Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, September 16, 1886, Image 3

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the ENTERPRISE. ELLAVILLE. GA.. SKIT. Hi, issu. KalrM of HlllMteri)>lIon. one w>py-«»« month*. >*«%..... 11.50 OneeeP.V's x * - * * 75 one copy, three months. - - - jingle copy. - - • ' • * ‘__* Advertising | inches; I mo ; 2 nn» i ■'<.....I *» no» j 12 in .) 1 '“‘~ J ' sSSSSSSS' ' $$ sS8SS?*s J m) J 8 60 (120 Jti 3 5 no I 7 501 U 4 0 J5 8 SO | 1.1 5 7 50 1 io 11 on SO 11 III 6 S 50 I | I JO 12 00 ! JO 00 i J7 Col. 20 00 : | 50 on 1 7.i ——■» CHUIU'HES. M. K.CHUBCH, south. Meotlnvr every second School Sunday 11am Sun- a n«m pm; Sunday every TUumtaU (J*yIvmver iiighi- J.t. Ia) meetffig we,pastor. wity baptist church. hi Meeting everv fourth Sunday meeting u Satur- a m 71., i, hi conference hav before It am. .1. H. 1 awood, pastor. Sunday School every Sunday 1 p m jij. w. D. Sears. > apt. ! Superior Court convene* 4tli m *£ March and September. Allen Judge, C. H. Hudson, Sol. Gen. COUNTY offjckhs. ftHKHIfF— J. E- Woods, n.RRK stTPttCoxiHT N.< honey, Oudinary—T..J. Hosier, TaxHecivbk .J, M. Thornton, Tax CoMiKCTou AV, C. Kelley, Tiieasuiusb—C. ft. Tondee sr, tt’oUoSKH—L. A. Gvtes, Robt Patton, County Commission kks M Caskey, j peacock, P F Dixon, A J 11 t U gliorn, clerk of board. \V p County Board ot Education. C. A. Tavlor, President, l)r. C. H. Smith, County School Cominissioneraiui Secretary of die board. A. Murray, J. T. Murphy and R. M. Rainy members of board, City (Miners. C L Battle, Mayor, Robt Burton, B A Strange, j,X. Cheney It M Murphy, \\ D Murray, COt'NClI.MK.Y. W li Mel'rory, Recorder. J M Throntoti, Marshal. Claud Dixon Tress. sS'Jnd List (j M, II H Singletary, J P jiml T H Wilkinson, Not Public and ex- officio J P court 4th Saturday in each '/16Ist," PandTJ J H Bivins, Ilixon.J Not 1* court Public 1st ex-office Satur¬ J day in each month. Pub. ,, , (40th List G M, M W Snider , Not. and ex-offieo J V, and S Murray, I i pourt 2nd Saturday in each month, 7s5th Dist <i M, f M Rainey Not. Pub. and ex-officio .1 P and S T Harper J 1 court 3rd '-atimlay in each month. C. R. McCRORY, ATTORNEY AT I-.A-'W- Ellaville, Ga, Terms— For $30.00 or under $3; from $30 to $500, ten percent.; over $300, seven per cent. No charges unless Collections, arc made. Office at court house. W.H. McCRORY, ATTORNEY iLT LAW. Ellavillk, Ga. Will pratice in the counties of Schley, Sumpter, Macon, Marion and Chattahoo- ehee. t. pecial attention given to oollee- « Office in court House, J. It. WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY at law . Beal Estate and Banking Agent 1 ELLAVILLE, GEORGIA. Prompt attention given to all business [entrusted lections him. made. No charges Special unless attention col¬ [given are and leasing real [estate, to selling collecting renting, mid rents. B, H. Wilkinson, TTOK.IN'IE'Y' A-T ILi-A-'W. AMKRICUS, GEORGIA, He will attend promptly I to all legal msiness entrustei to him. Money col- ci ted will bo immediately remitted. Office— Lamar Peoples’ National Bank Raiding, Lama Street, 1. N. MOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELLAVILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE—In Court Honse. ALLEN HOUSE. FORM KULY THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL AMERICUS, GEORGIA, Mrs. W.H.ALLEN Proprietress, ood Sample Rooms on first Flour for Commercial Tourists 1 Electric Bells connected with every pom. itli Elegant Bath Rooms eolef. supplied Ac- f kunmodations, Artesian water— warm or in Strictly First-Class every Patronage Particular, Solicted. W. Respectfully H. Allen, Agent. OUTHERN HOTEL Popular Street, Near Passenger Depot, MACON, GEORGIA. •LEY JONES fc ('0. Props. Rates$1.00 per Da.v. Single meal or edging ntekp. 25 cents, satisfaction duar- 'iiena Vista and Ellaville R. R. |On ami after 15th d KUaviU< Sept., trains Kailrortd on wiU the kn a " ' as foUov, SOINtt EAST. P ?aye ve Ruena Vista 9:30 a. rn. F lve Pgtnam 10 Ft at Ellaville..... 10:30 “ pave UliaviUe 10:30 “ Pave Lacrosse U “ F 1 n eat Anderson. 11230 “ save^ ctuj * N q WR8T , n er8on 2:50 pm n jj:*| f ,^ trivo , 4:10 pm “JUiSS-Sa* —‘ li. W. COCK HELL, Suvgfiuteiulenl. -5 i§s Bain needed. All that don’t want office hold up your hands. Chew the “Life Boat” tobacco for sale hy Dixon & Williamson. Charlie Ale’s new residence is completed hut not yet occupied. It is one of the nicest and most C0I1- venient residences in town. Hope Charlie wont forget us. We hope our subscribers will re- member us court week. The ele¬ phant Ison our pocket book and the stubborn monster Is likely to stay there till our friends push him off. 1 he Association . at Bluff Spring ' v< ‘ learn WttH well attemled. Some say there was about 3,000 people iu attendance on Wednesday. They had no Sunday in it. A good idea we think, Ask dudish Jim W., about the lit- tic mee { ( ng a ( Die cour t, house last Monday morning if you want to see him wilt. Jim is noted for practical joking ami downing those he jokes with, but lie met his match once. A fine line of shoes very cheap just received at Dixon & William¬ son. I will be at my shop on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays all who want shoes mended will please bring them on those days, they will find me there only on the days above mentioned, Wm. J. Allen. A clever clerk in this town es¬ corted a visiting young lady to church Sunday night and report says he got a good fanning, lie fan¬ ned himself till his arm .vas sore next day, when asked about it, said he was fanning the young lady. Home of our best farmers think there will not be more than a half crop of cotton in this section. They say there will be a good corn crop on red lands, J 11 consequence of so much rain in the corn growing sea¬ son, the corn on sandy la ud is very poor. The Friendship Association meets with flie Union church, Marion county, eight miles north of Buena Vista, on Wednesday September 29th. Ample preparations made to entertain those attending. All go¬ ing by rail will be met tit Buena Vistn on Tuesday 28th. No arrange¬ ments made to meet the train but one day. The reason advertising don’t pay is, because there is no more of it done. We notice that our mer¬ chants who advertise are getting nearly all the trade. It is poor economy to buy goods and sit by them from day to day complain of hard times and moan and groan and sigh when a little printers ink would have you smiling and your pockets filling. Fine Itinekherry Wine. Miss Janie Driver has 50 galons of very good blackberry wine. For medicinal purposes we think it un¬ excelled. We have tried it and can safely recommen it. Anyone want, ing to buy can find a sample at this office. ftoilee In Subscribers. Our first volume will soon expire,' notice the mark against your name, your subscription expires with the next paper after that. A good many expires this month renew promptly we don't want to drop a single name. Iinporta ut Notice. All parties indebted to me for Guano or otherwise are hereby no¬ tified that their notes fall due Oct,> 1st. As a business engagement calls me to another point shortly after that date, J respectfully ask that you meet your papers promptly at maturity, or I shall be obliged to leave them in the hands of another for collection. Remember the date Oct. 1st. Morgan McMichael. 'ARjaapi y AHTcUHO ■iflauoai noA oars ,|TM o'sooud pun spooS Jno 3UIUIBX0 pue 1|RQ 'OOJIOQ PUB JBjhlg ‘^ 41 !%) ‘s ( ooouqoj, oui L q ‘ojR.wpJRH ‘0JBMUU ‘suono^ ‘spoof) Suiqsiu -jn^ s;uof) PUB sotpRi ‘Suiqiojo ‘S'lBH ‘800l|H ‘spoof) .fJG I31UJM pUB Ijbj jno,\ Suj8Bqojnd tfq (teuotu oars ubo no£ ojoipw pup HIM no£ jq SIHJ, UYCIU J,.NOa The American Farmer and The Enterprise. All wanting a first class agricul¬ tural paper can get it with the En¬ terprise at the subscription price of the latter paper. Remember you get two papers at the price of one. This offer is made at a great sacrifice in order to put a good ag¬ ricultural journal in every formers home. It applies to renewals as well as new susbscribers. It will not be sent less than one year at these and in no case without the cash in advance. Those that owe for the I Enterprise can not avail selves of this offer until they ** bn * h u v discontinued or. the 15th Nov I* I£ It MO ft AL¬ i Mrs. Harp .. iii is slowly , Mrs. T.J. Myers is slowly improv- ing. Messrs. Ed Littleton and Harrison, of Aniericus were in city last Friday. Mr. F. B. Montfort, of Butler is located in the city for some time buying cotton. Mrs. A. H. Greer and Mrs. H. M. Kaigler, our aunts from Oglethorpe visited us this week. Mr. Homer Cimppel, of Sumter county, is boarding at ('apt. C. L. Peacock’s and going to school, Mr. E. I). Hicks, of Reynolds has arrived and begun work on Hon. W. 1). Murray’s new residence. Mr. Jim Stewart and family of Macon are visiting Mrs. P. D. Mott Ids mother-in-law near tills place. Misses Minnie and Mattie Lowe, of Buena Vista, visited at W. H. McCrory’s last Friday and Satur¬ day, We have a new typo in the per¬ son Mr. Ed Tondee. He is one of our nicest young men and an apt student. Miss Belle Kirksey who has been spending some time with her sister Mrs. J. T. Lowe, left for her home on last Monday. Mr. R. C. Meadows of our town is convassing Macon county, in the in¬ terest ot a patent bed spring and other articles of much value. Miss Mattie Whigham who has been vlsitiug at Col. Bill McCrory’s forsome time ;left for her home in Chattahoochee last Tuesday even- ing. Editor Christopher, of the Buena Vista Patriot passed through the city last Friday. He goes over to Ins old home occasionally, he says to Sunday school. Olin Dixon has accepted a posi¬ tion with Mr. George Stapleton, of ^mericus and left yesterday for that place. Olin makes a good clerk and we are confident Mr. 8., will be pleased with him. Cotton sold in Ellaville last Sat¬ urday 8'D OIL'S. Machinery, Engine and Gin Oil’s Best Grade’s. B. A. Strange. Farmer Relief Association. Judge Patton one of our most substantial farmers and leading cit¬ izens informs us that the farmers in his section or district have united under the above-name for the pur¬ pose of promoting tiie interest of the farmer and protect the laborer. He has promised to furnish us a copy of their constitution and by laws. We will be very glad to fur¬ nish to our readers the objects and aims of the laudable institution. From the account he gives, it will be of great importance to our farmers, a protection to good labor and also a source of protection to the merchant. One of its objects is to encourage good reliable labor and to remove worthless labor, encourage all to pay debts and to make no nobts they can’t pay. Oglethorpe Dots. REPORTED BY ROBERT. Col. Willis is out again. Lots of cotton coming to town now. Mr. Powell visited Macon last week. Miss Cora Anthony is visiting rel¬ atives in Montezuma. Charlie Crisp of Am ericus, visited Frank Keen last week, Miss Maggie Bell of Montezuma visited our city last week. Some of our young people are en¬ joying horse back rides most every evening. Messrs, Hay good and Hill of Mon¬ tezuma, were in our village Sunday evening, Madame rumor says that there will be a marriage about the 1st of next month. We are awful anxious for Novem¬ ber to come as we heard that some¬ body was coming over then. Miss Minnie Horsley returned to her home in Dawson after a pleas¬ ant visit of about two weeks. A number of our young people at¬ tended the Primitive Baptist Asso¬ ciation at Bluff Springs last week. Mrs. J. R. Williams and two sons Jesse and Roy returned Saturday night after most delightful visit to relative and friends in Danville Va. Mias Ada Gaines after a most de¬ lightful visit to relatives and friends her? returned to her home in Ella- ville Wednesday much to the regret of a good many of our young people. Camp meeting was well attended- and great good was done. There were thirty-six accessions to the church. Revs. Twitty, Branch, Breedlove, Fentrees, Bryan, Lang- * ston, BnrWe and BenteU were the berof local preachew there. TO TTIIE PLANTERS. In my advertisement I there waH rt diff erencc of H of a cent in favor of the Aniericus cot- | of ton th market. fr( it r,, But ‘ rrttes upon examination 1 li nd lt *‘ ‘ ' on amount to one-sixteenth, the , differ¬ ence so small it will not pay any planter to haul his cotton from his own market. Bring me your cotton and F will endeavor to get the highest market price for it. Yours truly, \Y. 11. Ton dee. Kcripe for Carbuncle. Mr. M. L. Harp furnishes the Journal with the following recipe for making a salve that will cure carbuncles. He has seen it tried in a number of instances and has nev¬ er known it to fail to effect a cure: Take equal quantities of the barks of white oak, red oak,black jack and persimmon; take the root of black- haw, poplar, sassafras and white shoemake and boil in water till the strength is out, then strain it, return it to the pot and boil it down to a salve; spread the salve on a plaster apply it to the sore and let it re¬ main two or three days before chan¬ ging it. Let the patient take a dose of salts ev ry two or three days.— Dawson Journal. T.J.Hixson Esq., whose father had tiie same remedy, says add the root of black-berry briar. APPOINTMENTS. Hon. Charles F. Crisp. The candidate of the Democratic party of the Third Congressional District of Georgia for the Fiftieth Congress, will address ltis fellow-cit- izens at the following places on the dates set opposite thereto: Montezuma, Saturday, September 18th. Oglethorpe, Wednesday, Septem¬ ber 22d. Hawkinsviile, Saturday, Septem¬ ber 2oth. Abbeville, Monday, September 27th. Ellaville, Wednesday, September 29th. Leesburg, Saturday, October 2d. Preston, Monday, October 4ti\. Douglass, Wednesday, October 6th. Irwinville, Thursday, October 7th. Ferry, Monday, October 11th. Aniericus, Wednesday, October 13 th. Fort Valley, Saturday, October 16th. Cochran, Monday, October 18th. Eastman, Tuesday, October 16th. McRae, Wednesday, October 20th. Dublin, Saturday, October 23d. Alt. Vernon, Monday, October 2oth. Lumpkin, Friday, October 26th. Trust Him when you cannot truce Him. Do not try to penetrate the cloud which He brings over you and to look through it. Bather keep your eye fixed steadily on the bow tiiat is on tiie cloud.The mystery is God’s; the promise is yours.—Macduff. Receipt For Making Tattlers. Exchange. Take a handful of tiie weed called run-about, the same quantity of a root called nimble-tongue, a sprig of the herb called back-bite, atable- spoonfull of don’t-you-tell-it, six drachms of malice; a drop of envy, which can be purchased at the store of Miss Tabitha Teable and Miss Nancy Nightwalker, Stir them well together, and simmer them half an hour over the tire of discontent. sprinkled with a little jealousy; then strain it thoough the rug of misconception, cork it up in the bot¬ tle of malevolence, hang it up on a skein of street-yarn, which any loa¬ fer can furnish,shake it occasional¬ ly for a few days, and it will be fit for use. Let a few drops be taken before going out, and the subject will be able to speak all manner of evil, and that continually. M. B. P. FOB SIX GOOD FAMILIES. Send your name anti the a«n>« and ad¬ dress of five of vour neighbors or friends on yourself a postal and card each and of get free for them a specimen copy of THE GREAT (SOUTHERN WEEKLY, Ifamous I “UNCLE ItaMTTS's world- OUR Sketches of the THIIEF (old Plantation 8”Huniorous Darkey. HUMOROUS l “billAKP’ WRITERS s Letters for Home and (Hearth Stone. “betsy Hamilton's” adventures told n tiie “Cracker” dialect, War Stories, Sketches of Travel, News, Poems, Fun, Adventures, “The Farm," The Household, Correspondence, A World of Instruction and Entertain¬ ment. Twelves Pages. The Brightest anti Va st Weekly Pleases every member of the Family, SEND A POSTAL FOR A SPECI¬ MEN COPY, FREE Address “The Constitution,” Atlanta, Ga. Ai A "PI? XvloJUi. TQ1? Send six cents forpost- age, and received free, a costly box of goods which will help y <01 to more money right away than anything else in this world. All or either sex. suc¬ ceed from first hour. I he broad road to fortuue opens before the workers, abso- lutelysure. At once address. True* Co., Augusta, Maine. SHERIFF SALES. <W,, ??V 01 jm ^ i n /j . k r 1 ” ' GKOHUIA Nciilk\ county. \\TLL VV (letober he sold on the (lie tirst reside Tuesday of in next at lice within N. Hudson the Into legal Schley hours ooumv of sale deceased the to highest bidder for cash the the ing property to-wlt. One sorrel horse mule about U years old named seott.ono blank inare nude named ninry about 15 years old, one gray mitre mule mimed (tray about 15years old, one hay old, mule named Caesar about mule 15 years named one mouse colored mare Crusoe about'20 years old, one white cow marked upper hit In right ear and tin- der bit itt right aiul left ears and Iter white ealf, one red eow and calf marked similar to tlu* eow and ealf above mentioned,one whit ealf (thrown unmarked, pietled butthoaded heifer yearlings eow and her two unmarked, two blue sows with time pigs, eaeh sow marked upper hit in right and under bit in right and left ears, thir¬ teen black wholes marked similar to above mentioned sows, three white and black spotted shotes marked similar to above, three blue abates marked similar to above, one patent hub four horse wa¬ gon mid gear, one old four horse w agon and gear, one old buggy and harness, one corn shelter plow and one live'plow two horse stoeks, plow, eight five sets of gear, weeding hoes and remainder of farming mill and tools on eighty premises, gallon one kettles, sugar earn* hun¬ two one dred bushels of wheat more or lesson the premises of J. N. Hudson deceased, a sample of which will he exhibited on day or sale. All of above described the pidperty estate levied of 011 J. as N. the Hudson property de- of ceased to satisfy a tifa issued from eotirt of Mrs. Ordinary Amanda of Schley M. Hudson county and in her favor five of minor children against K. C. Ihillardex- editor of the estate of ,1, X. Hudson de¬ ceased. This 1st, dav of Sept, issti. J. F. Wooes, sherift. Notice foe Leave to Sell Land. A PFIJCATION will be nuide to Georgia, court of Ordinary first ’regular of Schley county, after at the term expiration ot'fonr weeks from titis notice for leave to sell lands belonging to the estate of James Chambers late of said county deceased for the benefit of the heirs an creditors of said deceased. Sept. Util, issti. li. C.JU ahholson, Adiu'r., of James Chambers, siMt. Deceased. GEORGIA--Schley county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday the in Oct. issti. the reversionary interest in Hock creek Camp Ground, less off containing of lot No. fifty-two iii 3rd district acres more of Scldey or also U north county of the nine acres off of same lot Camp Ground land, sold for the benefit of the hiers and creditors of the estate of \V. R. A. Ingram deceased. Terms cash. J. N. I'hknky, Adm’r, deltoids non. Citation. GEORGIA — Scilt.V'.Y county. Whereas ('. B. Strange of Sclilcv coun¬ ty deceased who died on the application 2d day of August, 1X85, intestateand no for letters of administration on the estate of said (A administration li. Strange notice is hereby vested given that will be in th" clerk of tiie Superior Court of Schley comity or some other lit ami prop¬ er person, tliis citation 3!) days unless after the valid publication objec¬ of some tion is made to his appointment. Given under my hand uml official signature, this 14th day of T. Aug. J. Dozuut, issti. Ordinary. Notice to Debitors and Credit, rs. GEORGIA—SCHI.KY COUNTY. 4 1,1, persons having demands against late -1 l tiie estate of John N. Hudson, of Scldey county deceased tiieir . demands arc hereby noti- the fled to render in to undersigned according to law; and all persons indebted to said eitate are re¬ quired K. ('. to make Bullaub, immediate Administrator payment. of .T. X. Hudson, deceased. This .T;ilv 2$;li. ISSti. GEORGIA Schley County. To J. N. Cheney. Mrs. Mattie Hart and the next of kin of Isaac Hart late of said county deceased. J. R. Respass having petition for an order at the August term of the court of administratorship Ordinary allowing him the to resign the of estate of said Isaac Hart deceased on ac¬ count of feeble health these arc therefore to cite you to be and appear ut October term of tiie court of Ordinary to show cause if any you Hot have why said resigna¬ tion should be allowed and J. N. Cheney stead. clerk of .Superior court Dozier, appointed in his T. J. This Aug 2, ISSti. Ordinary. Application—Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—WCllLEY COUNTY'. To all Whom It may Concern: Whereas, W. I), administration Murray lias applied to me for letters of on the estate of J. N. Souter late of said county deceased. This is therefore, to cite all and singular kindred and creditors, of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before tiie October term of court to be held ou the first should Monday in granted October next why letters not be W. D. Murray. hand Witness my and official signa¬ ture, this Aug 4, ’Sfi. T. J. Dozier, Ordinary. y- - 1 I Tiie Ellaville DRUG STORE is the place to get pure DRUGS, MEDICINES, SODA, CREAM TARTAR AND FAMILY MEDICINE; PATENT MEDICINES, NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, LAMP GOODS or any other article usually kept in a drug store. Dr. C. H. Smith, _E laville, Ga. Rare Chance. We offer for sale one of the most ilesl - ; able farms in Schley, one mile from Ella- ville. Confer at once with us at Atneri- i cus. Felder a Callaway. BRICK WORK AND BUSTING, r have had an experience of six veur,- . Work gnaranted, Addais. J.A. and Lan«»**y, on terms. ^Uaville, Georgia. li. A. STRANGE “THE GROCER/’ | Ellsb'vill©, O-eorg'is.. j 1 I With full lino in stock and ready to compete with all | j "Country Merchants;" 1 8TOCK OF MEAT, COHN, OATS, FLOUR, HAM’S WITH COOKING STOVES ry * TO WARM THE SAUCE.’ Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Grits, Cheese, Mackerel and Lard j Sufficient to supply the general trade, and a full line 555 ! I ‘THE LAST NEEDFUL’ BURIAL CASKETS, COFFINS. PIANOS ™ ORGANS J AS. FRICKER & BR0. PROPKITOR9S OF THE SOUTHWEST GEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE tire selling Pianos and Organs for CASH or on Installment plan, cheaper than any other house in the country. To verify the above all you have- to do is call and examine their stock, or write for catalogue and prices. One reason they sell cheaper titan some houses, is stool this, they don’t throw in any Piano thing with Stool an Instrument. Instruction A handsome Book with each and Organ, scarf goes and noth¬ with each and a and ing else. You pay for what you buy, but nothing more. They give you a home guarantee for five ye trs, and will deliver an Instrument in your house if it is not convenient for you to send after it. They have a very- handsome delivery wagon built especially for this purpose. Write for prices and terms to James Frickek A Bro., Aniericus, Ga. nr is j -,T I CrSu. THE MOST COMPLETE FURNITURE HOUSE IN SOUTHWEST GA. I DEFY COMPETITION I have a complete stock of every kind of furni¬ ture; such as fine parlor sets, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads of every description ami and prices anywhere. to correspond. There is I nothing cannot be about excelled in house quality of goods of furniture prices that I cannot furnish. I have all your and flatter in the way sorts my¬ self that I can suit you, if you will give me a Trial. Call aud examine my stock. To those who have or are about to get married and will want to furnish their houses, I insist that you give me trial. A nice line of Silver Plated and Crockery ware; also a nice line'of clocks and lamp goods at prices that defy competition. D. B. HILL, AMERICUS, CxA y December 24th, 1886. SCHLEY COUNT! ENTERPRISE The Only Paper Published in the county* SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 A YEA1L