Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, March 25, 1886, Image 3

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the enterprise. E LLA VILLE, GA..MA RC11 26. 1880. itatcH of Nubucripiiun. One copy, olio your...... 11.50 One copy, «dx month*, 75 ono copy’, three month* 45 single copy 5 Advert InIiik Kales. Inches | 1 mo I 2 inn | mo li mo 12 mo Col. 10 T iSSgisiSS 3: zc cy “'i ir* Ci oc SSSSS«8S SSSSSSgg 11 , CHURCHES. M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. Meeting every second School Sunday 11 Sun¬ a in anil 7‘ 3 p in; Sunday Dr. C. every II*Smith day morning at 0 a in Mu’pt. Prayor meeting every Thursday night. .J. T. Lowe, pa* tor. BAPTIST CHURCH. Meeting every fourth Sunday 11a m and p in conference meeting Satur¬ day before 11 a ill. J. H. t’awood, pastor. Sunday School every Sunday 2 p in IU. \V. I). Sears, Supt. Superior and Court September. convenes 4th Allen Monday Fort, in March Sol. Judge, C. II. Hudson, Gen. COUNTY OFFICERS. Nhkriff—J. F. Wood•, Cleiik suck Court—J. N. Cheney, Ordinary—'T. J. Dozier, Tax Reviver—J. M. Thornton, Tax Collector— W. Tondee C. Kelley, Treasurer— C. R. sr, Coroner— Commissioners—R L. A. Gyles, obt Patton, County 1* F Dixon, A M Caskey, C L Peacock, 1! \V II Slappey. C Clegnorn, clerk of board. County Board ot Education. C. A. Taylor, President, Dr. (’. H. smith, County School Commissioner of the board. I*. W. Bridires, A. C. Mur- | . ray, members of board. City Officers. C L Battle, Mayor, Hold Burton, B A Strange, J. N. Cheney K M Murphy, VV D Murray. COUNCILMEN . \V II McCrory, Rocorder. J M Tlmmton, Marshal. Claud Dixon Troas. ■S82nd Dist G M. H II Singletary, J P ;>nd 'j’ H Wilkinson, Not Public and ex- offioio J P court 4tli Saturday in each mouth. T Harper, J P court 3rd 785th DistS Saturday in each month. I* court S4tuh Hist G M S Murray, I I 2nd Saturday in each month. ex-office i«lSt, J H Bivins, Not Public J i' 1st Saturday in each month. C. R. McCRORY, ATTOENEY AT LAW. Ellaville, Ga. Terms For $30.00 or under $3; from $30 o$500, ten percent.; over Collections, $500, seven per cent. No charges unless house. are made. Office at court W. H, IcCHOHY, ATTOEUSY -A-T I. A_"W_ Ellaville, G.v. Will pratiee 111 the counties Chattahoo¬ of Schley, Sumpter, Macon, Marion and chee. Special attention given to collec¬ tion of claims. Office in court House. j. r. mum ATTORNKV AT LAW. Real Estate and Banking Agent i ELLAVILLE, GEORGIA. Prompt attention given to all business ntrusteii him. No charges unless col¬ lections are made. Special attention given to selling renting,and leasing real '“slate, and collecting rents. B. H. Wilkinson, ATTOR1TEY .A-T LAW. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. He will attend promptly to all legal business entrusted to liini. Money col¬ lected will be immediately remitted. Bank Office —Lamar Peoples’ National Building, Lama Street. _______ Boarding House. UEOIKIK P. HUBER, PROPRIETOR. Rates reasonable. Table supplied with • be best tbe market affords. Market Prices paid for chickens, butter and eggs. Ellaville Ga., Sept. 26th, 1885. Buena Vista and Ellaville R. R i On and after 15th Dec., trains on the Btions Vista nnd Ellaville Railroad will run as follows: UOINC! KA8T. Leave Bnena Vista, - a. m. Leave Putnam, 3(1 “ Arrive at Ellaville, 10 Leave Ellaville, 11 U Leave La Crosse, 1130 “ Arrive at Anderson, 12 in GOING WKHT. Leave Anderson, 2 50 p ni Leave La Crosse, 3 15 p m Leave at Ellaville, 3 40 p ni Leave Putnam, 4 10 pm Arrive at Buena Vista, 4 40 p tn. Making; connections at Anderson with trains on the South Western Railroad go¬ ing east and west. COCKRELL, H. W. Superintendent. THE M4 ItKETS. Retail Grocery market by B. A. ptrango. Cheese, Coffee, per pound - 14 15 to to 16 20 horn, per bushel pound . 75 to 85c Clour per Vibl .M2 to Hams, per pound 13 Ye Meat, per pound 5 '4 to 6J-, Lard, per pound - Meal, per bushel 85 Nails per pound 4 to 5 Potash per R to II Oil kerosenso, per gal. Zj R ote, eotton per pound , 18 to 20 Rie 5. per pound .8 to » Halt. kligar, Yirgina per suck per pound 8 to n jvrup, petgalon 50 to «o Tobacco, Vinegar, per pound 40 to 65 .)0 per galon 40 to lagging, 'ie«, per yard - 11 to W/i 1 50 heetings, per bundle - hitting, per yard yard to to 6JY per 4 suahnrgs • ) ’ nestles, per yard ”mo per yard 12 love t 15 to 3 o.(io. The Citizens of Schley, Marion and Macon counties Who visit Americus, will consult their interest by calling* on THORNTON WHEATLEY. The leading Dry Goods and Clothing merchant his two large stores corner Forsyth St., and Public square, is the acknowledged headquarters for Dry Goods, C. othi ig, Sh )i*s an I Hats. Gents furnis ingg oods. The stock is one of the largest in the state. Our motto is BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES, P°l'le attention and square dealing to all. TERMS CASH or approved ciedit. Respeclfully solicit your Patronage. J remain Yours truly. THORTOA WHEATLEY. Vf Court. March wind. Come into court. Eggs are selling at 10 cents. Cotton coming in this week. Good crowd attending court. It is sorter cool for the season. That rain last Saturday was a big un. Read trustees notice in another column. Bran for sale at Williams and Weaver’s. That is a good one on him—don’t tell anybody. Seed potatoes for sale by W. G. Womack. Feed oats for sale at Williams A Weaver’s. Subscribe for the Enterprise and be wise. Now is the time to subscribe for the Enterprise. Born.—T o Mr. and Mrs. Hart on the 23rd, inst, a girl. Dr. Cockrells Magic Linement for sale by Z. T. Anglin. Put your change in theeaster egg, it is for a good cause. (hill on Allen, at J. T. Carter's for Black’s shoes $1.50 a pair. A nice line of good crockery ware at Williams & Weaver’s. Col. Bill McCrory made a telling speech in court this week. The Weekly Telegraph and the Enterprise for $2.00 a year. J. T. Carter has just received a nice lot <>t ladies and gents shoes. .... ia\eas „ ne , ega a un in its ( creuit as can be found in the state, The Marshal has had to have some work done on the streets since the big rain Saturday. Spanish gronnd peas for sale by Z. T. Anglin, call and get some be¬ fore they all gone. Remember we take corn, meat, potatoes, chickens, butter and eggs for the Enterprise. Read the advertisement of the grand tonrnament of the Fire De¬ partment at Americus. Several washouts on the A.P.& L. R. R., last Saturday which delayed the train several hours. j We will sell you good flour cheap¬ I er than any house in town. Johnson & Dixon. Col. Hollis presided in a case or two this week, in our court in which Judge Fort was disqualified. He makes a fine officer. The Spanish ground pea the best of all peas, leave your order with Z. T. Anglin, or myself G. H. Wal¬ ker, at Lacross, Ga. We have received this week the best line of shoes ever brought to Ellaville and will sell them at prices unheard of. Johnson & Dixon. We saw r a man in Terrel on our trip that said he has known Tom Simmons ever sinje he was a plow boy. He is a Simmon’s man. There was nice musical entertain¬ ment given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Murphy’s last Thurs¬ day night which was highly enjoy¬ ed by all who attended. Married.—A t the residence of the brides father on tbe night of the 18th inst, by Rev. R. F. Williamson, Mr. William J. Cloud to Miss Lula Johnson, both of Macon county. Go to J. T. Carter’s for your liard- ware and groceries; such as meat, meal, sugar, coffee, flour, tobacco and a general line of merchandise. He also has the combined Enraka cotton planter and guano distribu¬ tor, plant’s corn and peas. Mr. William Allen will sell as cheap as any. Go to Zitck Anglins for your gro- cenos. He hits meat, lard, flour, suggar, coffee, tobacco, . . soap, pow- ^ pr S * ,0 U matches, can goods, irish ’ pounds to the dol- potatoes, rice 18 lar, nails, eggs Ac. Ac. He wants .vour hides, tallow, beeswax, rags, scrap iron, hemes of every d&scrip- tion. lle will give you trade or ------ iRentiqed art!- ,none y ^ or 1ft31; elcs, . \ We learn as we go to presstlv.u Col. J. N. Hudson, is not expected to live. Mr. Merrell Callaway, of Ameri¬ cus, the founder of the Recorder is in Ellaville this week. Col. Lee McCrory, of Oglethorpe, brother to our townmens \V. H. and C. R. McCrory, is in town. Miss Lillie Moody, of Fort Valley and Mrs. Lee McCrory, of Ogle¬ thorpe, returned home Friday. Mr. Trammel, whom we used know in Dawson a very nice man gave us a pleasant call this week. Sol. Gen. C. B. Hudson informs us that when his present term ex- pires he will have been in the office he now holds 12 years. Editor Glessuer, of the Americus Recorder, gave our office a pleasant call last Monday. We regret our absence when he called. \\ e are glad to see Col. Eugene Hawkins who was badly hurt some time since out again, he is not well but able to get about on crutches. Mr. T. A. Graham, of Sumter publican called on the Enterprise this week. He is a very pleasant gentleman and represents a good , paper. Mr. P. II. Williams, of and called oil the LVi rupri l. tie is one of the best business men in * . Americus. P. S. Twitty, P. E., of this district preached at the Methodist church Monday night. Regret that a vious business engagement ed us from attending. Capt. T. J. Burney, agent for Ma¬ con Telegraph, called on us this week. He represents one of the best papers in the south or anywhere e, se. It is a popular journal and enjoys a large and growing circula tion, which it justly merits. the Telegraph and Enterprise. Superior Court. Court convened last Monday morning; Judge Fort, presiding. We did not get home in time to hear the Judge’s charge, but heard it highly spoken of. Up to this t* ie following attorney's are in attendance. Molicitor general, C. B. Hudson. Judge AN. A. Hawkins, E. A. Hawkins, Hon. B. B. Hinton, E. A. Hinton, Judge >S. A. Ansley, Dupont Guerry, \V. A. Dodson, B. H. W il- kinson, E. G. Simmons, \V. M. Hawks, Calhoun Mathis and B. 1. Hollis, of the Americus bar; Butt & Lumpkin and E. W. Miller, of Buena A ista; W. S. Wallace, of Butler; Fletcher Snead, of Ogle¬ thorpe; Charlton Battle, of Pealidy, Brannon and Battle, of Columbus; Local Bar W. H. McCrory, J. R. Williams, C. R. McCrory and I. N. Mott. Money; Honey Cheap Money 200,000 dollars to loan on improv¬ ed farms in Schley and Macon counties. Titles must be perfect, for particulars apply in person or by letter to J. C. Mathews, jan7-3m Americus, Ga. Ellaville, Ga., March 16th, ’86. There seems to be a misunder¬ standing on the part of some as to the terms of the Ellaville High School and for the benefit of all in¬ terested w'e give below the condi¬ tions upon which the Trustees em¬ ployed Mr. Stevens. 1st he was employed to teach a private school of ten scholastic months at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 per month payable monthly or as the patrons may contract privately, the patrons receiving credit for the public school fund, We merely state this much to correct tlie im¬ pression that he is teaching a three months public school and that you are entitled to three months tuition free or on the credit of the public school fund this was not the con¬ tract made with Mr. Stevens and every patron of the school will be charged the rates above specified ami be credited with whatever % the public fund pays. C. H. Smith, B. x.. Strange, C. L. Peacock, J. N. Cheney, J. M. Thornton, H. W. Cockrell, G. W. Tison, Orange trees have begun to put forth their buds, and soon we can realize that we are still where the orange blossoms grow,—Florida Gazette, ICCCMCV B. nutiful weather. Yes! beautiful. Commencing with day. We loved Monday, Wednesday in fact we love all days.” And did you ever see such dull times ? I guess its a good As memory runneth back and calls similar mornings. When euphony of the “old man’s” was brought to play on “rise and feed the mules,” that meant work. Every body seems to be busy. Every body seems to be busy. Every in nature likewise. We are indeed surprised, greatly so, at the unusual energy display by our “lisure men” last Wednesday at their grand reunion, i The morning opened very favor- able for them. Even the sun, seem- interested, in the display of energy and failed to shine lest it would cause some prominent member to get sick and probably go home from the effects of its rags. According to adjournment, the club met at its usu „l place on porch in front of the postoffice. t)n motion Judge B., was called to the chair. After usual subsiding business was over the “following motions were carried, rules adopted and resolutions passed. Maj. D., moved that Judges, and Mr. A»., be appointed a committee of two to V r ' ,,,ure “ “* "I' 11 “"“I' 81 ’ nepessar mar iHes for .T playing at A time. . Air. A., . declined , . to . act . any on this committee stating that the amount of required to ob- tain marbles and arrange the grounds would be more than he COU ld phisically stand. Mr. D., of J. A L>., was appointed in bis stead. That cards be in readiness at any time, by a committee of Mr. Me. S. ( L, the gentleman Iron Button. Rule 1. All members must ex- ercise usual diligence to attend meeting at proper time and place, Rule 2. No member shall be found with his coat off as it appears to much like work. Resolved. That we unanimously .h,„k Mr. Stpage for ...Kllllo..! accommodations, i.e., the new porch front .. 01 bis Store. lll ^ Resolved. That we one and all deeply deplore the loss of Bro.Wm. ^ “That our thanks be extended him for his long and faithful ser- y j se » “That his dear voice will he sadly m | S8 ed and that we extend Mr. C., our congratulations on securing the best member of our club.” Resolved. That we extend the r j^]j(- j ian( | 0 f fellowship to Lord M. unan jinously we hail him as first best, also regard him as the hand- 80nies t man as well as the best member of our club. Sec. Peu Him U|». The superintendent of the Arkan- saw penitentiary, upon meeting old Foster, who had served a term in prison, asked: “What are you doing now ?” “Preachin’, sah.” “What, preaching when you have Just couie out of the penitentiary?” “Oh, yas, sah, fur dat doun make no diffunce. Dat’s de time fur er man ter preach, case den er nigger by bein’ shet up wid so many w hite men knows whut sinsdar is in de w'orl’. Ef yer wants ter ’gust er nig¬ ger, boss, pen him up wid white men.”—Arkansaw Traveler. The population of West Virginia has doubled in twenty years. Cotton Market. Wednesday 12 m. Strict Good Middling Middling <’ Low Middling u~ Good Ordinary «•’ Market quiet. Number of bales to date 2009. Americus Fire Department. AMERICUS, GA. on Thursday, May 13, 1886. F1KKT TEST. First Prize $200 in Gold. Second Prize, $75 in Gold. SECOND TEST. First Prize, $75.00 in Gold. Second Prize, $35.00 in Gold. PRIZE— Best Time to Engine on First Test, $25.00 in Gold. H. D. Watts, Chief A. F. D. J, E. Mathis, Secretary. i SHERIFF SALES. SCHLEY COUNTY. Sheriff Sales Fur April. GEORGIA, Schley county. Y/Oill VY be sold before the court house door in the town of Kllavillo on the 1st Tuesday ill April the. following 1886 between tilt legal hours of sale property 2l)'i to- wit: Lot of land No. (101) in the i dis¬ trict of said county bounded as follows on the north by the landsof Janies Stew¬ art on the east by the lands of ltill Jones on the south and west by other lands of J. M. (Jay. Levied on as the property of J J. M. Gay, to satisfy one Tax n fa in favor of state pointed and county' by J. vs M. J. Gav. M. Gav, proper¬ ty out J.' WOOD'S, F. Sheriff, This Feb. 24th, 1886. time and plaee Schley will eo. be Also at the same sold lot of land No, (176 i it being the lot the Harts Mills are on in the30th district of said county. Levied on as the proper¬ ty of f. N. f I art Agent, M. K. Hart to satisfy and a Tax t\ I. fa N. issued Hart, infavor Agent. of M. state E. Hart, county vs pointed by I. N. Hart properly out Agent M. E. llart. Leviev made and return to me by J .S. Womack,lawful con¬ stable, 785 District G. M„ said county. This February 2-lth, 1KSI>. J. F. WOODS, Sheriff, of Schley county. G K.OR(JI A—Sjhlky county. To all Whom it May C. ncern- YTOTICE is hereby given that Mrs. Mary M. Sims," has applied for the setting aside of twelve months support from the estate of W. G. Sims deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, tit e kindred and credi- tors before to fi'.e the their first objections Monday in in my April office on or next, the regular term,of said court of Ordinary to be hold on the first Monday in April why said should application granted for twelve prayed months for. support not FSb.°lSSl as aI siKnatim ‘- feb25-6w. T. J. DOZIER, Ordinary. able M sample mail l>ox you of free, jroods ai that royal, will valu- j of making put vou n the wav more money in a few dayb than you ever thought poi- mble at any business. Capitol not re¬ quired. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes, of all easily, ages grandly earned suc¬ cessful, 50 cents to $5 evary evening. That all who want work may tcsi leled the oiler. business all we who make this well unparal¬ To are not satis¬ fied we will send $1 to patyo for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., senj free. Immense pay absolute sure for all who start at once. Don’t delay. Address Stinson A Co . Portland, Maine. Citations for Letters ef Dismission. GEORGIA—Be hley county. VAT if K K1-7 as Dupree Peacock Adminis- VV trator of Ned Aldridge represents entered to tlia court record, in his petition that lie duly has fully tiled and ad- on miuisteredon Ned Aldridge estate. This TJirir they can, why said administrator shrutd not be discharged from his administra- trillion, receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April, lksti. T. J. DOZIER, doc24-3m Ordinary. DIXON BROTHERS, Dry Bonds, Groceries, Provisions, Eluthing, Boots; Shoes Crockery, Hardware and Furniture. 1 WEEK’S READING FREE FOR SIX GOOD FAMILIES. Send your name and the name and ad¬ dress of five of vour neighbors or friends on a postal card and get free for yourself and each of them a specimen copy of THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY, The “Atlanta Constitution, ( “uncle rm mus’s world¬ OUR -famous (old Plantation Sketches Darkey, of the THREE HUMOROUS i “bill AiipVHuniorous WRITERS Letters for Home and I Hearth Stone. ■•’iutsy Hamilton’s” adventures told in the "Cracker” dialect. War stories. Sketches of Travel, News, Poems, Fun, Adventures, “The Farm,” The Household, Correspondence, A World of Instruction and Entertain¬ ment. Twelves Pages. The Brightest and best Weekly every member of the Family. SEND \ POSTAL FOR A SPECI- MEN COPY, FREE Address “The Constitution,” Atlanta, Ga. HEADQUARTERS F O It QTT-^IbT©- I will keep constantly on hand a supply of Baldwin & Co’s., Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, Georgia State Grange and Acid Phos- phat Kai it and general feriilzing material which I offer at prices to suit the times. Special arrangements and prices on car lots. Morgan McMichael. '( ■ - - B t WW PIANOS and ORGANS. JAS. FR1CKER & BR0. PROPRITORSS OP THE 1 TO "! 0 ! I 111 are than selling Pianos and Organs for CASH or on Installment plan, cheaper any other house In the country. To verify the above all you have to do is call and examine their stock, or w rite for catalogue and prices. One reason they sell cheaper than some houses, is this, they don’t throw in any thing with an Instrument. A handsome stool and Starfgoes with each Piano and a Stool and Instruction Book with each Organ, and noth¬ ing home else. You pay for what you buy, but nothing more. They give you a guarantee for five ye srs, and will deliver an Instrument in your house if it is not convenient for you to send after it. They have a very handsome delivery wagon built especially for this purpose. Write for prices und terms to James Fkickkr A Bro., Americus, Ga. -(^-ansTLe^Ic-cLS, THE MOST COMPLETE FURNITURE HOUSE IN SOUTHWEST GA. I DEFY COMPETITION. I have a complete stock of every kind of furni¬ ture; such as fine parlor sets, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads of every description and prices to correspond. 1 cannot be excelled in quality of goods and prices anywhere. There is nothing about your house in the way of furniture that 1 cannot furnish. I have tdl sorts and flatter my- suit that 1 can suit you, if you will give me a Trial. Call and examine stock. To those who have or are about to get married and will want to furnish their houses, i insist that you give uie trial. D. B. HILL. AMERICUS, GA. December 24th, 188-Y. '