Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, April 15, 1886, Image 3

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the enterprise. ELLAVILLE, GA., APRIL 13, 1880. Knit** of Hulmcriptloti. One copy, ouu luontlm. your. - - - - - - 7ft One eopy, six - - - - Ouu copyi thfoo months. - - - 45 yingle copy....... * - 5 AduMiising Hate*. Indies \ I mo ! 2 nm [ :t mo | ti mo 12 mo 1 s § $8 OO 888SSSSS 8 4 2 U S 8 -j X c: ‘A? 111 11 13 OO so oo £ S I l so C52 S S 1*1 50 O 8 5 27 50 ( * 8 i 7ft 0*1 < iii iu iii:s. M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. Meeting every Sunday second School Sunduy 11 Sun- am and ~'i P nii l>r. C. every II. Smith day morning at meeting ll am Thursday Sup!. night! Prayer !. T. Lowe, every pastor. BAPTIST CHURCH. Meeting every fourth Sunday 11 a in and 7Vi p n> conference *’awoed, meeting Satur¬ day before 11 am. J. II. pastor. Sunday School every Sunday 3 p m l)a. W. I>. Sears, Supt. Superior Court convene* 4th Monday Fort, m March and September. Allen judge, C. B. Hudson, Sol. Gen. COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheriff—J. F. Woods, Cheney, Ci.ekk surnCouirr J. N. Ordinary T. .1. Dozier, Tax Kecivkr- J. M. Thornton, Tax Collector—W. C. Kelley, Treasurer— C. R. Tondee sr, Coroner— Commissioners—R -L. A. Gyles, obt l atton, County A M Caskey, C L Peacock, P F Dixon, R 11 Slappey. Clegnorn, clerk of board. W C County Board ot Education. U. A. Taylor, President, l»r. O. H. smith, County School Commissioner of he board. P. W. Bridtres, A. O. Mur- >-av, members of hoard. Ciiy Officers. <• L Battle, Mayor, Uobt Burton, 1( A Strange, J. ,\. Cheney It M Murpliy, o 1) Murray. COUNC1LMEN. IV II MeCrory, Recorder. J M Throntou, Marshal. Claud Dixon Treas. ssind DistGM. H H Singletary, J P nd Til Wilkinson, Not Fublif and ex- . each ilirio .! Pcourt4th Saturday in month. P court . „ 3rd , 785th Dist S T Harper, J Saturday in each month. 1 court 945th Dist G M S Murray, I ..ud Saturday in each month. ex-ollice lailst, J 11 Bivins, Not Public J l’ 1st Satnrday in each month. C. R. McCRORY J A.TTOBJSTEY _A_T Ellaville, Ga. Terms—For $30.00 or under $3; fro rn $30 o$500, ten charges percent.; unless over Collections, $500, seven per are rent. No made. Office at court house. W.R McCRORY, A.TTORKTEY A.T H.-A-'W. Ellaville, Ga. Will pratice in the counties of Sohlev, Sumpter, Macon, Marion and Cliatta hoo- I'liee. Special attention given to eollee- lion of claims. Office in court House. J. R. WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. h\ Eslale d Banking Agent i ELLAVILLE, GEORGIA. Prompt attention given to all Business entrusted him. No charges unless col¬ lections are made. Special attention riven to selling renting, and leasing real state, and collecting rents. B, H. Wilkinson 5 ATTOENEY A.T . AMERICUS, GEORGIA.. Ho will attend promptly to all legal business entrusted to him. Money col- looted will be immediately renritted. _ ( )ffwk Lamar Peoples’ N at ional Hank Building, Lamb Street. ___________ 1C! worn m PLASTING, 1 have had an experience of x years. Work guaranted, and on reasi nalne terms. Address. J.A.IjANGLKY, Georgia. Ellaville, Buena Vista anil Eilaiille R. R i On and after 15th Dec., trains on the Buena Vista and Ellaville Uailroa-tl will run as follows! 001 NO EAST. Leave Ilnena Vista, a. in. Leave Putnam, 30 “ Arrive Ellaville, lO * * ai Leave Ellaville, 1 ! Leave La Crosse, 11 30 “ Arrive at Anderson, 12 in 00)no WEST. I,save Anderson, 2 50 p m Leave La Crosse, 3 15 p m Leave at Ellaville, 3 40 p m Leave Putnam, 4 10 p T»1 Arrive at Buena Vista, 4 40 p m- Making connections at Anderson with trains on the South Western Railroau go¬ ing east and COCKRELL, _ , H. W. Superintendent- THE HI A RKETS. Retail Grocery market by B. A. Strange. | Cheese, Coffee, per pound - 1 10 1 Corn, per bushel pound 75 to 85c Flour per 5V£ to 6 l A Hams, per bbl 13 Meat, per pound pound 5 V<j to d'A Lard, per pound - 10 per _ - - .Meal, per bushel pg Nails, per pound 4 to 5 Potash * is to 11 - . Oil kerosense, per gal. , >s Hope, cotton per pound IS to 20 Rico. per pound R to 9 Halt, Virgin a per sank 1 00 v ’S ir, per pound S to 1 1 &vrap, pergalon 50 to bo Tobacco, per pound 40 to lift Vinegar,per gnlnn 40 to 50 Bagging l per.buiidlo per yard 11 to l 50 ies, * Nbeedng, Klurting, peryard m cT Domestics, per yard 7 - to h | Dsuaburgs per yard Stoye* per yard j i _ r f The Citizens ol Schley, Marion and Macon counties Who visit Americus, will consult their interest by calling -y on *• • . THORNTON WHEATLEY. The leading Dry Goods and Clothing merchant his two large stores corner Forsyth St., and Public square, is the acknowledged headquarters for Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Hats. Gents furnis ing goods. The stock is one of the largest in the state. Our motto is BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES, P olite attention and square dealing to all. TERMS CASH or approved credit. Respectfully solicit your Patrons e, I remain Y ours truly, THORTON AVHEATLEY. T1 iys m. mi r r Beautiful weather. Court in Americus this week. Deputy marshal was in town this week. Oglethorpe is to have a loan asso¬ ciation. The school boys play base ball for a change. White and speckle peas for sale at Carter’s. Spanish ground peas at Carter’s $1.50 per bushel. Read the new advertisement of J. J. Cranberry. Two young men are teaching drawing lessons in the city. The granulated New Orleans, Su¬ gar 12lbs to the $1.00 at J. T. Carter’s. The press convention of the state of Georgia meets in Macon the 29th Inst. Some of the boys had a good time fishing last week. Wish we couid get some fish. The“little wanderer 14 will wander offinafew days. Wonder where he will wander. Remember we take corn, meat, potatoes, chickens, butter and eggs for the Enterprise. If you want a bargain in meat, flour,sugar,coffee,tobacco and shoes. Gallon Johnson & Dixon. 8. H. Christopher, of Buena’Vista goes over to Montezuma to Sunday school. So says the Record. Prof. Stephens, has a flourishing school here. We have the rigid in the right place. The Clipper has changed its name to Marion County Patriot, come out in a new coat, it is row enlarged to eight pages. Mr. Robert Scoville who left last tall for Texas, married in that State a few days ago. We waft our congratulations. Don’t discourage the children when the eggs are presented to you; they are good and safe banks to de¬ posit your dimes. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dixon, Miss Blanche Cockrell and Charlie Davis went Ashing yesterday and caught a very fine string. Marbles and croquet are all the go now. Our people are industrious even if they can not sell goods they wont sit down and grumble about it. The pretty girls make our “devil” smile as they trip along to school. Even our own grim visage some¬ what relaxes as we look at the beautiful sunbeams. Dr. H. Scarborough left at office a sample of clover raised on his farm. There is no doubt but it would prove a paying crop if the attention it deserves was given it. A post office has just been named “Devil’s Half Acre.” If this is all the territory the old gent owns we respectfully suggest that it may be crowded. Editors arc not eluded in the above suggestion. We regret that several of our scribcrs failed to get their paper last week. Sometimes the fault is in us and sometimes it is not. We will try to be more faithful in the future. Our standing order for paper is now too small but will be large enough in the future. Go to J. T. Carter’s for your hard¬ ware and groceries; such as meat, meal, sugar, coffee, flour, tobacco and a general line of merchandise. He also has tlie combined Euraka cotton planter and guano distribu¬ tor,plant’s corn and peas. Mr. William Allen will sell as cheap as any. A nice young man from the coun¬ try was at a musical entertainment in this place one night recently,and after a pleasant evening in company with his sister went out to the bug¬ gy to start home, he found but oue mule. He found his mule after a diligent search at a certain young hulys house early next morning a short distance from town. Montezuma Record- ffe have had radishes and lettuce at our boardinghouse over a week. The prohibition campaign down in Dooly is red-hot, The boys had a big time hunting rabbits hits week, one party killed 31 another party 20. I* Id ItSOVA I.. Hon. NV.D. Murray,visited Macon last week. Mr. \V D. Murray and lady visited Americus Monday. Mr. W. H. Tondee and wife of Americus, visited M-s. Sue Allen. Mr. Win. Alien was quite sick last Monday night, but is better now. Judge Lowe and Col.E.W. Miller of Buena Vista, visittd the city Tuesday. Eld. Burke preached in the meth- ilist church in this place last Sun¬ day night. Mr. \V. 1. .Scoville was up a few days this week from Albany, visit- ing his family. Miss Emma Cottle and Mi«s Mary Lizzie Hurt, were visiting in the city last week. • Mr. Adams the genial salesman of H. D. Adams of Macon was in town this week. Mrs. II. 8. Davis and Mrs H. W. Cockreil went up to Mr. Knowlton’s Tuesday fishing, Mr. McNiel the popular sales-1 | man of Dunlap and Wortham was in town this week, Mr. Robert Patton and Mrs. Nan- nie Dupriest paid our office a pleas- ant call Wednesday, Mr. Can Bullard, representing J. P. Harrison & Co., job printers of Altanta, was in town this week. Rev. G. W. Weekly will preach at the Baptist church Sunday night and we hope that he will have a large congregation. Messrs. J. It. Williams, W. II. Mc- T. A. Collins, C. R. MeCrory, B. A. Strange, H. W. Cockrell, Judge Battle and the Editor went to Americus Monday. Mr. J. H. B. Mauk and lady made our ottice a pleasant call Mon¬ day. Many thanks to them for a mce me8S of K ree,,8 > the , flrst „ of the season, also a jug of butter-milk. It is pleasant to be remembered. Next. Call on Allen, at J. T. Carter’s for Black’s shoes $1.50 a pair. Excursion to Audersonville. Train will leave her at 5:30o’clock p. in., and return after supper. DOTS FROM OGLETHORPE. FROM ROBERT. Mr.Gaines’ sweetheart, has added Me to his name, she thinks Me- Gaines sounds sweeter. Mr. Maekevoy, of Montezuma, visited our city Sunday. Our school is still encreasing. Our boys have commenced play- base ball. Col. Robinson and wife of Old Lanier, visited relatives in town this week. Misses Bettie Williams, Lillian Nixon, Annie Collins, Ella Feagin and Messrs. A. J. Harvey, M. L. Hhealcy, I>. P. Coogle, Will Griffin, Walter Gaines, Charlie Cunning- Eugene W iilis, Gantt Jones -^ m Hilmon, J. A. Phillips, ( liariie Feagin and Frank Keen visited Bluff Spring Sunday. There was a large crowd from Andersonville, LaCross and near Ellaville, also at tiie Springs Sun- day. The Andersonville and Ogle¬ thorpe crowd were so late that they failed to get room in the church. But they were in time for the good dinner which was prepared for all. When a certain young man called on a young lady near the Baptist church a rainy night last week, she heard him let his umbreila down, and thought the angels were coming. Beware young men. Prof. Harris visited Americus, Sunday. One of our young men asked a young lady why she didn’t attend tlieelub Thursday night. She re¬ plied that idle did not feel like going by herselt. Ank Miss Nan about it. It is very plain and simple for a mail to sit up and criticise a news¬ paper, but it is quite a different thing to run one—especially when you have all the type to “set," your water to “tote,” wood to chop and fires to build, to say nothing of is- iiumberable et ceters.—Juueition City (Tex.,) Clipper. All go to Andersonville to-mor¬ row on the excursion. Dear Enterprise: The con- gressional pot has begun to bubble and it seems as if this District is di¬ vided, and that discovery has just been made. We thought that our District was solid because we have one common interest, and if Hon. C. F. Crisp is a good man for this side of the “river,” why then, he is a good man for the other side. This idea that a Representative must come from the west side of the Flint is solely for the purpose of defeating the most ac¬ tive member from the southern states. One that not only is an honor to his District, but Geo¬ gi a . We may be divided by a river but are one people with a common interest and the dodge is too thin. If any objections exist against Judge Crisp except that he is so un¬ fortunate is to live on the west side of Flint river let it be known. He is the pride of Georgians even if lie does live in Americus and we ask that the people consider other ques- tions of more moment in passing upon who will represent this Dis- trict next time. Judge Crisp is the right man in the right place. Very truly, X. Prog r;i iib iih- For the Easter Concert and Egg Itrea king. Friday night April 23rd, 1886. Hinging. Prayer. Singing. Scripture Reading. Recitation, Willie Williams. Song, “Our Eggs with silver lining.’’ Breaking Eggs. Singing. Easter Cross. Singing. Recitation, Annie C. Amos. Singing. Breaking Eggs. Recitations, Julia Peacock, Jewel Murphy, Sallie Gaines and Eva Cheney. Singing. Recitation, Sallie Cheney. Breaking Eggs. Recitation, Rosa Baldwin. I Song, Come buy an egg. (Selling Eggs.) Song, Closing Hymn. Benediction. Admission free. Friends cordial¬ ly invited to attend. TO THE IE 3 -ltl "To 1 i c ! I am obliged to close out the bal¬ ance left of the stock of Messrs. Davis & Callaway, in order to settle, as far as it will go, with their creditors. We still have in the stock a great quantity of desirable goods, such as Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Hats, Dress Goods, Shirts,Childrens Hose, Laces, Buttons, in endless variety. Rushings, Gentlemens Ties and Scarfs, in any style and quanity. Velvets & Velveteens, Hoop Skirts, Ac., &c. Most of the above goods I will sell you at JUST ONE HALF -the-- ORIGINAL PRICE! If you think I do not mean what I »ay Come and see for Yourselves and you will find Every j Word I Sav About Low Prices is TRUE. J. J. CRANBERRY ) Assignee. Americus, Ga. AGENTS INomk- C3r*SaUpfactlon Sample WANTED free quick flu to *£"4 those sales. guaranteed. c becomlug t Territory r?J"c o Andress r agents. criven. oe t OR. SOOTT, 842 Broadway, NEW YORK. Cotton Market. Wednesday 12 in. Strict Good Middling M iddling IX Low Middling Good ordinary Market quiet. Number of bales to date 2039. SHERIFF SALES. MIILK 1 COUNTY. SHERIFF HALES FOB MAY. G KOK* i I A—Schley county. YSTILL VV be sold before the court house door in the town of Ellaville on the 1st Tuesday in May 18s*’>, between the legal hours of sale the following proper¬ ty to-w it: I,ot of land No 101 in the 29th Dristrit of said, bounded as fol¬ lows on the north by- the lands of James Stewart, on the east bv the lands of Bill Jones landsof on the south Levied and west theprop- by other J. M.Gi y. on an ertv of J. M. Gay to satisfy one lira is¬ sued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of Grace Fits Gerrald vs J M. Gay. Also at the same time and place will be sold: West half lot of land No 20 in 29th District of said county bounded as fol¬ Johnson lows on the west the by" north lands of by Harrold, landsof A Co, on Ilarrold, Johnson * Co„on the south bv lands of I. N. Mott on the east by land's of Mrs. Martha Robinson. Levied on as the property of J. M. Gav, tlie by virtue of an execution issued from Superior Court of said county In tavor ot Grace Fits Gerrald vs J. M. Gay. attorney. Property pointed out bv plaintiffs This March 31st, 1886. J. F. WOODS, Sheriff. Application—Letter’s Administration. GEORGIA -Schley county. To all Whom il May Concern. Whereas, no one having applied the to me for letters of administration on estate Mrs. Martha Bivins late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admon¬ ish all parties interested, whether kin¬ dred or creditors, to show cause on or before the May term of court to be held on show tile first why Monday letters in May should next, and be cause not granted to J. N‘. Cheney Clerk Superior court. Witness my hand and official signature this, 30th day of March 1886 . T. J. IJ<1ZIER, Ordinary. DIXON BROTHERS. Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Elnthing. Bouts, Shoes Crockery, Hardware and Furniture. WANTED—LADY Active and Intelligent, to represent tin her own locality an old firm. References required. Permanent poi altion *nd good salary. GAY <Sfc BROS., i# Barclay St.. N. Y. Boarding House. OEOROE P. SI BER, PROPRIETOR. Rates reasonable. Table affords. supplied Market with the best the chickens, market butter and prices Ellaville paid for Sept. 26tli, 1885. eggs. Ga., SUBSCRIBE FOR THE: ENTERPRISE $1 :30 A YR, in J H B M i ! WILLIAMS & WEAVER, DEALERS IN FAMILY AND FANCY GROCERIES, Hardware. Glassware, Confection ies, Tinware, Crockery, Sugar, Wood ware, Country syrup, Coffee, Domestics, Meat, Cigars, Stationery, Flour, Tobacco and a general line of Shoes, at prices that defy competition. We insist that you give us a trial. Remember the place New Store under Murray’s Hall. Williams & Weaver. PIANOS am> ORGANS. JAS. FRICKER & BRO. PROPRITORS8 op the SOUTHWEST LI'!iHlill MUSIC HOUSE are selling Pianos and Organs for CASH or on Installment plan, cheaper than any other house in the country. To verify the above all you have to do is call and examine their stock, or write for catalogue and prices. One reason they sell cheaper than some handsome houses, is ibis, they don’t throw in any thing with an Instrument. A stool and scarf goes with each Piano and a Stool and Instruction Book with each Organ, and noth¬ ing else.- You pay for what you buy, but nothing more. They give you a home guarantee for five ye irs, and will deliver an Instrument in your house if it is not convenient for you to send after it. They have a very handsome delivery wagon built especially for this purpose. Write for prices and terms to James Fricker Bro., Americus, Ga. •T T VT n m G-©» THE MOST COMPLETE FURNITURE HOUSE IN SOUTHWEST GA. I DEFY COMPETITION. I have a complete stock of every kiunof furni¬ ture; such as fine parlor sets, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads of every goods description and prices to correspond. I cannot be excelled in, quality of and prices anywhere. There is nothing about your house in the way of furniture that 1 cannot furnish. I have all sorts and flatter my¬ self that I can suit you, if you will give me a Trial. Call and examine my stock. To those who ha ve or are about to get married and will want to furnish their houses, I insist thatyou give me trial. A nice line of Silver Plated and Crockery ware; also a nice line of clocks and lamp goods at prices that defy competition. D. B. HILL, AMERICUS, GA. Peoeipber 24th, 188iv