Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, December 09, 1886, Image 3

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j jiK ENTERPRISE. £IA \ («A»» 1), I88(i. Ilttt n of ttiibNcripiloii. ciH r. ■ ■jil »o0 >'di -4! To % month.-*. l II TOO • At) One jingle ....._ 5 ___ Hate* "ue. , no , 2 mo | a mo [ 6 tin. |J 2 mo "T ------ g in :,m ,-f> to | |soo j — I ) n 6 7 It 00 25 50 60 I I 525 ' 8 50 50 10 8 7 60 50 00 | I I 13 14 11 igil O' 8 50 I 10 00 | 11 50 I 10 k- j i 10 00 | 20 00 27 £ S | -J 00 75 i'ol. J) 00 J 35 00 I off 00 | g . |jn Vista and Eiiayille i). R i I niter Nov. 10 trams on the on •U.miid Elbiville Railroad will , i" c'liows: 1(11 SO CAST. lliKMia •(■.-in - ItU a in--3:45 p• n Vl . 5:15 '• 4:1 1 “ Hit il a m ~ 5:40 “ 4:45 “ •• EilavillB - 5:5s “ 5 ;05 “ jiJlClU-iAO - 6.20 “ 5:30 “ Vrriveat Anderson . HOI Ml WEST. heave UuDrsoll icon a m 5:50 p m ,\.-riv e LaCrosse 9:30 u in 8:10 p 111 » Ell* villa .9:50 a in 8: >" p III Putnam J0::K» a in 7:00 p m « iiuenu v isia 11 ::.’ a in 7:3o pm t wo round rips will be made doily, exi'clH Ml.idtt., atlordi g our people on oi.iioraiuily oi going ei.uer east wiiere o. w-s, 1 twice w liav bom Anderson, a uwuison ihe ,-*oulwestern railroad a. cove ceil b,\ close eonneeuous except, lliii H r J* M. Lowe, Pres’t. J. ciiiruciiES. M. E. t'llfJRUH, SOUTH, leetiu* every second -sunday 11 a rn lU ,i ; ,, m; .Sunday Sciiooi every aun- 2 9 Dr. v Mndn lay morning at a m . ... U.irsd,.,. ul,'i. Prayer . very 1 . . -Tji. *. 1. we,pastor. BAPTIST CHURCH. .Meeting every fourth Sunday meeting 11 Satur- a in ami 7 j p ni conference ood, pastor. i]a\ before il a in. J. H. Caw ftumlay .S« , hooi every Sunday 3 p m i>r. W. D. 8ears, Supt. Superior Court e nivenes 4tii Monday hi March *tud Septeniber. Allen tort, ludge, C. 11. Hudson, Sol. Gen. COUNTY OFFICKRS*. • UKUIFF—J. siTPBCociir—J. F. Woods, N. Cheney. oBUixamr— T. J. Dozier, fax ItKOKivKH—J. M. Thornton, i ax coclkctur— W. C. Kelley, i ue asukku— C. K. Toudee sr, ( ouon KB— OOMMISrilONJERS—Ilobt L. A. Gyles, Patton, k i'OI.N TV M Caskey, u i'eaeoek, P F Dixon, A J iappey. clerk ot board. ( iuifiiorn* Count* Board oi Education. C. A. Taylor, President, Dr. C. II. n, hi, ( ounty School Conunissionerund ’umari ol bo board. A. C. Murnv, i Murphy aiui K. M. Hainy members . . Ll ooard. City Officers. , L naUle, Mayor, c’ burton, U A Strange, . C 'leney K M Alurphy, •i array. COUNCIL.'! El> . ,i McCrory, Heeortier. M T'broiuoii, Marshal. y.U illXt'U i leas. Dist (i M. H 51 Singletary, J P . ii \\ ilivimtoit, Not Public and ex- ( rn ,i i‘ court -iln Nutuiday hi each t list li« ' Meadows, not. public ex-officio ai(d T .1 ilixon, J P court 1st Satur- t>.> I:i. i u each month. Pub. nisi (4 M, M W Snider Not. f( i-otllcloJ 1’, and S Murray, I 1 in . a i Saturday m each month. ii ,, . il, ( M ltainc,-’ Not. Pub. P i . . a i and S 1 iiarper •* I : a ,-i.nuruay in each mouth. C. it. McCRORY, ■ xUBIn IE IT A.T LAW. Ei.i.a vi lle, Ga. Mlections a specialty. Charges usui) able. ; N. MOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELLAV1LLE, GEORGIA. i'l'U'E—In Court House. tf.H. IfficCROttY, d’tohhjiiy at law. Ellavillk, Ga. P'3 Dhter, i'ratioe in tin* counties Ctiattahoo- of Schley, F. Macon, aileiitiou Marion and collec- P sj'ivi.u g.ven to clttiius. (Juice in court House. J. it. WILLIAMS. ATTOKSKV AT LAW. 1 Esia.8 anJ Banking Agent I bLLAVILLE, GEORGIA. [^Ptatteution ini’. lu “- No giwen charges to all unless business col- ,, 1 , (a selling ar j ! . made. renting, Special and leasing atteiiuon real lle > an 'l collecting rents. ALLEN HOUSE, 'Rmeiily thk commercial hotel A M K RICU s, G EORGIA, Rs ‘ " • IL ALLEN Proprietress. >1 j Simple Rooms on first Floor “ ,r ( ominercial Tourists ' iri li< lls , ' omiec te , l With every ic t„’bath , .’ooiris supplied i \ r ,■*“ Wat « r warm cold. Ae¬ HUichu or ry First-Class in pltroil; W'k.NHiet ally Solieted, ' ,v ' 11 Allen, Agent. 1 I'lIEUN HOTEL 'Pillar *'treet, Near Passexgor Depot, Macon, Georgia, JONES ic CO. Props. .i.mi * ' >a .V- 'ingle meal UCI1 or I-Ml. 1 SArisi a* i ion i.i \u- at anything else bv t 0 , 'H''ani(iv *ellih, ^“bey ' ';." l lor the best l v i ^bKTl’ ’ l ' noun LO. ,!r " l ' s Portland 1 ~y - « T y\y^ r «i ( undidatcs wanting tickets . ed had better bring in their orders, with the cash, before Christinas, as will all want to observe the Christmas holidays, tickets will be printed at the extremely low price of one dollar, per thouand. Give us your orders tit once, if you want nice tickets at this low price, ; Jim took a new departure,Tuesday. Trie best lot of confectioneries in town at Williams & Weaver’s. Read Rev. J. T. Lowe’s of his year’s work. He has been a 1 faithful servant. j time The boys had a good snow balling, last Mommy. One inch of snow last Sunday night in EllaviUe. The earth continues to quake in the vicinity of Charleston and : inerville. Captain Woolritlge, ofCoiumbus, was in the city last Tuesday. Toys! Toys’! Toys!!! Williams A Weaver. Christmas .2 it S Davenport was in town Tuesday. Meatand corn taken on suhscrip- tions for the Enterprise. Merchants, advertise your , , | mas goods. 0( s lleineiiiber to st mi your job work to the Enterprise. Don’t forget the paper. We need money. Chew the “Life Boat” tobacco for sale by Dixon & Williamson. Mrs. Dr. Peacock of Smithville and children, also Miss illie Batts, were the guests of Mr. H. W. jPockrell last week. Several marriages are going to take place near h< re between now and Christmas, Don’t forget the editor. George W. Ti-on’s wagon will make a trip to Cheney A Tison’s mill every Saturday morning. Any one wanting meal or grits can send their corn on the wagon free of charge. * Fresh fish at Z.T. Anglin’s. Christinas goods! Christmas goods!! at Williams A Weaver’s. R vs. W. W. Tidwell and J. T. Lowe, and Dr. C. H. Smith left for the South Georgia conference at Cuthbert last Tuesday. Conference met on Wednesday. Some of our merchants are talk- ing about not opening their places of business on Christmas day. We like the idea from the fact that it is a day of giving and not of selling; and it will save you more than you can sell. The Reading Club meets at Mr. Murphy’s, Friday night. We are requested to state that every mem- her is desired to be present—im¬ portant business, etc. Come! Go to Z. T. Anglin’s for good cheap tinware; wash pans from 5c U p_everything else cheap. Go to Z. T. T. Anglin’s for Harper Black’s home made shoes. They are the best and Anglin’s prices are the lowest. We sell shoes, hats, notions, cigars, tobacco, lamps, tinware, brooms, crockery, heavy groceries, soap, etc., as cheap as anybody in town. Williams A Weaver. Read advertisement of B. H. Hood, Dawson, Ga., and get his prices. He will furnish you good lumber from as nice timber as can be found in the state—dressed on first class new machinery if desired. We have known Mr. Hood a long time and recommend him as a safe and good man to deal with. Write to him and get prices. * I)r. Cheney’s twin-spring beds for sale. Price reduced to $3.50. Call on him and get one and rest well at night. Special Mention. We call the attention of all subscribers to our Americus tisements. When you visit Amerl- CU8 favor them with a call. If need anything in their lines, give them a trial and do paper the kindness to te’l where you saw the advertisement. Mrs. Martha Walters, mother of Rev. Charles Walters, died at her home near this place last Tuesday morning. Bhe was about 62 years of age and leaves behind an afflict¬ ed husband and several sorrowing children, The Enterprise tenders its sympathy. XJr. Allen has removed his to " is " ume ,he < "' U, " ry - Mr, T. J. Murphy has bought Mr. H. W. Cockrell and will to town. At this writing, Cockrell has not decided he will go. We welcome Mr, phy and regret to give up Cockrell. Onwsou .nuiiiilm luring Co. The Dawson Variety Manufact- tiring Company, Dawson, Ga., are manufacturers of sash, ,’ doors and , bunds, ,. , door , and , window , frames, mouldings, brackets, stair work, SBWe d and turned balusters, wood mantels, pulpits and church seats j„ hard or soft WO od. Full supply of dressed lumber kept instock Brass and Iron Foundry and Ma- chine Shops. The above campany will make figures to suit purchasers, and will give satisfaction We are person¬ ally acquainted with them and know them to be perfect gent'emen. anuthey wili make it the nu. st of all needing their goods to give them their orders. Write them and get prices. They can fill orders on short uotice. Hon ; lho8 ’ Sea - V ’ tt » ,rivate in the confederate army, has beeninaugu* rated governor of Alabama, -. COX.suMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from ac¬ tive practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India Mission- ary the formula of a simple vegeta¬ ble remedy tor the speedy and per- tnatu lit cure of Consumption, Bron- eliitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all throat and Lung affections, after having thoroughly tested its won- derful curative powers in timusands of eases, feels it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. The recipe sent free to ell who may de- sire it, with full directions for pre- dress, naming a, "‘.successfully tins paper, using. Du. M. Ad- E. CANS, 210 Grand St., Jersey City, X. J. Bring the Enterprise your job printing; will do it as neatly and cheaply as you can get it anywhere. Mr. . T. Howe, three mies south west of Americus, offers a fine farm containing 750 acres for sale. It has a good gin and screw, is convenient to churches and schools, in a community, and healthy. He offers some fine stock for sale. further particulars address J. Howe, Americus, Ga. * HOMESTEAD XOTICE. Georgia, Schley County.—Z. J. has applied to me for exemption personalty and realty and apart and valuation of an<l I will pass upon the same at o’clock on tlie 6th day of December, 1886, at my office, T. J. Dozier, Nov. 16,1886. Ordinary. Go to Z. T. Anglin for cheap gro¬ ceries, such as sugar, coffee, rice, meat, flour, lard, meal, syrup, tin ware, at your own price. Wine cheap. He will supply the market with fresh fish every Friday even¬ ing; also a good supply of rutabaga turnips. He has also a cheap line of furniture, Singer’s improved sew¬ ing machines, oils and needles, and P rices - wants y° ur turkeys,chickens, eggs, butter, hi(k ’ 8 . tall °w, beeswax, etc., paying in ' non «y or trade, FREE TRADE The reduction of internal reve¬ nue and the taking off of revenue stamps from Proprietary Medi¬ cines, no doubt has largely benefit- ted the consumers,as well as reliev¬ ing the burden of home manufact¬ urers. Especially is this the case with Green’s August Flower and Boschee’s German Syrup, as the reduction of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one- fiftli more medicine in the 75 cent size. The August Flower for Dys¬ pepsia and Liver Complaint, and the German Syrup for Cough and Lung troubles, have perhaps, the largest sales of any medicines in the world. The advantage of in¬ creased size of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by (lie sick and afflicted, in eve^ town and village in civilized countries. Sam¬ ple bottles foi 10 cents remain the same size. SHERIFF’S SALES FOR JAN¬ UARY, 1887. GEORGIA—So hlev co vv t *< Will be sold before the court house door in the town of EllaviUe, Schley county, between ihe legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January, 1887, the following property, to wit: Eigiit hundred bushels of corn more or less, levied on as the prop¬ erty of J. G. Collins by virtue of a distress warrant in favor of J. M. Gay vs. J. G. plaintiff’s Collins; property pointed out by attorney. Als", at the same time and place, w ill be sold 190 bushels of corn more or less, 1000 pounds of fodder more or less, 25 bushels of cotton seed more or less, levied on by virtue of 0110 mortgage fi. fa. in favor of Harold Johnson A Co. vs. V. B, Clegg. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold one ninth interest ill GG acres of land off lot number 140; also one ulntli interest in 3 acres of lot ; No. 101; one ninth interest in one acre of lot of land No. 110—ail said land in tiie 29th district of said county. Levied on and to „ the property «r & J. ; vjrlue of th/et . justice court fi. j jn favur „ f li>iru |(i Johnson A Co. Mauk; property pointed jhyj, 1 m. Hudson, plaintiff’s j j ’ i)e0 ^ WOODH, iggg, Sheriff, j SUPERIOR COURT NOTICES. Schley Superior Court, H opteml c ‘ term, law. Johnson A Smith ) AppealI from,fu i r. oo vs ) > Court in ia>i district Allen , Brothers. u M Sept term, Who. Ncire facias to revive a dormant judg- | (1 >o «'rvo parties, linen si from ii7th day of April 1871 “ ,ul, "' ,u 2.05. The above stated ease having boon failed ill Its order and it appearing to tile eoitrt that II II Allot, one resident of the de- of fondants in said ease, is not a this state; audit further appearing that said II II Allen lias nor been served, il is ordered and adjudged by the court tliat II II Allen do show cause by the next term the above of this stated court why should the judgment be in ease not re¬ vived. it is further ordered that service of this order be perfected oil said H H Allen before the next term of this court by publication of the same once a month for four months in the Schley published County Enterprise, in the city of a EllaviUe public gazette, and said county, in \vhieli the legal a Ivertisemeiits of said county are published. Ali.kx Fort, J. S.e. s. W. \V. II. McCrory, plaintiffs 1 nttornoy. I hereby certify that the above is a true extract from the minutes of said court. J. N. CHENEY. Clerk S. C. Schley Superior Court, September term, lsstt. •ToUn4oti 4 Smith 1 Appeal from Justice vs. Court in tail district, Allen Brothers. o M.Sept. term, 18S6. Scire facias and motion to revive a dor¬ mant judgment and serve parties. Principal $57.46 Intererest from April 21, 1S71, und costs 2.05 The above case being called in its or¬ der and it appearing to the court that 11 M A lion, one of the defendants in above stated suit, is a non resident, and it fur¬ ther appearing that il fl Alien has not been served, it is ordered and adjudged do show by the court that II H Allen cause by the next term of this court should why judgment in above stated ease not lie revived. It is further ordered that service of this order lie perfected on said II II Allen before the next term of this court by publication of the same once a month for four months in the Schley County Enterprise, a public gazette, pub¬ in lished in the city of EllaviUe, Ga.. said which the legal advertisements of oountv are published. Oct. 1. 1886. Allen Fort, J Si'S W O. \Y. Ii. McCrory, plaintiffs' attorney. I hereby cevtiiy that the aliove is a true extract from the minutes of said court. J. X. Cheney Clerk S. V. Schley Superior Court, eptember term, 188(1. Johnson A Smith i Appeal from Justice vs. V Court, in'.nil district, Alien Brothers. ) u M Sept, term, 1880. Scire facias and motion to revive a dor¬ mant judgment and to serve pi rties. Principal Hou.oo Interest from Sept. 15, 1870, and costs..................... 2.U5 The above case being called in its or¬ der, and it appearing t» thecourt tliat H II Alien, one of the defendants in the above stated case, is a non resident, and it turther appearing that H 11 Allen has not been served, it is ordered ami ad¬ judged by the court tliat 11 il Alien do show cause by tfie next term of this court why the judgment in above stated suit should not be revived. It is ordered that service of this order be per¬ fected on said II 11 Allen before the next term of this court month by for publication months o. the in same once a four the Schley published County Enterprise, thecitv of Kllavillo, a gazette in Ga., in which the published. legal of said countv are NV C. A i.i.k.v Four, J S (' S W. H. MeCrory, pluintifiV attorney. I hereby certify that the above is a extract from the' minutes of said J. N. Cheney,Clerk S U. Schley Supciioi' Uourt, September term, 1886. Johnson & Smith ) V Court Appeal of from the S46I Uis'i vs. 1 Allen Brothers. U M Sept.term, lsso. Scire facias and motion to revive a dor¬ mant judgment and serve parties. Principal* $57.09 Interest from May 19, 1871 and costs 2.05 The above case being called in its order and it appearing to the court tliat H H Allen, one of the defendants in the above stated case, is a non resident, and it fur¬ ther appearing tliat II 11 Allen has not been served, it is ordered and adjudged do show bv the court that H H Allen cause by the next term of this stated court why the judgment in the above ease should not be revived. It is further or¬ dered that service of this order be per¬ fected on said 11II Allen before the next term of this court by publication ot the saint* once a mouth for four months in the Schley published County Enterprise, EllaviUe, a public gazette in the city of Ga., ill which the legal advertisements of said county Allen are published. Fort, JSCS VV C. W. H. McCrory, plaintiffs’ attorney. I hereby certifj that the above is a true extract from the minutes of said court. J. N. Cheney, Oet. 1,18SC. Clerk S. C. 114* (19*j 13* f 17* m 171 NEW ADVERTISEMEXTS. SALE OF LAND. GEORGIA—Schley County. the Court Agreeable to an order from ol Ordinary, granted at the Oct term, '86, of said court, will be sold belore the court house door in the town of Ella¬ viUe, in said county, between t lie legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December r, 1886, the following real estate to wit: 1 01 acres of laud of 1< ot 205 in 3rd district of said county, sold as the prop¬ erty of Janies Chambers, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ot said deceased. U.C. llARROLDSON, Administrator. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA—Schley County. J. J. To nil whom it may concern: Wall bus in due form applied to the un¬ dersigned for permanent letters of ad¬ ministration on estate deceased, of Mrs. and (S. I Wall, will I ate of said county, the first pass upon swid December. application 1886. on Given Monday in un¬ der my hand and official signature. This Oet. 2(5, 1886. T. J. Dozikh, Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. GEORGIA—Schley County. K. C. To all whom it may concern: of J. Bullard, executor of the estate N. Hudson, late of said county deceased, lias in due form applied to the under¬ signed for leave to sell the lands belong¬ ing to tiie estate of the said deceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in December next. This Oct. 25, 1886. T. J- Dozikh, I'd. Ordinary. TAX NOTICE. The follow ing are my rounds for the purpose of collecting the state and county taxes for 1886. Patton’s Hill, Oct. 11, Nov. 2 and 23. La Crosse, Oct. 12. Nov. 3 and 24. Liekskillett, Oct. 13, Nov. 4 and25. Stewart’s Mill, November 22, is! Murray’s X Roads ” Guilder's Gin 17. Dozier’s M ill 18. Hart’s Mill 19. Ellavilk, eve j saiurday KELLEY. until mv books close. W. C. Tax ('oilertor Schley County. M ncy to Iioan on Good Terms. If you want money at the cheap¬ est rates yet offered and have im¬ proved lands to offer as security, ca|l on or address at Amerious.Ga., Mathews A Burktudter, agents. WIN BURNER VAPORSTOVE R am i 1 m j- ■iTRSid [priii W- A Fdrftct Jewel. Buy 19 (Mer. Toi aaie by nil Firat-Clmis Dtalars. L your. does not K«ep it lend i<oatal to tu. Scud {3i uop 7 at Twin Ournsr Journal. Twin Burner Stays Co., JOt to 713 Mash.bL. St. Louis, Mo. CEO. P. CHILD Adjustable Parlor Chair Co. 28i Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. These two cuts JS jQfcshow the positions. Chair in extreme It i« easily adjust- Sj edto support the body ill any sutl LJ a11 Awbxd poKi_ tlons. This Chair is a NEW invention.. THE ONLY COMFORTABLE CHAIR EVER MADE- And THE Chair for Home, Invalid and Physician use. As a Parlor Rocking (’hah it is a marvel of beauty, strength and utility. » -7 SEND FOR CATALOGUE AMD PRICES. BAUM’S FAMOUS ft vi rail axle -; rr’-cti stro -*e.. “9 l®58» A ptrfjrt Lo- w brirant for Will J 3 IJfht A Hen* II vj Vrhlelp*, shirk WILI ! SOT S®«e, ImW UjJ |P WILL thtll, WILL 5 O I | p SOT rna off | the axle, and W 1 L L oot- | LOiloran, wear Castor ii- 7"!e fraaao oa '■'* earth. Eleonctaical, Convenient, Reliable. YOU WANT AXLF OIL AGAIN, & your fcisr lo snow yoa BAUM’S casioeik. D rrgjjirtN* G"ocm 8, Hardware Mid Hon;«si . ‘bops ieUit, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BSOi'S CASTORINE CO., hyracaw, N. V., ( . B. «,« numtroul. Eh'JM'S CAS- rORtNEii(r.eo,igin,l.ndon!y)f.nijin«AXLEOiL. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the es¬ tate of J. N. Souter deceased, will please come forward and *ettle, and those having claims against the es¬ tate will render them in as the law requires. W. D. Murray, Adm’r. October 9. 1886. J.A1D. F. DAVENPORT. DRUGGISTS. LAMAR STREET, Americus, Ga. O' Keep a Large and well selected stock of Fresh DRUGS. Beat goods given at LOWEST prices. Give us a call. s23-3m. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold before the courthouse door in the town of EllaviUe, be¬ tween the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, 65 acres of land in the north west corner of lot number 140 in the 29th district of Schley county, known as the late residence of Mrs. Mary Mauk, late of said county, deceased. Hold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms cash. Nov. 2,1886. J.N. CHENEY, Adm’r. Application for Letters ot Dismission. GE( )RGI A—SCHLKY COUNTY. To all whom it may concern: Wlierea*, John F. Daniel having filed his petition for letters of dismission of the estate of W. A. Daniel, deceased, These are there¬ fore to cite and admonish all and singu¬ lar, the kindred and creditors, before to file their objections in my office on or the first Monday in January next, the regular term Of said court Monday of Ordinary, Jan¬ to be held on the first in uary, why said application should not be granted said applicant official as prayed for. Witness my liana and signature this the 28th T. day J‘. DOZIKR,Ordinary. of Ncptember, 1886. Apppestlon—Letters of Administration. To all Whim It may Concern: W.icivus, J. S. Womack administration has applied the to me for letters of on esntate of W. 11, Womack late of said county, is deceased, all Tiiis therefore,tooite and singular kindred and creditors, of said deceased, to be and a ppear at my office on or before the Deceni her term of court to be held on the first Monday in December next and show cause, If auy they have why letters should not be granted J 8b Womack. and official signa¬ Witness mv hand ture, this Oct; 14, ’86, T. J. Dozier^ ARTHUR RVLA.MJKR, -A-m-earicd-s,, G-sl_ v---- Black* Hltoes Home'mud# specialty. Shoes, Umbrellas. Hats and j Repairing snort notice. d one on a Tu belt • tor It nl child-1 Stylish fiats Shan matte to order. Rmrt oak soles and d reus shoes in 1h» elty. | n specialty. * Krone!) calfskins. Always on hard. RepulrlngGuaranteed, Fits Guaranteed. All good*Guaranteed. CASH CARPET STORE. The hubmTilier lissjunt opened at the “OLDGRAMBURRY CORONER,"i. Ca-arpet Store. Something ii»w In AnierioiiH, wle re can ho seen the largest as well as the hand¬ somest stock of CAR PETS AMD RUGS That have ew been exhibited in southwest Georgia, consisting of almost every style ami quality. And as I selected them carefully myself in lolveat Philadelphia cash uiul Now York from the manufacturers, and at the very prices, and as I propose to sell them. STR1CLY FOR CASH, I tun afford tu sell them as low as they can h« bought in tha L A R G ES T M A R K E T S In the stale, ami will gladly duplicate any bills that may lie purchased in those markets. and what I most respectfully invite in.V friend* and tiie pnblic to call seo a beautiful slock I will show them ■ J. J. GRANBERRY, Agt. s23-lm Americus, Ge, 1867. 1886 i & BRO, AMERICUS, GA ——o TE^7\7*IEX..ijEIE3£5 mid dealers in Musical Instruments of all kinds. Their stock consists of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, Nolid Silver and Plated Ware, Knives, Forks and Spoons, Pocket Knives and Scissors, Golds Pens and Pencils, Canes, Opera Glasses, Spectacles to suit every one who need glasses nu matter how old or how young, Sewing Machine Oil, Needles, Parts and attachments. PIANOS, ORGANS, Accordion*, Violins, Banjos, Guitars, Tambourines, Harps, thing's Violin that Bows, Strings and Trimmings, and a thousand and one oilier we cannot enumerate here. We repair Watches, Clocks and Jewelry in workman-like manner. All work guaranteed. Goods wo sell engraved fre«. Ourstock is very large and bought close and we cannot be undersold. If you contemplate the purchase of a Piano or Organ write for our illus- rtated catalogue and get our prices before you buy. We solicit corre¬ spondence. We cordially invite every one when in the city to call and look through our large stock. Remember the place, Barlow Block next door to drug store of Dr. E. J. Eidridge. Americus, Ga. oi'29-ly. \ il 1 • fit “THE GROCER.” □SllaTrille, G-e oxg' With full tin* la stock and ready to compete with ail r "Country Merchants,” STOCK OF MKAT, CORN, 0AT8, FLOUR, HAM’H WITH COOKING 8TOVB8 4 TO WARM THE SAUCE. Sugar, Met, Rice, Grits, Cheese, Mackerel and Lard, Sufficient to supply the general trade, and a full line j/THE LAST NEEDFUL BURIAL CASKETS, COFFINS. S G Hill COUNT! E-NTERPIt 188 Thf Only Paper Published in the county, SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 A YEAH..