The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, September 28, 1906, Image 8

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IIA \V Attorncv-at-Lavr, < Kli (-ill ( -.lilt Hi Crawionlvnlt'. Gil. John A- Beaziey, ATTORXKY-AT LAW, Crawfordyille,... Ga. Office in Court House, Dr. A. H. BEAZLEY, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Crawfordvillc, . • Ga. ■ * —■*..-■ G> IP! Uh •gll Sil '55 3-s “s, Mflg c * *sn>® S*sif ‘ ou?M<n# O’ * ««gisg „•*=> kmi lip tc ts o 3§Sl!i< fig 2=15 ca lu T.tsZZO <d*d s vi v « <r> O Ills; * a •••= v H II® Sill V) 3 |ie£ O ®«Sa 3 < !i§l m ■§<>! «S' .W» 4 Gasolene Engines in Stock BARNETT NEWS. Mr. 11. C Wynne tmd daughter of Pow elton spent Wednesday at Mr. Thomas L. Atchison’s Mo. A!lie (lallaher has loturned to Atluuta after visiting relatives It ire. Mrs. (i Ray Yea/.oy and Alias Hattie Barksdale spent last Wednesday at Mr. W. I’. Johns,in’s. Mrs. Fiynt of Atlanta was tliu gnest of Mrs. 1'. <'. Fielding last week. Mr. t<e> \V. Wheeler of l’ride was here a short while last week, Madauies M. C. Taylor and G. C. Stan¬ ford and Mis-es Claude Tar lor and Fra u ees Sharp spout last Friday a t, Mrs. J. Y (hi tt’s. Sheriff Brinkley of Warren ton was here Monday. Well Worth frying. \V 11 Brow n, the popular pension at¬ torney. of Ihtt-tieUl, Vt.. says: ‘‘Ne.V to a iieiision, the best, thing to get s- Or. King's New Life Pills. ’ He writes:—they keep ...v Tamilv in splendid health V (Juies e ire fm lb adache, Constipaii-u and Biliousness. 'Joe liuarameed at Had* away A .o-nir store. riic Only Guaranteed kidney Cure is Smith's Smc Kidney < re Your druggis i will refund yout in <. alter taking one bottle ym ar. . : ■ tied With insults AO rents 1 • 11 A Moor.* «mu on. (!K<MUIlA. T li oe i * C ."O' T<> whom it may conn in. T. N. Hall Iih v nr mule application io me in due form to bi .ipjx)iutetl admitii-nator with tin* wil annexed upon the estate of Mm Nancy U id. l de , >-m l county, no Un* ■-lu'ivbv C v .1 , 1 . - •ipp'ication will he heard at th- icgnl.i; term of tin* t ' . , » ’ ' ' Uciu * n ui n t Mor„t.,y ,n t ainiir, VJyfi Witnci--niv h nd and offifial signature. ibis 5th day if e teinb r. Btv- j ' • ^ Andrews. , . j 0 ;d: r.ry T diafe ro C naty { RIPPLES FROMlHl COlRY TRAVELER. IV F Staraivant visr- d houn f< k* t 1*1 . in r tint la*t > .9<bl\ N ”7. fust if ,:n broke doivu ;.t <• ■ «•? MU-.. Ift-V- ,l!!_ Tin Washing* Br inch engine carried the train on ete war i great delay in making , in duh S no T.uvi a > fii inis thiok •ut:..]. any 11 . vhaiinal work Tuis out* of liiel out mistakes Mr, .1, tm M< Kinney had .wether one 1 t tie's bud i-peils ast week Jan G lion iu.tbe writer'.' soeti, n has gii nad four bines t . t . n , n one So its fern already Mis. Mo y M Iv unify *.s ripened ibeher .Mr. and Mrs Will Star iivuut's c'uti dren are about well again. Sweet potato crop will be fine tlm „ fal . in writer’s section. We are due Mr. Henry Harper an apology, Mr. Harper called tis dowu be cause we used his name as "Uncle Buell.’’ We are glad he corrected ns. We never knew his real name be f ore. VVe arc glad to know the Advo-Demo¬ crat is doing as good job work if not better than any office in this section. Bull for your county paper and il wil. pull for yon and Taliaferro. Traveler was at the home of Mr, Billy C. Rhodes last week. Air. Rhodes raises everything to eat at home, which very’ few fanners do in this country. Tlie sick generally in the writer’s sec¬ tion are hotter in health we are glad to state. The October election w.ill be a trash raiser from the names that will be on the ticket. The new style of spelling that is caus¬ ing so much comment would hot hurt many. A heap of us don’t know how to spell, nohow, and most any kind would >uit this human race. Mr. Ed McJunl axing up bis resi¬ lience so it wil! be more convenient for his lady when he brings her home. In is these often days forgotten. ol rush In and hunfy court¬ esy the mad, pell* inch rush of our life little things are done to offend th it, we rather remained un¬ done A hastily eaten meal and its result¬ ant headache may cause us social ortinan einl loss. The wise man or woman is the one who relieves little ills of this sort by a little dose of Ivodol For Dyspepsia. It digests what you eat and puts your stom¬ & ach Moore. back into shape. Sold by'1 Lada way General election next Monday for State and county officials, amendment ratification and Judge nominations. Mr. Wilkins Tucker was in the writer’s section last week from Williams Creek. Sound of the fanners in the writer’s section are saving hay with a vim. Good idea. S, me did not save their 1 odder. Some cotton fields would look white now, but the grass shades it put. There has been a strange disease in the writer’s section for the past week or two. No name fot it as yet, though several have had it. We learn Mr. Dub Stewart has a job on the \\ Lite Plains A Union Point 11. R, Sm eess to you, Dub. We are sorry to know Mr. Thomas Jackson, section boss of Ga. B. R. at Ci iwfordviUe, has b.en sick for two we- k- We hope he may soon recover tiis usual health. Mr, Matter Bay of Robinson has had i biiige ot Mr ,T teksou s section during hi- sjiel! of sickness. Mr, IV F Sturdivant lias saved a tine crop of pea vine hay. The peas were sown on the grain lands after harvest. Xwerai in Traveler’s section will have ffi u ' hogs to kill this winter if nothing happens further on. Best crop of pork WC have ever had in the district. 'V” ' v, ' r,! shnl to meet Mr, James Jones hut week. IL* is now a citizen of Flori¬ da- H< returned home Gut week. The Breath of l ife. BV a Mgnifieuw tin t that the strongest anmial ,-t t.- - , the goriila. also has j tin largest lungs. Powerful lung* means Wnthii.g power It: l crea'ure-u Howto keep the ohi.f,-t org:»>*v r:ght-shon 7 d be man’s 7"' stu.iv *‘'jTbetu. Like tbuusauds of Fort of ot hers', ; : h«'w William-, I * ' to do this. sh x ofDi King’sH D:>c.w-.ry pjHsl mi com:': of two .and c, u;u a f.what my friends r ,‘ ....... °* l!| pTon. O, it’*, itraud tor ;» c*d lu-g tr«.uole*.” Gua ancd iv Ib.c iwsv d* Moore, drnrgi't* i» r w >“* ami i'r al bottle iree. AN* IXIULGH \C DKINlSMOli. Hat Siuitttii.tti s>v. hearing thill the bank tn wh eli he kept hi* •'livings hud fie.I . lushed JiriMu ,t with his hank hook steal Juinundtsi all l.|* ir.oliev. The pin * tin to h r struight w *> lu'grtn to count it I out. Ah. y. 'v<* g.M , 1 , have ye:" said >h.i o.i . s-\ « t4' a sigh of relief. K •. v tints iv. don't want it its long its >"i hu\a : " tK'iithet Kvory body's “To ( nop t ! elon * sst's K ts '... . Pitt lipsbuig, Kuu., . 'i • oi n sms a, Htiokl. iTs Arnl . . .<,r.l tin Solve w ,1 dothe rest," i^n * m . .tv. tor B • ' B Ms, Sores. >* * W.'.. mis. 1Vjos. ]■;, /nun, suit Hi *t t" - Is;-. •: l*:o ds. Sore Kent and > V- 1 > os a ii t *. at lladNtvay & M« . sioi'i Onavittiti'i-d, HARRTTCOULDN'T ADD. i va day W: lie's ninther found her ' :.g liopefiti holding his pot rabbit by tin * • * From time to time ho • would en F aun a violent, shake and demand ' shut p v. 1'w o plus two? Two plus fw - *. r •Tlnoo plus tlmv? Three plus | [tr _ -Why. Wdiie” asked his mother with .j^p ronoorn, "what makes you treat your poor iiitlo Buunv that May?” Well.” replied Willie, greatly disap¬ pointed. '‘teacher told us in school today that rabbits multiplied very fast, but this dummy can’t even add.”—Everybody’s Magazine for October. Good for the cough, removes the cold the cause of the cnugh. That’s the Tar—the work of Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Contains original laxative couch syrup. & Moore. no opiates. Sold by Ilndaway BE RMUD A. BY BLUE BIRD. People are busy picking cotton iti this section. Several from Bermuda attended S, S. at Johnsonbivrg Sunday. We are soiry to hCar that Mr. I*. G. Veazey Is not much improved at this writing. this waiting. L. Shar^baby toJB it will JsAK-ry ill at a sum n* cover. Ask Mr. Willie Stewart what young girl was that he wAnted to carry to meeting and she sehl him word to come ahead and she would have a sugartit ready. Mr. J. R. StewHiTand family siitint tho day with Mr. J. T. Darden Su .day. Mr. F. H. Stewart and family spent the day with Mr. G. W. Stewart Sunday! Miss Jessie Stewart dined with Miss ULCllUG n. u-. bixrfcc 7U) trduAe. A Written Guarantee of have a of TEN the MILLION superiority DOLL\R of the CONCERN is the best assurance you can COLUMBIA QRAPHOPHONE RRh this guarantee you don’t guess, vou KNOW which is best. ASK YOUR OWN BANKER as to our responsibilitv and financial standing. FrCD T rial and EaSV Payment Offer Then send to our nearest dealer or to us, and get enr .... ” * 1 ■■ ■ *...... ■ " ■ . " ' - ■ '■ ■■ i —— ■ This is your chanre to secure the BEST TALKING MACHINE MADE, on payments which will not be Left. WE ACCEPT OLD MACHINES Gf ANY HAKE IN PART PAYMENT. The Graphophone is the Ideal Entertainer in the Home I Havc you ever used it? T - ------- ---- — - and judge for for yourself. vour Grand Prix, Paris, 1900 Double Grand Prize, S(. Louis, 1904 Highest Award, Portland, 1905 Columbia Phonograph Co M 90-92 West Broadway, New York. | SOUTHWEST [ The Land of BIG CROPS and PROSPERITY. Are you making as much off your farm as you ought? No doubt making all can. The trouble is the land you -ire you cost too much. It takes too much mon¬ ey b« buv a big farm, and so you are trying to mik a living (*u a small farm perhaps you renting or are one and paying a good share of what you raise, in Wouldn.t it be better rent to go where the price of g< od land is so little that you hi# farm—where ciiu own a every acre of ground is working for you and all raise is paving you good profits? you There are thousands of acres of fertil land in the Southwest the line of the Gotton Belt Route that can be bought for from .$3 to $lo an acre. This land is in creasiug in value each year. See The Southwest at Small Cost, A trip to the Scum Invest would convince /,-_ NF; L59 ./ IIONV. R099 16mg} ‘ ‘ i‘ WlJ^HEsfEk ' • • • • ■- . • -^.v ' j' ■(.*,?> “NUBILACK” Loaded Black Powder Sliells Shoot Strong and Evenly, Are Sure Fire, ill Stand Reloading. They ASways (set The Game. For Sale Everywhere. The trip can lie inadel at very little expense. ; On the first and third Tuesdays of each month you can purchase a round trip ticket to any point in the the Southwest on or via the Cotton Belt Routi at very low rates. overs will be allowed for to Stop¬ you examine any locality you are interested in ot«VfStt hi8 vroMul cou,ltry L. P. SMITH, T P A, Cotton Belt Route, 203 Equitable Claud Brake Sunday* Mr. Grover Stewart has accepted a job gt The asyiutu. weie- sony to se»N him leave. The oyster supper Friday night at Mr. W. B. Jones’s was enjoyi d by all who were present.