The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, May 07, 1897, Image 5

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OUR NEIGHBORS. Wl at the People ot tliat Thriving Town Are Doing. SHAKOS DEPARTMENT, 1!Y C. L. BAG BY. Farmers are putting in good time. Vegetation is covering up the ground now. Several of our citizens visited Augusta last week. Mrs. Joe Weathers is improv¬ ing some in health so we learn. We are stopping a few days at the shaft this week on business. Several from Warren county wei’e in town last Friday buying goods. We are doing some tin work at the shaft this week for Mr. Clot worthy. Capt. Henry Smith, of Warren, was m our town last week on business. Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott visited Mrs. Charley Smith several days last week. Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott is visit¬ ing relatives in Greene county at present. Foxes are numerous in our section and the hunters can t catch them. Miss Missouri Bagby spent last week with relatives at Mii drajon Grove. Several of our citizens are having sallads from their own gardens now. Mrs. Betsie Moore, mother of A. D. Moore, is in quite feeble health at present. The Advocate-Democrat job work department is complete. Bring in your work. Sharon lazy club seems to be in a low state of health. We think tiiey have all died out, Mr. Clotworthy is repairing his shaft at Hillman ^ind we learn he will move back there soon. Mr. M. T. Maher got a severe hurt in his back last week which detained him from work several days. Dr. Farmer, the dentist from Thomson, has been in our town for several days doing some good work. Mr. Paul Carey is improving very fast from the injuries he received recently on the rail¬ road. Dr. E. E. Darden is the talker for our town. If you aint got anything to do just go down and see him. Miss Kate Cosby and Happy Elliott, of Woodville, visited relatives in thi; county last week. Preaching at Raytown Metho¬ dist church next Saturday aid Sunday by the pastor Rev. Mr. Embry. Ladies Who Suffer prom any coroplaiQt peculiar to their sex—such as Profuse, Pain¬ ful, Suppressed or Irregular Men¬ struation, are soon restored to health by Bradfield's Female Regulator. It is a combination of remedial agents which have been used with the greatest success for roore than 25 years, and known to act speci¬ fically with and on the organs of Mepstruation, and recommended for such complaipts oply. It pever fails 'j»; to restore give the relief health apd A of the suffering V*. womap. It should itt \V be takep by the RV,I \Ai girl just budding l iQto womanhood J r, f whep Mepstrua tion is Scant, Sup Jf*. pressed. Irregular ot Pa i p f u I, apd all delicate worijep should use it, as its topic properties have a wop derful ipfluence ip toping up and strepgtpening the systerp by driv¬ ing through the proper channels all impurities. “A daughter of one of my customers missed menstrnstioa from exposure and cold, and on arriving at puberty her health was complete!; wrecked, until she was twenty-four yesrs she of age, when upon my recommendation, nsec one bottle of Bradfield’s health.” Female Regulator,com pletely restoring J. W. Hillcms, her to Water VaUey, Mias. Thi Bradpitld Rr go la tor Cot, Atlanta, Ga . solo as, all DSucuisTa at a* *cn bottli. The recent rains have everybody and everything in a double quick run. Look out for grass now. Mr. Will Avery was up from Augusta last week. He was raised in this county and his old chums were glad to see him. To Cure Constipation 1 orevor. Take Case a rets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money We notice that our farming people are taking more interest in terracing their land. This is a step in the right direction. The j\>.ciy picnic . . Weis SilOl , . , lcist , u Saturday on account- of the rain but we don't think anybody J 0 ought to grieve over that. No-To-Eac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed .obacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1. All druggists. Mr. J. A Kendrick is happy 1 ajrain at his house andcanwhiste and sing louder ... tlvin than evuv ever-a ,| bouncing baby girl is the attrac tion. At A FR1CANA will cure Syphilis and Old Sores to Stay Cured. Mr. Sim Leanderd, merchant at Elam Warren county, was in our city last Friday. He reports everything is all right in his section; Educate Your ISowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Very few from the country at¬ tended Memorial services. This should not be the case. When a big show or circus comes to town you all come. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c, If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Ourself and good lady visited our son-in-law Mr. J. T. We Taylor and family last week. en¬ joyed the visit very much. We have plenty of grand children at that house to entertain us. Educate Your Howels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cu ro constipation refund forever. 1 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail. druggists money. Barnett Baptist Sunday school was^e-organized on last Sunday and me.cted W. H. Bagby Supt. Tiiey meet every Sunday morn ing at half past nine o’clock | Come out and join the school old people as well as young. j CASTOZtlA. he fac ., Agile, signaéure O It was our pleasure in company : with Judge M. J. Taylor to dint: with Mr. J. W. Taylor of this j section last week. Mr. Taylor is j j a full blooded farmer. He don’t go to the store to buy anything j : to eat raises it at home and is in a prosperous condition. Has a wife and eight children, and they all work and don’t you forget it. CASTOniA. Mr. J. W. Fallen, one of j Sharon's most reliable business ! men, is still at the front with his j makes steam grist the best mill meal, and ginnery. and he He is j i tlso engaged , in . the whiskey ... bus- , , iness and it is said that he keeps ! j the best order in anywhere. his house In of j any of the kind J fact Mr. Fallen is and all round ! good citizen. Don't To'jncco Spit and huioxc Ycur Life Airiiy# To quit tobacco easily and forever, Le muff netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To* ,eed. Booklet ana sample free. Address | . Sterling Remedy Co., Chica go or New York. , The Veterans’ Association of ! Taliaferro county was short on j the 26th. We can’t see what our old soldiers mean in not attend mg their annual meeting. It is no rse to belong to a society unless j vou attend its meetings regular- | ly. Resolution was passed that, jach member pay twenty five J rents each year to the treasurer >f the Association or his name j would be erased from the roll. < ibsent ,Ve know from of several the meeting that were that j md ro excuse at all. Only; twelve in number were present j and there is about ninety names ; m the roll. I EXAMINATION. The examination of appli amts for , next License to teadi will le bold at tlie Court Ioute in Criwfordvilie on Saturday, the ly.hdayA May 1887.beginning at 6 ’clock. Standard, or railroad time. The necessary stationery will be furnislc id by me. No books ot papers, except the “o rtifi ates of good moral carried chara cter” as required •y law, need be to the examination 00 m, .The above named date was fixed .y thf State Sieliool Commisskn r H Y\ M. F. ELY NT, C. F. C. f C. Crawfordville, Ga,, April, 27th 1887. Is oa I evsry j wrapper. Strozer, the Jeweler at CraW fordville. will visit Sharon every 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, have your work ready, work first class, charges moaer ate. Big fishing party went from our town last week to Fountain camp ground, Had good luck of course. ?«ia.'Vj'-ou!i 8: From a utter w-.Lien by liev. J Gun j ermaii, of Dimondale. Mich., wo aro tie-! to make this extinct,* ‘“I have no hesitation in recommencing Dr. ^ing’s JSew Discovery, a? the results were almost marvelous in the case of mv tile- While I was pastor oi the Baptist Church at Rives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding I.a Giinpe. Terrible paroxysms of couuiiing would la-t liours with little interruption, it f ec|ne( . jf , ht , C(m ] ; l U o\ survive them. A friend recommended Vv. King’s J«evi» Discovery; it was ouick in its work nni) liiltlilv « MiVsfaclory.” Trial bottles tree D r. j- j, e!d ., D r Ui Store. Regular si.oo - Ji f 'Vhitakor 89 years old dicd at Harlem Sunday. He leaves 17 children nnd luul t "' odcad - THE DREADED CONSUMP¬ TION CAN BE CURED. T. A. Slocum, HI. C., the Great CholJlist Scientist. tVilt Semi l i ce, to the Afflict¬ ed, Three Bottles of His A'etvly Dis¬ covered Hcmedies to Cure Con¬ sumption and All l.ung Troubles. Confident that he lias discovered a relia¬ ble cure for consumption and all bron¬ chial throat and lung diseases, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh and ail conditions of wasting, and to make its great merits known, be will send, free, three bottles to any reader of The Advo¬ cate-Democrat who may be suffering. Already this ‘-new scientific course of modi' ine” has permanently cured thou¬ sands of apparently hopeless cases. The doctor considers it Ins religious duty—a duty wU’.cli lie owes to humanity —to donate his infallible cure, lie has proved the dreaded consump tion to be a curable disease beyond any doubt, and has on file in hi.< American and European perience from laboratories those benefited testimonials and Cured, jbf e.\ in all parts of the world. • Diin’t delay until it Is too late. Tou sumption, uninterrupted, moans speedy and certain death, AddreSsT.'TiVolo cum. M, C., 98 Pine street, Newffqork, pleat! and when writing tile Doctor, give express and postoffic address, aid . also vocnte-Dcmoerat. mention reading this article ill Thp Aii t . ......... - ______ -t-ii 1 *"* p __________ __; * GEORGIA RAILROAD. --AT THE TENNESSEE Centennial Exposition, From May 1st, to Hov, 1st, 1897. Tire second largest Exposition ever belli ( ,, untry> thousands of Home.Seek ers and investors from the West and North West will he there. To show up the wonderful resources along its line, the Georgia Rail road has decided to make an Exhibit of those re¬ sources, and asks tile people of the Lone ties and towns along Its lines to co-operate v,Sth them in making tlie exhibit a.sue ;ess by furnishing creditable specimens of all JUncrals, Paint and Fire Clays, description f f v/at( .,. p 0W1 , rs p, 10ta g r aph8 of all Mill wife-,exhibits of all Manufacturing In dustries especially desired, Further arrangements will be made and due notice given regarding Exhibits of Agricultural products, and Fruit in sca sen. For further information apply to, JNO. Ii. AVEHILL, Cmomisloner, 4!9 Dyer Buileing, Augusta, Ga. Mothers Read This: The Best PemedV I „r nat'.bnt Colic, Iliarrhna, r„m Indication, and ■>* ,l1 * aiM ,Clin-, ii & of tlie .toma. PIT T'S CARMINATIVE Istbestandard. It carries chil- ^ anS is mcommSd by pllVS '\,iults ,j ( .f an s as a friend of mothers Is pleas and children. It fintto taste, never fails to satisfy. X few (Uweswi virtue. l demonstrate its superlative For sale lw all dnigeisls. bott'e. only byDr. vV.M.l it is. Prepared «■ o “0 “0 IS PREVAILING. LOOK OUT! TO AVOID AND CURE This insidious disease is no\V prevailing all over the country, [t comes with ii-. chilliness, pains, aches, fever, watery eyes, headache, Etc, To avoid it, pike an oc¬ casional dose of Dr. Ham mack’s Cold Cure. and it you have Grippe, the tablets taken a’eeerdimr *n directions, will cure it. They are put up in screw top bottles, convenient to cany. HI, doses 25 cents. For Coughs A cough is the rock upon Which the health and life of thousands have been wrecked. Every cough should be treated at its commencement, and for this purpose there is nothing better than Dr llammaeU’s W hite l’ine ami Spruce Gum Gough Balsam. U cures without, tail all bronchial mid lung Affection*. Price, per bottle, 25 cents. Once used, it is always the favorite. For Pains and Aches. There is nothing bettor than Dr, UamnmcV* Ebvtrie liluimenl. ll will curd neuralgia, rheumatism stilelms and pains, Uimlwgo, chapped hands, imd nil manner of pains ami aclieft. Don’t .experiment', but buy this liniment. Price, per bottle, 20 cents. A Good Rubber Hot Water Bottle should be in every family. We have them ihe best made from 50 cent u wants and everything usually sold in a first-class drug store at reasonable pines. HAMMACK, LUCAS & CO. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATLANTA, GA. FOlt SALE BY P. G. LUCAS, C'RAWFi.UDVILLE, GA. r S fw W$ They’re Right Here l J i K«, v Ami IN ji ro CRAW having “merit” a FORD big ami sttli■ the VILLE on account of GREAT ATTRACTION %j^wHvip prize Nioncy .roods 1,1 of the (lie packages. Richard UeMprcs.s UeferenCfc (a ]$■ made of Atlanta, lo tin* if ».\ NV h<k hi order to ^et the public lo try sumo, is disirilm thii; 1 prizes valued from ouc goods cent to live ijmuiivd llieir hirs, in even package of sent op*, /from factory to I Ik; retail stores in this towr ••hey have ysT been doing this for Mm four months m tfie towns throuirhout the State wlmrovor they have php-efl on I ■ITOV W ! I he thing as vcrii the and result, ed sale that by and any their the package you prizes dealer goods, may aie in and be realty the sure have goods; drawn, t hey eslnhHshetl have, therefore, and been paid an doing immense promptly, why t not hat radc very “try can if your luck” in a of r “RESPESS’ PRIZE” CHEWING GUM- BAKING POWBER FLA¬ VORING EXTRACTS SOMMER DRINKS BOX CANDY ANTISEPTIC SOAP jl For you "et cjuftllty to any other goods imd. .at c< iPUP? the.same pvioc; ami besides, it present of some Vdlm; t and one chance to got tor nothing 8AOO cash, or fiona J of nmnufiieturcrs their tin; For goods. SI,000 Salo In as cash an inducement prizes Everywhere. oilcrcil for each the month public hy to try MANUFACTURED BY •f THE RICHARD RESPESS CO., ATLANTA, CA. _____ WE ARE HEADQUARTERS -FOR ENGINES, BOILERS, mid SAW MILLS. sm ii GRIST COTTONGINS MILLS 9 m «§as§8& lip® MR j-- ti-'j i and PRESSES i Complete Ginning Outfits. / THOMAS S*eam Pressas, and Elevators Saws, Belting-, Valves, Pulleys, Shafting & Will -j Supplies Generally. BROS. & CO i*L MALLARY •5 u Si Mention this paper. MACON, GEORGIA. AFRIGRfW 5 The Blood Wonderful Purifier,... Cures absolutely Rheumatism,. SctofMi, Syphilis, <>!<* Sores, Constipation, <iout, and Afl Diseases caused by impure Blood .... 10 SIAV CLRfiLf ......... Africana Has Never Failed In single instant out of the hundred, treated. Therefore, we off* i* a eoiffcleuce. and willing foiimertAklc to the public with entire are infallible th‘£ most desperate case on. which other so-called cu e, have failed. Africana is nvR.e altogether from surest herns, reoledy is perfectly ever dW* harmless and vet is the mdst powerful and covered for tbfc above named diseases. Write for furthei particulars testimonials, etc. *7* / r Africana Go; * c-J Atlanta. 1 ", ?.■; BROAD G? -ST