Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, October 18, 1888, Image 1

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>' -V’-: 1 ♦ h T A i ❖ A ELLAY1LLE PUBLISl UG CO. There nro about 40,000 moro men than trorneu in Chicago. 'piio wool interest in Australia has jnfTercd severely from droughts. The llieep have died by m llions. Never- t j, e ; e s8, the supply of wuolshowsastuuly increase. ____________ The largest market in tiro world for p,e pur huso and sale of mules is St. Louis, where the trade reaches $0,000,000 a year. Atlanta comes next with a trade of $2,000,000. It is stated by the Commercial i; ftr that the fourth centenary of the dscoverv of America will bo celebrated at Genoa by the revival of an opera by jjo 1 icchi, entitled “Ohristofore Colom¬ bo," composed in 1828. ]?v the naval rnaneeuvers just now Pm. jshed in the Ir sh Bea, it appe ars that “theavprage speed of even the best ships sra< much below the figure given in any an h»t tative naval work.” A Cunard steamer ran by them as though they were authored. The jrexicans are hard at work on the banks of the Kio Grande ’opposite j;i Pam, Texas, building Ming dara3 and willow matti e-sos to prevent their tcr- ritoiy from being washed awsy by the turbulent river. They have lost much in past years in this manner. Fomcbody delving in the history ol Ni wburyport, Va«s., has found, assert' the . ew Y ork Sun, that lumber was on esent across the Atlantic Ocean in the form of a lai't similar to that which re cently arrived in the i ort of New York from Jog ins, Nova Scotia. There arc 800,0 ! 0 freight cars on the va i nis railroad lines in tuis country, of whch OO.tiCO are the property of the Penn ylvauia Central r mil. They range in value from ~ 300, the eo-t of construct iuga fiat ear, to $1500, the amount ev pend d in building tbe average refngera tor car. The Mikado of Japan has almost fin¬ ished IDs new palace, which Las taken s x years for its construction. There are 400 rooms in tiie building, and the din¬ ing hull will scat 127 guests. Tee furni¬ ture of the Flute i epartment cams from Germ my. Not, the least interesting ob jeei in the palace is au American piano. It is not ffcnera’ly known, but it is nrvertlie'e-s true, tlmt the average length of human lif ■ is iiie;ea-ing. Fifty year- ago the !ivc!;ige duration sf Dfe iu ( rent Britain v. a - thirty ycirs, and now it B forty-nine. T his is an me:case of over 10 ) er cent, in the average lengih of life in liity year'. The change is in- cri id to yi ater knowieiigo of the laws ofhe.tiih ;.n,I impro.ed s.«uitation. Daniel A. Decld, n young colored news- pap r man w o spo e at tiie ( iccinnat, Duel ing of tho c a holic Young Men's Naiio.inl L n on, s.i d, according to tiu- I\ew i i.-rk Sa that tho number 0 co oied people in lies eon itry who are ‘ pr.ietiesR , omnn Ca holies" is ‘200,00 at iea't. Feveral of them have been or- rta tied, un 1 several bright young colored men are now studying for the priest hoed. Tiie open executive sessions of the United fetales : enute on th • i i'heric' quest on w e e begun on tho 28;h ol May last, nnd the question ociupiel the attiniio i of the Feuale to the almost tojal exclusion of other business through tw nty-two sittings. No sim.lar topic, declares the New ovk Tribune, in re¬ cent times has consumed so much time and t..It d so many columns of the "i.ecoid.” The ( olurrvh is (Gn.Y Fn it ire"-Sun says: “J ou.s’ana has one | arish which ought to contain a lot of ery happy 11 s 'veil as prosperous farmers. The:o is not a sin je inongug t on farm property of record in the parish, l ew, if any, counties in Georgi 1 can make such n showing, and probably every county in the western states has any number of farm mortgages. Sabine parish, La., is 1 model for tiie whole country.” The great Lick telescope in California promises wonderful discoveries in the 6 ■ ios. Professor Holden is very enthn- einotic over its revelations, and says tint be has hud views of the planets, the dies, the milky way* an l tho nebulee hi it no other astronomer ever before bid. 'J he telescope resolves the nebul e in I yra into wreaths of “sun stuff" which are in the process of develop ng into solid bod ;es and thc observation of Jupiter promises to solve some of the turious questions about that planet. The Indian school at Carlisle, Penn., lms the oldest pupil of any educational institution in the United fetate'. Ko is tnore than sixty years of age. Crazy Head is his name, nnd he was once Chief of the Crow Nation. Ue was a bold warrior and an able ruler. Ue is anxious learn the wny 3 of white men and is bow receiving instruction iu blacksmith- it'T. During the winter he will attend •chool. He s a man of vigorous health Mid lias a more refined face than is often found in his race. He is docile and ft"lent and there is something almost D'lhctic about his longing to learn the customs of civilization before he dies. SOUTHERN STRAYS. A CONDENSATION OF HAPPEN¬ INGS STRUNG TOGETHER. MOVEMENTS OF ALLIANCE MEN— BAIL- ltOAD CASUALTIES—THE COTTON CHOP -FLOODS— ACCIDENTS -CHOP HETUUN8. ALABAMA. Two thousand miners, employed by ihe Cahuba Coal Mining company at Blocton, went out on a strike araicst a reduct on. f be Cahuba Company has been paying 50 cts per ton for mining since the siding scale was adopted by the mini s in this district lii't Bummer, I hey atm mice a reduction of five cents per ton and ail the miners stopped work. FLORIDA. Jacksonville has spent $127,000 to (late, and the relief restauranthasclosed. The orange crop, it is estimated, will be an immense one—not less than 300,- OuO boxes. VValter Hea'hers and Frank King had a difficulty at Brooksville. Heathers stubbed Kin/, killing him instantly. Tney were both colored. N. It. Carter, grand master of the ficial Masonic dice fraternity of Flor.da, gives of¬ n that further aid for the lodges in his jurisdiction is nut needed. GEORGIA. John YV. Nevitt, of A'liens, 73 yean old nod a termer resident of Savannah, died at Athens. Bill Johns' n, a sort of trtmp negro employed by O. O. Newman, near C ,ch¬ um. was lynched by about 500 citizens on 8 t unlay. Five prisoners attempted to rsc'pt from the city pr son in Atlanta on Sun- il iy, an I were only discovered by acci¬ dent. T ey bad easily enlarged a hole in the planking, which had been started by a rat. Col. J. G. Hi er, of Rome, has beer, granted a pens on ns a Mex can veteran, lie was surgeon in the 21 Kentucky in- t iritry in tiie Mexican War, and com mauled the Cherokee troops during tin 1 st Y\ r ar. Thursday The “Spelling night Bee” the heir) benefit in Atlanta oi for of Jack¬ sonville, Fin., vviis attended by one of the most refined and enthusiastic a sembliet -if the season. A largo sum of mone; was realized. Bill Lewis, the colored bill poster ol Albany, was burned to death on Sunday. The neighi-ors smelled burning flesn, and broke into his room, the doors of which were locked. They found him lying dead with his head in the fire. He was in epileptic, and fell in the lire while ir a fit. Angus .T. Morrison, a Scotchman em¬ ployed as a granite miner sit the Liiliouie quarries bored three holes and filled t iem with b asting powder. while Twoof the ihe ii a-ts went • ff, and examining third, to aseir aiu whit the trouble wa*, ihe blast suddenly exploded, taking Morrison's head completely off. The steamship Naconchee arrn; 1, at Sivannah on Sunday, h iving on hoard tiie captain, bis daugli er, and a Indy mssenger and seve i in n, composing the crew ,f the schooner Nava l ay, iibnn- 1 ne I off Cape Ilemy, wa'er logged. Hie schooner was on a voyage to Pliila- lelphia from Patalrco Sound, with a argo or lumber. • The Gospel Army,” is a split from the Salvati-'D Army in Allan's. A. J. YY r Ison i speci il policeman is •he leader and his mrpose is to be some clay the general-in- cliief of some vast army, to lead a move¬ ment t > which not only sin and evil shr.ll succumb, but the churches and preachers ns well. He and his wife quit the Salva- Pjnis s for wha,; he calhd their “low mor 1 tone.” M ij. Ker B->yce, Augusta’s postmaster, laid the fiist stone of the government building on Thursday. It was a solid dock of granite, two feet long and a foot thick, Horn tl equarries 01 Newber- ry. S. C. This stone is pronounced by lie government contractor to be the fiu- rst gianite he ever used in government buildings. Contractor Corbett says the 1 irst st- ry of the building w ill be up bv the opening of the Expo ition, and thc building ready for occupancy in sixteen months. NORTH CAROLINA. As a passenger train was moving slow¬ ly into the dep. t at Fremont, Stephen Davis, a white man got crushed directly in front of tbe engine, and was to di ath. No one saw him until the wheels had cut him to pieces. It is alleged that he was drunk at the time of the accident. II. D. Robinson, who, for nearly two years, had been man <g< r of the YVestern Union telegraph office, , at Helms Ra'e-gh, insti¬ was displaci d some days * ago. telegraph tuted suit against the compa¬ ny for about six thousand dollars for diimi'ges and services. Police Detective B. F. Turlington, of YVilmington, was shot, probably fatally, by :i negro burglar whom he was attinip- ting to hi rest ou the street. The ball en- tel ed his jaw and tanged would up, bare lodging Id led in his head. The negr-- another man had his pistol not failed to fiie. Raleigh was thrown into a 6tato of meat excitement on Wednesday when it n announced that tholes E. 0-ss, WHS - National bank, ex-president of the State iust sentenced to convict labor for five yea'* hud sworn out warrants belore T. R. Burnett, United Status commissioner, against E. R. Stamps nnd YV. S. Prim¬ rose thc former at one time president and tho latter director in the bunk. 'Jhe warrant charges Stamps with making false entries on the bock of certain (In- counted paper. It further charges that said Stumps did, from time to time, dur¬ ing the years 1880, ’87 and ’88, make false statements of the condition of said bunk knowing them to be false. The warrant charges Primrose with making false st atements from time to time of the- condition of the bank during tbe years 1884. ’85, ’86, T 87, ’88, ho knowing said statements to be false. TEXAS. for Lewis McDade (colored), candidate cotton weigher, was shot and killed from ambush in tho streets of Hempstead the on Sunday night. Everybody condemns Iced. ELLAVILLE, GEORGIA. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18 . 1888 . Missouri. Fire broke out in the Vunddia railway f eight depot in E<st St. Louis, ami he- loi(j the fire depar-ment could reach the scene, the depot was doomed, and tnefire had spread to adja- cent buildings, including a hotel fi lei with piopie. Too Vundnlia ficigi t house was a total loss; fif.een freight c -rs and 300 balls of cotton being de¬ stroyed. TENNES9EE. Tho Brunswick Hotel, located in the '■us ue s center of Chattanooga on a writ of attacl meat isoU' d by the chance <y court on 1 ho application ot TV. P. Crow <& Son, the owmr 01 ihe b nlding. J. I), Curlisd & Co., are the leasees of the property. The Broad Street Amusement Hall iu Nashville, the largest hull in the city, i< to be purchased lor au undenominational g'ispri tabernacle. The pripe agreed on was $21,000, uud under Bam Junes’lead, seat , W«r 3,000 people. Bi T CU SuUll “ y ' TllC Lulf John Atkins, while crossing Smoky Mountain lroni his North Carolina home to Tennessee, was attacked by a wild )oar A litf ‘t of twenty minutes re- suited in a victory for the boar, he h*v- tug killed Ins antagonist A kins was terribly mut.luted by tiie furious ammu. WASHINGTON NEWS. Dolnga of Congress and the United States Officials. CONGRESSIONAL. The Senate chamber presented on Hi iisduy, af er the L ading of the jour¬ being nal, a dt pressindy deserted aspect there but five seuutors, pre-eut ou the D mocratic s-de, and but fiiteeu on the Republican side. Subsequently, liowev- 3f, half a dozen m ire Democrats put in iu appeara n-e. Toe House b 11 appro- priati g $50 0 0 for tbe enforcement of ib- Chines exclusion act was reported by Mr. Allison and piss -d. Mr. Mitch- -’ll hen proceeded t- address the beuate iu advocacy of the bill h«reiofo e intro¬ duced by him to reduce letter postage to one cent. At the conclusion of Mr. Mitchell’s speech the bill was referred to the po*toflice committee. The Senate then resu ncd consideration of ihe tar.ff bill, ami was addressed by Mr. Cullom in advocacy of the Senate bill. GOSSIP. The President has approved S-pelo the river act to include Si-pelo sound, and trapelo Lhmd in the Brunswick col- lectiou distr et of Georgia. James Longstreet, Jr., of Georgis, has been promoted $000 ns-istam Loin typographic topographer assist¬ at ant at to $720 iu the interior department. The T eascry Department lies denied the petition of Duckworth & Co., Wilder & C -., and others, of Savai nab, Ga., for allowance of drawback on jute coverings of cotton expoi ted from tuat part altut M -y l'jth, 1887, without preliminary en- trie-=. Reports received in YVashington on Mon-niy show that a track lias been con¬ structed i.round Jacksonville, Fla., mak¬ ing connec ion between theJ ekso-ivilie, Tampa A Key West Road with the Sa¬ vannah, Florida & Western Railroad, thus allowing through iran-poita ion to the South without entering Jacksonville. THE LIST GOES DOWN. The visiting corps of volunteer physi¬ cians ot Jacksonville, F a., met in sol- ?mu conclave on Sunday to take action upon the publicat.ou of a ci m nuuicntiou in the Metropolis, wnich advoo-ted doing away with the services of these physi¬ cians as a u e’ess anti nckless piece of expense. Dr. B. F. Snelt-dl, of Bavan- n- h w as chosen chairman, and Dr. L. C. Carr, of Cinc-nna i, secret ry. There were fourteen nnmbes of the sock 7 pr sent, Dr. Josep 1 Y. Porter, the pres- i cut being the only absen ee. The doc¬ tors cut the article up alive. They were indignant at the spirit signed of “Jacksonvi the communi¬ le,” cation, whic.i was a tact which may account f >r tbe general impression among these physicians senti¬ that it was a reflection of the dom nant ment of Community. Below is the closing portion of it: “It is un leistood that the re ident phyricians, besides their customary expenses, have incurred unu¬ sual pec uniaiy obligations in several ways, in the hire of ex- tra < quip ige, will not receive hi y bene fit from the magnificent contributions of the charitable pc-pie of the United States n< twi hstanUlng they have done 1 eir full snare of whit is kuow as char¬ ity practice. All pay Irom that source, it is said, will be reserve I by the auth >r- ities for the ‘visiting phjsci.ins’ and who the have done faithiul service, selected favored few whom tney have to peiloim hospital dudes, wh ; cY aru is com- purutively light. This expense enor¬ mous, as < ach visiti-r receives at he rate of about $500 per month as follows: 8ilary per month ut $10 per dny, $300; hire of lior-e, buggy and driver at $5 per day, $150; board, etc., es im.ited per m mth, $50. Total $500. To lhese items are t> be added rent of hotel, appurtenance , salary.’, of manag¬ es of restaurants, clerks, attaches, Sul v- int', etc. Possibly a leak might ba stopped just hue.” Ou motiou, the whole coipsresigned to a mm with the , xc. pt 011 of Dr. Porter from any 1 urther S IVIC • to the city or tie people of Jacksonville. They wilt not mike an¬ other new call; the patien s alrtaly un¬ der th ir charge will be turned over to the reside-1 physicians, and then the doctors will tender their servic s free of charge made t) Dr. Porter, of by the_ him same to be use in any w'uy which be may wsh. Public sentiment is rapidly cnstahzing in favor <<f issuing an address to the country at large, c filing a check upon the contributions of money stffl coming in s i bountifully. The auxiliary execu¬ tive committee has the matter under con¬ sideration. but tue difficulty sufficientfud- seems to be n getting h report made of ness un i furnishing requisite data upon which to have an estimate for our needs until the end of thc epidemi". Dr. Neal Mitchell, Pr sid at of the Board of Health io ucs the following official letin f r Sunday: New, 18; deutns, 3; total cases to date, 3,544; total deaths, 813 , THU WORLD OYER. INTERESTING ITEMS BOILED DOWN IN READABLE STYLE, till. FIELD OF LAIlOIt—SEETIIINO CAUL- DltON OF EUliOPKAN INUtlGOE— FIHES, SUICIDES, ETC.—NOTED DEAD. The Farmers’ ami Merchants’ bank of 8 a 0u “»«*«, 1 . i*a., .. iie..r Pittsburg, ,, . . closed , its Jool8 ‘ decrees The grand vitier of Turkey publication has issued of a forbid ing the morning papeis. Noted “Long J- lin’’ Wentworth, at one time mayor of Chicago. III., is dying from sof.cning of the brain, Emperor Wiliam presented to the Pope a gold t-nttll box, set with middle. jewels, with his ow n portrait mtiie 1{ v the fall of a platform erected for a display of fireworks in Quincy, III., on Weiims lay, 150 persons weie hurt. Some of them will die. Tbe irredentists of Italy have scattered infl.mnmtorv biU, hea Ivti 4 D >wn with the Tliple A'liaticc,” and simdar expres- 61oas the stree.s. T e committee . in . London, x , England, having ehaige of the fund to pay the ex¬ penses < f Mr. Parnell, in his litigation in with tiie Times, have issued a circular which they state that $35,000 has thus iar been sub.-cribed. The failure of A. M. LeCont waq an¬ nounced i n the Cotton Exchange in New York on Thursday. The su-pension is sai l to be due to losses incurred iu tiie failure of J. W. Hart & Co., last spring and has had no effect i n the market. Twenty thousand British colliers in Yorkshire have given notice to tluir employers, that they will go on rtiike unless they are conceded ten per cent advance in wage*. Filty thousand col- liirs will give notice to the s -me effect. George Francis Train is going to lec¬ ture in New York for the ben-fit of the yellow fever sufferers. He lost his father, mother and three sisters in an epidemic of the fever in New Or cans iu 1833. Although rather “queer” with some¬ big times, he is a man of brain a heait, and lms done many a kind deed. A fire at the oil refining docks at Or- enpoint, (Long Bland), N. Y., on Thursday, burned iliree barges, one steamer, seveial buildings wbaives, etc., and 177 b-irrtls of oil belonging to the Stand r-1 Oil Company. The lossamounts to $300,000. An exploding oil tank scatter- d burning oil inn -nRhe firemen, and tix were ba -ly wounded. Emperor William arrived at Rome, Italy, on Thursday, and he wns met at the railway station by King Humbert uud the greeting between the two man¬ ure is was most cnnffifc ' Large crowds lined the streets le -ding fr< in the station to the Quirinnl. i nd an entliusia-tic wel¬ come was extended to tbe German em- peror. Th- re was a crowd of 50,000 persons mi-s-ed in iront of the palace. A north bound passenger train on thc Cleveland, Canton & Wheeling Rnlroad came into coll siou wi h a freight train near Mi-ssbou. Ouio, i-n Tl ursduy. and Both •cigims, freight two posenger werecomph concnes tely wrecked. 'ev- erui cars O e freight and oin- |) -ss ng r brakemnn were fata-ly injmed and two passengers veie seriou ly hurt; one pro obly la¬ ta ly. The accident was caused by a change of schedule. The rail Mull Ornette states that Dr. Birgman, one of die | liysicinns who were in attendants upon ti e late Emperor Frederick, will bring an action for lihel in English couris against Dr. Mackenzie, for statement' made by the latter in his b nk on the case of Emperor Frederick, reflecting on Dr. Berummi’s ability as a physician. The Gazette >ays that Dr. Geirarat will probably insti ute proceed¬ ings against Dr. Mackenzie. UNBIDDEN GUEST. YV. R. Boss, acompositor, wits married to Miss Jis-e C. Lovett, in Jacksonville, Fla., on Thursday, under peculiarly sad circumstances. The bride-elect at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, began feeling sick, and when 8 o'clock nr ived hud 11 very high fever, her temperature being 103 deg ees, but nothing daunted the plucky and pretty bride insi.-ted that tbe weduiug should take place, uud Bishop Weed, of the Episcopal Church, tied the nuptial knot. Immediately after the ctreinony, the bride broke completely down, und so nami ng became her symptoms that, a doctor was called in, and she was ordered to bed. Next morning it was dis; overed that she had a verv i-erious case of ye low fever. Tho bridegroom is wild with grief. SOLUTION PROMISED. The late«t theory of the London police ■in the subject of the Whitechapel mur- i er8 —and one in fiver of winch they have abandoned all other'—is a most stmtlii-g one. It is an iill> g d ca'e in real hie of Dr. Jekyil aud Mr. Hyde. The police claim to a particular corrob¬ in- divulud iu view, and to possess orative evidence in support of their the¬ ory. He has been repeatedly tracked and traced, and is a web-known and weabhv re id- nt of Giusven-x Square, tbe most fashionable quarter of London. A sensation of immense magnitule is expected in connection with the matter. NEW STEAMERS. A resolution wa' off red and nnnni- mou ly adopted at a meeting of the East Tennessee R. R. directors he’d iD Savan¬ nah, Ga., ins ructing President Thomas to put engim ers in tne fie d at once to locate a line fiom Etstrnan to Savannah, (la., and also authorizing Pre-ident Thomas to negotiate for view the purchase establish¬ oi four steamships, wiih a to ing a line <1 steamers between bavannub and New York. he was remembered. A statue of Shakespeare was unveiled in Paris, France, with great cer-mony. The municipal authouties and a number of distinguished |e-s -us were pretent. M. Knighton, donor of the statue, M. Clare-bic and others made addresses, Passages from Shakespeare’s works were recited by Mounet Sully. BUDGET OF FUN. HUMOltora SKETCHES FROM Various sources. The Summer After-Tlio One Thing Needful—Only a lirlef lies- gite—A Wile's Fours, Ktc., Etc. f- I stood once more on the dear old l>eneh < VV here we'd parted the year before, And silt lig there in the se t-same spot I saw my love once more. The dress she wore was the one I loved, A s.mple gown of white, And 1 asked mvself. “When she put it on, Did she. know 1 would come to-n ght!” The moon shone bright as I closer drew, And knelt at her feet on the sand. Where I told her how I had loved her long, An I ventured to take her hand. With a silvery laugh she raised her head, And then, oh, horrible sho.-kl I saw tmit 'twas only Rosalie's maid 1„ _ The One Thl.ijr Needful. Mr. C. de Burst—“Ah, wnitaw, wlmt h CO ° k U8ei “ CUttiU8 theaemUtt0n chons " A n stole—“A cleaver, sir, of course!” Air. (’. de Hurst—“Aw, good I Bring me one!” Only a Brief Respite. Infatuated Y outh (after a three hours visit)—“Miss Ma d, I must go.” li fatuated Mu den—“Well, Charlie; but you will^aiu soon, i hope.” infatuated Y outh—“I will be back in fifteen minutes .”—Detroit free Trea. A Wile's Fears. . Wife Ho country editor) — “Aren’tyou feeling well Ed,tor—“Not to-night, John?” Country \ ery, my dear. i flmiX in fil?, n !e, r “ l r: b !i r m0PI CumM i ,,t0 U1 ' f: ,h e ‘ ! ith in » ” w;e l L an.- ,4 J mr aVCnS r r. i V,a hope he didn f t stop f h.s ], too.”- , Life. Something Else Diner (to slow waiteri—“Pome roast beef, well done, potatoes and a glass of milk.” Waiter—“Y'essir; anything else, sir?" D.ner—“Yes; I'd like it this after¬ noon.”— Judge. Baseball's Vlerims. Miss nr- Ethel t-.c , (of . „ Boston)-“I ... under- x stand, Clara, that young Mr. Ma-on.who was very attentive to you last mouth, is engaged to Miss hacket, of Tliila- delphia. ^ Mess Clara (of New Y ork)— 1 “Yes; released Mr. Ma-on on a Thursday, and and do you know it wasn’t two days he- fore he had signed with that Fffila- delphia girl.”— Time. That Undiscovered „ . Conn try. Little Mabel—“Oh, mamma!” Where’s Protest?” heard Mamma—“My dear child; I never of such a place. Why do ask ” Little Mabel—“Because, 1 heard papa *ay this morning he’d have to go llitsre this afternoon, sure's shooting.”— idea. Home. Kwe t Home. Featherly—“Are you pretty full up at youi boarding-house, Iminley?" liumley—“Yes, theie are two brides, three dowagers, a grass widow, a retire i army officer witli one leg, and myself. ’ Featberly—“That is a mil household, for a fact. YVhat kind ot fare do you get:” Dumlev—“Warfare.”— Epoch. A Slight Misunderstanding. “Stranger, I heard you iav that you had u^t returned from a tour of the State?’’ „ * “ies, sir.” * “How is the corn crop?” “Immense.” “How m my bu-hels do you tliink it will average to the acre?” “I scarcely understand you. I am a ( hiiopodist, and bushels have noth ugto do with my business .”—Nebraska State Journal. What WIB He Do With It? “I have nothing for yon to eat, my good mao,” said the young wife, "but if you need any clothes here is a gar¬ ment of my husband’s that you may have. He has se-eral others like it and doesn’t need this.” The ^ tramp looked , at . the ,, elaborate . . „ . yellow and gieen dressing and gown em- bro dered with blue rose, red hum- birds, a id walked off slow ly, scratching h;> head in adazed manner. — C nicago irioune. TVantecl. A spark . of - the lire of e that , * a. kin* i • genius ales enthusiasm. leathers Irom the of the . wings lin- agnation. from the wheel of fortune. Bpokes drop of the distil.ed of the A atlar flower* of rhetoric. A cheese made out of the milky whey. A bucket of pure water from the wells of despair. Cement for sp it sides after reading thc above jokes. Lije. Fa'hor Had an O'ensive Weapon. “YVillie,” sorrowful y observed the little gi . , 1 to her juvenile adorer, , 4 . papa says I’m too young to have a sweetheart, and I must quit running out and playing with you. He says you mustn t come heie so much.” “I'm not afraid of your papa, Katie, raid YV iliie, ttout’y. “He needn i think he can scare me because he’s a big dealer in lumber.” “Yes, but be deals in shingles, Willie, big, flat shingles ” “That so?” said Willie, turning awsy sadly. — Chicago Tribune. Precise. Alfonso de Beriot— “You say you are superstitious, Miss Gushington, but wou d you dare to be married on Friday?” Gushington “What! Next Itli 83 — Friday? YY hy, dear Alfonse, you are so sudden and so unconventional.” “You quite mi'understand me. I pro¬ test—I didn’t propose—” didn’t “That’s all right, usually Alfonse, do, hut you I like propose as they dear, shall be iust the tame. Yes, it Friday.” ,—Springfield Union' ivlfosse swoons Mr. Baohfeller’a SuggMtlveneas. “Oh. look at that pretty bird, Mr. Bach feller I” said Miss Nevershy, point¬ ing to a big gull swooping in broad cir- cks over the non. Bachfeller, with “Y'eV’sahl Mr. jocular, “and it’s not an nwful effort to be the only pretty gull 1 can ere, Miss Nevershy. Jloth of them are as grace- ful as can be, and-” “Isn’t that bird fishing for sorne- thingl" “Acs-hut- but I didn’t mean to sug¬ gest that you were---’’ . “That will do, Mr. Bachfeller-I see mamma is beckoning to me.” posite And sides they have of the occupied vessel seats since.— on Pitts¬ op- burg Dispatch. Y oung Mr. Banks weighs and a trine somewhat over two bundled pounds He is calling sensitive about it. was on his g rl the other evening when she said naively : Mr. Banks, would just •■(,), you as sit in Ibis e-J, cb.i, I. Ih.t rocker?” replied ‘Certainly, certainly," Rinks K«1 «ntly. as he changed one chair 60 0 “Oh, thank^” she murmured, “you kind. I have an atlas full of such lovely terns under the cushion of that easy chair, and you-” Ranks stiffly, "Good night,” said as he walked away, never, never, never to return. — Time. Par. Ansr- tiie Great Inventor. "One of the m-ist comical things I’ve ever bend was told me in the Caucasus,” sad Dudley Winston, the young man who accompanied his father on the m.ssion to Persia. “It wn in T ftos. the capital of the Principality of Georg a. 1 ou know there's an American store there - a big place of business where all sorts of ‘Yankee notions’ are dealt out at enormous profits to the na- fives. 1 dropped in .here. 0*e of the ob cets of interest to which the Russian salesman directed mv special attention WM a patent poUtc peeler he . said. ‘ Ves ‘“Dees instrument,’ of Fat. Aug.’ medd by ze fay moos ’ouse “J was astonished. “ ‘What house did you say!’ “Vefaytnoos ouse of Pat. Aug.’ “Never heard of it,’I said; ‘I guess you are mistaken.’ “ ‘Meestec <en; No, sare. I have often heard of ze 'ouse, and I have often seen ze name of ze ’ou ! e‘ I vill show him to you now. Oh, it is a firm which cd joys ’ here.’ ° etttfame ,. An(1 with that jj e joo^s f or n 8pe ci- men p0 at0 ,, celer au ,i bring g 0 ne out. *•‘Zere, sarc,’ he siys ‘ees ze name co- graved s in xe metal 1. ..j burMt <)Ilt lai ,ghing until my sides acbe( , There was the legend: ‘Pat. Au - 17< W73 .» And the ‘1 at. Aug.’ part of it he had taken to be the firm’s name. 1 found that this potato peeler w»( famous under the name of ‘Bat. Al .g.’n|l over the Caucasus.”— Chicago Herald. A Cnre for Sleeplessness, The terrible evil of insomnia has so many ililleient sources that the utmost we tan bo pe from any single artifice is to ailord relief from it under one special form. 1 venture to think 1 have bit upon a plan which thus remedies a very com¬ mon (not an aguravaied) with permission, kind of sleep¬ will lessness; and, your endeavor to m ike your readers who may he fellow sufferers sharers in my little di-( overy. ]t isimw, I belie e, generally accepted ihat our conscious, daylight thinking processes are carried on iu the sinister half of our brains—i. e., in the lobe which controls the Action of the right arm and leg. Pondering on the use of the dexter half of the brain—possibly and what- in all unconscious cerebration, in soe\er may be genuine of the mysteries of ptanchette and sprite (sha rapping—I came by to the conclusion edno doubt many ot.ier better qualified in .uirersi that we dream with this lobe, and that tbe fantiist.c, unmoral, sprite-like char¬ acter of dreams is. in someway, trace- ubie to that fact. The practical inference then struck me: to bring back sleep when lost, we must quiet de the conscious, think¬ ing, sinister s of ournrains, und bring into activity only the dieam side, the dexter lobe. To do this, the only plan 1 could devise was to compel myself to put aside every waking thought, even soothing and pleasant ones, and every effort of daylight memory, such as co int- ing numbers or the the repetition of easy- flowing wholly verses, unsuccessful latter having been my not practice for n Instead of all This, I saw I mus hink of a dream, the more recent th0 b and over and over the tcene it pre8ent ed. Armed with this idea, , ll(J lime , found m y self ttwak ening at ^ wr ;5 G ' cioc \ c j n t ^ e morning, in-tead of merely and trying to banish painful thoughts repeating, as was my habit, recommend able soporific, “h' and the Peri,” 1 1 everted at once to the ureHm (i 0m which 1 had awakened, and tried to go ou wiih it. In a moment I was asleep! And from that moment the exper raent, often repeated, has scarcely ever failed. Tsot seldom the result is fiU( i deD a3 thc fa!1 Q f a curtain, aud seems llke 8 charm . A fr cnd to whom I have confided my litt.e discovery te la me that w |thout any preliminary the theorizing about the lobes of brain *ke had hit upon ihe same wonderfully plan to produce sleep, and had found it efficacious. 1 should be very glad to hear if other 8U i’; ererg can obtain the precious boon in tbe same way. The evils of prolorged W akcfulness and of the diug-taking to which ils victims are too often driven are alike so terrible that I make no apology j or 0 f >er j„jj nl y humble contribution of j one moru harmless remedy to obviate them .—London Spectator. j Shavings for Deadening Noise. A variety of materials—such as saw- | dust, dry ashes, under cork-chippings, deadening etc., lirive been used tloor9 lor noi e. A late French suggisti wutd-shaviugs in is the use for this purpose of which have been claimed dipped that in thick Bubstance white¬ wash. It is this has the advantages of be ng quite in¬ combustible, an excellent non-conductor of sound, inexpensive, and of light weight. When desirable to disinfect the space between floor and ceiling, as in hospitals, chloride of zinc may be used to saturate the shav,ngs or added to the whitewash. London now , has several ,. lines or , half- ,, “buses,” which connect with tha various horse-car iines. VOL. IV. NO. 4. LAST TIM* AND NEXT. J Wbsn la*t w* met the wood* w*re gram. The *ky wa» azure, clear and g*y, Thegiail* waa dvcked in lustrous ihtta- —'Twas in the early b oom of May; The throttle left betimea hi* bed . To chant hit lay above thy head, ■ '' When last we met , When next we meet a leaden *ky 8hall frown with mournful port above* The bird* shall- chant no lullaby, Nor ting the fairness of my lore; All mournful shall the bare trees stand, Btriptof their leaves by winter’* bond. When next we meat. But thou, who by thy queenly grac% When nil around was fairtoiee, Could nature’s bravest hue* effaco, , Despite such noble rivalry, Shalt shine a thousand times more fair. When all around be blaolc and hare. —iVsui York Tribune. PITH AND POINT. ? Irony—The wit of the laundrr. The Quirk and the l ead—The tele¬ graph and the messenger boy. In going up the ladder of fame, w* meet many coining down.— Life. It often happens in politics that a fact that has “leaked out” Lad never leaked in. Pay heed to the idle rumor. Pome day the idle roomer may fail to pay his room rent. An early settler—The Bowery lodge* who has to pay for his lodging before going to bed. t A physician usually treat h : * patient*, but he docs not treat them well.— Dsng- han ton HejiuWcan. "Sarah,” said the small boy at th* lawn-mower to his nurse, “eoiueout and help me peel the grass.” He—“I wonder what makes the flies so Micky today?” t-he—“1 suppose if must BarUn'/ton he that new fly Pres*. paper you bought.” — fret Mrs. Maginnit—“Luk at the sthrut oo the youngster, Moike!” Mr. Maginuia—- “Begobs. ef he kap s on loikethat O.’ll make u park polaceman of ’em.— Judge. skill “Baseball is a game requiring great it and courage, is it not!” "les, is. the scorer need# the skill and tha umpite the courage .”—Neve Fort N<ve*J St' anger in haste asks native of the place whole he arrived the night before after dark: “What’a the quickest way P to get to the depot?” "Run, you fool —bo ton Times. Robinson—“Hello, Jones! Been away shooting you!” tor a couple “Yes.” of weeks, obin-on— haven’t Jones— l “Well, whnt did you bag?” Jones— “My trousers . - ’—Ncxc Fork Neva. I’rofessor—“Gretchen! Please tak* the i at out of the room. I caunot hav# it making such a noise while I am at work. YVhcrcisit:” Gretchen—"Why, Professor! You are sitting on it, sir f” - Theyeude Blue tier. How swart is the voice of the festive lawn mower, As it sing* nmi converses at morn; How blituely it stutters, now 1 aster now slower. While shaving tbe beard off the lawn. —Judo/i. lady—“This lobster, I «ce, is marked two fiancs higher than theolhers; how is that?" “Well, you see, ma'am, it happen-to be fresh !” had replied ihe tbe vendor, smil ng, as if he said most natural th,ug in the world —Le Taroeur. A Prairie 11 imo. t A pra’rie homo is like an oasis. rTd'na across the level lands towards one of these peaceful spots is like ridmgtowards a hang ng gaiilen. The gray Mof, and red chimney oat ng its blue ling, gleam cheerily under the deep shade of the grove of umbrella ( hina trees that rhe settler has planted as shade for himself and cattle and for his fuel in the future. His crops of cotton, corn, rice and cane st etch away in a wondrous mo-tax of luxuriant color. The oranges hung heavy on the trees about the h -use, nnd pigeon* me pluming themselves by the gray rim of the well. About ihe front door are banana trees stand and belly pink-nlumed myrtles. 3 he cattle detp in the lakes that are scattered here and there in opulent profusion, with as if riotous hand nature had flung down generous so many huge silver coins. 'I hey are linked overthe tawnv breast of this pr.drie like a necklace of silver coins strung over the bosom of an Ind an princess, tanking he* beautiful and picturesque. The dreamy croonirg of the the bees pigeons, the the bushes, sleepy bu zing of in alder theiaintlow of the cattle or neghof a young filly in her field, the sweet smell <>i the bay fields, the the burnished wondrous gold on the hesvv corn, bottomless deptimff the heard blue and sky felt - who all theve that has seen and can forget how sweet is I ouisuuaasitis?—! Picayune, i ' - Turbans of Departed Sultans. The middle rooms of the Turkish Treasury contain ihe state rubes of the Fultnns, from 145:ff to jwol). These ure displayed on head ess lay fgures, tbs turbaos being which placed produces diiectly on ths shoulders, a very grotesque effect. : Inch turban is surmounted by ahands some aigrette, held in place by a jewel, and in each belt is a magnificent dagger. Most of these arms are veritable master¬ pieces of ait. One of theiarved cold guards is worthy of < ellini, and tbs handle of another The dagger is formed of s single emerald. p ofusion of st«nei on the dagger and on the aigrettes of th* turbaus is really wonderful. One of tbs latter is held in place by a clasp com¬ posed of two emeralds and a ruby, each 14 inch in diameter. All the robes ars of magnificent they brocade, would so richly em¬ broidered that 6: and alona The Healthy Bengalese. It is said of a Bengalese tribe, the Oa- wals of Marwar, India, that whilechoiers rages on ail sides of them not one hoe ever taken the disease, much less suc¬ cumbed to it, and they attribute their immunity to their sanitory rules. Ac- cor ding to the precepts of their reliaios they never touch animal food norspiritu ous liquors; they dine early, and sun on milk and fruit. Wherever an Oswal goss he never breaks these rules. It i* notadded.bat it is quite safe of to cleanlinesl presume, that a measure, at least, goes with th-se other religio-ianitarj ordinance*.