Newspaper Page Text
Hi Hi? MM Men MrM
npafh UCdlU in M Ihp Mb Piypr IU?GI.
A Terrible Disaster at Lonlstllle Last
Friday Morning.
At a few minute* ]***l 10 oh‘lock
I rittay irotming ih<* fulne uork and
ihnt |>Art of th*"- mhldlu of th*'
IrOTijflvillo And »fe^er*oi>villo hrif!g«
^«ve way, *ud, with all the workman,
wwi precJpiUitod 110 f* ft into the wAtur
Iwlow. There vrtut but n iuom< uVh
warning, hu <1 tin who * going
down with the m?ih« of iron mol tim
lw*r ftt*rt«Td for tlm pi< r» nfi* r (he 6r>tt
trembliug th*t indicat/fd 1li« girlug
ItffRT tin work.
The neeidi-nt a horrible one, find
)h the la*t of iv long Unt of
tropln'M that hftvo marked the con«trite
ttotl of thin bridg* The foreman, in
ituginning the work, noticed that <lur
mg the night the ’tra\* \* r," whieh
lm‘l been put in plw*- the night before,
had bei'it work* <1 loofte by the w ind.
An order (.i draw it back into place
wii* given nnd the men ftinl engine*
were fttarted. The w ind wan high at tho
time Hfid « genth' ft waving of the f ft 1*0
work gradually forced the “traveler - *
off the pile» on which it w»»m rratihg.
'Hu end ftliifjft'd, the whole work
trembled, nnd tho nt« n, r* ftb/,ing their
<ianger, started for the pier As luck
would havv it, the central le nt waathe
Prat to giv* way nnd the men on thin
bent w* fit down to be covered 1»V the
y i>HHft of iron nnd timber of th** other
bi nt*, which fell »lin<»Ht immediately,
lurrying with them tin other workmen
who f HI led to re» ll phi* 1 ' h of tnftHy on
the jiiers. The north bent, or the one
nttaelied tu tie- Iiiiiiuiia pier, did Hot
(all lor fifteen minutes after the other
As m ar as can ■■■ ' . -a'n-d, . «» .. -. , •
U< ....................!"I bridge when
tie Hlsrm wa. given by ,he e ig.t.eer ..
rimitfi of Hu* workn. <»f
went down mum were covered h.v a
mass of timber, front ’miiuath winch
it will bu days before ‘heir bodies are
Mm thsi crash, when, i ,,t
nave wav. was »l 10:25 o'clock, wad ii
was ,hot. that the great number of fa
tali ties occurred. A feu# minutes later
a bent, on which then was hut little
<«J fho jiropof, w»y on the
Indiana side.
Ill (his, )1 is bell t.)d that but one
unknown man «na hilled, He NVI1H
i-nughl b\ a top" mol dragged beneath
,1m water, Thu crash attracted
shore and many turned away their
i ves a* they «aw tie men struggling in
midair in their mad (Torts to climb
oil! of danger.
(STHr uHLiN** roll Mrr.
Mlii-Ii the huge mass nl material
atfllck the water all was concealed for
an instant by (he spray that was
thrown lug , into the air As the w«
tef subsided hero ftnd ''lore couhl 1m
‘'' rtigg oiR < * [ r ;' - '
bi 4 iiii- > !!t : * b n * s *
wiu s ‘ * ¥
tioalft that \mioui from the tiliare.
(Hheiwatimggbnl Oeftperatidy at»d
carried *• ti - M! ' urr< ' , ‘ M,n ‘ n
most when ies mu was at hand
A feu iii, nut'':* u o "'' cl1 1 " "
ns was son b> all parts of tin eit.v
Near the bridge live the wive* and
children of many of the workmen.
Those were soon on the river bank
Many were wild with grief and rushed
frantically about, w ringingiheir hands
and tearing their hair. The
the bridge company, on Campia
street, will. I*i so pod ............... moth
, rs and wives it.umrieg for th, ir loved
Ollftft. Mali horn after 111,•accident
tllAfft WftfC At h’Uft! thoilftClul j
pr«*pl<M»u tho livur bunk.
Hi* believed that f**r(v lives ware
lust. Till,, patr.d warn.,;, war,, kept
luisv mid gunida. a salat.** I l*v the fire
....... Ul. It, earrviiig off th-dead
and injured. IV w»g„„a could Rut
h tu and Hum the hospital fast
nough b.nsv.M- these taken from the
Tbi* fA,*lh»wuig ift ft list id tlu* duatl
ft Uti BllKSltlj Ihnul f*. O. (larloek,
•)«Jin Cmirtiu v, *t. Mmph>, s. c *
(lodk, MiMtiiifj V Hohlerer. ^
8*hUI$ 0, CrugHU, M. Suluu, FnMik
Situiucuift, »b lit i n»*u\ ill*’; (1. H. Hiii
kh% DmipUiu, 1 *h. i d, iit'lth u, *T. 1.
Wilson, Put Kidiuy, J, 1'. < uF.
Htmrri^UOv %1, A1h*i»* V. F. Moon*. Ouo
Lilly. 11 \\ Lilly, U F. Ihurtingvr.
Virgin in i 11. BbftK. I ho lint «*f in*
jnrul jh very ho ;v hh<1 h n\nnV>er ot
tbu*e UH>»t heriuit-.y hurt will prnb
ablv die.
A large fore,- of men and S pih
driver were at work all day K« udny
in clearing up the a reek at the bridge,
bttt no Itudit-H w ere taken out. Most
ot the injured men aud those killed
bad their lives insured for various
( aniint Kruit,
Thh i.iusir*. whi*h las' a!!»""'i
»mh c»K-mivc proportloaa, it« v
I.UUC tu* as
knew., to th* inhabitants of lNm»i*u,
but hftd ioaa iM V,MO.,; ou for^< u«M3. n«up veaM
a -o ft part* at'amu* ,d .,hspp* :n--i to ’ a
■meat w.-svatio ,s to that ,i»*
when sow* mu of pns.-nod fthowrU tig* wm
foumt Inmi^ation thnt ihft
Eid Imh*u pul ittto tin* ?a.ra iu a
iu4au4 fifths tu ojetting left for th?
«!t a(Q to tfOIM ftRti Uiftll M*ah‘it with thy
WftX, The hint WftK tftkrls, nlnt !hf fol
lowing you fruit'd lulling Wfft ittUyatuced
in !hr J'Jat <* Alter the iiiiiuuti
brftdiocd iu I'offijioii two thou‘a rut vests
Aathorlties Ft-sr t h*l an Attempt at
Lyncbiuc WIU he Made.
Brothvi Adjutftfor of the f .ftSftUr
lofttitiitN) iu the i'reri*h'rg*at
Ht Chu-Hg e Fndfty that ht* hmlre
il CkUuinuiiH'aiii'iss from the pris¬
whieh i«d hiUi Ig e that the
lr*i Oh mg to nut S'
ot iigius 11* ud* igast was
ha; mil* to the city bsl).
it "a mi not) court h cuiK*
held, aud tht-n iu* of a change
progra - •• .. - t*h<*u back t«> theorim
eoiii 1 i iiildiiu; «/*iu. Darin# his
li* was carefully gustded iu a
carnagt-. as the official* fearei
attempt wouid l>« made on Li* Ufa.
WetSSi !n)Sl Out *«t MMW
T6H!£r<piC AITO
Anil I'tcsented in Pointed and Reada¬
ble Paragraphs.
The cold wave still thrown itself to
the breeze*, 20 below zero being the
average figure in Ht Paul Wednesday.
A gunpowth-r explosion tool; plaeo
Wednesday at Waltham Ablo-v, Kng
land. One person was killed and nine
\ lajorerl.
A S»n Frwifii»< , o of Wodne*
fifty f-ftys : The 0< »*anic brings new*
tb*t th* •tnpftnefM? *tean»*hip Afiitftuyf*
i nnc f*triif*k on « rack while boun<!
*or Hhonohftroft, November 15, unit
foundered. Thirty pA*K:mger were
A eable diftpftt*c?h of Tljim«l*y from
Pnrift ftftyn. Mr. •feme*(hn you Bennett
hiift returned to the city after two
nionthw'Ab.v nuf , during whieh he lu»*
passed considerable tout) in the liiv
ora. Mr. Bennett ha* completely re
covered from hi* accident, which will
h*ave uo H* ri<yUh <'ffeet«.
The German hark Elise, from Hum
hero and loaded with ka.n.t, armed
Hi Charleston Wednesdar morning.
Hio Ci-ed Charleston bar drawing
twenty f<et and found twenty two t-et
of water ou the bar. This fait is note
wortln be, 1( , fharh-toi. I.h i has
hneb'doie iir.vented the entrsuee id
shi). draw .up mm etlmn eighteen feet.
. . , t .r , ,
ii.<. . bjf. Mt, h' h v
says ; I he of e„-1, secured l.y
,ll ‘ u »1111 -o' > son
at th" posto hco in- aia.v night is now
robbei '' Inis been discovered '!“ aid ‘ ” In .
sjeetor Stuart says that there ,» little
ptobiibdit Ti............ v that the man will bu cup
iniel cashier is not so
....... il|jl|ri . ( , „„ „, (1H re , )ort ,.,, t k
hril f(( , with a badly
- . ,
1 he business off Aulliuan
manufacturers of engines, threshers
and otle r implements, at Canton, <).,
has gone into tlm hands of receiver*.
Thu company, it la understood, U ci
tirdy 82,700,000, solvent, as its assets its ara liability* uot far
from while
M* about #1,000,000. 'I ha applrca
lion for » receiver was made by Hon.
howin Milior, of Akron, llio jurHiflunt
of tho foinpiin v. Tim tightiu’HH of tha
mon< y iimrkot. is ftiij»j>o#ied to ho nc
(•ountalfle for it »IJ.
A (’liicftgu (lispalch of Wednesday
says: Tho possession of tlo-fact that,
Chicago is preparing to feed and lodge
the hungry and homeleas has caused n
tide of ragged humanity to act in from
ull over the country. Every freight
• train, the police say, in hcavy-laiUui
with (rampish looking niou. I, is
prnbitblo that Chief tlreuimn will in
struct details of police to meet *11
,-oming trnitm and turn back tho
,| ttr „ r a. Thoaewho rafttsu to go will,
)ht , J10 ] je « M y, be arrested.
Thll del, gates of tho American Fed
oration of Labor n session #t Chicago
tion of tin-tftrifT, Tl*«> iiiAtU’r uniijt up
hi the form of u communication from! !
^ J(|||h w||J . k< , rM Q f Uriflgci>ort,wbioh j
Om.joruf, that «ftn r Urn paasage of the
MeKinh ' v l»iil, their wage* jnui been '
,educed and that tlmir employes |
threatened further roduutum iu I he
|l( , ho , 1|IHM( , K0 „f the Wilson hill. I
..... ...... imilnil ,ation was laid on the I
t)l ,, le lU , d ftl „ delegate* fought shy of I
M1V ’ dmeussiot, ot, the subject. *
A busitiesi , lilcmk , , at . Buffalo , W ..
known , ss the Arcade, whs des roved
, '- v « r ‘' 1 lioreday morning, aud Robin- ;
Music theater nnd Shea s concert
j'** ««•«''> 11 ' ,l New > , ( Jork J 1 "' and ,l , u *' ( h ! lileago ,lulW "‘K are »>o- in !
tniiiM. I no fireman of tho building i a!
miafting nm\ \\ \n Huppimu*! he peri«h*Mt i
in the flameft. TJj*’ flanuft »il»o cle
«*rov« *1 the , Wrta , Imihbug, oeoupmd .
h >\ " '\ »“« *»»-'*". «b*da
**,da grm-era the building was valued
" 1 bey were insured for
, ‘ , **> '»««•
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ u ^ ^ %{ ^
I a uHi**»h*ut Is nt t>vrr Hunt but the
Mhiatlmi is I m lninmo.
\ Hun 1'rniud » ftpi i’iul of .Sidunl«y j
*-«yh; l ho bUhui* r AudrNlia Iiah nr
l ivid. SId* brings ftdvkvu from Hnno- o
lu:il to I h ut inbur t»th, 'J ho nxedt*. •'
,u *' , d fn\<‘r lu .d, but up to th»t
thuo thorn IihiI Won no ulimigu the !
MtnnJum Since lh*e« nibei* 5th IU*
umlcvial clinu^e Ims Ink* n plaet* in the
*b"' military or political attitude of the
rein l>Btti*>a. ) The <)«.-. i,‘» «,liter
rents aty lM>itig lavretly aime.l. The
marshal is witu-tb .l that over two hilti
d r « d Winehesti r nil.- , have been Work
*’J in!" Honolulu in small lots from
the island of Mali duriug the past
month, and distributed to the royal ! i
SwltxerlamU* Non I'resideut,
\ New York special of Similar »«ia:
M Frcv. United foruu-rlv Htat,; M« 5 ks winiator'to
has hw,i oUvtcd
, irwitit . ul of SlUR * oouf.-d.irntum. *
" . l “ , i , ha!i , h.d , « *oma«Ucy _. »m-r. t olotn , 1
1 **?"> * native of Swttxeriaud. but is
"ell known in the l into*! Mat, 'ft. Af*
Ut M miht * r > iNhioatuiiiBl eirori*. ho
s ouy*ht pift.'tU'H i xpuri in the lifeif
<}i ftirricuittwfti neii'iuv tu tu riRmiv,
cxti'mliui; Ins olt.M rvntioUMiUii Mmlu *
u thftt Iitit* tk» Aiiiiprioa.w hurt' iu IHfLl,
wlu'U tli civil v> iir brxvkt> mil, ho wwl*
fouuvt praftietlh* a> a farm
hftru) iu lliiiioift, fnuiiliftri/iu^ Jbuus» If
with th irtcaltnral aiethod*. Me cu
Ul i ml uirftgD »?> r
*-cr»;c#Utt iu *: v of iho Tftuntv*
Imiith lllun*:* pr*>m**tvd acv
oral times (.-r callautry.
1’ufrk si* very few b»nks ,-n the Pa
Git coast which could )*»y a #25. (KW
rtiivk in bill*. They atich to gold sad
* rrr out thet*. aud ship the papet
it is *‘»iui»ted ttut tae cblncb bug,
tlessiao fly, army jxoplw worm ard United cotton worm
have cost the of the State*
mare than the Uml War.
I Pit'ij b gx»sv rum< Ht i» ftl ut t«
1 bill imiug ruil Vv fti Ov-Ul
t*auio» tor late uaiaa
l*p to data America has led the
»«xU u> deviami rapid-fl re fuii*.
Wind Power.
„ th« i>‘>* a- Felt™ »»>i M. ». vigraux.
A,t„a the .Ivnamoa at th* Rotate dc
Ir, Hfive lishthoibe by is wind its power. blew Tj>e
wind, however, a* custom,
when and where it listed, and ended one
fine, or rather one stormy, day by over
throwing the ungainly exposed headland. apparatus ia
stalled on the M.
Max <le .\aii-outv, in alluding to thi'
attempt to harness the wind, suggests
,| nt , 1( . x , tj„„. fl jjmilnr attempt is
tnade it would he a* well to try theeffect
: 0 f anrroundiag the “ atmospheric tur
hiucs'’ bv strong towers, and directing
liis wind" onto the vanea hy nozzles in
much the some way as the water is
dire; ted onto tin: buckets of a Peltott
wheel. This i h of “rmDftltftiiK 1 ’ n r
currents is. it said, m-tuaily etiaajjuig
he attention of windmill experts.
Bun k io. , » !*fvie^ of ■** for
the Past Week.
11. ti, J)un A Co.’s weekly review of
trade says: It is j.roof of the • nor
«i ms vitality .; i-ise country tlivtwhile
mills an- stopping in ■ very direction
*»•« “>e army of unemployed is larger
than it ha* been b.r many years other
»>>lht iwm constantly starting up to an
;«<r tie demand, which a year of mi
pi-eedented disaster has only
“timiilalcii. lead' -till waits as
»" " ' *"■ '
Liiwu.-s.; on a mere hand
In-immtl, l.aaia is stn-li as would have
iM'fii a fttw <arH ago. J lie
j' 4elr< a ( .^T.tmgglii of the VittH\mr% n-gioii
bn .dnv, ri. es to Go- lowest
j n j ( , v ,.r Imown .<11 for Bes.-trier
U1J(1 7r , for m,-, 1 bili.-U and
tain a mwhv lieurlv « i new work from
,i ,, , l , '. depress,ou 1 , , ,
'*'‘ “ , “ ’ a
, t, , 1
. l,-Ml.8,2 -o 1 Imslods , , aga.nst ‘‘ ■ T- - ,o4«.- -|«
d'-l the ; same week histyemr, amlA
antic ixports only 5.m ,04 again,
1 ,HT9,47K Jnnt vtjftr, ivikI «U»ckh iu
Kj(!lll „ lfl ,,„ (l „| rapidiy, but prices dc
elinod 1 cent with aalcsof only 4,690,
m)() Torn receipts were
V( , r> . JarK ,. 463,620 bnahejs, against
2 a -,| 8 jh, | (l „t year, and exports vielding were
f„IU-maintained, the iirioo ;
( .,, rk paekittg ,,,,,'1' at the west exceed
, ftK , prices droop in spite
n j i,.j, or f H a , i( l though liogs nt’<* prov
ing of poor quality. Tilts 1,000,000 augur crop
of Cuba is estimated aF tons,
but pricea, nn yet, aru but fairly
steady. (lotto,-! reccipls have been
very "heavy, 71..000 bales larger with than
(oy tho same >' ei k last year, n
eeipts only 120,909 larger, and inking*
of northern apiunera decreased, but
priees advanced 3-16 of a cent.
Failures are nu mero us and largo;
3.39 in tlm United States for the week,
against 279 last week, and 40 in Can
ftda, agftinet 25 last w-edt, but ft worse
feature is their importance. The lit.t
of the week includes seven hanks
„ Uh one of the qldest private banks
for #500.0,10; an agr,cultural m«
chitmi establi'dimeut for #1,009,000,
IniiklNMr f«r ^wO() t 000, and a dry
good* concern for ^K r i0,000 -making
$2,500,000 for our faihirc*. K*timat©a
liabilituft of the Orum failing in the
ltr*t week of IkccmiH r were
409, against #3,285,676 the previous
week, including #2,600,000 of
nil,I #1,700,000 of manufacturing eon
V'Joii ?
w ^ v Xfel- ^
if N h / s
v> it
y'V* ^ # - * 1 4 i> J>
* ■ it .vfooa
v ' -i -y
H qCt kti
Pallid*! i fiMtltUfi 1 i»> leli v\ hat the Uuu# in vout
h*u*t uulU'an It W Ul RtUGFC )GU, if llOthi44ft luoro.
Th mIhfyu tilstjgtii'ii The
tu «f tu<* 1,1 Nt*: OF LI Hi itttUcalu* Iu* imOtAhie a his
ftifft* l»> which y»Mt will li Kdch liKAi KU.i
moi-% von thirty vu tr*. M el-Hinkd 1-INK OP
fil'M) (iotiotfi* l*TAu» |Htw cr ; clour I-tNK tiK
Poll re N L. (am ■ i*r ri» he* lluih uoinhinH menu
«“■ * *«ln 5|ft*; iitit yon mu«t let p ti}> vviih tnotUrn
to win H, Von wWI ttuU ) ik'iify of thcee i«.
|L* Kateilv Mr m mu, m» ftiuactfvcly |*re
fftntivHi itt«t i-very mrm vH-r »>f (he family A is < ’LK eun-f* \H
| * I * A ti»** H RlNgkf lllft 111 DID'.
mm: < »r tlKAter bus|H‘ftki* tcmlerfte#*. » Mfftlgbt If
LINK OK KA’I'K prr efill life, the revurw tlKALTH
t :*>.*:.* vi A n«*t< * fileAitcti I INI OF
YOU hiiU . 1*0 will the hertith bint*
l» Brawn-W¬ other tBi^utnc tlrclt puhlisht-# Von »o
man* fttortua i »the hotue 1 . w SflH
\; reuMMi hlcU or du^ioiiti
f u . tr \tn» have tfte V OF VI.Nl ft well
uii your a It# Uy having Imsttwwet**
M s: i .* nt* s % * loan. By #«o« wbsHnbUsK to it for
jnrni « 5G2 <*)vr ft pnh'ty Of or riot U i#itt* work# of art
of err fttuu. ht'iklt** IU# ftupcA bttjH'irt fetch prom hi n*|»ct ure.
It V*N *• l‘m a i*4 iwy !** it 1# *!mo#l «liich a r«*»4
bauv. bv iixu -,t to f !•<* h#vv «*ri*:ifi*1 oil Minting that cannot i
coat and ______1 rou ni l ft wipticr
«hT »y any in the %\o?Ki f»>r tt« Ixuantiful
»u# and wtrtrct matter ttiftt i k«*p
> «i on nil the i mptri «f *ir tt tic c day, aay, and a»'« aii au tho ico
tad* * ti*vise^*i'*i, :t l itu nt item* trlcrval ftbonl lha j
* fwmtahttas ?v*r iutwniii^ nadiag
mailer tv * t :» *i d u«y, the wbolc family ,
•* IVitt'WS* 1* lt*» ; m fAthkvn inac*a«ir#,
}w4-v # ar orfccl vt, a »1 you gvt with tr.
* Vv a dnni'S
* \v*it flirtfiir. Send in
01 .v <*.' tx\ at d you. will
o', r «:.*A ■tri Addrut# lut pnXb
Ft York W. -X, ~“5 t. \N UtU ftt .
\ *, I f uus iomunted « th lh«
VI W■ * c ■ i -rvtH jm«TJ ( t«,» A Ur'.'vOl \!V
lf\N* J.K Ut > v ; a Ur^x* Till AS c.l.K,
tost, vfVDNl) DIVISION iraaon*
■} b \tt ! NT OF Mi l TER betoken#
dt nf >A i'L RN, I'ttE ru, . the S>l‘N\
hnt uvf v v*> %m. a-: ■4 MOONomftff'ua* aidMWBrRV
|N »ft ;
jftft-i ijraff «s above and yoi*
ft IT *H* ifttV 19 IHv.s> ; ss tin* 1**1 stc-it
: 4 Sdestiflo AEtrics# ✓
1 *
Aptssy *r
/Fr¬ 1 W' r*v»*ra,
r:t*D* asAttKS, •
Ov s«s rsT«HTa,'
COP rRK4 TS, etc
n m d fG * ftTKjb iwrwp
O'sftwt 41 Awedjv
t»w -* ia
UftK’di Ti
v » t.*> i et; id ut
*L_ ,§*i(a(i{ic Nmniatt
G y
UaMC sfsr, siwtiS.'par-r la Iks
ISSuav ‘
CmmSH!I.". 0«<h m-ridum I» «*. Time. The schedules d subject-to >« «,,m«l. change *»
twin* run hr are
without notice to tic- pnlfiw, _
~ j;e.U> DOW-------------READ UP.
vjtrnrr 1 ' sight n>~ '-'rain ! Train \ ukx night Train 12
So. 11 bxpr’s Mir Mo. 27 STATIONS. S o. 28. mail, expi-.'s No.
5 OOp ll 30p ll 'Jir. 7 40a Lv Augusta Ar l 20p 5 15a 7 55a
dtp II oHp 12 jBp , Belair l 03p; 4 5>a 7 15a
5 of)p i2 Ota 12 (Bp 8 19a; Grovetown 12 55p t 41a 7 ola
6 04p : 12 lda l2 K) Berzelia 12 4Sp 4 20a tj 4; a
6 l ip 12 25a 12 »4j> 8 38a Harlem l» Ili 12 34p 4 20a 6 38a
tj 2tji 12 35a' 1 Hip 8 47a Hearing 12 25p 4 10a 6 28ft
0 42; 12 52a! 1 Bp 9 02a Thomson 12 08p 3 53a tj 10a
52p 1 Up M 11 55a 3 42a 1 0 00a
« 1 03a 1 ■ ■■ f-wUii : 35a! 5 51a
7 01 p 1 10a 1 *2.' 9 21a t.'aroak Iff U 47a 3
7 09p 1 19a 1 51 p 9 28a Norwood 11 30a 3 26a! 0 44a
7 25)i 1 35a 2 U(p 9 42a Barnett 11 23a 3 10a' 5 30a
38)/. 1 2 Bp 9 54a CrawlorAviBe UlltJf U 09a 2 57a : 5 49o
7 48a 00a
8 00p' 2 07a 2 <7p.l0 13a Union Point 10 45a 2 32a 5
2 21a 3 #3|i 10 29a Greensboro 10 2Oh 2 21a ......
2 41a 3 -jj OliJ O 52a Bnckhead 0 58a 1
.... ...j 2 56a 3 47p 31 0oa Madison 5 9 42a 1 41a!......
. 3 Ha 4 00p 11 24a Rutledge 0 22a 1 1 26a 1
_ 1
3 23a 4 Sip 11 37a Hoeiaj Circle 9 07a 14a ......
...... 12 «>4a......
......'■ ..... ..... 9 * JVJ)' 43a 2la 4 f’l C'P 1 1 '" | - 1 *J 4 1 J < ' ov.ngtou .i , ’ ,, - v ' rs , Iff 8 8 8 45a 21a 09a 112 12 31a}...... 19a......
I 41» 5 -i2j> 12 4Cp htone Mountain . 4 f 7 51a
I 55a 0 .|j> 19 bop f 7 41 a 11
..... 35pi......
..... o 0. a b i|) 104 Vtanta li 7 32a ;11
J ^ Tv I 7 20a 11 15p......
3 45a t—4 l’]i Lv Camak Ar t j ! 1 .to 12 5(ja'
..... ....
3 5oa ft p Mammton , pi j
..... 4 95a tO Kp . ..... Mayflehl 1! 08,i pta......
...... '» tO ^ - <'nlverton .....TO 54a 1200nt!...... 48p!......
...... 4 55a it hparta ..... 10 43a 11
..... 5 19s 1C .Vi- D.-vereux ..... 10 29a 11 19).......
...... 5 31a -J Oihj .... ... Carr.s ... .10 20a 11 05p......
..... 6 30ft CC ...... Miliedgeviile ..... 10 00a 10 25p .. •: ..
6 57a 1C 4h),...... Browns ..... 9 37a 10 lOp .. ...
7 09n CC a8p ?>,, ..... Haddocks ..... 9 24a 9 53p .. ..
..... 7 29a' •** ..... ..... 9 10» 9 85p ......
..... H 20a .Tpp . ,, r Mac-on Lv 8 32a | 8 45p:......
___ 7 30p;ll 25a 2 35 P Lv lianctt Ar ti 00p 9 80a ct 55p;...... 40pj......
' 42pll oin 2 !7p Sharon 4op .* Ion a
..... 7 55,, 11 :V)n 3 00). Hillman 34p 9 04a 29p......
..... 8 25), 12 20p 3 30p Ar WashingRm I.v 1 1 05p 8 35a; C5 00p......
10 55ft 8 2 47pi Lv Union Point Ar ! 6 60p l0 05a (i 59p|..... 10p;.....
J1 08a! 8 8% 2 5%| 1 Woodvil'.e 6 30)i 9 54 a 5
* n . l 9 50 ! 5 53pj.....
......I.H** ? t Va f «
.l 1 ’! b! o S' 9 38 ul 5 :::::
■ i
......'li -2 SI 1 ’* P i wr Ltcplu n„ 9 1» 5 to e—; ! Pj 2 « n- Crawford 5 !) 5
L l * ”1’ '. L”* 1 ’ w"'* P 9 o 4
’ ’
1 ’ ’‘ W ;U A .’B’ w *» 5 8 55 ft 4 >4^
......r, 1 ,. lr T i^Pj ; li^j . if . J^ cnw Lv 8 40 a' 4 O
..... '
......; 8 Dip......1......I Lv Union Point Ar ..... 9 37a
......: 8 32j. ... Hi loam a! .. ..
1 ^ 5op',. -I, . Ar White Plains Lv...... 9 15
...... . •
Ail abov.- trairm n M. c.,..,.,,,.
AtJanfa. Augustii an $ on night . *3^e«.
General Maiiftg'h. Traveling PasBenxer Agout. General Freight and Pahr Agent.
AuansiA, G.\,
( EVERY Mli JTPlR HIS OWN A 600 Valuable pages,illns
V i 1 ^ 8 of
i ! . if rafetl,
' ■ hmv to treat and
tffjseiiNC, prOf^ng fife
t and pi^m»te happiness.
14dre«<i all nr*!*17) to
Itlanta publishing HOUSE,
118 Lovd St., ATLANTA. GA,
Cot ton Factor# anti Coro llliSSlOll Moroliailts #
CftJner Reynolds anu Jackson Mrcets
0{ipe6tte Ooou Excliaug-*
Augusta Ciieorffia
lG'T's'iiH! and 'Ties at the lowest market price Personal atten
tion (iivtii to a!! business
tour lv* a manuiaciurec
' T&* •Tt'iu ris VL heel 1 *oiL»* Cy* Ice offer uu
Agerh r> AQlflJS. L'tAl£RS and WHEELMEN
Lw'jfvvbe.'w T\ la vvu. t .L JaUti, uaU ul all pints fmu
JtgR rile All New oc c.veu-i IU11U
** NX -/-«*»»/ I'tftm tC rjttm char ge.
> S »W tl.fth t: -■ • fit, -I c> v D .*• :tl . ul
-------- ---
*# ... L , '>
[*i' : c •;; !‘T•* ..-taTS
f.TH t 2 ' ■MiU EASY, .* fr, !r „ : ; Vi?Vk4
v ivwuwat^
'Cf : Atb p«c*F-'i s»x,
V r imt'f ?>!»##*•» pv - tfi’N'i, ’ Rcaler# and I*ars*6
* “ po'nu! ftiucii tn * im.
, jRYWllf* '•it' Calakaoe ! .51 tr?c.
h, SlUiv *, r nt ( „t. .
’^vN-JO •--0s> C~c.s.g. x
OH ■
A : 11, i Ss*3! ommonly SICK ? with tfP ^
=i ■ aC c comes on l
vjmptoms. when net luctcti increase -
f Ml fsltl'.* tut xcow uar.gerous. >
i.*tr,v t<92;|sneo. rr. *• 8E*C4-::'E. ots- TAKE H1PAK5 TABUIESI
r ;.:Jrs.C0*SW4«?.i iUvf T ^KE RIPANS T A BUIES
: > CCU.'Li: T- -
Si if RI PA NS TAfeUUbK £
E . - V- :s? V-;*:-* ;•«»*€«. -- iU • 0-SM RiPANS TABUtES| lS
n . t* -J .C. Icfe fha System and Present the Health. f]
# *
0P '
C4 * A c ^^rur.Tt - SAVE MANY \ DOCTOR S BILL. > i
. .
55; a: f^COICJNh CHEST : 1* urtit?'. !y S on wccfiit <4 boxes.*, of itriee. B-'. s
jo* s *:
v % *-^T56553Sii55o5o66(555ooow^
Ladies anti Gentlemen
udies Ckjjk, ImdVatog ,al.'k“T"wMchl
j_. * j. j i will sell at the very lowest prices to benefit the
' ,_______'
customer , before r I . will -i. keep stock _i. *:il-----* till I.e.vt iai f..D i.
In valises, Umbrellas, Gents furnishing goods; Ladies Under
./armenis and Notions. I must dispose of these at once, so if
“ h for the best of floods the lowest of prices buy trom
uw ; s at
Crawfordville, Georgia
A Good Square Meal
Is what we can give you for 25 cents. Wfl also have a dining room for colored
people. In short, we meau to REED THE'
Cometo see us it you have farm produce to sell. It you want fresh am i?
(irocenes, Meats, Fresh Oysters and Fish give us a trial order. And don t
forget us when you are iu towu and are hungry. Respectful!.',
G-reenesboro C3r».
X ixoq Xy Ubuij oilli.
No’s. ;> and d Warren Block
Augusta d3rO
Personal and undivided attention given to the weighing and
-Selling ol Cotton. Liberal cash advances
Made on consignments,
739 Kuynolds street,
Augusta m n
Wcespecially solicit the planter< trade:
Do strictly a com mission business.
I-barge low in conformity with the lime
Bagging and lies furnished at lowest market price
Write to us for terms.
Gush advances ou cotton by wagou or railroad.
! 739, Reynolds _Street. - Augusta, Ga
Wholesale and Retail Clothiers,
Do you know tho reason l We are selling splendid into stylo goods cheap. them
\y e buy our goods in wholesale lots. This enables us to let you have
for little money Our Fawn Brokers Goods go at NEW YORK FRIGES,
• before
and the goods can hardly he told from new. Come lo sec us you go
elsewhere. We will take pleasure in showing our goods.
Ladies’ Jackets
In latest style We send the peoi'le away shod with the latest stylos ot footwear, sell.
Shoes, Boots. Slippers, Mats, Caps, Etc. AY e have the "oods t -fid must.
Yours to serve
m s ii i
Tlte Commercial Center
ot Taliaferro Comity.
Cotton can he sold within three eights of a cent ,of Augusta Murkef. All
Corn Fcas, Chickens, Eggs and olh. r country j rr .luce at lull market vttl
,e For the accomodation of Visiting Friends as well as Regular Customers.
t )PJ( K Keeps line of Clothing, Hals, Shoes.
» . Goods! j/p\] Ladies line Dress GoovD. a nice Tntnks. Valises, Furniture,
Dry -leans. Glassware. _Crockery
Harness and Buggies. Stoves, Hardware. Tinware.
Fancy Groceries an< 1 Provisions. Drugs and a variety ot most .luyihing except
Racket Stocks and Prnnt i ns.
Dontia- troubled vciy mucli about the price just biing along your Fock
Book and Change. give value received.
W ill meet competition, and you
,r, ju Kmmi»
]So. 727 Kovnolds St,
Augusta darlSl,
Strict Personal attention jjiven to all Ilufinebs. Liber.3
Advances on consignments ol cotton. .