Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, November 18, 1886, Image 3

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the enterprise . EbbAVlLI.E. HA., NO\ is, ishti. llat s of -subscription. 0)1 ,py, one year...... - 'll..HI ........... .six liiree months. * • - - 7.. i me i*' * j,v, inoulhs. - - - 46 s*na nPV' • • ...... 5 All vert islng Hates , j mo I L mo | il ini) | ll Fiji nm pin m o -- - ■» ini *> g ' . . i : Kite § 11 Hi i a 'j:. Id (si § 7 oil I | 14 .'HI i'g i s ;> i 111 50 in Vi U) I J7 .'hi 5 id oo | 7o (to § jisia and Eilaiille li, i after Nov. hi trains on the Hums Vista and Idlaville Kuilroad dlow s: i.ill Stl KAMT. heave ; : Vista - 4:,"Hi a in—3:4. r > put Pit nan. - 5:15 “ 4:13 “ ..i'Uille ■ - 5:40 “ 4:45 “ , it ' rosso 5:5S “ 5:05 •• rr :i \ndt rson fi.WJ “ 5:30 « (IOIMI WI ST. Lma A id erso 11 .... !*:00 it in f>:50 p m A.r. a i.vt ro se .i*:3t) a m titll) p m IV ....0:50 a in (>:3o p m • I’ulnniii 10:30 a m 7 :()0 p m • Huena \ ista 11 a0 a m 7:30 pm *■ 'Met ti i-i^ «il! be mad. daily, ri sun ( v a .brdiop eitlier our people an ...i: •• « I ;n eg cant or uay iri'tu And. r..'*ii, where in tilt •Soulw» stern railroad are .» > 1 by ' Coimeei ion except •r B J. M. l.owi, l’rt s’t. t III UMII’.M. ,1. K. fill Kill, HOC Tit. every -Sunday second 8 uuda> 11 a in u i i , P i"; HeiuHit ev.-t, - . i. lx>we,pastor. BAFT IsT I’llURt H. mg - very conference fourth Sunday 11 a m m meeting Su.ur- ■ fore 11 am. J. il. Fawood,pastor.; id • V ■seiiool every Sundav 3 p in , 1 1). Sears, ' . hu^erior ( otirt eonvenvs 4th Fori, n ,i - ud .September. Allen , if. Hudson, Sol. Hen. * Ol NTV OFFICERS. t, ■ ' -J , i . Woods, S. Cheney, ' Hi. nt i on:i --J. ■inA io . J. Dozier, . lira civkh— J. xi. I'hornton, ( c i.t l. t. -ti — VV. i. Kelley, , - i . K. 1 'ondee mi, o> . >i - ... A. (iyit-M, K< t v ) •• ••- mimm i.t I'tiuon, ... 1 i-' Htxoti, .i M Vdskey, •Jitppey. -gl.orn, iderk of board. , 1 eountj li -aril ol Education. C. A. ay lor, l resident, Dr. C. H. s. .till, Colo •.) .■•ciiooi t uiiimiMSioneraim t-retarv •■( . e-board. A. t. Mur av, j. ...Muipiiy vim It. At. iCainy members i i uaru. C ty Ofilerrs. V l* HuUir, Mayor, obt Burton, H A Strange, J . ... GTeoey It >1 Murphy, .< Munify. eouNeiLM l.n . \\ il ybroiuoiA, MeGrory, Ueeorder. j xVianuiiii. ..aid i >:±oii -ml Distil H ii oinglt-ary,o j j i: Y\ ‘ ii, .>>ot i'uu.ic alul ox- V vtiiii i -ii ii ban;iiuiy in t*av. i Mi. l? v* MDadov. mite i •1 i i i x<> eour ii ia< i v it if a m, , \V \-'>p,eio «» i - a. ;»i a i .ml nii in 'Gh Dint • Jli t. ~' a ; v-*ll 1 CIO J i ami .”5 i ixtupci :t i(rd ‘'.durG.o o ViU’ii ti*..- n Ol n Ak. uiCuddixi i ,’TOibJM Ad X vV . Ellavillk, LrA. Coleetions a sjieeialty. Charges 'itsonable. 1. N. AiOil, A IXOttNLY AT LAW , > h)-A , 1 :.KJ., HKuKt.lA. i HL I a < .'oiU'L liousf. W. h, jJficUKUuk 1 -TO x: -A.LT LAW. Ellaville, u a. - •'•raUx.’t! in t u t; cm Julius of 8cbicy, '•, -' Uif ‘ii f Diarwn and LiiattuiHio* ' , • ud atAiailioU j4'.Vt ; U U> C'uiit.'C ciuiiiis. Uilioo ui court iu>use. i. il. il ILLU.H.V VTTOUNKY AT LAW. il Esia!e ad Banking Agent I nhb.’ VILLE, (.EOlttilA. -’’“‘la ■ usual auontiou given to all business him. No charges unless col- “ K! “re made, .sjioetal attention m selling renting, and leasing real ■'“te.ami collecting rents. * . YLLEN HOUSE, |°«mk«ly thk commercial hotel AM KHICUS, GEORGIA, ■ ' UN ; " • IL ALLEN Proprietress. " Rooms first Floor ■ ■ ['T ( ommerciul on ,r Tourists K I 11 ArtiwiT' pJ*!' :l,lt llM ’'-nuveted '’emus with supplied every f"til<M '«rtieuiar?* a, ; ‘ " “'nr rteUy -warm l or irst cold. luSH Ae- i11 P.7 l ‘ , I “trouagei.Uespeetlully Solieted. " • II- Allen, Agent. ■VA Su l’lIEKN HOTEL 1 Near i*as»eugor Depot, - I ’D 1UC..N. UHOBOU. fcggja«»i.»tos.......... JONES 4 co. “*"• sAnscAi tion nt a I,- "V _■——^ -------— TTlVTmoreth* UYukb,, 1 u ilt anything else h v I agency k for the fwat ........... v’ T 1 , 1 ’ »”K*uners r I „■ / m lifi ■ A Fruit THIS DATE TUK FOllMs «>* Tub F.NTKKPltlSE WIU.CI.OSK AT NOON WKDXKSDAY. I.Kii \l, .ID- Vl'.KTIHKMKN'fS, ou MATTIiltSOF l M IN»UT A NO B, K !•’.(* V. IV K1 > W K1 > N Ks- DAY AFTKltNOON; ill T \VH l ilt ST PARTIKH INTUKKSTED Wild, Id I IS 1IA VK Til Kilt NOTK'F.S as BOON AH POHHIIILK IN Till: WI KK. It luts rained. Shoot the dude. And i he boy who mocks the train. Sow your small gram and lots it. Cotton eight cents in Ella ville. Mrs. Maguire is slowly recover¬ ing from a severe sick spell. Ask Dr. Cheney who got dog bit the other day. The editor is visiting bis parents | at Dawson. There is still considerable cotton ( in fi,.l,| s | The Americus cotton compress is . suceessfnl _ . ojicratton. 1,1 The Methodist church litis a new roof. Xerv’t vims in dis life ofer he goes trimmed mit lionesty und ilemperenz. Mr. W . D. Murray’s new residence complete : and presents a fln< appearance. Mrs. Pelt us, of Florida, mother of yi rri . jj pj. Stevens, of tills place, ‘ i> on a visit to her daughter and fam- . 1 ;i v , An ;.r ipriatt appointment: i Felton, of Bartow ou the lunatic ; asylum. “Jacob kissed Ilachcl and lifted up his voieo and wept.” Whitt was the young man crying about? Don’t shpoke your luiud out un* loss you got von mind to said some- dings. (Do you catch on ?) Wanted—to know if any man in all this a id world ever bought <>r sold am if “C’linginan’s tobacco Ctll'C.” Mr McMielntel "ollowing has been appoint- ed on the Jegislative com- mittees: Kinuncc. b v°’iTiH- inni sttnitation and public w<,rks. Another lost tribe—the surveying party wltich left t'olunibus some weeks ig - *>n the Columbus and Florida male. I he ;» v A E. ihilroad will ke i> in siglit. We have two trains daily t* ich \v.-. , nnectiug c! i.\ wilii ad trai.. o 1 lie Central at Am it i - sonvilJe. Mr. D. il. Williams is candidate lor iie oliii't of mayor oi A mericus. Mi“ t- in this section are itopi i u his success. ,1 l’>. .>: ntryuni sister n! .Mr. T itiiuib tireen WOO \ 1 w with e i sumption ‘lie- i is place, lied su if* lifilt ' sense 1 m- .Snturd her bon ii irNuob'i Pity. Dot ■ sser you pass sliutig- vorth tit, tits > 1 . r ,irtJ'-' *"*•. ot sue got . ’ | j sbtor ■ tier V rehouse 0 V Iter hr bn *ar ! W'iiliaitt.s, who D:. - { WcH ii; jj reuirn.Mi last week, ai-u, \vt* are in ortn* d, is quite sick. Fra ' (fl man. of half*.” st i: in u “ - North .. a gia railroad, .••oap .o 't. Thi seinM ’ bell is a as-ttr' il fact and soon its merry liatimiahuhi- tions will call tiie -vtmhirs t«» the stove', ss schoolroom. Pleasant on icy a, . ni . -. A prison e.nvtvss hose -object seems to be to make prison life at¬ tractive lias been in session in At¬ lanta. Like all such absurd affairs it, is managed by a lot of northern cranks. Coroner Giles informs us that Joe Jernignn, colored, destroyed her in¬ fant child last ,Sunday night. She carried it a short distance from tffe house and killed it; so the coroner's - jury decided. President- Raoul of the Central . ffas opposition -if J ni, in lit Ho, com tuning inn- idee- (1 < tion ' ' of Officers in the person of Col. E. I . Alexander. ,, ...... I resident . Raoul s many friends in this vicinity are ! anxious and hopeful for his success and continuance in office. ; i h.-y'v,- B .'t . tl,,-ehtais- 1 ributH'wlu) umrs »Shii 8( til. Fit ^ might read Sanscrit aiul Hebrew'1 ami every longue since the- days of; Babel and then slip up on the chi- j rogruphy of certain Ellaville law- y (1 ^ 8 * I It i. 11 - 1 ‘ 1 'isy mntler f>r - ,-ountryi I,..... ........................... sun la .',t,> km I in Igru o. u. »r cession on a morning daily, llnsi- ..... “ 1 fl ,r the two ►Sold.*' .* county youtlis , who . have . recently , » Kr m T duat«d uaU ' a from tro '\J the ,U Telegraph 7 P com- ", 8r , ,wk ” A now idea in tin 1 shape of aii “engagement calendar” la but,'and girls ura going ta use them to keep memoranda of the different fallows tliey get engaged to, when they proposed, When the matc h was de- elurod off, and nil that. ..... \ lrgmia nearly ... being euine very lost to the democrats November 1 hey only , elected . . , , two of .... their gresaim*n. On account of the rain the f(*sti- valhas been postponed until next Monday night, at the courthouse. Business Local Notices. Take your county paper. Fresh H.->b at Z.T. Anglin’s. Don’t forget the paper. We need money. One fare only for the round trip to the Macon fair. Chew the “Life Boat” tobacco for sale by Dixon & Williamson. If von want to buv a lll-st class rill ... no or Organ go to lull A hellliel- , . der, Americus Oa. On to Z. T. Anglin’s for good, cheap tinware; wttslt pans from 5c up—everything else cheap. On uoto/i. to 7 T 1 . T 1 . ADgllll V mrlin’a S for lor 11 li . ■ Black’s home made siloes. TheX iirc the M ,„„) AnirliuS f- arc the lowest. * •AiiatinK V A iTdin;) j •.Couottt uo.v j A V Taoud pun s[..... a mu miuuixo i on (pi') mojuo,) put: .tu^nv’ JUiJ};) VjOJDltqO I ,)tu.[ ‘.Ui:.W[MI!JI i OJtl.WdtJ, SUOIfoy; spool) stunlHJU j ! 111.1 sjunf) pun Sdjpuq ‘;!u|l|) 0 [;> i SOOttpj spoof) AJ(t .MJUt.U pun j •' JtlOA JuUlSRIjiMtuf 1 AH 1 *C0UOUI OAW^' j : no.V G.wi[A\ plllj n0.\ , J0 i Miu dv:m l.nihi : OILS. Machinery, Engine ™ and Oln i> .. (irades. , , !>• A. Htkanol. ^ ----- + -------- I*rof. C’nvl Schmddor, v. host* j i s rt household word in all ji | iovttig families, is now with D. I». Hid in ihe organ piano business. Write to him information. oU* —__ . _ AX> uey to Loan on Ouod Terms. \ [t • ««M.t 5***' * j mmtey ! lAiicl at the biivt* iiu- t*n>v.’(i la nd* to offer as iili Oil or (t,ci(lr(\s8 at Amt?ricU8, Crii., Mathew s & BurkJndter,loan agents, NOTICE. All persons indebted to the es- lit It •of.;, N. tSput-er deceased, will pi-.atse come forward and settle, and utose having claims against the es- .aie will render them in as the litv\ requires. )'. D. Mi; Hit ay, Ailiu’r. October U 188(i. * f'hte giackbi'ri'j r Wiue. iss jante lJfivei itas oil gtvloits oi very gcjc'i ./iaeiibeiry wiut For medicinal purposes vt e think it un- exeeJktd. \\ *• have tried it aud can saie’ly recomiiieii it. Any one want- .ng i o.': can mid a sample at this • iliac.. HOMESTEAD NOTICE. ......-si", J| ;1S applied to me for exemption of n pt „ i.oll.HIN r . nll .,|tv any nod Halts re-iltv and a ml sett;.!., • ttin_ apart-a ltd val.Uatib.i at hymestead, o’clock tsel 1 w ill pasiupon ilf ll the sumo Deceniber, at IU on.! 'til tiny of lftWtv it my office, i. Js Dozier, Nov. Hi, 1880. Ordinary. ' f ” t0 Z T ' A "” lin fm ' V°- >■> t i- , - li g Ii iih a. or, ii-d. - 1 svrup-, tin , . price. Wine V’v .. I»’, . ''Mir owb ,-i,-»|,pi;-U'-m.riu-, wiiii iresli fisli every T riday eW'U- iug; also a go.« of rutabaga tUillip-. lie has also tl cheap line of furniture, Singer’s improved sew¬ ing machines, oils and needles, and can satisfy in prices. He wants your turkeys,'Chickens, eggs, butter, hides, tallow, beeswax, etc., paying in money or trade. * Mr. J. T. Howe, three mio* south west of Americus, offers a tine farm e"ntniuiug 750',,™- to. «to. U tu» a good gin and screw, is convenient to churches and schools, in a fine cotumhuity, and healthy. He also offers s"me flue stock for sale. For further particulars ndtlress _ I.' J . ,, AlUCT , f'., * - ’ ---------- l*;i»VtoO»l .. MnimlnClIirillK ................. i O. ^ „ Variety ^ * Manufact- «ri»g Company, Dawson Oa,. are manufacturers of sash, doors and blinds, door and window frames, „„ iu ,, l |„ g ,, W** «t"lr »".k, wed und turned l)Miust(*rs, wood ’ llian tels ’ pulpits and church seats inliar( i or soft wood. Full supply of (ln , SM . ( i lumber kept instock iimss und Iron Fouudrv tind Mtt- cluiU* Sfiops. TI,, ......... .......... w‘U -flBum. <■• -«< s “ • ........ know .. tlam to tom be perfect ptriu gont'mnen. nmltl.ey will mike it the nw st of , all ,, needing nteir . j u ,; r ,r goous 0(M is to gi>e give them their orders. W rite them and Ci . X Thev call fill orders OU i SHERIFF SALES. FOR DKCKMHKK, iksr. (.iKOKtiJA, SoHLKY t'nl'NTV. Will he'sold at the i-ourt housedoor mi tin, m-st Tuesday in December, issti, | the No. followilWf 1 in thcJinh hauls district lo wits lad »t hind st of said >. Ihe tji l.y bv the lands of .i. wist the lands el s \v .smith, on the south h.v the lands of MrsC K 1 leek with, and on the east h\ i the lands of A! i s Sue Joins; levied it's Ihe on *do\er j»r<>i»«Tt\ satisfy of Mary Ulmer and A .1 to a mortgage ti fa iu fit- ^i-’er'nn.iA J idme^^v^.m I ' 1 out in said mortgage h la and leuunt in posses'inn notified in it i nis nt law. he Also, at tile same time ami place, will solil one hiilidii-d and ninety aerckof lot hi hind \si. ITU, IIIty acres iu the north east corner of lot hum .so. 17a and third aetrs in the north w< a earner of lot No. 174, all in the third district,and hounded on the north bv the lands of Janies Acre, on the west by the lands of Mr Jones, on the south by tiieeast the lands of Mrs Nwcarcngcn .Mr ami on by the lands < 1 llrvunt; levied on its the property SfSLS’S'SS’.'SSg jssiud t-rawS son t lint trout Schley snperior conn. Tenant in possession 'notified In lerins of law. he Also, ni the same time and place, will sold the south half of lot of laud No. hSl in the third district of said l otinty, ' "Untied on the north h\ the lauds ol I. llill,on the west b\ the landsol Joseph Souter, ,u, the south liy Ihe lauds of.) n Fliereaee. and on the ‘east l.y the lands' ol sold i huppe the .Murray; levied on and to he as nroperti of J I. Noutcr to A satisfy Kessler a li la iu .1 favor of Seal, bawson vs. I, Neuter, that issued from Selih y superior court. Tenant in possession notilied in terms of law. be Also, t t thesanit' time and place, will soltl lot of lain! No. 133 in Hit' thinl dis- triet of said eotin ly^bott tided on the north by !SS,”g? tl-.e Tavlor eouutv line, on the west the by the lands of (' Zlt east A Ha, is; lev¬ ied mi and to be sold as the property of li .McKlmurray to satisfy a mortgage li fa in favor of Harold Johnson A Co. vs J 11 .Me'aiiutrrtiy, that issued from session ■Schley superior court. Tenant in pos¬ notilied in terms oflaw. Also, at same lime and phtcV, will la- sold two sorrel colored lirileh nuiles, mares, one named "Jiiue” live years named. old, other olio, three years old. not One sorrel eolored mare, medium size,!) y 6 ars old, named “Fannie;" levied on and to lie sold as tlie property of l ’ A ol ^'.- 11 tiie # \‘ S JVt.pie '*> 44 National bank 1:1 1 vm.CA n favor s Davis, J M and J p Lanson. tbat issued ii'oln JS«*Jiioy sir|»t*rioi court. be Also, at tile .saint Mine ami jiiure, w ib soiti .*{000 [lounds of s< od cotton nnm or less; levied on as tins property ol K A (•ooitsou and t<» be soki to sutisfy two l M * r4or eouvtft las. in iavor ni^ \\ U have s<»n and in iavor oi J H I)avi- son H A (loodson, that issued from Sehley li .superior fa court; HavoUl and one superioi court m favor ol Joimson A favor ihesnp,lrio of'Harold r V^irt^”f Johnson vs'. and Co. K. ] AI , lt - tl(! HaIIlu tillll . and „ la- sola a# Imsnels «»f corn nmre or ie: ™ ffi^/e^on' \»‘Z' pounds of seed cotton more or less, bushels of potatoes more or less, }w j pounds seed cotton to the dusting ; property ol liuuvy Jirlmson tt> Mitisfy j returnable Fioiurray, ileet astuk shia-nm vs. Ht»nrv 'court, Johnson. m Seidey Ai 8 t>, at the saine time and plurr, wib be soiii ".AM# pouiid 8 i>X neeii rollon luor; ■ ft- it'ss; our i oiiiiis A' V> \ pit end >priik^ •»t*aud iGlnn^s and'wiiip; lum pound. i Uhl u‘r in*./I d id' G’.iu.iels coin.*.* • • ti j ore til' irs-'i ifjbU on Ai:d to •. i‘» aa Liu* |»'rbpt*i*t \ oi J b ( uliili> l*# .*%;t. .''i.i ».\* o iif 8 i.rr .-8 >'V«uraiil.s—oar ill iavo. .»! Gray vs. j U j olliJii*, i*i;<t oii» ,i. t>i- fSifAii l. 1 1 ar Vvy vs. ,i \ j <». • I'ctuniaijiL? to 'N'iiiG supTi.- •/«i. L. -ilso, at iiie s:iiiie tiuio i lid place, v\n .»(■ M in (Mil* gray iiorse mine leu vtura • .uj, <>•}•! biacK jiorse lUyeal'S old , one bay .•are ten y**urs old and eon,J( Uniisiiei.- •OHi ilioit Of less, i,HM> po nil ti 8 of ioii ■ /' inore or iv-ss; v on and to. nu as iiie pu.j.jt *>i li b >\ lp,jrintf ’ . t isi . ti AUpbrior 1 ’imri iu Miat issue • )’■ ’**• ■ iey su .vitrL'eilioek : *er • -r court in iavor m jita'K v.oou iv lor use oi i* ..uu iv Co. >s. .v r . ,\ lggius. Also, sold at the same time and place, wil. he toe west half of lot ot land No. ii.) soul.i nao of lot ot laud No. 174, whole of lots .N-.s. 170,17s, 17l)aiid 100, ( there he- tng reserved one acre where toe family burial ground now is ami the right o; wa\ to said grave yard; till in the30th UismeiofsaiUeotiniy; levied on and to mortgage ti fa, that wsued from .Schley superior eourt in favor of Mattie Hart and John It itespass, administrators of Isaac Hart, deceased, vs. Amos l-' Wig- gins aud John S Allums. Tenant in Invasion notified in terms of the law. J - E. xvooDs, .sheriii. N ii W A i > VEKTi S liM li NTS. SALE OF LAND. t.FjOHtr! A—Schley County. Agi'f* aililo to an order from the Court ol <h id (hmry.grantwl wjll at be the sold Oct hr term.’HH. tore the sit eoiifi* court house door in the town of Ella- December, 1S8(), the following real estate nt' James .a^-a county Chambers, "sMd deceased, as “S for city the benefit the heirs and of creditors of said deceased. K.C. HAKltOl.DiSON, Administrator. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADM IN IiSTRATION. (iKOKHIA- Sehlev County. To all whom it may concern: J. J. Wall has iu duo form applied to the un- > ersignccl for permanent letters of ad¬ ministration on estate Of Mrs. S. Wad late of said county, deceased, and I will ^jySrfaJSJSSTlSE pass upon said apt iliration on the first oet. D>, issti. T. J. Doz.iek, Ordinary, APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. (iEOHGIA—Sehley To all whom it County. K. <’. may eoneern: Bullard, executor of the estate of J. N. Hudson, late of said applied county tin* deceased, under- has ill due form to signed j* for leat e to sell the lands belong- to t h« estate of will the be H»id heurd deceased, 11,1,1 s,llrt application on the tirst Monday in December next. This Det. 36, l^. T. J. Dozim. •’ TAX NOTICE. county taxes l'or 188(>. Patton’s Hill, Oct. ll, Nov. a and 23. Stewart’s Mill, November ‘£i. rillider’s ui,! tu ‘ Ml1 ' ! ” 17 Dozier h Mill {JJ* "KSi., M ov e „ s.t.nlw ’.mil m, ........... twY-swi ot the, oldest and best weekly story : published for ,*iu___ children and papers even e older people f find themselves interested in its contents. I lished at Boston, ,,. 75 ,-,rX ■p ™ Jf irnn uifffn mm a BAUM’S FAMOUS castorineaxle j k perfcct Ly- pO brleant fa r !.Ik fat A Hr*, , o f TJ Vrhlrlrs, 4/i shirk WIU I SOT Rim, ml TT: W1IX SOT >' chill, WILL ft : Ql -A «» SOT ran off L'i5 l raxu|f *iM w*il X c. izwjiM I!■ t.rrasa oa earth. Economical, Convenient, Reliable. WHEN YOU WANT AXLE OIL AGAIN, \si your dealer to slow yon BAUM’S CASTORHL Mf All Dr ggl"t", O-ocera, llaidwan mid 1 hirin'.a Shop* Bull it, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BAUM’S CASTORINE CO., * SyrucuiH), N. 1’., II. S. A. •, ar* nuffiBfOut. BAUM’S CAS- fOR'NEilth.oiiginalandanly yanuina AXLC OIL. ESS TWIN I BURNER VAPORSTOVE im 1 I ~ A Perfect Jewel. Bey no otler. For sale by all Fint-Claas Dealer*. If yours does not keep it send postal to ujl Send lor copy or Twin Burner Journal. Twin Burner Stove Co., 707 to 7IS Wash. St., St. Lattb. Xo. CEO. F. CHILD Adjustable Parlor Chair Co. 281 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. These two cuts l*liow the Chair in extreme positions. It Is easily adjust- ed to support the body iu any and all desired posi¬ a". tions. This Chair is a NEW inTention.. THE ONLY COMFORTABLE CHAIR EVER MADE And THE Chair for Home, Invalid and l'hysician use. As a Parlor Rocking Chair it is a marvel of beauty, strength and utility. r W % SEND FOR CATAL06UE AND PRICES. J. A. & D. F. DAVENPORT, DRUG(iISTS. LAMAU STBKKT, Americus, (ia. •O’ Keep a I.aj’ge and well"seleeted stock of Fresh DRUGS. Best goods given at LOWEST prices. Give us a call. s2S-8tn. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold before tin*courthouse door in the town of Ellaville, be¬ tween the legtd hours of sale,on the first Tuesday land* in December next, 05 acres of in the north west corner of lot number 140 in the Jfftli district of Schley county, known as the late residence of Mrs. Mary Sold Mauk, for late the of benefit said county,deceased. the of heirs and creditors. Terms cash. Nov. 2, 1KK0. J. N. CHENEY, Adm’r. Notice of Leave to ttell land. Application ordinary will Sehley he made to the <ieorgia, court of of county, at the first regular term after expiration of the publication for four weeks from this notice., for leave to sell the lands be¬ longing ioodson, to the estate of Alexander deceased, i late of said county, for benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. C. II. SMITH, Administrator ot Alexander (Joodson. October 4, law).* A|iplie*ll"D fur Letters ut Dlsinlssiuii. OEl.lltl 1I.V—Self I.RY COUNTY. To all w hom it may concern: Whereas, John F. Daniel having filed It is petition for letters of dismission of the estate of W. A. Daniel, deceased. Thesenre there¬ fore to cite und admonish uli and singu¬ lar, the kindred and creditors, to tile their tirst objections Monday in in my January office on or before the the next, regular term of said court of Ordinary, to lie held on Ihe tirst Monday in .Jan¬ uary, lie granted why said said applicant application nhouM prayed for. not as Witness my luma and ntHeial signature this the 28th day of September, isxt;. T. J‘. DOZ.IEK, Ordinary. Applieation-Tictteraof Administration. Wheroan, J. S. Woniaek ham applied VSi to the iks-emVi-r ter... of......rt Deoemlier m beheld • the -llow first Monday if in they have next „ n .v whv letters should not lie granted J. s. Womack. witnessmyhandaiidafflelalsigiia- 'su. T, J. Doziku, this Hot. 14, ARTHUR RVLAM)lvR. I ^. 2 ^£i.eric-a.s, Q-eu Macks Home made Shoes, 1 fats and Repairing done Shoes u specialty. I'n'liretlas. short notice. The lies! stock of child- I Stylish lints Hines made to order, Heat oak soles (Irens shoes In the ritv. | a specialty. Fit neh calfskins. AWavsou hard. ltepalrlng (I mini ill i id, Fits tiua ran Iced. All gotsls Guaranteed. CASH CARPET STORE. The suUscriHer luis just oponod at tin- '•OMHI It A N ItKltHY (’ORON E It,” a- Carpet sCtcrre. Moinetliing new in Americas, where can be seen Ihe largest us well its thu sninest stock of (’ARRETS’ AM) RI GS Thai hme ever been exhibited selected in sotilliwcsMicorgin, consisting Philadelphia of almost every style and f|iiuli(y. Yo'rk \nd as 1 them carefully myself ill cash and New from Ihe liianutaellirers, aud nl the very lowest prices, and as 1 propose to sell them. ST III (’EY I’Oll (’ASH. ) can alford to sell them as low as tliey can be bought in the L A ll (J FS T il A R K E T S Iu the state, and will gladly duplicate ant bills that may lie purchased in I hose- markets. I most resiM'ell'ulty invite my friends and the public to call and see what a beautiful stock I will‘show them. J. .1. (i RAN BERK V, A«l. s 23 -lm Americus, Ga, 9 18B7. 1 8845- JAS. FliK & BRO * J J AMERICUS, 6A. and dealers in Musical Instruments of all kinds. Their stock consists of Watches, < locks, and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Dinted W are, Knives., Forks and Spoons, Docket Knives and Scissors, Holds Bens and J'cneils, Fanes, Opera masses, Spectacles to suit ext Machine ry one who need glasses no matter how old or now young, Sowing Oil, Needles, Darts and attachments. PIANOS, ORGANS, .. > Accordions, Violins, Banjo-,<iuilar~,Tambourines, Harps, Violin Bows, .-itriiigs and Trimmings, and a thousand and one other things that we cannot workman-like enumerate here. We repair Watches, Clocks and Jewelry in manner. All work guaranteed. Hoods we sell engraved free. Our stock is very large aud bought close and we cannot be undersold. rtntcd If you contemplate the purchase of a Piano or < irgan w rite for our illus- catalogue and get our prices before you buy. We solicit corre¬ We cordially invite every one when in the city to call and look through our large stock. Remember the plaee, Barlow Block next to drug store of Dr. E. J. Eldridge. Amkhkt'h, Ha. oe-J-ly. } n « ill V I “THE GROCER.” Ellso-ville, Q-eoarg’i©.. w Wfth full line in stock and ready to compete with all “Country Merchants.” STOCK OF MEAT, CORN, OATS, Kl.OCR, HAM’S WITH COOKIN'! STOVES ‘TO WARM THE SAUCE. Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Grits, Cheese, Mackerel and Lard Sufficient to supply the general trade, and a full lino A 'THE LAST NEEDFUL BURIAL CASKETS, 1 • *t COFFINS. SCHLEY COUNTY ENTERPRISE The Only Paper Published in the county* SEBSCRIP'I ION $1.50 A YEAR,