Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, September 09, 1886, Image 3

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' 1 pm,' « 1.L1.AVlhhK. UA SEPT. (I, IsHi. I tat, s of Sunaoi-iption. On.....3ii'v ueait'lis." *' ' -fl.50 (iii'e copy' dire*'months. 7) - single copy* ' *.....* _ 7 Advertising liatcM Hclies ■_! mo | a mo ! 0 mu I! m»> ] *0 70 I.t 5 j fsoo H2111 i li Oil I loot) hi 5 00 » g I I I (HI A I- i* 11,-si ‘Jo on I X k* I ptoo b' > ( p ) 4 1 8 70 1 H jik'g j 1 4 'll I 5 I 10 INI 1 i! | in no 27 50 0 j p! (HI ! A I -7 fill III! 10 i 7( I 77 no I too oo t 'III- I ;g> ou - 1 ~ churches. tZ- M. K. i'll i lu ll, sot Tit. M.v.lii'i"' V-I everv Su'ndav seeoml Sfimol Sunday every Ham Stui- «" (l „t o a m Hr. r. II. Smith 3ov ,,'ight. ,l, V» J.T. I -Vv,~.‘ owe,pastor. meeting every Thursday I BAPTIST fUPKCU. Aleetiiig every fourlli Sunday 11 a m ,, |„ eimfereileemoetingSa.iir- ..........h 11 am. d- similar p" selm'.l every Sunday 3 p in Wi ll. Sears, Supt. superior Court convenes 4th Monday f'K- rtSSSSTteiilSf* . COUNTV OFFICERS. snrutri' . 1 . 1 * • Woods, PKKimsc mi * 'oil; i A V. Cl.enev, (IRUIN AllV I ■ d • lh»7,il , l*, T w KiteivKH .l.M- i honilon, CoL 1 W.c. Kelley, TaKAsetu:.: U- Toinleo sv, (•,irviwCoM mission t;tts - ltolit Patton, C LlVaciek, P F !>ix..n, .V M Caskey, 3 ‘W (Leghorn, clerk of board. c < ’on nt > Boartl <>t Education. C. A. Tnvlor, President, Hr. U. G- Smith ('oiiiitv.School board. Commissioner A. C. Murray, and Secretary of he mondiors .1.1’. Murphy and K. M. Rainy of hoard. City Otlieers. C L Hattie, .Mayor, lin'it Burton, P. A Strange, J. N. i heney K Al Murphy', \V 1> Murray. COUNCUjMKN. \Y 11 McCrory, Uecorder. J t 'land M Throuton- 1 ilxon Ti Marshal, •cns. j “dud Hist G M. it H Singletary, J P timl Til Wilkinson, Not Public and e.x- Cliicio J F court 4th Saturday in each "mist," J T.f 11 Bivins, J Not P court Public 1 st ex-ollice Satnr- J l and Mixon, "Siit'iSJ'Mfs ."CC^I'd’uu.l'iy c i'.V M . ltaincv ivl. i...kV.'r. Not. Pub. t- 7th Hist g >t, aiui cx-ollicio l 7 alnl *> I Jim pci •' * court :Jrd - atunlny in each month. ! C. R, McCRORY, I iYl’TOKTsTElY A-T Xj-A.'W. i Eli AVII.LK, Ga. | Terms—For $30.00 or under $3; front $30 i«.$ 5 (til, ten iwrcetit.; over •"I'Ml, seven per i lit. No charges unless Collections, arc ,, adc. Office at court linuso. W. H. McCRORY, U TTOEN- JSY _A_T law. Ellavillk, Ga. W ill praticc in the counties of Schley, j Sumpter, Macon, Marion and Chattahoo-1 rltec. Special attention given tocollcc- tiim of claims. Office in court House. J. R. WILLIAMS, ATTORN KY AT LAW. sal tsiafe and Banking Agent i ELLA.VfLEE, <4EOR< i rA. Prompt attention given to all business intrusted him. No charges unless col- bdions are made. Special and leasing attention real riven jsiate, to soiling renting, and collecting rents. B. H. Wilkinson, TTOBNBY A.T XiA-W. AMERItq S, GEORGIA. Hc will attend promptly 1 hini. to all legal col- tsinpxs ontruste* to remitted. Money ( iffick ti ll will lie immediately Peoples’ National Bank —Lamar lidding, Lama Street. I. N. MOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELLAVILLK, GEORGIA. il'TTCK— In Court Mouse. lena Vista and Ellatille R, R. 4n iind Sept., trains on tiie litville Railroad will a ns follows: inn no hast. i" e Iluotia Vista ....... 0:30 a. m. «vo Putninn 10 m-Bat Ellaviile...... 10:30 “ we JaCrome............ Elluville ......... 10:30 “ wv 11 rive at Anderson...... 11:30 “ IIOINO WEST. ilv <‘ Anilerson Lacrosse 2:50 p m “vo 3:15 pm a ' e Ellaviile 3:40 pm “W Putnam 4:10 p tn vo at Buena Vista 4:40 pm. ; Dkitig L" Hu" connections nt Anderson with iso 1' South Western Railroad gfi- '"RKt ami west. H. W. COCKRELL, Superintendent. the H i KK ETS. “tail Grocery market by B. A. “nge. J UNO ,,p , per P«r pound - 14 to 16 „ ,l P«r Imsliel pound - 15 to 20 * 75 to 86 e Ur per bill O'i tO li 1 f'NPer pound ', PJ’ P° r I3'..c P pound 5 J i to 6'4 [ S‘> > per e >' bushel pound - p kei Per pmmd 8 4 toll to 5 - '"Uon ojeiiae, 1)Pr pe r pound gal . 18 to 25 251 ■I’D pound 8 ' r K ’ ri!l l ,f ’r sack "L Per i pound 8 to 6. ]W - K(‘t ix'rgainn % IS S 40 to 50 it to l.M) SAW ■■ - mto m 760 As to’teial .ilk vV Our town needs livery stables. i Our (own needs a broker badly. Fresh maekerel at Carter’s cheap. We look for the Septemlier gale this week. t Patent Cotton Baskets preferable to nay for sale. B. A. - STRANGE, The liest lot of T'in.vare ever | brought to Elluville for stile at J. T. i ,, < arter’s. . , ! Mr.Miles Windiisli gaveusa peek of new potatoes last Satnrdtiy the first of the season. Thanks. I will lie tit my shop on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays all who want slmes mended will please bring them on those days, they will And me there only on the days above mentioned. Wm. J. AT.tiKN. Maj. E. S. Baldwin has bought out Mr. Chas. A. Taylor’s farm one mile from LaCross anti will move there souk time this winter. The farm consist of over 500 acres and is very <l*‘»in,l.le. Pnif. St.-v-ns and will move to where the Maj. now lives. The 51st session of tiie Chattahoo¬ chee Baited Freewill Baptist Asso¬ ciation will convene with the Pleas- sant Hill church, Schley county, Ga.,on Thursday night before the 1st Sabbath in October nine miles north of Ellaviile. All invited. David J. Apperson, corresponding secretary, Poindexter, Ga. Wiley Jones, Southern Hotel, Macon, Ga, informs his friends of (Americas) and .Soulit West Ga., that his hotel is newly furnished with attentive servants &c anti that (apt. iS. E. Eason well know as a hotel man has associated himself with the house both of them will tie glad to see all their old friends, Rates one dollar per day #5.00 per week. OIL’S. Machinery, Engine and Gin Oil’s Best Grade’s. H. A. Strange. Southern Culttvat >r. The September number of (he Southern Cultivator is very interest- Bosiduss the usual , amount . of .. llig. good practical farm reading, it abounds in other good reading. No farmer ought to be without this monthly visitor. Every fanner who takes it and profits by its reading never regrets his money. Itiipoi iiiiii IKoiifc. s\ll parties indebted to me for Guam* or otherwise are hereby no¬ tified that their notes fall due 1st. As a business engagement calls me to another point shortly after that date, I respectfully ask - vou me( q * your papers promptly at maturity, or I shall be obliged leave them in the hands of for collection. Remember the date Oct. 1st. Morgan McMichael. •Aiua.iH y artriho 'iCouora noJ oars ni.w oAV 'saotjd pun spoofi .tno aiimrexa pttw ip*.) ' 3 J .W C, .J puv.offiny ‘k ( jr 3 iq ‘syiaoRqoj, auij ‘ojv..w\uv.ji ‘ oiR.wutx ‘suoijoM ‘spoof) Sutqstn -jtKf squ.if) pat! sotpoq ‘guiq;oio ‘s;«H ‘souqs' ‘spoof) A.t([ .mjiit.w pint l|Rj jnoARuisuqojnd Aq Aoumu o.uts ubd noJ ojoipw pay riay noA J(> SIHiL QYUH J.AOO TO THE PLANTERS. In tny advertisement I stated there was a difference of of a cent in favor of the Americus cot¬ ton market. But upon examination of the freight rates I find it on amount to one-sixteenth, the differ¬ ence so small it will not pay any planter to haul his cotton from his own market. Bring me your cotton anti I will endeavor to get the highest market price for it. Yours truly, W. H. Tondee. W. II. Tondee. Tiie farmers of Schley and ad¬ joining counties have doubtless seen Mr. Tondee’s advertisement in the Enterprise. He lias charge of tin* Planter’s Warehouse, for the pres¬ ent season and will give his person¬ al attention to all business entrusted to care. He is well known in this section having been born and raised in this county. With anex- perience of 18 years in cotton busi- ness he will make it to tiie interest of the farmers to bring him their cotton. We think it useless to say more by way of recommending Air. Tondee to tiie confidence of a people who have known him long and fav- rably. Bring him your cotton and give him a trial. We wish to add our testimony to that of other journalists as to the liability, promptness and energy of the advertising agency of Gto. Rowell & Co., of New York. 0 have always found this firm correct systematic in their business, ' teXm Througi! h » Hr-e number of the best a( j ver y ger gjn the country, reach the public eye, and they have aided ^.meC^ Anl.ll.1*. niUMtiui. MuJ. W. A. Black was in town last Monday. Col. 10. M. 1 tutt was in tin* city last ; Monday. Col. B. If. Wilkinson and M. It. Campbell, of Americas were in town Monday. Mrs, Dr. C. II. Smith of this place is visitin'! her daughter Mrs. Ed¬ wards, of Louisville, Ky. Mr. It. L. Oliver, of, is In our town as permanent cotton i........ buyer tor tut* season. Glad , to , ex- tend to Air. Oliver a cordial wel- tonic. We learn that t apt. Bran- non is locatetl in Huent Vista. Prof. K. T. Anbury, President of Monroe Female College, of Forsyth Ga., called mi the Entihiphisi: last Monday evening. ID* represents one tlte best female college’s in the state. He has been connected with the college for 61) years. For health and social surroundings Forsyth is unexcelled in the state. Tin* report is in circulation that T will have It. Meadows for my deputy if elected l take the privi¬ lege to emphatically deny it. Wm. Allen. Notice to IsiibsrnlM'rs. Our tirst volume will soon expire, notice the mark against your name, your subscription expires with the next paper after that. A good many expires this month renew promptly, we don’t want to drop a single name. Protracted .IlH-ctiug. Peak Extkkimiisk:—N o doubt that many of your readers will be glad to learn that the Rev. Charles Waters lias been conducting a series of meeting at the school ltouse g noW n ns Glenn Holly. A great deal of interest has been manifested by tliis entire community in the meeting and it is to t» hoped that much good litis been done. Twelve person were added by experience and baptism to the church. L’chek. Oglethorpe Dots. REPORTED BY ROBERT. Oglethorpe:, Sept. 1st, 1886. Miss Julia Kaigler returned home Friday afternoon after a pleasant visit to relatives ami friends in Dawson brings with her the charm¬ ing Miss Anthony. Miss Ada Gaines, of Ellaviile is visiting Airs. W. Johnson. | Aliss Erevatt, of Florida, is visit- ingat Airs. Alcfrory’s. I Aliss Addle iSmith, of Ellaviile, is visiting Airs. AY. O. Strange. Harrold AleC’rory has been »ick. We are glad to say that lie con vnlescing. Miss Nell Merritt passed through our city Monday evening ett route to Forsyth. There was quite a crowd ot young ladies and gentle-1 men at the depot to see her. Miss Nina Williams and brother Clide of Americas tire visiting rel¬ atives and friends in the city. Miss Lillian Nixon has been quite sick, but is convalescing very rapid- iy. Airs. Gilmore and daughter Aliss Nettie have been quite sick. JERSEY i AT’l’EE. Mrs. 1'. In Trouble. Putnam, Ga., Sept. 4th, 1886. Dan Rainey has a Jersey. Dan says lie is only a calf, but we don’t want such a calf at our house, for Airs. 0. would lie afraid of the calf, and then it would just about as well lie bad weather all the time, for the milking would be one of our estab¬ lished duties. The Jerseys are bound to drive out our old scrub cattle, the only reason they tire not more gen¬ erally kept is, they are too costly, but they will get cheaper, and then we will all keep them. There are any number of these cows on re- cord, from which are made fourteen pounds of butter iu seven days, and they range all the way up to forty seven pounds. Dan has made a move, but little in advance of rest of our people, for the excellence of the Jerseys are bound to be re- cognized by an intelligent people. You must treat a mule and a ne- gro, like a mule and a negro, if you get their respect. Gratitude is not a trait of their nature. <>ur buggy mule lias been one of Airs. C.’s pets. j Site has given her mare little at¬ tention, and shown her more favors, than she lias even the puppy, or the kittens, and to show her gratitude , s i, ( * turned tiie buggy over and knocked the breath out of Airs C.and the boy, and , then , runoff and .. left q lcMV1) ilu d seemed to enjoy the fun. cJaniphoi*, friends and ti me gave th(1 , n tt , cant supply of breath, and after awhUe a kind friend brought them home. The boy carries a bru | 8ed j, ead as a memento, and c < j a bruised up all over,and '» »»" i ing without help, and says she feels like a track of a tornado, but says vv b eu she gets back together again, ........ «««*•. i.e.r.y to .leatli, <“ MiiMi-r IColl of Com puny It (Till. VoJunu-rs, "sulilc) fotuily Vwluiili‘r».” Cnpt 11 I- French resigned in ««*{ wounded at Malvern 11 1 11; 1st Lieut Thomas I* < tittle, resigned l)ec 1*01; 2nd Lieut \V A Hunter, promoted to 1st Lieut; 2nd Brevet Lieut G W Weeklv, resigned Aug 62; 1st Sergt *» " ......... , (*r,imoted o 2otul Lieut., woumled in arm «"i>i 2 ml * 0*1 * .'I Cottle, promoted t<i 3rd Lieut; 3rd Sergt .) 11 Avant.died 1861; Bit .1 S : Eason; at It Julm Devane, tilt'd; 1st Corp ,, \V D Owens; 2nd Corp Abe ,i i I. Hunter, died 01;3rd Corp \V T Blv- ins, died 01; lilt Corp .John Lewis. iMtivoris i ui\ vir.s. Madison Aycoek, killed at Gettysburg, ,, „ Bonn; .1 ..... I Aycoek, , Hartwell Battle, ’ died til; ^ Keilbia Hilt lie, 01; .J '1 iiarden, \\ 1 » Harrow, V died 64; ' lasaiab Betlsole, died ... iil; tl Hry lieeiiiau, died (io; W il- li,,,,. K. IU.W, i«, j * died 03; \S A Burke, (lied (IJ ; J \\ ItniErl, Nutlmu Brp.uit, Wounded al AIaiiassits;Joseph Boyd, ,ll,,l si, Samuel P Pa»tu.v, ........a. Thoroughfare Gap, Va., 02; C C O'"............ '■ ■" ki"«' »• Petersburg;, 65; J A’ Cheltev, wound- •■•I................... ................. died Ii2; A J Collins, died in prison «=*• H '*..ttI,-, killed Malvern Hill 02; R E Cook died, 01 ; .1 II Colquit, transfered; J W Dupree, < J C 1 iyess, wounded at Malvern Mil; S EKh* sou, lost left arm at Malvern Hill, Vu.; Bunlett Finch, killed in Battle, of Wil’lernes; J C Frazier, kill¬ ed at Darby Town Va; II 15 French, died 01; J (1 Glover ;Nevvton Glover wounded at Chieantauga; O A Gregory, died 02; It Hogan,deserted 03; II II Holloway, wounded in Wilderness; J II Howel, wounded at Gettysburg Penn.; E M Jones, lost amt at Manassas 01; A 8 Ken¬ nedy, 'died 162; J F Kent; Levi Kent,died 02; J J, wound¬ ed at Cltiekaniauga,\V li Matthews; P M Marshall, taken prisoner at Gettysburg; W It McCorkle, taken prisoner #i, Ft Harrison; FM Mott, wounded 2ond Atanassus; J L Mott, killed at Petersburg, Go; J J Owens; A .1 Rabun , died 02; F 31 Rabun discharged; J It Reid, died 07; Samuel Richardson,killed at Getiys- b irg; J N ltouse, died 02; Silas Riee, discharged 61; Alex \V Smith, wounded at Sharpsburg, I, 15 Smith, died Ii2; 1 H Smith; Morgan N Stev- ens, died 62 Richmond, A'a; T J Stejihetis, transfered;Thomas Price, transfered; B Tatham, died 03; J T Taylor, died 03; Enoch Tison, ki!l- ed Alaunasaas; it P Tondee, promot¬ ed 2ond Lieut ml then t'sifd; A Ale Turner, died f>2; A J Vanmdore, killed at Mannassas (!2; A .1 Wall, 1 1,,st left lir,n aiul l '- ve >'» Gettysburg; i .1 S L Waldrop, shot in the sirnt I 2ond; T .1 Watson, died ( ;i ; j H Wynn, lost left arm at 81tarpsburg; W (' Yelverton, dis¬ charged <! 3. KKCKl'JTS. Titos Aycoek; J 8 Barker, wound- ed; S E Eason lost left hand at Malvern Hill; J X Hudson pioniot- ed chaplain regiment; 8 15 Howel; John McCorkle,died (12; Will Purvis, killed at Alamntssas; William Driv¬ er. killed tit Gettysburg. ENGAGEMENTS. York Town, Va.; Garnett Farm, Va.; Malvern Hill, Va.; Savage Station, Va.; Thoroughfare Gap, Va.; 2on Mantiassas, Va.; Sharps- burg, M. I).; Frediesburg, Va.; Seven days around Richmond, Va.; Suffolk, Va.; Gettysburg, Penn.; Chiektunnuga; Knoxville Tettn.; Wilderness, Va.; Spotsylvania, Va.; Cold Harfor, Va.; Richmond Seige, Va.; Petersburg, Va.; Surrendered at Appomattox, C. II., 9th titty” of 1865. Revised Aug. 14th, 1886, just 25 years from the day the company left the court house in Ellaviile for Va. ByS. AL Cottle, Newton Glov¬ er and J. X. Cheney, who were old members of said company. Grand Jury. List Grand Jurors drawn for the September term of Schley Superior Court 1886. ltobt. Burton, V\ . R. McCorkle, |J x IMvln”*** n’ N Glover jr y, | )<> va e , L W Dixon, II Smith, T 1! Strange, W (' Kelley, R F \\ illiamson, y jj 'FoiuU't' WonVoek, 0 ' 1 S " .1 A Allen, Party, rh , ts G W Tison, T.f llixou Lewis Ilili, P M V Livingstone, Eli G D Stewart, J Aeree, Haves, C A Dixon, T Hart, W H L J Jordan, Bridges, Isaac Hart <5 15 Weaver. TRAVERSE Jt'llY. List of Traverse Jurors drawn for September term of Schley Superior Court, 1886. N II Goodson, W B Coil urn, \V T Ethridge, J M Coll urn, j \y Dozier, AV P Stewart, J \v Jordan, T B Barrow, JB V McCorkle, 8 J ^Bensolt, W Woodall, ^ v g “J^ ' j j it l A Murray, Goodson, L W E Tondee, AIcCorkle, J J S Womack, It Al Mott, AVaters, j T A II 1. Wilkinson, ” T J -I Allen,' Chapman, ’ A G W Chapman, Arthur Hill, ^ ussst,, w’fpTWh*’ SHERIFF SALES. Mil l.loV COUNTY. Slli'l iff Siil»‘S For Otlober. GEORGIA Seni.i-v covn rv. W'ILh f\ lie sold on tin* the first residence Tuesday of In J. ((ctoluT next lit N. Hudson lute Neliley eouat.V doveuseil within the legal hours of sale ihe follow- to thn highest ladder for cash the j jajxsi. hiaek miile named about l- mare ar«rfi.v*SS utary iKWXiTCSK mule named Caesar about old, 1.7years .AV.'wl.lV*"*, ed w marked upper hit in right ear and un- del- lilt in right and left ears and her calf, line red elite and cull' marked similitr , v | litobro „.„ piodcd Inmheadetl cow and her calf unmarked, two heifer yearlings ! amtmvknd, two blue sows with thru* pigs, each sow marked upper bit in right i and under liit in right and left ears, thir- i.iaek slmtes marked similar to aliove mentioned SOWS, three(White and black spottrtl slioics mitrkcil similar to abovo, three blur slioti\s marked wimilar toabove, one patenf huh four horse wa- amt gear, one old four home wagon and g«ar, on«* old buggv and tiarnosK, one w eeding hoes and remainder of mr'lm" fanning Si,” liusliels .SX^iK'.IX of wheat lesson dred more or JSMiJi, of ^ll'S^iuS*":; dav sale. All of aliove described wr&ir% ceased to satisfy a tifu issued from court minor children against K. ('. linllard ex- SS5r'ft > tCKf*^!'Sr J. P- Wooes, sheritl. '' Notice f:*r Leave t.u Sell l.aml. A A 1’PLK ATIOX will be made tu the Georgia, court of the Ordinary regular of Kohley county, after at tirst term expiration of four weeks from this notice for leave James to sell lands Chambers helenaing of to said the estate of late county deceased for the bonelit of the heirs an creditors of said deceased. Sept. 6 th, ISSfi. H. t'. *11 a n nm.soN, Adtn’r., of James Chambers, eised. s'Mt. I icei GEORGIA tScHi.KY'eory t \. Will ho sold on the first Tuesday in Oct. lxxs. the reversionary interest in the Hack creek Camp Ground, containing titty-two acres more or less off of lot No. tliti 3rd district of Schley county also nine acres ntf of saute lot north of the Camp Ground land, sold for the benefit of the biers and creditors of the estate of W. It. A. Ingram deceased. Terms cash. J. N. Chksky, Adtn’r,deliotiisnon. Citation. GEORGIA Scut.K 1 Ctit'MV. Whereas C. 15. Strange of Nohlev coun¬ ty deceased who died on the 2 d day of for August, letters ISNo, of administration intestate ami no application the estate on of said (k li. Strange notice is hereby given that administration will lie vested in the clerk of the Superior Court of Schley county or some other titand prop¬ er of person, (his citation 3(5days unless after the valid publication objec¬ some tion is made to his appointment. < Even under tny hand and official signature. tins 14th day of Aug. lssii. T. J . IHtziKtt, Ordinary. j Notice to Debitors and Credit, is. I GEORGIA Nelli. ey cofNTV. Ul \ IJ. d*eestate persons of liaving John N. demands Hudson. against late of fied Schley comity render deceased, in their demands are hereby noti¬ the to fo undersigned indebted according said to law; and all persons to estate are re¬ quired to Bt make immediate Administrator payment. of Ix.U. t.i.AiGi, J. N. Jlrnso.v, deceased. Tins July 28th, 1880. GEORGIA Sent .by (’tu'XTv. ’I'oJ. N. ('honey, Mrs. Mattie Mart and t lie next nf kin of Isaac Hart late of said county deceased. J. R. Respas.s having of petition the for a of n Ordinary order at the allowing August hint term court to resign the administratorship of the estate of said Isaac Mart deceased on ac¬ count of feeble health these are therefore to cite jolt to lie and appearat October term of the court of Ordinary to show cause if any you have why said resigna¬ tion should not be allowed and J. N. i in 'heney liis stead. clerk of Superior court Do/.tlUt, appointed T. J. Tin's Aug 2,1886. Ordinary. Application Letters of Administration. GEORGIA Sein.KY cnc.NTv. To all AVhniii It may Concern: Whereas, W. I), Murray has applied to me for letters of adininistfation on the estate of J. N. Noutcr late of said county deceased. This isthcreforc.tocitc all and singular kindred and creditors, of said deceased, tube and appear at my office on or before the October term of court to he held (■it the tirst Monday in October next ■vliv letters should not be granted \V. O. Murray. Witness hand official my and signa¬ ture, this Aug 4, ’ 86 . T. J. Dozikr, Ordinary. it 1 The Ellaviile DRUG STORE is the place to get pure DRUGS, MEDICINES, SODA, CREAM TARTAR AND FAAIILY MEDICINE; PATENT MEDICINES, NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, LAMP GOODS rtr any other article usually kept in a drug store. Dr. C. H. Smith, Eilaville, Ga. 9®msm'32£i&3; NewspApSR tassfusass It contains 1 ists of n enrspapers » nd est ima'tcs of tliocostof ad rertlsinf*.'4he advertiser wlto wants to spend one dollar, finds in it the in- formiitton lie requires, white forldm who will invest one hundred thousantl iloUnis in nil- vert is u-, a scheme is indie tnl which will meet his every voquitement, or mn In- mru/e to do /to by slight chUtntjes ensi/tf arrived <tl by cor- rmpon'li'nct. It:) edit tons toive been issued. Sent, post-paid, to liny address for ]0 cents. Write to GEO. 1*. ROWELL ft (»., KLWSPAWUJ A DVIiRTrstN'U PUKKA U. (XttSpruceSI,Fiiptiu^Houseoqd, Hevr lark. li. i\. STRANGE. “THE GROCER.” G-eoareieu. Witlv full line in stock and ready to coin pete with all “Count ty Merchants." STOCK OF MEAT, COK.V, OATS, FLOCK, HAM’S WITH COOKING STOVES TO WARM THE SAUCE ? J • r Supr, Coffee, Rice, Grits, Cheese, Mackerel and Lard Sufficient to supply tiie general trade, and a full line. 4 r* ‘THE LAST NEEDFUL’ BURIAL CASKETS, COFFINS. PIANOS am) ORGANS JAN. FRICKER & BRO. PROPRITOKSS OK Tit K SOUTHWEST GEORGIA MIC HOUSE are s/lltng Pianos and Organs for GASH or on Installment plan, cheaper than any other bouse in the country. To verify the above all you have to do is call and examine their stock, or write for catalogue and prices One reason they sell cheaper than some houses, is this, they don’t throw' each in any i iano tiling with an Instrument. A handsome stool and scarf goes with and a stool and Instruction Book with each Organ, and noth¬ ing else. You pay for what you luty, but nothing more. They give you a home guarantee for five ye ns, ami w ill deliver an Instrument in your ltouse if it is not convenient for you to send after it. Thev have a very handsome delivery wagon built especially for this purpose. Write for pricesttnd terms to James FrickkrA 15ho., Americus, Ga. n -d C^BBSESBaB^ I ^i.2m.0x3.0-CLS, GrSu. THE MOST COMPLETE FI UMTURE HOUSE IN SOUTHWEST GA. 1 DEFY COMPETITION. I have a complete stock of every kind of furni¬ ture; such as fine parlor sets, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads of every description and prices to correspond. 1 cannot be excelled in quality of goods ami prices anywhere. There is nothing about your house in the way of furniture that I cannot furnish. I have all sorts and flatter my¬ self that 1 can suit you, if you will give me a Trial. Call and examine my stock. To those\vho have or are about to get married and will want to furnish their houses, I insist that you give me trial. A nice line of Silver Plated and Crockery ware; also a'niee iine’of; clocks and lamp goods at prices that defy competition. D. B. HILL, AMERICUS..GA, December 2lth, 1886.