The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, September 28, 1906, Image 1

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ADVOCATE-DEMOCRAT VOL, XXXII. $ltna Fire Insurance Company. Cash Capital $4,000,000; Surplus $1 1,000,000. Get Your Insurance in a Strong & Safe Company. Insures Country & Town Property Call at the Bank. L. P. McCORD, Agent. SOUTH GEORGIA Offers greater inducements to the homeseeker than any other section of the Union. It is a section where one can farm every month in the year, and where people do not depend upon a single crop for a living. A greater diver¬ sity of crops can be grown than in any other section—corn, cotton, oats, rye, rice, sugar cane, melons, all kinds of fruit and vegetables. The soil is exceed¬ ingly fertile, the temperature (summer and winter) perfect, the rainfall ample, for all purposes, fuel abundant, building material cheap, offering the greatest agricultural inducements. The land is level and free from rocks, easily culti¬ vated. and two crops can be produced in a year. Hundreds of North Georgia and Carolina farmers have within the past few years settled m South Georgia and are realizing the advantages of that section. There are thousands of acres of unimproved farm lands, xronvewient to railroad and market, which can be bought for $3 to $10 per acre. The Georgia Southern A Florida Railway runs through the center of South Georgia, and its Immigration a-ml Industrial De¬ partment will promptly answer all inquiries from parties seeking locations for homes and investment. Write to W. L. GLESSNER, Commissioner, Macon, Ga. HAVE YOUR HOUSE Or Barn INSURED, *rct DO NOT DELAY. We Represent Two of the Strongest Com¬ panies in the World. COUNTRY RESIDENCES A SPECIALTY. GRIFFITH & RHODES. CALL ON JOS. A. RHODES. | We Set Your Tire While You Wait. -WITH THE-- HOUSE COLD TIRE SETTER, Tde Most Wonderful Invention Of the Age brought to a Marvelous State Of Perfection. . ‘ 1 , g \ ,. , , E » i , x I, v x I « ' I . I \ \ « :31: . ,v :'\~." 1 .,<._a‘\ /“ . ./}'-' 3”!!! ‘ l ‘ *1 ' v. . V '- ‘M "'1“??? "#2:“ -i . vatzzgzi“ 2: ‘v‘ C';}.é"r;%». ' /<.:‘; 5 EL: {gig ' ’ -»-W :sr . w, ~". ‘ .: ,- , g: «2“ , “R , al. , ¥§‘,-figd‘w,v\w 9.5; WWA‘RQ; “V ‘fii‘p Qfzkww< r. A, ' 4.2%“ '1‘ “A ‘1‘!“ .,2 H V. 3‘ “Ila-h; M 4 ‘wzf‘;‘?‘v7?2hzaw;wg (N '21:“; 2“;: ‘*' ._ ”7‘: , u'“,.""“‘" a“. 1’3}: :3, V." [I . , " ‘ , H set the old way. Now, don’t be deceived by the man who says the old way is as good as any. We hereby invite you to come and see for yourself. More win els are ruiued by over-dishing than anything else. Only ‘20 to .‘30 minutes required to set all lour of your tires, thcrclore you can aflford to wait for your work, which \vs guarantee will be done in the most perfect maimer. nsgrRemomber that we do all kinds ol Repair W ork and wc assure 'you that. \ou will find our juices very reasonable. We Also Set Tires the Old Way. % We keep Horse Shoes and do Perfect Horse Shoeing. R, A, DOZIER Crawfordville Ga- LUNCETON, MOCKING BIRD. [ The farmers are busy trying to gather | -their crops. Mis- Blanche Rhodes spent Sunday ['with her sister, Mrs. Wylie Rhodes, i Mr. Macon Wheeler rutted Mr Perry I Nelson Sunday. • Mr. and Mm, L. E, Credill* spent Swn I'day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. | I). Moore. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lunosford vid’ d Mr. Will Bentley of Crawb t .vide .‘un- CRAWFORDVILLE, GA., F; IDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1906 . MIDOKt. Remember that in a* Saturday is for orphans’ homes. Let ev¬ child in this tpwp ap’d community for the orphan ^ day. Rev. James B. Amiss^ig will preach at the Methodist churchis place next Sunday night. Col. W. 1*. McKooit t.■ r several weeks stay in Augusta has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. West Wright are de¬ lighted witli the little Mi.-s Wright who has come to live with them. Our city, so to speak, did on last Sunday violate the laws of God and of country. What will they all do next campmeeting? Children of Sunday School, don’t forget work-day and bring your earn¬ ings to Sunday school Rummy eve. Mr. II. J. Morris is painting the Ray¬ town Methodist church. jj£ Rev. llillhouse filled, his, regular ap¬ pointment at the I Tenby tefiail church Sunday. . 1 2* - -v, . Dr. Cloud will be iu Crawlord ville Oct. 1st one week only. Have your dental work done at " Lius time. i , Kki i , Some estimate the liurola r^jif r&iif te ne ne grdes in tiffs place Sunday ‘4<W • and 3,(XX). Jt wamiho > l •mas eve, to«oine dj our mviUjL • ■ Mrs. W. D.Tittman ang . Lucy Pittman are r^poriioi V iff »V" Tt"’’ L-.t \Try L, vpilouA fever. V* Pat Brennen and Roy Flynn, say if you dofl’t want a whipping jfoi had better quit mentioning some Did folks in the paper. Prof. Johnson has the finest turnout in town. Girls, get ready to lake n fast ride. \ Through a mistake in last week’s is sue Mr. W. R. Moore was reported to be with Mr. (). I). Moore at Hot Springs, Ark. It was meant to nay Mr. R. H. Moore of Cnlverton. They are improving. Midget somewhat surprised when postmaster informs him his letter was held for postage. That’s had, and it might have been for a widow. Mr. Sutherland of Mt. Carmel, S. C., is purchasing poplar trees to be. ship¬ ped across the ocean to the old country He has made no deal, yet, with any of our land owners. Wright & Darden have a With this machine we guarantee that we will not over-dish your wheels and that we will not burn or beat up your wheels gelling the tires off and getting them back, and that the rims of the wheels will not oe torn up getting ttie bolts out and putting them baerc, for we do not have to take the tires off nor the bolts out. Arid we also guarantee that the tires set on this machine will than will day. Little Ruth Wheeler and brother , toim Robert spent Saturday night and Sun¬ day with their grandmother, Mrs. J. D. Moore. * Mr A. 8- Lunceforil and little daugh¬ ter, Ora, continue quite sick. , Several of the young men of Berrru lb and Margarets Grove were iu this om- I ruunity Mr. Prior Sunday. Nelson has j r turn d horny after spending a fee - .my ; with frier :1s at Bermuda. <• i Mi -. J. T. i.r, it-t* i* i-y.n-'Citc. sick the past wee' i s' ‘t . . 1 line of furniture, cheap. Give them a call. MILDRAJON. RO.sE. A v iry small crowd attended Sunday school at this place llunday. Miss Ruby Jackson and Mr, Roger Hill visited Miss Lula and Mr. John liill Sunday. Mr, G. 15. Stewart visited relatives near Bermuda Saturday. Mrs. Allie Chapman spent last week with her mother, Mrs. D. VV. Atchison. Mr. Tim Ray of Waihingtou spent Sunday with home folks. Misses Mary and Ida Allen spent Sun¬ day at the home of Mr. Billie Rhodes near Jennings. Messrs. W. O. Chapman and Ell Gunn passed through this community Just week. Miss Amy Caldwell of (Jawfordville visited Miss Sallie Lou Aldus m last week. i The children of this cormitm.t y with the fever are said to he I) L V/e hope they will continue r, , Mr. and &r C. 0, Dill irrmt Katur day night with M W. A. Hill and farndy. Mffi v. b. Chapman . <*d one norse fartv-to rer.t. .. ijW Mr and Mrs. Buddie Moor, spent Sun Allf* tj f amily. ' d .y with Mr. N, A. Mr, W. T. Cha;/, ! .an j daughter. Tallie. spent Bttuda. n hisdaugh ter, Mrs. G It- 8i. wart RAYTOWN ITEMS. CHUMMY Mr. Henry Slone spent Saturday night ami Sunday with Mr. W S. Meadows. Miss Mary Bacon was the gin si of Miss Mary Belle Holliday Saturday night. Mrs. T. F.Kendrick and little daugh¬ ter, Christine, spent Monday with tier father and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Slone. Miss Lena Moadows visited her sister, Mrs. 8. O. Suggiu, Tuesday, Rev. P. (}. Vea/.oy vvill till his regular appuininnuit at the Bapiist elmreh next Saturday and Sunday. Everybody cor¬ dially invited to attend. Miss Agnes Com Its has returned to her home at Summit after a few weeks’ stay with her sister, Mrs. C. A. Meadows. Miss Mary Belle Holliday visited the Misses Meadows Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kendrick of near Sharon spout Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. .John Stone. Mjjj. J. W. Flvnt and children spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mis..U. T. Flynt. We are glad to sett'Mr. Jewell Wright able Sir be out again uftap several weeks’ illness. t l’ v . t Again Fair Cupid has vifited the' com¬ munity ttnd takes from it one of our fair¬ est flowers, When on last Monday uftor at ^ iikdoci^ >ir. P. Fi Cotubs, one .of South Mfe'.fmnktf ^erlipg. tnetfc, and J;lar||tmk-dfi.v ‘to Nnrvi.:. sin A vv< » qufeytV y-a > U el t U"d M- ” •„*>.» 'mo ie seven o'clock train for buum*i., Ua., their future home. We wish for the ypung couple a long and happy life/ Mr. F. A. Stone will leave Wednesday lor Atlanta, where he has accepted a position in Urn Ga. It. It. yard, Wo wish for Trod all the success to he ob¬ tained in this life, Mr, W. It. Moore, one of Sharon’s most prosperous merchants, yisfied at this place awhile Sunday afternoon. What’s the trouble, girls? - -Ans: All the hoys done gone back on us. A bath cleanses the skin »nd rids I ho pores of refuse. A hath makes for better fellowship and citizenship. Not only should the outside of the body bn cleans¬ ed, but occasional use of a laxative or ca thariicojiens the bowels and clears the system of effete matter. Best for this are DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. Pleasant little pills that do not gripe nor sicken. Sold by iiadaway & Moore. TIIE ABT OF PLEASING. Somebody said it. is better to he beauti¬ ful than to be good. But It is certainly better to be good Ilian to be ugly. It is better to be charming A woman can¬ not charm because she wauls to. A man is not agreeable because he sets out to be. (Juite the reverse, in effort is failure. The proper effect must, like repartee, be spontaneous and unpremeditated. It must he radiated naturally like light and love. Books there aro that pretend to tell how it is done. They do so quite as competently as grasshoppers teach ento¬ mology. The ability to charm, to be agreeable, to entertain perfectly and to be Perf ectly eulertuining, is an artapproheu sible only through influences generally prenatal but, always prolonged, The more technique is so volatile that it must bo inhaled. Like the Mayfair intonation Jitte by little, it must he absorbed. Kings and thugs may abash the ulna- | tour in the art of p!easing but the artist j is at home, with them. He puts hm ■ ! f In harmony v/ilh them. In the ability to tkl that is; the whole set ret of the ar of pleasing,— Edgar 8a |f m iu tfie October ' Delineator. | | The Right Remedy. Men and women who suff er from Indi¬ gestion, Kidney Nervous Debility, Constipation, \ i ! and Bladder Toy ■ les, Lost lalitv, and all kindred diseases, will lind relief by using Haggard’s Fpe- die Tab lets. Thvy hare been 'twenty years on the market ami have (b in .nstrated their paramount virtues, healing and health qualities. Send for hook of par¬ ticulars. If your druggist cannot supply they will he sent preiaiid upon n M price. Per box ; r -.ddre Haggard Sptecllk Co., A dicta, Ga I NO. 35. Pale,, Thin, Nervous ? Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it — Ayer’s Sarsa¬ parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Tills s Is In the the first flr»t question your doctor would ask : “ Aro your bowels regular?” lie knows 1 that dolly action of the bowels Is absolutely absc essential to recovery, Keep your liver active mid your bowels regular by taking laxative doses of Ayer’s Fills. JL Mftdo ,T. O. Ayw Oo., Lowell, Mass. yers ____HAIR VIGOR. A fill E CURE. CHERRY FECTORAL. Wo have no aeorots ! We publish tlio formulttB of all our modiolnos. Order Levying Taxes, 1906. , At*#* GEORGIA, Tglijrivrrd County. T yd 0 red thatlhe lax rate for said ftouuty purposes, (or the yen# 1 Udoth be 10.20 mills per huiiHred‘cents, or ||().20 per $10GQ;(XX<jn the taxable projierty as it aiqiipirs (S 11 Jiig<-st for said ? A r ! _■ ’ ■ *' bs tgoSloetor bi vyteu <i>, {, ,f 4,.; ibov< - rate on the baVabhr- prbbcft.,. A f tlte county, to be used for the various county purposes as follows, to wit. To retiring courthouse bond and interest, on bond________2. mills To repairing bridges and other improvements---- 3.5 •’ To jurors, court’xpensesAe. 2. To sheriff, jailor*and other officers......... .,1.8 *' To paupers...........____ .3 “ To office expenses, station¬ ery, file I, coal, etc.....- .... .8 “ To insurance and repairs on public buildings .......... .5 d'o delicit for 1000- - -- 1.3 .1. M, MtuutKN, < diairnuui ( 1. W. (!aumvki.l, t >. M. rtxtroi s, Guo. W Ilitowx, Board Com, ot It. A It. of ThI. Co,, (la. Ajipllcathdi for Charter. < • HO l{<; IA, Taliaferro County, To the* Hujittriorcourt of hh(,<I county : Tint petition of W, H. l)unn, N H Morgan, SJi<*p FiMfk, Hr, John f Peek, I) I* Murilcn. CJ w HtciiheiiA,John West, Allen l*cck, John AntlciKon, Hob and IJ h F« «k, of naid county, sIiowh . * J, 'rhat thny dcnlrc for thcmHcI vch, tljclr ar HcmlatcH, huccchhoth and a^ignn, to In conic Incorporated under tijc name aud Htylc o^ kAKYIK 1.1*8 11 It lA* ANl) HIJHINKSS COM I'A N i , with principal plant- of buslnesH in (jrawfordvlllc, (Georgia, Haid dounty, for tho tern of t win ty yearn, with privilege of renew al at end of mild time. 2. The capita) Stock of Haid corporation is to be live thousand dollars, di virlsd into Hharcn of auch amount as Haid eorporaMon may from time to time decide, wiih the privilege of in¬ creasing said capital stock from time to time not, exceeding in the aggregate ten thousand dollars. V*. Ten per e«mt of said five thousand dollars capital stock has been actually paid in. 1. The object of the proposed corporal < n it, pecuniary profit ano gain toils stoci-: ? oiders. Petitioners prop* su : o carry on a retail mer¬ cantile biiHiin s,’dealing *n general merchan¬ dise, farm supplies, eroclcry, hardware, fnrni ture, sewing mac!tines, wugons, buggies, fer¬ tilisers. ich, Hoft drinks, buying and h'dilng for cash or on credit all such articles a>* enu Me! ,; red or ns may be proiitably handled and sold n < tmnection therewith, contract < ng am| acti ng general or special agents for others in selling or benching articles ap t° aid buslncH", having all such powers, rigJr,. a pd p'i vji(ge.s as a re granted and Incident' ■ private corporations under the laws of U corgi a. Wherefore petitionerspray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid,ent: vied to the 'debtsami privilcg» s, rights and inununlti' and su)»jcct to the liabilities fixed by law. sept 21. W*>. HAW HS CI/0ri>. Petitioners* Attorney. I)n You Suffer From Kidney 1 roubles? W" irunianf"c one one bottle of Smith’ xi't K Kiunu} id tiuv 0'irc to benefit or cure, or your urureiM will vefuiid ymir uu nty 1 rice 50 cent t. IT.ilawny A Moore.