Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, May 27, 1886, Image 2

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THE ENTERPRISE. ELLAVILLK, (>A„ MAY 27,18*0. A. .?. IIaki*, Editor and Proprietor. ■■ ' CUn. Gordon Our Candidate For tint entor. Since Judge Simmons inis with¬ drawn from the Gubernatorial race we have been very slow in making another choice. There are now, hut two to choose from. In making this choice we have tried to exercise that wisdom and forethought becoming the most prudent. We have not been hasty, and no paper should he. Our reasons for selecting General Gordon, are that wo have it perfect rigid to exercise our franchise in any way we choose, and Jet every man do the same. We never fall out with any one for voting as they plyase, nnti tins is "hat we expect to do in voting tor General Gordon, All reasonable men ol fair principles reserve to themseiv es the unquestionable rigid to make their own choice. W e are aware that " e differ with a great many of our readers who are personal and warm friends to the Enterprise, yet we can’t believe they are too hide¬ bound, not to accord to us the priv¬ ilege to vote and use our influence for our choice. While we advocate Uon. Gordon, it is not our purpose to east a slur upon the enviable rec¬ ord Major Rayon has made for himself in the General Assembly of the state of Georgia. General Gordon had the confi¬ dence and esteem of an admiring people, during the war. Whenever duty called, he never faltered; no Georgian ever acquitted himself with more credit. If Georgia was called on today for the best general oil her soil, she could point with t a- triotic pride to her Gordon, wit owe name and fame are not bounded by his native state, for it is national, yea, more; we can safely say that his name is not bounded by North or South America, for he is known and admired across tiie waters. He be faced death for his native state on a hundred battle fields and after the struggle had ceased, returned to Georgia and shared in her troub¬ les and sorrows, in her darkest hours and done to redeem her, and when called on by Ids na¬ tive state to stand by her in the national counsels, he yielded to iter call, and there, as inbat'.le, honored the soil that gave him birth. Shall Georgia now refuse to trust tier il¬ lustrious son sit the head of iter sU^u affairs? No, we repeat with emphasis, no. Let Georgia crown her son, for in the future as in the past honors await her in the direc¬ tion and guidance of her affairs. Georgia trusted him to represent her in the national legislature, shall she not trust him again ? If he had resgined his Seat in the senate be¬ fore the South had been redeemed M e could complain, but lie did not. His reasons for resigning as he told them to us were good, or at least we so regarded them. He was grow¬ ing poqr on a salary of $t>oou.oo, when his own expenses were $3000.01) a year. Why was be growing poor¬ er? We had it from his own lips th.U while he got $0000.00 a year, his private expenses were $3000.00 lie was growing poorer every day. Why nil this? Why had he to meet $10,000.00 instead of $3000.00. Here are his own words as near as we can give them: while hi* was in the senate he was implored by old sol¬ diers who were maimed for life, for aid to secure a position by. which they could make an honest living. These appeals came from every Southern state, and often they came in person to see hhv\ having, in a great number of cases, just pnough money to get to Washing¬ ton on, hoping to get a position from which they could obtain a liv¬ ing. Kucb was the feeling toward the South but few Southern men yould get positions. There th«y were in Washington without mon¬ ey and no way of making it. How were thw*' »r«*t away ? Of course their old General had to help them. This is why his expenses were great¬ er than his salary. lie told us that Gordon yvas not afraid to face his record in public or private life. We thought we would wait ’till Gordon and Bacon came to our town, but we see (hat they have quit their joint discussions, which we think is wise, and hence we are free to ex¬ press ourself. With (Jordon for Governor and Crisp for Congress, we fling our colors to the breeze They may have faults, so have all Vim wi.l vote for, or against them. If we judge the future by the past \ve will never lie ashamed to say that we supported Gordon for Gov¬ ernor and Crisp for Congress. One of Emanuel county’s citizens m.trt ied his third wife before lie ■was 21 years old. Another one married his third wife, she sister to Ills two former wives, and tiie last two having been wives his brothers (both of them having died4, and what is stranger still, lie was the husband of all three inside pr eigteen months. They were all tjiMtvrs too. |{<>ply io Out* Who Wu* Tliert*. IWn.llr »«,..« M** .......«• «• has road tlHoeonuuunication put,- I lushed in the Kustuuui limen &nn Sumter Republican under the non- (U . p | llim * of ‘'one who was there” in '"•Kurd to Chas, F. Crisp being one of the leading spirits at the meeting at l)r. Carters, ’ deponent 1 was ON K Wlio WAS THEBE also and i this • i nmicnt l savs under oath that ‘ I ion "I Chits. 1’. Crisp was not at snitl meet- ing also that there was no negro , candidate at that election for sheriff, j corner, or surveyor, i Sworn to and subscribed belore UH . i this the 2Glh May 1HSG. ,j, jj. Chunky, f K. C. Mkadows. ( Clerk S. S. C. Gkoiuha, Schi.kv ('ounty. j We the undersigned citizens of I said county, do hereby certify that I we u"e well acquainted with R. C. ; i y] eut j ow . s and that he is a man of unquestionable veracity and that we tlmt C. F. Crisp has always j )een loyal the Democratic party S() p, ir as charge that he ev- j or belonged to a Loyal League, it is utterly false and we fully indorse him aw a man of unquestionable fi¬ delity to the Democratic party, as will be seen by the overwhelming majority that will be cast for him in this county. C. R. McCrory, Attorney at law, C. 1,. Battle, Mayor, T. J. Ilixon, J.P., W. H. McCrory, Attorney at law, A. J. Harp, Pub. of Enterprise, J. N. Cheney, Clerk Superior court, I. N. Mott, Attorney at law, J F Woods, Sheriff, II T Arrington, Claude Dixon, J S Dudley, \V I > Sears, .1 F Hudson, J B Benson, J A Cox, T J Pilcher, j Wm Allen, E A Dixon, ^ \y Cockrell, G B Weaver, B A Strange W J Allen, {.; strange, A Allen, Z T Anglin, G W Uhipley, E Dixon, C L Peacock. We have only time to reply in part this week. The name append¬ ed above were gotten it)) in less than 31) minutes. R. <’. Meadows bus held tiie office of sheriff of Schley county. 500name* could have been procured if we could have had more time. General Gordon and the Augusta, Meeiiug. The flagrant outrage coinmittoil on General Gordon in Augusta bus made him thousands of votes in Georgia, and his organs in Augusta are trying to break the force of it by evasive denials. There is no getting around the facts. General Gordon was invited to Augusta by a gentleman to make a speech. He had a right to expect decorous treatment. Instead of tins he was hissed as he made his way to the stage. His manly presence, ids chivulrie bearing, the scar on Lis face—none of these restrained the insult, and tiie hisses continued as lie entered the hall he had been in¬ vited to speak in. Colonel C. C. Jones, an illustrations and stai. less gentleman, was hissed when lie stood up * to introduce General Gor- (ton. During* his . speech Geuor*il ........... hi.»<l,je,r«I,,i™oune- ed, hooted at, his voice drowned, and every noise that the ingenuity of the crowd could suggest was mode that mac bo ne nugin mio-lit not nnt h« be heard. ho-iwl Even bis iodomituble courage yield- ..............persistant howling, and he ceased all effort to continue Itisspeech furthur. Twice thirl,it, tile evening Major Black, who intro- duced Major Bacon, rose and begged quiet^—once rebuking the men who were insulting (jenertil (liirdun. These are the facts, and no evas- >ve l, i general i ih i .. nntl • , will wipe ■ them .i out. We know that the good people* of Augusta do not endorse this treat- inent . of , a gentleman ,, who came to their city under invitation, and who was, in a certain sense, their guest. We have abundant evidence that lliey disapprove of the'treatment General Gordon received, and do not hesitate to express their disap¬ proval. It will be a sad day for «™*l» proceedings do not meet with the prompt and emphatic disapproval of tiie good people of either side in the contest in which they are used. There is nothing in Gordon’s lite that excus- es any such an indignity being put on him—much that makes it especi¬ ally outrageous. Let it be rein e in - beivd that the friends of Major Ha- con met in mas* meeting at Clara hall a short while before the regular meeting, where “thev had a lively time a Fro.n Clttr« hall they went t() the meeting at the opera house. Jt mHy be thut tht . powerof « lhe lo . local bosses” in Augusta is such that they will throttle any attempt to i*x- press disapproval of this outrage in Augusta. \Ve doubt this, for there [ are hundreds of manly men in Au- gusta whose mouthscapnot be 1,ush- ed by “the bosses.” In any event, it will be heard from in other towns and cities of the state, who love fair play, free speech aud who honor John B. Gordon—Daily Constitution. i ] Onpt. Bill Allen at Carter’s, will cell you anything in his line as cheap as the cheapest. V*.• '^!k ’1 )'ncOl v'*y V« ffi *sse ^ VsS* - '* '** Blood Sprinkled Banner. original OUJ wliatis that banner so glorious and bright? That ao gracefully waves o'er the earth’s wide aonunanH, ( ir>miii«nn A D*»to sum unils It of la uvonly , light. , And a cloud of bright glory waves o’er . ^ its pinion, Uil , tH scutehcon sofatras it floats in the air, See ! in letters of lightning “free grace” thm.p ’ ’it* the blood i, . sprinkled , .. .. banner, which ... ever slialPwnve, It • v fsliiloh, anointed to conquer and sat e. O, snv whence it corneth that bunner so grand, r Plinl tells a lost world of Shiloh’s glad mission, ’’l' was unfurled totbebreeze, at the Savi¬ ours command, When He gave His Apostles this glorious commission, “Go out in the earth,” go tell of my birth. M > sufferings and sorrows my triumph o’er death, Oo <?»rrv this banner over all let it ware “A ml lo’ I am with you” toeonquer and w;i ' e - A „,1 years have gone bye, since this ray tilazoned forth, Unfoiding to earth the bright prospect of y-ljjj.y. And millions have testee its power and truth, Aiul triumphantby died in belief of its story, And the bond and fee,now exultingly see, Tiie truth of “his finised” on sad eal vary, And the blood sprinkled banner triumph ant still wu' on, A nointed by Shiloh toeonquer anil save. And ■where is that hand of Apostles so true? Who followed ‘‘The Master” through much tribulation, >; <> sorrow and sullering and poverty knew, And sealed with their life blood the truth of salvation, They gloried in shame for Jesus name, .Vnd went shouting to glory through tor¬ ture and flame, lint the blood sprinkled banner in tri¬ umph still waves, 1 iy sbiloli anointed to conquer anil sa ve. l in n blest bo that banner O God i let it wave, “ Affording the humble and helpless pro¬ tection, Waving o’er us we triumph o‘er sin and jgrave, And witness the truth of Our Lord's resurrection, O, let “Free Grace” abound till the saints under ground Shall start into life at die last trumpets sound, On the rampants of Glory, then grandly shall wave, The blood sprinkled banner that has conquered to save. Ulko. N! v r riK llAitTaml J R i Petition and 1{ KspAfis, Adm’rs., vs i Rulo Nisi to X U Wiooins and J8 ( foreclose on >rt- At.i.nts. Sept. Term i gage, Schroy Su;.erior court 1.SS5. It appearing Mrs Mattie to the Hart court Adniinistrator by the peti- t ion of , ,{• Isaac Hart late Wiggins'®!’ of Schley county, said de- ceased that Amos eoun- tv of Seblc.v and John s Allnms of the anifdo- l i verod to Daniel F. Hart, a mortgage on n <u ■rtain tract of land lying in 30th Dis- taiet of Schley west co., half known of lot in No the 173, plan south of liisstrict as I ialf of lot No 174, whole of lots Nos 17<>, 17s, 179 anil 1KJ6. containing one thousand twelve and one half acres more or loss, to the said grave yard for the pur- promissorynotesofsamodate^ith pose of securing the payment of six mort- piiynble oiie for ten to bales the said of good !> r middli jlnrt or barer ig for thirty balesof cotton same as above N ^‘>i^slf Nov it isvS5, to be paid inUolambus, said Ga,, anil appearing ^*„\ that cotton was rea- nblv wort ii at the place and time np- ?£j5fflTriSSi&l8S^ pointed foritsdeliverrvthnsiun of sixty ?SS said Amos F Wiggins and j SAllums t Ijoveofoi te pay theialue tboreot or any ^-duc of sunT'lf is 'then ordered that the said AmosF oiggins and Jolin StlS “..‘St.™” court the principal and insterost due on .-sniil notes and costs in the suitor in detaulted thereof the court will proceed an to justice orderedthat shall appertain tins rule be and served it is fur- 1 lltr as provided by law. J. Allion 8. b out, \v. c. (’. s. Mattie Habt and J t Forcloso niort- lt Kkspash, Adm’rs., I gage. Schley 8n- Is\ac Hart, Wiooins, vs | Rule pc lor Nisi,March court aud tSi-liiev Amos F of co. John 8) Term 1886. A r.i.u*i*. It being of the made defendauts to appear to the Allums court that one John 8 lias not boon served with a copy of the rule nisi in above stated ease and it furt h- ffSSViS i-t therefore ordered that said case bo con¬ tinued till the next Term of this court and that service Alluois be by perfected publication on the of said the John 8. saiil nisi in the Schley County Enter¬ prise, once a month four months inirno- <1 iutoly proceeding March the next term of this couri. This '-’6tli 18815. Ali.fh Fort, J. 8. C. S. \V. C. ItiiTT* I-"MPKIN, Guunnv A Son and W. II. McUiMBY, from Plaintiff'attorney’s. minutes, Mav A true extract 1 th 1-80. J. N, CHe n j.v. 'dork. rr Tt ** HARRIS'* I m f Inuro skillful diseases, physicians, bafflinp resof i . or.dove, brainjiork.^Bo J tot idea temporize lurk in v j A S^ilcal Cure cu viler tcm. by enen Avoid pretentious b«irg r,r claims there of, ■, FOR i imponiaf ro^ 8 «d SFEiumi Yiltc taking: .rn a remedy treatment that eiscwiiors. has before cured j •A.1TD thousands, and does not in- 1MP0TENCY. terfere with attention to bust- toss vcniciiuo. or cause Founded pain or incoa* sci« on J8£Sr*Tested fopovop6 pntlflo medical principles. i ysars y use in tliou- tion. Growing Direct ia favor application :uid reputa¬ thj . r*> Glands of cases. scat of disease makes it* spe* cifio influence tsl t without j delay. The nntur irul fane- a tions of the humai nan organ* ji ,.\ animating Hm arc resto cle red. ments The ol Wk ** PAC5KACF.. Y3IAL ! Q u Ii.'e which have been wasted nro given back. •3*'. H|j cheerful The patient and becomes gaiua SEND ADDRESS Wy strength rapidly. fiASlRIS REMEDY CO., MTg Chemist*. tm% North tilth St.., St. r.onls, Mo. Uhc Month’s T reatweht, $3 j 2 months,$5; 3 months, $1 | IS ICH1.EV M'l'KltloK ( UI'IU' MARCH ; <«. 1 „ Massuy. Transferee,i Hole Nisi ■ ll'K,5'if i\ »K.................. . mortgage. i"rassasrax......«".*■»■•■ county did oxicuto to s<ii»i nluniin* iltt'ii ^VjVluo “»•>« Oottott,.< n«to for one re'aiior ““f t7. en ,.ovu!,|, Ibis »r^o 0f ^ r, X. 0r pavuHHn ' H of K * muiii, did upon the Ham.' day execute and deliver t<> saiil ! Hank their certain mortgage deoil uimn i i ho east aide of lot of land No. :M»th (IM) Hist, one of | lu ,idrod and lifti -four in Sehloy county containing 125 one liun- drod and twenty-live acres more or less said'mortgage ^j'SV'.KdngTlmi the 1 u^Gs *13 flue ftui sum of. o.oi> i one hundred and thirty dollars and ( :,-:! 0 . 0 U) thirty dollars interest and ($13.00) tliir- teen dollars attorneys fees. Wherefore it j H or ,iored that tiio said defendants do pay into court by 1 st day of t!io it next term hex or show cause to the contrary any l j have why the principal interest and at- lorneys foes and in default thereof the equity of redemption in and to this mortgage property " ill forever bo fore¬ closed and barred. It is furthur ordered that this rule be published once month for four months before next term of this court ed by in law. thotiumter Kepuhlicai Term 1*85. as requir¬ Allk.n September four, J.S. S. W.C. It appearing to the court this rule li es I not been served by publication as requir- Using the of Schley the county is now published in County in Ksteupbisk a newspaper It is ordered published by the court Schley that county. service of this rule be porfeted bv publieaiion in term of this court. March Term 18H0. Ali,en Fort, J. 8 . C. S. \V. ft. A true extract from the minutes, May Gth, 1880. J.N.t iienlx, t luk. YVIu.l hivcHligi,lion and Agila- lion have (loe.e in Ihc il l*. Sciences a ml in Mechanics, they are doing in Life I nsii rn nee. THE NEW IS TAKJNd TIIE Place of the Old. A SAVING ol FIFTY par cent, and an INCREASE in security ct ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY per eeut. : s effected by tak¬ ing a policy in the Fidelity Mutual Life jhiciation ) or PHI!, 1UM.1*511 A, in place of a policy on the old level premium system. Twelve millions of insurance; Five thousand members; Eight years’experience; Guaranteed and incontestable policies; Cash assets and indemnity reserve of $250,000; Expenses limited by contract; Mor¬ tality funds handled exclusively by must Co.; Four fixed payments a year—on o for expenses and three tor mortality; The lowest death rate of any tale Company in America ; ;!sl ‘ surrender , values \ or policies ... rendered self-sustaining at end of 11 life re expectation, ex,mention • (saving 8 ,vino of of oO pet ,.er cent in cost of insurance and abso- * , ll *- e secuiitj, ......, are points . . to . which . , . . we call special attention. The business of tin* Fidelty is twice ns much as it was in 1884, and the death , ,, l.itc , is .__. not any . larger now, in proportion to the amount atrisk, than . . Ex-Governoi i,.,, “ was nve years ago. Hartrant, of I’ennsyvauia, isorgan- a Mutual Company in I>hila- delaphia, and is consulting L. G Fouse, President of the Fidelty, as to the best practicable methods, in order to conform to the advanced ideas of assessment insurance, as expounded by him to the National Convention. Sola bene: If the recent expulsion of the At¬ lanta Home Fire Insurance Com¬ pany by t he foreign companies from the Association of Fire Under-writ¬ ers, remits in a cutting of rates and saving to Atlanta of $125,000. I can demonstrate that I can save even more per annum to the overburden¬ ed policy holders in the Fidelity, and give them bet ter security. Send your age and address for estimate to P. YV. DOUGLAS, Manager, 21 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga. or 8. M. McCRORY, Agent, Oglethorpe, Ga. Mil WORK AND PLASTiNG. 1 have had an experience of six years. Work guaranted, and on reasonable terms. Address. J.A. Langlev, Ellaville, Georgia. __ I DH 1 I\ { 1 Qb’ I Send six cents for post¬ il 1 J i. age, and received free, a costly box of goods right which will help you to more money away than anything else in this world. All of either sex. suc¬ ceed from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, abso¬ lutely sure. At once address. True & i 'o., Augusta, Maine. 44th YfcAR. _ The Great Farm, Industrial and Stock Periodical of the South. It embraool in Its constituency the intelligent, progressive and Hubstfi n tiftlly success I ill tariu- erg of tlm South, nnd as HD advertising Stock medium Raiser lor the Merchant. Manufartnrer, ami Prolc-sinnal Man. is ahso}.vtki,yi;nei1Vai.i.ed £pnce iudicio'jsiy neratl employed itt its columns IS M- y ayfi rem a Ve . Advertisements, ... * per line, ou. on - - - - Subscription, per annum, - - - fl.oO. Address, CULTlV A T OR PU3. CO , j*. 0. Drawer -S. ATLANTA,UA. Die Franklin Publishing House Iti (lie Hoo'a m»d Job Printing, Blank (look and Efectrotyplug liouke in t!ie 4ouUi. CONSULT U 5 SiFORE PLACING ORDERS. J,\S. P. HASRI80*! & CO., U <o. ’(V. II un:'..,v. I « it ’A W. Alahnina St , I. ft; •* ! J. A i li V N l A . (i A* II 1 illl ! The Ellaville DRUG STORK i„ the place to get PUB* , IJKUU», JIEDR INES, SO’'A, CHEAM TARTAR AND FAMILY MEDICINE; . PATENT MEDICINES, | NOTIONS, j PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, LAMP GOODS or any other article usually kept in a drug store. Du. C. II. Smith, EJaville, Ga. p p( . s j or Rjo tTsio 11 il 1 Services Plain Gold Filling $ 2 00 . Large and difficult tilling 3 00 tc $10 00. Silver and other cheap tilling Killing and Filling 1 00 to 3 00. Nerve Roots, each 1 00 . Extracting Single Tooth 1 00. After the first, each 50c. Fnil Upper or Lower Set Teeth 15 00. Better Set Warranted 20 00 . Gums, < 'leaningor aiiil Regulating Teeth Treating other necessary operations will he charged for according to the time and trouble necessary to perform them. W. 1*. BURT, Americas, Ga. O’TIT ’pt'or working people Send 10 cents postage, and we will mail you frf.k, a royal, valu¬ able in sample tiie box of goods that will put you way of making more money in a few days than you over thought pos- | sihle at any business. Capitol not re¬ quired. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes, of all ages grandly sue- cessfui, 50 cents to 5 easily, earned" every evening. That all who want work may trsi the business we make tiiis unparal¬ leled oiler. To all who are not well satis¬ fied we will send $1 to patyo for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions,etc., sen; free. Immense pay- absolute sure for all who start at onee- Dnn’t delay. Address Stinson A Co. Port land, Maine. THE ARMNSAW TRAVELER 11 th^humorou.-jonhds“ lai ° f,ll ‘ q Oj 1 xq OUiUIillla ii r-»n Of the choicest Original nod Selected matter every week. 1>RlcE $; > A YEAH, POST-PAID, ..... address. cmv SM LC1AL , m G1 r LK. By special arrangement with the pub- of this is pai 1 mr, Tin; Ahkansaw bntIbpmws will >8 clubbed with the for $2.75 thus affording an opportunity little than to secure the both papers for rareotfor. more Take price of one. This Is . it Sample copies advantage of it at once. of The Ahkansaw Traveler will bo mailed on application. large ®'7?’We also furn sh the two ami splendid Colored Engravings A»«**«* Tbavklko” “The Turn OF THE Tunf ” Winch, together with the original story ed to any address on receipt of 40cts; postage stamps given taken. These pictures are mailed,post-paid,only not as premiums, receipt but arc on of price A ddress READ & BENHAM, Publishers, Little Rock Ark. ©OAjj <£)4UU,UUU8end OAAin presents us 5 cents given postage, away. and by mail you will get free a package of goods of large value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you m money. All about the $200,000 in pres¬ ents work, that with each box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. For¬ tunes for all wic kers absolutely* assured. Don’t delay. I1.1iallkt& Co., Portland Maine. ianlTlv tiii; . Miieiw Recorder, Published ill A meric us, (Ja. —IS THE— HUGEST UEEKLV PIPER IS SOITIIWEST (iEI)ll(ll l, Giving and a complete besides synopsis of the news markets, a large amount of miscellaneous reading, and an illustrated serial story each week. It is handsomely printed on large clear type and runs from 8 TO Id PAGES!! Its Annual Gift Distributions are grow¬ ing more popular each year, and this year 300 ULliillLE PRESBKTS 1 will be distributed among its advance paying subscribers, some of the presents at Fifty being Dollars. estimated Subscription Brice, - - #2 .00 per year, which entitles tiie subscriber to a ticket in the Distribution. Send money in Re^’istorod Iiotfor or Postal Note, to w. L. GLE8SNER, Amorimis, (in. Si. IT’Send for Specimen copy and List of I PrcsontH in Listrilauion. WIN s at anything else by book out Beginners succ 1!. STRAtiGE, “THE GROCER.” Ellsu^rille, Greonrg'ia.. With full line in stock and ready to compete wu. ml "Country Merchants.” STOCK OF MEAT, CORN, OATS, FLOUR, HAM’S WITH COOKING STOVES TO WARM TIIE SAUCE.’ Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Griis, Cheese, Mackerel and lard Sufficient to supply the general trade, and a full lino ‘THE LAST NEEDFUL’ BURIAL CASKETS, COFFINS. JOHN E. HALL. ;\| t||<‘ 0|(l Woodeil Dl'IIg StOTC, near m file 1 Po*<| 1 S Office * ItKIi* AlPni'^ivi* *NES C HEfTIICALS, Fine Toilcl Soi.p*, «, „„hes, Coiubs, dec. ,*»...»» , a.,. PEliFI MY IMS F IAT! TOILET ARTICLES, IN GKK T VARIETY. * bysii ian's Prescription Accurately C No v liquors i or intoxicating drinks sold mnoundetl mpounueu. WESTON iCADEMl. Located at Weston, Webster County,Georgia, is an Institution noted for and piTtrmnce, healthy situtation and sound morality. No country village community stands higher in these respects. For the 1880 this Insti¬ tution will i.e in of the undersigned, aid. d by a competent Female Assis¬ tant, if necessary. The Spring Term wi i open on the 2nd Monday in January and continue 24 weeks. The Fall Term will continue 16 RATES OF TUITION PER MONTH. Arithmetic 1st Spelling, Reading and Mental Arithmetic, $1.50. 2nd. Geography Branches, Latin and English Grammer, $2.00, 3rd. All higher English and Greek, $3.00. Instruction in music $3.00 per month. INCIDENTAL FEE PER TERM 25 CENTS. To leim, A ,!n 8 ivooRKi except cases vnlb ot 5 clla paotacted fK e , d ^ rom sickness. , theti, “ e th *>V enter School to the end of the Board in good families at $8.00 per month. For five days in the $5.00. week, TuZ U fi!« end oTthe Tinr ,flr,n l ° th ° D1S " ipHne ° f lhe Sch0<>1 \\. M. HOWELL, Principal. December 15th, 1885. *5 fit ■ > m yn /•'A K: , i i i m mm ■d*-^ 5 *** APfeNaSr ‘¥ l v V/ LIlliHflL Kg I, 'J MAKE r ”, NSW, EICK TTieno BLOOD. J eelteve pms wore a wonderful discovery. Wo otherB like them in tiie world. Will positively an manner of diaeaso. Thu information nround oaoh box ia worth lea times the cost of » “*'„, SheTffian-s ionnTtr,,.;:' ----- S If 8 - --~ ■ If “w i woru?’a < of|gfB ! $ I W ITS «r”Qsi is , iuid 1 po I IMS“11Sfl 7* ii iRL lei m J 1