The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 29, 1893, Image 5

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*i *V% r*1 V * v- ■ v r* Published Svery Friuay. LnU-if nnuitd d UUW at t ho Post Office nt r-a-f ordville as second class nn i m,. ' ,v Or t U ... 1A L ni>r\\ Oi.UA> nV Of THK J tlE UKEENE w.ttxt am> tai.iaef.kkocount r ear 41 RS A El .1A NOE AN D IN DUS TKIA1* UNION. OFFICIAL ORGAN __ ... OF „„ AXSO THE Ti ll TALIAFERRO COUNTY ALLIANCE. Cnas, L. Smith. Editor and Publisher Ci iwfordville. Ha. Dec. 21. County Ticket. fOR CLERK OP COURT. S. If. Rhodes. FOR SHERIFF. D. P. Henry, for treasurer. A. J, Chapman, for tax collector. G. T, Edwards for tax receiver. Geo, R. Moore. FOR SURVEYOR. C. Chapman. FOR CORONER. S. N. Agree. A contemporary argrus that aewspa p- r sn'.iMcriptions are infallable tests of a ma a honesty. They will sooaer or later eliscover the man. If he is dis¬ honest he will cheat the printer in some way —declaie that he has paid he has not—declare be has a receipt somewhere—,or sent the money and it was lost tu the mail—mil! take the paper and not pa> •for It on the ground that he i ev r sub scribed for it—or move off and leave it coining to the office he left. Thou¬ sands cf alleged Christians are dishoto es: in h s particular, at lea>’, and the printers book will tell fearful tales in the final judgment.—Exchange. The clipping above is for the special benefit of the so-called “Christians.” X The editor of this paper has been et - gaged several weeks in Oartersville on the Signal au j has been able to put but very little time un getting up new?. After this week matters will — ' - 1 r i I 'Jifrr rrfl-r i r r t f rbr" hopes to be able to devote more time to getting out a better paper here. After January first we intend giving two pages of the latest outside news and a couple of columns of raattorfrom the pen of Ceorgio’s greatest, editor am! statesman Hon. Tom json, This alone will be worth m than the subscription price of the paper. if there is any one kuifi of s huumti bei-g Urit, has our gem-jre uninixed contempt it is the snaky hypocrite who occupies in all cases the “front seat” in church with wide open mouth and eyes, he takes all in seemingly, Uufc while the doctrine is being penned into biin he is engaged in contracting a scheme to cheat Ins fellow man, lied was made for better men. If you want to get drunk and don't want an unpleasantness with the City council, just lie down on our office porch and youare safe. Such seems to be the experience of “one” anj l.ow. The city councihnen are hustlers, It the people al hey wife so q depopulate the county. A ISEHDEFN, O Messrs. I.iprman Bros , Savannah, Ua. Dear 4 rs— 1 tiouglit a hotile of your P. ; p.p,Hot Spring-, Ark,, and it has don, me more good than three mouths t-eatment at the Hot Spring 71. Bnvc. you no agents in this part of the; country or let me know how much it will cc-t to ret three or six bottles from your city liy express. Respectfully Jas. M.'Newton, yours, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. NffflN'AN'VIl.Lr, Fi.a. Messi . Lippman Bros., Savanuab, testimonial C’a. !>.- r Sir—I wish t« give, roy in re -ard to your valuable medicine P. P. P. for tLi- rur>“ of rlieuniaiWu 1 , neuralgia, fiys], la, billb u-ncss ete. In Iktil 1 was r ■ with blllious scscnlar rheuma tiviuand have been a matyr to jt ever Binoe. 1 tried all medic, nes I ever heard ! - ‘ and all the d< ctors in reach bv* 1 found only temparary relief, tin- patns were so bad at times that I did cot r i a r I lived or died. My digestion -o impaired that everything miB. 1 ate d di <1 with me. SIv wife also r ely with dyop-T-- ' her life v ,, tor . a-• ti i m. also ete a - o -nOered greatly from g^Tdin—e 1 am! ; . of , p. > ,ts.- time -'Tar.-t. w - • bo i of P. P. P., <,ur digestion began to improve. My pains subsided so that have been able to wik and am feel ( Lke doing what 1 haven't done ■ ¥ ■ time- taking P. P. P. until we are entire y Ij '•.ini' and will cheerfullyrrecomtnemled banality. it 1 ft] got! ,, very'respectful!, Yours J. S. DuplisS. jro tick. I wa*r crery masaai la th« Pnlted r... • - i-t£r..led in tbe Opium ft - ■ 1 V aiskft . r .. , vo tave oae of lit boek* on lbe-i« d:.i • AddreM » M. Veolley, Atlansa, Us. , V.-s #v» f -2 be scat you-res. i Danger From Uatarrlr The most important feature about that v i\ ■ • r . n L-oii!plaint, catarrh in the tuaui ;he undent-y to develops into erne other more serious amt dangerous The foul bronchial matter dropffin n lungs from . --to the tube;. <>, very liable to lead to bronohits or con sumption that destroy which causes more deaths in this country than any otln-r dis. case. As catarrh originates in impurities jn the blopt)> |ocaJ ar , pl j,, Kt j 0 „ s can rio but little good. The. common sense method ot treatment is to purify the blood and for this perior purpose Hood'sSarsaparilla. there is no preparation The su to p<-w cr fui action of this medicine upon the t.loed .-xpels catarih very impurity? am. health by so to doing cures and gives tlie entire organs. tin ....... , . ,.Cd V .i. *• - j ■ "V.iVJ ‘ lv { 5 . -t&s&.ig&gm&tWSS » .-lapp vc-.-siV. 45 cy. Money Savers in all Lines _oi ary ^ooos and cloaks, box oc pair, Sheeting 5 c yard some ot our Bargains. MuHarky Harty Co Augusta i a Notice. We are here for the public well digging, sand proofing blasting and anything in that line of business Satisfaction guaranteed, if yo’u are in need of any thing in this |line let us hear irom you. j R Michea] , Grant Evans crawfordviile Ga. ... While at Peekskill, N. Y-. Mr, ■!. > Scriv.ii, a prominent lnHtiuf-u-turer of New York City, purchased a buttle of Chamberlin's Cough Remedy. Such good results were obtained from its use that be sent back so the druggist from whom ha obtained it for two more bottles of the same remedy. When yon have a cough and or coll give this preparation atrial like Mr. Scriven you will want it when again lu need of su.-U a medicine. It, Is a remedy of great worth and merit. k5 and 59 cent bottles for sale by Dr. R. J. Reid, Druggist. OB.HitmWAY&SO., j-SPECIALSSTS^. (Ketaiar CJruduatc*,) Are the l-milnpr »n‘l muia auccecttal r,peola)Dts and Will girc you help. jpf' v'.u? Younp 1 ant! raid- 7 dlfc aj?e4 men. Remarkable re ruiU have follow¬ ed our treatment. %Sb£SSZS£ i-l r t 1 ftlji . l'iui l In the use of cura ttve methods that we aloufiow.Tnnd ■m Control for ait til a __, JHL is. orders of raeu w ho u Su - T- ■ ■ ; .-;M -i-A'-i-ii \ i i a ; '-N to ara»ranf «« to all ill pa patients, lf they can pos.Hlhly be restored, our i ov. <r»vva eacRaive trea tm vat will ttflTor'rt a cure. WOMF.NI Don't ■ynu -want to get cured of that v/ealt non with a a treatment tr xnent that that you yo can use nl i.on ic without Instruments? ats? Our Our wonaerrui wonderful trea^ i men it has cured others. Why not you? Try It. ( IT lRSfi, and r>d diseases diseases of of tfco the Skin, Skin, Blood, Blood, Oeart, Liver and Kidneys. fcYrrSTT.TS-Thc most rapid, safe and nd effective effective n-medy. A complete Curts Our. ran teed. «TCf?.r DISEARTiS of all kinds cured where many other* hare foiled. VVXATUTtAT. IHWflAROEil promptly cured In afew day*. Quick, hurt ftud ea*e. ihle Iccludoa Gleet and uonorh •■a. truth and facts. We have cur«*d cases of Chronic Pisceses that have failed to H - < uu red at the hands of other apectai Js istsand medical instil utes. HK :•* F.M 71 V. A that th*»ra is nope for You. Coi ftsult no other, aa you may waste »eluiu)lu time. Obtain our tr eatment at once. Beware of fr*'e and cheap treatments. iaodera«t We gi7f the beat and m tost scientific treatment at skillful be- done for safe and <• «om' n »\ l r‘iaon°and t 1 4 t? mall. Tiiyroiiftli rareful I L-.ftir. A ' ; • ireatTnent can besrlven inamij. oj !E:.i;fe. f ; ■ -'N-.u,fe. n fldentJ-.l. Entire treatment sen’ free from oi.serva tlou. Refer to our patieuia, banks and bualacsa men Ad drew or call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO., 23 i-Li South Breed Street, ATLANTA, CA. * 'In ' Poor , Health < ' . 1 ’means so much more than * , ’you imagine—serious and* < ’fatal diseases result fromi ‘ ’triflingailments with neglected. Nature’s * , ’ Don’t play 1 ' ’greatest gift—health. ' If youare feeling out of sorts, weak t town’s gild generally ex¬ hausted, nervous,, and have no appetite work, can't „ begin al once tak¬ i X |tYVf"l Me ing strengthening the roost reiia- t i medicine, which is < / II fill Brown's fron hit- ( * ter s. A few feot - 1 \ J w-w ’4.44/\#'r- , ties cure—benefit comes from the , | li { j pi . ry first feo-.e it * JL#» VlAe* - t stu n your 4 ‘ ffe JC.! ufe ( I It Cures f Dyspepsia, Kidney Liver and 4 Neuralgia, Troubles, ‘ Constipation, BaJ Blood ( Malaria, ailments > Nervous , Women’s complaints. Get of 1 - •tu!*- 1 . ; r< ■ of ,e . * w ! e td set o; Ten Beautiful World’* . * Fair Vkw* and bc*ok—free. ’ BftOWH CHEfiMOtt. CO. BM-TtMORE. M0 ( » a__ M J* & J*. __ja M. 1 f. __S,__ FIR 1 , jj “ - Lrl ^|/>}s - V w Young Men’s Bovs and ChiidlVll’ We h * v * llu ' LlU ' se5t a,ul Most Attractive Line of cu. - toni-miwle. Clothing e ' i i‘ r , to . >ta. '■ on . - kindly ttsk you to call and - \ - amine tLis Superhi Stock of Line Clothing.^ L C. LEVY & CO* I’aiior Fit Clcthers, Augusta, GA ....... li Ifli'o Of ^ ■ - ‘ --- a_'' aW' ■tD' “Now or never you ■ .n climb to tin pv :>;* ; . hr; no. Leaving trh i.t! till.: bo low, Upwa 1 wl i turei grow." if A V f: T V-’ * { ■ / f ! t. af \ q \H f ^ v tegpysiy Rj liMill_.As. t fll J. wyp ■-] ! llli li! : • • La. I . Da f5 -. ; . mm « WBm itpgw . ^ ..... C—Ed. _ P^OtSlUlltll _ j *1 o S' n 3-5 <cy ore Iinspiring 1 Tr* th? ambitious >x>ung man than to read the life stories of those who, from the poorest surroundings, have ciimbed the ladder of success, Lu ainas A. Edison was a train boy; Jay Gould canvassed for books ; Y. A. Collins worked in a mins ; Henry Clews started life as a book-keeper; Augustin Daly used to earn $8 a week. Such f'U t s seem stranger than fiction. Yet th* m could be indefinitely drawn out from men who. Born poor, with few educational advantages, have, by persistent work, by harJ, 1. rotting fo Its best use every on ortur-iiy. climbed the ladder of fortune and success. Greater Opportunities Hav* >ou iban were ever vu.jchsafei to the successful frten t*f the past. Would you mount the ladder of success? Youi first step in sucb a rise will be to secure fhat compendium of all knowledge, the new ENCYCLOPEDIA BK1TANNJCA. now placed within your r^-ach if you will save fen cents a day. Write for a; pbcation, ar.d obtain a «.“t while if may be had at .ijtto/y p . A i - ■ * sa The Constitution ATLANTA. OA. .AA First- Boilers. Class our prices. Atla- nr-A Erie Engine*, Tank*, Stacks, « ? tan lao ? H I* %.* r and Fhct-fron Work; Shaft u; c ruileys. ‘ rearing, tioxen, Hanger*, and etc. OjmvL-te Gotton, Saw, Grlfet, Oil !• Mill milfil.; al«n Oin, Pm.-, ( :' and Shmgle outf ‘n. and !'■>: riin r Bridge, Factorf t Furnace Mill, Ma Raoroad and r v :--tings; Factofj Railroad, Supplies. chinists* 1 I ■’ Pack i: ig. n j col on, Pi pe F i tti ngft, Saw-, fin. * Tiler- , elc. BUT- t ar- Hj work Vi) jbftndn. Lombard iron Works Atxwft and Supply Co., Pa iSsnyoT Depot. AUGUSTA, CA H uu* 5 . ^'-- I />l.rATO ,->■ " , r , r 13 'ces I So Goods Never and in thJ Shoes History been offered of tin at country sucli l.ow have Dry The Andusta Bee Hive Stores Are Goods at an 0 Lower Prices tli..n one l uy .-is much as two formerly would. S3 -£aSHS£Xi?,:.:'.ST ■ I; L7S3SSSK32SS •« LV DRESS GOODS. ‘ \,i ; - • ■■ .-uuK wbip Vm*. ■- •• i ‘ : ■ I ■ \ . j , Lida . 5 a and 5 * ia y.«n»isnil oolm-.s that Win- o «.-«• imw 4 .U-. | UNDERWEAR V r L- I (.dies h^nvy rlbtmit Miiit that .verp 35c now .ho -- - i.inlit-s In :iv\ p.M - d .-•lint.-( nil wm-W>.‘ m-v. 1,-idl ic .vy -hiit Unit wen- 7.".i- now no • i Jl.-lis In uv\ ,hhc ! shins lu’ii K,- llinv -f'-c. i him a heavy libb.-d slur s ihnt vv.ii- .*(V now ii5c..„ , FLJBN'NK VmS. i.’W ----------- t <)} woo 1 led Warn') h"c. Alt WOel Vi Lt-c Jl.tin • i 1 dV« % Uj <■ rottO IJ fl \k|U :s HV. ■ ^•v< H'a' piU-e< in.'• adv-O vs. A VHItls, 1 f«*l . !. •<>. DO y:ird? viih^wl>vBt .i»r ^l. 1 0 >urdtf .vfidi \vi<ii . -1 !»u.H« !’iuk lev $\. N».w .n'4k-' > l Mia 1 \cv v y us ' . Lt-t </hecic M inch vuiiput r»e. I ^mimu Ladies kid butt< n ahocstliat, were 81 -30 now !W.*. i Lisdies kid button „hi„ s Unit were 71 :!.V now Lades kid tnul-on shoes that were ,-M.ftd now l oh. Ladies button siiot-s t; .t et - - ’< w-> ; i *. Men- (-fttf iaoe shoes t-mi wei, t! 'Oaiiw- ! dd. Mens cult .nee-hoes lb. I were 11. V> now i I.2N Mens rah run ties, shin s that Went 71 •)') ll.iiV '.'..d'k M. ns eulf eungie Ime h xfl. *3^1:y Oirrs a- Vs J o 1 o and 0-21 Broad M . AnywT.i. G:i -THUS U Bwd/B — i" wi a m 1 U organizations Devoted to High Class l'-,-acti e TTi i’l!i-"Ji , Vi> l iVS(|i,, ,vl,'.Jft.Ai—----- Pledg^j K,notion of Scientific Dentistry at Moderate /’rices. Teetii iniiUMrat Plates. Almnlgam Fillings S oc U P " Fillings ?> L *m}*m»*’*‘ 1 Matin a nj ) Gold Fillings $ 1.00 UJ) Best Het of teeth < it : 8.00 T her upper or lower net it' ! 1 \ A good wt ol teeth 5-5° -_Jr ’. B Extracting ’! e< lit hoc, a Crowns and Teeth wit lout I’latt s at Same Kat' -. wrPerftvt Htiliig Artliical Teeth and best workmanship guarantee! or money cheerfully refunded; only tie- R -t ma¬ terial list < . 810 Broad Street. Over Muliarky & Harty, Augusta, Ga ■ & We luiie the best cotton market in <be Soolli ft I tf . [ tton _ F ’ ? N actors. |t PersoEiil attention given ’•> all Ibeine s. jrromj)1 sabss aiifi retur ns. ('oiisigima Jibs • <»! ;cit nl. Augusta, Hror^ia. MBliill BEEFS £01 PAH, * Augusta, Ororgia. ^ all lor tliis Ikf r nvA y ou \\ ill Find you will want non 4* irthi'T. V 'mv A r ok sky at Law, Gl f -'D f 1 < r °j ON I {4 » mo - y*. i Vsn sfef.old hr * our Cwttiing, Shoes, Hatti abd Ln-: Loud* at ► iftov ii.g from out 1 .dves and couuli is JiUs th* ho*i>ft■* “I “" r cn-t' tnft,-. Kimbrough Bickers *C (J EOROIA RAiii tt i>Ad El wKilULEt: OFFICE GENERA*. tSAf A-w'.;'G Commands# Oct. 14, 1804, the following schp'ltu > v: trains run fey 90th Meridia* Time. The echowale.- ai-. . .. ■, - v without notice to the public. r. READ DOW>. Train ’Trail Train sight pat 'Train So. 28i j • A V . sron : So. IT kxvh'r mail. 'No. 27 PTATIOS?;, Mi:a L-J ' 4. ii.Tp! 1 (dip 5 HV : 7 4? 4 3&p 04j;] U OOp'11 50]. t4p! 7 15a I.t Augusta Beiair Ar .....!l 8 t i 4 7 i; 6 11 28p,12 4pp}ia ..... 45» Orovotomn 7 eSp '12 ’ i % ■ i 0 I7j. il 20p 7 BeMciia T2 - Hip' ■ 4 2 ii 0 *' B 3 lp n 62p 12 87p ..... . . . . 1: ' 1ij 0 9 5 40p 4&P 12 ngt|l2 12 45p 03p 8 8 00a OGa bearing Harlem Lr. 7 7 3tp J »p, 1;, II ■■■(' I 4 8 2 6 12 08n 7 -ffiip U 8 4H- >5 2 8 04»12 81m 1 Up S 20a Thomson .....ill . 0 - 8 14j.;12 Bfa 1 29p Meseua s'*; 3 ■ a 6 32pll2 47a 1 30p 8 35a Oannik 7 04;. 11 8 '.7c.' 5 0 8 29p 12 05a t 38 p 8 ,41a Norwood 6'11 2'*: .I 8 Jffi. f-2s 5 0 4 9 6 44p 1 10u 1 8 ip 8 88 * Barnett t) 44p 11 i n 8 C B7p 1 25a 2 07p 9 03a Cravdordvilla ft 32j 10 ' '.i i 47,.; 5 2 22* Union Point TjY. ® !?1 U! 32., : 2 21 ft 5 0 ’ 1 00 a 2 31 p 9 Ar. 5 50p 2 08a 2 4f!p 9 85aj Cirocnstmro 5 41y '0 I'.’ii 2 . ..... 2 83a 3 12 p 9 SOaj Bnckhoad ft 20p 9 .‘.C* 1 : 2 Sin 8 26p l0 08a Madison 0 07pi J 4'* 1 v. I .... SI 11a 3 Dip'10 24a Rut lodge 4 sip y 2 -'» i r u .... 3 27a 3 C.'p'lO 37a Social thrcle 4 3 &P 9 07.1 12 3 51 a i 22pT0 fld* Coviugtwu 4 03p{ 22p| 8 8 22 4 -i. th nit 4 15a 1 4 P9p'U 1 16a t.ithonia Conytra 4 3 02p| 8 Uu i. li tOp 4 28 a 4 2 fia 7 02* II 24p 4 18a 5 LJpTl 42* Btouo Mountain 8 37 p 5 00a 6 3Op;U 51a ClarWott 3 28ft' 7 4-ift 1) A’p .... 5 10c. n 40p! 12 m Decatur 3 21 pi 7 8)a 11 ■ Op .... ft 80 *! 6 OOp 12 lftp Ar_ Atlanta Lv 3 OOp 7 15a - V ; • 5<5p u"lei. " 2 00*1 1 88pj 8 40»!Lv Camus Ar 7 <0tt a Ha. 1 4,4p 8 47a Wan-onb>n 0 52(111 17* i i 20a 2 48a! 2 04p...... MaylicM fi36pill Oli. 11 58p :::::: 8 09a a lftp...... n,i C'ulvert.ia 0 24p:10 40u 1) 89p 8 27 b 2 27p 9 22* Sparta 6 lip 10 40,. I! 23p •• 3 56a 2 44p ...... IX-vert'UX 6 OOp 10 38a 1 -■ 58p 4 1th. 2 63p 9 43a Carrs 6 52p 10 18s id -l»p 4 ISu 8 15p 10 00a Milleilgeville I 1 5 33p 10 00 a Id 12 p 5 16u ! 3 32pi...... Brown* j 5 I8pj S 87 -St'-,. 9 y 3Op 46p ft 85a! 3 iJat 10 24a Haddocks i 5 08p y m ® 5 S3a| 8 64p l0 32a J«®w ’ ' ® ; fi 47a 4 25p 11 00a Ar Macon lc* 4 AOp <> b(.n r ,„ ij 08a aTffp Lv 'Barnett Ar i I Me. 8 *■>« ><!p ft BBpItl 20»j 2 2 80p| 38p| Hillman Sharon 1 »«1>| « » ^ / ,' t Jj r ’ J2p f, 7 02p 11 80a L» J ; 7 :n . 12 03*' 8 07p Ar Washingt. « Tt J K-»K:r; ...... '. 6 2 .'.pf.T Wood will* . » •* ® ..... 0 27p 3 46p Bairdstowu ...... » n J’ 0 32p 2 60p Maxoya ..... f ® J2p 6 45p 3 01 p 0 <4a 5 16p 6 52p 3 08p Crawford Steplien* ...... •*•)« 5 03p 7 05u » 19p Dunlap ...... s jj* * 7 22p 3 85-p ® *_'J ' * 7 27p 3 39p Wiauv* a 4 25p 7 41,1 3 55p 4* A#n*» Lv ... 7 50a 10 ioS .. LtTuFou Point Ar » 1 05 42p p . 11 30a ;. rtilmiai ......j „• Ar White Plains Lf ! 1 20p ...... IJ v?» ...... wflPoti 3u .. uT. (iliipTng Oa Til ■- tr .oi- «v mih 11 aad IU suit n..... twemi Ai ft.ita and Charleston, A * ,!u,u ftlwhiiiH I .r. I -i <11 Macon ftu-1 NewXothUii tra n mm ivSON, . THUS. K. M OTT, JOE W. WHITE, A. ( 1 . JAi He rI M ;*g«r. TiKVoUng Pbm< u v-i A ' »u (ioucriU FroitfUt »ud !’»•-* ma » Amnwi’A, ci*, ,T. W. KIRKLAND, IT. H. llARWIOK. Pan*. Agt., Atlanta, Ga. ) i. Agt., Macon, (* WEI £\SIE OFFEISIIuC It'|mi use value s in SHOES. We tarry tin largest stock < I Inndsoiuo, Slylisli Footwea Carried in me state, Our Prict'H arc way Bulow what otlw t Imrgc. Midi ordurs receive prompt iittet.tum. write us 1 wluit you rviint, we guarantee satwfac'k e, ' vI^PSs^ko* y ........ .....M * ’’is y*\y F r, '~ covniERS to all immmi 27 Wliin hiill St. Ailmita, (>i» MALLARY BR 0 S.& CO. MACON,(;i;OU (i IA. It K M E M B E I! r We are stii f hcmlfitiurters IV IfcfaaS: 1 Mill«, C o 11 o > ;D g ^ (; i ii s Co n <• Y rcsse s,a n 2E.-T every thing el ... .. in 1 lie Machinery lino %f PU-ane do not be pursuaded into buying anything in otj ""'■'“""MAIXAItV WMH&CO., MiiciI o)7? J Mnation this ps»i>vr April 28 8 c > + t one, Homes ■ » & Campfool Cotton^Factors “•and; Machinery Deale-ss Jackson Street, opposite Cotton Exchange, \L 7 iUSTA GEORGIA. I i* Mil r p-’L.y-, SSSE - at nil.! ,,, UiltiitK, Icji-'-tor*. Brasses. jBte.