Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, December 06, 1888, Image 2

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!5 . . .v ...... " JsL- MAI.MU & \Yi:HY, HI I'lM'.yl li SI., ATLANTA GKOHCJA. Sot rt!i'KN .... Man'aui:, u frioiTm Eclipse Trillion Unglues, Portable Kn-jii I mtionary Engines, First Glass Autwunllc Engines. fpe Making and Rpfrigi’rnliiig lar ilium. [Hcpartiting and Vibrating Thresh Is: Cotton Gins and RtMNS> (Catalogue sen! by mention in thl* Kfyfefe--, ft**?A ■ ^«jSK4H/JS3* f M 1 3 AM? w 1 ,' ■■ . t!k' r . - ' ' * -'A. t'ESSTH* VJAC'M GOMPhm «siPsT> -'^sing cut its business r.nd ...—m-:%?.»;? -"*> vr /•. **j a TT t n . ; -,;y : ... ■>• Jx U J.J 1.1 A ... D • " 1 fl fins stcck tf jrCbv- . /^y , • ) f /'-' - y ■ . 10 V/ \\\• •{yV'bJ^i.ed feulrWiTa , Of ■ - ' YAwi” u.- 0 :.: jf I RrJs ? F 5 Pi r '• - - - < - — §8 B k ■:' fv :\T pm&y KOV-i »<S 3 -.4SA SI Li -J.3 6 • «V- i . i • - ' ••«./.- , A Wa'wm msfe front Wont Virginia Our, id ■■ '•rr. wK 1^-r-y. tn« best pro. ix. c - .-uld ft-Mt sapei’t >r inevery inieijcai- - ;* to -'X jr.-. ’..y; :io->v on tho market. B.nbvasj tU-» oppnr! i ■ ! / - -c. . ■ - Ail WaafOMS avo v. arsantcd io* o;;-.- : Oer far-well offer. '■ .' n;'*; j T ; N Write tor r-Hoes wv.! term. ' ? v N ^^,•*2 n-wi »■-•■■ ' k ■ U' •: vn A.-, 'f i<-, ' 8WVJflS ft. *T~*r-- .'J.'KJtjjj ■4 - < msiKKernsrAMm/sit/m kurscfinrs pains.* C ~^y! THE COUNtoa HOME I^Ws'UPF0E. ! rW 1 rH£%Tl6N. Luddan & Bates’ So music House. 8^3 V Tin 1 Orpnt Wholesale Piano mid Orson Depot .jftise South. T:;e J’test Place tu her; The Cheapest I’lace t<> buy; The Snlest t'ijiee to Lay. A .tfusnihernt ICeeoi'd : Over ■tO.tJOO Pianos and Organs placed in South ern Homes since IN70. Savankah, Ga., Nov. 1st. 1887. Room for the procession. It’s a long one. It’s head in Macon, and rear in Savannah. 200 miles of wagons containing 40,000 Pianos and Organs sold by L. & B. S. M. II, since 1870. Are we in earnest? Certainly. Wearealarvrhonae. We do a It true trade. We sell Pianos and Organs in alt southern States. We have aw Agencies, and the above statement is not in the least exaggerated. How have we ever built np sncli an immense trade? By enterprise, progressive business methods and square dealing. AYe mate our patrons our friends. We work for them, take them into partnership, as it were, divide profits and actually give them more than their money's worth. Our Lar^n Capital, our Spot Cash, our life-time experience, our shrewdness as buyers, onr whole heft, in fact, is used in tecurina bargains, and then we let our friends in on the ground floor. That’s a way WG have. Fall and Winter Bargains 1887-88 Summer CloNinff-Ont Sale over. Wareroonss crowded with Superb New Instruments.-— Immense purchase* direct from Factories. (Jrcatcr Bargains than ever, for Fall and Winter, 1887-88. Not reduced prices and poorer instru ments, but the same low prices and better instruments. Greater value for the money. I Of our lowest-priced Instruments this is I specially true. They are vastly improved I and we are proud of them. 11 ai d to describe [such bargains on paper, but we’ll try. |/~\1TK 8210 PIANO*—Large size, clesrant rose- I" * V itono, full si* years’ guaratitee. A reliable instrument ■everyway. Cfom pie te outfit: ITush ntool, embroider- |ed cover, largo instructor, music 1><»«>k, a llfr eight pa id. kUIt S225 PIANO.—Beautiful Parlor Upright, " ” . - - a vr - tear i Ur ' full Vize. Ill eh rosewood case. Latest stylo §ueen Anno trussos. A favorite stylo. Thousanda told. Outfit complete, |Al!K s.%.> OIMIAN.—Two sets n.•••.!«. Five |U stoi's. Efogatit walnut case. Extended top, lamp ptands, iBiisic rack, ornemented and paneled, with (stool, instructor, music book, and ,illj ■ it/h’ r uJ. \|JH ««a ORGAN.- Four sots li. rds. Ten gen tune etope. Beantiful oe I deslr* ftbloFarlor Organ. Competition challenged. J Rare. Bargains, emery one. Thousands ef each fold, and buyers invariably more than pleased. An Immense Stock from World’s Best linkers, to suit all tastes and purses. Over 500 different styles fo choose front. . PIANOS.—GhickeriitK, Mason Se Untnlin, iMatbashck, Bent, Arlon, 8100 to 81,000, . ORGAN'S.- Mason cfc Ilainlin, Packard, |Ray State, l to S7ti<>. Easiest Terms ever heard of. From ?3 | f> $10, paid monthly, will secure an ! Elegant Instrument. One price to all. That’s onr way. Prices marked'' in plaiu figures on each instrument and no deviation made to any. We charge no more, take no leas. This stpiare way ensures to all the lowest prices. Sn easy to buy from vs. Everythinpr in plain print, mid exactly as represented. Ful I informa tion given in circulars. 1 -etters carefully answer ed. Parties livin ' a thousand miles off can buy just as well as if in Savannah. Three-fourths of our entire trade in done by correspondence. REMEMBER— Lowcftt prices; Fastest terms; Ben* instruments; Fine stools and carers; Ad freight paid; J r > days' trial; Six years' f/uarantce; Sg itare deal inn; One price only; Money saved all! i A’TEk 7 Ca trv* UTHER11 MUSIC HOUSE, SAlv..N?fA;i, Gfi r ^ \ • ,w y t; •'/ ■■ , |.M< V.-, ttJ tsa i \ : : J fit % fiftll&PaFW u-'i t;f- *zi*Bds.-\jIasi! - - t. ^ . ■ - -c . • Wf. wv 7N r f T4 A j-'. r -L sJ /* jj | X j l A- N ' ; "" " •' •: .• • ? ■■ \ ; — TT ^ l l; nJ e l.'jn ■ C!S JHILDREKPtiRWtABlE, everish, Ur.ie5 ^ayuigr food end eating ’- ■nou«i)y, i;2.‘iin jetyHic.g wurdc .-ome diei, tossing stiesaly (!’: 'i •• -.::m ami Ki-i..<lin«thoteeth, v-..i ••• .. ! :i v, >.V ( mi r.-.c sAppll.g 6t tllSir ' .,'pd ■ : 1 * ■ ’■■■ ■**': ".wnvnrctt ere'ttln9 hi. . J; . : t.S, A, Kdii’.-K- Uifc-St’et X''ujffc never tails* to re. Trv 4r.ii .ce lot yea. Hl(, it hi: i.-uodtlw .:st POH. 60 ’ •■or v.ot- l.-v' p iicoud postal to •/ r,'Tv/!?j burner journal. “ . • y :c • Pto :< j•. 1 V >.% i O Uw«j -tii. St,. St. WaSs, Wfk A I?©mapltal»5e Case. Mrs. Henry Ellis, 500 Scott street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin,writes; “Dr. L. B. Hartman & Co.,Columbl's,0.: 1 am induced by a sense of duty to the sufferin'} to make a brief statement of your remark able cure of myself. I was a most miser able sufferer from the various annoying and distressing diseases of delicate persons, which caused me to be confined to my bed for a long time, being too weak to even bear my weight upon my feet- / was treated by tiie most reputable physi cians in our city, each and all saying they could do nothing for tne. I had given up all hopes of ever being well. In this con dition I began to take your MANALIN and Peruna, and I am most happy ,0 say in thi ee months I was perfectly well —entirely cured, without any appliances or support of any kind.” j Mr. G. A. Proehl, New Portage, Sum mit County, Ohio, writes: "My ' v j !a has been sick for about five years. In tne first piacc the doctor called it leucorrhcea, and treated it about one year, any grew worse, and turned to ulceration 0 the womb, and was treated lor ‘' l y years, but she grew worse and the doc a’ gave her up. Then 1 employed Dr. L- derwood, one of the best doctors of Akron, but under his treatment she grew worse. She was paralyzed; she had lost all ol >■ sense of feeling and her eyesight, o" could not walk for nearly two years. About six months ago Underwood gat her up. She tried your Peruna. ^ has taken three bottles, and it did” good than any other medicine, t he pa ralysis has about left her; her eyesig ' getting better. We will continue the us of Peruna until she i3 well.” , Mr. Isaac Nicodemus, Schellsburg, ford County, Pa., writes: ‘I am indu«‘h bv a sense of duty to the suffering, to • ‘ a brief statement of your reroarkable ne-Y. as a sufferer of catarrh in my Y throat. I doctored with ore of tne ” physicians in our place for that dr - disease, catarrh, and found no iche . in 1SS3 I lost m v speech, and was no > to do any kind of work for near ■ months. I could neither eat nor «‘«1 J>iirun A and M a va did wor.der»tt^ me. I used three bottles ol I uim ■ pne of Manalw, and now I .' r , ter health than I have been hy ,en -' , d . and I-can heartily recommend y ou- ^ icine to all suffering from that dicud C Mn'l Jr W.' Wood, Mt Sterling, says: “ Your medicine givesgood - faction. My customers speak J its curative properties.