Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, August 19, 1886, Image 3

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THE enterprise. KlJiAVHiM* (iA.. AUGUST in, IMHO. , * Ilate* „p HultMuriptlon. - $1.00 75 voi-'P' throe muntUH. - - 45 5 _ Kales nvln^_ imu 1 2 mu I ■' nio I 0 mo 1 12 mo 1» i !? ’"5 0 25 7 60 M 50 j 13 1200 ’ 8 50 ss 55 I I 5 , :tr> oo fio oo 7f ’ cot. ai "" ciiimrHES. M. K. CHURCH, SOUTH, tinirevorv slnidav second Sunday 11 a in «"d y i at 0 a School in l>r. every H. Smith Sun- lVavei- iu r Thursday meeting every J.t.howe,pastor. baptist chubch. Meeting every fourth Sunday 11 a m I -i ,, mi coilfevonce meeting Sa.ui- holoro 11 ft hi. J. 11. Sunday Cawood, 3 pastor. m School every p W. D. Sears, Supt. superior Court convenes 4th Mondav "larch B. uid Hudson, September. Sol. Gen. Allen Fort, c. COUNTY OFFICERS. TaxKkov^’'S.M Collector " fTtionitoi,, < Kelley, Tax (’. R. Tondee • • sr, Treasurer m'm A Cot' n n" > I K io Dixon, N K ks' A Kobt M Caskey, Patton, Fl Peacock, P ' t'leghorn, clerk of board. \V U County Board ot Education. C \. Taylor, President, Dr. C. H. L,it]i County School Commissioner and L-retarv of the and board. R. M. Rainy A. members Murray, j (f ■]■. board. Murphy City Officer*. fobt CL Battle, Mayor, Burton, B A Strange, Murphy, .X. Cheney. • K M 0 Murray. COUNC1LMEN. W II McCrory, Recorder, j M Tbrontori, Treas. Marshal. Claud Dixon 882nd DistG M. II H Singletary, j p ad T II Wilkinson, Not Public and ex¬ fticio .1 P court 4th Saturday in each Mist,' J H Bivins, Not court Public 1st ex-office Satnr- P and T J Mixon,JP iv in each month. Not. Pub. . , idiith List <; M, M W Snider J V id ex-offieo 2nd Saturday .1 P, and in each S Murray, mouth. urt V Not. Pub- 7s,III Dist G il, M Rainey J P id ex-officio J Funds T Harper month. nii't 3rd Saturday in each C. R. fflcCRORY, I- TTOBHEY -A-T LAW. Ellaville, Ga. For $30.00 or under $3; from $30 ten per cent.; over Collections, $500, seven per No liarges unless are fede. Office at court house. W, H. McCRORY, TTOEFTBY AT LAW. Ellaville, Ga. i e. 7ill npter, Special pratice Macon, in attention the Marion counties given and Chattahoo- of to Schley, collec- j of claims. Office in court House. J. II. VILLMIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. [state and Banking Apni i ELLAVILLE, GEORGIA. attention given to all business him. No charges unless col- are made. Special attention to selling renting, and leasing real and collecting rents. B, H. Wilkinson, pTOK.isriErz' law. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. ■e will attend promptly to all legal “ness i entrusted to him'. Money cal- P ( i will he immediately remitted. ricE—Lamar [ding, Peoples’ National Bank Lama Street. I. N. MOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KLLAVILLE, GEORGIA. ■FICE-In Court House. Ina Vista and Ellaville R, R, ! after 15th June, trains on the n s Vista ami Kllaville Railroad will N follows: ss Buena OOJNO HAST. 0 Vista X a. in. Putnam ..... m [(' pat Ellaville C. (i ^ it h LaOrosse............ Ellaville 10:30 “ jo re at Anderson. 11:30 11 (i “ l doing west. Anderson 2:50 p m EsCrosso 3;15 pm B' At EUaville . 3:40 pm t Jo I ntnaiii Buena 4:10 pm at Vista 4:40 pm. 'kina connections at Anderson with U on the South Western Railroad go- east and west. H. W. COCKRELL, Superintendent, I 'll IMA It KITS. B.:\il ■lgc. Grocery market by B. A. m - per pound 14 to 16 per pound . 15 to 20 Hr ■>' Per bushel 75 to 85c per i)l>l to ■ s . per pou n rt 13 Me ■ ■, - 1"T pound 5 % to 6K per pound ■’ per bushel *5 p 'Oiui 4 to 5 K to 11 : y, Lnerpound is to 25 rogina P«' pound per sack 8 5°$ I" per galon - 8 to 6. |co, |ar, per per p galon 0 , ln (] 8 g S l n g Per vard . . 40 to 50 fc>er,bundle 13.»o P n K, peryard 6% to 750 ■ffif, ■sties, per yard - tuVki "WltW •- ■- si. ..oo 15 to (ol20 The Citizens of Schley, Min ion and Macon counties Who visit Americas, will consult their interest by ( ailing no THORNTON WHEATLEY. The leading Dry Goods and Clothing merchant his two large stores corner Forsyth St., and Public square, is the a knowledgcd headquarters 1 for Dry J Goods, 1 Clothing, Ol Shoes andllats. Gents furnishing » goods. » The stock is one ofthe hugest r> in the state. Our motto is BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES, P olitc attention and square dealing to all. TERMS CASH or approved credit. Respectfully solicit your Patronage, I remain Yours truly, THORTON WHEATLEY. 1 * * 5 ^rwl e; , Hot! ] The camp meeting was well at- ended. Old sol has been putting in some nice work recently, A Mr. Partridge of Fla., reports the death of a Mr. Bird. We hope the excessively hot weather will soon adjourn sine die. There was a nice rain between here and the camp ground last Mon¬ day evening. The one sending us the largest watermelon will be entitled to the Enterprise one year. If you want something delicious, call and try some of Williams & Weaver’s fresh candies. The social gethering at Mrs. II. S. Davis was greatly enjoyed by all who attended last Wednesday eve, “Those who use our goods are very much attached to them,” is what a porous-plaster company ad¬ vertises. A lawyer in our town arose to ad¬ dress the chairman of the mass meeting last Saturday, and did so by saying “may it please the court.” A gentleman told us last Monday that the Revs. J. O, A. Clark and J. O. A. Cook both prominent Metho¬ dist ministers and wives have the same initials. In another column will be found the announcement of M.B. Dunn for tax collector. Mr. Dunn requests us to state ho is getting old and feeble has a large family of girl children, has lived in Schley before the coun¬ ty was made and has never asked the citizens of Schley before and will be very grateful for their sup¬ port. A man living in the vicinity of Ebenezer church went to church with his wife one night last week, but sat in his buggy during service under the following circumstances: When he left home he asked his wife to bring him his coat. She brought her shawl and'neither no¬ ticed the mistake until they reached the church. The meeting closed at Ebenezer last Saturday night with 17 acces¬ sions 15 by experience and baptism and two by restoration. We were at the meeting a portion of the time and regard it as a very good meeting, Pastor Waters was aided by Rev. Jesse 8tallens preaching two ser¬ mons and Rev. G. W. Weekly one. This is an excellent community. A young blacksmith wrote his ad¬ vertisement, stating that all orders in this business would be promptly executed. By mistake, it was printed, “All others in this business will be promptly executed.” An old blacksmith, on seeing the notice threw up his hands and exclaimed, “Has it come to this, after thirty years of tiresome toil? Law, me! Well, well!” At Home, Aug., 10th, 1886. Mr.EniTOR:— Having entered the field as a candidate for the legisla¬ ture,and my time being so complete¬ ly occupied by professional duties as to prevent my seeing the voters in distant parts of the county, I with your permission take this method of soliciting their support. While it would be pleasant to meet every man in person, I cannot do j so without neglecting those I am called to serve, “Duty before pleasure has ever been” and still shall be my motto. Very Respectfully, J. R. Mu Michael. Millions of osnnny Non Hi" Free. Send in your names at once for ! sample copies and Premium Lists of the Sunny South in its new and enlarged form, to he issued about the first of September. It will be in advance of anything yet attempted in American journalism, and the Southern people will he proud of it as a Southern enterprise. With only one exception it will be tho lar¬ gest 8-page weekly in the United States, variety and in of mechanical attraction will make-np he far j and ahead of all oU.erp.pers. Let every one name rt ouce, and toose of his neighbors, for sample copies free. Millions of free copies will he sent out from our fast machinery. Ad- reMS Sunny South. Atlanta Ga. , fllDONH Col. J. R. Williams visited Dalton, last week. Tom Nlappy, of LaCross, was In town Wednesday. Mr. E. J. Stokes, of Buena Vista, was in town Wednesday. Mr. W. H. Tondee, of Americus, was in the city this week. Mr. J. O. Wilkinson, of Terrell, is attending the camp meeting. Mrs. Lee McCrory, of Oglethorpe, attended camp meeting this week. Mr. Tom Bridges, of Florida is visiting relatives In Macon county. Miss Lillie Cheney, of LaCross, visited relatives in this place last Friday. G. O. Loving, of Colquit, Ga., is visiting in Schley this week leaves for home to-day. Mr. It. J. Perry, of Americus, passed through the city to the camp meeting Saturday. Mr. C. B. Jones, of Chattahoochee county, visited relatives in the city last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. W. Sears, of Fla., brother of our townsmen Dr. Sears, is visit¬ ing in this place this week. Mr. Z. T. Williams, of Watkins- ville, Oconee county, visited his parents in this county last week. Col. B. H. Wilkinson, of Ameri¬ cus visited friends in EUaville this week and attended the camp meet¬ ing. Mr. W. A. Hudson, son of Solici- i tor General Hudson, who moved to Texas last year has moved hack Georgia. His wife is in Macon quite sick, Mr. Wright Harp (our cousin) living near Garden Valley, Macon county, lost his wife lust week from a long lingering spell of consump¬ tion ; accept our condolence. Ministers attending camp meet-, ing. Revs. P. >S. Twitty, J. O. A Clark, John W. Jordan, Fentress, j Davis, Owins, R. F. Williamson and J. T. Lowe. Also A. H. Ogletree. Mr. J. G. Collins brought the first hale of cotton last Monday, weighed 421 and sold for 10 cents. Mr. H. H. Threlkeld brought the second bale Tuesday, weight 500 brought 8’ 4 cents. Messrs. R. C. Meadows, C. L. Pea¬ cock and E. 8. Baldwin went to the Agricultural Convention atCarters- ville last week returned last Friday. They report a nice time. The spring session for next year will be held in Americus in February. Dr. J. N. Cheney and Sheriff J. F. Woods went to the Congressional Convention at Hawkinsville, last week. The nomination of Hon. C. F. Crisp was a foregone conclusion. He enjoys a fine record and few public men have have risen more ra pidly. He has honored his district and his district in return shows its appreciation by returning him to his seat in congress. The Enter¬ prise congratualates him and the 3rd district. Grand Jury. List Grand Jurors drawn for the September term of Schley Superior Court 1886. Robt. Burton, W. R. McCorkle, G M Greene, N J T Collins, It T Bivins, Glover, F M Devane, L W Dixon, C II Smith, T R Strange, W C Kelley, R F Williamson, IIH Singletary, W A Perry, V H Tondee, 8 J Allen, Chas Womack, G W Tison, Hill, T J Mixon, Lewis P c Livingstone, Eli Stewart, J M Acree, G D Hayes, A T Hart, W J Bridges, C Dixon, HL Jordan, Isaac Hart, G B Weaver. TRAVERSE JURY. List of Traverse Jurors drawn for September term of Schley Superior Court, 1886. N H Goodson, W B Collum, W T Ethridge, J M Collum, J W Dozier, W P Stewart, J W Jordan, T B Barrow, J B McCorkle, •J W Woodall, V A Smith, J W Hern, M W Snider, J B Benson, J L Murray, L E Tondee, McCorkle, R A Goodson, J W J S Womack, It M Mott, Wm Waters, 8 J Rainy, W 'I' Myers, J W Barnes, A B Edge, T J Allen, T II Wilkinson, J A Chapman, Hill, G W Chapman, Arthur G L Massey, Moore Davis, S 1 Tmon, W II Slappy. Heath, 3 » > J A WANTED. 1,000 subscribers for the Enter- PRISE}. Don’t all rush in at once. Give us time to count the money and enroll the names. Oglethorpe Dots. HR PORTE I) BY ROBERT. Robert was sick last week conse¬ quently sent no items. Rob Harvey, of Valdosta and Evan Harvey, of Rnena Vista, have been visiting the family of Mr. Harvey. Mr. Waite our depot agent is quite sick. Eugene Greer returned from Fort Valley Jast week. Mrs Berrien Walker is visiting at Col. Willis. Jim Bush lias returned. Will Gardner and Miss Lizzie Johnson were married at Granger- ville on Thursday night. Prof. Harris returned Monday. Charlie Greer is siek. We guess the readers are aware of the hot weather and won’t expect many items. Items From lame. Lowe, Ga., Aug. 12, 1880. Mr. Editor: —.Since my last we have had lots of hot and dry weath¬ er, and plenty of Hies and gnats, any one wishing to purchase, call round we will sell them so cheap they will think they stole them. In sacred dialeet the heavens are becoming brazen,and the earth iron, so the average farmer is rubbing his scalp, and singing for the welcome rain. Fodder pulling has commenced and is under full headway. 111 the cotton fields the fleecy staple anon peeps fortli from its secret chambers. Who will be the lucky one to sell the first bale cotton in this county. And still peaches 1 and melons are the source of iDUCh comfort iUHi the means of killing ° time. Caterpillars are making their ap- pearance in the cotton fields through Southwest Georgia, but we not heard of many in our county. Sacred institutions are and ever will .... be patronized . . , in . thecomniumty .. so long as dame nature holds in hap- py equilibrium ..... the musculiue .. tin cl , feminine genders and the smiles of the Miss on such occassions make the Masters happy a whole summer week. Mr. J. H. Jackson is now over in Dooly selling his gin attachments and county rights. Miss Jennie Threlkeld is visiting her sister Mrs. W. H. Kleckly. Miss Viola Bell, of Americus, is visiting her cousin Mrs. J. II. Jack- son. L. C. Bell, spent yesterday in Americus, and reports cotton crops very poor along the road, he says some of the cotton is so small that the bumble bee will have to scratch a hole in the ground, and get on his knees to suck the blossom. Plow Boy. NOTICE, To the Patrons ot (he Ellaville Ware¬ house. For the purpose of looking after other business of interest, I have rented my Warehouse to Mr. W. II. Tondee for the present season. Mr. Tondee comes among us with the interest of the planters at heart. He is a man of extended experience, as well as n true and tried gentleman, and I therefore bespeak lie your engaged pat¬ ronage for him. has my services until the 1st of Septem¬ ber, after which time I will have no connection with the business, but when present will do all in my pow¬ er as I have endeavored to do in the past, to accommodate and assit you. Thanking for liberal you your I patronage, and confidence in me trust that you will continue to pat¬ ronize your own town and ere long by uniting and co-operating we will have a market at our own door which will compete with any in Southwest Georgia. Respectfully, W. I). Murray. BRICK WORK UNO PLOTS, 1 have had an experience of six years. Work guarantee!, and on reasonable terms. Address, J. A. Langley, EUaville, Georgia. SOUTHERN FEMALE COLLEGE LA CRANCE, CEORCIA. The College of Letters, Music and Art offers unsur- JPififeMoraand bagged advantages in all departments. Music 1'tmrlFen teach¬ T«*arl»«•»•«*. In rive ers with the Misses Cox Directors, by two Masters, graduates of Leipsic, a vocalist trained best and an Orchestra of Young Ladies. Full Apparatus, with mounted telescope. College opens Sept. 80th. ' for Catalogue. I. I\ €OX» PmWool. SHERIFF SALES. ICHLCT CUatTY. Sheriff Suit's For September. GEORGIA COUNTY. AI7ILL \V he sold before on the the lirst Tuesday house In Npet. 1886, court door iiotwci in the town of Kllaville said count v n the legal hours of sale I lie fol¬ lowing property to-vvit. One sorrel horse mule about 11 years oh) named wentt, one blaek mare iniile named mury about 15 years old,one gray mare mule named Gray mule about 15 years about old, one 15 bay horse old. named Caesar mule years (i one mouse colored mare name Crusoe about21)years old, one white cow marked upper hit in right ear and un¬ der bit in right and left ears and her white calf, one red cow and calf marked similar to the cow and calf above men tinned,one whit ebrown plotted buttheaded cow and her unmurkad, calf unmarked, two blue two heifer with yearlings time sows pigs, oneli sow marked upper Git in right and under bit in right and left ears, thir¬ teen black shotes marked similar to above mentioned sows, three white and black spotted shotes marked similar to above, three blue shotes marked similar to above, one patent hub four loose wa¬ gon and gear, one old four horse wagon anil gear, one old buggy and harness, one corn sheller and one two horse plow, live sets of plow gear, five’plow stocks, eight weeding hoes and remainder of farming tools on premises, one sugar eane mill and two eighty gallon kettles, one hun¬ dred bushels of wheat more or less on the premises of .1. N. Hudson deceased, a sample of which will be exhibited <m day of sale. All of above described pioperty levied ori as the property the estate of J. N. Hudson de¬ ceased to satisfy a tifa issued from court of Ordinary of Seldoy county in favor of Mrs. Amanda M. Hudson and her live minor children against K. 4Bullard ex¬ ecutor of the estate of J. N. Hudson de¬ ceased. This 3rd day F. August, 1886. J. Woods, sheriff. citation. GEORGIA COUNTY. Whereas <H. Strange of Sehlev 2d coun¬ ty deceased who died on the day of for August, letters 1885, ofadniinistratienon intestate and no application estate the of said (3 B. Strange notice is hereby given that administration will be vested in the clerk of the Superior Court of Schley county days or some after other tit publication and prop¬ er person, 30 the of this citation' unless some valid objec¬ tion is made to his appointment. Given j j under Dth mv day hand ot^Ang^isfrk and official signature, ^ ()rill!iu . v Notice to Debitors ami Credit, is. GEORGIA-—S< Trr,r;Y ror.vTV. \ I*""*"* having denmnds against .1 the estate of .Toll n N. Hudson, late ot '“'".“y deceased, «r«‘ hereby noti- i lied to render in then* aemunas to the j undersigned I' e ™ms indebted according t«. aaid to citato law; arc and all rc- qmred lv to make iinmeuiate Adunnmtrator payment. '‘' ni>, This ’ July asth, 18»>.__ GEORGIA Schley County. I the ToJ. next N. of Cheney, kin Mrs. Mattie Hart Hart and ! of Isaac late of said - county deceased. J. R. Rcsj.ass having ; I petition the for an order at the August term , )f court of ordinary allowing him to resigna the administratorship of the j estate of ot feeble said Isaac Hart deceased on a<*- count health these are therefore ! term to cite of you the to court he and ol appear Ordinary at October to show cause if any you have why said resigna¬ tion should not be allowed and J. N. Cheney in his stead. clerk of .Superior court appointed T. J. Dozier, This Aug 2,188<i. Ordinary. Application—Letters of Administration. GEOKGIA—Sen le:y county. To all Whom it may Concern: Whereas, W. D, Murray has applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of J. N. iSouter lute of said county deceased. Tiiis is therefore,to cite ail and singular kindred and creditors, of said deceased, to he and appear at my office on or before the October term of court to be held ou the first Monday in October next why letters should not be gr anted W. 1). Murray. Witness my hand and official signa¬ ture, tiiis Aug 4, ’86. T. J. Dozier, Ordinary. 1 J II The EUaville DRUG STORE is the place to get pure DRUGS, MEDICINES, SODA, CREAM TARTAR AND FAMILY MEDICINE; PA TENT MEDICIN ES, NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, LAMP GOODS or any other article usually kept in a drug store. Dr. C. II. Smith, Ellaville, Ga. Itaro Chance. Wo offer for sale one ofthe most desir¬ able farms in Schley,ope mile from Ella¬ ville. Confer at ouce with us at Ameri- CHS. Feldisi! & Callaway. I and WHISKY HABITS caren ill home without j»ain. BOOK <*r p ifticulars FREE, rM WOOLLEY. M. D . DIXON BROTHERS, DEA E 111,8 IN Dry Goods, Groceries, talons, Clothing, loots, Shoes, Crockery, Hardware and Furniture. s2(i-ly. EUaville, Ga. i j SCHLEY COUNTY ENTERPRISE The Only Paper Published in the county. , SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 A YEAR. PIANOS AND ORGANS JAS. FltlCKKit & BR 0 . puopritorss of the SOUTHWEST GEORGIA MW HOUSE are selling Pianos and Organs for CA8H or on Installment plan, cheaper than any other house in the country. To verify the above all you have to do is call and examine their stock, or write for catalogue and prices. One reason they sell cheaper than some houses, is this, they don’t throw in any tiling with an Instrument. A handsome stool and scarf goes with each Piano and a Stool and Instruction Book with each Organ, and noth¬ ing else. You pay for what you buy, but nothing more. They give you a home guarantee for live years, and will deliver an Instrument in your house if it is not convenient for you to send after it. They have a very handsome delivery wagon built especially for this purpose. Write for prices and terms to James Frk ker * Bno., Americus, Ga. T- Ilff \T n 'm 1 u hLi Arcieiicas, Q-su. THE MOST COMPLETE FURNITURE HOUSE IN SOUTHWEST GA. I DEFY COMPETITION. I have a complete stock of every kind of furni¬ ture; , such . as fine parlor sets, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads of everv description and prices to correspond. I cannot be excelled in quality of goods and prices anywhere. There is nothing about your house in the ^‘reti ' u rmtur *' ^at 1 cannot furnish. 1 have all sorts and flatter my- r y< T’ \ f you wil] h'ive me Trial. Call and slock To h u examine my rnv stock, lo those who have or are about to get married and will want ^ to furnish their houses, 1 insist that you give me trial. A nice line of Silver Plated and Crockery ware; also a nice line'ol clocks and lamp goods at prices that defy competiti on. * D. B. HILL, AIEBTCUS, (! \ December 24th, 1886.