Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, January 21, 1886, Image 3

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THE ENTERPRISE. aft KLI AVILLE, GA.. JANTAItY 21. 1881). ■ ■1 Kftlnl of 8ul)Hci'l|>tton. On* "in -'in- \ .Mi-. - - • - *1.50 ■ . 75 line copy, six months. - - - - 45 On*'copy, throe mouths, • - - 5 Single copy......... 4 III 1U HITS. M. E. CIIUBCH, SOUTH. RMcotingevery second Sunday H a m Mini 7'a p in; Sunday School every Suii- Jhv morning at f/'ani Dr. C. It. Sniit/i Su|>t. Praver meeting every Thursday night. -J.T. Lowe,pastor. BAPTIST Clil'ltCH. Meeting every fourth Sunday 11 a m and 7', p m conference meeting Satur- day before 11 a in. J. li. <'awooil, pastor. Sunday School every pi. Sunday 3'A p in J. M. Thornton, Hu ■ Superior Court convenes 4th Monday Fori, pi March -old September. Allen Judge, C. 1$. Hudson, Sol. (ten. COUNTY OFFICERS. | Stir riff .1. F. Woods, J. N. Cheney, | I Clerk Obdixabt—T. suprCourt— J. Iio'/.ier, Tax Kkcivkr .1. M. Thornton, f Tax CoLLECTon—AV. Tondee C. Kelley, Tkeasubeh—C. R. sr, I'oHoNF.ii L. A. (ivies. Patton, . County Commissioners Robt C I, Peacock, P F Dixon, A M Caskey, lit K II Slappoy. ('leghorn, clerk of board. W C V. County Hoard of Education. C. A. Taylor, President, Dr. C. H. _ Smith, County School Commissioner of the hoard. P. W. lSridtros, A. C. Mur¬ ray, members of board. City Officers. ®\J. N. Cheney, Mayor, Robt Burton, B A Strange, Cockrell, C L Battle, H W \V 1) .Murray. COUNC ILMEN. M \V H McCrory, Recorder. f§ .1 M Throntoii, Treas. Marshal, j Claud Dixon %K2nd Dist Wilkinson, G M. H Not H Singletary, Public and J cx- P an*l T II Saturday in each Oflicio .1 P court 4th month. T Harper, J P court 3rd mmh Dist S Saturday in each month. IP court vtMDth Dist (i M S Murray, month. 2nd Saturday in each Public ex-office Didst, .1 li Bivins, Not month. .1 P 1st Saturday in each C. R. McCRORY, ATTOEISTEY 'A.T LAW. Ellaville, Ga. • Terms—For *30.00 or under *3; from *30 to*500, ten percent.; over $500, seven per cent. No charges unless Collections, are jhiade. Office at court house. ) W. H. McCRORY, A.T LAW Kllaville, Ga. limnptlr^ncim.^ario^'amrciiiittahoo- dice X net'ial attention given to . (aims, in court House. c - office MOTT & WILLIAMS, attorneys at . Rea Estate and Banking Agents ELLAVILLE, GEORGIA. ■Prompt attention given to all business on; rusted them. No charges unless col¬ lections are made. (Special attention given to selling renting, and leasing real est^e, and collecting rents. B. H. Wilkinson, ATTOBLTEY AlT LAW. AMEKICUS, GEORGIA. V1D- will attend promptly to all legal col¬ business entrusted to him. remitted. Money lected will be inn.....liately Peoples’National Bank Office- Lamar Street. Building, Luma Boarding House. GBOHGE r. SUPER, PROPRIETOR. Rates reasonable. Table supplied with the best the market affords. Market ices paid for chickens, butter and eggs. (4a., Sept. 20th, 1885. Buena llista and Ellaville R. R I On ami alter 15th Dae., trains oil the linens Vista and Ellaville Railroad will run as follows: (JO I NO F.AST. Leave Bnena Vista, *■£ a. m. Leave Putnam. "C 30“ Arrive at Ellaville, 10 Ellaville, 11 . i Leave 1130 “ Leave LaCrosse, 12 m Arrive at Anderson, (JOIN(J WEST. Leave Anderson, Ill Leave La Crosse, r: m Leave at Ellaville, « m Leave Putnam, t io m Arflve at Buena Vista, f Making connections at Anderson with tnAis on the South Western Railroad go¬ ing east and west. COCKRELL, H. W. Superintendent. Cotton Market. Wednesday 12 in. Strici Good Middling 8 >,' Middling 7% Low |M iddling 6/4 Good Ordinary Ordinary 6 Number of bales to date 1730. THE II 4 KKETS. Retail Grocery market by B. A. Strange. 14 to 16 Coffee, per pound pound 15 to 20 Cheese, per bushel - 75 to 85e Corn, per bbl 5 1 to 6)-.; Flour per nd 1 13’.,c Hums, per pound pou h'A to (','.. Meat. per pound lo Lard, per bushel 85 Moil, Nails, per pound 4 to 5 KffSsli per 8 to 11 Oil keroBenso, per gal. 2.5 Rope, Rice, per cotton pound per pound - - - Tuft Sait, V'irgin i per sack loo gyS<lp, Sugar, per porgalon pound ^m.V) Tobii eo, per pound 40 to 6.5 Vine rar, per ga Ion Hugging, tiundie per yard 150 T : ‘S, ner Hi '('t ings, per yard lo -biiirtiug, per yard *' Vo Osuiburgs Dottle .ties, peV yard yard 71 per fit-oves - * ^ mm It rained last night. The weather is pleasant to-day. Subscribe for your county paper —tilt 1 ENTKKl’KISK. Anything for publication must be in by Wednesday noon. We will take corn, at market price, for the Kntkhimusk. We Will take meat, at market price, for the Enterprise. Mr. J. It. Gaines opened school at Andrew Chapel, last Monday. Will be glad to hear from the farmers in regard to their oat crop. There was 57 marriage licenses is¬ sued In this county, last year, 15 up to date, for this year. We regret to learn that Col. J. N. Hudson’s condition is unimproved, and that he is seriously ill. A good two mule farm to rent, for 1886. Apply to C. It. McCrouy. Gentlemen will please not ask the loan of tools or shop room. J. S. Dudley. The young folks had quite an en¬ joyable aiiair at the residence Mr. Eugene Dixon last Tuesday night. Some of citizens say the thermom¬ eter was as low as eight degrees above zero. One man says it was at six. Our readers must excuse us for brevity of reading matter, this week, as we wish to move into our new of¬ fice, the Rattle house. Thirty shares of Buenavista & El- laville It. It. stock for sale, at 37 L cents on the dollar. Apply to C. R. McCrory. Married. —At the residence of R. C. Meadows, in this city, on tho iiith, by Rev. C. K. Boland, Mr. Jos. J. Willingham to Miss Lizzie Mc- Millian. Mr. William Allen, is now clerk¬ ing for Mr. J. T. Carter and will he glad to see all his old friends. He will treat you right. Call on him and give him a trial. AH in favor of warming sto\ r es at the Baptist church, please hand in to the ENTERPRISE or to Miss Blanche Cockrell. Be assured it will lie greatly r appreciated and thankfully received. School Notice. Prof. Stevens requests us to state that j/'hool will open, in this place on Monday, Jan. 25. We hope Prof, will be encouraged by a full attendance on opening day. Parties sending in communica¬ tions with no signature may expect the usual fate—in the waste basket. We received a communication this week with nothing Hut a capital at the close. We must know both the real and assumed name. Money; ITIoiiey ( heap Money 200,000 dollars to loan on improv- ed farms in Schley and Macon counties. Titles must be perfect, for particulars apply in person or by letter to J. C. Mathews, jan7-3m Americus, Ga. WANTED. 1,000 subscribers to the Enterprise don’t all rush in at once; give us time to enroll names and count the money. We also hope a few of our first subscribers will make us smile by forking over. Kctines!. We will lie very glad to get origi- nal matter from any of the friends of the Enterprise. Send us news, farm news, tiny news that will in- lerest the reading public. Who will give us an occasional article relative to the early history of the county? Agriculturist. Begular iiiceiitig of the Schley county club Saturday, :Mrd, members are expected to attend, a cordial invitation also extended to the farmers throughout the county. A. Allen, Sec. “Who steals my purse, steals trash''in¬ deed, For very much I stand in need Of money it to till. Will some kind friend with generous Land. Replenish my exchequer and demand A note or a due bill. Z.T. Anglin, will give you the high est price In money or trade, for rags, hides tallow, beeswax, chickens, ( .jrgs and blitter. He lias ft line of coffee'’flour fresh groceries-such as meat,sugar, sau! tobacco oranges, ap- nb s frosl ovsto^ me fresh ‘ iish mack- s- rdine- Ac Ac call i*i:i(M»ii,. Miss Nannie Myers left, yesterday for Preston. Hev. <’. E. Boland, goes to ids work in Dooly county this week. Mr. G. M. Prevat, of Seville, Fla., j gnve us a pleasant call this week. Mrs. C. E. Boland, left Monday for il visit to her parents in Houston county. Misses Itosa and Emmie Baldwin are spending some time at’l.aeroi.s, this week. Mr. Morgan McMichael left yes¬ terday, for Savannah, on important business. Mrs: 11. S. Davis and Miss Katie Williams gave us a pleasant call yesterday. Mrs. and Miss Merrett and Miss Blanche Cockrell, gave us a pleas¬ ant call this morning. Mrs. Mollie McCook, wife of Hon. J. C. F. McCook, of Chattahoochee county, with her family, are visiting her sister’ Mrs. W. H. McCrory, of this place, this.week. We had a pleasant call last .Satur¬ day from Rev. Waller, pastor of the church at Fellowship. He is a ris¬ ing young minister and is very much liked by all who know bin*. DOT* timtl 0(41.I.’T II 0111*11. FROM ROBERT. Will Griffin, went up to Macon, Friday eve. Misses Bettie and Janie Williams spent Monday night in the city. Mrs. M. M. McCrory, of Kllaville, and Miss Neta ITevatt, of Florida, spent last week here. Messrs.Eugene Willis,Gantt Jones and Masters Charlie Willis and Frank Keen out went to Lutheran, Sunday. Our town is quite stirred up over the removal of oar postmaster which is thought will take place soon. Rev. Adam Robinson, is visiting relatives here and in the county. Miss Minnie Walters, returned home Monday last accompanied by Miss Fannie Tharpe, of Rainbridge. Jlj Trip io Bov. On Wednesday, of December 21 : 1, in company with the “Bays” started on a trip to tliu Springs, taking in the reception given by Mr.. King, to \\liich WAS ti pci feet success, er has it been our fortune to be seat- ed at a more bountiful table; ora more jovial company. May they al- ways he as happy, and enjoy the same bountiful blesings. Next day, we went on a deer hunt; trailing the deer several miles,-get- ting in the bog, und losing the dogs, all of which, we enjoyed very much, it being new sport to us. Continu- mg our trip up into lalhot, we found several new friends. On our ’ return' • we were cognizant .... that we were to p.ntii ipate, ami (lid, in a runaway Weaver, Monday, Dec. 28th. This was conducted with care, secrecy, and on the afternoon set apart we in company of a friend started on a ride to see the Factory at Juniper. Nothing being suspected, all went V y e ]i, After some little time a man wag f ( ) U pd that “did up the business” and joined two hearts forever. “The darkest of the night is just before the dawning, the blackest cloud has a silver lining.” Thus it seems to have been with these whom God seemed to have joined.® After the marriage came the dawning, and instead of frowns and jars to receive them, all resolved to make the best of it, and gave them a most smiling and hearty welcome. Long life and prosperity to those we have helped to marry. Next morning was crisp and cold, and King’s pond was froze, two hoys and girls decided to go and look at the ice. Here goes four of us in the same boat, on a tour of the pond which was run smoothly near- l.v across. We came to anchor in the middle of nearly an acre of ice; af- ter playing and eating as long as we wished we decided to pull for home, just at this time some one made an llw k\ V ard move, and dip, dip, dip, ftn< j c | r , WI i went the boat, a mhl that peculiar noise woman will make under excitement and cold. After the boat had settled to the bottom we began to look around for some means of getting out, all having kept their places bravely. There happened to be a friendly old log, reaching from the shore, near us; so out bounced the boys and laying hold on the chain, pull for it; to get there and help the girls on the log, and lead them to the hank, was quickly 1 J done: Now came the time to take hi the comical . , pait , of . the situation. Here were tour young people very well baptized, in water; all looking very much like he or she \\ i>lu d, to s.q\ \ nit an thecauseof this;” when one of the boys said “Anew church Is found- ed, and I am the head, have four members, emersion is the order of baptism,” peals of laughter etl. All wont well ultcrwards. Our return home'eatne on the next morning. Wo got |»lt*nty of l mas, and arrived at E—, fooling as- though we owned the world. I hate to see a man-always poor, when ten cents will make him rich. NcCSS. Saying of heu-siia. (TWO THOUSAND YEA US OLD.) Honor the physician before you require bis aid. I'ick tin* bone which lots fallen to thy share, whether it be good or bad. Gold requires to he beaten, and a boy requires chastisement. You may have sixty counsellors, hut do not give up your own coun- oil. Deny not an old friend. Woe to the wicked, and woe to his companions. Allow grief no place in thy heart, for many has grief slain. If thou hast descried any ill thy friend, let it not pass over thy lips as tale bearing. An old man in a house is a good sign. Life is dreary to him who depends on the table of another. Be not anxious about the suffer¬ ings of the morrow, for thou know- est not what a day may bring fetch. —Exchange. Record of Our Freeze. Crescent City ( Fla.)Gazette. The wind blew very cold all day SiUur.liiy January, 9th 18m. which was the beginning of the freeze. Tlie hjgheat jaiint reach* by the ther- inoineter was 38 degrees. At 8 o’- clock . , p. m. the , temperature , reached . . 30 degrees above zero. During Sat¬ urday night the wind blew very lit¬ tle. At 0 o’clock Sunday morning the thermometer registered 21 de¬ grees. The ice was one and half inches thick, while the ground was frozen nearly three inches deep. The leaves on all orange trees were curl¬ ed badly. At 9 a. m. temperature rose to 26 degrees, at 12 in 35 de¬ grees, at one o’clock 37 degrees, at three o’clock it again dropped to 35 degrees, at 6 p. m. it reached 32 degrees, at p. in. it fell to 31 de- grees. On Monday morning at 6 o’clock thermometer showed 24 degrees wind wind, still till f-mn I Dll tin* tilt imrlhwcst northwest. At At 12 o’clock temperature rose to 34 degrees. At one o’clock it was 29 degrees. At 7 o’clock it was as low * it degrees. tan| 7» i “ re <i.s low 8S -1 degrees, wind blowing but little. Atone o’clock eter reached 35 degrees, receded 34 degrees at 2 o’clock and 32 grees at 7 o’clock. Since time the temperature has not lower. The ground in places exposed to the sun has been frozen since midnight Saturday. The has not molted where it lay on ground thrown fro u some vessel. Quite u quantity of oranges have been * picked and buried. _ ^ yj McCrory of Oglethorpe, is Association, of Philadelphia, for the counties of Macon, Marion, and Schley, lie claims lie has the best life insurance anywhere. Several of our citizens have applied for pol¬ icies. It lias cheap rates and is on a firm basis. We advise all who desire and are able, to leave their loved one an inheritance. It is needless for us to recommend Mr. McCrory, as he is well known in this section. Read ad today. NOTH’Jb. I hereby notify the public that A. J. Easoni, holds a rent note against me for two bales of middling cotton weighing 500 lbs each, due Oct. 1st 1886. I hereby forewarn the public not to trade for said note as the con- siderations have failed; for I will not pay said note. John Bateman. Fi 11 C Yoilll cS °* FIvSOll <111(1 Ooloi)i*' Toil. <lt 1 tliC Drilii’ O Stoi’0. Notice of Petition Fence or stock law. GEORGIA—Schley county. Whereas I lie number of freeholders under section 115.5 of revised code ofGa., has petitioned me to order an election in and for the hoist district G. M. Schley stock countv, law Ga.,on said the district question and of fence number or in the officeholders petitioning being the rium- bor required under the law and by virtue of formity saiil section of in the code, and sueli in con¬ to law relation to peti¬ tions. law. notice And is hereby given in terms petition of the unless a counter be presented mo within next twenty days, I shall proceed toorder an'clection in compliance with law in which the question submitted of to fence the qua’lfied or stock law will of said lie voters district. Given under mv Iwmcl and oi- tioial denature. This Jan. 14th, 188(5. T.J. DOZIER, Ordinary. TW/1T3T3T Blij.itKJLiili'L A P'1? filTTTIll WULUJi !"p. t ; 0 'overMl'‘ Thi'^CA ^ SHERIFF SA I.KS. miilei <or\rv. Sheriff Sales For February. w ILL ho sold before the <*«»nrl Iiouhc door ill Kllaville, between the logiil hours of Miileou tho 1st, '1" n e>«ilay in February wit North Issii, hull'lot the bdlowlnjr of hind No i»u«ji 1 to >ort,V|to- whole : lot No HI, lot No 111!, lot No lie-. No 107, lot No 117,half of lot No I'ts, i.-,o acres oil' of lot No l.'MI all in t lit* noth <li -Uriel of Sell ley county ’the and boil tilled it« tol IoWhoii the sdulli by lands of S. ’P. Harper an,I Mrs. Held mid II. |). banielJweHt ichacl by IiiiiiIk id'H.W.Smith and .1. 11. M «• M on north by lands of II. hevane and .1. Snider on cant by lanHs of llarrobl, .John¬ son ,V Co. I,evii'd on as the property of thocstato of K. E. Wiggins «1 «•*-*■.-met! •> satisfy u tlfa issued from the court of Or¬ dinary of Schley count v hil'ii\ < >i- «>f I'ouel- ojie if. W'lggins./ulaaiul igglns administrator. Nettio \V igrjgiitH <*s*tato vs of A. w R. l'\ Wiggins tiie deceased. and plm-e will Alsoat same time liesoldonesteam engine upright, one for¬ ty-five hack saw Findley (Jin and tfWuler, one l horse mule name Kook. I -«■ vied on by virtue of mortgage tifa infuvor of People* National Rank vs Thomas Po»>- ell. Also at the same time mid w illbo sold fifty acres of land off of lot No III) 25 acres off of lot No lot). Levit*tl oil as the property of J. M. Guv to satisfy one tax ilfa infuvor of the county anil ^tsito. Also at the same time and place will he sold fifty acres off of lot No 1 Hi, tiTi acres off of lot No 100. landed on as tlict prop¬ erty of Mr. A. T. (Jay to satisfy into tax til's infuvor of the county anti st ate. J. F. WOODS, .-Slicritf. This Dec. 31,1885. GEORGIA—Selilev countv. Tlmmas Powell has applied for exemp¬ tion of penamulty and vidty anil wetting and I upart and valuation of boincstcad " ill pass upon the same at 111 y office It) o’clock a in on the 28th dav < it .1 unuary 1888. T. J. DOZIER, Ordinary. NOTICE. GEORGIA— cue nmy. A DU parties interested are liertehy noth il fied that the appraiser* appoi ntc*u Mrs. by mo to set apart a years support for and the same will he allowed l>y me mi- {.“fSTtSS,IT,K d .".olldS office. This Dec. latfi, DOZIER, 1885. Ordinary, dc.'il-6w. T.J. TJT1T T)for working people JSen*l 1(1 n I ■ r cbhIh postage, and we will mail you free, it royal, valu¬ able sample box of goods that will put vou in the way than of making more, money in a few (lays you ever thouglit pon- sililc at any You business. live homo Capitol sttid not work re¬ can at in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes, of all ages gr earnecf amll v suc¬ 50 rents to $5 easily, work every That all who want unparal¬ may test the business we make this leled offer. To all who arc not well satis- lied we will send $1 to patyo for the trouble of writing us. Fu It Immense partioulars, directions,etc., sen; free. pay absolute sure for ail who start sit once. Don’t delay. Address Stinson »V Co. Portland, Maine. Application— Letters Administration. GEORGIA— Sohley countv. Tu til Whom it May Cv ncern- f Whereas i ( T.H.Devane ,,f Administration bus a pplivd on tome the or e l( , rM Schley estate of N. AV. Mvriek, late of “rWsiMlwreforo, kindred and to creditors cite all anti of saidde- stngu- S^&Si£»KEK lar, the ta itesasayjsJRjr" Given uiuier huiul und l,y jijnia- .“ mv filluville, tare nt otftco in tliis 30tli <iny 'deiffidw T.J.. DOZ1KR, Orxlinary. Application Letter's Ad m i ii i «t GEORGIA Schley countv. To all Wboui it M»y Concern. S ’ <!f sdni'in'ii'tratmVi 1 ' * foM(>tters tielmni* non on the estate of s. H. Cmtuhtield '"xhese are therefore tuc'ite 'iwj ti ndinon- kin- isli all parties interested, xvlietlior indore the Fehruarv term of «-«»urt to he hold on th'e first Monday in should Ftdjriniry not next.whv letters uehoiiis non tsuperior granted to J. N, Gheney t’k-rlv * Witness my hand and official ni^naturc Fees for Profesional Services. Plain Gold Fillln “J? * Cl« $10 00. Large and diflicu filling to Silver and other cheap ^ 3 00. tilling....... OO to Killing Nerve and Filling Roots, each l oo. Extracting Single each Tooth l oo. Af. the first, oOo. Full Upper or Lower Set Teeth 15 OO. Better Set Warranted 20 OO. Cloaningor Regulating Teeth Treating Gums, and other necessary according operations the time will be charged for to thoin. and trouble necessary to perform P. BURT, W. Amcricus, t»a. NOl ICE. GEORGIA, Sen LEX' COV N'TY. d A LL parties interested nre hereby »■(! nqti- liy lied that the appraisers i 1 1 Emily mo to set apart a years support for Lumpkin and her six minor children lias duly tiled their report in niy ollioe and the same will lie allowed by nie u n less ob¬ jections are tiled as now required i>y law. witness my hand and seal of office. This Dee. 15th, 1885. T. J. in IX I K K. docl7-tlw Ordinary. Notice for Leave to Nell La nd - GEORGIA Scliley county. Application will be made to tl»o C’ouit oi Ordinary first‘regular of Schley county, after « ;oovgia, »i rat at the term «*nj mu of thirty days, from this notice, f<»r leave to sell the remainder of the lands* I >t*l<>ng- ing to the ostnto of U. F. Wisjfsiirs* late of said county deceased, for the l>«*uetit of heirs and creditors of said deceased. It. A. Wiooins, Adm’r. This Dec. 22ond 1885. dec24-4w. Citations for Letters cf Oisiiiissiim. GEORGIA—Sc lit.KX' coc n t y . UtTHERKas Dupree Peacock Aclininis- VV trator of Ned Aldridge represents to the court in iiis petit ion duly t i 1 «»< 1 and entered on record, that he lias fully nd- iniiiisteredon Ned Aldridge eatitto. This is therefore toeito ail persons concerned, heirs and creditors to’sliew cause should if any they eaivwhy discharged said from administrator his acltninistra- not lie t rut ion, receive letters of (Haul itst*ion on the first Monday in Fehruarv, ISSf-u;. T. .1. IIOZl Kit, dec24-4w. Orili nary. nni\T’" ,,re than at anything else by W Ultaking an agency for tlie best selling hook out, Begimivtt free succeedgi'unply. Nonofall. Terms Maine HALLKTT ROOK CO. Portland WRIGHTS mm VEGETABLE TWHKfurifir • ffLI£ R I Secure Bealtb) ■ action to the Li vv ■ Mat d relieve elI 1 bU LeMeBMjUekntt trOubl tuteli VwstMli; Ho Srtslat. Ftlc{2fc Ail Orvurafiltl CHEN KY&WILLIAM* I) HAM. US IX GROCERIES AM) FURNITURE ■Jm JIEDSTK'A 1 >S FROM *11.00 UP. l’EltCHA 1 RS SET $3.00.UP. HOCKING CHAIRS, TABLES Ac. CHENEYS TWIN SPRING BEDS. EOR SALE ♦ T^nhkolesale Sz> Wh»H in need of Hiiytliing in our liuu call around and got oar prices. DIXON BROTHERS, DEAKBL8 IN If Grads, Groceries, Prora®, Clothing, Basts, Shoes ♦ Crockery, Hardware and Furniture, n -H 'J ■,T WM Ml i. uf^zrxxeric-cLS, Q-su the most complete furniture house if IN SOUTHWEST GA. I DEFY COMPETITION. I have a complete stm'k of every kind of furni¬ description ture; such as fine parlor sets, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads of every goods anti prices anywhere. to correspond. There I cannot be excelled in quality of and prices is nothing about your house in tho way of furniture that I cannot furnish. I have all sorts and flatter my- svlf that I can those* suit you, if you will give me a Trial. Call and examine my stock. To who have or are about to get married and will want to furnish their houses, I insist that you give me trial. D. B. HILL, AMERICUS, GA. December 24th, 1885. JAS. FRICKER & BUG. AMERICUS, GA. PIANOS AND ORGANS, Watches, ('locks, mid Jewelry, AN1) PLATED WARE, Our stock never has been as large as it is this fall and we cordially in¬ vite every one who need anything In our line to cull and examine our stuck before buying elsewhere. Our goods are always as represented’ ami our prices are luxver than ever before. We have recently supplied the ‘HAWKINS HOUSE/ with SILVER PLATED WARE which proves that we cannot be under¬ sold. We will sell you a PIANO or ORGAN lower than any house in the s ate and give you a home guarantee for six years and we live so near by that if "the least thing should go wrong we will make it ri? t without delay. 1 >ou’t buy an buying instrument without getting our prices fiist. I We have every facility for IT A NOS nuil ORGANS of any house j n t | ie guu th, and ou r expenses arc much less. Remember these FACT8 when you contemplate buying is ail the instrument. hands Our work-department class work is in turned out, all of of competent which is guarante workmen and nothing but first d. ' James Fiuckek & lino., A.mlkkjus, (Ja