Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, April 01, 1886, Image 2

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THE ENTERPRISE. KLLAVILLK, OA., APRIL I ISSti. A. J. H arp, Editor uml Proprietor. Old sorrel, Stonewall Jackson’s war horse aged 32 years is dead. We will n >t take any Bacon in ours, especially that kind used for gubernatorial timber.—Clipper. _ The rains of the past few days, ei mmeiicing with Sunday night, i have been very heavy almost uni- versa! They have been unjirece- dented in Ni'r.h Georgia and have caused destruction, The railroads have specially suffered, all the main lines being damaged greatly from washouts and loss of bridges, and all traffic from Atlanta suspended Several tunnels caved in one East Tenn, Va., <St Ga. The Home A Kingston railroad was submerged, and many of the merchants resi¬ dents of the former city were com¬ pelled to move to second stories. The new’ and costly bride on the Rome & Carrolton railroad, just completed was swept away and the r tad itself was almost destr< y.*d. Several cyclones accompanied the storm, one at East Point, causing considerable loss of life and proper¬ ty. The details of this storm will, we fear prove it to have been un¬ usually destructions. Ex-Governor James M. Smith, of Georgia, opened the State guberna¬ torial campaign on the 18th with a speech at Talbottorn. He is not a candidate, but urged the people peo¬ ple to sustain the railroad commis¬ sion ami elect no man to the legisla¬ ture who favored curtailing its power. He charged the railroads with attempting to bribe the legis¬ lature.—Cuthbert Enterprise. Hon. A. O. Bacon, enjoys a tat salary as a It. R. Attorney. The Gubernatorial Question. As matters now stand, the issue is narrowed down to Judge Simmons and Hon. A. 0. Bacon. For ourself we do not hesitate to express our preference for Judge Simmons. We have known the judge well since our boy-hood days, and it affords us pleasure to say that for more than a quarter of a century, over which our acquaintanceship with the judge extends, we have never heard the least whisper against the purity and sterling integrity of the man. In all the relations of life—as attor¬ ney at law, legislator and judge, he has faithfully, honestly and effi¬ ciently discharged every trust con¬ fided to him. Let it be remember¬ ed too, that Judge Simmons entered our legislature at a time when the influence of the body was great; and when, if his honesty had not been proof, the weak spot would certainly hnvo been found. But the “weak spot” was not found, and in the position of sensator, lie made the welfare of Georgia the great object of his pursuit, lie not only sought, but succeeded in shap¬ ing and aided in the passage of such measures as protected the interest of the State and placed her credit on a fouud ition -osolid that we may bid definance to the efforts of Wall street to lower it and laugh at the feeble attempts of those who for years past have been seeking to bring discredit and loss to our peo¬ ple. As judge of the Superior courts the Macon circuit, his hands been clean, the laws have been fully administered, and his Jiave stood as well before the preme court of this State as of any other judge of Georgia. These things being true, we they afford ample reason for of Judge Simmons. shall be greatly surprised if the great majority of the people of this Mate do not look at the matter in the same light as ourself. Against the purity, or ability of Maj. Bacon, we have not a single word to urge, but this much we will say; he has not been the choice of our people heretofore for their gov- ernor, nor do we believe that he will l>e now. Of course if it turns out that we are mistaken in this, and h • should receive the Democratic l./miination for governor he will re- eeive our humble, but cheerful sup- port.—Butler Heiirbl. A Large LsnidGrtini I'orf e od. - Washington, March, 24th —The Becretrary of the Interior has ren¬ dered a decision in tlie case of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Com¬ pany, in which lie holds that it lias ro> legal claim to land along the line pf road from San Buena ventura, on the Pacific ocean, in California, to ha;• Francisco, a distance of 384 miles, and directs the Commission¬ er of the General Land Office to re¬ store the same to the public domain. The fact that ibis line has been mortgaged and money raised on its credit is, the .Secretary adds, the misfortune of the mortgsigees, in $.iat they took a mortgage on that p. which the mortgagors had no le¬ gal right. This decision will restore tp {no public domain ^451,200 acres. biiiiul Jury I*i»‘seiiiineiils. G EOHU l A, S( 1 H L EY CO C NT Y. W* Ik.Or.,«1 Juror, r h,.«-r. .n.1 toivvmn S*Jrlor for tho March term of the Cur, In .nd fur county .fur.-,.:,, do hereby make tlie following Gen- ■ral Presentments. Through the various committees iniminterl he this laulv we have M. cers uud tlnd then, all kept in gnnd and ill accordance With the law so far as we have been able to ascertain and tlie books of the clerk the Superior Court and clerk of Ordinary properly indexed. We tlnd the public roads have been worked and in good condition up to the time of the recent heavy rains. We call the attention of the coun- commissiouers to the crossing of Uehee creek at Williams’s Mill, and recommend that it be bridged. We find that the court house needs some some repairs, the roof, (though not decayed) is in a leaky condition, which lias caused the plastering in several places to break loose and fall off; the guttering around the eaves needs replacing. The Jail (which has been newly covered) we find inseeun , to w hich we call the attention of the County Commissioners, and recommend that they take the necessary steps, to secure the safe keeping of prison¬ ers. We find a balance of $62.36 in the hands of the county school commis¬ sioner on March 16, 1885. Received from the state school commissioner $116.45. From Poll tax and other sources $758.93, making a total of $1989.71. Paid out as per vouchers $1980.14 leaving a balance in his hands of $9.57. We find the county Treasurer has received from various sources $3066.75 and paid out as per vouchers $2591.66 leaving balanee in Treas¬ ury of $475.09. We have no means of finding the correct indebt ness, but have so near¬ ly appropriated that we feel au¬ thorized to say that ihe county is in good financial condition. We find that three vacancies in the Board of Education caused by Ex¬ piration of Commissioners, and rec¬ ommend ihe appointment of Thos. J. Murphy, successor of P. W. Bridges, and R. M. Rainey, succes¬ sor of Dr. J. A. Park. We also find a vacancy of Notary Public and Ex-Officio J. 1’., in the 946th District G. M., caused by the resignation VV- F. Hixon and recommend the ap¬ pointment of M. W. Snider to fill said vacancy. We further recommend that the Justices of Peace and Notaries Pub¬ lic subpoena witnesses in criminal cases, where parties has been bound over to appear at the Superior to Court. Judge We extend our thanks Fort for the able and impartial manner in which he has presided and to Solicitor General Hudson, for courtisies shown this body and recommend the publication of these presentments in the Schley coun¬ ty Enterprise. W. D. Murray, Foreman. W. 1). Sears, Secretrary. S A Sellars, P F Dixon, T G Cheney, R M Rainey, J S Johnson, R A Wiggins, J R Holloway, W B Jordan, J II Bivins, J L Murray, <J M Rainey, M B Dunn, L W Dixon, 8 M Cottle, W C Kelly, C L W C PCieghorn, S W Smith, M II Snider, T J Myers, Chas. Womack. Ordered by the court that foregoing General Presentments published as requested. March 1886. Allen Fort, J. 8. C. >S. W. C. C. B. Hudson, Sol. Gen. A true extract from minutes. March 29th, 1886. J. N. Cheney, Clerk. Civil Docket. The following cases were tried last- week. u. A. Strange, administrator vs e. B. Burrow, etal; complaint for defendants, s. Waxelbaum & Co., vs A. F. Wiggins: complaint judgment for plaintiff. Patapsco Guano Co., vs E. V. and O. J.Cottle; complaint Judgment for plaintiff. Patapsco Guano Co., vs Robt. Bur- ton; complaint judgment for plain- tiff. Patapsco Guano Co., vs Tom Pow- ell and 18. Williamson; complaint for plaintiff. J. N. Cheney vs J. A. Rowland and E. C. Rowland; levy and claim ver¬ dict, property found subject. Harrold, Johnson & Co., vs A. Al¬ ien and L. E. Tondee constable; two cases rule and consent appeal ver¬ dict for plaintiff;!. Tool McGarrah A Tondee %’s A Allen and L. E. Tondee; const, two cases, rule and consent, appeal ver¬ dict for plaintiffs. J. W. SVheatly & Co., vs T. G- Cheney etal; judgment for plain¬ tiffs. 8. A. Sellars vs T. II. IJevane; dis¬ tress warrant and issue, verdict for plaintiff. Harrold, Johnson & Co., vs Mar¬ tha Bivins, T. F. Rainey, sr., R. T. Bivins and R. M. Rainey endorser j Judgment for plaintiffs. \V. H. Willis vs J. M. Oay; plaint judgment fur pluutiff. J- A. 8. v.Oeorg. atom rt,u * T* Myer»; complaintjudg- nwtaringen, »*;* f roretmsim oi mori gage and issue judgment for plain- 1 * J. N. Scarborough vs Trank fra- .1.1, ccrttoari, Judgment fur ‘‘‘“"“‘f- v> * wmiin vs il(v rur ^ rule vs const., and issue judgment ior const. A large number of other case» disposed of. State Docket. State vs Teny Raburn, misde- meaner, State’ __ v7 plea _ of guilty fine 120. _ Wash Denson, larcey verdict not guilty. State vs Frank Reese, carrying pistol, verdict guilty tine $50 and cost. State vs Alex Murray, carrying pistol, verdict guilty, tine $50. State vs Gus Denson, carrying pis¬ tol, verdict guilty, fine $20. State vs Luther Ranew, Perjury verdict guilty, sentence eight years in penitentiary. State vs Win. Knight, adultery verdict not guilty. <7. tit j' / / The loss by thawreekoi tli steamer Oregon is estimated at $1,250,000. Reading in the N. Y World that the U. S. needed a navy, three chil¬ dren sent each 10 cents to assist the government in building war vessels! A woman of Rochester, N. Y., dying under circumstances indica¬ ting great poverty, left $160,000 and gave $60,000 of it to a Presbyterian church of the city. The Georgia State Sunday school Association will meet this year in Macon, May 11—15. A citizen of Clay county, Ga., mov¬ ing to Early couny, with iso vehi¬ cle but a two-ox wagon, and only a single steer, hitched hiraseif in by the side of the steer and for 17 miles pulled hi, end of the yoke. A wife near Clayton, Ga., trying to lift her paralyzed husband from the beil to a chair, j uptured a blood vessel and died in a few days. Application—Letter’s Administration. GEORGIA -Schley cocnty. To all Whom it May Concern. for Whereas, letters no administration one having applied to me of on the estate Mrs. Martha Bivins late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admon¬ ish all parties interested, whether kin¬ dred or creditors, to show cause on or before tlie May term of court to be held on show the first why Monday letters in May next, and cause should not be granted to J. N. Cheney Clerk Superior court. Witness my hand and official signature this, 30th day T. of J. March DOZIER, 1886. O dinary. AYliiit Invesiigmion and Agita¬ tion liave <louc in the Aits. Sciences and in Mechanics, they are doing in Life I nsti r;t nee. THE NEW IS TAKING THE Place of t lie Old. A SAVING oJ FIFTY par cent, and an INC.’EASK in security ol ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY per centds effected by tak¬ ing a policy in the Fidelity Mutual Life Association, OF 1*111 L A DELPHI A, in place of a policy on the old level premium system. Twelve millions of insurance; Five thousand members; Eight years’experience; Guaranteed and incontestable policies; Cash assets and indemnity reserve of $250,000; Expenses limited by contract; Mor¬ tality funds handled exclusively by Trust Co.; Four fixed a year—one for expenses and three for mortality; The lowest death rate of any Life Company in America; Cash surrender values or policies rendered self-sustaining at end of life expectation; Saving of 50 per cent in cost of insurance and abso¬ lute security, are points to which we call special attention. The business of the Fidelty is twice as much as it was in 1884, and the death rate is not any larger now, in proportion to the amount at risk,than it was five years ago, Ex-Governor Hartrant, of Pennsyvania, Reorgan¬ izing a Mutual Company in Phila- delaphia, and is consulting L. G, President of the Fidelty, as to the best practicable methods, in order to conform to the advanced ideas of assessment insurance, as expounded by him to the National Convention. Nolu lime: If the recent expulsion of the At¬ lanta Home Fire Insurance Com¬ pany by the foreign companies from tlie Association of Fire Under-writ¬ ers, remits in a cutting of rates and saving to Atlanta of $125,000. I can demonstrate that I can save even more per annum to the overburden¬ ed po icy holders in the Fidelity, and give them better security. Send your age and address for estimate to P. VV. DOUGLAS, Manager, 21 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga. or 8. M. McCRORY, Agent. Oglethorpe, Gg, NOTICK. s » lT »-1 aukr it hium. ' tri.-t u. M.. Ncbloy Toall and Hingul»4rthtMM»imtH!>lt*of pt'S said a |, OV( , court ,.n the »:li day of March 187# for the amount a* a hove act dormant. forth and It that being said made judgment further is to now | to the in the atmesaid up- pear court manner , l? Sehlev county Oil the tirst Saturday in court that service i>o |>erfeoted on fl. II. said ^'Kt’Sih"‘‘m day why said judgment P X^lui,'Z should not SfgS^hto ’ Marchgnd ‘ t.“j. , Hixos, 'i«S nd J. P. Johnson jonssoN At ,V smith, smith. ) i Judgment Ju,lenient i lusti- A ukx4.ko’, f « August Principal 1870, $41.90, Interest from 31st dav «>f cost *2.05. To all and singular the constable of said comity application greeting. It apparing plaintiffs to by the petition court upon of that plaintiffs obtained judgment against said defemlautsin the above stated court ou tile 4th day of March 1870 for the amount as above sot forth and that said judgment forth is new dorinent. 11 being made to appear plaintiffs to the court in the manner aforesaid that desires to revive said Allen judgment. Pro’s do I, is ordered that said A anpear before the .Justi¬ ce court to be held in a; d for the tail dish, <J. M., for Schley county, Ga., on the 1st 5th Saturday in .June next, same being the ordered day of by said the moniJj 1886. It is further "H. oourt that service l>e pro¬ tected on H. Allen by publication as provided by law and each of said parties uo show cause on sai<i day why said judg¬ ments should not be re\ ived. Given un¬ der mv and official signature,this March 2nd, 1880. T. J. lflXoN, J. P. Johnson & smith, ) Judgment in Justi¬ vs f ce court 961 District ALLEN iV BKo’s. G. M. Schley co. On. May Principal 1871, *57.99, Interest from loth day ot costs .>2.05. To all and singular the constable of said •ounty greeting. It apparing to .he court [ upon the application obtained wi plaiunlls by pcli- j ho,i Unit plamtitU | judgment defendants in the against above stated said court on the aboye 4th day of forth March and 1876 that for said the amount | as is dorinent. set It being made judgment now further to appear to the court in the manner aforesaid that plaintiffs desire to revive said judgment. It is orderedthat said Allen A Bro’s do before the Justice court to be held in and for the 961 district G Ai of,Schley in June county,! <a being , on the the 1st 5th .Saturday next, same day of said month 1886. It is ordered further by the court that service be prelected on li. 11. Allen by publication as provided by law and each of said parties do show cans® on said day why said judgment ■>h ubl not be revived. * lit on unuor uiy hand a» d official signa.urc, this March 2nd, 1886. i. J. iiiXoN, J. p. Johnson A smith,! Judgement in Juste vs r Co court 961 District ALI EN iV»’iRO’s. ) G. Ai. rtchiey co Ua. Brin ••pul ,7.44. interest tram the2isl, da . nf April 1871, costs *2.45. •jfc&S&S'SS' uirl application of piamiffs i>\ peti- ''f gainst t£ jm^mern defomlanU in suited cas>- on the 4th day of March IS.6 lor i he amount as above sot fori li and that saiei ju Igment is now dorment. It being the made forth to appear to court in manner aforsaid that plaintiffs desire to revive said Allen judgment. Bro’s do It is ordered that said & appear before the Jusli- ce court to be held in and for the biilst District G M of Schley eo. Ga., on the 1st 5th Nsturcuy day in said June next, same being the of month 1886. It is further ordered by the court that service lie pro¬ tected on II. II. Allen bv publication as provided qy law and each of said parties do show cause on said <lay why said judg- j der ment my should hand not and be official revived. signature, Given this un- ] £ arch 2nd, 1886. Judginent T. J. Hixon, J. P. Johnson smith,) in Justice vs > court 961st District G Principal alia n $50.t«, it mtoV.i Interest M Schley countyGa. front 27tli (lav of April, To 1871. and co ; 2.05. all singular the constable of said county the greeting. application It apparing to the court upou of plaintiff's bv peti¬ tion that plaintiffs obtained judgment against said defendants in above stated case on the 4th day of March 1876 for the amount as above'set forth and that said judgment further is now dorment. It beingmade to appear to the court in the man¬ ner aforesaid that plaintiffs desires to revive said judgment. It is ordei ed that said. Allen A Bro’s do appear before the Justice court to be held in and for the 961 District G M for Schley county Ga.,on tin Is .Saturday in June next being the 5th uav of said month 1886. Itisfuther ordered by the court that service be pre- fectod on H. 11. Allen by publication as provided do by law and each of said parties show cause on said day why said judg¬ ment should not be revived. Give under my hand and official signature, this March 2nd, 1886. T. J. Hixon, J . P. A. D. McGennis and W. H. McCrory Attorneys. Amerifus Fire Department, AMEKICUS, GA. ANNUAL TOURNAMENT, on Thursday, May 13, 1886. FIRST TEST. First Prize $200 in Gold. Second Prize, $75 in Gold. SEFONO TEST. First Prize, $75.00 in Gold. Second Prize, $35.00 in Gold. PRIZE—Best Time to Engine on First Test, $25.00 in Gold. II. I). Watts, Chief A. F. D. J. E. Mathis, Secretary. Fees for Profesional Services. Plain Gold Filling $ 2 00. Large and difficult tilling 3 99 to $10 00. Silver and other cheap filling Killing Nerve and Filling 1 00 to 3 00. Roots, each I 90. Extracting the Single Tooth 100. After first, each 50c. Full Upper or Lower Set Teeth 15 00. Better Set Warranted 20 00. Cleaning or Regulating Teeth Treating Hums, and oilier necessary operations will he charged for according to the time and trouble necessary to perform them. W. P. Bl'RT, Americas, Ga. JUkJuLlA Tjp J p cents ur working postage, people and Send will 19 we mail you fkkk, a royal, valu¬ able sample box of goods tlifit will put you in the wav of making more money in a few days than you ever thought pos- sibie at any business. Capitol not re- I 1 "'™ 1 : 7’ 1 ' Iive at home and work Hpare "ncoi.lyor all tlie time. All ol hoji sc.xc.s, ol all aps gr andlv sue- C(*ss! ul, )0 cents to Jo easily,earned every u\enm*r. i l<Mt all wlio want work may lUreetic nt " S : Kuf ! l’ :ll ' ti|,|| birs, r; ^;n!,i:i 1 ottX;,!;^ 1 ontaud, Maiav, is i I The KUitville DRUG _ STORK „ , is 1111 lu K oat. u uitbc DRUGS, MKDICIN ES, SODA, CREAM TARTAR AND FAMILY MEDICINE; PATENT MEDICINES, NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, LAMP GOODS or any other article usually kept in it drug store, Du. C. H. Smith, Eilaville, Ga. IDE ARKANSAW TRAVELER. The most refined and most popular of all the humorous jornals. 8 S Pages 48 Coiumns of the choicest Original and Selected matter every week, PRICE. $li A YEAR, POST-PAID, TO ANY ADDRESS. SPECIAL OFFER. By special arrangement with the pub- lisher of this paper, The Ahkansaw Traveler will be clubbed with the Enterprise for *2.75 thus affording an opportunity little than to secure the price botli of papers This for more one. is n rrro offer. copies Take advantage of it at once. Sample will be mailed of The application. Ahkansaw Tra veler on J «f We also furnish tlie two large and spb ndid Colored Engravings ‘•The Arkaksaw Traveler” and “The Turn of the Tune.” Which, “Arkansaw together with the original tolil story of t!ie Traveler,” as mail¬ hv Colonel “Handy” Faulkner, will he ed to any address on receipt of 40 els; postage stamps taken. These pictures are mailed,post-paid,only not given as premiums, receipt hut of price are on Address READ A- BENI1AM, Publishers, Little Rock Ark. Ilf lAf T1VI lie taking more than an at agency anything for the else best by succeed a.-anplv. selling book None out, fall. Terms Beginners free HAI.LETT B()OK CO. Portland Maine 86II Grand Combinatien. '86 THE ENTEBPKISE. AND THE LOUISVILLE Weekly Courier-Journal One year for only $2.50. Two papers for little more than the mice of one. By paying us home $2.50 you will with receive the Cou¬ for one year your paper Newspa¬ rier-Journal, the Uepresentive per of the South, Dnmocratic and fora Tariff' for Revenue only, and the best, brightest United ami ablest Tlie family Weekly weekly Cou'rier- in the Siates. Journal has the largest Democratic cir¬ culation Those who of any desire Newspaper examine in America. sample to a copy of the Courier-Journal can do so at this office. C'^UU,UUUSc!nl O.Ljl j (lAAin presents 5 centv givin postage, away. us and by mail you will get free a package of goods in work of large that will value, ttiat will bring start vou at once you in money. All about the *200,000 in pres¬ ents work that with each box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. For¬ tunes Don’t for delay. all workers absolutely Co.', Portland assured. II.Hallet & Maine janl4-lv THE \ineriens Recorder, Published at Americas, Ga. —IS THK—- LARGEST WEEKLY PIPER !\ SOl’THMEST (Mill, Giving a complete synopsis of the news and markets, besides n large amount of miscellaneous reading, anil an illustrated serial story each week. It is handsomely pr’nted on large clear type and runs from 8 TO 10 PAGES!! Its Annual Gift Distributions are grow¬ ing more popular each year, and this year 300 Vi LI ISLE PRESENTS! will bo distributed among its advance paying subscribers, some of the presents Fifty being Dollars. estimated at Subscription Price, -- $2.00 per year, which entitles the subscriber to a ticket in the Distribution. Send money in Registered Letter or Postal Note, to W. L. GLESSNER, Ainerieus. Ga. JrJr.Seiid for Specimen copy and List Presents in Distribution. ‘ 4 1)1) flip fSund six cents for Dost else l,v in this w m 1 n ' a'b .If either ,,oJt<, sex. su!^ 77 " mnrst .' u ;^- uro n Co., Augusta, Maine. ' lV 1 U. STRASGE. “THE GROCER.” Ella/ville, O-eorgis.. With full line in stock and ready to compete wk.. nil “Country Merchants.” STOCK OF MEAT, CORN, OATS, FLOUR, HAM’S WITH COOKING STOVES TO WARM TI1E SAUCE. A 1 Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Grits, Cheese, Mackerel and Lard Sufficient to supply the general trade, and a full line ‘THE LAST NEEDFUL’ BURIAL CASKETS, COFFINS. *3 JOHN E. HALL, Al flie Old Wooden Drugstore, near tlie Post Office, ^mcLexicu-s, ^ w-eorgia — HEALMH IN IlKl f^. IflKDH IXES, CHEMICALS. ITik* Toilei Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Ac. PERFI ’IESY 1YS) Fi.YCY TOILET ARTICLES, Vi IN GRK t variety. No v liquors Physician’s Prescription Accurately Comnoundod ** or intoxicating drinks sold WESTON ACADEMY. Located at healthy \\ eston, situtation Webster County, and Georgia, is an Institution noted villaj permance, sound morality. No country anti community stands higher in these respects. For the 1886 this In$ lution will be in of the undersigned, aided by a competent Female A>4 January taut, if necessary. and continue The weeks. .Spring Term will open on the 2nd Mondavi ' 24 The Fall Term will continue 16 RATES OF TUITION PER MONTH. 1st. Spelling, Reading English and Mental Arithmetic,$1.50. 2nd. Geograr Arithmetic and Grammar, $2.00. 3rd. All higher EmD Branches, Latin and Greek, $3.00. Instruction in music $3 oo per iiii'H INCIDENTAL FEE PER TERM 25 CENTS Board in good families at $8.00 per month. For five .lays in the week, $5.00. TffiUon duTaTend oTth*^Tl°rm" ,fir,U ' SU ' U ' Uy t0 the Dlscil>li,,eof the H w. M. IIOAVEEL, Principal. December 15th, 1885. jr S EE 77; m was 7 ss 8 v & ■! ' 3 NEW, MAKE RICH a| i | _ .NaHSHa.™ HI BUB BLOOD H B These T *Fii Pllla were IhSf, a wonderful discover? information Noothers like them in th© wor!d Will tho "pos7ttvc^ COS* c JJ Dills around oaoh box is woith ten times ! wa«r?.r.||f11 I i |HI HE s II L RlC I 1 m 1 fell 1 i®’-*’' JS£SSS»«