Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, September 16, 1886, Image 2

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THE ENTERi’Ui^E. ---- =rr: KLLAY1LLK, OA., SE1*T. 16, iswi, A. J. IU*», phUtqp S"d l , roiirlt)tor. FOR GOVERNOR. JOHX 13. GORDON. FOR CONGRESS ■ 8 b l>., DIHT., CHAS. F. CRISP. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. T Adidate HKRERY announce my name as ean- for the office of' ln.\ Collector for Schley iii .January county at the Will approaching lie election next. very thankful to the voters of Selflny county to give me their support, aid I j M. R. M'N.V. FGIi SHERIFF. The friends of William Allen announce liis name as candidate for .Sheriff of Schley county at the approaching elec¬ tion iii January next. FOR NHF.RIFF. pandidale 1 rcspeetluily the annouiiee mv name mm for office of sheritf «d Schley county at the ensuing election in January next. 1 ,. A.tlti.Ks. A Hanoi NO in Butler to-mpfrow (Friday.) The Hawkins (ippse in Amcrieus ft first class hqtel closes fqf want of patronage. The president bps appointed Judge Manning, of {,puisiana, as piinisterto Mexico to succeed Gen- Jackson- An artesian wplj tit Belle Plain, Iowa, has hurst, throwing a stream pf water 10 inches in diameter hundreds of feet in the air, forming fwo rivers, washing houses away pntl drowning people. The Quitman Free Press and Rainbridge Remoerat are conduct¬ ing the Congressional campaign nvith as much vigor as ever. The ftoys sliould call a ltalt and save then- ammunition for two years fience. W i: arc glad to note tlut4Col. U. W. Hancock of the .Sumter Repub¬ lican, takes control of that paper alter being disconnected with it for several months. He is the pioneer pf journalism in Southwest Georgia and lias done more perhaps for Amcrieus than any mail Unit has ever lived in it. Wo hope a bright future awaits him and that his last days may be his best. I'clicc Creek Thirty Years Ago anil Now. Uchee creek rises in the western part of Schley county winds down between a chain of low hills, till it forms a junction with the angry waters of Buck creek. Tliir- ty years ago this ci e -k tineaded |ts way through an almost unbroken furest, and its many deep pools teemed with fish. In some of tlu- piostfertilespots a few early settlers jiad built log cpbins, and cleared a small platt in the vicinity, which being fresh required but liriie work to make it produce freely. This ground was planted in porn and pther grains necessary for the sub- stance of man. The woods were full of game which made living cheap, and manner of obtaining it /acimiting to those early woods craftsmens. The trusty rifle from the little square windows in the hack of these primeval cabins, has often felled a huge- turkey gobler «»' "" "r ii ! ii " c "' 1 ’- I lie people had few \\ ants, that were m,t ..Sly satlstted, which offi-rcKsl much time for the sports of the day. The “pig path” and “cow trail” were the most frequented roads of travel, as by them could be reqehed the nearest point to the “Piney-woods Grocerv ” This was tlu-condition iilon^ the creek, but out on the ridges and along the “stage road” were large farms owners,' wpjl tilled by trus- t.vslaves whose were weal- thy and prosperous. A few years latcr a mania for going n west struck these creek settless, and many turned west warn! Such fabulous stories had been tol<l i>i the frontier, that some set out and even made journey in ox cart 1 . To-day early'settlers there is hardly ogu of those left. Their places have been filled by a more energetic people a pen- pie who have filled the forests, *■“* «*• are enjojing all the privileges of modern ' civilization. Memory does dot unfold to me he, record till several years later than the time ehout whieh it, thot record IJfliid many incidents of interest. I was born and have been raised near Uchee creek. As a boy I hunted the ’possum, and spent many an hour around the “fish holes” at night little earing whether I caught a fish or not, so interested was I in the many legends and witch stories as related i.y the “sla- very time negreos’who were always my companions on tiiese occasions. Space wdl not permit me to write more at present, but by permission hereafter, as they are connected With other characters I may intro-1 duce, relate some of the uiQgtW resting of these stories, which 11 have not yet s^en in print. C. ; t- I Fm'Ipm, l.n w -suit*. Southron Cultivator. j Nqt |pt)K agi, “lloh hoy,” in ;t mnnHjve form t»Tiv«* an account of “The Line Felice suits” in a cir- euit court of Alabama. TJ)c case had been on the docket for four years, but at each sessjoi) of the court, on motion of one side or the other, had been continued to the next term. The plaintiff qnd the defendant were planters n hose lands adjoined. Both estates wcfi- large, iiuipbering thousands of acres. Both men were of high Htamling in the community, educated, aeeo>jiulisf)pd and influ¬ ential. A sinjrje fence, about two miles in length, had formerly separated the plantations,and had been jointly kept in rep-dr by their respective owners. But the cattle of one hav¬ ing broken over the fence into a Held of the other, and !i hired man having injured or killed some of the trespassers, ill feelings sprang up over the occurrence between the two neighbors which culminated in ft ijuarrel am| f|ie disagreebleagree¬ ment that eneh should build and maintain a sc; erate fence immedi¬ ately alongside the other’s, Hut i even this double protection did not prevent marauding cows, owned by the plaintiff in the case, from break¬ ing into tiie defendant’s field where they were killed and for which the plaintiff hftd brought suit. Rut un¬ der the amending skill of the law¬ yers complaints and cross-bills had until they included the entire two miles qf double fencing and the dividing line between the the two properties, and the princi¬ pals to tlu> suit had become alienat¬ ed and for four years, though resid¬ ing but a few rods apart, and this in the country, had never spoken to each other. In (lie fourth year of this ;i}jtna- tion a new judge- had been, appoint¬ ed for the circuit and before him the case which, from its long continued presence in court, remit detl of “Jarndyce,” was at lasts .untied for trial with both sides announcing ready. Each had gone to considerable in the re- taining of counsel amj the employ- ment of engineers for surveying the lands and drawing maps of them for enlightening the court and jury. Kcores of witnesses htnl heed sunt- moned by either side and the coin- mimity for miles around, in one manner or uno»!ter, become involv- td in the issues of the case, were now filling the court. Several hours had been consumed in obtaining a jury and other preli- m in ary work, when the taking of evi<, ‘‘ lue for tl,e P ,ai »tiff was about to proceed. At this juncture the presiding judge, a Rian of fine and noWe bearing, asked the attorneys to desist a few minutes as he had something to say hearing on the ~ When the lawyers were seat- ed the judge, leaning forward, said: “ r ^ xve » ,n inquiry-indecd a re- <luest ~ to II,ake of the P ar,, * 8 > l'ioi'diff and defendant, in this suit; 1 fepl as if l \ ,lly8( ' lf t R’P !l sense > a ,, '' r L y to || a,ul “O' deeply con- eerned uyer it. Beat w ith me w ole explain mj interest in it. Leaning a little further forward, with an elbow on the bench and the hand of that arm at his face, the Judge resumed: “Forty years ago there lived in the community w here np\v reside the plaintiff and defendant, three meo who were neighbors and friends. Tiie home of either was two, frt the Tf tt lanidics were almost as oner«...Uy 1.. their .m-cti..., f„r .... another. In each tannly there was *> son- Three boys, of about the same age prattled together a* chii- dren, in youth attended school, or played truant together, and in young manhood wore more as orotnors tmui iieignuor.s. . , . “The lines ran in pleasant places. All that parental tondness and Ananflal competency could supply was theirs, and it is not unlikely that their fathers looked with eyes of . pleasing < . anticipation ......... to their throe sons succeeding them, not only in fortunes, but in jointure ot friendship which had long Round them together. “The hoys were each about six- teen years of age when the father of one was t«Hen from the happy circle 1 lie two school mates of the borenv- to.m liimstlf. .Vt tlu btuial in !l!! uir little church-yard on yonder liill, their tether, were an,on B the poll- bearers. Two 'see,.,,,! years went by and the f.Ou-f of » of the top was laid very nearly alongside the one had gone first, and a little Hter the father of the third follow- «*d The three neighbors in life were qei^hbors again in the little (lead. The boys of whom have spoken are now men well uJpng in years. One ls the plaintiff in this case, an- other the defendant and the third i» the presidyig judge. The on- coming of this trial has weighed heavily on me of late. Last even- after my arrival by train from in >’ home, a few hoars distant, I walked over to the Uttie graveyard beside the church, with U)e little j school house Just across «,e road;, the fhurf}) in wltb'h <>ur father*and mother* w<>r«hip together—the lit- tic academy where we three boys llrsl attended school. The the three marble slabs hearing the names of our fathers brought vivid- ly before me those old days when, with our arms locked about eaph other’s necks hi the mo«i jqotlfurly ; wiiy, we walked hoijietyard from j school, each so fuj of devotion to t|io other tv,’Q fRut he would assailed any fourth hoy saying ought Ogains%i#m.” (Concluded next week.) (ft”; -S—*. ■ Prohibition was (lefoated in Chat¬ tooga county. In Dacota a pretty maid of I(> drives a stage. Frost in Onondago county N. Y.. Wednesday night. Cholera reports from Italy,72 new cases and 52 deathft. Cholertt reports in Italy yesterday 89 new cases, 41 deaths. A man in Ht. Louis shot his son-in- law dead in a law' office A fine new hotel is to be built at once in Brunsw ick, Ha. The great French scientist, Cheu- reul, is 100 years old to-day, A dress-maker at liar Harbor lias fallen heir to 1100,000,00(1 in England Three hundred Mormon immi¬ grants arrived in N. V., Wed ties, day, Not a brick building in Charles¬ ton escaped injury by the eartl)- qauke. Two deaths from yellow fever Sun- day tit Bixoli, Miss., and 8 other ea¬ ses. Real estate in Columbus, Ga., in six months lias increased in value 2o per cent. The total of defalcation* by U. 8. government officers since 18(51 is *«•> -cm- mo, 4 i- / 7 r 0 48 iq . , ., _ <- “‘atham, postmaster ' ' a> n 1 * ,in "’ * i<l * ( * n L v Ur,s ,n ^ ! ■ Prof. Rutherford’s house, Athens, Ga., was burned to the ground, Fri- night; loss -^5,000. The „nti-prohibitionist of Upson bounty, Ga, have nominated acan- <li(iate for th( . legislature, Two >’» un K ,adit ‘ 9 - of Manchester, N ' H - kil le(1 |>y poisonous strawbor- flavoring . in ice cream, An explosion in a colliery near Scranton, Pa., killed five men and injured 2, probably fatally, Two <jk , ODe ftt Augusta, (j a ; anf j ooe Athens, died from the fright of the earthquake, Gen. Cha tham’s , , las words . were: ‘There go the troops; bring me ,ny l,or8e ; 1 a,n B oin K l,> the fro i'L A woman, of 40, near Nashville, Tenn., weighing 80 pounds, died of fever, leaving 20 living children, A mortgage for $1,500,000 against tlie rt oine & Uarrolton raiiroad, has been recorded in Polk county Qa. he damage to public ant. private property in Uliarlaston, was estuna- “< ■ «» f12,o<>0,000, and 8,>00 persons left the city. Three persons in Augusta, Ga., have been crazed by the earthquake shock, one of whom blew his bruins out. «b«»«y * «-nih. um t ^ j, ^ and 7 of the “’0 liuiiguri'tn la (kiat ‘ j s ' A hark from Aspiinvall is oft Pensacola, Fla., with seven cases of yellow lover, one lher past- having proved fatal. Youn<^ Adam Forc-}>nugh has a ] l( , r , se , 14V, hands higlnveighing 800 pdiinds, that walks a rope 20 feet from the ground. ere were three rai road , wrecks , between 1 1 Augusta and t barleston utM a ^ UIJi kl Ul " vvo eil ^ 1 • ‘ A gentleman at HogansyUle,Ga., shot at the earthijuake, thinking that a mob of burglars were attack- ing it is house to rob him. A fugitive prisoner, who killed q 0 p r( t v sheriff while attempt- "*">™ i ' lur " «* *»»«• <* Greenvill, Texas. battle i,, R.mmeli, yeeterdey between acllierents ot 1 mice Alex- muter, ufBu'Borh,, the revolt,. U ( . instfi j G»e latt< r wut w-h-ateU. Prince Alexander has again deei- ded to abdicate, topreveid the occu- pution of Bulgaria by fi»e Russians and to preserve its independence. Loss ;ff $2OH,0(J0 from the burning of a p „i ace cav slied.Jersey City . ., l)tl nf 25]000 , )V t m. burnili ;,. oft h e tobacco exchange .Petersburg Va An eightee,.-months-old child died of starvation in N. Y. while ^he ; mo.ther a widow was on ft drunken spree; she carried the child atbprlu with her some time after it was dead. south and North Carolina, Alaba- ni«, TenneHHee, Virginia, Mlgjijjfitii, Ohio, 1-Vninyl veil ia, Ne>y V«>rk, Florida, Kentucky, West Virginia till arp lepoftecj u.-s t baring ill the i earthquake. ^ # public meeting, citizens of Atlanta subscribed *1,.>27 for llw re- u t .f 0 ( charleston, 1’rollers of aid I are se „^ ( 0 city irom all jmrls j 0 f the country, i Airs. Elizabeth llocigcrs, a wouum of.'fit anil 1 lie mother pill children has hcci) appointed Master i mail of one of the districts of the Knight* of Labor in Chicago, ■ All places on the Mobile and N. O. railroad have officially quaran¬ tined against Biloxi where the yel¬ low fever prevails, except Missis¬ sippi City, and there the people have established “ashot-gun quarantine” of their own. A man who attacked Ciurksville Ga., in the papers, is told by certain citizens of the town that his advice, as “a two-for-a-nickel-dudc,” lias no r,l,ir e weight with the travelling public than the dust upon the tail- feathers of a loose carrion crow'.” _____ li/T W ii\i Ivfnioi-e taking th.-m at anything for the else lu by st un agency -ucceeil g.'itnph selling look None out, fall. Terms llegitmers free RfjoK . HALLE IT < < >. l»ortlaml l Miiiim BUFHA VISTA HOUSE, BUENA VISTA, GEORGIA. , ‘" u< ’ ll ffi!!4s. > Ae^m.^lmioo^oodrtr!a^dm in every respect. JIates reiisonable. J B. Felder. NI erriil Vnjlnwfty. FELDER \ CALLAWAY, GENERAL AGENTS, AMEBIC ITS, C 3 -A Ol li HPEtTALTIICS: Real E 4 ate, Im sttrane *, Lpaus and 1 ’roduee llroUer- age. — ('.iricshnndence Solicited.— In scm.i-n srfKar.on corirr surra TfiliM i i>. I.. M.-.sskv, Tr.msforee, i Uifi-Nisi of Hank ur VMKRft OS. vs i to forc;:lu:-t- J. I-; ai-t! 7 .. T. Wo.MAfK. , mortgage. MitciiK t, Rt:irrojr,ne«-tq:>ton' Tt heiugrt-presented to th.-tnurt by Hie tern-of o .--going Hank petition of of inerieus < J L Massey, that said trails cJc- A Seiik" feudant..- J K and V. T W omack of T county promiss (Ed execute for to > ;<i«t nuiidied piaiili!’V;t|iefi ty note one thirty duo (Mini's dated 111', r! tv ofi'Vb. lv-s and enOct lsi. ;iiei..u.f'.,«r payable to Hank of Americas or I m-:u or and ihc hi-t- ter to soeuve the ys-.yi: v..t of this sum, did upon the same day Hank execute tin-b-certain and tl -liver deed to mM moriLrag - upon tiie cast file of lot of ',. 1 I -1 No. i 15 - 1 ) oit. hundred and lift,) -four in JUth Dist. of d fcJchley red ennniy twenty-tivo fontniitirg 125 - cut- hue less am! acres more or being a ;:-i !of the l, G .Sinith old place and it appearing the that there is dm, upon said mortgage sum of (.f 130 . 0 )) one hundred, and tV.ivty dollars and !..r 30 .(H)i thirty dollars dollars intbiv-af .foes. gild Whei-eforo 13 .IX); thir¬ it teen is ordered attor-jii-y, that stud defendants(lppity into court by the I <t day of tlit itoxt torni or show cause to t’.,e contrary if any they liave why the principal interest mid at¬ torneys fees and in default thereof tlu, mortgage equity of redemption will forever in and ho (o this property barred) fore¬ closed and Tt is furtliurordered that this rule be published once month for four months before next tenn of this court in the Sumter Itepublican as re quired by Allen in", fejiteinhcr Fort, .). Term C. !S. W.C, 1 ssfi. ts. It appearing to the- court Ufis rule lias not Ilet-n \ ed b.v puljlii-atior. as requir¬ ed by th. rule or oi liervv , -,* served anil if further appearing that Use legal »dv< ir- tisii the g of chley i Ito county i« Slew published in ; Conisty J-.ntliu-iiish a new spa l.i r i \ib'isli<-t4 ,n Schley (.-guilty. 11 is ordered by the court that serrii-e • if Ibis rule la- j erfeted Try puhlictuion in said Schley lor‘four ( ountv E.iterprise once a liionlh months bc toie die next term of this court. March 'I'erm lfui. Allen Fort, J. s. r. >s. tv. c. A true extract from til,- minutes, May lfitli, 1 --S 6 . J. X. C'hi.nbv, clerk.' ..........t-T Mattik IlAi;Tand J K - for’closemort- ivtition.*ml a V'NVmoYxs'nmls < A* Ai.i.cms. 1 L-'-ul-t'Av - gage, Sclik-y arts?dtft Mpp'-iuii" mV he the puti- ceased that Amu* Wiggins »i' said comi- (hi.vofseptoiniii-ri.sTst.exeeutedaiidde- livcrcd toiianici F. Hart, iiim-tgageoii a iVit't'I-tst-ou-y t'llo plauof district IVs.'itj anV'iwkcontiiiniiig as vyt*»tjialf <*F lot No onetlwusim! 173 f south twelve and one half acres more or lew, tluTO Lciiiff one acre reserved where the tuinilv yard now is and the right of ,*? th'e** l P “& ^curing pa.vnient date of promissory notesof same witlimort- lie paid baU in the sf^lo^iiddli^ city of Oolurn- cotton to bus, thirty Gt., the other live notes above rack tor bales of cotton shuio m due Nov lag ism, Nov 1st, lss-g, >'«v ls b lhs: )i N<>v i8»4>Nov 1st, am>eurii(K diat said cotton was rea- ^j dollars at ed\orffYa^nvowi*^'vThe^innoDixty bale the k ^ ,ak per si avT^i makinig sum of nine ‘ , us ni andT5 - d s p AHums fulled and refused to del i ver the said cot- Ih^forto part thereof and still ret uses to puv the SAllums into i- this dWSatt court fief the pay first day of the on or -to m-xtterm of dc-fanltwi thereof the court will proceed provided by law. ,v i.i.i:n Four, mattik II utr and j , ’Fotviosoiliort- St-iiloy R Rkmpahm, f gage, sn- yiios K^vmoixs^of John’ I - <nil" Nisi,March ' ,(,uvt Schley cu. s Term 1 18 W. It being made to appear to tho court ‘^not'been^ VwinXve lervl^ ‘wiih^S.pyir'il" staiM ‘rf/Ab.lrtma'" IT rT-’idcnt^-'uw tf It tnuu-4 ti',1 the next Term ot tluscu;\n }S{J n th g. t said nisi in tin- Schu-y i •minty Enter- prise, court. This March 2iiU» w. H. McOin.-nY, Pinimiff uitorncy’s. i8^ true “ ,rttt ' t 1 T ... , , \ M F R I 0 A N F A R M E || FREE TO ALL OL T K SUBSCRIBERS! Farmer^ •?/ s ' } ~ "i ■ ■* . , "T i read the American m*- rf* m “. 9K[ IT HAS MADE ME PROSPEROUS WITH AMO HAPPY. I DONT READ ANY, | GET IT FREE cfe -s, NOT EVEN MY COUNTY Wwb MY COUNTY PAPER. I ; £ j,* IT DONT PAY. § ■ ■* ; ' Jk ^ySpillte V 1 mmm ’* J M Wi 1 **/ J S iiwl M 2 P mih r> >*. \> W-v IHH m Wi ?■ A A fflii-ii Is" A J'c, M y'Sj ml m I Hi A ft v • t 5E O *0£j> a m All our subscribers who will pay their subscription accounts to this paper in full to da te, and one year in advance, will be presented with one year’s subscription to the > sixteen- page Agricultural Magazine, published by E. A. llaekett, Hi Fort IVayne, Indiana and which is rapidly taking ■ liIlk as out e of the leading Agricultural pul ilient ions of the country. It is devoted exclusively to t lie iiO, crests of the 'Parmer Stock Breeder, Hairy man, Hardener, and their household, ami every species or industry connected with that great por turn, f t lie people of the world, the Fanners. The subscription price is One hollar per t ear. Ujii iners cannot well get a '< tig without it. It puts new idea into their minds. It teacher them how to i'ai in with profit to themselves. Il makes the hoim happy, the young folks cheerful, (lie growler contend, the down east happy, and the demagogue honest, AI llw ()ld Wuoden JOHN Drug 1+1. Store. ii A LL. the Post {H'i‘ictn near Amerlcus, Georgia. DRUGS, MEDILINES, CII'ElVIICALS. Fine Toilet Soaps, Brudu-s, Ilonlhs, M. PERFUME“ AN” Fm TM-LET .‘HE'W‘LES, IN GRE .‘T VA IIIETY. Noxmm.,-I.:'?.¥si‘,$3€‘aIixETETi'S'Ifif‘i‘LKIa‘hcm’m’ly ("’"“"""'d°d’__i DIXON BROTHERS. Dry Bonds, Groceries, Provisions, Ebthing, Hunts. Sham Crockery, Hardware and Furniture. s26-ly. Ellaville, Ga. •V^UU.UUUspiivi eODFWRVIin ptVsots .is K i ve n7wa7 postaire’ s cents !i!f'i^Hi^f work S that jrge will vabmahHt titim. 6 wfif v mi m at hriiiK [-wanted everywiierfl, oif either sex'of all j tunes for all w«>-k.-rs absolutely Htlsiired 10 THt PLANTERS OF SCHLEY and AOJOIMISfi COUNTIES Having- rented the Warehouse of W, I) Murray for the coming season I beg leave to call your attention to the same, and respectfully asking of a liberal share of patronage. Having an experience of eighteen years in the Warehouse business, I flatter myself that 1 understand it. I shall endeavor ut all time* to get Amcrieus prices for cotton, wiiji-li can be done, save the difference in freight which :tmounts to about onp eighth of a cent per pound. My charges will he the same as Aniericus charges, fifty cents for storage, twenty-five for extra storage, and tvv -utv- five cents per bale for selling. But any farmer has a right to sell his own cotton and I shall at all times render hint any assistance lean in sodding, 1 have employed .Mr. J. 11. Gaines as rqy seals -man, lie having been in the employ of Mr. W. 1). Murray for two past seasons. I believe lie is a man that will stand perpendicular between the buyer and seller I have engaged Mr. Murray to look after tiie warehouse business until 1st of September, being compelled to look after and wind up my business in Aniericus, \ then come among you as a citizen, and all I ask of vnu is a fair trial. Respectfully Yours, W. 11. TONPEE. aciOHi COLLINSVILLE JBlRAl SPRINGS, COLLINSVILLE, A L A. I be. e .springs are just one mile roui depot in the alx-vo town convenient tothe resident ■ . portion <>t the town. One i>, i-halvboate the other is sulphur. They arc nq more t ban fifty feet apart. Roth spring* are noted for tfio cunitive qualities of their Gian s\ stein that needs building of the hie up, this water can’t ]>e beat. The Sulphur Spring rll mBTo« a aG"?n edf, T, the< ‘ ,, . r ' , - Mve ,q''?l it0S of its >" all female disorder* The Mountain Scenery is Simply sublime I fineYree^AtaurVTaYcan^ Collinsville In, ilS 'Jsxi01o£ S10.00 to $15.00 per month. Kll, ‘' i 1 '"' Ga All Inquire* aA‘ where you change ears and goon the A (Ls‘ij^ m ^"" or - v thente Biriiiinghum, TO WHOM IT MAI CONCERN. .noRiii M g : l [a us I v V, * ___________ _ w .+•< V 1 The»e- relier kJIlKHfflE «toubd of free. Pill*. Plod out about them oaoh box la woi-.a tuliiui tha oo.t a hot bfterydan’s mmcagm Condition Powder is abHolutftfy ^ & Birr iiruh bwSM-S iSW.JSSSKW asntrated. pure and tiiarlxly OneounceH con-K ■ mm Bg2g ”J55f [;. xt i? ™ ■ _ ------ ff _ in book goiti. ny mill rilu8Wat«a frf*u J; a 1-4