The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, September 14, 1906, Image 1

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agiAfcj ADVOCATE-DEMOCRAT. VOL. XXXII. /Etna Fire Insurance Company. Cash Capital $4,000,000; Surplus $1 1,000,000. Get Your Insurance in a Strong & Sale Company. Insures Country & Town Property Call at the Bank. L. P. McCORD, Agent- SOUTH GEORGIA Offers greater inducements to the homeseeker than any other section of the Union. It is a section where one can farm every month in the year, and where people do not depend upon a single crop for a living. A greater diver¬ sity of crops can be grown than in any other section—corn, cotton, oats, rye, rice, sugar cane, melons, all kinds of fruit and vegetables. The soil is exceed¬ ingly fertile, the temperature (summer and winter) perfect, the rainfall ample for all purposes, fuel abundant, building material cheap, offering the greatest agricultural inducements. The land is level and free from rocks, easily culti¬ vated, and two crops can be produced in a year. Hundreds of North Georgia and Carolina farmers have within the past few years settled in South Georgia and are realizing the advantages of that section. There are thousands of acres of unimproved farm lands, convenient to railroad and market, which can be bought for $3 to $10 per acre. The Georgia Southern & Florida Railway runs through the center of South Georgia, and its Immigration and Industrial De¬ partment will promptly answer all inquiries from parties seeking locations for homes and investment. Write to W. L. GLESSNER, Commissioner, Macon, Ga. HAVE YOUR HOUSE Or Barn INSURED, and DO NOT DELAY. Represent Tvfo of th« Strongest Com COUNTRY RESIDENCES A SPECIALTY. GRIFFITH & RHODES. CALL ON JOS. A. RHODES. WINCHESTER ft* NUBLACK” “ Loaded Black Powder Shells Shoot Strong and Evenly, RSI Are Sure Fire, Will Stand Reloading. They Always Get The Game. For Sale Everywhere. “I’m Kicking Myself BECAUSE I suffered for years with Indiges¬ tion, Nervous Debility, Con¬ stipation, Kidney and Bladder Trouble and Lost Vitality, when I could have been permanently cured by taking Specific Haggard’s Tablets Fox Piles, Irregular, Painful or Suppressed Menstruation, Leucorrhoea, etc., Haggard’s Suppositories should te used in connection with the tablets. Druggists sell them at 50c per box, or Haggard they will be rent prepaid upon receipt of price. Send for book of particulars. Address Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. CRAWFORDVILLE, GA., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1906. MIDGET. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Fallin ofl Atlanta, after several i days visit* ing in our midst, returned liomg last Sunday. Miss Willie Joe Wright % last Sunday for Robinson wh she commenced school this we ,t. Only two applicants for Swp new Rural Route: Mr. Olin diyant and Mr. Boyce Darde"*' The drug store clerks enj quite a pleasant time uni a car of brick iast Tuesday. The it ladies is said—will of the file Floral inju c|| —so an tion against Mr. L. S. Jac prevent him enclosing the with houses. Why don’t the ladies keep grass out of the park aftefc Council was kind enough to it for them. “Something Those who subscribed tefg 1 benefit of Sharon High School will please be ready with ^ ub scriptiou. We need all| wes ean Funds raise now to pay | teacaer. scarce. has been introduced to tjjjp Ma sonic goat. Tbo Sharon High Sofacjp ' h con tinues to increase in Enrollment about 60. jp ■ Mr. Curry Colvin of®' alson visited in our city last® Mr. W. E. FergusonM G&jp sons, Clinton and Helena areyisiting UjijF r. Miss VesBie Johnson or a week sstay with her§ist< Mrs. J. M. Ketldrick, re^Xmed o her home in Thomson last Sundry. Dr. Davidson while doing such an extensive practice should prescribe for his canine that follows him. The poor animal needs something. Mr. Joel Taylor says Hat Mr. O’Keeffe’s clerks are the cham¬ pion eaters of this section. They eat at the barbecues 4, 6, and 8 lbs. apiece. Starymg to Death. Because her stomach was so Weakened by useless Mrs. drugging that she cluld not eat, Mary H. Walters, of |St. Clair St., Columbus, O., was literally starving to death. She writes: “My stohiach was so weak from useless drugs that I could not cat, and my nerves so wrecled that I could not sleep; and not before ■ was giv¬ en up to die was I induced to try Electric Bitters; with the wonderful remit that improvement began at once, health anil a com¬ plete cure followed. - ’ Best tonic on earth. 50c. Guaranteed by Hadaway & Moore Druggists. Home’ Coming.« A ( There will be a Home Comir.g for for. mer nth. Georgians, Every former Atlanta, Oct. xoth and Georgian, whether native born or not, is cordially invited to visit Atlanta at that time’ind meet old friends. The railroads will give special rates. Tickets good to Nor. I. Kvery Georgian having friend* in ather states or countries, Is urged to write them to return. Every former Georgian who reads this is requested to write the dresses undersigned. Please send us ail the ad¬ of former Georgians you know. Visitors will register at the Fair and old friends can easily find each other. There will be addresses by distinguished citizens of this and other State*. A real Air Ship will fly every day, weather permitting. and »3th. All Oay Singing, Oct, lath 5,000 voices ia chorus. Hon. Wm. Jennings Bryan has been invited to speak one day. An Immense Agri¬ culture! Fair. ' For any informaHoa, address . F«akx Weldon, Secretary, Atlanta FER U. ffney’s lots uv kids whut’s bigger*n I ; } *Nd p’raps they’s lots wlnit 1 cau’tdo, put they ain’t nuthin I won’t try L 3 For U. af Jone , s Cow’d _ ,. get mad sum day, I ’Kd hook at fokes ’ml holler “M„o!” Krab a stick ’lid drive her ’way * n,,n lr - % WNd we *d 8 et shiprect off sumwhare, cannybulls shud seeze us two, let urn hurt a lmro If even l’ irllts cum sum nite To rob yore fokes ’lid kill um, too, ®f 1 wuz thare, U hot I’d file Fer U. Nd if amung the things I’d try, : I’d tackle sum i cuddont do, Itwuddent be so hard to die Fer U. —Hknuy Lee Siiippey, in Watson’s - Ko one would buy a sailboat with sails that could not be reefed. There is always that possibility of a little too much wind that makes a cautious man afraid to go unprovided. The thinking man, whose stomach sometimes goes hack on him, provides for his stomach by keeping a bottle of Kodol For Dyspepsia within reach. Kodol digests what yon oat and restores Ihe stomach to the condition to properly Hadaway perform its functions. Sold by & Moore. “What do the lady Eskimos wear when at home!” “Eskimonas, I presume.” The Right Remedy. Men and women who suffer from Indi¬ Kidney gestion, Nervous Debility, Constipation, and Bladder Troubles, Lost Vi¬ tality, and all kindred diseases, will find relief by using Haggard’s Specific ’Pah lets. Thoy have been twenty years on the market and have demonstrated their paramount virtues, healing and health giving qualities. Send for hook of par¬ ticulars. If your druggist cannot supply you they will bo sent prepaid upon re¬ ceipt of price. Per box 50c ts. Address, Haggard Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. "Teacher—What is the superlative of ill? Scholar (after having pondered for Hme)--“Dead (^—Exchange. The Breath at Life. It’s a significant fact that the strongest animal of its size, the gorilla, also has the largest lungs. Powerful lungs means powerful creatures. How to keep the breathing organs right should be man’s chiefest study. Like thousands of others, Mrs. Ora A. Stephens, of Port Williums, 0., has learned how to do this. She Discovery stopped my cough of two years and cured me of what my friends thought consumption. O, it’s grand for throat and lung troubles.” Guaranteed by Hadaway & Moore, druggists. 1’rice 50c and 81.00 Trial bottle free. FOLEYSHONEY«v>TAR for chUdrwni raft, aura. Mo oplatoo We Set Your Tire While You Wail -WITH THE-- HOUSE COLD TIRE SETTER, The Most Wonderful Invention Of the Age brought te a Marvelous Slate Of Perfection. t yf X/|l\ / \ A ^ I | % jfiSE^jBcKaft ft tiller _ set the old way. Now, don’t be deceived by the man wdio says the old way is as good as any. We hereby invite you to come and see for yourself. More w heels are iuiued by over-dishing of than tires, anything thcrelore else. Only 20 to 30 minut< s required to set all four your you can afford to wait for your work, which we guarantee will lie done in the most perfect manner. ggrRemomber that we do all kinds ol Repair Work and we assure you that \<fu will find our jniefs very rt asonahlo. We Also Set Tires the Old Way. We keep Horse Shoes and do Perfect Hone Shoeing. R. A. DOZIER, Crawfordville Ga- NO. 33. For Coughs and Colds There is a remedy over sixty years old —Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have heard of it, probably have used it. Once in the family, it stays; the one household remedy for coughs and hard colds on the chest. Ask your doctor about it. The heat kind of a testimonial — “Sold for ov«r sixty years.” A Made ijers Also by J. C. manufacturers 9 Ayer SARSAPAKILU. s Go., s ,».. Lowell, of Mam. We have no secrets 1 Wo publish the formulas of all our medicines. Ayer’s Pills Increase the activity of the liver, and thus aid recovery. Order Levying: Taxes, 1906. GEORGIA, Taliaferro County. Ordered that tin; tax rate for said county purposes, for the year IflOfi, he 10.20 mills per hundred cents, or $10.20 per $1000.00 on tin* taxable property its it appears on the Tax Digest for said year IfiOff, and the Tax Collector he authorized to levy and collect the above rate on the taxable proborty of the county, to be used for the various county purposes as follows, to wit: To retiring courthouse bond and interest on bond. ______ 2. mills To repairing bridges and other improvements.... 3.5 “ To jurors, court’xpensesAc 2. To sheriff, jailor and other officers........... 1,8 “ To paupers............... “ To office expenses, station¬ ery, fuel, coal, etc......... .8 “ To insurance and repairs on ptM’ic Vr.i'Mvw* ........ o To deficit for J906_________ |,3 “ J. M. Mukden, Chairman. (!. \V. Cai.dwei.i,, O. M. Haooiis, Geo. W. Bkown, Board Coni. of R. A R. of Tal. Co., (ia. \ hath cleanses the skin und rids the Pores of refuse. A bath makes for better should fellowship and citizenship. Not only the outside of the body he clean - ml, hut occasional use of a laxative or ca¬ thartic opens the bowels anrl clears the system of effete matter. Best for this are DeWltt’s Little Early Risers. Pleasant little pills that do not gripe nor sicken. Hold by Hadaway & Moore. With this machine we guarantee) that we will not over-dish your wheels and that we will not hum or heat up your wheels getling thu tires off and getting them hack, and that the rims of the wheels will not ue torn up getting the bolts out and putting them Duck, for we do not have to take the tires off nor the holts out. And we also guarantee that the tires sec on this machine will than will