed me season so far. and extend to them standing invitation to pay me a visit when in Ore* neatmro. ' wi,! J* 11 - vo " * "* l * frorn five l w6Dty-f!ve per «H.t Cheaper than meiurnnl in Middle Georgia, and see for yoiir self, J _ M storey. (Irene shorn, f la Pf'jljs ‘-it Giant Pills. i.r ;»’w ID dii< Up ( .xdd oMstipftfion and *i |w • ion. ii> »»i *4. a ii d warrauU'd i.y bit f K .) Ht iu. COliRhSPON DKNTS. DOTS ON THE KOAIh Uv Thavflkk. A little rie;r«» child about four j/ofc burned t<» fbath on Judge ’ la fit nt fori, last Friday. Ti f was a lar*4«* ^.iUhmih^ of young it the. resilience of VV. 11. ii t • evening «»f the 4tli Instant, amt we no ler^fHfid, all had a pleasant time. \t Felix Taylor, one of our b cb* lor*, will run a farm another M i Jo* Griffith, note, , of , imr prominent . . ... a r one of# lm , ...... t „„.. m ak inif and „ H ,. Bljr ,.| y inter,., to marry M „, Mi ,. our i Bagby of Barnett i, visiiing (/smalt this week, the <»f,In' ItocUer* family, \j r | f «*n ry Allen will live on the !»»•!' pbiee auotlmr y»*ar. It was »r>ld week* to Mr [{<•*§ ,<»tinn. We Mr. Allen anl hU leviitiful wife In inid.t.and hope they wi'l he pleased wi their ti**w bouif*. If wri h our to *pf*!Ul a vt itli Mari'ib Norrin of Williams r*rij/!»orI io-rI last week* Our visit was very pleasant one; We were made to «t I nine by the host and|biH family. M» ./ * H T. Wriftht of Raytown b«*s be quite <*iek recently. Mr Itnftis Taylor a formei resident this pla.-e, who liis been in Abuiama several <ar*-, lihf nhirrnd to make liuine In MiHeounty. Mr. M lidivaiit Informs us tbit will move back to bis old home on Pea W<»K‘ another year, and devote ;iiis f ' ,r,,llnK Mrs. E l.iibeth Klliolt of near Barnett. has been quite sick for some time, hut '» on the mend at this time. Mrs Maude Smith of Bain,H vas car¬ ried to the bedside of her sis'er. Miss < laud Battle, who Is very sick at flnie, Mr. Ramsey of Smith Carolina has rens ted a farm In this county, and will move here another year. We welcome Mr. Mr. Ramsey to Taliaferro; Mr- I harlie Dozier got a fall from his wagon last week and was hurt very badly but not serious, ly Mr. George Gregory and wife moved to t| elt home, and are now Up to keep house. JudeJTurner is visiting ’ tha Exposition ibis week. tVe leain Hint Mr. A J belt .Smith of Wars ren w ill lie n citizen of tills county other year; having bought land and to build him residence near Mr. V. Ely nt’a. Sharon Dots. Nik li pleasant weather reminds us spring time. The proud old gobbler eats good this week, our Mine next. Mr. W. M. Moore, who li*s been gaged at the mill lids year will soon town. Ills class at the Presbyterian duyswhool will verv much regret his svnee. Mr. G M Kendrick and wife, of nre visiting their son, Mr. T. K. tills w.*ek. Mr. II M Turner came down from !n 11 1 11 Saturday night Ho and Ills made several calls among their friends In town this week. Mr, lb-da Arnett, one of WilkerS ly-* progtessive farmers, was in Monday. (>nr gmst “on- Irtend Devil Sun Ely nt" railed to sen how the town was along last Tuesday. V ear load of white and Umlap of salt at.I. 4 Keodriek’s. and a big lot ,d good dour at 13.75 to |t.?5 per ballet, tio and see. Mr, A. 1> Moore lias a very sore hand which i- a great blessing to him m,,, f r „„, work Messrs. Hi Hubert and Joe O’Brien passed thr nigh town driving a nice bay hor-e sund iv eve Guoss tltoy li.ifl b<M*n urn,-where. Mr. L T M*ort* mule a business trip to Washington Moiulny. LittU* WiUtam, son of Mr ant Mrs. T. \V. Ilateher a hirthday party *o a miiiiNT of his lift hi friends last I u«*rf* <*•) * B ‘‘ , " 1 ’ v ‘ ,r ” on ‘ ert * t,MMl s ' h « *»>'"' **'•'• * Vi : K b ""'" >. m i, K * n " ,« " be crt '}' ^ nU "* **hooH*-t wot*k mul cut a njsht nice little , M g,. In tll , f or ehe«d Dr G. \V. Brown tire wound find M*>*»re hurrltHl hack to twhmd to recite his morning IWsOtt join in the game nt play time \| f j o k vf eirriv’.l Miyt Mantle Burke Otfl rWiitjc Snml »y atternoen. .Mr. O'Keefe ean enj»*y driving with tin* nicest team in town. Hr. A. V. I>avklrfk»n luw MisTeriog styrmitHys wiik rhru»uati»m. Mr K. I vU<’Um nit* hi> bicycle* H dlianis creek ehurvh Ust Sunday morn mg. and he and Me. T F Kendrick went | tl luvb-wn in the , ■ Santa t tans ail i *- n K> * round he ha ' k tre»dx sent a mg of “t iiil'’’t 1 Mr John Burke. TlH-fxll term of ft Mm,on High shoo, ci.wrs Friday the tMh ins' |i**\. Father O Uriel* «*f * fl< i athtUfc areit of Augusta, ww*»he s **« ot Uex A * Sviunos Twe*day. »!i Joi.nut* t)x,rt I ] \ H I p!* • ■tent »t tb*' pis, AEMOE BROS! i. I LEADING Am USUAL l Our great house grorias ’neuth the t ude of i i Bargains Woiidorful That fal every inch of space from basement to m doifts uuuiv It takes cash and a shrewd buyer . fo snatch these rare values frem the ^reat Manufacture! so! ., tlie . iNorui ■»■*• ,i anti | T) i-asi. j -age wove ’ . got the -neks and the best buyers that tered tli • Held this season. Nothing new P£P‘!TtPf] ChUapt; T iia * * V il®i V. —• • — $20/',0b in clothing alone; full .suits from 75c t«'?50. Every Ill f tgiuable falnc front the looms of the woili. We hallenge any dealer to show otir ) business ot diess suit for less than $13.50 to $15. Our Dress Goods, Silks tmd Trimming Department n tuiuds one of the incomparable “Midway I’laisaiice. For here you see the late importations of France, England, Ireland, Scotland and Germany, China, In¬ din and Japan; we show smooth finish double width hern itJtas at, 12 Jo, real '-’De¬ values; 50 novelty patterns reduced from $15, $12.50. $10, $K 50 and $7 at 3.50 to ti.50 to make room for new arrivals. Our //opsackiligs, /’Iain and St»>rm Surge, (’ashmeres all wool Henriettas, silk warp Henriettas, Gilbert Suitings, Benga¬ lees, shaded Surahs, Crystal Benga lines, Armours, Plaid Soires, Tafetss, Grogrunes, Damaseas, etc , cannot be match¬ ed by any retail dealer south of Mason and Dixon line. These g<-ods a re selling like wildfire. Call e* ly in the morning to avoid the great rush. The largest and most complete stock of //osieiy, Gloves, //andkerchiefs, Corsets, Belts, Braids, Edg mgs, Insurtions, JLnces, Fmbroideries, Gimjis, Nets, wheels Passamenteries, etc., we have ever before carried. Our Artistic Milliner, Miss Julia Thomas, loads the trade with the grandest and most beautiful array of Paris styles Vet soon in our city. She never fails to produce just whet a person wants. Her sales are immense if cotton is cheap. She can come nearer making a dollar stretch |||^(‘ 1)1000 of rubber than anybody. She is » Taliaferro anxious for a larger trade from County. flannels; 40 and 50 Big drive in all wool e goods being knocked off at 20 e; how’s that! Zeijrler Bros. $3 shoes at $ 1 . 75 . “ Sw .*>0 slio<‘s at $ 1 . 50 . . SllOOS unit . ® Tliuro is nothing ~ 111 WO can not T*’ Wo keop ovorything . . mid , want show. * * ' vonr tnulo nromisillff _ to savo von from , 1*4 lOtOoo «)0 1 1 -«> O * ‘ *'ll OOllt; bollOVO . WO Will soouroll. *4 OOF WO * _ r to . 1 ours son 0 » ARMOR BROS! CjJre* shorn, lllJt. „ \ VV A / ANTEDspecial Ciawfordville Age ■ t for ai>d vicinity f >r the Ordinary Department of the VfeWopolitan Lift Insurance Company of New York. <G<x*l Tenitory and excellent contracl to right man. Odt.b, Caban:*.* A Co. Gen'l Agents, Macon,Ga. Notice Teachers. 1 will tie ready on Thursday, Dec. ■‘1st to make a p*’ ment to the teachers f.rthevr, D All trachars wlio have not sent lu ^f)eir r> ports are rt quest*! t. lo sc at once. Respectfullv W T, Flyut. C. !i C. Begtff Diarrhoea Balsam. Ueliex. t'x»tir, Dwttheea. xi d Dysen’ery tHsiS'.l uv. Always k«p by a * apple on s , xnd >*trr»ittcd [>t;. It J l.VIP Crawfordville Alliance Will meet December 23 The time ot met ting - has l>een changed to the Saturdix fore the Fourth Sunday. ■ forget this. Rlmimatism. Headache, Earache.Too , ,, h\ , , , v V^r-‘,.;r;,r,',vcr:^ , k nev* are 1 -i ;n | Ht ikiDi! * nh*r, ami ‘it' - A.* r, niv the **«Urft* at cd 'e. the vi'al ; arts J Uriiv Every ’ M e warrante.1 by 1 »r k. NOTICE TAXES. 1 w ill be at the followini; named places on dates heiow. Please meet me promptly and pay your taxes, Raytown, Aec. 1st. Craw fordville, Dec. at. Battery, 608th district Dec. 4th. Crawfordville, Dec. 5th. | Lynsville, Dec. 6th. 602 District court gronmi, Dec. 7th. Micron, Dec. 8th. < raw fordville, Dec. 9th. Dec. Htli. Dec. 12th. 6oT District, comt ground Dec, 13ih. Ciawfordville, Dec 14th. Battery, 60*th District DeC. istl) 1 1 .ui the 15th to the ‘.Oth of D, cember 1 will be in Ciawfordville. My books must close ou December 20th, 1.893. Respectfully, G. T. Edwskos. Tax Collector Taiiaferro Ci uuty. I.( ST A large amount of Money is lost an nuaiy t.y parties purchasing worthless fra ‘ trees roses and eic. t et them from firill <h»t grows their own trees, sends out ~ for particulars and prices at ..nee, send stamp for descriptive Catalogue. Agent wanted everywhere. Add-ess, Clicrechee Nursiry Co. Wnycross-fia. Legal Advertisements. Citation. v EORGIA -Tamakehuo County. To T all whom it may concern: S. Ii. Rhodes, rdministrator of Mrs. Rebecca Harper, deceased, basin due form sell applied the to the undersigned for leave of to said d. lands belonging to the estate - ceased, and said application will he heard on the first Monday in January next, at 10 o'clock in my office, in the Court House of said county. GEO. II. MITCHELL, Dec. 6. 1893. Ordinary. Citation. /~s EORCIA—Tai.takkhbo County. R, 11 J, Mai n tnd Gharlie Mann as exec¬ utors of the estate of John T. Mann, lias duly made application the to the of undersigned said for leave to-ell lands estate; and 1 will pass upon said application on the first Monday in January next in my , ffice in C< urt ltous* of said county. Said land consists of a tract of land containing three hundred and eighty-five acres, more or less, in said county, adjoining Joini public road, ands of Charlie Mann, Hol¬ den , J. C. Luneeford ami other*. GEORGE M1TC HELL, Ordinary. Lt UAL COTTON MA1KF.T. Good MU’dling * ktrict Middling “t M pldling 7 TUB CnUKCllfiS CHAWFOHDY1I.I.E. Baptist church. Rev. B. E. L. Harris pastor. Preaching on first and second Sundays in month at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Pray er meeting Wednesday night, M. E. Church, ltev. J. R. Lewis pastor. Preaching 011 fourth Sunday in month at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sun day school at 4 p. m. SHARON. Methodist Church, Kev, A. Huges Pastor. Preaching 4th. Sunday at 11 o’clock a. ID. Prayrr meeting Fri¬ day nights, Sunday 3 o’clock P. M. on Sunday. South Liberty Presbyterian. Kev, F. T. Simpson, pastor. Preacb ng on third Sundays at 11 e’clock. I’rayer meeting every Sunday night Sunday school 9:30. Purification church, Roman Cath¬ olic. Rev. A. J. Semmes, pastor. Services on Sundays at 10 a. id. On eek days at 0:15 a.n-. PEOPLE'S PARTY PLATFORM Adapted in National Convention at Omaha Jit']/ 4, 1892. First.—We demand a national currency safe, sound and flexible, issued by the geneiel Government only, a full b ga tender for all debts, public and private and that without the use of banking eor porations, a just, equitable and efficient means of distribution direct to tli* people at » tax not exceeding 2 per cent per an nun), be provided, as s«t forth in ttie uhtr,M suiy p'»n cf the Farmers’ Alli ance or some better system also by pay ments in discharge of its obligations tor public improvements. Second.—We demand the fieeand un limited coinage of Silver and gold at present legal ratio of l'i to t. Third.—We demand that the amount o. thecire-ilating medium be speedily in creased to not less than f50 per capita. Fourh.—We demand a graduated in come tax. Fifth.—We believe that the money of the country should be kept as much as [lossible in tbe hands of the people, and hence we demand tliat ail state arm na tional revenues shall be limited to t |,p necessary expenses of Die Coverniten tconouiically and lionestly administered Fifth ,_\\ e demand that postal savings banks be established by ti- goveiment for the safe deposit of the earnings of the people and to facilitate exchange Seventh —Transportation boing a of exchange ai d a public necessity, itic overnmentshould own an 1 operate the ailroadsin th • interest of the people • Eighth.—Tlie telegraph and tbe tele phone, like the post-office system being a necessity for transmits, not news, should be owned and operated by ti.eGovern mentin the interest of the people, Ninth —The land, Including ail the nat un»l sources of wealth is the heritage ail the people and sliouUl not be me nopoii/e.1 , , for speculative , purpose*, and ; 1 —«ne,bio uf .................. AH Iain*! now h .4 t>y ianro»d nt | other cor ignitions in exc*** of llteir ,mkl be reclaimed Dy the G. v C rn tnd held for »vtus ; >*UUrso Your Time 7 When it needs repairing can be profit', ably placed in my hands. My long ix perienee as a Practical Jeweler Ei antes me to do all kinds of work pers taining to tho Jewelry Trade in a profU cient manner. When your clot k or watch, oreastpiu or ring, or jewelry of any de¬ scription that give needs repairing, When or anything in line me a trial. you wish anything in the jewelry line made anew 1 can do it, and satisfaction and pricet. Respectfully, A. S. Lara-more, { Crawfordville, Ga. „ Office in Alliance Store. Notice to Debtors aodCretl itors GEORGIA—Taliaferio County. All p,rsons indebted to the Estate of W. M. Tappsn, late of said county ties ceased, are requested te make immediate payment, and all persons having elaims against said Estate are requested to teims pre¬ sent same to the undersigned in of the law. Pkkbe A. Tappan. Executrix. vVhite Plains, Ga , Ncv. 20, 1893. Bargains! Bargains! Geo. W: Brown, Sharon, Ga., will sell out at cost all goods for the next Thirty Days! All persons indebted tome, either by note or account, will make satisfactory arrange¬ ments to settle or the same will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. Dec. nth, 1893 . LUMBER! Good, seasoned lumber of all description for sale. When you want anything in the lum¬ ber line call on or write to ROBT. SMITH. Philomath, Ga. TO THE PUBLIC! I desire to state to my old patrons as well as to my new friends, that I am back in Greenesboro at my old trade, blacksmithing, with Mr. C. H. Finch, back of Armor Bros, store. JNO. IRWIN. FAWKES -C^s cryst. SK. R AM MA BUY NONE BUT THE GENUINE. 3,000 Merchants sell ft/WXTT gPEXT/CL 2,000 of them handled o,hev Spec¬ tacles without Success. These Famous Clasofs are Fitted to the Eye at Dr. B. J. BHIDS. Crawfordville, s - Georgia. J. H. MONCRIEF. Resident Dentist Creen63 ’0T0, Ca I wish t“ return my tliAuk- t - a ^ener eus public for past favors, and tc announca lJat j j, a , t “New and Improve,! Method for operaHc-ns in fi.bng teeth Am prepared to serve you in a satifiactory mariupr at all JAMES DAMSON — Attorney at Law.- Geeuesloro (ieorgia LOANS negotiated. Office in Court House M il. i-ractic'' in adjoiningcountias __ Subscribe to the _ 1 A 4 1 Vi 1 I *! 11 ,