The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 22, 1893, Image 3

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The Virtues of Battermllkt Concerning the remedical value of buTtermilk, the Medical Advisor says that it is of so much worth that it has gained a distinct place in "materia raedica,” and is largely prescribed by the best physicians for the chest and lung ailments and in most forms of kidney troubles. An exclusive butter¬ milk diet has seemed to bring about a cure for Bright’s disease. A proper and eonstant use of it will greatly re¬ duce, and sometimes cure, the craving for alcoholic liquors with which many persons are afflicted. The craving may be satisfied and the system benefited aud strengthed instead of weakened. Buttermilk alone will often remedy acidity of the stomach. The lactic acid needed in many cases is supplied by it much more than any other drink of food. It is said to alleviate the op¬ pression about the heart that so many old people suffer from, and it should be constantly drunk by them. It is also to a certain extent a stimulant for the entire system, just what ihe aged ileed. Hoys and Umbrellas. First Boy—“There’s one thing I like about umbrellas.” Second Boy—"Wot’s that?” First Boy—“When it only rains a little, you don’t need one, aud when it rsiiis hard, Ihe wind always blows so you can’t carry one .”—Street & Smith's > rood New#. Not a Safe Sort. She—No, I like you very much in¬ deed, but I can never marry a spend¬ thrift.” lie-—“How do you know I am a spendthrift?” She “By the way you have been wasting money on me .”—New York Mcc/./y, A mother should have tender aud iu\ in; jut firm control of her child Jrom its first breath. She should ns carefully shield it from self conscious m s, conceit and willfulness as she does from scarlet fever and whooping cough. She should, above nil things, set it a daily example of justice and truthfulness in the smallest affairs.—• F.xehan'je. Freo Once More. A person who lias been a chronic victim of consiipation, is to bo congratulated upon the a ’option Hostotter’s Stomach Bitters as a lii.tans of freeing hi! bowels from the bondage of t his tyrannous disease Thin liberalin^ without mcdiciiio Kiiidiifc, does its work purgatives nafuraly, do. Use it to violent dyspepsia, throw’ of? the rhitckles biliousness. of malaria, riicunmtism and himySr 1 , , ivionuiutiea—they ... ,, won. disorders For U..-,i.qwia, Brown'* InUigesHalT^d Iron BUters—the Stomach Best use strengthens H’onic- it re bit! ids the Blood ami weak the museu's. A splendid medicine for and debi il ated persons. ———-— - hecT 1 1 CluoaBO_the Fernf . W Thorsh, more Oatarrh in this section 0 r 1h, counl• than ail oth^r diseases ]>ut topether. b, anil incurahhi. uktil the tor la:-)tfo%v a great years many wMsap^dt years dot tj.# yi*> - nounce 1 it a local disease, «nd prescribed loca* F-dtoce h.Tsphiven catarrh to bo a constHn IM^&iVMi^ .T. Cheney Toledo,Ohio, ii ft^S^SSSfn#ii,*J.SS?/iSd%£;Ut5: tortured by F. < a tcaspounful. It acts directly on tho blood one testimonia’.i cure, .‘•'■■ml (or ciri-ulai-s unit free. Address Chexky & Co., Toledo, O. F. J. tS^~Sold bf Pregffists, 75c. Deeds of grate men ettlng lip the lur nace-. MalCsi'iHcured uw>\ * r.-vdicated from the sj a 1c»m hiooil, by BIoavd's Iron Bitter', which enriches the touRN l 1 l»j n rve J , aids general digestion. ill Ac.-s like a fluirm on persons in health, giving new energy and strength. In Chicago 1 Tininess has been fair this sum¬ mer. _ _ ________ Tnruvvr BivEA comme , ir>3 with a Cough, Cold or Koro Throat. “ JJroivn'fi JlroncMat 'Iroc’n- ’give imiiiivliato relief. Bold only ir> boxed. Jhicj » c j n t s. If aftlieied with sore eyes u c e Dr. IsaacTlionip fcon’f Ey v~\\ it r l fnmgists pell at 25c per bottle. Beectmiivs Hills co.-rc-cr, bad effects of over i iiliii.u. Hc r lmio'-—r.o (-tlicrs. -5 ecu's a liox. Ringing Noises In tlic ears, sometimes a ring¬ ing, buzzing sound, or snap¬ ping like the report of a pistol, are caused by Catarrh in the Head. Loss of smell ot Lear¬ ing also result from Catarrh, which may develops into Bron¬ chitis or Consumption. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures Catarrh by thoroughly puriiyiug the blood and building up the entire sys¬ tem. Get Hood’s, because HoodViS^Cures flood’* Tills cm liver ilia, sick headache, jaundice, Id ition. 25 cent*. Try a box. C6k 12*1181 t< lower 5 / *’Otic of ruy neighbors, Mr. John Gilbert, has been sick for a long time. Ail thought him past recovery. from He v,- horn 1 ly emaciated the inscti-iii of bis liver and kidneys. It is di fit to describe his appear ance and , the , miserable t1 state , . of hn health at that time. Help lrom any source - ciUCfl impossible. and the lie tried your August Flower upon him was magical. It restored him to perfect health tothegreai and :f bis family’ Joiin Quibell, Holt, ---- —........ vjsa A. remedy which, Jffrs, If CKd by Wires fwW Aii'v. -I/ ll pfa srt.'sisMS toexperi-r■ s i ■ /'*&■■— ticfc-r.sxdobrlAtej J -L*®^'-- .\ '*r w t'..etarturesofe<K. i. Ml sstrstt Vsu-v-'^. ’•y, J 4 ' SSS"*—- st HW, *!-S3 per /, CO.. Atvasta. Ca *8ApOEiD UEOvLATOB FIFTY-THIRD The House end Senate Called to in Regular Sessiou. The President’s Message Road the Two Houses-'Rontine Business. TIIE SENATE. 7th 1)a?» The resolution offer ed Mr. Hour, culling on the for information as to the of Mr. Blount as paramount sioner to Hawaii, was not presented the senate in the morning hour, Tues¬ day. but went over in order to Mr. Collum to address the senate opposition to the bill to repeal federal election law. 8th Day.—-A fter the routine morn¬ ing business in the senate was disposed of, the Hawaiian resolu¬ tion offered Monday last by Mr. w as laid before the senate and Mr. addressed the body. 7th Day—I n the Senate, Thursday, the committee on privileges and elec¬ tions, by a party vote, decided to re¬ port the house bill to repeal ihe feder¬ al election laws. The minority was given a reasonable time within which to submit its views. Tlio bouse bill repealing the federal election was reported back favorably the committee on privileges and elections and placed on the cal¬ endar, notice of a minority port being given on tiro of Senators Hoar. Mitchell, and Chandler. T he senate joint reso¬ lution relieving the employes of the reoord ami pension division of the war department injured in the Ford’s theat "a disaster from the operation of the law restricting the amount of sick leave with pay, was passed. Mr. Voor hees introduced a bill for tho coinage of silver dollars, retirement of small denominations of gold and paper and for other purposes. It was referred to the committee on finance. It directs the coinage into silver dollars of stand¬ ard weight and fineness, of the seign¬ orage or profit from this coinage of silver bullion, under the. act of Feb¬ ruary, 1878, and July, 1890. Tho sen¬ ate then adjourned over until Monday. THE HOI 'l’. 7th Day.—T here was a small at¬ tendance of members in the house Tue ibiy morning, although expecta¬ tions had been raised that tho day would bo profilic with interesting in¬ cidents owing to the fact that the bill admitting Utah territory as a state had been made a" special order after tho morning ^ hour. Mr. Meyers call th( . esoluUou ))Vov i (lil ,^ fora i™* commission to investigate the lftUK, and oilier matters re latino- ° to tho personnel of tho navy. It was objected :o by Messrs. Kilgore, Sayres and others. The house resolved itself into eowsnit tee o! the whole for the consideration of tlio bill for tliO lidllllSSioiX OI litail, M Kilgore, ” * who opened A. the debate . advocacy of tile . blU, explained , . , the ill provisions of the bill Speeches were made by Messrs. Ilawlius. ALoorc and .M—s v nib,ipso , A Bmitb, of Arizona, and Pencts or Col orado, interrupted Mr. Harter to re ply to Ins reflect ion on the west. speech’ A. the conclusion of Mr. Harter’s at 5:00 o’clock, the house adjourned, 8th Day.—I n the house, Wednes¬ day, Mr. Holman offered a reoh.fiou setting forth that more than $1,000,000 was paid in premiums for building vessels for the new navy; alleging that trial Dips were calculated to benefit only' the builders, and instructing the committee on naval affairs to make a thorough investigation anil ascertain whether there had been any collusion between the contractors mid officials, and report by bill or otherwise. Ref¬ erred to the committee on naval affairs Mr. Myers, of Louisiana moved to go into a committee of the whole to con¬ sider the resolution providing for a joint commission to investigate the personnel of the navy, anil filibuster¬ ing began at once. Tho resolution was agreed to and tho house went into a committee of tho whole on the bill ad¬ mitting Utah as estate. The bill was passed without division at the close of the debate the only amendments of much importance incorporated in the enabling act being one by Mr. Powers, of Vermont, prohib¬ iting polygamy forever, aud another by Mr. Wheeler, of Alabama, reducing ouc-half the land granted to tho state for common school purposes. Just before adjournment the resolution of Mr. Hitt, culling for correspondence in the Hawaiian affair, amended so us to include an extension of the period to be covered by the correspondence to March, 1880, the beginning of the Harrison administration, was taken up and passed. Thursday, 9th Day. - Tn the house, Air. Dockery, from the joint commit¬ tee to investigate the various executive departments, called up the bill to im¬ prove the methods of accounting in the postoffice department. This is a bill to change the money order system. Without any discussion the bill was passed. Air. Catcbings brought in an order from the eommitteo oa rules, setting aside a time after tie) second morning hour and continuing each day thereafter, until concluded, for con¬ sidering the bills admitting Arizona and New Afexico to statehood. 10th Day.—W hen the house met at noon Friday less than one hundred members were present. Air. Loud of fered a resolution, which wee adopted, upart Hatur(lav , .r, lUaTV 20 , 1894> for ratmori&l servic s in honor ^ Senator Tjelar.»l Stan ford, Mr Breckinridge, from the JEUtflit ^ on appropriations, reported urgency deficiency bill. The j s intended to provide for further ur gent deficiencies in the for the fiscal year 1801, and carries an approp nation* of $1,851,896. Mr. Tarn offare l a resolution calling upon she secretary of tbs treasury for in formation .8 tO the Huieber of ro cal commercial treaties which been n zotie.u-d under the A “t 1 sotifi'ht immediate consdder& obje4*tion was ma - referre i » the Mr. d rrihan bill that ti isc go to a ’ = of ih for its tie ig was renewed, ■■ anded and the d no «|uor iu. raised bv Mr. Tellers \rpre appointed and the resulted, yens 169, nays 11. A rniu h.-.viug voted, M r. McRae the chair and the bill was rend in \ cession on the urgent ’deficiency making an appropriation for He abused the administration’s sion policy and declared that the oral order No. 164, which had issued and cut oil 400,000 ers, was kin to crime, Mr. talked at length and was rather in Lis criticism of the Then Mr. Livingston, of Georgia, the floor to defend President land and Secretary Hoke Smith. read a list o/ the trials and uf those who had fraudulently pensions anil defended in every way the best of his ability, the policy of secretary of the interior. Though did not take occasion to express high personal regard for either Mr. Cleveland or Mr. Smith, he their policies and declared that they ha 1 done* was right. Owing the partisan discussion on the bill vote was not reached. AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Affairs of Government and News o( llio Departments Discussal. Notes of interest Concerning the IV a pie and Their General Welfare. The war department, Wednesday, awarded a contract for 5,000 pounds ol smokeless powder to the California powder works, ot Simla C’ru2, Col. The house committee on coinage, weights and measures Wednesday voted to begin the consideration of tho Bland bill, 1 -c-cuni'tinglhe free silver coinage law of 18.17 on the second \V ednesduy in January. Commissioner Lvmao, of the civil sorviee commission, lms resigned as president of the commission but not as commissioner, and has been sue needed in the presidency by Cominis sinner Proctor. Tho senate commit tea on privileges and elections Wednesday morning ibs eussed, in an informal way, a bill to repeal the federal election law, but, owing to othyr engagements of senator)! on the committee, no action was taken s-- 1 1 tlic bill was, laid over. The seerctnry of the interior has or derail the removal of John C. Curly. register of the general land office at, Prescott, Arizona, nnd of Receivers of Public Moneys Neliemiah Davis, at Fargo, N. I).; M. W. Gibbs, at Little Rock, Ark,, and Edmond W. Kakiu, at Pierre, B. 1). Tho Georgians in Washington,to Metropoli¬ tho number of 100, met at the tan hotel Saturday night and organ¬ ized “The Georgia Soo'.ety o' A\asu iugton.” They will have r. -gulur club rooms with all the conveniences oi tho modern clubs. Their rooms will he on Pennsylvania avenue. It is entirely social club. Speaker Georgia Crisp, Smith and all ihe are members. The state department lias received the following from Captain Picking; “Rio de Janeiro, December 12. Cor¬ pus islands and Euelrada arc in pos¬ session of Admiral de Gums, the insur¬ gent commandant-. The. former is well fortified and coutitiually firing upon the custom house and naval arsenal with small’ arms. Consul Burk, at IYrnanilmcco, wants a vessel as a pre¬ cautionary .measure, martial law hav¬ ing been declared. All is quite there.” I,y Wing Vow, Chinese consul gen¬ eral at Sun I riuicisCO, has been sum¬ moned to Washington to confer with the Chinese minister regarding a new treaty soon to bo submitted by China to the) United States. Ho departed for Washington Saturday night. He would say only when interviewed that tho present, treaty is far from satifactory aud that tho Chinese have not, settled on the terms of the treaty which intend to pro] xise ns a substitute. For one thing, however, the government will not oppose the new registration law. < Imtitf***» in tin* Uilaoii Bill. The following are the more impor¬ tant changes iu the tariff bill, a revised copy of which was laid before the full committee on ways and means Monday morning; is The schedule of cotton yarn on an average of about five per cent, and a new class is created, not exceed¬ ing 12 cents per pound in value, on which tho rate is 20 per cent. valued at over 12 and not exceeding 20 cent;: p'r pound are put at 25 per cent. Up to 30 cents per pound, 30 per cent; up to 40 tents p.-r pound, 35 ccnt; over 40 cents, -10 per cent. All luces and embroideries, of which fiux, jute, eotton and other vegetable fibres, are raised from 35 to 40 per cent. Buxonv, wilton and velvet car pets are advanced from 35 to 10 per cent. Velvet and tapestry carpets are advanced from 25 to 30 per cent., and somo advance is made iu tapestry JVruBHelK, treble liigruio V< uetian wool carpets. Ait advance in made in Dutch carpets from 20 to 25 per cent. and in dfudg'd# and baking# and fell, carpeting. A like advance i made in Lit 1 j< i <-,rpi-t. not specially for. Ti» plate is ehftiigfit from an duty of 40 ),er cent to « specific of 11-5 (*(*: ut per poised, aud the r, die tious arc uot to take *-ff-ct until Octo her let, next. Pocket Knives and r ; zor# are fixed at a uniform rate of 45 per cent. The duty on pear! button in again fixed at a line mea&urcvwer/. a rate of one cent per ikie, and tLo nd valorem duty changed from 40 for per to 15 percent. The provision on the free list is amended so as read: “Bawfcd or cut into instead of simply “sawed or out. Official Result iu New York. A special from Albany, N. V., The fetate board of can vasts < Wfcdneaday night and, with Itice rpreaiding ? canvassed the vote I the state and declared the names | the fclected %ta | ihe iegislaiuro utional convention. and deiegab Kf, -•» . rotri to - >v tj fetal board th« stand : Re publican s l«h d» j lie embly: Rep i bin ieiiiO t erftta ,. 52. Republican majority joint ballot 22, OUR LATEST DISPATCHES. - I ^ a pa? Ctaraicled in j End 3Hd COHClSP PaFMllS | And Containing the l ist of the Novrs From All Barts of the World, j i l-ouJ teliijuneuts from Pittsburg, Ph., “>•' *“'■ 1 ««**■.’f ->»-unlay aggro gatod 0,000,000 bushels. T he bolt and nut works of J. H. Sternberg A Sou, of Reading, TV, began working on full i.imo Monday. j Over 400 men w ill be benefited. A committee of Spanish manufactur¬ ers have arrived in Madrid, Spain, in order to protest agau&t tho commer¬ cial treaty with Gerntauy. The Paris police, ot, Friday last, ar¬ rested three friends of Vaillant, the chamber Eight other of deputies^! anarchists mb thrower. were also ar¬ rested. A dispatch of tumid ay from Ban Francisco announces that A. D. Jones, consul general at Blkiuighni, dfca China, died on a steamer at on the Oth in¬ stant. ■T. M. Tenu., Dailey, Ji}., a prominent assign¬ Knoxville gvoverynmn, ed Saturday for the benefit of creditors. IIis liabilities arc $8,(jOO. Tho assets -ire fully sufficient to cover the same. j collections cause! the embarrnss I incut. i Tho conference < A leading silver Bi¬ men of tho country, called by the metallic League to devise ways and means to continue tile fight for freo silver coinage, opened at Washington of Friday morning at the headquarters ike Bimetallic League, According to Fridays advices tho in¬ ravages ,,f influenza in Vienna are j ( . n , iu .i n g. entirely There is scarcely a disease, family , tluit is free I'rom tho The hospitals are crowded with Buffer ers nnd many of the regiments arc af jeettid. Diphtheria also prevails, (5 T]li . Tenu,, Bank and Trust 25th, 0m ,, ttuv w |iich suspended July j floors Friday inoruing under most flattering prospects. The oom pauy's building is «»<> of the finest in the city. Dr. J. A. Dirl., y, the presi ,|,>nt. nnd A. 11. Mars'!, unifier, arc jubilant over the splendid outlook r n , ( , liark Trafalgar arrived at Mel¬ , 1()nnu , ( Australia, Sunday Iron, .nta v in, after a fearful voyage lasting lor j ty-eight days. During the passage the ‘ ( . ( q,tain of tlio Trafalgar, two passeu ! h anil three scaffletr died of l’eYcr. Several other diseascJ seamen wera prostrated only the same nip^ A youth eighteen years of navigated the steamer after the dei|ih -i Ihe captain and other officers. A St. Petersburg tho sjfecial banquet of Hiuiihiy at, the says: At aimm / u winter palace of ! i oliliers decorat¬ ed with the cross Andrew and HI, George, last NFofflay, forty of tho guests are said partaken of a meat result pie which is that wa^^M^^ilrid state, have uf others Vaillant, about, the fifteen HS^pWRb ■ontbs ago, thrower, for was, l-'c, three months a sojouiycr right ill Santa New Mexico. Ho tn the French lungiiage and by thin moans made a scanty living. Ho kept tohimself and was not well know n i ijpipt totlieFrench residents. Ho left hP' quietly in and Paris. MUH not heard of until arrest Ho was a tanner by tHulo and well in¬ formed and a good (speaker. The .Southern Feu ale university, which was burned at Lakoviow near Birmingham, Ala., will be removed to Anniston. A telegram from that place signed by Manager Tamar, positively no states. Birmiughj hi cannot blame (lie management, -for Anniston linn given them, free of rent for five years, the beautiful Annistoy inn,handsomely furnished ami ready for occupancy. The school will bn moved there at once. A resolution was introduced iu Dm house of delegates at Richmond, Va., Friday morning, by Representative Withrow, of Rath county, providing for an invi - ligation into the recent election with respect to ascertaining i! any corrupt methods obtained in tho election for members of tho legisla¬ ture, based upon tho consideration of their vote for either Messrs. Lee or Martin for the United Btutes senate. The resolution was unanimously adopt¬ ed by both houses and « committee will be appointed. A Ban Francisco dispatch of 8,unlay | says: Olympia Bine,-, iu "port tie arrival from her of tho trial cruiser trip, j her officers have »•<.*>traced a corroc i turn in the report telegraphed from Bantu, J’urliara, gi)]j.ig her n voyage . i speed of 21.05. It iifnow claimed that, ! the exact average over the course of j eighty-six knots was 22.58 knots per , hour, or very eioso to twenty-six rait I road miles. This knit is subject d- to | correction plus or mu us for tide i ! hr- .nee s. Tlie Wont Hrowm ville exprew, on f}| 0 I’jttwhurg, Vir#ir ia and Charleston railroad, wo« wreeK-zi Friday morning j ft |_ Bamford aiation, forty-five mib n 1 from Hifthburg, fto* It is reported that twenty to thirty person,, were train, in¬ jured, none fatally. The entire . ngiue, baggage car and three coaches weft thrown from ti.e track by a large and atone which foil froMi the hillside upon the rails immediately in front high of the train, which wa# running at a : ra t« of Kpeed, and it could not be even checked. Five people were killed and six in jured bv a Isa the Western NftW York and Pennsylvania railroad, N. V., ; m {| tw cant oC Dunkirk, i Friday night. The train went through ' i trestle tuux Hotri' l t * re< Thc creek ik bm iiUm little stream, but owing io heavy lain# ro#e rapidly, and the flood of f waters washed out the up po (if the trestle and when " the Lain dashed on ihe * nre t rimuj peed of forty . ?»er hour, if trenh gave wS' crashed into th X Iif a via Hood. A s that MU of the* vi lias Lt with Wafer to the j 03 itvcral feet ft a c«tuu»tcd that h,<m people ha -j Vn a <h'^u Uou their homos on account of the Hood. The tlood district extends from the in¬ tersection of Klk and Seneca westward to the Lehigh Valley bridge, a distance of a mile and a half. theuoe southward about two miles. A total area of live squa re miles is water and the money loss will bo very heavy. SOUTHERN NEWS ITEMS. The Drill ,ol Her Pwiross and Pros¬ perity Briefly Nolcfl. Happenings of Interest Portrayed In Pithy Paragraphs. There was a large fire at Morgauton, N. C., Wednesday morning. An square in the business part of tho was destroyed, including the hotel several stores. Forty of tho loading coal of the Pocahontas region arrived Roanoke, Va., Thursday from southwest and held a meeting to sider the coalmining interests of section. A Columbia, S. C., dispatch of Wed nosdaysays: Ooloucl J. 11. Morrow, Washington, who is uuder sentence tke penitentiary for causing tho of Collie Fowler, and whoso was dismissed by ihe superior court, w ill make an effort, through his ueys to secure a pardon from the gov ernor. If ho does not secure a pardon he will serve Lis sentence. B. L. Duke, a member of thc firm Co., Durham, r N. of Duke Sons A of C., made an individual Wednesday morning. >). T. Wiley and V. Ballard, of Durham, are the signees. His assets are estimated $700,000, and his liabilities are mated at, $500,000. There are ferred creditors to the amount $145,000. He was largely in various industrial enterprises. The officers of the National Guard the state of Tennessee met at Thursday night, to elect a successor to Brigadier General Bam T, Carnes, Memphis, w hose terms of office ex pi red. Tho candidates were General B. T, Carnes and Major II. Ward, of Nashville. The officers met in the su¬ preme courtroom and after the preliminaries, speeches. nominations On were with eloquent tho ballot, Ward was elected, receiving 20 votes to Carnes’s 18. Olio oi' tho moM fti usatiunai ciihch ever tried iu South Oufolina was that txztts&ii 'ir'ii:; ot i\',i, \\ iishington, i,;|i D. r ' 1 'vlio was, about nix months iigd, sent.!.......I to imprm onnient in tho ponitontiary. Tho su promo court at Columbia, Monday, decided on the appeal taken by Colo¬ nel Morrow’s attorneys from tlio de¬ cision of the lower courts The court, affirms the decision of the lower court on all the points involved. The Florida supremo court at, Talla¬ hassee, Wednesday afternoon rendered an opinion sustaining the validity of tho !■ i-Mat nt municipalg- jvornment iu Jack sonville. This pnudieally ends 11m suit although the plaintiff’s are given ten days in which to amend their de¬ claration, They will go no further with the ease, however. This means the immediate issuing of ouu million dollars iu bonds for public ordinance improvo UK ilit k and tin passage of the permitting iivo-ouiice pugilistic contests with gloves with guaranteed po¬ lice protection. The blink 1 l in lei which have been in progress lit Nashville are over for the present. Judge Huge, Thursday, grant¬ ed a con tin mi nee to George A. lhizoy, charged with conspiracy, with Frank 1’ortcrffehl to defraud the Commercial National bank. The ground of the continuance wits tlio failure of the .............................................. notice of the case on which Ditzey would bo tried at thin term of court. Tlio witnoHBOH for the uofeuso wore tsofitterorl from Oouiieeticiit to I cvah, and ltH the defense .lid not know what drafts were to he relied on by the gov I., make oul its ease, they *. V , re not, in pimifioii 1o say jus , , what * they c.ppctnd to pr.ivo by each wit lll'SS, LOOKS BAD F0H HOWARD. More Testimony in (lie, Non (’elehr/.led Case. A tJncliHOU, 'J'cJiii., Hjicciul '\'ho g<»\‘.niincui I'.vploihid w ln>ml> in tlif* ciunjt of liownrd, nliiiH Moon*, Boho aud filler, the ohiim n policy Kwiudler, IT-irlay. Unknown io (lofcudunt, Frederick Stewart Brown, of London, Kngland, about WHHjmi Mooro upon tho Hiand to f<!l it I i the and of iiii! lino in London. Tha witiuiHB had cb rkt d for I'Vlix Howard nt 5 In j roji'i, <: .||( j ,!i- I -Jm. I’ II h t Indidon, and it wmh hand tlmt |h:ium d 51,flfl>0 of tho famoiiH Willitun Lord Moon: letter#. The clerk employed Dy Felix Ifov.nrd, who prave him form fx<4tn wiiieh lo copy the Mivindijn^ J« t t. rs uint directed him to sign tin- uhiih, of Wiiliam Lord Moore to them, When the yoting man ap])earefi on the htaiifi the face of the tlefeudfllit WHH a picture of utter deapair, hut it wan only for a ruono iit, and with hi# or eiiHtomed audacity he calmly waited to meet the damaging charges. f J he witiM’HH told of )ijh experience with the defendant while in hia employ when Howard, alia# Moore, left f.ondon, he wax employed to take liis house and receive liis mail and for¬ ward it to another addresa in tho city, This was after the detectives had fcro ken into Ids business. Ihe witness wan handed a package of several hundred of Moore letters which he readily identified The witotw* wa# crow-ex ainiued bv the defendant him Belt and it wo# muni rigid. At “ne time a m.*1 to between the two men wo# narrowly ^vert rJ Populist a Pet Up « Uaudidate. I he populist members of the general ’’jM’ . itlfrtis, have M >r Mann P«gr for m Mi at to < lion ip by tb Id MaH jh a meni the* the itivc eommitb*y of iona’ Farmer#’ Alliance and ludua t ,j 8 j Union. He is alao gracdiuBittr 0 / tlto Msottat la Virgiai*. Fanners .Should Keep Account. If a Avi- auer is alivo to his own intor rate, li#M ■•ill, by keeping accounts with Ids crops and stock, ascertain which branches of the business pay best. In the same way as the manufacturer ho can then work away from the unprofit¬ able branches and towards those which pay more. In this way he will soon become a specialist, and will hnvo taken a long stride toward success. The farmer who says that it is too much work, or that ho has not time to keep accounts, lias a mistaken notion of the value of time and labor. The time required for this purpose would prove to bo but a fractiou of the time lost by misdirected labor—misdirected because of the lack of a correct under¬ standing of the cost of the various branches of farm labor. Any farmer who has not tried it will find the keeping of accounts at least an interesting experiment. Tho be¬ ginning of a now year is an excellent time to take a new departure. Each farmer who reads this should resolve to commence keeping accounts on Jan. 1, and to know before tho year closes the cost of ami profit on every bushel of corn, dozen of eggs, quart of milk, j and every other article ho produces. To some it may bo seen that such a system, to bo successfully carried out requires the skill of a professional book-keeper. It w ill bo found how ,. V cr, by any person of moderate intcl ligoneo that accounts designed only for one’s own inspection can bo kept in simple form and serve all practical pur poses. Unless one loses interest and becomes careless ho can hardly fail to achieve results both interesting and useful, sludics Regarding store should accounts make one who economy memor¬ anda of all purchases, not only as a means of detecting clinical crrftrs, but also to enable him to dotorminothe gregato nnd comparative cost of each article of consumption. Much edge enables one to determine where lie can best cut down expenses if lie needs lo retrench. It is a satisfaction, to say the least, to bo able to determine at the end of a year or of a quarter the exact, i-cs of one’s income and to review an itemized record of expenditures. ] 11 also enables eno to detect leaks and ] needless expenses and to plan more ; judiciously for the future. Krchmiyr. Lady “I wish a |>iofo of toilet HOItJ), ” lioy “Somited 7" Lady “Wfdl, I dou’t know. Thu Iftiti I gi*t hero wwt ho tu*euti‘d that the I whole room hmellinl aw i!‘ I was coni in- ! . . I * uiiHCcnli-d thul will iniiko Die room 11 , 'l>'"' . vourscU r # 01 MU< 111 •' u ' ' , '. street d- South’s UoodNews. , . Turn world may bo “but a flouting show,” but llin.present financial do pn-Hsion doesn’t giro the poor man much of a show for a living. '*'1 I M KNOWhliDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tei .nan otheiHiind enjoy lii’o more, with ! the the need,) value of to physical health of being, tho will liquid attest j j principles embraced pure in the 1 laxative i remedy, cxcclh Hvrup of is duo ! R* nce U> Us prewntiug '» tiro form most tho p*wptahlo refreshing «m i, ]>h).is- truly ant to the taste, un hcnofictttl protmriuH ! ,;n of ti iioricf t Jax li(|vn ( .„ 1;( tll y tlio systmn, pp,,, hcadadics tied fevers j anil permanently curing constipation. I H has given satisfaction to millions ihkI { ' met profession, with the because approval it acts of on tho the medical Kid "7*> J ' ivfir and Bowels without weak oniug them find M ih jx?rfectly irco from S every FyrupofFirsi^rorHiiIcbyfilldrUg- ohjooihmablo Kuhatauco, j i,h in uii«i ■; 1 iKitticn, hut it in mun i ufucturod by tho (hdiforniu I‘»jyf Hynip ( !<l only, v/hosc tiam* in jiriutcd Hyrup on of every Figs, paekage, also ll.o mime, J,M • hcio^ well informed, you will not ! any miohU tutu :f oiloreu. ra’ i T RANGES c _ Tho Exeel Best for in htylft, Cither 0onifort Ifoating and or Cooking Durability, | g3»a^<rft .u.m.i * vf RV '”*• AHK YORK WTOVII DEALER To »how ff.'ii .sHKi-iuinn s i.A iKsr cataiamibx It no tlmiln- wur you f t t* Ut ISAAC A. SHEPPARD * CO., BA l/IIUHH e, M t>« *OUlIt iaxoaut ua A.', VrAWlVUICKH /aV 1 HtC ! ... 1T | | L L) [ ,j--- 1/ AontA» Fhut , «ny *,n* »»*» < tn cure th» ihd* t oh | y BLOOD PClISOH G &t ii*y% Inftin /-bam h.m lit Vf *5 tm toW for A SPECIALTY. pis. i tiu oJar* arc! i In remll 1 (til* “>ir t oU«L UtY y Our flo»n l -1 l>*/l»Uiie i* $ Whm$ ut-tt-nry, kk pffUfiUffi, UnV#** r\na4 fm.ll, irtdtM a r«a — mn4 our Kmvffj Cypbih «nn J# t hn only i i tiimt will '■uro f if-R/iM :iU/. i' tlUvnyr outtcut Icl. frtn rot/K Ituunvr Co., Chicago. IU» One bottle for fifteen cents, ) by mail. 1 welve bottles for one dollar, f R • I * P • A • N • S Si (■ Rjpan. Tabules arc the most effective rec¬ ipe. ever prescribed by a physician for any filM r<>r of the stomach, liver or bowels. 11 fay uf Jffcifc* aayttherr, or flM*i price to 7H RiYA.Si CHEMICAL COMPANY, to Snxxt Sr., St* VosX. N OW season comes when the dainty and delicious cake and pastry are required. Royal Baking Pow~ deris indispensable in their preparation. For finest food I can use none but Royal.—A. Fortin, Chef, IVbite House, for Pres - idents Cleveland and Arthur. ROYAL BAKlNCt POWDER CO., IM WALL AT., N. Y, Net, to lllnmc. Tenant—"See here 1 That house you rented mo is infested with rats. Every night wo are waked up by the racket.” Agent—"That’s very strange, Tho last tenant never said a word about rats. ” "Well, thou, of course, you uro not to blame.” “No. Tho people who lived there before never complained of anything except ghosts. ” Probably Not. Practical Father—“Has’ that young who wants to marry you any Romantic Miss “Money ! lie gave a cluster diamond ring studded pearls." Practical Father "Yes, I know. Has ho any money loft?”- New York '* ' ' ' 1 ‘<‘<lerouen , between boyhoodau«l UR '’ 11 ' “«*' ,M the boy is anxious to Im considcrod a man aud the obi man likes to bo CURES OTHERS M. W. Bcorr, Ksq„ ot tho U. 8. Marshall a tuili'i'. Alltmin, (M.. writes: “For sufferer many yi'ia-8 my wits has been a i-nn«1aiit from inillio'stlmi, sink headache, nervous pros¬ tration anil all other complaints that, tho fo nittlo SCI Is la ir til, anil, aflcr tryluK ninny ri-meilles nnd ilootors will, but llttlo or no rft llof. I porsiMdM Pieree'a Fovorlto her to try I)r. an«l ‘Gold¬ Prescription Medical Discovery. * en heart, Flio wurt so out of she returned tho ho answer m tlmt it would like all the rest -of no (rood; but on my account, nbo r, MQ./Uftld nbo would try it, no L ■ A 11 K°t °no bottle each: ___ J' and _ before*hohad «S used 3 sincn, n n<l now tlilnlts it tbo matt wotiOsi-rul ........... n.-tli for lurscx. ami rocommcmH It to all suiroilng fcuialcs. Him lias not boon so well in ton years. I write this without nny solicitation let and nil with n free, good will, so that you may done for who rnny «*M suffer know what It has **■’ by m «iton»wwbwv. WHY NOT YOU? r McELREES’ * * WINE OF CARDU1. ij pi rrm . m JMnii f V\ t CSs | For Female Diseases., «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*•**«♦♦*<»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PositlflBS! Good Salaries! T*Y ; “National y< Law . loptdui Bl'ttfvft of Amor * i»by,” Vol. H,, paga VM. •nytt: “ft. VV. .fanning*, l iifl founder and manager B(i»lne»*CoL of Jan *..± ning**’ Nuahvtllo, wan iJH.r,. !i >i n March in Kdgefleld, U». 1*3». In 1 HlA been not ifH»kkeener lor tlio V! Trlon Manufaotur 'mal V-'A.,.: W’l.'.r.E \. / A nar», W»7, bo tsvmn J to NuKhvI 1« and *«* rured a j onllion a* for 11* r. wiiolt kaIai lnfli*o of i.h%r<A nr Ac Co. In IWdl lift ffiibred the f’l an tenr i NuaiivilU*, important it h bo*»kkeeper, in the I«fl4 i h«i no T. podtfom with u r&nt ot A. Htewart ife Co., New York. ...._ h« Witt <| free led to overhaul and eiam Into Dm book* of that firm, running bark a period of nineteen yen im. Jn tWif> Tio wiv* of the Falla CJJty Tobin eo Bank, Ig»ni« Ky. t rntiiifiiinu thin In Itoc^mbor < ft that nr to nf.rapt Gardner n. partmnnhlit In Now the York, two Arm* livuriH, (Jo., and them* bile fa Uo„ Nnnhviih’. Withdrawing firm* nenlor lit 1*72, h<i wa* noveral for I ho next year* pari nor In whole¬ hat firms in Nashville, 'liiua •fen¬ brought to hl» work h* a bin* c'd »i - the valuable oxperlo n»:« yeari itctnaJ htn»i»M»e.” Htndcnto and from from twenty,»four England and Bfatot Mexico ami have Ter¬ till* noted ecliool. Ninety percent. Miooj have necured good p'.udtjons, kouic of hem receiving cfaxeet very hltfh sale time. rice. Write Nn vgca no enteral any for -. ( ‘ataioKue. All popil« erdcrinx thN aehool Irfor" .htnu 9, l*‘M. will get tuition in Bookkrepdig* etc., ftt 20 per cent, off of regu¬ catalog no rate*. f bit* /««», <4n«ri)Mr »n4 V*MI» T 'bhi «■) -A w! *MI f II. r»rl»M »iU», FbwUr Co., I CTS. ■H CL 5 HkRI CUft£'-FOR f.tL tLSt rAilS. n to I 6 /* I Best Congit byrup Tk*i.o tioml. luff , rf i. 25 in time. BoW bv dnffliflflUi fj m CO N SU MR-TfON . % N. V ....... ......Fiffy-one, 3