The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 22, 1893, Image 1
i— h- bd a ££>■* I S’ h- Pdf ' The Crawfordville People‘s Advocate. Esm‘uhshed 189;: Tm Democrat " 1976 Consolidated Oct. (3. 1893. -4®CRA wfor d VI lle Sfr ALLIANCE STORE! Our Motto : Honest Goods for Honest Money! Head what wc have to say before you buy your Fall and Winter goods, we have sold goods for cash this year are therefore in a condition to g ive you 1 bargains . throughput , . > , Olir entire . . stock, we have no bad debts that we will try to make good at our customers expense. H&r&aiiis! Hargaitis!! A large stock hf Factory goods always on band; among which we have the heaviest checks ever sold in tills place. High Shoals I shirting at he. per yard. Jeans! Jeans! Jeans! We have a large stock of jeans which we are selling very low. He sure to get your part of the bargains we are offer¬ ing in 9 oz. Athens jeans before it is all gone. Hoots and Shoes. We desire to call special attention to our stock of mens and boys boots ; 7 see %j them before you buy. The best line of children shoes in stocb, we have ever had. \ outur © Men. See our gents furnishing goods, latest style hats and gents underwear before you purchase. Promiscuous. -Wc keep on ltitu'l ajroed supply ot tjie follow! rug * T“otls: oft which we guar.ihTr* prices, Sii' ir, coff ee, lard,"* meat, fl mi - , meal, salt, bagging, ties, syrup, molasses vinegar, oil, nails, plows, Dixie.plows, and extra points, rope, horse collars, horse shoes, broom: leather, tobacco, cigars, ci oakery, lamps class ware, tinware, cli ;ese, crackers, canned goods, staple drugs, and other things too numerous to mention. JFiien in town be sure to to give us aea!! and sec what we are do ng. WCOiiapman, TS/Lssr THE PLACE Tl BEY YOUR 10E. Whoii Von Come t<> Greenesboro KIMBROUGH,BICKERS&CO Is the House to Huy From. We invite the ^oocl people of Taliafeir.j County to come and see us. We have the Lest line of goods at as low a price as they can be sold. ’77'e carry in stock an ele ¬ gant line ol Dress goods and trimming, ladies cloaks, shoes ol all kinds, clothing, hats, furni¬ ture, crockery, hardware, domestics ol all kinds a( the lowest prices If you cant come send us your orders. They will have our prompt attention. ■yphen you visit Greenesboro be sure to c?M on Kimbrough? Bickers & Co. Heard-G-eisslcr E-lock- AN ADVOCATE OF JEFFERSO NIAN PRINCIPLES- CKAWFOllPYIIXE. GA.» JERIDAY, DECEMBER S LOCAL NEWS That Mark next to your name moans that your subscription has expired. Come up and renew. Irish glue at C. Bergstrom's. Cold weather and hard times don’t go together very well. $o shoes at $3 50 Armor Bros, Mr, B. C. MeIFhorter, of Greenes-* boro, was down Sunday. MyimrXmu Strom’s. The Sunbeams will have a supper at the Academy next Fihlay evening at 6 o’clock. 63 -hoes at 1. 75. Armor Bros. “llaihoad” snuff at U. Ft vy.stvom's. On list mas turkevs seem to be rather scarce around Cr.iwfordville. Buy your shoes of Kimbrough, Bickers A'Co., Greene-boro <Ja. Christmas is nearly here; now is the time to pay up your subscription. Go to G. Bergstrom's for crockery, cliinaware, etc , etc. Hev, Joseph Sides, of Tvrorie, Ga., is on a visit to frierds in the city. Big stock shot guns Giles etc. being closed at a very small, Armor Bros Mis. J. W. Thompson, of Augusta, is on a visit to relatives In the eity. Order your goods from Kimbrough lliel,ers & Co. Greenesboro, Ga, Mr, J, tY. Johnson, of G reenesboro, came down Saturday night on a busi¬ ness trip. What is better or more useful for a Christinas present than china or glassware? Call on O. Bergstrom and set vvliat you want in this line. Your sweetheart wanls a box of for an Xmas present - Huy the from Mis. M. C. Trope. Window shades, house furnishing etc, only at Armor Bros. Mr. Jno. N. Chapman is laid up witii the gripp this week. Yon can buy fancy camly at the Alli¬ Store for 10c. per lh. Just think of Just opened another shipment of Indies Kimbrough Bickers & Go. Green > 1 fc Mr. C. Rerg'trO’u-'of our city has a splended stock, of dry goods, clothing, hats, shoes, notions etc. When in town go aroun I and see him. All are glad (especially the hoys) t” see Miss Ella Keid out after a severe spell of la grippe. $20,000 worth of clothing to lie sold hv January 1st if you need it you will find it to your interest to call on Arm ir Bros a 1 once: W. lore are Kimbrough, Bickers A Co Greenesboro, Ga. What are they? The livliest, buislest firm in Middle Ga. In spite id the low temperature last Sun lay four negroes were baptized ar Ihe colored Baptist Church. The best fancy and plain candies, raisins, nuts, fruits, etc., are to he bought from Mrs. v!. O. Trope. Buggies surreys, phaetons, hunkbonrds road carts, (tc. to be slaughtered for the n"Xt 30 days. Armor Bros. Local adds in this paper will pay advertisers handsomely ev«-y pop. Only Sets per line. Try it. Big lot of fire-crackers at (lie Alliance Store which must be sold in the next few days. Work has been commenced on Mr. W. C. Chapman’s house. Judge S. 11. Rhodes is the contractor in charge. Carpets, mattings, mgs, art squares mats etc. at a very low price. These goods must he turned into money. Armor Bros. Go to C. Bergstrom’s to got any¬ thing you may want in the glassware, crockery and tinware line. Mr. V. T. Newsome, from Union Point, was in the city o.i a business trip Thursday, Drags, Medicines, Oils, Faints, Glass Perfumes, latest designes iu ornaments china ware and etc. at T. It. Bice’s Green esboro, Ga. Go to Mrs. M. C. Trope for latest In millinery. Mr. G, II. Nixon, rnemb-r of the of Nixon <fc Dauforth of Augus¬ spent a short while in the city 6 solid cars of furniture from the factories of the West,being hurled at a gorg lay Armor Bros. 4 cats of cooking an I heating stoves cheap at Armor Bros., Mrs. Jno. Stephens, nee Miss Leila of Atlanta, is down on a to relatives. Christmas is almost here and the man wants to get full value for his money buy his candy, rai.-ins, oranges, ap¬ cocoaiiuts etc. at the Alliance Store, Boots and big stock of clothing at fae cost. Armor Bros. If’hen hunting for t .ys go to see Mrs. M. C. Trope, and you » 11 find you may want In that line, Notice that Bluk Mark by your It means your subscription has out, and you are invited t) come and renew. Cloaks at New York Cost. Armor Brcs Nice lot of pants just received at the Alliance Store ranging in piiec from (>; up. liance SeeonrSOe .Store, uniaijudrled i f^liIrts at the Al¬ News comes /font Sparta that the depot and seveim burned eats loaded with cotton were up there last Wednesday nigii Tim Ere is sup¬ posed to be of ip '."'.diary origin. Nothing addsTilfain; h to the decoration of a room as a bee ,fal lamp and T. I!. Uioe of Greened?-Jo can supply you at eity prices. Hive Mm a trial. trunks, A well tumhvanXVte., assortei|s> >ek of furniture, to bo sold at rock bottom prices, at C. Bergstiom’a. Mr. Claude Fa tick representing the Walton FemlirelC’o. was in lho. city several days this lveek. He could not resist tlm Incln.a'fon Sunday of calling on one of Orawfimoidville’s charming liellrs. ttjj. ‘ 1 s I it \nst- as you said.” "What? That (J. Bergstrom’s is the cheapest obtee Cl got your supplies; such as tlmr, mill, meat, sugar, etc., tic. i See tint Ward's Fair for Fif (. !* Vents, Upon receipt of iyiir address and fifteen egnis in p (stage : mps, we will mail you prepaid World's our Solve tin Foiitkolio ok Tin the ColiUKIsn Exposition, regular price is Fifty cents, but as we want you to have uie, we m ike the price noiiiinu!. You wt.rgud it ,i work of ml and a thing to !>,• piired. buildings, If e mtalus with full page views of tlie 'great highest 'inscriptions style of of so ue, If and not is sat'sfled executed,i.i with it, art^ will refund the after you get It, we slumps and let on teep the book. Ad¬ dress II K. *>t“ KEEN AID., i Chicago, III. An Old CiLizen Passes A^.ay. On last M rd^esday evening a I I o’clock Mr. • id (on Gorham, an old and esloeinc ' ei'U u of Ciawdinlville, breathed his insfi. Mr, Gorham had been an ■ iuv.ih *twr sonu time, and though the end irf's of hi* dentil is re¬ ceived with soi fut heads by h.s many friends, Amt. a surprise. Previous to hijolAjjilug A- hero, ML Gorham \va a nr’/ .djt*' ’ of the linn of Neal, Newton d U) ji f Baird-down. The decease 1^ Bluee children to mourn his lug K) . Youil I d iN'i" nib' The burial w at 'i o'clock Thursday. Piles ' tiles ! Piles ! Cftn bo. ff’rv Hotffi's’ (li'i'iirm Salve when filing «lgn Inis fiilnd. Solti and \v<ur;in% by Du. it. .J. Ukii>. A Supper. Next Friday crotting (Dec. 29) at li o’clock, the Sunhi inis will have a Hiip per at the An l-my, All are invited to Come out, esp cp lily tln> little folks. The sociable i-; jitiaiuly fov the Sun livams, hid after they have refreshed themselves, outsiders will bo nerved. Those who Bile id eonlrihul.iiig any¬ thing to the supper in Ihe eatable line, nro requested to send in their donations liv 10 o’clock Friday morning. Every one should help the children in lids plan by giving something. I eniemher Ihe time is li o’clock p. in. Patron iz e Home Indust ry By tyintf your horw to tin* new liiichiii^ post just put up ;»t the Allhiie <• {Store. An Agreeable Surprise. Last Tuesday mglit the young ladies and gentlemen of our city held a sur¬ prise party at the home of Mr. W. J. Norton. Owing to the grip that La Grippe bad upon some of the hoys, only a few were present. The young people worn ably enter¬ tained bv charming music from Misses Lilia and Ella Norton, and Mrs, J. W. Thompson, The pantomime game was then played until a late hour. Although, Uie object (?) of the gathering wau to decide as to what kind of sociable to have Christmas week, the consultation was not he'd until . , a number , Urd ,1# left; consequently , no decision wa* reached. The boys think another ’-sty-prise party” should be gotten up to decide this question. The successful efforts of the i> auti fill hostess towaG] entertaining those who were fortunate enough tube pros eut, will long heir rum-mb red. Is Your Hair Falling Out or Turning Gray. If so try Beggi’ Hair Renewer. The effect b wooden id. Hold and warranted by Du, R. J. Uiui. Notice to Applicants. There will !>*• an examination of applicants for license to teach on Saturday, January 6, MH beginning at o’clock a. n. Fart it» furnish the requisite certificates, I.y order of the S;«le School Commie sioner. W» % V. Fi#.vr, Dec. 21, '03. c. 8 . a Hard Times. If you wit to avoid f el log the “hard times” buy you rat mas goods at the A! fiance Htore whire a little money will CORRESPONDENTS. DOTS ON THE ROAD* l-y Traveler. Regular services at Salem Baptist Church last Sunday, conducted by the I’ustor, W r . It. Cox. Mr. J Hues R. Gregory moved this week to the O. O, Caldwell place 011 l’ea Itidge. We hate to give up Bio. Gregory from our neighborhood, but can rejoice that we will have Mr. ry Allen in his place. Mr. \V. ,7. Ellington Is sporting be¬ hind a little black, slick, donkey. When Joe meets the train with him ami his donkey passes it without, noticing anything, Deacon Ellington raises his price live d dials; but when that donkey gets soared, or kicks at Him. Joe, tbit mule will lie offered for sale at fifty cents below par. Mr. Marcos Norris says that Mr, Pearson, of Warren county, has the first pair of siloes he ever wore. They were made try his grand mother. Mr. Pearson is about eighty years old mid the shoes are about seventy. three years old. We have heard people say that some people could curse or swear by note, hut we think Hint Bob Jackson and Judge Pittman call do that by tele¬ graph. llev. W. U. Pox spent part of the day with us last Sunday, His compa ny was vny much enjoyed by myself and family; hope ho will make his visits more often. We think our Sharon cm respondent was rather herd on Alf Mooie, Every body knows that Alf loves to work, but getting pay for it is the greatest trouble witii him. Mr. G. It. Gregory was taken very sick last Sunday with Li Grippe, but i-i better at th‘s wilting. We think our independent candidate for sherlf passed quite a compliment on the Populist Party, from the vote he received. We Mill it Mr, Googer did wrong. Mr. W. II. Il i^diy and family visited W. The Christ dims tiM will be on Wednesday in the day time at Salem Baptist Church, Burnett, Ga. Gome one and all and put presents on the tree, air. Editor you are especially invited to Come down. Well, we close our letter with voir for this your Imping that you may en jov yourselves dm ini' tlm Christ rn is times ami enter upon a mor» detei - muted resolution that you will do bet¬ ter another. Sharon Do I, a. Dear ,Santa Glaus: Please carry all the little hoys and girls idee, and he sure to put something good in their stockings f r those poor children across the wav where you won’t he ah!e to go, and leave a note lor their papas and mi hers, telling them not In drink any .r-ongg anil dram this Ghristnuis. A Lh i Lie On l*ilAN A’r .Siiaiio.v. Maj. Boano was in !,»\vij Tuesday with a drove of hor.a:.'! and mules for trade. Mr. A. A. Mershoa v isited Ins »i» l,ir llt 1 List Monday. Mr. L 8. Jackson has found Ms sli '8 which were lost no tlie train from Augusta a I'd v weeks ago, but another bundle which was accidentally carried from the car the saiuo evening liuHii’t reached home yet. Miss Mary Love Kendrick and friend, Miss Nell Cowan, went to Washington Tuesday. Mr. Jno. Burke is quite sick lias la grippe. Our friend Arthur Gunn is not well at ties writing, tut will soon tic ou hand we hope. Mr. J. , , V. r Garrett is able to be up. * He ,, was in town . . list Tuesday evening. There will lie several mini ages 111 the neighborhood this winter. Mr. G"-o. W. Blown l va ild h's store. He thinks next year wdi lie a hard year to do business, and he de* elded to he more attentive to his farm and quit merchandising. The ladies will decor, to the church this week, and a good congregation is expected to hear Rev. A. J. Hughes preach next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Turner left last Wednesday for Atlanta—iheir new home. Borne of the young ladies in town are Inny fixing Xmas gifts for their fellows. Mr. Fiizhugli Fiyut is a cornpli menlary clerk in J. A. Ketiuiiek’s store this month. Nonpareil Hair Curler. Will keen the Hair in curl the dampest It. weather. J. Every bottle warranted by Du. Dr. Price’* Cream Baking Powder VOK1- IN 0. AFTER CHRISTMAS! And the Frolicking is Over, You Will Wish That You Had Mometuiog To Show for Your Money. A word before <'i.i i-l ua- an I be¬ fore it’s too hue: .Suppose you invest your money in something lliat will not only look nice, but also be a filin 'of beaut,' an ! of service for n good long time. Fv doing tins you have soineihii,' In rliow for your money, ami you [hereby c ape dial “Alter Ihe ball” feeling that is sure to follow an empty poekeibook • and loo null'll Christmas. Then these h;Wil times require us all to he very cautious about dm wav we spend (lie chink and in making presents, or treating yourself to them. You should select presents rorvieuablo as well as handsome and prc'tiy. You admit the wi-do.not this advice* Then, let me inform \ou dial 1 have a full line of Dry Goods from which you can choose a present cheap or en.,1 lv, fancy or plain, an I a useful and beautiful nrllolo for any member of your liniifr'hold. I can say die same abniil nu line of shoes. I have them for die multitude in die latest styles and at rock bottom prices. Do you want to make your wPo n present of a nice dress? 1 have it. Your children presimlH from a Now, Fresh and Full line, of articles lint a live mereumilo house eaivies? 1 liav” them , lnaddi lion lei me lei! you that I sell my goods cheaper thaii any home iii Middle Geor¬ gia, “But (hey are inferior goods,” you say. Wo respectfully *a> not. The reason of if is wo are satisfied wit h a smaller profit, ihnii oilier dealers. We depend on gelling "a little profit from I ho many nil her than a ruinous (for the customer) profit from the few. And (o let us prove what wo say givo us a trial. Kospcetfullv, .1, M. STORMY Greenesboro, Gn Tlon’t lor^< * A h.' )»ig X opfio •ill* your nmno iiichiih. BEHIND THE BARS. The Thievo'; Who Entered Mr. Reid's B tri oom .'U'o Boing Fed by the County, Ft oav night Mr. Will Kelli id timed from Augusta, b inging with bun one of Hie negioes who broke in his hi • room Inst Tuesday night, 'Ik e negro proved to helteeson Lym i,a hiyuhmt 17 years ohl. Upon being queolioned, Win-11 first caught, lie e infesHed that lie Inilpcd to hie: k In the si ore, also told where Ins pal mi .'lil. be found. When leaving Augusta with Use prisoner, ,1/r Held lelrgiapbed Maislial Tucker to meet him at Harnett, to lake charge of his prisoner. But af¬ ter a consultation on the train from Uii'iiett ti) OrawfordvHle it was ar¬ ranged for Marshal Tucker to go af¬ ter tin; other min, who Beeson Lyrics, I lie in Honor, said lived m ar IVufi dd in Greene County. Willi the help of Mr. Ddvin of 81 loam, Mr. Tucker caught the guilty negro ami returned home on Hie ac¬ comodation being gone about 10 hours. T/ie negio caught In IVnfi'dd turns out to be Jno, Mapp who broke lu Mr. J. W. Johnson's barroom in Greenes biro, twom three weeks ago. Mapp also is supposed to have broken Into a birroom nt Sparta ami Norwood soinos time previous to the Greenesboro l (left. At the commitment Dial Monday both Ihe negroes plead guilty. They also admitted going Into Mr Evans’ blacksmith shop the same Might they broke into Mr. Itefd’sbirroom and took from there a shotgun which Beeson Lyue* gold In Augusta 45cu. The negroes’ bonds were put at $lo) each and upon failure to give same, they were cai ried back to jail. Everyone rejoice* in the c.iptuie of the J » two law-breakers; for had they not been caught tins they would no doubt have turned out to ho des I er'ate ernuma's. cAwarJaJ Highest Honors-World's Fair. 0 -PRICES * >: 3 «iPa? A! * The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum, Lfcc-d iu Millions of Homes—40 Yarcs the Standard THE RAIN OK THE M'Tr 4. WR.TCEN FOIt I. ‘.ST WEEK. Oil I you needn't hope to ’scape 'em, for they’re going to find you shore; '1 hey’ll "hit you on the harry sine’’ and swarm up on the fore. And they’ll stop you on the highway, low way, Midway—any route, And if you’ve got the spontlullx, bet your life you’ll shell it out. CHORUS: Ohl the Hottentot will take you “raw” The Fiji "rare” or "(lone,’’ Du’, the Mite will take you “a la hash” Or picftle and salt you down. The Cannibal kindly kills at once, or somewhere there about, But the Milo will sehem > to see how long lie can draw the slow death out. They rise early In the morning (or they never sleep at r.iglit) Ami they know the Sherman bill’s re¬ pealed for they "draw oil sight.” And if you vainly try to hlalT, or "ouss” or storm, or lncker They’ll mop their eyes with their bloody paws and begin to cry and snicker. And when they ye got you oil your guard tlmy’ll charge and “take you down” And ‘■dollar more says” they’ll never stop ’tilt they "<lo you up brown*” And when your last (s) cunt they have drawn by cuts of harsh iullictlon, They’ll lay you out and near about set up this sail inscription: “Mites! will now seek giocner lands, nor on the ’busted’ call, Here lies the mtti who could not stand ‘After lbs bawl.’ ” chorus: The bedbug’s wings are no account, And the chinch Is likewise lame The Miles they nave no wings at all But they get there ju-t the same. of the fat and happy heathen we would neg a few respites, And beseech them fora little while to whistle oil the Mites. Unto Biiddtt and to Vislitaand the smaller frv wn prey — If we’ve got to stand tills racket and bo tortured hi this w iy, For sending M'aslouarlos to llij wooden gods«nd Fakirs— (Jl send iis in tv(icn ut once your cheap¬ est Undertakoi*. A 0HR1STMAS CAROL. AS SUNG AT A POPULAR GREENESBORO HOUSE. Clirl'dma* comes lint once a year, All, In flint “aunt" tln lr hearts should ohrer; Make others feel the joy of living By good alms dugdsan I grimrous giving. New tllOHi: vibe give with go**d Intent. Will buy the gift, the e’loii'e pri.....nt Where longest stretch the lleetlng cent— At T. It. Klees'. Theie presents are from every where; From climes with hot, with froy.en air I’lesmifs of many a sort .and Kind. Perfume* tlmt rival those of led Are cheaply got if you,go or send— At T. B. Klees*. There are vases beautiful and chinas rare, I’lusli good- suil fancy silverware; Jewelry iimeli an I In every de-lgn, Lamps that would please an artmtii’ mlml. Album-, toilet set - of choice selection, Sllrrors that give a pretty reflection, Await your wondering inspection— At T. B. Klcos’. There are Xmas goods too many to mens lion All now and fine, and of late invention. Nothing shoddy, old, or behind the tinm Will you gut when you in.y from Rlcca’ line. New gifts for tha old, fiesli gifts for the young, (To tell of them all were a tale too long) Going for little more than a song— At T. It. Klees’. O list, younvmaul That girl so dear You would have for your own in the future near To win her hand and to conquer her heart Give presents that will form of her ll/e • part; Then You'll win at the eml and he head at the start: With Venus’ smile, and Cupids’ swift dan, Ai.d the riip.sF.VTi you -- when wit la iiionec you part, At T. B. U‘lies’. Subscribe to the Advocate-Dem¬ ocrat.