Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, April 29, 1886, Image 3

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IE ENTERPRISE. ffiLAVILLE. GA.. APRIL29, 1886. Itatva ol' Subaeriptton. b copy. one ye* 1 / ----- *1.50* months. - - - - I oopy, throe months. - - - 45 [gle copy-........ 5 Advertising Kates. jlms | I nio m o | 3 in" [ 6 mo | 12 mo *350 gseaggggs oo 5 00 10 OO 625 11 00 7 50 3C 13 00 8 50 O 14 00 10 00 £ 10 50 10 00 £§ 27 00 |ol« 85 00 75 IK) CHURCHES. M. B. CHURCH, SOUTH. Meeting every second Sunday 11 a m h 0 in; Sunday School every Hun- t, Corning at it a tu l)r. C. Thursday II. Smith |,t Prayer T. meeting every |ht. Lowe,pastor. baptist church. ieeting every fourth Sunday II a m * "A P 7 conference Cawood, meeting Satur- ! before 11 a m. .1. H. 60»tJ astor. „iay S«diool every Sunday p m W. D. Sears, Supt. luperior Court convenes 4tli Monday March and September. Allen Fort, line, C. B. Hudson, Sol. Gen. COUNTY OFFICERS. kllRKIFK— Fi.krk J. Court—J. F. Wood*, N. Cheney, sura bnoiN.vRY—T. J. Dozier, f 4X Kkcivku— J. M. Thornton, Pax Coi.t.kcto R—W. R. Tondee C. Kelley, sr, treasurer— C. CoBONER— L. A. Gyles, Kobt Patton, ihtnty [i. Commissioners— Dixon, A M Caskey, Peacock, P F W <J t?lt*ghorn, clerk of board. County Board ot Education. C. A. Taylor, President, Dr. C. II. iith County School Commissioner of board. P. W. Bridges, A. C. Mur- [, members of board. City Officers. [ bt 1, Burton, Battle, Mayor, B A Strange, Is. Uheney R M Murphy, Eli Murray- COUNC1LMKN. i\V H McCrory, Recorder. J M Throuttiii, Marshal. Claud Dixon Treas. bud Dist G M. H H~Singletary, and J P NTH Wilkinson, Not Public ex¬ bio J P court 4th Saturday in each "tliDist S T Harper, J P court 3rd turdav in each month. I P court Kith Dist G M S Murray, month. lSaturday in each Public ex-ottice 61st, J II Bivins, Not 1 1st Saturday in each month. C. R. McCRORY, 'TOTEaiETIEY AT TAW. Ellaville, Ha. erms— Kor $30.00 or under $3; from $30 ,500, ten percent.; over Collections, $500, seven per it. No charges unless are de. Office at court house. W. H. MoCRORY, .ttobney at law. Ellaville, Ga. Will pratice in the counties of Schley, motor, Macon, Marion and Chattahoo- L*. Special attention given to collee- m of claims- Office in court House. J. R. WILLIAMS, attorney at law. al Estate and Banking Agent 1 ELLAVILLE, GEORGIA. rompt attention given to all business rusted him. No charges unless col- ions are made. Special attention cn to selling renting, and leasing real ite, and collecting rents. B. H. Wilkinson, TTOmsTEY AT LAW. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. He will attend promptly to all legal ed¬ piness entrusted to him. remitted, Money ited will tie immediately Peoples' National Bank r kick —Lamar Biding, Lama Street.__ I. N. MOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELLAVILLE, GEORGIA. iFFICE—In Court House. ba Vista and Ellaville R, H. In and after 15th Dee., trains on the ins Vista and Ellaville Railroad will as follows: OO I NO EAST. ve Bnena Vista, 9 a. m. ve Putnam, 9 30“ ive at Ellaville, 10 “ ve Ellaville, 11 ye La Crosse, 1180 “ ive at Anderson, 12 in OOINC? WEST. ive Anderson, 250 pm tve La Crosse, 3 15 p m ive at Ellaville, 840 pm ive Putnam, 4 10 pm ive at Buena Vista, 4 40 pm. [akin* eonnections at Anderson with ns on the South Western Railroad go- east and west. H. W. COCKRELL, Superintendent. THE MARKETS. retail Grocery market by B. A. knge. Fee, per pound - 14 to 18 ‘20 pse, per pound - 15 to P, per bushel 75 to 85c Pr per bbl 5'A to 6M p»> Bt, per pou nd 13Kc per pound 5 A to OH M, per pound in Bl, per bushel 85 M;per pound 4 to 5 psh keroaense, - 8 to 11 per gal. 25 cotton per pound 18 to 20 fe. per pound 8 to 9 h far, Virglna per sack l nn per pound 8 to 11 MP, keco, pergalon 50 to 60 65 per poun l 40 to Pgar, per galon 40 to 50 King per yarl - 11 to ISA $ Btlng, per,bundle 1 50 flag, per yard Bestics, per per vard yard 4 7£b>8 to ISA Bourgs per yard oW res 15 to 3 The Citizens ol Schley, Marion and Macon counties Who visit Amerieus, will consult their interest by calling r on THORNTON WHEATLEY. The leading Dry Goods and Clothing merchant his two large stores corner Forsyth St., and Public square, is the acknowledged headquarters for Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Hats. Gents furnisning goods. The stock is one of the largest in the state. Our motto is BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES, polite attention and square dealing to all. TERMS CASJ1 or approved credit. Respectfully s"' your Patronage, I remain Yours truly, THORTON WHEATLEY. m <8 ,t m '.y\ Read new advts. Heel scrapes at Carter’s cheap. Extra C, sugar 14 lbs to the $1.00 at Carter’s. Read the article headed Judge T. J. Simmons. White and speckle peas for sale at Carter’s. Delightful rain Wednesday, and vegitation booming. Call on Alien, at J. T. Carter's for Black’s shoes $1.50 a'pair. Dr. C. H. Smith has ordered an or- gah foi the M. F,. Sunday school. The granulated New Orleans, Su¬ gar 12 lbs to the $1.00 at J.T.Carter’s. We regret that several com¬ munications were crowded out this week. Thanks to little Mary Julia llixon for bringing us a mess of radishes and onions. Mrs. H. 8. Davis sent a large box of flowers to tho Hill Memorial As¬ sociation, to-day. Remember we take corn, meat, potatoes, chickens, butter and eggs for the Enterprise. They had enough chips in the Easter festival last Friday n ght to cook all the Easter eggs. If you want a bargain in meat, flour,sugn r, coffee,tobacco and shoes. Cali on Johnson & Dixon. Eld. J. H. Cawood filled his ap¬ pointment last Saturday and Sun¬ day and preached excellent ser¬ mons. E. B. Barrow left quite a curiosity of the egg family at our office. One half is oval shape and the other, perfectly flat. We are obliged to ask all who visit our office, not to occupy any part of the printers time unless on special business in our absence. Thanks to Mrs. T. J. Myers for a fine mess of nice young spring greens. She has the nicest garden we have seen in town. Some of our citizens went a fish¬ ing last Tuesday morning and we saw one on our streets that day weighed 19-4 lbs and it was no sar¬ dine neither. There is no doubt but that Mr. Linderman would not only get the 28 miles of railroad known as the B. V. & E. R. R.,buta large sub¬ scription besides to make this a part of the Dublin Extension to Colum¬ bus, Ga. W e are ail in favor of it. Go to J. T. Carter’s for your hard¬ ware and groceries; such as meat, meal, sugar, coffee, flour, tobacco and a general line of merchandise. He also has the combined Euraka cotton planter and guano distribu¬ tor, plant’s corn and peas. Mr William Allen will sell as cheap as any. The Democratic Executive Com¬ mittee of Seliley County, will meet at the court house on the 8th of May at 2 o’clock, P. M., for the purpose of selecting a day to elect Gubernato¬ rial and Congressional delegates, and for electing a new Executive Committee. E. S. Baldv in, President. A tiranff Time For All. Ample accommodation for all who desire to attend the grand Fire Tour¬ nament in Amerieus on the 13th of May. Supt, Cockrell has made ar¬ rangements with the C. R.R. for ex¬ tra passenger coaches to take all who want to go on the B. V. & E. R. R. A young lady recently was relat¬ ing how near she came falling off of a foot log. She said “if cousin- had not have caught me I certainly would have fallen and he caught me according to Hoyle.” “You must have been there before or you would not know so much about it” drily responded a fellow. d The guano deahTs "f this place informs us that they have sold 610 tons this season, against 775 last sea¬ son, 1ft") tons less thin list. Last year it sold at $34 per ton, which took out of the country $25,670.00; this year 610 tons have been sold at $33 per ton, which aggregated $20,- 130.00; deduct this amount from what was sold last year and you see there is a margin of $5,540 less this year than last. PKKMllVtL. J udge Fish of Oglethorpe, was on our streets this week. We regret to learn that Rev. W. W. Cheney is still very sick. Miss Nannie Myers, of Preston, is visiting in Ellaville this week. Editor Harp and lady, has gone to Macon to attend the Press Con¬ vention. Misses Adella Smith, Willie Wil¬ liams and Minnie Threlkeld bright¬ ened our sanctum last Friday. C. R. McCrory returned from Ogiethorpe Monday. He says he is “awfully'” mashed on a young lady who is viisting that place from A.— Hon. C. F. Crisp has returned to congress after a short visit to family and friends. We regret that he did not give our town a call asour ac¬ quaintance with the Hon. gentle¬ man is limited. Proposed Picnic. About one year ago our sister city Buena Vista had a picnic in our beautiful grove in which our people participated. We have heard sev¬ eral ^speak of the pleasures of that occasion and wish for another just like it. Lets have an annual picnic about 13th of May what says the the people ot Buena Vista? Our grove is more beautiful if such is possible than it was last summer. A full attendance of the executive committee for the Schley county, S. S. Association is desired on Satur¬ day May 1st., at the Baptist church in Ellaville. Appointing delegates to the State S. S. Convention, that meets in Macon the 12th, 13th and 14th of May. Arrangements for the annual convention and other important business will be transact¬ ed. All S. S. Superindents and work¬ ers are invited to meet with the committee. R. M. Rainey, Secty. C. H. Smith, Pres. The Festival. The Easter festival last Friday night was a fine success. There was not a jar nor discord in the whole program me,hut harmony and inter¬ est prevailed. Dr. Smith deserves great credit for the veryinteresting arrangement of the^ and programme. enjoyed it All were pleased wonderfully. The recitations noth¬ ing that would have been ejection- able to holding it in the church. The court house was crowded, and some making special mention of the reci¬ tations of Miss Willie Williams, and Miss Annie C. Amos; there were several recitations and not a sorry one. All had very good pieces and were well rendered. Dedication Service. At a conference of the new Bethel church Terrell county. April 18th the following programme was adopted for the third Sabbath in May. Sunday school 9 % a. m. Dedicatory sermon at 11 a. m., by J. G. Ryals, Prof, of theology at Macon University. Dedicatory prayer, by Eld. J. H. Cawood. Charge to the church, by Eld. M. B. la. Binion. Benediction by Eld. B. W. Davis. Dinner 12)4 P- Sermon at 2>4 p. m. by Eld. J. H. Cawood. L. W. Parrott, Mod. Edgar Brown, clerk, pro. term. Andersonville Scribbling^. REPORTED BY “Q." Business is dull. We had a good rain hear today. We have a very good second b. b. nine here. The Trigometry class of the acad¬ emy, went to the cemetery on a sur¬ veying expedition. Last Tuesday a valuable horse be¬ longing to Dr. Harrison, “kicked the bucket,” Mr. M. A.Clark, of Amerieus, has been spending several days with his paren ts. Mr Twitty, Presiding Elder, preached a very interesting sermon. Sunday ni h . to a large congrega¬ tion. The young folks are enjoynig themselves, as there were several entertainments during the past week. Saturday eve a crowd of young folks enjoyed a fishing excursion at the creek, but the bites were few and far betweeu. Uchee Mills, April 24,1886. Farmers are about done planting cotton. Corn plowing is now in order. The fruit crop is very promising at present. Oats are improving some in looks, they are excedingly fine yet how¬ ever. We counted about one hundred deciples of the rod and line at the pound fishing one day last week most of whom were colored, includ¬ ing a.number of dogs. We are for congressman Crisp up here even if w^t do live in the fourth. He has certainly made a good rep¬ resentative. The last grand jury recommended that a bridge be built across Uchee Creek at this plaee, which we think was wise. We have not learned what the board of roads an revenues did about it, but we are anxiously wait¬ ing the building ot the bridge as it is very badly needed. The heavest rain of the season fell on and .around the farms of S. A. Sellars and D. W. Rainy last week. It was accompanied with a tremendous fall of hail and some wind. The hail lay on the ground for two hours. The hail was six inches deep in places. Mr. T. J. Allen has so far recover¬ ed from his recent illness as to be able to again attend to his farm. Mr. A., would have found himself very badly behind with his work had not Messrs. F. F. Snipes, T. D. Devane, J. M. Collins, R. M. Rainy and D. W. Rainy given him some work. Uchee. DOTS FKOKI OGLETHORPE. FROM ROBERT. Albert Waters was sick Sunday and Monday. The Library has received a ne n lot of books. There will be preaching at the Baptist Church Sunday. Will Hudson has had a sick time of it; measles and sore eyes. The Prohibitionists are wearing blue badges, and the Antis, red. Miss Susie Greer, returned Friday after a pleasant visit to Marshalville Miss Annie Kate Kelsoe of Mon¬ tezuma visited our city the first of the week. Mrs. D. P. Coogle is now in the country with her mother, who is quite sick. Mrs. Kaigler, her son James, Mrs. A. H. Greer, Bettie Williams, and Robert, visited Montezuma Friday. The Prohibitionists of our village had quite an encouraging meeting last Friday night. Rev. J. W. Burke of Macon passed through our city Saturday to visit bis son who lives near here. He re¬ turned in time to preach an interes¬ ting sermon to an adpreciative audience. The young people enjoyed them selves very much at the sociable at Mrs. Wardlaw’s. We notice in the “Andersonvill Dots” to the “Enterprise” that their base ball club is waiting for a challenge from Oglethorpe. It is the same way with us, we are waiting on them. Oglethorpe can boast of one of the best amateur clubs in Southwest Qa. in a short time. We will have a Sunday School pic¬ nic on the 7th of May. Guess we will have a Mr. Butt of Buenavista to address us. Our Putnam, Ella¬ ville and Andersonville friends are invited, especially the Editor and C. P. D. Fireman's Tournament. Amerieus, Georgia May 13th, 1886. Trains on the Buena Vista am Ellaville, R. R., will connect with a special train on the Central R. R., at Andersonville, and arrive in Amerieus at 11 o’clock a. m., and leave at 4 o’clock p. m., for one fare only, full schedule will be publish- ed. H. W. Cockrell, Supt. Cotton Market. Wednesday 12 m. Strict Good Middling JS Middling ir* how Middling r Good Ordinary.......... ■ 0% Market quiet. Number of bales to date 2030. SHERIFF SALES. SCIILEY COUNTY. SliEKIFI S.lLES FOK MAY. GEOROI A—Schley county. TITILL be sold before the court house VV door in the town of Ellaville on the 1st Tuesday in May 188(1, between the legal hours' of safe the following proper¬ ty to-w it: Lot of land No 101 in the 20th Dristrit of said eou..ty, bounded as fol¬ lows on the north by the lands of James Stewart, on the east by the lands of Hill Jones on the south and west by the other lands of J. M. Gt y. Levied on as prop¬ erty of J. M. Gay to satisfy one fifa is¬ sued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of G race Fits Gerrald vs J M. Gay. Also at the same time and plaee will be sold: West half lot of land No 20 in 29th District of said county bounded as fol¬ lows on the west by lands of Harrold, Johnson A Co, on the north by lands of Harrold, Johnson A Co,,on the south by lands by lands of I. N. Mott on the east of Mrs. Martha Robinson. Levied on as the property of J. M. Gay, by virtue of an execution issued from in the Superior Grace Court of said county lavor ot Fits Gerrald vsJ. plaintiffs M. Gay. Property pointed March out by 1886. attorney. This 31st, J. F. WOODS, Sheriff. Sheriff Sales for June ■ 1 GEORGIA— Schley county. WILL VV be sold on the the first Tuesday house in June 1886, before court door in the town of Ellaville said county fol¬ betwei n the legal hours of sale the lowing property to-wit. One hundred and seventy (170) acres of land off' of lot No 174 in 3d District said county bounded as follows, on the north and west by lands of Henry Allison on the south by lands of George Chatman, east by lands of Joseph Chatman. Levied on as the prop¬ erty of of Superior Mrs. Nancy court Sweringin, ti fa issued by from virtue the one Superior court of said county in favor of Bank of Amerieus against Mrs. Narcy Sweariugin et at. This April 27,1886. J. F. WOODS Sheriff. NOTICE. GEORGIA -Schley county. * LL parties interested are hereby noti- A fled that the appraisers appointed by me to set a mart a years support for Mrs. A. M. Hu dson and her five minor chi 1- dren, out of the estate of J. N. Hudson, lias duly tiled their report in my office and the same will be allowed by me un¬ less objections Witness are tiled hand as now and required seal of office. by law. This Anril 29t)i, my Imi. apr29-6vv. T. J . DOZIER, Ordinary. notice. GEORGIA— Schley county. A LL tied parties interested appraisers are appointed hereby noti- by xjl that the me to set apart a years support for Mrs.O. C. Mvrick, out of the estate N.W.Myrick has duly the filed will their be report allowed in bv my office and same me un¬ less olijectione are filed as now and required of bylaw. Witness my hand seal office. This April 28th, 1886. apr29-0w. T. J. DOZIER, Ordinary. Application—Letter’s Administration. GEORGIA— Schley county. • To all Whom it May Concern. Mri Whereas, M^^ha^fivin's no one having applied eou*ntv to me e t lateof°'Iaid deceased y These are therefore to cite and admon- ish all parties interested, whether kin- dred or creditors, to show cause 00 or before the Mav term of court to be held on the first Monday letters in May should next, and be granted show cause J. why N. Cheney Clerk Superior not to court. Witness my hand and official signature this, 30th day of March 1888. T. J. DOZIER, Ordinary. DIXON BROTHERS, Dry Gunds, Groceries, Provisions, Clothing, Boots, Shoes . Crockery, Hardware and Furniture. 3 IW Your (Cannes?? ISABnONES’lsSSEaS |ia« SERMONS. I AQENTS WANTED, nouncInKpIrateedltfons. Addrra Hi. Jones' pub- tiskers, UUSRON * aiOWE, Cincinnati, O. " i in nvesesB&EaS I J&gfeijK DR. SCOTT, 842 Broadway, NEW YORK. i m it 1111 ! 1 i K LV WILLIAMS i WEAVER, DEALERS IN FAMILY AND FANCY GROCERIES, Hardware, Glassware, Confectionies, Tinware, Crockery, Sugar, Woodware, Country syrup, Cpffee, Domestics, Meat, Cigars, Stationery, Flour, Tobacco and a general line of Shoes, at prices that defy competition. We insist that you give us a trial. Remember the place New Store under Murray’s Hall. Williams & Weaver. PIANOS am) ORGANS. JAS. FRICKER & BRO. PROPRITORSS OF THE SOUTHWEST GEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE are selling Pianos and Organs for CASH or on Installment plan, cheaper chan any other house in the country. To verify the above all you have to do is call and examine their stock, or w rite for catalogue and prices. One reason they sell cheaper than some houses, is this, they don’t throw ’ip any thing with an Instrument. A h mdsome stool and scarf goes with each Piano and a Stool and Instruction Book with each Organ, and 110 th- ing else. You pay for what you buy, but nothing more. They give vou a home guarantee for live yetrs.and will deliver an Instrument in your bouse if it is not convenient for you to send after it. They have a very handsome delivery wagon built especially for this purpose. Write for prices and terms to James Fricker & BRO., Amerieus, Ga. I ■j&.am.eric-CLS, G-a.. THE MOST COMPLETE FURNITURE HOUSE IN SOUTHWEST GA. I DEFY COMPETITION. I have a complete stock of every kind of furni¬ ture; such as fine parlor sets, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads of every description and prices to correspond. 1 cannot be excelled in quality of goods and prices anywhere. There is nothing about your house in the way of furniture that I cannot furnish. I have all sorts and Tiatter my¬ self that I can suit you, if you will give me a Trial, ([all and examine my stock. To those who have or are about to get married and will want to furnish their houses, I insist that you give rue trial. A nice line of Silver Plated and Crockery ware; also a nice line of clocks and lamp goods at prices that defy competition. D. B. HILL, AMERICUS, G A December 24th, 1885. • .